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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 1 May 1873, p. 1

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‘ A J. ALPORT, Aoouuniant, Arbitra- Valuatoy, Land, Insurigce and “can! Ago-at. Orilha. Ont. Onxcsâ€" ssonic Buildings. V c. H. BOSAXKO, L. D. s., *‘ tissuoamxgegululy on the man. 1m: and 18th At One Dollar “- nfllflsma Kain Susan s. ROBINSON.SOL1w “3: M Notary Public for the Dominion B arms; Conveyancer. c. .M oney Lent.â€" Co-missioner for taking Afidnvits. ‘- L M1':A BV W. an.uv---v-.r, . (Sneccwor to A. Fowlie. P. L. 5.) Provincial Land Surveyor, Drmghtsman. Civil Engineer and Architect. Valuatox'. Land uld Gcnera! Aszeut. Mam compiled. Disput- ed Lines carzfully adjusted. “ ‘ ‘ 7 n A- “ Armin House." ____________.'i VIE. WM. BROWN, Provincial Land .L SurVeyor, and Mr. Arthur G. Robinson, formerly Government Civil Engineer 3nd Architect, have opened an ofice at Orinia. All orders to be left at S. S. Robinson's Law 06cc 154. f “07;!2'2:1\'éxc 30an to tomnfly nemnied bv A. All OnL-rs by Emil 'wfl .m. V. ‘ion â€"-.-\(1 he‘s. B"! J! whâ€"Xâ€"(EER. c., kc. Valuator adt Ferment Building Society. I u; u----. ._ that he will be happy my m5»: wh‘ch his sex-v of each month. Good sets of Teeth a: $16.00. 05cc. at Dr. Sinderszm's. N.B.‘A_ goes! ‘Openinz for a. student. I u 0-.) ‘i‘ie gxgosfior “T. H. FAST ‘ HOWE m amm’s 22w, 321:1: Buck ORILLIA, 031x, ORILLIA' TENNERY 1 Cash paid for Hides, Kip and Calfsmand Tmow. > _________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" WBGAR, FENTOS CORBOLLP, Ll Wt! and Attorneys-atrium Soho:- WI in Chancery, Conveyance“. c. Otlcr-hw Buildings Missimcask villi... , J. D. EDGAR I". PENTOX. a E. CORBOULD: Lanna“ 01‘â€" Au sums. o'm‘;o‘gr new Dominion ONTAINS the most reliable informa- tion of all the sayings and doings in the “ North “Fast." Everyone wbntakes an interest in this fax-til..- Province, nr who antici- pate making thcir homes here, should subscribe for it ’l‘em 32 per annum, in advance. AddresS. BIKOKOVSKI CARRUTHERS. Pruprietors, 1“ \Vinnipeg, Ma. “ The Manitoba Gazette,” VVINNIBEG,_ , ORILLIA 3mm FACTORY. '1‘. HAUN DRE LL. - ~ Proprietor, I: prepared to supply all orders, wholesale or retail, on the shortest notice. ' â€"- As he has the largest facilities for manufac- turing sausages north of Toronto. country doalers will do well to give him a call. _â€" -' Romoxnber his old, stand next door to Berry's OysterSaloon, Peter St.. 0mm. Dec. 4th. 1872. 161 Down.» Bnowx, This Hotel is large. neatly furnished. and always supplied with the choices: Wines.~ . Sample and suite rooms for Commercial Travellers and visitors. .’ Enquiirr at any BRICK and TILE YARD he Subscriber is prepared to furnish _ any quantity of “finite and Red Brick and Tiles of any size at low price? Orders by Mail will receive prompt menm .. GEORGE‘DRAKE, on”. Mav- 1872. Benvert'm. P 0 . grafessi‘oual 4» ()RILLIA DIVISLON. S 01'" T.. : meets every Tuesdav evening. in :he Temperance Hall. Visiting mem- bet. Will be heartily welcnme- ‘ A. W. THOEIPSON. R. S. Tobe delivered at the Mill, for bigbestprioeinCash willbepnid. A Orilfia. Feb. 26th. 1873. WILD. ”mum, 3x20313313 AID WHOLESALE DEALERS I! Cléthb, Tweeds, . . TaJilgr’s Trimmings: \ Gentlemen’s Furnishinfiézc. 33 Front St. West. (Late the “ Iron Bloch") TORONTO, QN’T. ADVERTISE SHOE)! :XKERS' FINDINGS, c., fl YOU int 9 1: 3M: 20th Maw. 137? TEAMBOAT 5: STAGE HOUSE, w. ARMSTROSG; BASS w'oo'D LOGS. 13;. Aug. mm. 1371 VETERIW .4 KY SD RGEON, .mmuZde .VZOU GOOD 37.4. Rents “51 glib? collected. J ACKSOX. MATCHEDASH STREET. '59; Qéiieh the kid GRAYENHURST. Wanted immediately, W EST ST.. DRILLIA‘ .usiues's @ 31:135. ALW’AYS OS HAND. 51' TH! omen ROBINSOX.§0L{CI$OR, LAW BENCH. EEAvERTON TH URSDAY, Runs Moan- .9 P. MURRAY. a. year; 1.12, a dvance a quantity of 57, Oman. [118ml- 'to th “ Ofima House,” A. Fuwlie. ‘ will receive gogptatten- so: at the Quill, {of which :5} GRANT, QONVEY- 0f the “(well anuator for the Can- Societv. Orinis. Ont- 'AIX WRIGHT. : Bark wanted immf- :hest price in cash “all - Pnormmon. arts. Pmnxmox. Proprietor 3. mm ip TEE 142. VOLIIIE lV-y Montreal Telegraph 00., Vicker’s Express 00., . Provincial Insurance Co And General Agency, 6' REMOVED 3 To the building lately occupied by the DOMINION BANK, CORNER OF Mississaga and Peter Streets, where every attention willbe pdd to busi- ness entrusted to Corner of Mississaga. and Peter Street?» OLD and American Currency, drafts on New York, Bills of Exchange, and United States currency, bought and wld, Drafts issued on all points in Canada. Interest will be aIIOWed, at the rate of' four per cent. per annum, on Special De-- posits remaining three months. Special arrangements can bemade for moneys re- maining over that time. has been opened,for the accommodation of mechanics and parties wislfing to deposit small amounts. Deposits taken in this De: partment of one dollar and upwards, upon which interest will be allowed, payable half yearly. ' Oflice hours, 10 mm. till 3 p.m. Safr urdays, 10 3.111. till 1 p.11); , H. S. SCADDING, ' 1 m -th . Agent. WAINMAN, Shaving, _ Hairâ€"Dressing, AND éa‘mrooxxe SALOON, Mississaga Stu, Orilliz, a few