“TANTBD. â€"A No. 5 or No. 6 Wash- : hand Pea-:31†n Miountaof m 342!) Whoa . \‘eud spat-imam and prices :9 inds. AimeoBET Gï¬svazhurat‘. CHOOL 'flâ€"ECHSR \VAKTED fur ) Schs‘oRSchzan- Km 4. Rsm.'wih- third- s'm afflicts. Adds-us, TBUSTJSBS, S. 5. Su. 4. 1m Sewn: Bndze Post Otï¬ce. . . IS ism forbid any peuon, or persons, ' " ing or negotiaing 3 none of hand, Me by Nun: Mcblobdnfsvor 05519323 Fzsms, for the sum of thirty-Ewe dunu‘l. (if-.00), and wyablc in January 1873. â€.m- bceu stopped. . Run. Much 2th. 183- 178. ANTI-FRICTION METAL, STEEL, LandPlaster ï¬aiicéiayï¬uilders'. ‘ EALBD TENDERS win he received )5 by the underdgnc-L until the 15th arr“. for the e-ecti-m of a. “V0 SI‘OREY 3 CK STORE. Pun; xnd Speciï¬cation _may be men at my Drug Store. The subscriber dues not bind himself to ac- es s the Invest or my tender. . ' . B. ~Sepante tenders brCu-ponter‘s and STOCK’S EXTRA MACHINE OIL.. 1†No. l, Koan’s New Brick Rock. n MILL SAW FILES Mn} wuik- BELT RIVETS! ' BELT HOOKS! BELT PUNCHESZ FIRTH’S, SPEAR . JACKSON‘S, JOWETT’S, TURNHR'S. and other L‘ Uruer In vuuucu, uoI-uv- -v-.. "r, , A last. with the View of prom'vting settle- ment on lands of the Umwn. at present rnmotc from the centres of tratï¬c, provides tha the Comb-sinner of Cruwn Lands may withdraw any lot or luts or purtion 0f land. he may deem necessary from any lebcl' license thereaftcr 'muu! or renewal. forthc- purpose of furnishing s nnpply‘nf timb« r for saw milzs. manufaictu' ing or tn manufacture lumbvr in ’r local consumption. the timber from lands 30 set upart for the sup- ply of such saw mills to be cut and manufac~ tun-d exclusiwly for such lucnl demand, and so dispueed of that anv infraction of inch con- dition, directly or indirectly, will he followed in each can: by cancellation of authority to cut timber or trees! on the lands so set apart fur the 'oned, and that such lands shall Wise menu he restored to the heense from which they were withdrawn. R. W. SCOTT. 1 up: COMMISSIONIR. 01353 is hen-by given, that the Part- 1. nenhi bet-union- admin-g between the underline known u A. a “5. Harvie. Mill â€Wm-H. km. has this day been dimlvuk-by mutual consent. Aildcbts due the mid ï¬rm in to be paid. w“:illiz:.m Harviu. ALEXAXDE H HARVIE, \VILIJAM HARVIE. Jons MILLER, 3 W‘ ' naesscs. J('HS<UR)ISBY, 5 April Ist. 1873. 178-1111. BELTING I PARTNERSHIP Clathing 3301153 178-tf. T IS with piewsure that l :m- nounce to the gentleuwn of Oril- lia, and surrounding country, that, at. great exPeuse. I have secured the services of Mn SUTHERLASD as" Manager of my Tailnriug Depart- ment. As a Cutter he has feWeqmds, having for a. long time nccupied thu- pOsition of ï¬rst Cutter in the largest. and most. fashimmble establishment (Trumpeller's) in the City of Ham- ilton. I have also secured a Cunt- mnket unequalledin Orillia.and by the ï¬rst ofthe week will navel SUHM' of the leading Tailors t'rmu the City of Turn!) to. -. . vv _ . Ul ‘I‘I'llvv' My stock of Can tings, Vestinqs. am! meserings is the largest, in tin- place.xnd for style thev an: unequal- ied. 25 COILS LEATHER RUBBER 0:38,.wa 2nd, 1373' * M¢ W" copy one "gagi- gywï¬smnï¬. 5o Sides Lace Leather! Orillia, 26th Match. 1873. N Order in Céuncil, ï¬nal 19:11 April , .;I, SEND FOR PRICE LIST. J. TUDHOPE. Dznnrxzx'r 0F Cxowr: LAsz, T050310. 5th MARCH. 1873. DISSOLUTION 0F NOTE LOST. NOTICE. IRON. SAW MILL N UTS. SPIKES. J‘. W. SLAVEX M. WILSON. éc., ¢£-c. ‘N TRAYED from the premiscs 0f S Muchmont. 13 Elgin St. ,Orinia, 2 WHITâ€"I 50W PIGS. agcd 9months. Whoever return» them to tap owner will be rewarded}. 193-2: I? OUSE \VAN'TED.â€"For a mall fan- 1 il)’. APPIY ‘t Tux mesnol. ofï¬eé. Midzan-l Raiiway‘ .v....v...-.v-_. _ .- â€J. , z ,1 ther nqtice, a Train winks.“ the Midis! inlvmv Sudan. (mm; a 10 o‘clock, dail; far BesVerton ; returui on. arrival-1 of Mr Train at Beayerton £13m: _ ort Hope. All oth‘ l nun a». W‘V‘ow-u .nv... - v-- .__._ , meme: trains are for the piescnt cancelle- "he shave dues not interfere with my of tb connections with the Nip'uming Railway or wi: Peterboro’. ' -A u. “Aâ€? mnvw OMMENCING to-day. and until ft: ‘ A; ther noxice, a Ter willlggn ghc‘Mit‘Hg‘I VERY Inn-mot. Mechanic, Manufac- turer. Builder. Engineer, Chemist, Fu- mer. Merchant. should a: once sent} his name and addrus with $1.50 for one year’s subscrip- tion :o'l‘u: Campus PATENT Oman Rxcmw and M zchxxcs' .‘lAGAZISE, to the publisher. GEO. E. DESBARATS. Montrea}. A Copy of ï¬rst number can be seen at this 0590. b please take notiw that the above Chroma have arriwd. and will be delivered a moon as possible after this notice. ’ n. F. SAVIGE, ngenl Agent. IF YOU want to be mm {‘hromo of Qnéen Victuria. ABVERTISEW â€â€™ T H: 0R SALEâ€"A Good Cow, ï¬ve years 91d. cake £33}. wee}: it}. Mty. Apggymat OUBSCRIBERS uf this PictuLe 1‘ V - Eights ï¬rst week in 1 TH: Enosrron Oflice. UriDia. ’ FARMT RS! insure Preperty 9: THE Agricultural Insurance Ca. at School House. Lot 10 E. Free Grant Road. HENRY N. ANDERSON. 14th April. 1873. Township Clerk. v. vvn- v v -â€". ‘9‘...“ 1; Your Inkrcsts. .Igt-xgi'vqflhing 1311' Farm hyper-2y and 'Dutached Rendences. (V'harserrd and commenced buï¬iness in 1853. Séturday, 3rd May, 1873, THE Municipal Council of Morrison. will meet as a Court of Revision. for the purpose of revising Assessment Roll. on «8 ©8693 - .mï¬wxmmm. ham. 10 Mr. Lnngton‘s Report shnwh over 8100.(‘00.(. depogijgeq an eï¬pecial protection to Canadian -m;..v.}5\r:ms. A‘ n__.:_:-_ -l A“..- ..