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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 10 Apr 1873, p. 1

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FRAXK EVANS, BARRISTER, AT- TORNEY-AT-LAW. SJlicitOr in Chan- cery, Conveyanczr. Notary PnMiC, Commis- gioner for taking Affidavits, kc. ___________..__â€" NI“. WM. BROWN, Pruvincial Land A . S-uvevor, and Mr. Arthur G. Robinson. 'ocmcrlv Government CiVil Engineer and Architect. 1: We opened an office at Urillm. A H nulcm to be 19!: at. S. S. Robinson's Law that. hc w any cuaci v- .1 .., --. - V _ . h B miners and AttomeyS-at‘ltfl', Solid- ton in l. hancefy, Cpnveyancers. C u n. .- u \l:...:_.... Qt V .1.u.-.. up v. l-v ----_ - 7 7 ’ and Sunny Public fur the Dominion ank. Oillli \. Conveyancer. c. )1 yney Lent.â€" Couxmiuioner for taking Affidavits- Ounceâ€"Over new Dominion Bank, Orillia. Lori In Luann: J, VIM- V'uuvv- , . . Orscz-In Masonic Buildmgs MmSn, Orillia. J. D. EDGAR FF FESTOX, G E. CORBOULD. A. tor. Valuapng', Ge-Iem‘ Acgjt. 0311113 Booth ca:bet:’s New 321:]: Block ORILLIA, 0x12, At One Dollar ayear, in advance -._.â€"â€" g. Anvzansxxc Runs Moozmn. 9 W. \.' Livery Stables ! FAST HORQES W‘ l J XCKSON an" 200 Cords Hemlock Bark wanted imm'e‘ dintcly, in: which the highest. price in cash ":11 tinu of all the sayings and doings in the gran: " Sm‘th Wat" Everyone who takes an iutvci'CSta in this frail: ini'nce. or who antici- Fm: linking their homes here, should. subscribe or it. CONTAINSIIIQ H16; reliable 'infnrma- Lemma: 6? m. laws. As he h.“ the lane-‘1: iwilities for manufac- tux'mg mm x :5 n n'zh a! l‘oronto. country dealer: mu do well tn zxve him a call. T. MAUNDRELL. Is prepare-1 tn Suppl! nail. on Lin “ The Manitoba. Gazette,” \V [X XIPEG, _ 161‘ 0R1 LLiA SA USAGE FAC‘I‘OBY w Remember his old. stxnd next door to Berry's Out-w N’aloon. Peter 3., Orillia. Dec. it“. 1872. 161 This Hotel is large. neatly furnished. and aways dupplied with the choices: \ViueS. Sample and suite rooms for Commercial TraVchrs and viiimm, DOL'GALD Bnowx, Mpofitor BRICK and TILE YARD he Subscriber is prepared to furnish amt quantxty of “'hite and Red Brick and Tiles of any size atlnw price? Orders by )Iail will receive prompt. attend .. GEORGE DRAKE, 20th Mar. 13'2. Beavertnn. P.0 OFFICEâ€"Next door to the "Orinillfiousef’ '» his residence. after office hour“. Oriuia. Am: BIO N E Y TO LE ND. All elders so be h A 7' K) meets every Tue-Ma}: qv'eninz. in the Temperance Hall. V mung mem- bers wall but heartily welcume. A. W. THOMPSON. R. S. To be delivered at the Mill. f6: highest price in Cash will be paid. A Wm ck DARLING, Tailor’s Ti'immings, Gentlemen’s Furnishings. c. 13 Front St. “fest. (Lats the “ Iron Block,") ADVERTISEQQZ I O IMPORTS” ALI) WE-OLBALE DEA-LIBS I! Clothb, Tweedgt AIIL EL S. R0313 OX- EVERY THURSDAY, , ___ -_.â€"n- 'j '1‘ EA.“ BOAT A", STAGE HOUSE, s‘sxc: Quay RILLIAWFI‘ANNERY I 183‘ ‘EGS tn inform the ' Ba and vicinity, tha‘ , for Um: practice "2' L b. will be 1m] my 3: case fur which his ser L‘ash paid for Hides, Kip a 009.2, FEXTQX CORBOULD, I _.â€" QA‘:_‘ SHOE)! -\ KERS’ FISDIXGS xiiLLlA All 0‘ 8. -Runts and debts collected i‘ha, June )th,134'.. B A $8 w‘o o D L 0,11% 'erms. S- Addreu Enqniire at any J . ALPORT, VETERIA‘A I: Y SURGEON. L" O AND GOOD CJTINVEYANCES. 3. H. BOSANKO, L )[.\'1‘C HE D ASH S 1' Ell-SET. TO R0 NTO, ON '1'. GRAVEX H URST. itfl‘ usiuess (gutbs. Irofessinnal J'C‘S. BROKUVSKI 8; (lARR'UTHERS, Wanted Immediately, H. LAWRENCE, W EST S11. DRILLIA Feb. 26th. 137:3 DRELL. - - Proprietor, ‘ c- . suhph‘ all orders. wholesale or Lil on the sh vrtcst notice. RlLLIA DIVISION, 8.9? '1‘, per annum, in advance ALWAYS UN HAND. 10:11. 1871 ’ORT, Accountant, Arbitra- luaw, Lad, hm and» Grillin. Ont. ~ mic Buildings. A? 1'33 OPEC! :3 201.1331» BEA VERTON a. quantity of .x. . wan ween}; prompt atten i7. Datum. P. 0. 125 WAINWRIGHT, GR \NT, COXV'§Y- he inhabitants of Oril- that he has sctfled in Or- ni his [n‘nfwxi-m, and at all times to attend :0 services may be required. n the 15th. 17th and 18th ‘uux. . the “Orillia House," uf the Hatch gninééor fur the Can Societx'. ()rillia. Ont n; a. student. Pr 0 prieturs, \\ muipeg. M3 P. MURRAY. and Calf Skins, S. SOLICITOR, )wlie. P. L. S.) .r Dun-:htsman. t. Val“. “or. Land unpilcd. Disput- PROPmETOR. - Pnornmrox. Proprietor ‘, c., 14'." 13.") has been opened,fur the accommodation nf mechanics and parties wishing to deposit. small amounts. Deposits taken in this De- partment nf «me dullar and upwards, upon -n 1 An .