a. Repairing in all its branches, neat- ly and promptly executed. A 311:3 BITCH. Answersto the name of “Rose.†Any person returning it to the ubscriber will receive 810 reward; and anyone detaining it after this date will be nrosecuted. NEIL McDOUGéLD. thé money. SILVER. WATCHES FOR 810, W6 are prepared to pay HIGH PRICES for WOOL, CASH DOWN. @- Come along, gentlemen, for Just-term. at £1:er JewekySfore, an assortment of Gentlemen’s Signet ngs, Ladies’ Gold Rings, Gold Sets, 21:0. The most complete assortment _of C_Iocks. REMEMBER THE New Jewellery Store! One door But of the new Post Ofï¬ce building, ' Mississaca. St. Sr. JAxns's (ErIscorAL).â€"-Rev. Rural Dean Stewart. M. A., Incumbentâ€"Ser- vices every Sunday at 11 8.111., anal 6.30 pm. Sunday school at half-past 9 :un. W ssnm'm J Mmaonxsr.â€"-;Rev-"Fowler, M. D: , Ministénâ€"Services' every Sunday at 11 gum, and. 6.30 p.m. Prayer meet- ing on Friday evening. in 7.30. Sunday school at 2.30 p.112. , Cmâ€; PBBSBTI'EBIAN.â€"Re\'. John Gray, Patonâ€"Service each Sabbath at 11 a..m. and 6.39pm. Prayer meeting on Wednesday â€evening at 7.30. Sunday school at 1 pm. -- ' A u-1uâ€"VJ- _-_-- V_ V, connecting with Midland Railway at. Beaverton, and Northern Railway at Belle Ewart. The Ida Btu-hm leaves Orillia for “'asbago, and other‘prrts onfLake Conchi- clxing, at 8.30,}.111“ and 2.30 p.m. Normans RAILWAY.â€"Train arrives at Ori‘lin'at 12.10, and depart: at 4 p.xr. Tat: Bonnâ€"The Emily May arrives at Orillia. on Mondnysl Wednesday and Fridays, it 9.2.30, and on Tuesdays, 1n the Orillia Presbyterian Church. on the 9th May, by the Rev. John Gray, Robert Daley, Merchant, Manganetewan, settlement, to Mary, deughter of William Matthieu, of the sine phee. Penitentixry. his to be hoped this 711} prove a salutary lessdn 'to all in charge of the postal matter of the country. Crimes of the natuge for which the lad Rogers now ‘ t, may be phe- mï¬'ex-s sag-oats . fined for a, while, t detection ultimately follows. follows :â€" For Atherley, Uptergmve, Gambridge, Beaverton, c., daily, at 7.30 mm. For'Mukoka, daily, at 1 pm. _. For Goldwater, at 1.30 p.m. I" or Railway, daily, at 3.30 p.m. Rayon-s from the fall wheat crop m Ontario are favorable. There is very little complaint of winter-killing, but the growth has been slow,~owing tothe general cold... newer the .‘B'eason‘ since the mow left. Coï¬ious showers have“'fallen within the- past ten days, and have produced lain ex: cellent eï¬'ect upon the appearance of the country. Before that there were general complaints of drought, a quite unusual thing at thiamnâ€"Momtary, Times. o fol! “- Tan; yen thirteen girthzron the Scandinavian on 1151’ Miri'p from Liver- pool to Quebec. The steamer brought oleven hundxpd WWW “ll-V“ lent toxic anti-moi: mallwiflage. e†'W gin '3. Rogers, noently ar- reitad’b'y'Mr. Swéecmsn, P. O. Inspector, for ssealing the contents of certain letters at Bloomingdale, Qnt, in the Post‘Oï¬ce of which village hew‘apnauistuu,m been sentenced“ 'ï¬ve