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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 10 Apr 1873, p. 4

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[Our colum 11c interest. uponsible f‘nf. Editor of Tm: Exposuzon: Dun Sm.â€"I have just received from a friend at Port Perry a twins in which he states that. thrve medical men nf that town areJnembex-s of the Port Perry Diviainn of Sons of Temperance. and that a. great many of the leading merchants also belong 'to the Order This is a good example tn the public, Would that prominent Oril- Iiana set such an example. Yours reswctfully, RUGBY. Dam Sm,â€" In lcmking throng}: the Life of Dr. Livingstone, my :mentiun was par ticnlarly drawn to the description (if the great mnuml, out of which such immense fountains rise, forming fnur large rivers, in central Africa. It reminds one «if the de- scription given uf the Garden of Eden in the Scriptures. That the flood has alte ed some of the characteristics of the place iuav readily be believed. That it was in a tropical climzite' is also quite likely, and the height above the sea, supposed to be four or five thousand feet, wnuld temper the heat considerably. Even Dr. Living- stone had only hearsay in the matter, as tn the descriptionâ€"still it. may be true. We hOpe, hnwex'er, that he may succeed in a thorough expluration this time. v .. a \DQ‘I‘DV all? Dun Simâ€"We may congratulate the country on the successful stand out good Reform Government has taken above To- ronto influence. in giving a bonus to the “'hitby and Port Perry Railroad. It ma!- ters not whonre the owners, ewn if it were only Messrs. Paxton and FareWell, or ei- ther of them. Government assistance to Railroads in a new country like Canada. is perfectly reasonable and right. Indeed. we hope that they will also give immediate assistance to the Midland Railway in the shape of a p. oportionate bonus for the ex- tension from Beaver-ton tu Mnnday’s Bay, or at least lend them a snflicient sum out of the surplus revenue to enable them to finish the road to Midland. It is the height of fully to keep a large surplus lxoarded up, when there are so many pub- lic works needing assistanceâ€"it is an in- justice to the country. A pnwnnunk Editor of Tm: Exrosrrnn: DEAR Sm,~â€"We may conga: country on the successful star) Reform Government has taken rnntn influence. in givm: 3 b0 “'hitby and Port Perry Railrozu Editor of TH}: Exrosrron: Sm,â€"I read with pleasure the remarks made by you on the progress of the Tem- pemnce Society in this villm‘e. It must be gratifying to your nuhle Order to ac. their numbers increasing so rapidly. I trust you will go 0‘1 prospering. May the day speediiv Come when the voice of the Temperance Sncieties in Urillia. will not only be heard but felt. The liquor trade now carried on in this village is a disgrace to the place, and it is time it received a check. In this municipality of some tWo thousand smils,there are some thirty placzs where liqm 1r can be purchased at five cents a. glass. h'otel Keepers are required to pay a. much higher rate for a licence to en ble them to sell by the glass. yet‘it is 3 mm»- rious fact that store keepexs take out a. shop licence which calls that they shall not Sell in ll ss quantities than a. quart. yet sell :1. glass to any pus n willing to .p:‘.y tit-e cents for it. But this is not the most degrading part of the business. It. isa. well known fact that mer- chants use it as a means to entice people to make purchases at their stores. Their motto is. "Buy from us, and gut your drinks for nothing." Is it not a. shame. a disgrace, that man. God's noblest work, should stoop su low as to hold a cup of poison to his felluw-heings’ lips for the sake. of enriching himself, but worse yet to think that :1. store-keeper in onrheauti~ ful village would offer the intoxicating cup to "womm" the pride of the earth, yet it is almost. it daily occurrence: their greed for gain is such that theymake themselves no better than the serpent. l have often wondered if mothers when approached by these Serpenls in human form. glass in hand, did nut think of their higher na- ture, their children. the example they were setting those loved ones. Kind mather, does. not some inward feeling warn you to shun such wickul monsters. and tempt you to (lash the wine cup in your tempt- ers face. Some may think it pleas-mt to trade with those generous men who invite you to drink in their stores; it is not gen- ‘ erosity, their liquors cmt inuney, and would not be gin-n away unless they could make money by it. I am sou-y to see that so many of our Councillors are in anour of granting the greatest freedom to liquor- sellers. I trust the temperance men of Orillizi will take this matter into consid- eration.nnd use every means in their‘power to secure the nmuinatl-m and electiun at our next municipal election of such men as w'll do all in their power to put :1 stop to the wholesale liquor traffic, now carried on in this village. the curse of our glori- _ -- Am,“ r: Ull Au uu-u ... 