«VI ........1Jn Vicker’s Express 00., GOLD and American Currency. drafts on New York, Bills of Exchange, and United States currency, bought and Sold, Drafts issued on all points in Canada. Interest will be allowed, at the rate of four per cent. per annnm, on Special De- posits remaining three months. Special arrangements can be made for money: re- umining over that time. Montreal Telegraph (30., Provincial Insurance 00., And General Agency, To the building lately occupied by the DOMINION BANK, census. or fivhich inte Ralf Eeuley. Waffviééhhuorurs. 10 a. m. ntill 3 p.m. Sat- urdays, 10 a. m. till 1p ‘ HP S. SC ADDI‘AG, where every attention willbe paid to busi- ness entrusted to Corner of Mississaga and Peter Streets. uf sh:- tiule tnMr 0f the Midland Railway is mm in f rm z‘m- Express lemiug Ben: vJ'ton 1‘.» Ian: 1.' Lindsay and Pie erbnrnug '.b at 2:2“ 1-. m. coumctin: with the G. '1. R” East and \Vcst. .XXtt'l‘ the W5: 95‘ Beccmbier, on special npplil-ation, through fr 1!: MIDLAND RAILWAY. 0n and after the 1st: of January, 1873. TRAINS Wm. RUN REGULARLY : between OriUEa and Part Hope and Peterbom’, connecting: with the Nipissing. at. “'umlville. to and from T nroutn. and the G- ’I‘. R. East and “'01:, when a fresh time tabla will be «unnamed. D. E. BOULTON, VOLUME IV., I0. I79. Mississaga and Peter Streets, PORT HOPE TO ORILLIA! GEO. xVAIN “VI AN Shaving, Hair-Dressing, AND SHAMPOOING SALOON , Mississaga. 5L, Urillia, a few dam-s east. of the I)OO)IS fitted up in first-class style, ‘J and cVery attention paid to the cumfort of customers. Having had a. long expenence in his business, and secured the services of u. a. first-class hand, the subscriber guanmtces s .tisfaction‘ Q}. ”I lie: Block, near the Foundry, begs an int?! publvc of (hillia and surrounding coufi' 'Lfihache hm commenced t‘ue practise of the pR‘Z‘EQiomin ~this: Vxllage. UVe? 2.5 years I: 'eneeiu' the treatment of horses in the C n _ . _ . . . , . ELIE “an Agullery warrants hxm “1 sum" LmQ‘Wfl 5 ru-‘fte prepared to treat the must dif- Wu“ I diseases or vf accidentsmhorSes. 5°"595°x§§ble is provided on the premises for .TSTe treatment of horses. - - J AMES KENNY, Late Sgt-Major, Royal Horse Artillery- ' ' Feb. 2m. 1873 _ 174 Shaving and GEORGE MEAD, Near the new If you want a good Shave. Hair Cut, or Sham- poo. c., with Cleanliness, Comfort and Dis- patch. A. vex-v large assortment 0f . Pipes, Razors, JAS. @- Superior workmanship done at the lowest possible pricesrfor cash. J. SHANAHAN. CUSTOBI Boot 82 Shoe Store! OWNERS 0F Hoxsasâ€"Anxxnox: A SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 159. Orillia, Dec. 19. 1872. HE EXPOSITOR ADVERTISING RATES. All "rarpbs or articles in the Editorial. Local or omspondenoe Columns. 15 centt} a Line for gags}; insertion. Annouficements in the “ Bug'fiw Notices” coining, set as reading. 10 «my 3.5a {oi-sack insertion. Notices of ' ‘sgyjcestobeyeldchnged for at tinâ€"ti \NINTER ALTERATION! "+I‘V'E HIBI A CA.L'L, firm KENNY, Lachie Street, Old "Tm-kin Block. near the laundry, begi to Orillia, December 17th. 187‘... Pomades, Oils, c., prepared by DOMINION BANK. OROXTO interest: will be alloked, payible SHANAHAN, - PROPRIETOR. @- REMOVED 9 (Successor to T. Boyd,) PETER ST., ORILLIA. HAIRDRESSER, ARRIER. THE ORILLIA nd Hair Cutting Saloon 1 (Established 1870.) " Albion Howl." Dominion B: Orillia. The customary kept Cumbs, Brushes; c., .c., GEORGE \VAIXMAN freight will be brought J. WHITE, Bank, Mississaa‘a. St., GEORGE MEAD President. Aczxr‘ Agent. 163-1v LONBON PARIS HofiSE. Mechanical Watchmaker and Jeweller, has much pleasure in announcing'to the pub- lic, that he has opened a in Hammond’s Building, where will be found a LARGEAN D WELL SELECTED STOCK REPAIRING PROMPT LY DONE I SATISFACTION. GIVEN Gold and Sifier Watches. J c» cllery of every description, we. RENE; ’ REFUXIDEB. A GOOD CUP Griiiia Fruit 09pm. TEA or COFFEE; ”NEWER far 150., Moffatt WflSOD H- ving pnrchmserl from Mr: stuck in tmde, w‘sh tn infr trons and the pnh‘ic genera New Jewellery Estabfishxgent! Saturday next, 22nd Inst, In the building lately occupied by Mr Kean, OPP-'mi-te chmth 5 Furniture Store, J- Hum: .. Having bought the stuck at a. c' and having a. large stock oi Woollc box ght previous to the mac in have determined to offer GOODS AT COST for the next few weeks. and \\ 11] continue to sell at the lowest living prices. READY-MADE'C'LQTHIXG, CLOTHS. TWEEDS, FLANNELS, and DRESS ‘GOUDS'fidl ‘ AT REDUCED PRICES. Bestâ€"ltreadinTown Only 12 'centg, T DUNLOP is determined to give his . customers the benefit of the fall in the rice of Fluur, and has put down the full 4 tbs. 