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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 10 Apr 1873, p. 2

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SUPPLI BELT RIVETS l, BELT HOOKS! BELT PUNCHESE BELTING ! FIRTH’S, SPEAR $5 JACKSON’S. J OWETT’S, T URNBR'S, 25 COILS MILL SAW FILES LEATHER RUBBER LandPlaster STOCKS EXTRA MACHINE OIL; p- No. 1, Km'JNew Brick Block. 1n .NTI-FRICT ION METAL, STEEL, IRON, 50 Sides Lace Leather! SEND FOR PRICE LIST. J. TUDEOPE. ORILLIA. and other SPIKES. In, «to. 303', bud, 3’8 I! .lla'rs, s pay- [called FS-Im‘ ’s and ived f3}: taster. Oril- that, the 1:?" ed. ed VIE, they ice ! the Mill 'H bat- } by ome City ngs, the ual- ANTED. â€"A No. 5 or No. 6Wuh- mnhndPres; allot “'10“de anW vpe. Send specimens Md PM tOTHUS. BBBET.G1-svenhnfit- SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED for School Section No. 4, Ram. with third- class certificate. éddreup mtfsma s. S. No. 4, Rams. Severn Bridge Post 01500. 0R SALEâ€"A Good Cow. five yen-n oxd, ulve Em week in Mny. Apply at In: Ewan-on 05cc. Orinia. 7 9-2in. Chromo of Queen Victoria. VERY Inventor, Mechwic, Manufac- turer. Builder, Engineer. Chemist, ru- mer. Merchant. would st once send his name and. address with $.50 for one you”: subscrip- tion to Tar. Campus Puss: Omen RICOID and MICIANICS’ Huang, :9 the publisher. GEO. E. DESBARATS. MW, A Copy of first number can be m'ufih‘l. 06cc; Daily Line to Rochester! NORSEMAN LEAVES Cobonrg every mo ' ' at 7:30‘ and Port Have It 9 o‘clock, for ochuterif connecting there with New Yoxk Cent and Eric Railways,.£ot all point: But, cheapest and moct expeditious-route to boswn, Albany, -"ew York. c. For further information :pply to R. CRAWFORD. ' Port Hope, or C. F. GILDEBSLEEVE. conuecuug uuv-v n..â€" u-" _ V“, and Eric Railways,.£ot all pomti But, “'23: and South. ; RETURNING : leave! Charlotte (port! of Richest"), My, at 9 2.1L, except Samur- gpys: when she leaves 3t 2 P. x. for j to A. MACBIAN. Ofillia, April 5th, 1:73. , REMEMBER g SOIREE! g Temperance Hall! ALL CORDIALLY INVITED Is PRE-EMIXENTLY a local paper; does not pretend to compete with the city papers in variety or quantity oil-aiding matter but is particularly and specially devoted to the best interests of the people of this section of the country; being the advocate of good morals, temperance and sound political principle; is the organ of no man, set of men, or clique, but of RIGHT, and TRUTH, and IIPAB'HAL JUSTICE. 6' Communications are requested up- on matters pertaining totranspiring events whether of 10ml or general interest. The fnrntshing of a. good home paper to the people shall always be the main object “ TEE 3x20081202,” Eié‘tfie’ Publisher. Dsrnrnxr or Cnowx LANDS, Tonosro, 5th MARCH, 1873. A N Order in Council, dated 19th April last, with the view of promoting settle- ment on lands of the Crown, at present remote from the centres of traffic, provides that the Commissioner of Crown Lands may withdraw any lot or lots or portion of land, he may deem necessary from any timber license thereafter issued or renewed, for the mile of furnishing a supplyioftimber for saw ‘ , manufactuv ing or to manufacture lumber for local consumption. the timber from lands so set apart for the sup ply of such saw mills to be cut and manufnCo tux-ed exclusively for such local demand, and so disposed of that any infraction of such con- dition. directly or indirectly, will be followed in each case by cancellation of authority to cut timber or trees on the lands so set apart for the purpose mentioned, and that such lands shall be restored to the license from which they were withdrawn. R. \V. SCOTT. 1 mm: Coxxxssxoxns. ITS-ti. DRidingg'or Gloyes. The owner c by paymgo thnadvertilemnt. Jâ€" , Lot No. 14, West half, 12:]: Con. of Oro. con- taining 100 acres. more or less, 70 acres c1 with good buildings and orchard; well fenced and wstered. Apply on tho premises to THE choicest stock of Flower and Liar- den Seeds at Slaven’s. PERCY, and his Bmtford News, have gone over to the party of “ Union for Pro. tits.” W'hen he was professing the warm- est attachment for the Befonn Party, we considered hing one who disgraced the pro- fession of journalist, and have no reason ‘ to alter the opinion now. 1 15 the Regimental Division of Northj Victoria, the militia enrolment recently completed gives atotnl ofr3331 men tit for service. Company No. LVCaptain John Teviotdale; Headquarter: Bracebridge,nnd comprising the townships of Morrison, Muskoka, Draper, Ryde, Onkley, Mamm' lay and Stephenson, returns 223 let class; 35 2nd class; 384 3rd; 166 4th. Total, 808, with three seamen and two exempt. Sross or Sexismâ€"The late blustering weather has ceased, and it is to be hoped ,the rains will cease soon,-â€"the beat-ante looming out, the chipmunks are playing among the branches, the crows have re- turned to shew “ can” why the snow should lenve, and Mr. G. M. Wilson is now prePared in cloth all in the latest fashion, a: lower than Toronto prices. THE Canadian Patent Oflice Record and Mechanics’ Magazine is the name of a new ublicetion issued by the enterprising Sublisher, of Montreal, Geo. E. Delbarnss. The first number is a well got up Maga- zine of 70 pages. containing illustra- tions and descriptions of the latent Me- chanical and Scientific inventions, work- __1_-.1. _. ........ non S-}I_..E'â€"A Oow,in Dealers 111 ’Stock, c.. will find this , 2-_â€"_-._.- inn. .1 CWIW Dus- ~v-vâ€"__ i ing or proposed, among Which we may mention the Trial of the Steam Tn...way Lt Buckhurst-hill, which is being built for a Portugal road; and the proposed Niagara. Ship Elevator. There is also a. lane list of potent: with accompanying engravings. be without it. Subscription 81.50 per un- lnum. Single number 15901:“- " 019, Jan. lat, 1873. To-Monaow (Friday) Evsxtxa. Brighton. ERVANT WEIRL rWA-NTED. Apply gem. ghherfisemms tonalâ€"fix Pail of B SELL, CHEAP, ‘OR TO RENT. THE NEW LAKE STEAMER IVFTS'TV‘IQB, Gaml Agent. NOTICE. IN THE .ir of Black Leather The owner can ha" them .. will find this the flank-route to Boston, of Flower and Gar 179. gm, gwwimf: To “hunt with the hounds and to hide with the here" may be a very pleasant pastime for Mr. Ardagh. and it may tend to develop those “ positive virtues” upon which 116 plumes himself, but we question very much whether he Will be. able to retain the approval of his constitu- ents thereby. He took up the “ in- dependent. platform" because ha had not the ghost of a. chance to ho elect; ed on any other. He persisted in it afterwards in the House beause it i would be political suicide to act l otherwise. At leastwe assume that such were his motives from his sub- sequent bebaviour. His party calls and he is its willing tau}, glut even ‘ the memory of :generous treatment on a former occasion deters him from coming afl'ensively forward as chief petitioner against the return of the Reform candidate, who, when Mr. Ardagh was similarly situated, as he says himself, expressed disap- probatiou of the petition filed against his election. It is easy to say that sucthere not Mr. Cook’s real feel- inc's. The wish is father to the D thought. We look st the action and ORILLIA. 10!]; APRIL. 187 . Vuvuéuw .v ' _--_. , pass by the assertion. Of course Mr. Ardagh is anxious to shield himself from the consequences of the egregious blunder into which his political and personal animus betray- ed him. He “wiggles, and twists, and winds. If Mr. Cook did not do it. Mr. O. F. Wrighhono of Mr. Cook's prominent supporters, did£ If Mr. Cook didn’t do it, Mr. Cook’s brother did. But Mr. Ardagh cannot make out a case, and so he snuflies out his cant stock phrases of bribery and fraud, and he, the immaculate, who according to his own confession had at least spent one lourth of what he supposes his opponent to have ex- pendedâ€"he must uphold the fair fame of the Riding 2 Mr. Ardagh’s independence is a myth. which he may hereafter keep for the amuse- ment of the marines, and which will not impose upon the intelligentelec- tors of North Simcoe. Lvlo v: guy.-.â€" ~Vi, ., And the petition itself, what is its fate? Why, it was riddled with blunders. PoorJohn HillyardCam- eron, when he inspected the precious document,gave vent to his emotions in a. few cursory comments, and muttered something which was sin- gularly unlike a. blessing, we are told, on the dough~heads who eon- ceived and executed and reconstruct- ed it, after he, John Hillyard Cain- eron, had sent it back to them with thirteen mistakes pointed out. {But the case was hopeless. The moment he laid his eye on it he pronounced it a bungle, and the Speaker ignom- iniously vetwd ‘it at once. And these are our legis’atoxs. Our future Chancellors. Uur clever lawyers. Our intellectual giants. Our men ofbrnins. U! L'Alton, D'Alton, how $5le you? And William Davxs Ardagh, where IS the “ fair fame" of the Riding (f North Simcoe 2 wan Ismcnssamrro um A We wow. Our town is favourably located-â€" in fact it is centrally situated, sur- rounded by a good region, and at a respectable distance from other towns of importance; but, situation alone, unless promptly taken ad- vantage, of will not makea. city. We ought to have a. grain trade second to no other town in Northern Canada. but, in these days, when new railroads and new stations are building up all around us. no minor town can control a. sufiiciency of grain trade long enough to make it a city. Notwithstanding the im- mense trade of this place, , notwith- standing the fact that we have two good railroads, yet, we must ac- knowledge that weare sadly deficient in many thingsâ€"especially in those '71-.. LL”; nn-‘aA too wvu- luv--vâ€" - _ their wares, in order to have anv- 1 thing left after manufacturers and? freights are paid. If we desire our town to keep pace with the grand march of progress, we must open new forges of industryand mnufac- ture the chariot wheels; our capital- ists must put their wits, plans and purses togother and start the -good work, whosebenefit willbe feltstead- ily and continuous. We stick to the assertionâ€"ave must manufac- tureifwewouldflourish. Ohemanu- facturing institution berg-making a successful specialityof one article, would bring more -substantial trade and more money to this place than our entire crop; when we say this we mean the money that would be brought and kept here. Money paid here and then sent away to our neighbouring manufacturinév towns idoes us very little good. e most earnestly wish that we could do something or say something that SUWCUUIUE v. w.