years’ixhpxisomnent in the Orillia, 14th May, 187 2. ‘7 LADIES Gold Goldine, Black said Plated sets. mammu; Earâ€"tints, Wed- din" R ngs, Guard Rings, £7; GE \ TILEDIEN'S Rings, Studs and Cufl' Buttons, Chains Gui-d3, Surf-pins, 85c. Spectacles to suit all sights. â€"â€"â€"â€" Call and éxaminestock and prices. one mt wm (10 m ‘1‘â€.er mes well, goto Tndhope 310’- 1‘3)th one that will do Orillia, May, 1872. TO FAR MEBS! Axmtnnar m of Jul" at J B. new. " ‘ LADIES’ GOLD \VATCHES arrived this week. EAS'fURXGEéâ€"Good Palatni-age for Cattle. Apply to THOS. DALLAS. Tudhope 3:05? , , LOST! , 3131.31.01; ARDK'IIITE. BULL TEE; THE POST OFFICE. Mail: close 3': the Oriflin' Poit Oï¬co as TRAVELLERS’ GUIDE . JEFFERIS 00., ’ ~~mggma Orillia. Markets. CHURCH SERVICES. Ensues; gating the fall wheat crop i_n L: J. B. PERRY. of work 132. Cedar Lodge and" CedérL‘Coitage, acrecagh. upon easyjetms. @- Country" Orders 'Promptly Att‘ended to. West Street. - - - 03ml“. C. FORTIER, ,__. J. D. FORTIER, uncs-uvv.“ @- Watches, Clccks and J ewe]- lery prnmptly and carefuily repaired. ALL Goons 8: W ORK WARRANTED. LARARD’S OLD STAND. Has removed his business to the OLD_ POST OFFICE STANDy‘Julissimga Streeg which he has ï¬tted up in a. style superior to any" North of Tomato. In thanking his friends and the ublic for the kind and liberal patronage they have hestmved upon him fox-the last eighteen months, he ho . byhis usual strict attention to business. an due regard to cleanliness, and the comfnrt‘of hisivisitors, to «nu-it soonntinuâ€" ance of the‘ sun'e. . 7‘ _ ‘ p He 11333 new Shamxmmg "apparatus which eï¬'ectxmllv cleanses the hair, ginng a pleasant shower of both colgl an_¢_l hot water. ‘; w anuwcn UL Won yv-u mu. av. .. w"-- Also a. large and well mam-ted stock of Mer- schaum. Bria: andIndia Rubber ' , marked at a. very low ï¬gure;1nd a (wood stoc of Brushes. Combs. Shaving-brushed. flamers, Razor Smps, Pipe Stems Cigar-holdqrs, etc, The but Pet- fumesand éosmetiques always on hand. Lime and Glycerine. Ayer‘l Hair Vigor“ Pomadeo. and Oils, sold by , - GEOBGE my; PLATED-WARE ! GRAIN ING GRAZING, M‘ARBLING,‘ AND PAPER-HANGING, Done with mums and despatch. N. B.-J. B. THOMPSON is sole agent in ORILLIA for Thos. Russell £3 Sons’ celebrated \Vatcheq. These Watches have a. world wide reputa- tion, earned entirely by' their own superior merit, and retained by un- failing accuracy in performing their PAI N’TERS ! REMQVAL. GEGRGE, MEAD, work. Call and examine the stock and be convinced that you can purchase cheaper than elsewhere. * A fresh lot just receivei}. GOLD, GOLDINE AND B JACK. Otir sllï¬ft’ éx‘perien‘c‘e proved that the diï¬culty in procuring tailors to “make up†retarded the success of our undertaking, and we did not, in consequence, push for orders- «Now, however,‘wearel~1iéppy*to say that this difï¬culty has been overcome, and having'obtained a. few hands, who are second to none, are in a posi- tion to .accept Avid; pleasure, all orders hat oflewan‘d to ,sup’ply at a short in