'oaf to 12 cents. A nice assortment of Cakes. Pastry, and Confectionery suitable for this season and all T. DUNLOP’S In Mr. D. McKinlay‘s building, on West Street, a. few dooa south of CoIborne A General Store, WM. FERRET. . W. MOF'FATT. I J. G. WILSON” cums». Juana-y lit. 18?}. We have 3001's was in «@997. Street. FROM 11 A. M., TILL 3 P. M. REMEMBER THE PLACE. MINTHORN’S BLOOK. ROCERIES! We Will Open a. fresh stock of In Orillia, Mississajgu Street, Urillia. GOOD AXD CHEAP- YOU CAN G 21‘ .Luu ..~r._. lw3sh to inform their pn- pn‘w‘ic generally, that they will open, on AT THE CF and >ck at a. discount, )i Woollen Goods, nae in Wuol, we F_ Kenn his ORlLLIA, ON T., CANADA. What shall I render to my God, Who fur mankind hgth wilt His blood} His-i0;- Buffing died on {he tree, And bought our ransom for u: inc. We all by nature sinners are, But J esns doth the sinner spare; The mlilty rebel He’ll receive. Ye all may turn to Him and live. Como- sinner, thgn, His grace implore, And grieve your-gracious Crud no more; He says t0 you, 9 says tn me, Come unto Me and happy be. Elginburg, August 29th, 1860. (Written 'by‘ {Lam Larson, when year: of 13°.) CHIl'l-Vafi' Fun-nub. “ My We“? llieetn" added malichms M. de T:.l.e_\raud, " pray ulim‘t forget that yunr favwx'nte is married, and is the father of a. family.” At. thix moment the 01d servant, who had accumpanicd the 1:ch Marquis cu Eng- land during the elnigmtiuu, mxuuunCcd, with a \‘vry fair pmnuuciatiun : h {it Walter Nutt 3" At the period at. which this canversmiun mnk place in :m nristociutm mluu pf thv Fuubuuxg St. Gunmain, the fictiuns 4-! the great Scotch rmnunccr “en- necked on the can incn “i h nnrivu ed popular- ity. At Pars nothing mi: woken uf but the Tait; of My Lmul 0rd; (he newspapc's and reviaws ntu’iuuted to the m_\'.-tcrinua Jecluliah Cleialmtham the must cuntrasn mg p‘nysiognnmics. and :hc most fantartic aJ'-e.xturcs. The” lldrfljflllllad hitherto 80 \\ ell c-vncealed the bar-one: that correct informuti -u was not pet forthcoming to supplant the thousand and une guesses ‘ ‘ A tr,» II'L- haul. k‘h 5||IVVIMMU Ian-v v-» “~er 7 made in Inward tn him. The truth, be- sidcs, Is as far too phwaic to be ' hecahie tn the imagination; i: :Afi'ur‘lxd neither the slightrst. glimmer-0E romantic p-wsy nut a. single spark of :ulwnturc; it was of I nature at must tn c-nnfirm the disdaiufnl criticinn of Lurd Byron, \\ ho mid uf the author of the: Ladyqftlre Lake. “Dull as an and ftnkx r. and p ndent as an a‘tume} !" The sober truth affirmed aimplv that Walter Scott was an honorable. middle- aL-ed gca’leumn, a. lauded proprietor, mag- istmtc of his county; thnt In: sacrificed iinlc to min hints of glory, but. drew frnxu his pen large bags of guineas, which inceesantly incremed the fine \stme nf Al»- botsfurd, bought and paid for by the III‘ISL‘S. ____ --- .. A .. . The. . appearance of Sir Walter Scott at the party lmd been announced by means uf that snlmle publicity, Fameâ€"without her trumpetâ€"which alone is premium! to diScrcct'y disturb the echoes of t_lle Fan bow-g St. Germain. Every one was v.3- t..nisl:cd and even disappointed at the as- pect nf the illlhtrinus l-nrulwv. “11. se face and figure realized at first si ht the com- ménist tyne of the fake! tradeamen. Sir Walter’s furm was ab 1- :- mn.l,:md in- c!inin:to ab 3 t_\ ;Ixis le :5 thin, and semi rly unequal. T no: right was shorter than ch" left and ‘he carefullv cut trowaen could not conceal the defer, whi‘ h impr‘ed tn his‘ walk a disagreeable swing. It was not the light and careless limp of M. dc Talluymnd-Pcrigeml, nu: the studinusly concealed halt of Lord 1‘yron. Scott. cnuld :0 many miles on foot, but his gait, though nut fafiguing to him was greatly fatignjng h‘tlxose' who watchedhim. :- Al ,A .‘ BAA; -,.-. bly-vâ€"IJ ..... The Consciousness Of that defect ren- dered him particularly bashful when he was nut standing still or sitting.’ That evening, in c- >ming intu the drawing-Mm» his timidity seemed to nmnnnt to null snfl'ering, and the drops nf pvrspimtiun could be seen on his forehead. The xnystx-riuua and romantic author of Rob Royrappeared, in fine, to the assembled guests as a. lame. fut little man. badly made, depressed. Wiping with a Inge silk lmckebhsndkerchicf the dmpuvf pal-spin ti- :1 fr» m his very pal‘-a_nds_c»ua_owhu.t pnd‘. (1 face. But as 36011 as he had "Judd the enmpnny with the air of a. perfect gentle- man, and taken his seat. acumplete change was efl'ected in his whole penon. Whom seated, Walter;Sc:-tt hat} 1. fine and nnble Ww"â€"’ , .â€" appearanoe. Bis regard was neithor very bold nor very piercing, but ladies could rem: rk in it agendr and delicnw vivacitv. and when he amiled.his mouth, exquisimiy formed, enmled them at h-ngth tn satisfy the gym“: dgaiye ‘they felt tzo admin: him. an-) w. 9.