- J _ ‘ "’ ‘ ' u would cause a. step tobe taken in this direction ; fonit istruly ashame that such magnificentraources as this town and supper-cine re ion possess, should newly all Tn ta net) to build u 9 manufactoring towns abroad. That. is where our money goes. and that is why we are hard messed to-day. ' " $533125. not “first." J Alton, u nu. m, nu" And William Davis The fact isconSpicuoysly apparent that the growth of Onllia is greedy retarded by the lack of suitable homestead: either to sell or rent. Where buildings are offered for rent the amount charged isso exorbitant , as to deter many frog: locating with us. There must. be some'efi‘orc‘ made toremedy this difficulty. We have a. sufficient number of men possessing capital to o nize a building association. here is scarsely any Way money could be used with such a. haudoomo return of interest to the lender. or which would at the same time do so much tnaidin promoting the growth of the place. It will be an easy matter indeed to obtain ten per cent. interest on an investment of this nature, and there would be many to accept of the opportunity offered to buy homes on time. One 3 thousand dollars cash will buy a better house than can commonly be rented for 12 or 15 dollars ~per month, and with a. good lot the two would be worthfmm 314000081700. The plan of the association however should be to furnish the money to any person who wishes to build, taking for security a morgagg on the property when Completed; The ‘m‘ofley could remain in the apital- ist’slhandsuntilthe work was finished, an amngement being made with n responsible carpenter to put up the building and receive the cash on its completion. This plan would be safe tothe lender, safe to the ctr- pentcr, and would insure}; home to many a poor man. or one in moder- ate circumstances, fiho other'wise wouldnever be able to accumulate above his earnings at' euflicicntsum to build a. house. Tl-e payments could be regulated acccrding to the borrower’s circumstances, a. certain amount of his earnings being ap- plied ench month to paying the prin- - - n- . 7,3.A2" 2- 41.4] Icipal. Such an associacifil in 0:11- lia. would attract men here to take advantage of the opportunities pre- sented, and if liberality was shown in management the population of Orillia might in a .very short time be considerably augmented. Panamanâ€"The member for North Simcoe, H. H. Cook, Esq.. is constantly at hispostin she House of Commons, and is indefatigable in reminding the Government of their duty towards his constituency; It takes courage to speuk boldly upon the temperance question, but as the living issue of the times, it behooves all lovers of order and mor- ality to be up and doing, and to ally themselves manfully with the cham~ pions of Temperance. PROHIBITORY.â€" The House of Commons has resolved to prohibit the importation of spirituous liquors into the North-west Territoria. The resolution was proposed by Mr. McKenzie, and accepted by the Gov- ernment. This will be encouraging to the Temperance party. THE Packet assures its readers that Mr. Ardagh looks “remarkably well after the arduous duties of the Session.” The wonder would be if Mr. Ardagh did not look as sleek as a stall fed beef, his “arduous la- bours” having been for the most- part confined to hunting out members with whom to “pair" upon all the important measures which were brought before the House. Ulvusuv vvnv-v u--- __-____ IT is said any one can hear the feathered songsters in their door yards, if they give them a. little en- coumggmeng. Takf: 'an old oyster can, make a. hole in itjustfbigen'ough for a. sparrow or blue bird to go in and out easily, nail the can to a. post. tree or an out-house, and the birds will take possession at once. and give you good music and destroy the noxious insects in your gardens for pay. Try it. FOOD FOR THE WASTE BASKET.â€" There is not a paper in the country that has not repeatedly announced that no attention would be given to annonyuious communications, that all articles intended for publication must be accompanied by a. responsi- ble nan‘ e, that the author's name need not be printed unless by re- quest; but it doas no good, they flow in one continuous streamâ€"into the waste baskets. IN the North Simcoe case, the re- cognizance provided for thepayment of costs “which became payable” in- stead of “ which shall become pay- able," according to the wording of the form given by the Act, as well as the exprem words of the 10th section. Much amusement has been made over this last recognizance, owing to its being the joint produc- tion of four legal gentlemen of the Conservative side of litics, W. D. Ardgh, M.P.P.. and . Gason, with two others, are petitioners,_..and Messrs. Mathew C. Cameron,‘vQ.C., M.P.P., and Henry O'Brien, of the Law Journal, were surefjes. It il- lustrates two old adagesâ€"“Too many cooks spoil the broth," and “He who is counsel in his own case has a fool for a client.”