doors east of the IiOOMS fitted up in first-c1215 and every attentionmfaid to the of customers. Having}: a long on in his business, and secured the servi a first-class hand, the subscriber g1; satisfaction- THE DRILLIA Shaving and Hair Cutting Saloon ! (Established 1870.) GEORGE MEAD, Near the new Dominion Bank. Mitssissazn. St., Drillia. ' GIVE HIM A CALL vâ€" If you want a good Shame. Hair Cut, or Shank poo, c., with Cleanliness, Comfort and Disw patch. A very large assprtment of patch. A ven large assprcmel Pipes, Razors, Combs, Btu: kept in stock. J AS. SHA)‘ @- Superior workmanship done at the lowest possible prices for cash. J. SHANAHAN. CUSTOBI Mat 5L Shoe Stare! JAMES KENNY, Lmlxie Street, 014, Market Block, near the Foundry, begs to inform the public of Orillin and surrounding enuntry, that he has commenced the practise of the prefession in this Village. Over 23 years ex'perience in the treatment of horses in the Royal Horse Artillery warrants him in stating that he is quite prepared to treat the most dif- ficult cases of diseases or uf accidentsto horses: ‘8' A Stableis provided on the premises for the treatment of horses.. JAMES KENNY, Late Sgt-Major, Roytl Horse Artillery. Grillia. Feb. Zth. 1873‘ 174 OWNERS 0F A SAVENGS BANK DEPARTMENT 161-tf. alt-“v.- GEORGE WAINMAX Orfllin. December 17th. 1872, 163-1v. Al} paragra‘pbs or micles in the EditorL-J, Local or L‘on'espondcnce Columns, 15 cents a line for each insertion. Announcements in the “ Business Notices" column. set as reading. 10 cents a line for each insertion. Notices of Meetings or Services to be held charged for n, the same rate as other public Mnnmmenta- FOMINION BANK. MIDLAND RAILWAY. of thetimetable 0f the idhnd Railway is‘ ,_ A .k- 1"...“- 7agv~ino Ram 1091:! Pomades. Oils, c., prepared by 01 um nun: m... -- â€". now in force, the Express leaving Bca'zmon for Port Hope, Ligdsay and Peterbomnsh, gt 2:20 p.xn., conga-chug with special npplimtio freightwm be I) through inn: 1:, taught PORT HOPE ’ T0 ORILLIA! . it We '1‘. R. wuâ€"w- v_._.v _ m. connecting withithe Nipmnfi and flow Toronto. and the; G" On And after the In? of Januu'y, 1873; TRAINS WILL RUN REGULARLY s between lOriIlia unifort Hope and Pgterboré’, connecting with the ijjssing. I_t Kob‘gvflng 10th of December, ‘OROXTO WINTER ALTERATION! HE EXPOSITOR ADVERTISING RATES. FARRIER. w LVIVu-v. â€"â€" â€"â€" v _v , when g {:95}: timof‘sblewmrbe “meet. ; Déc. 19. 1872. (Successor to T. Boyd.) PETER ST., ORILLLL HAIRDRESSER, " Algion Hotel.“ .NAHAN, - PROPRIETOR. HORSESâ€"ATTENTION t the subsoriber guarantees GEORGE MEAD first-class style, ,to the com-fort long experience 1e services of a. ;c., C., Acsxr. Lo‘NDON 61 PARIS HOUSE. Mechanical Watchmsker and Jeweller, has much pleasu're in announcing to the pub- lic, that he has opened a. in Hammond’mBuilding, where I . found a. LARGEAK D W ELL SELECTED STOCK Gold and Sifirer Watches, numnaw n6 ave” descrintion, d‘c. REPAIRING PROMPTLY SA TISFA CTION GIVEN MONEY BEFUNIDED. (Drillia. Fruit Depot A GOOD CUP TEA or COFFEE. New Jewellery Establishment: ,3 BINNER for WG-9 Mofi‘att. Wilson Having purchased from Mr. F. stock in trade, wish to inform trons and the public generally, will open, on Saturday next, 22nd Inst, In 'the building lately occupied by Mr. Kean, (’Ifi'f'Si.“ Booth’s Furniture Store, , 0...”.-. nu-CIlhl Having bought the stock at a. discount, and having a. large stock of Woollen Goods, bought’éprevious to the rise in wool, we have determined to ofl'er - f6:- the next few weeks, and will continue to sell at the lowest living prices. GROCERIES! We have BOOTS 8: SHOES in variety. READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, and DRESS GOODS, all unv- w__ ., Jewellery of every description, AT REDUCED PRICES. Bestllreadin'l‘own only 12 cents, T. DUNLOP’S In Mr. D. McKinlay’s building, on West Street, a. few doors south of Colbome A General 3%ng to; max: 2.135;; azganfian 4 11:: ”13mm . . A nice assortment of anc-I. Pastry, md (knfectionory‘suitwk for this m and all seasons. ~ ' 0-5115.ng ht. 1m, 16, W. MOFFATT. l J. G. WILSON. REMEMBER THE PLACE. MINTHOBII’S BLQSK. DUNLOP 1: determined to E elm ,mistmners the benefit pf the f inthe In Orillia, We will open a fresh ptock of GOOD AND CHEAP- '. FERRET, YOU CAN GET AT THE OF 01' om Mr. F. Kenn his to inform {heir- pn- that tliey ORILLL; ONT, CANADA, THURSDAY. The melancholy day) ere come, 'The saddest of the year, Of cleming pint end mobbing floors, ‘ And scouring fer and neer. Henped in the corner of the room, The ancient dirt lny quiet; N or rose “p.00 the father's trend, For to the children’s riot; But now the wpeh‘nte all up, And from the‘ suit-way top The mistress cells on men and quid To wield the broom md map. The house so late presented. Whercx‘n we dwelt, nor (ll-cunt of dirt, So any and contented l Alas! they're turned :11 upside down, ThatQuiet suit of rooms, 1mm]. .1.