--- “W." V...,, , The beautiful dnchem, esgktinlly. found again all her Waverly in that smile. from the iudnmimhle pride of Fergus Mclvwr to the noble lineaments of Talbotâ€"{rum the bold seductions of F lum tn the peace- ful and cumic simplicity of the guod Laird of Bmdwaxdine. Sn quickly, indeed did her enthusiasm revive that, at the end «f a quarter 05 an huur, she would hum: taken up grins if any one had desired to clunge a. single iota of her hex-new. The feeling ofdiuppuintment produced by the petwiial agpemnee of the poet In: completely 0 literated, and. the convemtion' was agdn Becoming my and sparkling; whet; the clack striking nine, Scott took edm- tgge of_ the momhhry pane tony, quite THE BLACK “ ATCH TALE OF THE SECOND STUART @132 game For Tu: £903wa- M‘Y 3138! am. irtsihe. RISING. THURSDAY, APRIL 10,187; h d the “ The sole oonsulxstion which re ruined fie, to me Wu to listen to the Enghlld lo- we | gondx of my old Smtthh Nam Molina. m: x Mum of Aherfcldy. who pun-cued so ble E inexhaustible store of them. Gillie o-mld erv not trll a story well: he wept nt once in all! I he fighting, no m-ter with that, fistn. tv. 3 stick, swords, cor minke-tn, all an good ely 3 inhui-‘r. 1n hisul .. nearto :fxllen 35y , deer were alum): two rivnl hunters, chy- im. l more in hand; mmnd his heritages the ma ; legateea always fought bitterly, and mu I love itself was in his eyes only : pretext var ! fur turn have men to ranh to combat. In “m . spite of my extreme unline- wd' tim- m, 1 1dity' ] took z aingulm- delight in these gird 1 wild histories. and heft-me I m fuurtoen did i 1 had stocked my memory with in im- I "f l meme number 0. thtb‘ae lrgendl, some of ken . which I Jterwgrdu introduced intn my nae . bunks, someI dmltined, mid other: lure 5384 ontimly escaped my recollection. >531 l? 4‘01: the evening of which I an speak- nly'l ing 1 I"! particularly sad andniaeuy, for was ; In." the penpiration ’unding on my .ex; . £99103} innhead, 3nd his lundstnmbling, lite thpfnmonitorysym uu‘oftbonoctnr ml “which mhlinghil. pend diplomatic tact and skid; but this blunt manor of coming on any point In; utterly oppnsed to French manner: and not a little hurtful to Frrnch tube. In lit-gland, perhnpa. su‘ch rude {mime-s mi ht appear less diflicult t9 excuse; but in 'xance peuple do not. likg, u the ex- rcsszun goes, in:- a. man to put his hand- mto the disk. This he was gently made 1.0 understand. ‘ “ maxi. 1. Marquise, it is my habit to withdraw tiny: before midnight, .0 I Ihonld like to pay my tribute it once._” _This unogpeqted remark produced. 3 ml] he ”may Mined. 8 Y“! W will be readily imagined, a. very diagno- th'le efijgct upon the refined 3nd g'ruto- antic pet-ions around him. Certainly. it its quite understood tint Sir Walw tt would kindly recount some interact- ing litale w »ry a his quota. to the evening‘s entertainment. and tn inane his nee twang her friend: his hmtess, t 6 mn- quiz, had doubtless been obliged to '0:- pend diplomatic tact and skill; but thin blunt manor of curling t4: zhe _ point cu: “ Sir Walter Scott.” aid 9,119 Mni'se smilingly. “ has exlnlnined to us, in one of his admirable poems, what it want by Black-Mail.” ' c. .urgesy: y: mu fivud . “ l uught in the first place, madam, to ark ynnrindnlgena: for my “no-nut}: e_x- pregsiqn. but if I. spake nf ‘ tlfibuto‘,’ it Wu In-cansel felt. tbs; here I hue a-unething to win. [have «fortnight to mu in Putin, and am anxious to acquit myself as early as possb‘o «:f my gwn Plum of the tithing. A,__ .3 L; A! l:-6--._ “L an-.- my... --_.. of the tongue in a more graceful or dexter- ous my. The n.uqui¢e rose at once, and taking him by the hnud. which usuallyzhe did Oily in the ease of hdieo, led him her- nelf to the principal seat. Sir Wilter testi- fied liw gratitude by a. low bow, and then, withcut preamble, spoke as fullnwa: “ One winter's en mpg, towards the end of the year 1754, 1.: well as my memory serve: me. my respected father, who hfll just xecnwred from an illness and was still Very feeble. was atriving to put in orders. voluminous packet of papers which his clerk had thrown into confusion in numbering them. . “fly father nccupiel. without dispute. the first place 3t the he: of Edinburgh. Those who «deflated his fortune by his time believed him enormously rich, ell the more reudin that his clients consisted principally of Highlnud'gentlemen, who pay without stint when they here once determined to sheathe the dirk and oily- ipore'tenettle ch or quarrels before the tri- liunnls. My 8 1161', however, was not rich: The poor bar-"net culoured up on this. partly frnm pleasure, for thin remark show- ed how attentively hi3 phductiona were read in France, and_ partly {1:018 gllupe, luau u: - ..