-â€"Globc Cor- THE reading matter in the city weeklies is simply a. rehash of that which has been printed in the daily during the preceding week, and the labor of setting the type being paid for its appearance in the daily, why of course it costs nothing to trans- fer it to the weekly. _ _A city edits: can “ kill too birds with one stone" â€"3 country editor fan not. Every line that 1;me in aeountry pa- per is set or it alone, and can ap- pear i_n nngther, while it is different -1 4-.â€" Wu â€"â€" 7â€"- ‘_v_, â€"a country editor can not. Every line that a pears in a country pa- per is set or it alone, and can ap- pear in no other, while it is different in the city, as we have shown. Taken all in all, there is far more labour required, and a greater ex- pense incurred in the publication of a country newspaper, than our red- ers may imagine. How essential it is, therefore, that they should be en- couraged, and their industry reward- ed by every reedentin the county subscribing tor ebe paper. and doing all be can toward supporting it. ‘ -ua wee \Iv .. - 'theAIbioneh maâ€" vâ€"m- _ w, lean to aayie of no value. A: nominate might be taken in. ’ when buy, it behoovee them to be careful. The man fmmtheoonntryeanhavehia 85 bill by calling at thin .ofioe.â€"â€"Bradford New. Axmn Hon: Dawn. â€"The horeee in this part of the coun are unfit-ring; severely, probably the vault of head work ; in the ahantiee. They are eeiaed with weeknen, and in eeveral inma- have. fallendownintheetneeta. OnWedneedey apoorhoree thee aflieted, fell down nearly oppou'te Mr. Viek'e bakery; and the da- vet. not appeal-in: to nnderetand. the na- tmofthetrouble. attenptedto'hig’go animal up, and it W to o . t unable to farther, val taken into, and for. W" o; £3}? AND 50153035. Do not permit yourself to be led many by the multitude, for you will be alone when you die, and when you render your last weount. Tm: Orillia. Exmsrmn has been enlu-ged to a thirty-two column paoer, coutnininggoodreadgble mt; texi both local and foreignâ€"Kant Tm: patient crow?now pleads hie cows from projecting fence mile and barren tree tops, and nncom 1-in- ingly awaits the balmy we: er to scent the cation in the air. 01m: wants n bendmaeter. a. hex-her, and e butcher. To the let- ter the inducement is promise of n speedy fortune, andfim opportunity to spend the restof his dnye in peace and retirement. W: have no hesitation in nouncing the A rilnumher of ney's Musical egual to any of the receding ones. our pieces .of exee lent new music and o quantity 3 of light and pleasant reading, is oer tainl good value for 12 cents. W. W. itne £Puhlisher,’l‘oledo,0hio. Tm: Canada Casket entered upon its fourth volume on the 4th instant, with a. circulation of four thousand copies, a. good staff of contributors §nml correspondents, and under the management of an able Editor, Mr. Thomas W. Casey, the same who guided it through the trials and dif-' ficulties of the beginning ofits career to its present high position of use- fulness and prosperity. The Casket is not only_the hest Tempergnce pa- per in the Dominion, it 'is in other respects a good family journal. The price is 81; the address, Napane'e. ConEmox.â€"There was an er- ror in Mr. Cook's motion regarding the money expended by the Return- ing Oflicer in this Riding during the 1 late election, as published in last week's issue. The correct version is ‘ “Address to HisExcellency the GOV- ernor-General for a. return of the ag- gregate sum of money supplied to” the Returning Officer for the North Riding of the County of Simcoe dur- ing the late elections for the Com- mons, for the purpose of meeting the 1 expense of the said Election, and re- munerating persons appointedaa De- puty ReturningOfficersin connexion with the sub-division in which they severally officiated. and the amount paid to each Deputy Returning 05- cer for said services, and alldisburse- ments attendant upon the discharge of his official duties." Puannnr‘sâ€"Now that the time for transplmting trees is rapidly ap- proaching, we hope that our towns- men will each contribute a share in adding to the beauty of our town by planting shade trees fronting their properties on the streets. Our rural friends outside the town will consult their intemt by planting trees and by sparing some of those already growing. A little time and money exPended in planting forwt. shade, and fruit trees, will yield a larger return than any investment we know of. It has been found in Germany that “the oak