“- gnd ends. and 30m and lands, dun-v 1â€"--- , :LWith slope nnd ends, and so? end ands} » Tubs, est-pets, chairs, md rooms, ] stles and stands are standing round, 3 At sixes and it sevens; . While" wife and housemnids fly about, Like meteors in the hesvens. The parlor and tho climber floor Were cleaned a week ago; The oer-pets shook and windows washed, . As all the neighbors know. - ‘ l But still the sanctum had escaped, The table piled with books; Pens, ink, and paper all :bout, Peace in its very looks; Till fell the women on it all, - As falls the plegue on men, And then there nnished 311 away, Books, paper, ink, and pen. And now when comes the master home, As come he must of nights, To find all things are set to wrongs, ”l’hnt they have set to rights: When the sound of driving tacks is heard, Though the house is far from still, And the met-woman on the stairs, . That harbinger of ill; He vainly looks for .books and bills That all were there before, And sighs to find them on the desk Or in the drawer no more. And then he grimly thinks of her Who set thinriu-s afloat, And wishes she were out at sea ' In a. very leaky boat. , He meets her at the parlor door, l “'ith hair and cap swry, With sleeves tucked up and broom in hand, Defiance in her eye. He feels quite small and knows full well There’s nothing to be said; So holds his tongue, and drinks his ten, And sneaks away to bed. (Frum Zn’l's Magazine.) “ After the lapse of~two months, a. vague funibr of unacc-nlntnble origin began to spread through the highlands, to the effect that a. great misfortune had happened to the Scots soldiers of the ‘ Black Watch' in London. The Havoverinn wan said, ac- qordipgto (his report, to have Im-aked his ‘nevenge "pun thom‘ftir the fright they ‘ I ,, ,,_,,_! L2- I.-.â€" had given' bin}, in blood. “ One morning Aileen Ogilrie, my nurse, took me to the cemetery, and. there mali- ing three small wooden crosses which she plumeq in thiturf. said to me: .|.:._ _.. . n.“ n...» ‘n:n‘ AF )nunuu u- u..- -w . “ ‘ Master Eachin. you are nuw laird of Badernigh. I have dreamed the same dream three nights running, and I have in it seen all these who joined the hunt on the night the hind was killed. Neither Saunders Ogilvie, nor Daniel McRae. nor Allan Blame will ever sleep beneath the shade of the. old yew-tree, under the «all: at the church. Say your prayers, Mu'ter Eachin, for you are now become an orphan, and yourmother a widow.‘ ' ,,. .__A _____ AA ‘k- unu Jun; unv--.-- __ “ In the eVening I went over to the laird of Angus’ house to get the last num- ber uf the (itlcdoniau Mercury, which, for two long months Past, had been silent with EAL, -v V .‘.._O .fi reap-ct to the d( 111;; of the six companies of the Reicudau Dim. Thin paper had at last broken the spell, and ‘in its columns I read the fullowing lines: A ‘ ‘ n , A,__‘_ Aug-u. "n.- -77--- h- “ ‘ On Tuesday, the 3rd of the present month of November, the new regiment 0f Highkmders, caXled the 42nd of the line (formerly the ‘ Biack Wntch’), embarked for F landers.’ - x “ For the first ~timefor a. long while put I saw the tears standing in my mother‘s eyes. How alight a thing has the power (If re-animating that tenacious hope which lies at the bqttom of every cuurageoun “33 on: why vw‘-~_ heart! .Those few words seenied to sped: tu us by name of Saunders Ogilvie. Did he not farm one of that regiment? We knew now where he was, and our hearts were along with him. I looked upon old Aileen as being cmzy, and charged her to hold her tongue when she again endeav- oufed to draw my attention to her fore. ‘boding dfenm‘s. ,u _: u“; -m..n. A: Van-Av“- nun-lug, u. “a..." “ The last day of that month of Novem- ber fell on a Saturday. 0n the following day, the Sabbath, at about nine in the evening, 1 was asleep with mv head in my mother’s lap, when Aileen all at once ex- claimed, ‘Behold! mourning is ascending the road to Gleneil.’ Then rushing to the door, she threw it wide open’ md said, ‘ Enter, Cousin Ronald Ogilvie; you are welcome to the house of_Ba‘deraigh.’ “CAVIIIHV -v -._- W “ We could not recognize him who cross- ed theetnresliold. It was a wretched beg- gar, with sunken and cod’m'erous cheeks. and whose form, ucnt almnst double, was supported by crutches; while amidst the misses of tangled hair which covered his head and face all that could be seen of he features were two large hollow eyes glaring with a set fixeducss. After the door was closed and the lamp trimmed. we could, however, discern in the rags he wore the remains of what had once been the. hand- some uniform of the ‘ Black Watch,’ and also: trace of the Frazer tartan on his plan But Ronald was a stalwart young fel- low of twenty-two,» while this individual eeemed n broken-down old man, who. when he opened hi~ mouth to speak, fell down ineensible on the hearth-wine. We ‘ undreaed him, inanimate as he was, and ‘ found his body covered with wounds. both old and recent. Bis attenuated frame spoke of famine. sickness, and fatigue, and he wasin factnothing better than a; were living skeleton. During a whole week we watched around the side of the bed to which he lay eon fined by slow fever. “'hén he had recovered strength and'con- sciousness he said, ‘ Baderaigh is deadâ€" mnrderedfi ' “ I alone wept; my mother did not shed a tear. “ ‘Gillie, child, you are now old enough to he told the history of your race. Your eyes have not the fire I should like to see in them, Ogilvie!’ ‘ . “‘Little Watwhatdoyonthinkofmy A TALE tale 1’ “ The “The hit-d {topped to take u deep dnnght of ale. My hthor stretched out his hmdto him and murmured. ‘Your wrathhamlihe Mfiqwohuné 0? THE SECOND STYLE?! RISXXG. ifid had drowned his fen;- " iircsibc. ”'1“- W W“ ‘r'vâ€"v 7 . but'tho emu-t he mule u: doing no dun} eve \‘eotige of “ma from his face. ‘ “ enigh thus spoke in reply to tab: “31“. Wu, '0 luv. not yet arrived ate-2w You!“ faker has not amps-ongly enough, lad. No oak ox- istlvbchhurouts wdeepuilmyhsto! * "‘ “My mother sad 1 war. Md one night“ the bedside of the soldier Boudd nglne, tho wu than nou' the point of dost-19., ,3, WOW him to ope-k, for an. a. druid he vould win: 1... hot with him '56 the grove. 2 spoke, and '0 placed oureu-I to M: mouth to «tell the murmur: «)th voice. “? Mpnped train hondonto the ‘8 frontiet, huntoq down like awo mrwwtpolm He was won (hm tim‘etbefuro h. had gqt “Lin in I fever 0f curiosity: ‘ MW1WK'EW9'3 6”“ I A :_ Li. Wuu "'7 .__,__,V_.' . ' Sol" - Thumb- I-a-dt hi- .fiflfia’” ' ,Mgty when“ t yfldbud thmughthonidnofthouac populstions ; constantly bemyed by his uniform‘snd his language, sud exhumed by hunger, fatigue. amd cpld. He had five claymore wound: on his jet-son uni two musket-bulb imbcdded in his bndy when he fell fainting at the foot of ; hiding-plus on the fieujtory ofAthe dm‘ggllvie. , A- _II n- vu mu 'vv-v'â€"’ V- “‘Thin iswhat he was m; to te before he yielded Pp his lat breath: I A _|__--_a- .. WWW nu glen-y‘- «r __ __,_ , “ ‘ The twonty- our detachment. of the ‘thk Watch'lnd «used the south of Scotland with cue, olmmt with yety. At. every phce they passed than they were the objegts of_ _: friendly curiosity. RAJ! -_.l .3..- “I- van: I'"“ WV, ‘W were th object: of : friendly curiosity. The villngen brought them food, and thr townspeople sue entertainment; in their hougr. But on the "that side uf tho Eng- lilh frontier «Verything changed a if by magic. [u “in doe- Southnd give the best of her blood for England; the English detect. the Scotch. 1n the (owm. the mid- dle claw- refmed to recognize the billet. uses 01 Ann sum Iv- -.Vwe. r , detest the Scotch. In the towns. the mid- dle claw- refused w recognize the billet: given them for lndgingl. Ufiieen end wldiers Were obliged t» hivouac in the stream, sud hudly wuuld the enticement sell their guodsw these men for money. Even in the very midutui mend abund- ance the Highlander suffer: if he in In- A J4-.. “In...“ 6"." Illa ulsllwuuv- _ how his tmumnins A deep gloom fell upon the six companies, and “hen the pipes sounded the pibroch, tam were in all eyes. Every one cut I lookof :nehm- choly regret behind him, but. 81“! ,hil natiw hills no longer met his longing view. “>‘ The last four detwhmenu of the ‘ Bleak Watch' remhed Londnn on the 2nd of October, and they prepu'ed themselves to be reviewed on the next dny by the king, according to the assurance made them in Edinburgh thut tbut was the lule object of their visit to London. ODJPCK 0| wuu VIUIU .v ._-.__. ‘f ' But iustewd of his majesty, Genet-s! Wade held the mview under the m mbre Will» of the Tower. am! they learned that the king. by an off naive c-gincidence, had embarked for Germany on the very (by the hat. of them gravid. wt __.m_: 1“». the Ila: u; lucuu mu“... “ ‘ The staff of the English general look- l ed with supercilionsneu upon their winer ‘ vet martial uniform These young cour- ; tieJ ahohnd never heard the wand of 1 musketry except at. dnllon Fluchley Com- 1 mun, lgughed loudly as dlev looked at the 3 ruu'e mbhards of the claymores, sud es- ’ pccially at the Lochsber ne- carried by l the. sergeants. The luwest scum of the . London populu‘e jeored tad insulted 3 them, mnm; than ban-legged beggm, € rogues, wd pupina. i a “ ‘The six enmpmies remained tacitum l 'u:., on“ ‘n-r- w. “ ‘ The six onmpmies remained tacitum and unmoved, but everyf .rehew‘. burned, and tars cscnptd non: u-me eyelid; “ ‘ After the review, Uonenl Wsdo, placing hiy-uli in the mint of the hollow “RAG, mu . “ ‘ The king's orders ire, that the 42nd uf .the line alull hum itseh in readineu to leave in three dsys.’ “ ‘ To leave! to see again their moun- tains, and bask in the smile. of their loved ones at home! That hope was enough to efi'we the remembnnc: 0! my sud days. On regaining their quuwrl the soldier: of the ‘ black Watch' turned 3 deaf ear to the mm; of the gocknqy crowd. L ~__l. “ ‘ Theyhnd not bet-n given 3 bun-wk. nor had they been billewd, but were 1.11 housed in inns. The Ogilvia und tho-e who had married into that elm lodged together sum; ‘Qgeen g! Scots] in Lin- coln's Inn Fields. where Ensign MneAlpine of Duncaw, etill sufi'eiing, kept his mum. F or the first time since they had lost sight of the moun‘nins they felt inclined to be { contented and happy. Making: collection ‘ from their scanty put-ca. SenndenOgiluie summoned the host, after the reput, to order spiced axle and mulled wine, nfter the fashion of their uwn country. “ ‘ The landlord was nMacIntyrc of the Highland burden half Lowlnnder, hnlf MOuutaineer, and who had been forced, by the activity of the ‘ Black Watch,’ to ex- patriate himself and seek his fortune in London. He pxewnded to receive them with delight, and loudly expressed his din- approbation of the manner in which King Geor'e treated such bruv: gentlemen. ‘ “fin serving the wine, beer, sud brandy, ordered, the hue! denounced the ineolenee at the London mob, declaring that in his time for far less cause Scottish clsymoree would have leept from their scehbu'dl, and then he adde'd: ‘ “ ‘ But those who wish to drive you to bay, gentlemen, well knew how to tire out your patience.’ - “ ‘ Explain yourself,’ acid the eageant. " ‘ The lmdlord seemed. to hesitate, and then in 1. low tone said: Luca nu .- u. .. . _.v _._v,, “ ‘ Dunuw, your ensi'. 11, an give you man an: oru}a.:ion than l.’ . I 'A L:_ n___ 9 nun-u AutVLMIO-I-vâ€" « ‘MacAlpine 6:13: left his mom,’ began Saunders. “ ‘ What. does ant mattcrfnid Madn- gym, ‘siuoe sumo one 119.com to see H “ ‘ Then he added in s still lower tone, ‘ And some one uell intonued, be sure!’ “ ‘ Looks of distrust. were visible mound t‘ue table, but. Saunders merely shrugged his shouldersAandfixchimed: XAE,__ W anuunuvsu ~â€" 7777777 , "‘ MacAlpine is a. gentleman; befom yuu attack him. wuit until he shall be an his owing-round, With his claymure in his hand. "' Landlord. is it long since this penance has lefx Duncan 2' “ ‘ It is some time since he snivodfim- plied Muzlntyre, winking, ‘ but he in nut ream" ’ 'Ifl: ‘V-u “ ‘Then let u drink andawait the mn' said Saunders. " ‘ It was five in the evengng, god night was filling. They drank, for everythmg chehoct had placedon 41:: table had the true Soogtish fltvor. They an ‘their nu- tionnl songs, ugd theighoads, I0 'du they were. Ind became summing; heated when' the clock of St. Clement‘- ohurch struck seven. w‘cll. jnstu Corponl Macaw In: about to be- gin I fresh 3mg, ndeep voice, whic): seem- ed to issue from the euth, commanded silence Every one turned, md at En- sign Dunc“: sanding on the threshold. tottering, and a pale as ; corpus. - “ ‘ Comndu,’ he said, ‘ you mmleave in of” dsyo, but do you know UM in your dutimtion 3 Th: potion of my cousin Abner in the bvourizc minim" of the king. and that m the inch-actions left by‘his pointy before ailing for Go:- ' ”LA. 1L4); r..- Ina-33y; yesterday morning: ”man we Db“ intothno_m_uch MAY 1, 1873. 1:1;â€" fividé the 7 ”ha l‘hmve-ekflahchoraflw ‘- 44.; __ .. o- o]:- 'I'nm' o pmite dn Tom.’ n ~ « "W. up than,’ cal-ind 0H m Blane. u "mg. fim'mdod Ensign Dmv, . i. (1M for New Even. in NW“ W the noond will sail for CM “mmlndkgndthofluid ring: to the Cape of Good Hope. whiohin‘ ”no; extremity of ,urios.’ ~ « . All London know: tht.’ ““1"“ an lmullnlda nisim hi on: ”M. aut we”? W'- “It nflv-w -vu'rv. .. . While the alum vouch dull be on thei: voyage.’ oohfinuodanunav f 31m vaginath and hpindm dn air“. of an Forthâ€"M'W can of the yougalt ‘4 W of the igh- hadnudjfl ‘ ":3 walnut-Icon them-hip? ' ' ntumtofetch "’°"“ ' "m 25““ ”“1321.” one he iefi ' Thu-Rub. but women, #3 childnnâ€"m my prey Oaths inveterate hue of the Englinh.‘ -L:__ :. _-- WVU|UIGW m â€"_ 77,, “ ‘ When he hsd woody-poking, itm in rather than blood mm through" the veins ofhhhm. mum whst Mulutyre migkt hue mixed with his do and whiskey, _bu.t the men bee-me 7' Jâ€"A -'_IA-I. struck, the poop e of Gleneil Id “fitted the i611. when there renuined may the hndlbrdnndMchlpineofDunaw. The other: dispersed midst, to them, the strange streets of London, I00 ' the lodginggoftheothermmben ofthe lack _. --.. . .1 _I_-J L;...: Ina umnzl- lU'lgI Iva wv \'â€".v- .___.--_7 Wunh.‘ Wth they had heard had sound- ed like the mufied pad of the toe-in; True or like. Duncaw'l ale was of n n:- turo admirably adapted to make 3’. deep innpreuion on those Iimple mind; About eleven the nix companies, minul their captain. and some superior Officers. were collected on the vote ltnd which Mox- tendod behind the hospiul tt Roma. They commenced tyeir much towards the AA I:;A.._ Jig}. '- Cyuuuu I; uwu my. â€"â€"__-_,, 1n Nc-rth in silence, the litter which amid! MecAlpine being in the midst of the men who belonged the then-chin e! Gleneil. YOUNG “El. TIIEIII DANCERS All! PRIVILEGES. (Addnal Doliured Before the Orillia YJI. 0.4.; by the Rec. Joshua Dylu.) I should hue been pleased had itfsllen to Innro eloquent lipl than mine to «him you «in the present occasion. But! mun ‘ A ‘..‘._ J-£-:nnn;“ than In" ‘ulll‘n ‘ul‘l' I..- u- .__.I The experience of every young man here will bonnie out in saying tint there no both dangers and privileges in the path of 1 life. And an it is the duty of a pilnt tn under-and the dungzen‘ and Idvamtngen of his mum. an it iqtho duty «of young men to study the dnngen by which thvyare sur- rounded, and at the same time lenrn whnt bluesingnGod huplneed withiutheir ranch. One of the first dangers to which we no .ubject in that of forming rust wave or urn. _ The nature of young men cont-in! ele- ments and pom-n which nun-t and will develop themselves. In our youth we ere like the meltegwnx which cu‘ily teaches impressions. We have similar di-«ynsitiunl 1 and m surrounded by mail.