5-, , ous Dunnmon. Hours truly, Tailoring In returning mam of patronage he has menced businew in the public Is Al It!) 50‘1"“ In: “\lvv .. -- the public by adxettising that he has the lamest stock in town: his long cxparience in the busing ss cummends his ability m bnyin a: agood attzcle. and in making it; up, anhnntngu which ready-made Tailors do not possess. . ‘ Although he does not the public by adxertisin , A- .... 19 also replete with a. stuck of everytlnng that is required by. young men and 01d Call and see my new stuck fur yourselves, md you will have no need of buying else- LATEST DESIGNS z ., April lst. now complete, and will be found to camprise all the THE WPNISHi N6 DEPARTMENT _,. m. an. “irh a stock uf ev erythix STA BLISHJIENT. Intcrcstinz Emu-11“?- GORBESPONDENDE. March 313%., 1873. mm are open to all matters 0f pub- \Ve do not hold ourselves as re- ur, nr endo ' «v, the opinions of our A Goad. Sample. 15m}? dwelling homo. Aid. to BaiiwaYS. nqcu: Show. 1 873. A REF ORBIER lgfi'smvnk IJANES 20 Stock Complete! AN D PRICES LOW AS THE LOWEST! COOKING STOVES‘. and an assortment of Shelf HARDngE. Now is your time to buy yoanto'ves and StoVe-pipes, Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Japan Ware, at prices that will astonish J v ‘ - (’3' A call will satisfy you that he is determined to sell at prices that cannot be beaten. EAVE-TROUGHING done in asuperior manner; and every description of work in his line manufactured to order on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. ym‘ COUCHICHING SaWPlaning Mill Builders and Manufactur- ers of all kinds of Plane‘d or Unplancd, BILL STUFF of all lengths 8; sizes. SHIXGLES, LATHS, DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, BLINDS, CASINGS, Architravcs, Eavetroughing, etc. Byimproving the present and intro- ducing new Machinery, Messrs J AXES BCDD will be able to execute work of all kinds on the shortest pnssible notice. Guod and Sea. oned L 'MBER will be used in manufacturing. therefore the pub- lic can 1'er on the work. Planing and Shop \Vork of all kinds done on reasnnable terms,'and promptly. R. A. J AXES. | Orillia, March lst, 1873. Orillia. 26th March. 1873. LUMBER, 3021 AND PARLOUR srovas, ‘ Although considerable time has Hammond’s 8207'6' .’ ‘elapsed since the unde‘i‘signed com- menced Business in the Store known IISSISSAQA STREET- by the appellation of MILLSâ€"â€"Near the Asylum. MOVED BUDD, - PROPRIETORS, . PHILLIPS. J OS. BUDD. :..etc. Commercial (But now, and in future, to be known as the “ Commercial Hall,") in the VILLAGE 01 ORILLIA, he has hitherto refrained from Ad- vertising his Business to any extent. His principal reason for adopting that. csume, was, that the premises above named required to be which required consirlerable time to accomplishâ€"before he could com- pete succesafizlly with older and larger establishments. Enlarged and Renovated ! establishment is‘in He now feels it a pleasure to in- form his old friends and patrons, and the Public generally, that his and that he is prepared to furnish them with all kinds of Goods in his line, at prices :_hnt_c=mnot be'heaten 'vn‘ hy any IHouse in the dee. Hith- erto the quality and low prices of his Goods were his only advertise- ment, and they have been sufficient to procure for him a. very large share of the business done in Orillia dur- ing the last six months. His stock (which is now very large) consists of the following lines, viz :â€" Dry Goeds, CLOT HS, WOOLLENS, Ready--Made Clothing ! GROCERIES! PROVISIONS, FISH, Stock of TEAS ever held by anyone Establishment. in Urilliu, varying in price from 20c. to $1 per fb. The pubiic we respect- xully invited to Call and Examine his stock before purcnasmg else:- where, as they can sgn'e money by duiug so. In