discharges from its leava an amount of evapo- ration more than eighttimesaswreat as the rainfall over the area 07' soil whichitshades.” Stripping'theearth of its trees, produces drought and impoverishes the soil. AUCTION SALEâ€"F or four days last week Mr. Ross was enga ed in selling the chattel prdperty 0 Mrs. Bethune; the work could easily have been done inside of two days. Common sheep soldngs high as $18 per pair. A span of horses, fourteen years old, that ten years ago were bought for 3160 sold for 3260. Or- diuary milch Cows brought over $40 each. The highests price ever realized at any sale in this commun- ity were given on the occasion; a sortof auction fever appeared to have got hold upon the crowdâ€"Can- m’ngton Times. on Tueodny. , Tux 00cm Tmu', I. 0. G. '13.. meet- at Barrie to-dzy. A Txxnnficn Hour. in unonpt tho mooted improvements this season. Son: energetic toetotallen ere confide:- ing the “viability of erecting a Temper. ance Ball. Go on with it, by all means. Bum“: Division of Son: of Tom moo numbers thirtyaix members. The emplg is also flourishing. The Mayor beeuno 3 member of the htter last week. Tax Northern Emu-ion between Bu- rie and Orillia in u goodupieoeof nilny as there is in Guide, and tnvelling aver itin oueof the handsome putenger coaches of the line in luxuriously plenum. "in meets of our side: :3": pm; deserted aspect which must luvs a. very depgeuéng efl’gcf upon business men. The L4L_‘A_ _--_ -I-.'_L:_- "L'“", v roads, m s stoke between poor sleighing and worse waggonxng. are the cease. Tn next meeting of the North Riding of Simcoe County Convention of the Son- of Temperance will the plece ct Barrie, on Mondsy, 28th instant. The Conven- tion will be opened at ten o’clock; theme will be en “tel-noon Section, end 3 public meeting in the evening. Tn; bakery and biscuit factory of Ed- mun-on Son, though a. rather unpreten- tious building, on timeout-kin of the town, in quite an extensive gutgrprile. Frog: Efficiiozruheeen bunch of flourper week in uned,â€"eome u: or seven bend-for bin- cnite done. but veelg,_in «Edition to 23:. Cu!“ ”WU. w. ‘M, .-â€"â€"__v_ -- if- loesl trade, this firm ship hslftons of biscuits. They inlf tons Bf' biscuits; Thai is" g state and temper-nee eating-1191139 on Dnnlopstuet. Tn; ice in the bay looked firm enough BAD Bun. â€"A “mgnfiromthooonlfw BEAVEBTON. dad in number. lmuvm â€"- ”â€"â€" -_ __‘,, udniury.inhghndnd8¢oflnld.md tita- " untonzeofiisoountry, Maui:- yhdghtheuooo-du' “$3.13ng cum I hood hudly tellyouvhtahdpitintouhmtonâ€" coin Inch “1th nuisance in the nyof clothing. uby saving on: English find-thoupenuofgoningudpnpuh mummy outfits, is unable- than to laying 09¢ more little'onol ‘to’thia had. t._ -_.l $3., of tho dour wot-hen. So our ' y b “if“ by Him who holdoth the hen-ho!» noninKi-hwdgnndgnd- and comic-comb to In. our wouk‘ofl'om in‘ marries. My Imoeived who» gnph_md £1)”ng moon! of s little I ' l _.___ __A-_A_b "JI ""U you. “Ho 1 . lounci P, a. polio'emm, one LAII 41A-) â€":Ak ’m" yfiéfilfid ~t.’laie’¢:i}'v, fun dad 'with cold um! 'pping wet, “ken to the police ofioe, whgn ugh wow. (5 001$th v..." â€"_v_ -â€" me on that hemorrhige followed. and my (saved the poor fellow would die :nt once. Phoeddnewu'mhednnd kindly nested. he become strong enough to be tgken before Sir Robert Camden. when the kindheu-tod policeman leeded that he might take him to ' McPherson's Home for destitute children, saying he I knew he would be well cured for there. ‘ He wss nllowed todo so, end the little fel- ‘ low become our are. It is not likely we ‘nhlll lnve him lo â€"ws.nt end exposure ; hue done their war , but s few weeks or months of loving can my yet be hie. His past life seems little more thsn n vague memo . Fsther end mother deed; then he wsn ered dong to London, sold lights, sloptin the perks till the bitter mater wenther was too much for the childish frame, enfeebled by went end misery; and, terrible to think of in our Christina land, had never heard the name of Jesus, until he head it from the lips of those who now took him in forJesus’ sake. No wonder he believes all they tell him of am loving Seviout, end now. he lies pn- tient tad willing to go to Heaven, only pleading “You will come too, will you not I" Slovi'ly the poor perched lipe he“: leaned to Imile. end the premturely old {we in gaining something of the look of e child again." Mie- BlcPherwn add: :â€" “Pny tint the Lord deal gently in the removal of this dear child to Himself. My bout you-m over him, precious 1;me Truly, Mm. xxv., 40.” These sad experi- enoa you :eldom meet with here, but u home they u'e only too common, und often age the ham over-trained md the ener- gies overtaxed of those to whom the Lord commits wch u'duous, though blessed service. We need help end sympathy from christian sisters in this our great work; for this we prey dsily, sud it does indeed cheer and rejoice our hearts when the Lord sends us such an snswer as He hes done htely through you, each little gsrment bearingmnrks