icéfï¬iélï¬dn’zible'ï¬nd ‘ele‘g'zint suits. We are determined to put forward our best efforts to .please those who favour us with the orders, and prevent, if possible, the trade thatlegitimately. belongs to Orillia, going to Toronto and elsewhere. Our terms in the Tailoring Department, as in our other branches,are cash only; LADIES’GEM AND‘PLAIN GOLD RINGS, GEXTS’ SIGAET RINGS. STUDS and CUFF BUTTONS, AMERICAN WATCHES! SWISS Watches ! LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GOLD 'WATCHES, LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GOLD CHAINS. GOLDEN LION, wa May, 1872. A Sometime ago‘ive "intimated that we had added to our business a. FashionableTailodngEstablishment, and had been fortunate in seéuring the servicqs of: MR.†BERRIE, who stands higlrmvï¬rstdmwétc'c- vu;;-., :r'“ v 7", Appfy to F‘ ff R GRANT, or JAS. L xR \RD IORTIER BROTHERS, House, Sign, and Oréamental LADIES’ GOLD SETS, « GOLDINE SETS, “ BLACK ‘5 « PLATED ADIES’ TORTOISESHELL SETS. CLOCKS. To be Sold ! _ m great \farxety. Bi'mz-elets9 HAIRDRESSER, Another stock of J. J.-B. PERRY. J. D. FORTIER, W: ~FOBTIER. J us}, t'o‘handIW u All of which we are sellingat prices that eanndp‘ be equalled elsewhere. [louse Furnishing 300 Kegs. Nails. 10,000 Gross Screws, as- 100 Doz. Locksand Knobs 100 Doz. Pairs Butts. 300 BoxesGlass (all sizes.) 5 Tape-Putti- 5 Tons Colbrs, (asSOrted,) 1500 Kegs White Lead. BOILED Ahd RAW OIL. TUDHOPES’ 0R1 LLI A ! BRICK BLOCK, 25. Barrels Wholesale Druggists Seedsmen. 00 Worth 'l‘in‘Ware ! ! WHOLESALE up RETAIL. VERY LARGE STOCK Hardware. Cooke, " Kermott Retail TUDHOPE BROS. and - and ‘ ‘THE EXPOSITOR, ORILLIA, MAY 16m~1872 All parties indebted u'e requested to pay on or before the let of J une next. ‘ nun-"m“ A, QA‘YL‘ 'Ixsrmx in the Agricultural Insurance Companyâ€"P. Mumy, Agont. L U M BER AND SCANTLING FOR SALE}. Theimdauigwl hereby give notice M2 Accoum um swarm Dc: tom“! gamma iii; Eat; wiï¬ Vï¬eiiphood' in court or collation, without further notice. __-__ . -_ -u-aw. A ‘vv‘ m Alex, â€any, Mu.- Bmonotte. George Mn. WIDâ€" Cooper G. Xuzhou, Wm. Dunes: O‘Sullim Daniel Wilson. Jo n . Parties cdhngfor my of thonbove will please ask for advertised m LIST OF M remaining uncalled , main the Baum. Post 0% MW Tau. pmonwhowillbuildduringthomm- met, onzomogftho bacdmin the ' ' vil- lngeofGnvenhnr-t. Iwillgivofroo of loghandmnsgzzdmtd. byh ' eeorponhon' pas-eds - “minim aflTnnganoriyegs, 11:0!va- goodâ€" ope' for Foundry Tin Shop. Can-hp new , every description of wooden m mm“ {ml - - AARWIIW'I" FREE GRAN T VILLAGE LOTS. 2 ACRES OF LAND with Franc Home, 18 x 24, well ï¬nishodand pdnwLGood Stable. Young Orchanl, and Ornament-l Trees. TheuboveLotisaimtodfofamilcfmm Rug- lg. where there we 2 Churches. 