the article of Tea alone, a great saving can be gfi'ected, either by purchasing by the Chest, Huh-Chest, or Cutie, or, pl‘upm’tiuu- atcly, in smaller quantities. Parties purchasing b. the chest. or half-chest will be supplied at. Toronto Whole- sale Price U- KING’S OLD STAND! Flour, Feed FULL BLAST,” consrquen tly, parties requiring such, will prufit by purchasing their sup- plies at the “Commercial Hall.” His TERMS, in future, will be STRICT - LY CASH, or Good, Merchun‘wble Produce, being convinced that. by that. system-alone, Goods canbe fur- nished to the Public adiiantageously to Buyer and Seller. , Parties will, therefere, please refrain from asking Cieilit, for, by doing so, they will save 'themselves the disagreeable pain of being relused, and the under~ signed the pain of ‘ refusing.- Far Cash he will sell all articles in his line at the very Lowest. Living Profits. He has at present, in Store, the largest. ‘7 .g A Cams respectfullysouoie. 1*"? 9'3“?“ "l"- “- __ ed. Goods and Priges will commend Guelph. Oct.15. 1372.“ BELL (egg of Tax WI, themselves. - A. KENNEDY. gag coring»J can . . ' Dunn. lax-oh 5th, 1878, «noon-“Ad,- mummy-d" PROVISIONS ! WINES LIQUORS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE. BOOTS (£- SHOES, FURS, HATS, CAPS, tuck before purchasmg else- :, as they can sgu’e money by so. In the article of Tea , a great saving can be gfi'ected, 1' by purchasing by the Chest, Chest, or Cattie. or, prufmrtiuu- HA LL WILL BE MADE A FLOUR. FEED. GRAIN. KEAN’S BLOCK a. Call and to. his new stock and ex- amine his priest. 9 ' Sawing Machines CUTTING BOXES: PLOL'GHS, of may kinds. EARROWS’ HORSE BOES; CAN G PLOUGES. STUMPIXG MACHINES, c., c. All kinds of Castings for repairing Machinery required by Farmers. ‘ The bestcan be procured at A. S. GALBBAITE, Orncn â€"Gribbin ‘s Exchume. Manufacturer of the Celebrated DELAN Y T ROLLING BA IT ! kiwi? Pipes ion-um a.” up"... ..,._ _-,, dupuch. Attention pad to light npsin of all kindx. Sewing Machines and Needles of all descriptions kept constantly in stuck. ‘- \Vurk Shop, next. door to Dodge Cola oflice. Mississaga Street. F. J. DELANY. Orillix February 4th. 1873. 170. . WORLD 1872) . ’ W” as usunu . COMPLETE SUCCESS ! Ten First Prizes V “more that our Inna-um 0f competent judges superior W 311 DUN-‘5. .__â€"- cumin the opinion no incompmbli ORILLIA Gunsmith Shop : Guelph, Ontario, Received Every First Prize for (DRGASS and MELODEIDNS 'antassel, Newton At the This grand success, year's record of. ‘ FANNING MILLS! SILVER MEDAL- 3 DIPLOIAS: and. I2 FIRST PRIZES; ‘ “ORGANETTE,” Containihv Scribner'a Patent Qndifying 3 Tubes, acknowledgred by all to be the greatest improvument yet introduced. Their superiority in conceded by Other makers-from the {act thntd Gndph they withdrew from competition, thus unknow- ledging their imbility to compete Int}: Every instrument fully vaunted fox fivc yang. Semi for catalogue cor-mining fifty‘difl'erent styles of man-mun. ' ' '-~ -» « .‘W.BELL1O‘<£> Guelph. Oct. 15. 1872. By Royal Authority! 6' Next door to D. L. Sanson’s. E\"ING BIACHINES repaired in first- | class style: Mycrschnum :ud other Tobacco 9â€"H! ...:.L --M* and Opposite the Post 05cc. THE FARMERS OF HAS REMOVED T0 LED vxcm'n'. mastyle..\1eerscnnumnuu fer-ruled and Jdrewll'ed Wig]: Centre Building. AUCTIONEER. New Store I At Two Exhibitions ! BELL 82: Co. . DELANY, >UN SBIITH- in addition to game-p uni 1714?. (137 ESTABLISHED ,IN 1862! THE ORILLIA TIN SHOP! Sheffield House! Under the superintendenee of Mr. J on}: DOUGLASS, late of Toronto, (onâ€" doubtedly one of the best workmen in the Dominion.) Asit ispow con- ducted in a more systematic and business way, we are enabled to turn out more work at less expense than has heretofore bwn done. This benefit we intend to give our customers, and have therefore made. a sweeping reduction on our prices of Tinware. We (.1; vs the following as a sample: 4in.TinEsve-I‘roughConductox-10c.l’ft: 5in. Galvanized 1m}, - 16c. Viz. 4“Gnlnnizedlron, - 14c. 7 u u “ 18¢.