â€"v-, r.._ m be felt the rebuké mic the sum”. was skillfully made tn convey. Them wu enmeqnent'y a certain tune of oompunc- tinn in his vuice as he replied with grave "1""'"“"‘-I* *7 - in nrdrr to have the e stir-e right of listen- in%ntyour next evening party.” a maid scarcely have mp0}! for: a slip he treat-d his 1.0m- mnnnuiu chem: nn too easy terms, I may even any with too mach «net-unity. t0 Income rich himSalf. But. what he lust in the way uf mnney, he :ztinrd iu musiderqtion; and 1 may con- fidentIyiaflirm that. if he had entertained the fancy to mine an army, he might hue chosen from fifty clans. and put‘un {out ten thousand ui those We-Ieg-zvd loldien who inn: unriv:ded «n the Lem of bath. " The clerk whu'h‘d than!) inc-n eon- fuuiou the papers my father was enthu- unriug t.- put tn right; was a. young mm named Gillieogllvie; he Wu about twenty, and belonged to a. clan of the nme num- decimawu by the cin warsmnd “(31":de dispersed by thc rigurs o.‘ the guVL-mmgnt. Gillie htd the handwme and gentle face oi achild sum-naming the bodyuf shone- gumd. He Would haw;- mmged the pike much better than: the pen, md whe he spoke 0.0 me of his uncle Culquhoun Ogil- v.e, Irxgeaut in the Reicudan Dhu, he had tetra in his eyes. But. a his father Ind said, ‘ None of my bland shall am“: King George.’ Gilli: smmhereJ over Blacksxone ‘ ..‘.-°_, v..._, V a .d Fortescue wilhnu'aelic Mutilation. My father, in keeping him, shuWed in truth as std! more merit uiaus resignation. fur the p00? lad had new: up tn that. tune suc- c~ edcal in cupyhg n uhule ducmuem, al- :hough be had :zetctinmled many "rigi- nnls. For him, ink was nf nu use but tn make blots. and «wry time he was sent on an em-nd he 11:11:13-“! 10 8t(-ptln the mad tn take sumcflaiug in the enmguny of some MacAlpine or Macintyre. Gillie wu I0- ber as a yuung girl, 1 Id those wards take sumcthiug hme nut precisely tlna same meaning muml the Camunmw u the have at the cunt and of London. The thin-g: Gillie tuuk did no ham to his puss, but. sadly dzunagrd his face. Maclmyre nnl MacAlpiuc were chunmimicul o the 0311- vnes, and nur G'liic invited them daily to n lmut at fiaticufl'u behind Holyr-md. “With nn- he um g ntlweu itself, and of i exhaustilvle cumyl nu'ce. He conh thxow a fu m:-hnunmer' {mty yud“ but whcn he muched me his robust hand he- came lighter than I. Walnau‘l. When my father cunfidcd me to him there was no Inn-Jet in the world either MacAlpiues‘ ur Maclutyres. Ho allowed himself to be insulted rather than low my hand. only nine Macs lost nothing by waiting. and the next. day his journey: Were full uf fights.- He sometimes carried me for whole miles, and it was on big ghnul-‘cn the. I made mu.- -- .V my first @551): the rugged muu'uiu of Ben Nevis. Belorezi and respected my father, bath}: rmuId_ refiilxgruy mu- ‘_‘. c.» . nut-u, us... u» -v . w, H me .t have riskeJ his head fur Master Wat, a he c: l odrme. “ I was in my thirteenth year, had I wunbt tell you what a. poor little child I um. I had neither the sizn, nur cue agil- ity, nor the gayety of lads of my age. A lllhg, lirigering gxcknes which had defied the efforts vi the best medical men in Edinburgh was leading me slowly to the tmuh, and my fuher, atnli deeply grieVo-d at the 1- 'p5 of his beloved wife. often had tears in his eye when ho looked aside at me. That state of health prevented me at. the sine time from studying or enj-Iy- ing the usual games of childhood. My nnly deli,:ht was tending. and even that I n: let-mittgd to indulge in but upwingly, on account of the weakneu of my eyes. “ ‘ _ 'tIhelpyou. tuber Flukedhiln “ He hid down the enormous bundle ofpepenonhielugehlaetoekhble, hm hefmeho Ind fine to eater me. that»: opened euddemy, end e an: over six fleet hxgh, whose thick and graded lair we: unmounted by a red bonnet with e steel clus- which held three white fathers. op» poured in the doorway. Under hie em. which n raged m 01-th e ideylly gre- tune, uppeued the hoary head 0 out ur- nnt Dickenn. who said : ‘ r~_L_ -lâ€"A '“I U'WI~ w..- â€"‘ _ ‘” ehirdhucomoinin aplteofm, you see !' - . “ ‘ Then ha witharew, while its laid bunt into I. loud lsugh. which however al- lowed . little timidx‘ty tu_ he 2°?”in- va ' wâ€"v..