2 Stores. School one. Blacksmith Shop. 33d Past 0601-. ' The above property will be cold cm. For further particular; if by letter pm ' mly For particulars apply to The Store and Dwelling known as will receive prompt tttention. ; KING’S OLD STAND. Gmml Display of SHAWLS and JACKETS. Carriage, Sign, and Omamental Painter, Glazer and Paper ' Hanger. SILK WARP ALPACAS. BLACK AND COLOURED GEN- APPINES, MARL CHALLIES, DOLLY VARDEN CRETORINES. Best stopk of KID and LISLE GLOVES in Town. - PARASOLS! PARASOLS! ROBT. ARNOLD, BLACK SILKS, All Prices. Rom: Buss, Yam Pmr. Call and see my Stock before pur- chasing elsewhere. GnM. WILSON . DRESS GOODS, sauna, ‘ JACKETS; JAPANESE SILK S ! $9.00 A DRESS. 15 YARDS Beautifql COLOURED SILK, ONLY 313. . COTTONS, c. , «kc. Orillis. 6th May. 1372' Minthorn’s Block, AND SAVE COSTS. May 8th, 1872. J. REIDE, Orillia P. O. Orillh. 12th Much. 1872 mm. ""'"““" J. P. cocanx. Cinnabar-t, May 8th, 1872. 1313a. rSuorâ€"70pposito Tudhopo'n Carriage SILVER CREEK MILL! xom OBUJJA. Splendid value in COTTONS. Choice Prints. 'PAY UP FOR SALE ! For Sale. N 0. . KID GLOVES. msu: GLOVES, THOMAS GOFFATT. 'iiE's'ix'En 5: SONS. 131-1111. Then is Crockz‘rly, Glenna, Pottery and Groceries of kinds, upedslly Tea. eelling, cheep for call, et If tsgoodflbt. ngmuu, «gar-36mm omyomn Mankind Boyn'xvady-made Clothing weHMmd of the mod indictable cut. Ifyouwtnttheugoodsnow in the mpudtimqfortheymnpidly-dnnc- mxinp-ioe, mdtheymnowuflingsts Alotof good Candi. Twaoabought befomthenninwool. If yonwish secure than-gain, don’t hi1 toyalleirly,m Cobourg sud Marinas, “chap for cash. at. the SHANTY. Agrguvan’etyofShoanov open for A nice assortment of Poplin Dream at the SHANTY. J. G. VVILSON’S. 3.353. at the SHANTY. :t the SHANTY. at the SHANTY. at the E ORILLIA ' LAND PL ASTER, Writing Desks, Ledies' Work Boxes, Family Sewi Mines, Machine N eedles, Mel eons, éc. w Mnnufactory on Peter Street, Orillie. Room Paper, . Window Blinds. Framed Pieterâ€. Fancy Good: School Books, Household Furniture 1 J. A. STEPHENSGDN, New Cloths, BRADFORD FLOUR New Ties, All of the Latest Styles. Feed of all Kinds, CordWood and Stove W00». CALL AND SEE PARKIIILL’S New Spring STOCK ! .m the best Field Seeds. (tam) Garden Seeds, etc. â€"oâ€" SEED GRAINS, FIELD GARDEN Oats, Alsike Clover, Groceries and Prm isions. Sping Wheat. KERMOTT COOKE’S Mammoth Sad Store. Seeds ! Dunâ€":8 Ix ALL was or Produce Commission Merchant. R. PARKHILL. Red Clover, New Shirts, New Collars, GOLDEN DROP, 'DUCE COMMISSION. Buckwheat, Pease. GOLDEN VINE. GEO J. BOOTH. Timothy Seed. T031. Cdneertinu, PUNCTUALITY 8: DISPATCH @- A muL somcmn- .9 GRISI' M2 LL REPAIRS. STEAM ENGINE, v"'OOLLE’N. CASTIN G8, Tea STORE, and straw cutting Innetumingthanks totheknmnerout customers or the huge share of par tmmge bestowed upon them since they commenced business in Orillin, would announce that they mean- stantly receiving new additions to their large stock of IMPROVED DESKS for schools. DRY GOODS Doing business on a cash basis only, enables them to sell cheap. They would invite «paid atten- tion to their STOCK of TEAS ! Whig}: (ghey wmnt to give good PLOUGHS ! 3. E JAY 8: CO. OF EVERY DISCRIPFION. EAVERTON FOUNDRY. PACE 8: MAIN, ROAD SC W, and Wth-usyh GROCERIES, be“ OFALL KINDS 1ND