“ influenceu. Young men are highly progressive, and the name principle of proxies-ion, governed by sinful mutivu. which leads one young mu: to degradntion nud slumc. leads another, when governed by huly purposes, in!» the ftvmir of Gad and man. Hence it appeal thnz the first danger, sud in my opinion the nvenue which leads to :11 others, in to fulni fake view: of life. F or illflm, uke the can: of nyonugmm who does nut [em flat for hie life to be useful he must hive holy aims in View. Curelou nod heedleu both of the present md future. he fiollon the pmpcnniiieaof an evil handing!” to the temptations of sin nnd Sntin. And whntis the result? In the first place he is led into . m ooanY. He believes that life we. given for en- joyment, 3nd hnving nove" learned whnt true enjoyment in, he is bent upon finding ch» which in m! in humany with his own sinful 3mg. _Tl_:o each-333193 wand nu . ‘7 _‘ of “ fut maxim" the brilliant light of pol- lubed hulls; tho merry figureain the dance, sud I. thousand other bewitching Influences operate upon his mind '0 powerfully, and pleue him to well, ant at once he. in caught in the cum sod becomes them- cine of those who love to gutify golf and dinhonour God. Thin cvil lad-to tho no- gloat of duty. and the following of qua- umublo purgmfu. Th_ex~e ne‘er cu ; uin # .A2_l_J Bumble rump. 'J‘nere never was s us. yet but M to another. I have noticed tint those peg-Ions who delight in balcon- pm; ham been hrgely addicted tothe 1-1,,A_ n___:.s:.._ m-“ (M if. r-"J ---‘ --__ , v - u at of 'duty. Conviction me. it.- seeglupon them tint they no «Scams, but they yield. wd porhspo M the am time try to soothe oopscienoe with the proâ€" mine that it will ‘t unly 'be {or thisonoe.” Mmy : yonyg gnu Inn than stifled conâ€" , 1 AL- _..:_:A .J (241 ”ml ’1"“'. -â€"-â€" W, Qjeuoe. and grieved the apirit of God. A young m was once under s m of deep enquiry about his our-ml inure-u. Two or three of his oompmiom ion-m tint. be m going to; payer-meeting. 3nd determined to change hi. purpose. They penusdodhimonlythisonoemgotothe new: of mm. Be My yiolded. '. They plied their at of mun A ‘_ _- ”I! 5|.-. 51...}.an Vl"luw. V .uv, r"... ._.--- _. , hen-t slid M to well tint they bound him in the am of u had {endowm- iou. 1% in his (ltd momnfiurin ele- weeks he committed murder, end followed the horrible éwd with instantaneou- self- deltrudion. And so it. he: been with hun- dreds of young men; in to evil moment they have yielded to an...“ theirlife he ended in everlasting dim. to such 50““ m _.__.-- Aun- which 1t flat nemedap‘vileundbud.hu' thingtoennohle nonthmoghtheoom ythéyhovekcpt. gnoctoourliva the-oenuthpyluve heldJoutuuchof aminbeingu infilcqggpandhnmtnéd'vithouthed- pocitioninlfiol A YOCXG aux 1‘0 \‘OL‘SG m. (To be amtimwd.) which curb w Linn known mm; m. y_ho' pm Wed 5.13m truly an thst "in is like the letting out a! water,” and who . young man begin- tontborintbonghon-deod. he never know-when“ that the endwill be. Al the lost wk MO 3 fit. which burn- up whole wuss-niacin, nodule-chin nursed and rum in our Learn v.11 “5‘1:ther htp‘-,md ‘ ‘ ‘ '~ ~ A. ,__,L: _ __. :1; n- Suzm. In emanation w u w W of company, and w. evils of inteln men will thin: and enjoy the q “inward Humane. both in in apen ma. mt forms. " By examination mté thr mumMnl of thodend [Moficnmd the oeizumin New Yon-husband twenty diluent order: recorded on the book- ox rdulor, ooiging {lam thg Libnrhn in one: lm,L of our ganged Wm’m 0‘ ob-! scene p otognphn. Wpic 99d other picture» M has he“ WM m dun 133.020; chansbmhrdpamphlm more ve . ; . echo in etc" w ' “haw; Mmmmpg‘ eat phying ends. 6, ; obscene and im- monl rubber guides, over 80,0(1); letter: from all parted“. country ordering thue goods, .50“! 15,0“); names of dealers in .the mount books wind. about 6,000. A very Inge proportiun of the work- of this clues ere of the worst kind. tending to our- rupt the princi lee. influme the pueeium. excimin ”to «infield-[needebliuht over £1 e povren of the will.” In this .39 of our: a large mount of reading if dune for no other purpose flash to " kill time." Thousands of our young pt ople ure 1 eugeglxdevoqxjng popular nfivehegdliek‘y "D"'d _v , , love tales. nthâ€"111mm end minder “poi; 1 every page. The tendency of Inch banks «and hem «the:-~ thu: to depnve the mind end debt-e the soul. The human mind is constructed in and) n manner that it strives to imitate when“: it admins. no that the hock: we radium n greet deal ing our lives. If we tend book- which pnpulu'ize crime and hold up the viled n ndlin thnirsinful work, such books wi l beget in thu mind of the rendernsym- y for the per-on and the «r men they eve bommitmd, end in many cases thy reader has nttcmppd topopularine himself by similar deeds. A young man who we! employed by n fermer'nt Belper, Derby- ehire, _Englnnd, without fay apparent mu- ,, __ _Il quc, nan-5...", """""‘â€"-'a "rrâ€"-“ , tire whwever, Attempted to murder an old housekeeper. Why did he do it? He had been reading a long course of stories ubnut Dick Turpin md Jack Sheppu-d. Mr. Aimworth, why popularised .snd .inyested with a hslo of méumce such viliians a; Turpin and Sheppard, of course thought of writing nothing more than muting fic- tion; but the anal! of our police 00W and the broken hamof many purely: tell us of hundrodi of youugmen who, through the porno! of these and-minibu- books, he“ been led to thame and dingnoe. And let me remind you thst. the impression: whicl‘ ouch bouks mgke [pun chemin‘dl cs‘n never obscene pictures. and read a. few pm: of “the polluting Volume. He says “ I landed the book back to him. and never ssw it again, but the poison took effect, the sin left its nun-k.” Ho 'pnyed fur grace t conquer, but it was: a. thorn in his flesh.