of the kind sud thoughtful csre bestowed upon it. And ss with God there is no respect of persons, and each soul is precious in His sight, so do we prey that each little rescued one may shine ass jewel in his crown, and mat they, with us and you, may stand in that dsy singing the new song of praise to Him who hes redeemed us with His precious blood. Yours, in the sweet fel- lowship of work for Him, E. A. B. Mommas Cocxcn. met at the School Home, No. 10, April 2nd, 1873. Mem- ber: :11 prose-ht. The Reeve in the chnir. Minutes of last sitting red and adopted. Petition from anhlxn McLenn, asking $70 for mulallnwanoemmented and read. Communication: fr:-m Assistant Commis- aioner of Crown lands. II to due: liable on pine timber; C. W. Lonnt, Crown Land Agent, :5 to Lot: sold; and from the Engineer’- nfioe of Northern Exten- sion Rnilumy Complny, In to lgnd'x‘n tyeir wanes-Ion, presented and read. By -Lew .o 33 tounendBy HstNo 30, toen- sble an additionslpmd house of nblic enter- tainment, duly (§s yeâ€"Meesn McClellsnd end Canning.) Petition of Stein md McCormick further delerred to next uittin;_ Renato! Reed Inspector read and absurd. Accounts {mix Dr. Adunl. (inclu ing udatmt's fee) for at- tendance. «be., to the hte Green Hamlin, $87;for ogfliu, 83; iron! P. Mug-3y, 84.80, reed, sud piyment ordered. Tavern Li- cense grsnted to Patrick Schelp, Centrsl Hotel. The clerk instructed to apply for payment of pine timber, cut on the Blse line. end on the 8th Con, from N. Mytz or Mr. W. P. Christie, end to notify the pfihmuter of Division No. 4. to come a desd horse, lying beside the Koshsheshe- bogunog River to be buried; also to dis- pose of certain srticles which belonged to the late psuper, to the best advantage, and apply to the Township funds. Mr. Clipslmm hsnded bdsnce on hand, $1.55, left over towards the aid of Green. An unmimous vote of thnnks was tendered to Mr. Michsel Clipehsm for his kindness sud prsiseworthy exertions in sttending ‘bo the desires of the Council in regard to the deceased psnper, Green Hsmliu. Council adjourned sine dimâ€"En!!! N. Axonsox, 1'0pr Clerk. How It Wonnâ€"The Township of Morrison has threelicenled teverm, yield- ing the mnnici 'ty 3. revenue of probe- blySlOO. “ 0 d Green" Hamlin, of whose mehneholly end 1 oompondentinfonned m lat week, was frozen while drunk. and in eddition to his owneufleringe, the Coun- cil I: their lut meetinginlanctioned the payment'of 890 for Amen co and funenl expenses of that single unfortumte. This leaves a belwce of, any, 810 for :11 other Accidents, mnintenmee of peupere, lulu-y of inspector and other expenses mated by the liquor tnfic during the remainder of the yen. Queryâ€"How much will the fund: of am mumei 'ty be benefited bytheliqnortnfie- ' yea-3 humanâ€"On last Friday evening eevetel member! of Crime Division, Sons of Temperance, visited Rugby. to witne- the W of the ofioen of Unionist Divieion for the current quarter. The my was conducted by Mr. Thoma Edmonton, D.G...WP Therowungood standmoeof members, and _: few other spam Three new members were on- rolled. Itmdeddedto hold the next regular meeting this evening, in order to aloe-d ,the memben an opportunity to ' in in the eelebnfion of the Anniversary of the Won of the Grind Divieion .hsne. toâ€"momw evening. The following hsfiuofthemoflheofioenwa: W P., Dam Andenon; W. A" W. Strum; R. 8.. RMcKinnel;A.R.S., Min. P. Meant, Wydenon; hint-m " 303315023. 3W”. - . mapper” WWIIWW‘ «mmm’noxtmk , Wuowmmnpsmplo IWWR We Maw“ ”mud" bug," to-xnomv. rm thunder and fiche-zinc of a“ M can but Fridny night- A_a -45...- a! 03mm nah-ell: brig!“ force yesterday. It. was one '1. main Wynn Nm morenunel were added to the roll of OriBnDivision Soup! Tempemce, lut'l‘naduy evening. Cut it be possible flat the report is tn. M than in a he. in Orinis that qualiqnctgithout ' nu? el'oefluu'e. Nu Anunmunm.â€"Cow for sale, 2, Printing mantis! canted, Chroma, School Tetcher wanted, N ew Publication, tho Newman. W: m slay: glad to chronicle any improvements Melange: which are calcuâ€" hwi to add to the appearance of prosper- ity of our town. Woonxow 6: McAnmcn. Saddler: and Hu‘ncu-mnken, Bolsover, have dissolved partnership. The business is now mfied on by Mr. A. C. Woodrcw. A nvâ€"_ “__v._ King’s corner, last Thursday, and the wound bled very much. There seems no end of trouble with the poor horses. 00: local readers are reminded of the Masonic Convenaione, to take place in the Music Hall, next Tuesday evening. A good progmnme will be pment . - £_‘_‘A r HOLY Wznx.