__.. -u n tobe seen at the «Rice of Messrs. Brown Robinson. Architects. Separate Tenders for Mason‘s and Carpenter}; work. The lowest or any tender not. necessanly acct: ted. p . MELVILLE MILLAB. oézLLIA MUNICIPALITY! THE COURT or REVISION MORRISON 801111 01‘ Revisiaa. For this Municipality. will hold its ï¬rst sittix in the Council Bonn, Onllia Village. on Monday‘, 5th May, 1873. rOIU'V-u‘ "Int: 3. HZAD UFFICB f1}: the Dominion of Can ads, Kingston, OntanO. P. MURRAY, Agent, â€A 03mm. 2 Storey Brick Dwelling Home in Orillia. PLANS AND ï¬cmmmous HAVE-TROUGHING done in nsuperior manner; and every description of work in his line manufactured to orler on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. g-.-â€"â€"~ ; or 3rd L‘ lam. far 5. \. ‘XO. 2, Harrison. Liberal encouragement. Apply, statingsamr). with copies of testimoniala or personally to ILEXRY .\'. A.\DERSUN. Secreiuru-Trwsn I â€â€2 . , Severn Bridge, P. Q- OOOIiING STOVES, BOX AND PARLOUR .STOVES. and an assortment of Shelf HARDWARE. Now is your time to buy your Stoves and Stove-pipes, Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron. and Japan Ware, at. prices that will :Lstouish yul‘. demi: ned. until Thursday, 24th Instant TENDERS will be recceived, by the un- D. PHILLIPS .md additions in his business†has de- myuuued tn sell his present stock at, and In some cases far below, quat ynces. a a? A call will satisfyyoutm heis determined to sell at prices that cannot be beaten. TO BUILDERS. Extensive Alterations ! ILal/ilï¬lO/i fl’eS‘ 82 023E, CALL EARLY ! .4'11 m want of bar": .ins in Stoves l‘iuwuxc, suould Orillia, Agril 15m. 1973. 5 :0 A. MACBEAN. Orillia, April 5th, 1373. Orillia. April 11th. 1373. ’ WM. anvx, Orillis, 11th April, 1873 Township (‘lcr' Murriswn, 8th April, 1873. Orillia, 26th March. 1873. 10R SALEâ€"A Cow, in calf. Apply Wanted Immediately. gen; gamma aunts STOCK Com {MxmtitelyAdevptest MALE m» FEMALEATEAQHER, NOTICE. MISSSSSAM STREET. Being about. to make fat the erection c D. PHILLIPS. nonjxro)‘. ‘. Apély .3 79-2111. 180-55! zide'vxt 1 9. 180- gm gamma Nluuncn .u - VIAV.‘ .... ...V. -. tzsed as “ t aunts†to the pledges delivered at the time of their ( lection. On the action of Mr. Dorian and others he was summon- ed before the barof the House. reprimand- ed, and dismissed from 'the service of Government. The Ottnwa. correspondent of the Toronto Mail ironically termed it an Opwnition victory, and concluded h‘m remarks on it by the words, “ the smallest ctmtributions thankfully received." The Montreal Witness, nct foliowing the drift of the irony, after detailing the one, says that “ M, Tasse solicits contributions, gm - ‘ino ‘the smallest donations thankfully lUus many-v9“. â€". E_v- and says that “ he is soliciting unistsnce from the when of Parliament in gale: to â€my him for his 1mm. " iug ‘the smallest donatm received.†The Montreal lung uticly‘on the grievmee . “1,, :_ -AIL-ia Mr. Aniagh has a poetic fen-our pccfl' iarly his own. It is “childlike and bland." ’lis utterances are sometimes of that con- iding cha acter which bespenks “ an 125- aelite without guile." At other timeshe 1 strangely suspicions. Of coune all this is indicative of a poetic temperament. In "act, judging‘from the {Among “petition," re would imagine that he keeps his p0“- .ics and his poetry for his {aw documents, and preserves hisq“ Coke upon Lyttleton" to illumine the electric columns of the Ad- v-v..- V- r""'“a - uh e “ Bab†to send us rur due, and we will gladly hand him back to the tenderer mercies of the Warden Goum 'rrn: Rouxns.â€"A curiousinstance of how newspapers sometimes reiterate a. report that really has no inundation in fact is in the case of Mr. Tune, the Edimr of the Courier dc Ottauah. He was dismiss- ed frum his oï¬ce nf translator during the Session. on account of strongly animal- verting on the conduct of M. Prevmt and another French nymber, «Jhom he stimula- _ J_I_'____) muck His last freak of. poetry eince the “ petition,†is the impersoniï¬catibn of the Riding into a. something or somebudy whose “ fair fame†has been tarnished by these unbaptised infléels and Grib. who have, at the same time. seated Mr. 000“ so ï¬rmly a: to defy all the. assaults of “the mighty." “Boot and saddle, and Ardagh to the rescue." shouts the Knight of the Sorrowful Countenanco, as deed: by flood and ï¬eld dawn on his heroic brain. He mounts his Minute and pxepams to do battle fur this new-found Dnlcinoa of his soul. It is very pretty in a drmnatiu puint of View. But mishap befalletlx. The said Rminante stumbled and “ yo.- golden locks nf ye Knight subold is hurled into ye dust." 133 DDR qmzom 01“ :23 2331013. “ I could not better Vindicmte the fab†hum of the Ridinz, than by jnining with -ther prominent elector: in a petition DO :nseat him (Mr. Cook) on the ground that a» had obtained the position by fraud and ’ribery!"â€"Vide M r. Ardagh’s lrtter‘ THE 33031103. of April 3rd. DAYUBLJUA unduly“ .v ..._ .n , , » fur which 81.5%: due. After billing him repeatedly, without elicitingany rezponw, the threat to publish his name in “the black list" brings a. reply bristling with abusive epithets as (lath the back of a por- cupine with quills. This ancient method settling printer’s bills my do very well n Victoria, where. the wrathful Robert‘s hm ther is †great," but here he is “ to fame unknown,†and not having any CXpecta- tions of pickings from that ‘quarter, we ,_J _. “Fraud and bribery?" \Ve wnuld Mk ‘ in a. tone gentle as the descent of the mid- night dew, if it is really a fact that the Tories never under any circumstances bribed. If they did not use the public money at times for such purposes, then they must be the must injured uf mortals. “Fraud and bribery ' ' Mr. Ardngh must surely be dreaming of some tender remin- iscences of bygone times when his friends had it all their own way, and when those “tricks that are vain†were practised by the elect on an unsuspecting community But these Tory tactics have been success- fully unmasked by the patriotic exertions of the Refurxnera of North Simcoe, and the iron entered his soul when he found that neither he, nor