‘ be erased. The Rev John Angel Jum- nys (Int in his youth he formed tn ac q‘minmuoe with a. young mm of fine edu- cation and commanding went. They .0: m became boo-m friends. One morning nftm school, at. s ntreet comer. this youth hand ed him a book. saying thnt he would on!) head it to him for a. few moments. The_ stood at the street owner 1 short time. while John Angel {une- looked at thr 'v--1_'_ , sander the arm carried a copy . f Homer's Iliad withhim in all his travel: The {acme mana- ilwhioh it xe- count! the bloody (lo-d: «if its ral e: d inuzimu'y hemo- teuiod hrgely'to would the chunuctuof thingustmbbor and mm - dent. Ho thin-sud for viéMx-y s-ni cou- queat, even if he nadod through was 01 bloated gutted it mid the cries}! a murdered people. Again. tho life of Alvin under incitel to simzlar deegiu' txu othe) tau-inn. Cwfl‘highat mbi‘ i‘ .1: Was u need in the yep: uf Alexandraanu Cum- ln the Twelfth of Sweden longed to.“ Ins buyhnod adult“: the at Mac :dunir. conqueror. My deir 9 1);; I“ n, we Can not. be («wasteful as to the {uohlwe man. Hundreds and lbw-sands have unduigeJ i the books of which I hive been slnakmg, ‘ wd htve found their way to rm: raxxrex'nAny AND 10 um muom gnu . _-.____,_ The danger. I have enumrated lead 10 infidelity either in its milder or grasser forms. Let. a young nun gyiold to ho comp‘lny, had its attendant evilx, and In will soon find thy be ha a dislike for the Word of God. He will ghugx the cognpsuy u v-- ... VVv- of the pious, md’ hnta thn 'nntructium o. the wise. He will delight tn rend that! books which'ddicule the Word (if God; anu- wickedly m at. its holy truths. hi bout will grow harder and harder mm. the hope of 3113an ha flavour gone and the light off-aginng’mercy In: cum ed to shine upon his soul. Augther £31m view of life whichis very oummon mvnga: young men, is the'idea that as” m 30 REAL Insult. ‘ I hue neon ymmg men mdertho influence of this evil. wind at the “met corner auu deride punts-by who um going to th: housed God._ Themsemptugua exprv 3 sion upon dud: aluminum}, the cyniw cold meet upon ‘lzeil'lipl, told plainly that they thought then was no dun-er in thcix present wtionn. I hue scen'yuung men lingering round a tavern bar, unis: lewd just: and "aha, with dirty pipeamdfilthg cigm :tmding 1mm their fm, who would we adled‘yon s liar if you 1nd told them there in danger in their path. I hue seen yqunz men who wept. to .h thought there was aw danger. But I tel; you tint tin is full of anger, and in our youth we are most liable tn such dangers; sad the young per-on who hucometothe owtclulion MM is no dmger in hir path In} Meet-tidy stated on a road, theomiof dichisévulutiug death. Bu‘ while our pub in full at dngzgers, we are none and «and W ' mm, a f. thepfivihz' demyuuns.m to be ,-___.r.. .â€".â€"w Ir .._‘ I" Alums 6mm. niche-ad {me pay 119'. be reached by 0.11. It is not poo-able fox: gavelâ€"y non to turtle the world with their (1 , as did 'Nquleon. Wee-amt all be kings and ' ‘ . Our twoinlifiolndflubulioal we'mhy inflow. msyxmt. ‘nllow us to wear otl-Ind gloves. Ourhnndsmy bohudandw "‘1me bmwfinummpp .vfi'd'ngmetoenteru Imurcnl h ‘19 a: Snfioqgnu a com ' ‘ 3 1' m ' of, ' “ - ‘ourm'fi dill) ‘“~fine 7%: n! ind make us better than we were I-cfnvre. If we would cnjgy this privi qge w in in": at ex nt, we Mgiveoui to 61 d and in ma"; way. living «1a: this «to. we druid be Lalourgble in. ‘yrgdfil . it byamir ' be!) . - - tlemen, we Md he Wm_m 0g actions. should MUM {£01311 othen, mdtrytomout “”20““: mm - * w nm‘u. » ' cmmwmmfi to quoosn noxouw mm undaboredl to Md i9 tho-afflic- Iiom. By theta-m “warble" pen anything Which peruinl t9 the dunes of life, from the mud sweeper on the due‘ I: to the kingon dictum. In , conviccgon in his ownnfind w'h . _ or profession he will follow. And 13:33 AA“‘A‘ 0“:- nnd'hm ‘0'. him“. he ‘W ‘1‘“. vâ€"v n . "“1“! “ti- W .' form’cfo 90% take the lug!!!) mud pus-it up. his pnofe-sion no bud flu: it willnombo erased a longs: he dull live. At ‘M vhichlutendodw Iawuslifihboy wind to dupe-Io ' new of m m t'ehmmethintm .. , “Iflmstinker.ntinkorl‘dbe. 2,, 1 No tinku' should mend an 0H W Iii-‘2‘. The idea. was flat whstcm wedid we gang to dd with :11 our might. and Julie 18 good “to possibly a»\id;-JnJMeir pocition of life we may be found. «most ‘upply diligence and intense wpfiatic-nig we would succeed; L‘Bflthuethz .. m to momenta; 0‘ “M4; '_ mm“ a ' “a“ war own success. _ kgmv that imfl ,. uv w...- '1'. v..."- -w-w united by some". dimnhliemafilt' ; " mun hmmmtvfdmamd , nix chm-char in formed for him And new; by himself." But I Me by? an inn, wlligenoe 3011 use conscious of k“ that, when we say Mm (“ww‘ character. and brw doing mute the ~ I cut of their mecca, “an int “ n.4,: but at speaking forth the words of truth ad ”harness." Yea-my aux-young” . we hue tn form our on: W, nine the wall: of on: own max-d Mule,- and? met-“re the extent of our on “can. And but highly gratifying it “be to v-Very sober and $9111de m :hnCmd lmoondeaoedfleéto‘hemeou architect, has given us untied plain“. 