“ All other goods reduced to the very lowest. price: Eave--Troughirig. Greater attention given to J OBBING than hm heretofore been done. Orders Punctually attended to. a WORK Wmmm AND Sumne- ‘rlox iUARAKTEI-ZD. .9 m o. “r n DTKTQHAM Wm GOODS. JUST RECEIVED ! Our New Spring Stock! Has pleasure in returning thanks 0 appreciation of his etfurts on supply ing a. first-clue Boot and 3 REASONABLE PR1 0E. A Large Stock of Ready-M: satisfaction in quality and price. Greater Attraction than Ever. COPPER. AND SHEETâ€"IRON GOODS! a“ Work don. prompt“. This old and reliable manufactory of all kinds at rig. Roofing. ' and Galvanized Iron Cornice! ! Put up on the most approved principle. KINDS OF- WORK 1X QUALITY. Next door to Slaven's Drug Store. Made up in the latest style and at a [wing thanks to the public for their acknowledged :tfurts on supply a Want lung felt in Orillia. in furnish- :lase Boot and Shoe Store, where can be had In oonnfiCtiOn Wig! tho SULLIVAN ’-Mndo work on hsnd which i DESIGN AND PRICES. 3nd nfisfaetion guaranteed. a '. G. BINGHAM. to give .miiNEss Slum "- --v-, ”a most stylidfly set “P. md mt .dnf'sblc. to 1 __ -4.-- “a uvnv u.-. __.. bblishment. No inferior Yokohama House. IMMENSE SUCCESS u Stock Eomplete ! Every Department Fully Assorted Invites the attention of the public to his stock (if Ready Made Clothing. Boats Shoes. Groceries, c., which have been .910de with goat care, on the must ad- _I.:.L on On M Fiih, and Sshnon Buy on are invited to call and judge fox themselves. (Opposite the Residence of June: San-on, Esq, Front Street! 01-min.) HE Subscriber has opened 1' Bunr fol-Kane “Ham and sale of Homes. and win always Lave a large number to diapoge of, Parties wishing to sell or purchue Horsa will do well In ed] Lad lave their unanimous with him. HE halal-0 gnaw the tniningof Cola. to which he would mute the manor- of nook miners. ‘5 mm! I? GOOD HORSES 1, HAS OPENED IN BEAVERTON Groceries, Goods will be sold at Orillia. prices. “ IKE EMOSIZ 01‘,” Is numnmv . load mper; doel not Md to compete with the city paper: in variety qr quantity of reading matter but in particulzriy and specially devoted to the belt interests of the pener of this cectiun of the country; being the advocate of good monk, temperance md hound pulitncd principle; ‘5 the organ of no man, set of men, orcliqoe,’ but of mom, and raw-rs; 1nd mrmux. wanes. 5," "KARKEQR 1258 E65; Mm to ’03. mph thgll day: be the mainobjocg '; a" -f-Commâ€"m fixiigJSa- as requested up- on nutter! rtuning mtnnspiring events whether of out! or gemnljpmemt. ,a, specidamntiongimto 1‘- Anioemhnent of S, SPURS, (in; Ed respectable Vehicles. 3 of the “Otillia. Exchange,” J. D. O‘BRIEN TINDLE’S The public are invited to before making purchases. x'noccnux‘s OLD stun, HORSE BAZAAR. PRICE LIST: a. F résh Stock of Liquors, c. J. 13. O’BRIEN. Lame with Mule-11y t Co. , Corn Meal, White Trout, always kept in mow BYRSL'. Workman Proprietor SEE HIS STOCK Pm“, 81-95 ta'thila- R. TINDLE TESTIMGNIALS ! Hue begn wivydm 1’. x“, 0‘ ,a ‘w Price 25 Cents. Zheni'by post to nurse. 31“ will Procnre 5 Packages. (nmm) ‘1 Have)??? “11‘3“!”de get-ti: cure r u, an - disorders 5:93: Stomach and Bowelsâ€"persons who have been afiictéd for years. and tried the various Physicians that am within their reach, without te- Ceiving any benefit, have been entirely cured by taking one Box of these Powders. Prepared and For Sale, Wholesale, by c. u. “know, DRUGGIST, mainwumnum mat am. my, if not. prgcurfbk there “Id at KERMOTT‘S Mandrake Pi a“. given entire ntisfaction when they hm: been used. They PM NO MINERAL POISON Illa “c Cllvnay-J .-°-V, cues of Dyspepsin the Pill: should in taken with the Powders, full direction accompanying each box. In doom of one or two, they ere alterative, in Ingeniou- Ctthnrtic and Anti- Billions, alwnysm ing the healthy function of the body. Those whoihu'e once used them will not Â¥ 1.1.. j "-j ‘ ééhlent to have any PRICEâ€"95 CENTS PER BOX! Fox TESTIMONIALS SEE Farm! Enquire for them ut the neamt store where Medicine: are kept; or send to Bar- rie (or them. One dollar will procuro twoboxes of the Pills mdthreeoftho , Powders. Prepared and for sale, Wholesale, by C. H. KEBMOTT, Tm: Subscriber boinz nboutto change in his Business Would take this opportunity to thank his customers, add“: general public, for the liberal pummge be In.- mind from them for so my years; and h. "quest! Those Indebted to Him! All AC“) l'S'l‘S l'XSET’I’LED Placed in m sue 1mm. suvsll. 01131“- Household Window? Blinds; Framed Pictg res, ’ Fancy Goods. Writing Desks, Ladies' Work Boxes, Family Sewing Mnchina, Machino Needles. Melodeons, éc. w Manufactory on Pour Strut, Orillh. an :m to PAY Ur u Oxu, u NOTICE. Emanuele ‘ "Q' Furniture 1 Bu'rie. 03t-

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