D’Alton McCarthy, nor Sir J ohn, had enough money in their cof- fers to buy a constituency that announced to them in unmistukcable terms that it was “ not for sale." Though we do not think that charity should lie conï¬ned exclusively tothe home circle, still it should begin there. And in charity to his slandereu friends, whuhnve home the odium of an uncontmdicted stigma, we think that William Davis Ar- dzv,h s‘.uuld clear their “ fair fame" and make it white as snow. befo a he looks too curiously into the records of other peuple. Whatever may have been done since, it is an undeniable fact that it was the political friends of Mr. Ariimh who introduced and sustained a systim of bribery in this Riding. And it ill bee-mes that sprig of the law, the younger McCarthy, who has very little indeod 10 recommend him ex- cept his presumption, to'assert when ho found himself beaten, that the Riding was “so corrupt that it ought to be disfran- chised,†when his party have from time to time put forth such gigantic eï¬brtsto ruin the political principles of the electors. But such is the party, and their-Radios.- 'Guilt is always allied to meanness, un- manliness and cowardice. 51-111mm! 511011 $24â€"â€"to;al, $34. ROBERT STAPLES, h- nther of the M. P. far the North Riding of Victoria, had Tm; erosu'os mailed in) his gym-5:1 pukhill, 7, A LI-‘ II is stated that Hon. Mr. McKcllar will shortly resign the pusitinn of Minis- ter of Agriculture, and that he will be succeeded in that ofï¬ce by Mr. J. G. Currie, late Speaker of the Assembly. hvnmsa â€"In View «1' the increasing demand fur, and cost of Wood and brick {or buildingpur] One», and the necessibihty of stone, the folluwxug estimates of the comparative coat of brick and stnne build- ings will be of interest: 3,333 bricks will build twenty yards of fourteen inch wall. At SSper 1,000the y would oust. $26.66}: la- buurlnb' .utS-é perl.000, 0:813 33â€"_a.tutafof $39.99}. One tuyce of quarry stone. in level courses, will build twentyyards nf An:\ ‘4‘. l..- A): old veteran whndied at Drummond~ ville last week, aged 93 years, had only seen twenty-three hirth-days,_ha.viug been burn on the 29th February. Baum; correspondence. received just before we go to press, mll apmar 1:: our next issue. FROM week to week we are amused and instructed by the excellent pictures in the Ca nadian Illustrated \ewx. ORILLIA. 17:12 A PHIL. 1873. mmomz. WEE. †gut-1:21:25. not flat." 6-511. Cast, $103 labour, The tmty-founh anniversary of the fumation of the Grand DiVilion of tho Order of Son: of Temper-nee influ's Pro- vince falling on Saturday lat, VII cele- brated by the Tempenm people 0i this town md vicinity by aSoiree. There were nun-1y two hundred present, fully lhm- fourths of whom wore the regnlia of the Sons 01- the Good Templm- The Hall was tastefully decanted With evergreens 5nd appropriate mnttoes. The arrange- ments were admirably arried out, and the good order observed was worthy of the highest praise; After ten, the W. P., Mr. J. H . Knntt tOuk the c‘mir. logie- had been received from Revs. A. tern-t, ALL, and Dr. Fowler, the former declin- my: to attend the Soiree because the day I“: one sppninted to be kept holy by the Church, and the latter express- Ing regret tint be we: prevenud from being present by eervieein huChui-ch. Rev. Joshua Dyke, 3 member of the O'der. and Chaplain of Orillin Section of Cadets. was the ï¬rst speaker called upon. Having expressed his great personnl inter- est. in A man, a. minister, and a Christin, in the muse nf Temperance. he geve lame interesting autistic: of the Order of the Sons of Teinpernnce. This Orderm Gm instituted in the Citv of New York, on the 29th ofSeptem ber. 1842. by thirteen Wuh- ingtuninns. In 1849 the ï¬rst Diviaiun in Canaan was (armed in the town of Brock- ville, with eiqhteer. memberu. In 1850 the membership had increased to 2.000. The Order was not only emcee-sin] in the beginning. its pram-cu hits been steady until the present time. The last sinful report showed in this. Province 241 Divi- sions, with an nmgate memhen-hip of or en average "1'8939, it little more than thirty-seven members tn each Division. Since the meeting of the Gr in-l Division in December, some ï¬fty Divieiuns have been urginisc-d. adding. M: n low calcula- iiun. one thousand members. It would he pleasing to his hearera that Ori'lin Dirir 5:0 I!) ui nh'irei in this gen enl‘pr uspcrity. We mnnnt trll. nor even estim'itv. the amount of goud accomplished l-y this Or- ‘nierâ€"thc number prevented from beam» ‘ mg slaves to then riietite forstmng drink; ‘ the homes inmle appy: the wives nnd ichildren raised from mix-cry; how many \Jninkanla saved. This Unit-r ii admira- My adapted 2-. mm the tide of drunken ess. and save «our peuple from the mile 07 Yhe liqnur trafï¬c. The-re was a great 'it‘ltl uf windourshnwn in the prey-urntiuu uf its Cunstitutiou. One particuinrly good fun- | tun- was that pmvisn-n we: made fur buiy cuscn Ill-V “1.5“"... v- ___.. V, tion would not be 3n infringement of in- dividual liberty. By theremovd of entree and temptations from the people. legit!» tion is merely doing its duty. The law protects a man’s dog, and yet; we see atnde legalized topuium our bmthers end cistern. As the law says thou shdt not poison thy neighbnur’s dog, ell we want is tint our legislature extend the same protection to those who haveloct control over themselves sud to the young. Places for the sale of in- toxicatinz liquor: present a continual, Id- the young. All have nn intemt in getting the lawohmged. The chumha oftho land hve to mourn every year over those who hue fellcn through strong drink, They has an image“. in a. change of the Inn, AL,A -ALI- ua'vm- sad it. was with great lea-urn that, nth. recon: rooting of the ynod! 1:01:an nu.