â€"â€"The usual services are held daily thin week in St. J mca'aChurch There will, 3f _c_oun_e, yam-nice to-mnrv ,S,‘ "44‘. $276753 i‘hfil'ffind ihe special Easter nervim next Sunday . Waxâ€"Office-bemn, Directors. and Chime!) of Committees we remind- ed of fhe meeting of Directon and Exe- cutive Committee 0f the Y. M. C. A , to- morrow, n: thme o'clock. Tu 'avenge Orillia boy would rather play marbles for keeps than :0 to school, and would razther p_!a:y_ $30an the streets Eli. {5332155123 xiiéfit than stay at home twenty minutes with his parents. . Tux limitâ€"At the last meeting of the Council, a. certificste for a shop license to sell liquorwas granted to A. M. Empey. This in the ninth shop license, and twenty- .eoond legslized dispenser of “ the curse" in Orillia. I! you wish tobeeome n constant reader of Tax Exrosrnox, come and subscribe for it like a true Briton, Ind do no: go to the stores, taverns, or your neighbour’s, every week, to borrow or steal your reading. It looks bad. No TAm.-The Collector mtormea we Council at their last meeting that some mien who hove removed their gun the premises when they were tuxed, refuse peyment and set the bailifi' A smear. meeting of Hiawatha Temple, 7 L0.G.T., was held on Tuesday, evening, md it was decided not to ho‘ld their usual weekly meeting on Friday evening. in or- ‘der to don! members an opportunity of “tending the Som' So'mec. W30 can say provisions are dear m Muskokz. when xfunily of six persons in the. Tomhip of Mormon. can be kept three months on 1. grant of $10.50 from the Tomhip, and never want for my- thing 1â€"Cox. Buns xx RAILROAbfiâ€"wo m in- formed both Midland and Northern were unfortunate enough to have a. smsll break in their respective road: this week. caus- ing temporary suspension of traffic; but. hath no now repaired. Pawn-m Mrraomsr Cncnén.â€"-On Snndsy next the Rev. J oshua Dyke will preach in the Ten mace Hall from the {buowing subjects. owing, “ The Empty Sepulchre.” Evening. “God’s Method of Working. " All we invitcd tothese semi. e <. nouw, ”Low-“a..â€" winvv-I ..~_.-.-._, W- sies, straight whiskey. no license. Inspec- tor where art thou? Is there no way to compel our municipsl ofioers t6 attend to their duties and em their salaries by looking sfter these unlicensed anus! FASHIOXABLE Deni-Maude Dance House, Lhwheggh Stmeg. Nizhyy or- W Disgamw.â€"Mr. Bell, for some time Conduct/0!: of n. inight 1'.qu from Barrie ‘vn here,“ beendinchu-ged by the N. R. B... owing, it is said, to the unaccountable diuppeannce of portidm of groceries and liguon consigned to merclnnts and other: waiving their freight tt this nation. It was found im ible to reconcile acumen: of the [idhnd and Gnnd Junction Railway Companies, and the Order in Council to lid the former with a ftir proportion of the Rsilmy Fund was withdnwn. Mr. Cumbedmd’l scheme In wenmd,mdbidsfirtobemweuful W: believe the Union Baud of Hizh end Public $31201 Trustees hove decid;d to two acres opposite t c Mon Goldwater Street, for School pin-pout. It is hoped they will speedily follow up their (led-ion by the erection of I good and commodious schooL building. Emmaâ€"A Soiree under the of the Son- of Temperance in will comeofl‘inthejem ‘ . mot-row! evening. Tee mu seven o’clock. Addresses ministers. readings, reci ing ere promised. Tickets -5 A Inge sttendsnce sud ' ins see snticipsted. Cook generally were jnbilsnt eve: nominions fsilune of the spiteful, sttempt ‘ of his enemies to have his election up-set. Even the pest body of Mr. Ids op- ponents express sstisfsction at result. Tfhe vhole mtgemegt was the afitgrosth .0 dmp' ' em itiou, person spleen, sndgseodptmon the pert of s few. Slums! SCHOOLâ€"The sttendsnee at the open' of the Primitive Methodist Sundsy So 001, Inst Ssbbslh, end the in- terest tsken in the movement, auger ‘well for the success of the School. The poets see ' hly eneoursginc. Mr. enrySeott hss n spointed Surefin- hndent. Heldinthe Temperance Hall, every Sunday W11, at m o'clock. Tuna-The qulector informed. flu; mm unmas- so under the auspices ‘ M m” ‘ nrance in thp'hcality ' Tug la :Tempgru‘e H1“ 10-)! at W. R Tea wxll ' served at ‘ to keep“ items ' resident JAS. '1 , ' tad sing- ing the reflections of Bananas look very nice and h“ in! when hung in {about mud b will: of building! on festive ace-dogs,“ they lose their graceful character VII- thrown down in the mud; ct hut thought Constable Humnond, who the summary renovalof : lot of flag {mm in from of Ken’s block, 5 day a. twoainoe. Tnuisalittletoomuchfilthh and mundourtownforthe good of in in- Wmmgnd to have it “lanolin! howtodo it we question- tlnt nhould demmdourmeutudimmediaum fion. We luvs I. bountiful townâ€"n have-.noufithing town, and Mi no. thing nnourowmneg leetto kinda- homhtvingthcdthym. Sr. J1me Carmenâ€"Thee a. g". in: rtuxt question: comma before the «1:!qu St. ‘Jmeu’tmflluh’; on Homily, the 14th inst. We my.‘ tion the folloving: The cal-age“ ‘ the Church : building of e Pm; making of the seat- m the Church he. '. the morning as well u in the ' the fencing of the Churchâ€"yard, a meeting will beheld in the new Sdsool- Home, md 1t 1: hopodjtheee will 1;. large attendmee. mesmrm’ Comâ€"At the in". ofthh Court. .110“ 8th April, that... preacnt, A. King, D. L. Show. god ,3. J. Alport, Eeqs. June- Quim chew Patrick anley, June: Cum, “on. ‘Jordan, Gauge _Thxyer, 8. Bug. and 3 George Coven “it: traps-0,5 “1". ‘ full cutting m can-03w growing ‘ timgcr on his hnd, South 0mm. D.