7 - ‘ A ,z: .A-;L- v.1. ”mush, HID 51“"- â€" â€"'Vv-___v . V ‘ word. and pmmised the dd of the Holy . Spirit to 1) In no in attaining to the _ V: 4 «at stage of intellectual, moral. and on] manhood. Chrietinnity has nod .1. hart of means for the {amnion end_ :mwth of character. Among the mks.- we my mention oanabbath Schpo with pious teachers, and holy, games} ' i" ' payers. ‘ We lr‘ve {empennc ,7 thick mover shining witl henna! ‘ to warn om- yumh of medical- f dmpk- _ emu-es and shine. We here'u‘M f Religious Law which purifiel the * mind and fills it. with meat meson after that which inholy and e. , We have the Young Men’s Chi-Satin Anodi- ion. with the kindness of it; memhen, fig , union uf its heartthc blending of ihpur- . poses, the strength of'ts gnheringu. and the holy work it inmxre to accomplish:- ane we unmet-ted all our rivilegei'f Key, mv flicnds, have we not Church; with its sacred and hallowed influenjfll‘.‘ ; The Church with its faithful p’nyen‘eveu‘ going up to God thnt as young men we may be sued from the paths of vjceuld aha-me. Above 111, have we not the pruning of the Holy Spirit to enlighten our m' ' ‘ purify our hearts, and fit us for Che hattleof life. Theeeaxeenhed pti . . “ Surely the lines have fallen to us in plen- um places and we have a. goodly heritage} . ‘ It is gmdly possible foyeveryyqungunn ‘ I ere, not only to‘ be anxious of endlpfi- vilegea but. to put them to their ‘ 1 __A L- -I. .lnhnr lav the found: and, by so dong'lsgv'the mummies: huild chc walls of 9 change!" which-inn; stand . ,’ But there is wither: prim! 30m L Du! Luwr :3 ”\IUuVI . . . _-U~, , the when tend; andrgreut as they Qty In they'will not bear oompu’ifion with the ex; cellcncy and the honour ,of becoming com-oasis my! 099;; ' l in accomplishing to swing Mos-iv of Christ. 011! mydeu' young ' have) Work befoie you'which would . , e -~xiatence of an angel, «sad if pix-$514}; crease his love and admiration of {he , viuur. Thele is power in your “Mag 81d in the influence of your livento baths, means of swing your {giant-(nun. M death which never, never diet ' God work: by means, and he oil] use this Am U)’ alumna, .uu uv --‘. _-_. ,v, as a. menus :0 saw ymmg'mm_ww ' trembling on theorink of WW “bu are entering the asthma”: fl -, dam or infidelity. -OW the work! How nob} . e M 1 when back the rude w 0!: M _,I and .dministeu spit-W 1W Ind-m How q-xcellent ghe word-coming . m . lips, and the In“? iii-flue!” ‘ fins”; your livedâ€"which: W "on ' m _ « d nuke it (purer abd'affiefler’ [hm it is. If you wnnldlaceump V ' this. let harmony ever-dwell in your; M99 vnd haw common )jnnin new”, 11:96:13 luvfom the bottle 'of ‘Tx-afdghr l'ond mm took two of his .‘régq‘pl’ofiqgfl, who vex-r at variance to a. plaog when; ‘ -h éy could lee the whnlg lineofshxgnemy'l hips. and xoiuting in *fljp dipo- P6 and, "Theron «mom, duke hwda‘qhw, _. ‘ be unod friends, for yonder are}. at cw, mics." And we :0le any tothis W. ,. tion, lvt harmony ever dwell inyan - - ‘ - I ,, _:_... a... uuu, an. no. mm“, -V -7 - , _ .uu'e «Immun aims in View, Inmwinc this ynur only enemies as sin and Saki: . :. » In conclusion. let me comm din; Arsociatiun upan it- ability, under an blessing of Gd. to apply all that: privi; 1cm» 3" their higher gnu-poor. . w pg. A u.â€"-- View 9. ‘ or} you, in the words of Scripture I be “ diligent in business. fervent ms wrving the Lard .” Let me «£1me in the wards uf Jesus. to let you-r light flint b-‘fnl‘e men, that others, wring you-good m1 ks, may glorify your Father who il‘ili Heaven. If you dnynurdntyuinen. n‘iil moat auvm d‘y make you 3 way great Jessing both to yamrselven and othen. Thu you may shun all the dangers oflife’, and (-njny all the privilege‘, is the com desire of your slasher. ' ., . . _ Munvumy w»..-..- 7., W, 7 v _ 4f choic‘: New Music. worth at] $1; in rhea-56ml. 5513 an the flbliuflszil ‘3 30 «mm per number. . The ”3.11““ inju-nohand. ' "’ ‘ A aux named Samuel Moore, l- manic teacher. and resident of'ihe cmmty’of- Wentworth. was killed Int weekon dag track of the Glpnd Trunk. aw Landing -- m- 4“.â€" EVERY number of Pm’ Mum's-l Monthly penguins from eight to ten pied ,7,~LL _- 1--.; Q1 cm ul III-v vnâ€"u‘ --___, ,7 , ' _ by a train ' over him. ' The ISM mute man ‘53! lying 9n the tuck under. the influence of liquor ' ' Duns: r0 Gazaâ€"The Jen muddy“, willingly tread upon the Wpieoeot paper in their Iny, but took it up; f‘fq. possibly" “Marcy. “them of God may b.- on it." Trample not on gay, there may be somcfozl: of pace than 7 ,- -1 1‘-) so much of, u togivehiaprgciou blood for it; therefore despite it not. ’ ‘ Do xor BE :2: A HURRY.-Ove8 haste makes destructive Work some-P times, and we should advise m who are contemplating planting in their garden to wait awhile. The” sudden changes in the weather an destructive to ‘seed. It will do'iie‘n, enough 00‘ plant fleas. onions, nag ishes and lettuce just now. but; in 1 a little 100 saon for other Hold on a little while longer when the gmund becomgm phat your seeds. I“ W fellowt'invm " rer did. God work- I use this Associnti “mug men who i k of dam _ ‘ aniline“ 1. he 1 mhfimg

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