“ Buw nu... .,. ..V dren, and weighed down by innumerable ruined homes. and the miseries of rugged children. Above all there is the awful effect upon the victims themselves. extend- in: beyuud this life, “No dmnkard and! enter the Kingdom of Hey-en. †P‘mllipi- Rev. John Gray alluded to the nimnst disheartening \preponderance of liquor agencies scartcred thmnghnnt our tuwn over the teetotal organizationsâ€"being in the propnrtion nf twemy-ï¬re mum. When we cuntemplnte the ï¬t» d of intemperwoe that is flowing about us, nur heart: would sink within us, Win it nut fur the mur- ance that Tu-mperance is the cans e of God. and that th-refore n‘i pom-r of man can successfnily mist it. In times past the «‘50 ts of the Temperance oranizntiont have been mainly directed to educate the penple upon this questinn. but the time has arrived when “ thihition" ehuuld be their mutto. The politician and statesman has argued that this would involve n great loss to the revenue. It is, huwever. a hnpeflll sign that the Minister hf Finnnce is an earnest Temperance man; and let the people say we must have thibitiOn, and that Minister, with gladdcned heart, will devise means of raising the revenue. Agnin,.it is s mostexpensive revenue, cuet ing the country three cents for each cent it yields. In addition to this. can we Count the individual loss. and the untold enls which the trafï¬c entails? A curse must abide upon a. revenue which is Wet with the tears of widows, -wivee, and chi‘l- w... ..... "m: r- V , members, and he urged Women to take up the Temmmuce reform. Another must commend‘ble feature )3 its unsectmnn - . ,, __ \v\IIA.-Iu‘---â€"â€" . - character. We are better men and women when Wu rise above petty sectarian stnf»: Ill-in "v [Wu wvnv' r.*.. to engage in a. common cause fur the mun! ur reiigiouw admncemeut of (nu-race. He appeaied to parents. if they would the their chiidren from the snare: and tempu- tions thrown shout them by the liquor cratï¬c, tu engage heartily in the work of its remunl He wished success to the various Orders and oraniutious formed for the purpose of curving on the Temper- ance Work. Fannie Davidson mg “ Nobody'nChild" and Via-let J itckson gun: a imitation, “I will do the best I can/Walk eliciting loud In; “v".wâ€"vâ€" .. â€"._... v.-- _ hwped the time wmxld won mane when all will see in their true light. the evil effects nf the trafï¬c, and lend a helping hand in their removal. applunie; gd h_is_ mane to {petitinojo {.199th ngixhturemnyingioral’mhibitory ht; we! tbs: petition ludboen pond 13110111, :9th dun-eating: voice. The Synod‘pd the: Temper-nu ' be introduoeé in the Sands: Schools. hen the educa- tion of the young in the principles of you! ghetineuee is earnestly taken up by the Churches. 3 long mp will lave been glin- ed. He hoped the time in not fu- diemt when the hat drunken! will go through our lead ix; ther‘jaih uuph of the: liqqifl ison with which he cook: to appease his 50M appetite. All the speakers weremestly eloquent, and succeeded in completely enlisting the sympnthies of their nudience. who testiï¬ed their apprecittion end npprovnl by (re quent 3 plane. The‘bhainnan edvmced some good u- gumente, enforced by personal reminis- emcee of Englnnd end India. He con- tended that [accept is madly of little eu’ect unleee enforced by enmple, and re- lnted an anecdote of a young oï¬cer with his regiment in Indin, '11.: had becvme nddicted to drinking. The Chnplnin fre- quently urged this olï¬cer to join ntotnl nh- stinence society which had been fomedin the regiment, but the utter declined. The young oï¬cer Wes taken ill. nnd when his end Ins approaching. the Chaplin wns by hi! bedside. seeking to direct the deput- ing soul to theSnviour, but the dying man said “ You haveoltenurged meta-gonad join the total nbetinonce society. lied you said one year ago. come nnd join thnt In- ciety. I Would hue done so, and would now be a useful men, inn-tend of being on the verge of hell; for you hue taught me that no drunkud ehtll enter the kingdom of heaven." The Chnplnin was so struck with the error of his course thnt he would not sleep until he haul joined the society. and its usefulness was greatly extended thr-ugh his influence. Sevznl songs were givenduringtheeven- ing, by n - hour under the lcsdenhip of Mr. A McKty. Min Vick played the nommpanimcnu. The Nuionsl Anthem having been mug, tho Rev. J. Gray pm- nuunwd the beuvdictiuu. mmun. and than frum Rnghy were en- tertained during s half-hour. upon“. in Very tsmbld weld mutton-um. The mnml meeting of St. June-3's Church Vestry. Ira held in the Stumpy School Home. on Monday. April 4th. The meeting cmnmeuced at 10 o'cluck iu the morning. The Revd. Rural Dew Stewart mxupied the chair. There Irene present the churchwenlem. Dr. Cut-butt and Mr. Evens, Menu- Arman-n4, At- kinson.Sen., Bouth, Bolster, B tultnn. Bir- kimluw, Benner, Calt'erley, Sen, Drink- “ater, Dr. Elli-m, Ben'ttt, McMallin. Paumoru, Rix, Sodding. Season", Tucker and one or tvm "then; ale" 3 number at the huliesuf the congreguiom ' The chair- man that called upon the Secretary. Mr. Evans. tumd themdiwn’mport, moving a. Woo in land M33536 fgr the Chastity mmwru wvev u- a“. o ..__ WW - purpose Among the people's â€pr-eunu- tivee st Occurs. The pmpowd increase of unions! ellowanoo t9 81,000 meets with little or no nppnlition. . Tn chance of the Washington Treat meeting Newfoundland hen: the mud Legislstnre. A K.- ark hm:- frmn they» up the Bill giving elect to those clause-11:1! the tasty were agave: to bynn oven! axing mjori , y our out dthothh'tymhenvognymit. Tax Lieutenant-Gonna has sppointed Dr. Adm of Gnvenhunt. Auocinte Coroner, in and for the District of Mun- kink). 