- “â€" “ Laird and 10rd m the {an}; word ex- wtly, but. flu ! the-re is 1, gm: difl'eronoe between the twu. Lord is thy conqueror. bird the rmqui-hed. .1113” poor birds swam in Soudmd like Hid-[got inSpain,‘ me than» at $93M upogia‘fly v91, “The bird temtined motidnleqp tn instant on the tllrochold, with 113! fine bye leg- showing below his kilt n! the Ogilvw onion, rod Mid white. He united a “may! of Welcmne, and seemed a» be umuinhcd ut the immobility sud nppu-eut coolness of my futhcr.» .Iw urn“.â€" ufum live‘in 3 kn? At the {out-of the mine of their swam" castle. Opgvvened In: land ha cried wd mowed un ertho Eng- liub heel: every one is acquainud with the’ grief of the Iriub. Wit . the Sonic}: there is something of the valiant and hithfnl dog whicfi place- in the dust. under the water’s quip, thou Moububle jun still red with the blood of the wolf. The Smith- man 4- en not. complainâ€"he dues mare,he fights to: thaw whu have ongched them- selvel with his npoih. The fact is on. whether it denerveo praise qr blame. We hu'e a lion in our ray-.1 acutchwn, but it is :- lion remnant. w ff 51'de up as quickly a I could 3m! an tn the new comer, who raised me in hisnmgr “ ‘ Good. evening. Uncle Enchin!’ I ex- chimed. ‘The but time you Wele- hens )nu did not tell rug § ale, now ya: owe me two? .. Euhin or Hector Ogilvie of Bndo'. ‘ h m then more tin-n sixty yuan old; fie lived or: bi manor of Hula-.4511, the'other side of the Grumpisn Hilh. and waited his thirty miles before mapper-time when he 11nd business in Edinburgh. Ho wu the fuller of our {fiend Gilliu: frank, grand, and noble u a lion, but litiziuun, Jul like nur'y :1! those bnve Highlandmtn, and capable of spending J! In. money and all his blood to :u-tajn _whnt_ho_c-llod ‘ his ,Iigm ’rehtire w the bra: ch 1' tuft of heath. - 1 o : tree or u “ ‘ Three his: if yon like, Wu: he re- plied, while his rough beard printed my cheek. ‘ I believe you are the only person here 2M to see old Eachin.’ “ My hther held nut his delicate white handlu‘xd n agile “331mg! up his faoez ,I A “‘1 Intro bah :buing'you tonight, Badenigh,’ he uu'dâ€"‘ you and-your great lazy son. Fur the In: two hunt: I hnve been m'mg w mags yum- Input-n, which Gillie has thrown into uttu' mufnsiou, like a cat pluyiug with a, ball of cotton. Ben the onntracuwflurten, losses, raysl patents, Mutilation» judgements, etc“ and all to” few squat: yards of hwh which wuuld not. fetch five sthiugs Scotch u xtlctiOIl.‘ A r ‘7 7 M},- (fad bleu you, Doctor of Lm: Those why“ do not lu ow ‘0“ mi ht. be annoyed at vour wordn. Out Search shil- liugs are “my maths Land «on huh-pee. m', i We" Luann-Ind We are like our Iixiilnszul. very and] andmpnor cgunpamd with the murderenut: uur ftthcrs. But you like the hemh. whatevaryon msyg:ty,'uxd yuu know well tlut : mom! of earth 13-me h In” a. crawl) pledges the beam as much as 1 whole doumin. The day before CuJoden my gmndfnthvr had three castles and mm mountains between the fertile Giana-a. and the desert of bunt-humor. Frum the (0;) «f Ben Nevis, my {ether when I child counted on« day seventeen finch» or herds. conducted Ivy seventeen shepherds, each of what!) wore the red bonnet with the three white feathers. May Gad keepynu, ductur! If we haw lost some puwer, yuu have lost gm“ jay. Ind X shall now:- fut» met that you were kind and cuurtuoue when your house‘wu full‘M smihzs ' “J ‘J “8; put me down as he spake and ad- tamed towudl mv faker, who had low- ered 1in eyes. " ‘ The child is still very pnk,‘ he said. ntretchiug nut his large hand; " his leg continues u-nk. Give him to me; I win take him yonder, when: a... free sud pure air makes strung men.’ 3 ‘ Badenizh.‘ repliod my Luther, ‘sume are Weak in the legs and some in the head. We shall never mnkc: anything of your Gillie. 1 f0 ewnm y. u.’ “The bird had a smile full of simple ”:7" Thanks, dodqr.‘ he murmured. " And a . tar rolled darn my cheek. he niudmen. second timcin his arms and «9-2111: "1° ”2.11! "6% “NEW ’5 ‘fifireliirirojil; Wu! yuu line ho'nost blood literal, and it any be flat than is a. 1190 "f ugntlemgxlm pkg Ifoflgnds.’ 7 “ ‘ The defect- of Gillie belomzto your monahias,‘ aid my fuller” ‘ 1 do not know whether, with the but will in the wurld. I should ever have wccooded in Warming him, but he in: a. heart of gold. and to ”command. Hey-s here like Wu“. emrbntglgerfl “ ‘ no Gillie with us, Uncle behin,‘ I exclaimed. ' “ Dickson appurod ct this moment and announced tint hi: honor'n nupper wu my. Baler-nigh, without. waiting to be invited. a once wok the rout w the din- ing-room. On the way he naked me : “ ‘ Will you come with Ill. Wat? You dull no the heldmuc of helium), Molnu Cmupbell, who nines tempem with bones reduced (0 about; ya: dull see Alindapit Brain. the Marine'- pip». who pends. the life uni death of men in due maniac water of the fountain uf Amw; you «lull see the fund of Muyrich, where each‘ stance. in a nun “(the clan of Muff-my. thug meWmed by the Lowland hides, and the Good Noigllbon.’ p AL __ _|_A .. ”v va‘ “-31 tux-nod 6835 my (“5°13 smiled in _u mehnchoiy mm- UH» aim. Ogilvio been an “mam-any ' ' ‘ ‘ Wind assumed a. severe 111-, “I. Wm:- w imam he uugoin young»: for his qncmlnomc “4 30:01:!“ young man's wound ‘ppeu 9° be, 4989'?“- f'.“°§_ my father. 1._ «Gaining-1c replied this time, for In M. hilfwe oafire and hi; hair wotdifil Nation. His dam, how- mgy‘cyefuilly flanged. ” . u 3453310; . '“ ‘ Yo! go out berg tngn, without 5 (ignore, Qgflvie 3' ' A-II- ”,A A_JL I) -._A v-wâ€" v’tgmunk Hem... mater, he aid incurriuible mounmn ween‘ ‘ "@3'?Ԥ1°!°¥'.'”fihfi"fli’. " ‘ Your mother Wu s MacGregur, and you lave only mm blood in your veins! “Then the manor oommeueed._ My father was mmewlnt thoughtful. end ' mud, looking“ Gillie u 3 friend I was shout tn lone. The lard we heartily and drank better, but the oohginudly in- creasing paleneu on the gentle bee of Gillie. whoa-e smile leemed to me can strained And ulmoet painful, made me won- d. whether he Already knew he was going , we as. , ‘ “ {'Bugvnighfi said :11 at once :5: Mar, {yor people north of the F0 havc.yaur beads cumpletely turned. Do not summit. file folly 0f “lung yuur papers may tron! my :0. give them to mother bsrl'istcr.’ ' ‘ ' "-5522 336%.: came and held out his f'whmd like n child. The hird put hi. )1de on hi: uhoulden and murmured in Gulic: tram the laid, Ina his pale {we cow viii! 219w": “ ‘ I drink your health, Doctor-9f Lawn !‘ interrupted the luird. ‘You speak like an honest man us you ere; in the who 8 her you one the only man in whom hove guy confidence. take any those cursei ptpen became MucAlpine has proposed to me a resealable magemaut.‘ “ My father looked at him fixedly, and Badenigh unneeded his smile behind his 81!“. ”Viva, yes,‘ he continued after drink- ing, ‘ and on. which can be accepted in all Homr.’ . “‘Anregufdu our friend Gillie.’ conâ€" tinued my father, without thinking of asking what flat ‘ moutble'u'mngement was, ‘aince yuu renounce fog him thg Wu Diuw "u avu-vuuw -v- "â€"â€" -"v career of the bar. take my adviog. and nuke of him 1 mod and brave sohfier.‘ ' “Asombrg look tame over the bird’s mu“ Are there still good and have diets." he murmured between his te_et! ‘5 "Our Scotch regiments m 1mm": thmnghnut tho world.’ replied m {anther quickly. ‘md mt: Reicudan Dhu, ge glori- ous (find of the line, bu not its equal in In the animate“ “ A still darker shade descended on the forehand of Mex-53¢, wLxle a flash 'of enthuaiuln lit up tin bum was of GiIlie. Both rep-Md, but in var?V @ifi'emt amen: and the Wide mum of his empty glut. “ ‘Newr shall the " ‘fivNéélerr 3h?“ the grandson of l 0 dhâ€"ie.‘ aid hnf slowly, ‘ wear the u of the Hot 4: Witch v. _..- . “‘ I Had my eye‘ on Gillie, doubtless beanie this sudden menace of a. separa- tion made him down: so me. Nuver had I seen him .0 pn‘e;hia band VI! inc :- undycu-riod tuhiabr at”. d! muse! I saw some mod «n the imidc of his waist.- enatu Every time that l dmired to quea- dun him his supplicotiux look stopped the work on my lips. “ ‘ No, nu, doctor} replied the bird, -wv‘ _ v -,,,,V,' ‘l shall not glye mv papers :0 ant-that Intrigue” To pleéd :gdnst MacAlyiwe l reqmnd your intezrity, right. and mm: M ‘ uword. Only my chymnr'e has ever in- sp‘red me with more confldqnce than I J have in you . . . . X Imvluimid you s 1 tale. Wat. my hay: Hahn; and you also. Mr. Scott. tn Inma- exactly the rgdnntwe of my wtion against MacAlpipe. You. Gillie. hiwe dandy hard me'ppealc 01 that. but the dny in aisprowchinu when it will he good tn have your memwry refresh ed. Listen, my dear um. and yuu gill not regret the cwkade of the BIKE “'W-h. Bloorl. when it is Inn! willed, bee men black: so much the darker u in gun re]- dvr in thr livin-t veins. And that? was ‘a nnble bloat-Gillie which gained the cock- mle of the Black Watch !' “ While he collI-cted his thought's we all rhmtined silent : hi: lam wards. and mare psrticu-hrly the acaem in which they werv uttered. winded like u menaeo Fmdu in the Highlands do not bro-3k out hastily ‘ the fenvi'entatinmof anger as slow and 1 duo“ always galemn. Hypocrisy in thé tribute that virtue. A 8031‘ of : univerefl genius sort nf a. univenal n’oodle. but( the rat) universal genius, and universal noodle. ' Oumx or mu Tun Hangman.