- fenduxu were each fined 81 and except in the age again-t Geoqze Corn, :4 Cara-The 01303:: of 01-min 8066. of Cadet: of Tanponnoe we. Why D. G. W. P. Malay lat Thundny ann- ing. They m: J. B. Knott, Worthy Pap tron; Mia- Murray sud Min Jane Gov, Worthy Alumina; J. B. Henderson, W. Archon; Katie McLeod, Vice Archonfln. Tudhope, Socreury;Eliabeth Hm Auisttm Seaman-y; Wu. Small, Tun; Clutles Alexander, Assistant Trauma; Colin Henderson, Guide; Violet thou, Usher; Robert Gow, Watchman; Jun- Sparling, Junior Watchman. Tn atom willbodonedto-nonw. â€"Cmoo BALLâ€"Theprepmtion fault. bdlzmsuchuwillinmre m his in aid of the funds of the "gimme! Con: pany. There are many things :eqniud fur the mintemnce of the volunteer“. many which the members must procure g their own expense, unless the public '- aome way contribute. as they should do, a. pan of the necessary funds. The n will the places: the Music Hall,“ Thursday evening, 17th instant. Vol-I- unteen will a pear in Uniform. Indy Patronesscs, Mpesdmes Burnett, Esydn, Bolster, Caucus, Rsmssy sud Quixm Admission, $2. Onmn Pcnuc SCHOOLâ€"“emu Examination of Orillia. Public School place on Monday and Tawny last, and, considering the weather. there m o fai- attendance of ‘isitou. Individud Inuit was docide in writing only, and we gin the names of the most proficient in thin respectâ€"15*, Dirifion, Wm. Elliott, Ids Ho :1e, and Addine Cameron. The jndp had much difiiculty in deciding bet-u- Wfllism Elliot and Thomas Hoblcy. N Division, Earnest Burkimhaw tad minp both Wragg. Charles Powley alsoduerv- hononrable mention 3rd Division, Wm. Warren. The schnol will rte-opened on the fist instant. The fifth meetingof the Municipal Coun- cil of the united Townships of OriIlin. and. Matchedash I“ held It the rooms, on- Mondny Last. 71:11 inst Present, All the members of the Council. After reading and approval of previous minutes, Mr. (Tonckwright made spplieetion for the Pine, Hemlock, and Elm, on the uriocl roads in the neighbourhood offihe Mill he is now enacting on Lot 10. in the 3nd can. Forth Orillia. u to which the Council asked him to state exactly wherehe wished to purchase. 0n rw-nsideration, the» meeting agreed to allcw Mr. McPhee two yea-s toremove the timber on the 6th 00:1. in South Orillia, as per minute. of lst Mnrchlast. In regard fo the petition of A. Thor-bum and 19 omen, the Clerk was authorized togh e _thenecessary tactical to the Trusteeo of School Section No. 3. that itispmposed to erect a W. School Section, toenmilt of the 3rd, uh and 5th concessions of that Division of Kurth Urillin, sud to be numbered seven. The Council 1130 agreed, in compliance- with the petition of Wm. Lovering and 11 othernto erect Mmhedanh intonSchool. Section. who numbered eight. The-Conn» cil mccivcd a. petition from Simeon Thomp- son and 23 other ratepayers, praying to- retain School Section I‘o. 2n: at present. In connection with this the Council took up the counter petition of David Stur themdnnd 25 other-8',i and finer consider-7 able incmsion, en en. ' «of path they named to defer “£216. Tan Ex- rosrma tender for printing By-Iawn m mepted. The Treasurer reported that he had now settled with the Collector, end would have had the account: ready for submission, but for the illness of one of the auditors. The Council nothoriud ‘ payment of the following accounts, Ad- “ - MM, I “7,4: or. D..-“ PM: a”... mm, Barrie, 33.02; J. Wm, :1; Packet. . The Clerk intinnted that he would “tend at his office in Orillia. on Mondly‘ 5th Mny, tor the purpose of “mini-trill: cabs of ofiioe to the new pathmuten. poundkeepers and fence-viewers. Counâ€" ‘l adjourned mm}: May, for genenlbui- ness and Court of Revisinn. RICK Shawls at Wilson’s. vazk Sun at Shven’s. HOT Cross Buns st Dunn’s. T1 Karat Sub st Slaven’s. J 681' received, another barrel of Cm- ‘berfies, at J. Dunn's. LAX” PLLSTZB gt Shven's. Pumas be sure and all early. Tan famous Longine Watch. J. BL Thompson, Soie Agent. FogGoon Fun.nr.â€"Go to J. Dunn’s. if you mtflot x Buns. imnthemtfleGinntintiaphct to buy cheap Hardin-re. Tu largest and best disphy of Print inOrilliI is “G. M. Wilson'o. â€"V‘vh;qox will make 1 grand dupli' 0‘ India's Mantle. on Mondsy next. y wnL runsâ€"swan has the 133st stock to select from, and sell: at the lat- 03mm AND “rams: v- 'â€""r In. Tun-ion is now in Toronto pur- ' ' extensive additions to binds-Ody stock of has-dram. mery Onls, xemem thst W B pe has the Ingest stock. G. M. “more has just returned from Toronto rich his third 8 flag pl: of Coatings, Vesiings and roI'seringI. W, R. Tumors hnsjust receivod surge consignment of Thurber's Ann-mega: Mal. Every mill owner should use It Ofevory. kind It is no use “ Boss” is outgoing all others. He the largest I ' and is therefore 011mg to sell the cheapest. Busy Wonder how. it is tint ‘. M. Wilmmsellsmoremess Good! shall on {heather stones. We suppose :t is be- L.. .1...“ keeps the large“ ad BUSIHESS Locus. Russm _ Sox‘s

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