0;? the queuion of " better terms†to members there in s .plcuing nnnq‘imity of â€" nu ________ L_ April 15th. Pment. A. King. G. I. Bolster, and J. 3.8. Drinkwstcr, E-qs. T. P. Campbell charged J. Farqulunon with using threat. likely to cm s branch of the peace. Chuge nut sustained. Dismissed. Costs pdd by complainant. Frank Smith claimed a balance of euge- due from Andrew Clarke. Judgement for plninn'fl. with costs. Fun-l, an amt-um. paid by Mr. Eum ml: of hisovtn packet uf $26.75 for the Stipend Fund, a hslmoc on hand of $93.65 fur the: General Overplm Fmi I. and an unomu pmid by Mr. Ewan 01315236 fur the Sm- day‘o‘chml House Fund. This later item. it may be well u» state, in yet due to Mr. Evans from perv-m who bonwowul muncy from him a: “rarest, he deeming it ad- visable t . let it out. stud make somethm; by it. A motion was put by Mr. Sari- diug and scomded by Mr. Sum-m that. an account. uf the swears of pew rentâ€"s being so great, all pcmus failing to [my up by June ls: hf thin you he fled fur them. and their pewu iv: to other: more willing tn psy.â€"-;('aqi¢d. _ . Tn: Mun-mm umnw. ~The April number of this pub Seatiun is the ï¬rst We have seen, and from it. we have nu hesi- tation shout commending the enterprise to the support of the reading oummunity uf Ontarit . It is thr- ajm of the edit-r to make this I medium of nrigimd Cinadniln thought. Published by J. 8: A. McMullcn, St. John. N. B" at the subocriptiou price of $3 per mnnm. Tm: Scinu-r of Healâ€: for May is on on."- table, spicy. sensible. and eminently prac- ticxl. as usual. S. R. Wells. Publisher, 389 Broadway. New Yurk, $3 a year. ‘ THE frontispiece Hi the New Dominion Monthly for April in 2. Wm]! eXecutvd por- trait of the late Rev. Thumu Guthrie. D. D. The contents are axial and el - vgting annual. John Dongall - Sun. Publishers. MontreAL ‘ m: {tee “.00. lect from :11 members of the cog-{h gating. J ' 7â€"- , - The preterit Church is not Inge en-mgh fur the number of the church-goingpeuple of this owngnegation. and an addition is greatly needed. The Punonage also is a matter that should be carefully looked inm, and we advise the building «if .1 sub at mtinl one at once. The sheds were pru- puaed tn be all thrown Open to member: uf the Church on Sundays, any member having the privilege of lumssingn key to open and make use «if the shed during tho- week by paying 82 00 a year far it The lay deli-gates for the Sync-d were re- elected, vxz: Dr. Ellie-t, and Mr, Evans. It was also awed that during the summer months, viz: April tn October, the even- in: service commence at 7 o'clock int-tend of 6.30, and it is the intention, we undel- utand. tn make this nltemtinn on Sundny next for the ï¬rst time. We wunld remind our readers that the with are all free in the evening, end hupe tosee them :11 well ï¬lled. ‘".'.‘5 w "I. ‘~ ‘UIII‘VI. In clawing the Church-wardens, Mr. Stewart appointed his old and fdthful one. Dr. Corbett, nml Mr. Erma wu re- elected by tho pc-rple. There were elm Sidesxnen elected as follows: Mam. Buotlx, Arunqtrong, Carpenter and Berkenâ€" eluur. Yum of thanks were pinned to me Church-wardens, and to MissSwwxn, Mr. Arman-"g sad the chair. The next question which W was concerning the increase ofthe Clergyumn'c salary. After a. lung discussivn it was arranged to add. $200 to his previous one. the same to be raised by an annual stipend fund, for which the Sidewaen were elected a cum- The question of free seats was next dis cussed, and was not csrried on mount nf seeing a di‘ï¬culty in raising the sum no. usury for the salary. The building of a Parsonage and also the eulergemen: of thu present. or building of a new Church were referred to a committee, composed of the Church-wardens. Sidemen And Mr. Arthur Robinson to look in!» the nutter and make 3 report on the name at the ad- jog-nod meetilï¬on hfqndsy the 28th. ,‘ I,_A, ,_ “A Me .1". of in;- Order were imited m WISTMW’ 6003!. 733193? 3.33m. OUR HUWGES. In Overture 5'3: ï¬rst bargfoot boy m not: in our dim yummy. Tn: ice on Lake Couchiching 508i†Bum noonï¬dlt m Gunman has begun in this loamy. WI now at uphnM-it is not hnlthy. GI! the brush and for on M- besp- y M h! Snap an in a. Wally ï¬lthy condition. Pusan coming to town oomphm‘ of muddy roads. Eco: were in dennnd hit Saturday st 25cm per dean. A. P. Cocxnvnx, Esq, M.P., m in town on Tuudgy. . A: .dmixture of rain mdhnow in nu- mz this morning. Tn: Amt“! Row Seeding-nee to any municiudity or pauple. C. R. Swmnx Co., jewellen, hue given up busineu in this town. We ouppooe the: we can now congratu- lue ourselves on the .dvent of spring. W ï¬n: we still: for {ninth-noes of win- w in tome acquaint-ed fence coma. Luna Coccmcunm 1nd Simone will be open this you wont the 26th instant. Manon LAKE in expected to open for mviguion in the course of next week. Moanâ€"Four member. admitted to the Divisiun of Son- of Temperate. (big week. Tn: Good Templmm mkingmtnge- menu for a wires to be held in the ï¬n: week of M3,. Amauxm myimzmug‘e fox-keep. â€Suva“. amber. of the mini. Ls- cmuo Club were out. for the ï¬at practice of the season yeuienl-y naming. Tu: Carr-{cad in being 'humughly over- hmnlol, reï¬ned 3nd minted, and will be ready n the nponin: of nu'igstiuu. \‘nuxm Bxusox.‘ Dentists, hue ‘ ï¬ned up n permanent "$00 in the mom stoininu the Y. M. C. A. Reading Room Sane: in St. June-’3 Church a 7 in~ ltrsd of 6:30 n’clock on Sunday awnings, during the Summer months; commencing next Sunday. iné‘tho Y. M. C. i W Room opén during the thy-time. 8. LT. â€"The discussion being quite aut- I: In the pmvmce of a. local piper. we de- -x:ne in-ening my father wn'alwndence II «On that ijï¬â€˜p Conan or Rnuuox.â€"Mus Court of Rex-him: 1 ll be held on the 3rd of May; 2.th of Mon-hon cm the same day. and Urillin und Matchoduh on the 5th. Pluxmva Mmomxr Cuclcu.