â€" In Hady'n'e Dictionary of Date: it in said that new: is not, as mmymppose, dark ed from the adjective new. In for-me! time.c (between the year- 1795 m i 1830) it was the prev-dent prac'ice to put an! the peri- odical republication of the day initial let- ters of the comp“, gnu: larynx-ting that these papers contained in- blligence from the four quarters of the globe, and iron this pndziee is derived the term mspaper. Dcusc the Hmkoka election debates. the fallowi in which Mr. Cook bun got the'fwewer of Bus Rizht Honor-Me agronent, took place. Six-Jun. A. M104 remind E" 393.19 rexparks of I‘m MT. Blue, uWIVuuuus "iv a..." ...__ V , car, who Ind boon aid-ed by Mr. Gov. the Reeve. : most respectable man, who trunk! 50 Been after flu sitting member fur Muskokl will in" media be mem- ber for that oomfigmcy. _ Mg. pockb-m: "v: Iv. wâ€"v- â€".." 4.3[12 Gow is M Reeve. (loud laughter.) Sit- John Maudâ€"He is a. most re- :pectublo nun. Mr. 00 kbumâ€"The hon. gentleman keepniooomnpmy‘. daughter.) Gama A! Ixtusa or run urn-ax.â€" During the dam in the Bow yesterday Moon. one of the repm'wn whose sent in the gdlery himmediutlynver the Hon. J.‘H. Cuneron’o bead. upset his in]: hot- dr, and thentymn figid odfing throng-h W, on“ um 'Vlw-I _..-â€" --._nr ,, 7 nchiuk in theduk, on spot 1: up»; u -n that portion 0566' «m.'gon mum’s ger- imuium tint is last provided with the capillary cons-ins Imagined by mum-e: he not; nae-ugh w the gnllery, muting um he had dandy)!“ an inkling «f the sub- 56 t under Minn, and did not mm . L_.‘L-_ 4.34.- “.3 _......-L_ p .. an-.. ”more: ‘Ainâ€"Jhâ€"crnf yizhe pencil Impurit- ed to an Wire of a. Kev‘Bl-nnp- wickpsper. ff‘Ho-v i9 ,th-t‘for high!" -â€" ‘Mmiwhn D110 1' The laid took a long datum of do the table remanded unda: the nhocl w--â€"â€"-_ . C'Blake, gigfexl‘é‘luig W4Mmin111fi- WIS-'33” “in duly, andâ€"with ‘m TERMS: 3| PER AIIIII (Tobewnthtm) min. may "be * but God «nip :3 ma Be is no vice pays your H me O01 ‘rm Editor of Tax Exrqmgon: ' .Unuu Sm.â€"Une would be inclined t9, uuppoge than you would ngt' give place in ,our piper to some ddcu'ln: advanced by. ” .5. A. 1‘." in your kit mug; union un- ucr the impresnou than. some of thou; 1:13- for: wanna be immeditkty refund. “ It. “cum 3 nuange way of understanding 1 am wmch tequila the plaiuest and most, unefl mum, 1h“ by dark should b6 meant mum hie in yinery.” 59in he’ says, "No, it in rump] life to “Om, and aerwfluxg death l;(."t11e"o(her,“P b. Nov Jews Unnu buys, the rich man upwedhii cyeb‘ in hell, and saw Abraham uh; 95;" um Wu: 1n his b00036, Ml" He'mybn we us no to both, winch cannot by any ‘ .roastbihly be «Xylaiueu tiny. WM tin- nun magnum: can Am um um .orweux. man the rich man’s most. pimul rcqueat that. “ Lam-u» would be uni. us“ i uty an anger in was, t» cool We‘neh' r w! cipuun any such an expxuuon of. “Mum“ "Icemagan‘l Minot teeth? and again, “ when: their yum: dial: not an: we ure is xiii: 'gju‘goclnqd‘.” fdo no! man u. say that ew’u dahi ' amid-sting at 31A '1‘. '3 Met is not a pmuflmch‘t,‘ .Iut «any that. it would be eumpmuvely ms mun torment. Sc. Pull speaks “ of. being m «cub- on." In this be «My man» sums cxnnme punishment. Agni! ecu x. T1m-Mxy,_§th ‘ put, 13th was; “0ch tun uvoch m“ _ as dead Wane shc ln‘cfll. “11km W!“ t acu manhty, the [3qu and :- ge‘nj cl‘ally to be nude-mm in m amt“, at: e u waning. When spilitunl must as ”when 131'. all human 1mm as g- pct-fly “on n. a figumtfi"; “fuse, computing na- uufl thlngb w ép’nitua‘l' thing», that if by any means We might understand than. 1! Mme the Macon uve theme is bupe of their .uueuumen', sothere is 5 m oi God a 1.. ' mounted towem. that Em 113:3 an o ' God's gage! when -1 , Lr‘_~ any means we might \quenunu mucus. a» «111.0 the Mckeu nu- there is buy: of their .uueuumcn', sothere as a. portion of God's mercy accorded to them. but who: humn‘ Lana-nag: can uesa'ibe God’s anger i‘hen' unruly unmoved; or the turf.“ . Aux», the human 3'3on 8 are soups-lot .u earthly joys tht manl‘ language ub- .crly fails we give a proper idea» of (flew; therein” human lungunge becomes but I» figurntive or comguruive medium, and not the redity.‘ Momver rho stint: on can u: are not free from r, ppmon bf Gvd’é anger, nor'fhae fm'm sin, n it ié b ' gut?! and not through their own good u Ith'lt they are saved. in some cue. they m 0.14 «ea to be forced by wicked podple to f'blupheme 6nd." Then it in only in'_ {mean-n God's' aégar it"etfimly run-unwed me: upon WWW con 'y his lugiad conclusions are aha figurative. and, figuratively apes-king. not even skin deep. To try to nuke mynl W un: Jentood, we will mppooe an engjyeer t6 get cut away sung the Enqufinmx‘, all durufimewhswmmeadcoir “ md to undernkgtdexph‘lfin model ‘ workingotwem My . . mu!“ :1:de

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