~0u Sundny ewening next. the Rev. Jushms Dyke will presch, in the Te‘mpe-nnoc Hail. from the ("110: ing subject-“The Gxat Salvation." Beta. 11., 3. Sonics a half- put six «o'clock. Van". wit and utility chmdzc the pew ulvertisomentu in thi. number of I‘m: Exmmu‘ou â€"Culu1.l of Revisiun. 2; Hume Wan e !. Tcn'lers, lmunncc, Gn- ing out at Crockery. Railway Nutice. Stnyed, Teacher Wanted, Tinwm. Re- maul, 1nd Ext-time. A Psi-mos um in cit-cumiun on Mon- da lac, akin: the Council for: new side- w k «on the South aideufMiuiutgs an: t. We law no doubt the prayer will be granted. Last Friday, being Good Friday, was very gen-rdly observed :- I. holiday in this awn. The names were eluted. end there wu divine sen-Vic.- in St. Jamee‘u Church in tho- {amino-m, end the Wesley-n Methmiiet church in the evening. The rather In: delightful, but the streetsâ€"- fun gh! mvuuw‘u â€"v "r' _. V though smell, is quite as large as bad [man anticipated for the ï¬rst qusrtcr. An early inlpmvement in the attendance at these meetings is hnped far. The Resding Rama: hes been supplied by v-gluntnry contribu- lionl. and is well attended. The Directors purpose hnving it open to the public dur- ing the deyss w 'llss evening. Shhscrip- lions eppeu- ta- heve come in freely. but in the absence of s repurt from the Trev sum. the emt ï¬nancial standing of the Association could not be noel-mined. There we ebout forty members on the toll. Af- tertbe business was concluded, Mr. Hill one s neitstinn. “ Eugene Allen’s Dnesm’ sud Mr.Chsrlcs Devis read “The Ipsn of s Legacy." Next Mon isy evening the Rev. Joshue Dyke will give an endless. Scenes Dunnâ€"About eleven o'clnck yesterdsy a nun who srrived by the train the previcms evening was found deed in bed at the Albion Hamel. Coronet-Ramsey use celled in. end summoned s jury. At the prelimi invesugmon' ' else follow- ingfeob were :‘iicited. Paper! in his pus- qession showed dust the name of deeessed - - n97.“ n_ REV. Joumu but: will delivex an ad- dress bef-me the Yuuug Men's Christian Assa niution, on Monduy ewuiugnext. The publ‘c am: «mostly invited to “tend. â€nu“: - """D' -J v“ , D} k». is : :Young men, their Damon and Privileges." w": .--... .c- 1.111., 'rcturuing after the un'vul of the train from Port Hope at Bowen-n. Thu dtumtion is to afford an opportunity for pushing fax-ward the hallutimz of this part of the line with the utmost vigour. Connections the new a hermofore. Tux second Masonic Convenuinnc of the sewn took place on 'l‘ueedny even- iagn dauwclll it :nded. Dr. Ramayana master of communion, and the pnvgmmme was well sustained by the following ladies end gentlemen: Mn. Ramsay, Mrs. Cut 200., Min Hunilton. Mean. Kent. Al- pon end Atkins. After the cruncex-t.which was the bent of the neuon, wu concluded, dnncing was commenced. and we are told n Very plenum time spent. Cucumx-A meeting of the Orillis Cricket Club we. held in Mr. Evane' ofï¬ce, on \Vedne-duy, whin it not resolved to rent a. ï¬eld couteimng six acres. at the rear of Mr. Jame-s Donallmii’s residence. A «o mnitt e .: uniting of Messrs. A. Fow- lie, 1’. W. Armstrong, and n. i. Straddling Wu appointed to solicit subscriptions and get the ground levelled and nodded. Mr. Chan. Ellis was elected Secretary, and Mr. Sendding Treasurer. Another meeting will be held at the me place an Monday, the 28th, at 7 p.m.. to receive the report of the committee, and elect oflicera. V Ta: :11th of an. address before an Young Meu'n Chriutian Audubon next Magndqy Eggning, by the ‘Rev. Joshua ,, A.“ .._J It will be seen by reference to our ad- vertising columns. that the Midland Rail- way train leayaUr‘illu daily atlun o'cluck, ,gflnhl A: ï¬L- SIM C.A.â€"The Monthly anineu Meet- ing was held un Munday evening. The Secretu'y rend a. report of whet lied been dune dnr m; the past quarter. Eleven pub- lic meetings have been held in the mums. The M'erue eta-Induce At these meetings in from twenty (â€twenty-ï¬ve. The Reva. John rhay end Dr. Fovler heve each de- livered en address hefore the Aeeociztion. One lecture. on “ Manitobe end the. great Northwest," by the Rev. June. Ninbut, wu delivered under the auspices of the Association. The Sntnrdey evening prayer- xneetinge nre kept up, and the “lasagna. * - -- - n u Iâ€"â€"_- -- - kh- LAST week Harvie's saw-mill and 0“.- me’d will nenr this v-wn um ulnar-st burn- ed. Tlnepmpricmron Wg-dneszlayJighwd x pile 02 slabs which wn rather in the way. It very won We appu‘ent that the deVuufing element in: nu: dispmpd tn be satisï¬ed with its ‘11..th mk, md help had I70 be called in. The Ichoul boy! aux-nod out, and the whale neighbouthnml fl chad tn the rescue. As many as ï¬fty were mm} at uqoe. md t’hoy had enough A :t .I... ...:II- I‘clu Mvâ€"v-v ~.â€"--, ....ï¬ , ,. _ to do. At times it seemed u if the mills were dmmed, an] iv v mull engines we‘e obtained frum mu- town. The ntruggle lured tum dun and two nights. sud not until 8: u (by wu the safety of the bu‘ld- Lg assumed. "In. .IIVW“ â€"â€"v v..- wâ€? Wm. Parry. tint be m 3 Civil E}:- rnou'. and on hi: my to Huakokg hung. m in Wanna 'th some puma Low. MATTERS. the vent sway. and returned in about a: hour, to ï¬nd him in the same position. Returning again about eleven. the found he had not stirred, and sent for the bar- tend_er, who dipcovepad Ida: the nun was _ -L‘-_ “J“... dead- He W to be perfect! eober end in good edwh. The inquest his been adjourned until «May. in older to efl'ord time nor a. pod modem emanation by Dre. Elliot and“ mum The deceased hadnpoeket-buok whining 8211, end at pumwithfl; also. gold watch and ehnin. The Comner hu received 3 telegram from Cdedanie stating that the deceased m e resident. of ehst place, end leave: a; wife and three childred there. MI. Moore mmied the rennin: u fu- u Turnout}, (From a Cormpominw.) The announcement of the ad and pre- mn death 0f Dunggu Cam. gun, «E this that .u.....â€"l _ Duncan Cuucron was "no of 'he mod nromi-imz nndezruiuaxrl vi the Tom in School of Medicine. He was the unmoun- ful conimtitor fur the Matriculation Schv's ‘lhip in the year 1870. and his aub- soqueut course 529" every indication of it’s proving a valn. b c mz-ml-er of tho pro- fvssion he had in View. Hi: amiable dim~ position won the love of his fellow-qui- dentx. nnd his in: talents and diligent a. .. plitatiun the respect and esteem of his pmfewn and students. The pmfennrs and students «of all the department:- of the University paid a last sad tribute tn his many excellenci-a bv accompanying his remains to the Nipiuing Station. I‘ i- wldom that am- e! mmunity has to de- plme the loan of 1 young man of such lli-zh promise. Of a ï¬ne commanding ï¬gure. of great physicd capacity, endowed by nu- ‘ure with an intvllect of rue powers. trained by midnons npplication to study. and of n moral nature above any low or mew action-the very soul of hunur.â€"in h' were combined the three essential: o" thef‘perfect munâ€â€"monl, physicd. and intellectuxl vigour. His death is n loss which the community can ill hear. “ 0! why has Worth so short n date 3" Two noble I'm-then now sleep side by sivie in St. Andrew’s Church yud. May the youth of Thor-ah mark well the footprints they htve left behind them. and lesm to “ Act in the living present. Heart within. and God o'erhea-d." the Lake Xipining region. fu- frou any wttlemeut or organization fur the admin- istiaiun of justice. But it. is precinely under ouch condition: that the puninhment of crime demands the best exertion of our :uthcvrities, for nothing tend: more to the gi-nenl security of the whole country than the consciousness that crime meets its rev Inn! though perlemted in remote regions. It is with justice as it was with British prestige when it sent an army into Abys- sinia t . ncwmplish the deliverance of one nr two British subjects; it ought to be maintained at any cost, and the mun! exam mu be found to be fully equivalent to all the troubie and expense._ Accounts of startling murders m com- mon enough in Camdisn newspapen, but happily it is the neighbouring republic which furnishes them. and only now and then is it that. a real bond ï¬dc Canadian tragedy awakens our hurror. Adutu'dly murder hg recently been committal in About the beginmug of the present month, news reached the outlsirg paectle- meut (:f Pam ' Shunt! (but a ma. :, unwed Fisher an Indian under, had been foufly murdered on South Riser, in theï¬vicinxty of Lske \‘i pinsin-f. Plunder wasoviéently the objgc} 0‘ {he perkejrgtor. or pv-rpetn- tan, 0'!“ the crime. a: Finher was known to have had sufï¬cient money about him to tempt the unacmpuloun. Suspicion fast, n- ed upon two tnppen of the name of Tynm. who hail from the vicinity of Barrie. The authm-ities have Ihnwn outsider-able activ- ity in the nutter, end no time was lust in arresting these two men, evidently father and son. the one being nbuut sixty years of age, and the other tl-i'ty. Dr. White, of Parry Sound, proceeded to S-mth River, where he held an inquest on the body of Fisher, and Mr. McCurry, the stipemliuy magistrue for. Parry Sound district. ha inatitnted I. numbing examination imo the {sea of thee-use. The result of this rumination no far 1: it he: gone in. than Fisher ouuld not here met with his death in the manner stat-d by the Tryous. unholy. by his falling 03‘ e vc-tï¬'old. Dr. White’s epmilmtion of the body proving the exw of seven! cuts un the head uf the deceased, apnerently made with a flat instrument. W hen the prisoners were muted. there was found an their were»... am 8500 in guld and bills, 1. portion of which they admitted belonged to Fisher. These are very n 1y cincumstanees fur the named, but in r investigation will, no doubt, nuke thing! plainer. The prompt- itude with which the matter has been in- vestigated. ognsidering the wild and inac- cessible chuwter (if the e-mntry. reflect: the highest audit on our wthoritiegâ€" Leader. A sxoy atom cummenccd at Omaha, Nebraska. on Smithy night. On Mwndsy evening mow Ind inllen‘ m the depth of ï¬ve feet. and the storm showed no agn- of will; A bill hal paced the Pennsylvania Home of Representatives pnmlbitizag min- ors from visiting variety theatres, negro minstrel exhibition: and like entertain- ments in Philadelphia. (Inn ilheemning an much under “Gon- tile" influence, as the polygamnu- Mor- man. would say, that Brigham Young ha- idod upon can‘t-um: A telegram gmmgakestatuthathehaa ' _od .91! at the head of a missionary company bo'nml :dmbem “faraway will be large. an to cup 0 in buldng‘ ' the Southern Paciï¬c Railway. The WW7. Byrefemcetothempitwfllbouï¬ that whttilknownutheG-eorgiln at, Ragion nanny «upï¬aa the whole d‘ the extensive county between Pm- . guishene math? Sou‘t Hnrie. The nur- “I. mdlm ‘0 “mm d tho Grand Mutitoulm, Cockburn and Drum- mund': hunch in but». amtinuummof the my. which is quite as extensive u [also Huron, of which it forms a. distinguished "an The section (I: cuuntry bow on gm, budy of «wet-contains the principal l-ineries of the. North West, and Inuit. therefore, oontmue to increuo in public cstimstiun as prewar 9:149st en- a; tan-pram m developed. Alyetitis um. more thnn s Plgak waste, the lumbering. business havmg and» but slight impnp uious upun the prevailing wilderness an; n-igm supreme. . A: an eviqm of tho W why, It my be â€Med M uwly the whale of this immense region In. under a Government license im- about twenty years. at am 90min! at» of only ‘50 cent: per square nule, as ground rent: and still in 1856 the and: mm of â€00 um re- ceived from these rents. In 1862 the had in geren mvnships was 034061 for ale at 20 can... .n mm, but only two hawk-«L mm were sold in ten yarn! lold;gnd a recent. oxpluulion made by the Provincial 00ng of Cram Lndg, in the Local Wu, shov- dist there we no leg than: 5.000 Iguana miles of this oerriuwyphuue nohmder Boa-e. An equglsmm the 0m.“ Tm in; vslued gt gamma, and this '1‘ £50111 3 buds from which we any compute the «tinned worth of the Georgian Bay re- nerve. Considersble allowance must be, nude in fu'nut of the Ottawa district, â€wing to the wpen'ony of the "apply, the mun. producing e much greater» quantity at marketing timber. But then we Inge true-u in the Georgian Bay dine trict where the yield is quite equll to that on the Ottawg both as regwde qmntily and quality. There ire uthc!‘ consider» :iom which compenute in n men-In fur the advantages yum-used by the Otter. reserve rand which strongly influence pub- aic opinion. Lumber cut. in the later-does, not. reach mrket until the wand you, where“ flat cut in the former can b. may diupoaed of the tune sen-«m. Thi: is owmgw the my menu of access, and :ucilities fur shippmg that shound in tin Georgim Bay uni Lakv Huron. Such :d- vunuéo. must nemafly induce s divestment in the timber trade of the North-Wat during the next few yarn, and by thin me I»: the country mu be "ï¬ned for nettlemeut. The Government has very whely enn- cluded to enhat the wtive o-MIPention of the Xumheruwn. in urder to facilitate the means for inducing and settlement.â€" Immigrants. and "then who desire to take advnnmge of the liberal one" made 'by the Free Grant. ici, m not prepuod u, brave the pmlongm hardships and inoon- "chic-n es of an entire iuobtiou {rum div 1 mad Me which a. settlement in those saw- me wilds emails. They on- usudly in amtitute circumsmncm, or nearly so, and: can barely ï¬nd weansfor subbiawnoe afar getting a family and scanty mm of do- mestic ""cesuity to the din-tam. claim. Again, why. little guia and produccoould A:I,, _l 4.1.) I-_A [Our columns are open to all nutter: of pub- lcinzerjug. 'Wedqnoig half: our-aches .- ne- ,_;__ nu .: ...- 3.; {mix-1c for. “5...“, ....... Em, . he raised mun the badly cleared land, during the ï¬rst few years. would cost more to be carried to market than it In. math. In order to olivine as in as poc~ible these impediments to settlmneut, it is Phiposed‘ :n hut-ulna: the lumbenneu to pave the ra. ‘ so 1 In: om: infonized that already wine fwty or ï¬fty capitalism have 11-»- iuxsul a direct interest in the uu-vanvnt. I'bey will invest on an average shout 850- 000 each. 1m] in a; few years, itib calculatâ€" ed there will be not less than $4,000,“ sum-Yd- over the vast tenitury, innu- mills, humes, etc. Such 3 large outlay will bxing a. great number of wurkmen, and these must be fed and cared for, while nay. cuts. 4%., will be in active demand Io supply fond fur the horses outployed. Mid than ggood market Will be provided for the settler, and' dun randy hire when for muney end pruxisionn. A. useful inspection convinced us that there are vast tracts 0‘ excellent had, covered by: heavy growth of beech. maple and- other populnr timber, and rich in sll the constituent elements that s bunntiful yield. When it is tnken into consideration that scarcely any «1' this ter- ritory bu been molested by civilized in- dusuy, an opinion an readily be farmed of the immense quantity of wealth that ,fl‘“- Mn. Emmaâ€"I observed in your issue of last. week a communication from Mor- riuon as to cheap living, which if not cor- rected will evidently be taken for granted 1nd considered bona ï¬de. Whether your aimlmodent is wishing to hurt the feel- ings of some. private indiridud, or write in ssa-irxal strain I do not Venture to say; but if the party had lil‘l: to do, I wuuld adVise him or them to spare ; linic int-re time and ï¬sh for facts. The sum paid «as $25.00â€"time, something lea- tlnm ten weeks. insteaduf 810 50 in three months, and fmm the ï¬rst eicklle“ “ Grcvn†was liberally supplied with soap and gruel, gratuituously, by a neighbour, who WM! usivluo u in attention. and I [unit of soap. on: 1 oil, park, tobaccn. C.. being supplied independenr of a duly eadging or begging by the boy, uni! 3 place was punctured for him. I dun’t mean tn say the living was cheep, for instnnee paying for park 12 cents-Grim: price It the time 8 centsâ€"I say they lived well : and lastly, the individual who amended to the wanu of Blamed Green, sliaa Green Hamlin, was indefatigable in his exertion. night and dny I may any, bath for body end soul, and has the npprobstion and. good dishes of a. christian public. . 1 am, yuuu. FAIR PLAY. to gave «1:. wow; y-u'd $13 so, which by an error of the oounp-aoitnr ya reduced to 810.50.â€"Emmx Tux Elm-smog] BI. sum and read 6. M. Wilson's adver- ï¬unent this tech. Tu: fmnul Longine Wstch. J. B. Thompmu Sole Agent. wasx retiring from Crockery and Gram trade Bug-inn given Fox in kind: of Plough, st prim to suit everyone, go to W. B. Tudhope's. Jva to land, a. lugestock of Pia-tarot Paris and Water lime, a W. R. Tudhope'a. Tnom Rcsszu. 6': Sons oelebnmd Watches. J. B. Thmnpmn Sole Agent. Do ynu mt Crockery and Gm? Bean: G. M, W'ihon's advertisement this we». . COOch S-roves in endless variety. st Chctperprioes and on better to-nm than an be it“ It any other «mblishmont north 0‘ Tom. Call and see fur your-dyes, It W. R, Tudhope's. XIIIâ€"ups Buss-soy. Dentists, have Opened a. permanent «Rice in the town ad- juining the Y, M. C. A. Reading Bonn. ‘ '- - ---~ mm» “xi-flunk nzzu'sps or. mum... 7-.._ , 0p_ened : permane ' anmg the Y. M. C. A. Readmg Bonn. Buoth cog-be": Block. This ï¬rm u well known to be one of the moat success- ful in [heir profession in 0mm... Tn Pope is utfleflngtrom “cw- faves: ad gigantic“! 0f the 103.33 in- ne‘l nexmmcly serious. II" your hens manifat a Wï¬on to 36*. encourage them kindly. for ‘tu the furnishes us with our broil- eï¬ï¬‚y hen that ‘ ---u:â€"n.-c.n mamaym CORRESPONBEIICE. BflSINESS zooms.