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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 1 May 1873, p. 3

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manna-”vâ€" -_ -7 , ‘I Pof't Perry RaiIWay qdestion is at; tmting the serious attention ofonr meta, who received the intelli.‘ gence of your meeting with say. prise, and certainly thh no small degree of pleasure, as its construe «rive them direct com. tion would a mnnication with the County Town,‘ haida affording them uther valu; able advantages which at pressâ€"Lat they do not possess. I allude to the remoteness of thwe township from entrepot of the county. Though the ratepayers and the freeholders were not prepared to gr ' the Midland or Northern Extension Railways a bonus, still I~am fully convinced that they will freely give a bonus to the Perl: gen-y and Whit- - AA iâ€"narfgnl- tidy. ‘ ‘or the Narrows Bridge, the piles are ready in the ground, and the other material nearly all ready to proceed‘ with the work without de- ay, as soon as navigation opens, of which there is but slight prospect for some Weeks to come. Those best acquainted with this work on the 'bridge, are of opinion that it would be much better, and more economical to build stone piers at once, and construct a durable and substantial bridge than to be ex- pending large sums of money every few years in repairs, c. They think that this nioney could well he applied to other purposes for the benefit. of both counties.â€"â€"Co'rre8- pondence Whitby Chronicle. OI Juno auu -..._._v The Fall wheat looks remarkably well in the townships of Mars. ané Rama, and promises to be at. excel- lentcrop. An unusually large spread has been sown, and the agricultqrists of these localities look forward with hopeful expectations to their being favored with an unusuallyabuudant CT JP. - -. , nfitjd- LLAn:‘AQ f“ V‘“) . _ m thtby and elsewhere to come out here and advocate their road in a calm and diSpassionate manner, and good malts are Sure to {01101 They desire direct commuyiqfign _A_ rn..-_ and n!!!“ *8 us. if my suggestion is only acted upon while the matter is warm and ed, success will instant- peo Ieprepar 1y ollow,â€"â€"but if those gentlemen who are deeply interested in this MR. HARDY, Reform, na elected to succeed Mr. E B. a»: represzntative of South in the Legislative Assembly interws are more immediately con- cemed in its being built through this section of country. They hail with satisfaction and delight the preopect of the undertaking being Proceeded with, and evidently are Inclined to assist all in their power. It only remains for those gentlemen 1 A1---_LA-A On mmo \ MAR RIAG BS- Onthelmh imt.,m the Church of St. Thomas. Bahama, by the lav. J. DuMoulin, Mr. J. Room Kay. 'uf Birmingham. England. to Bar- bua. third daughter of Hiram Cr. Bernard, Elm. of Toronto. mum BY aroma: vxc: ASDW. a. mum“. Tat RSI) H May 13t,1873. FALL Wm? pvr bushel ......... $1 05 Q; 8120 823116 Wflur, " .. 1 10 ‘ 1 15 Funk. 9 bx! 5 25 @ 5 50 n m a A an " DEATES. At his residence. Earl Street, Kingston. on the 25th uh. I. C. “mien. Esq" father of Mr. W. C. Han-en. of this t-.wn. aged 63 yuan Ono Woor. . Poul. .. Pornrou H 1025 - Onuun 9°? Conn!”- Bun-Ix ............ Bin-tn. Fuss ColD'OOD NEELANDSK BENSON, DENTISTS, Hare :0?!» room adjoining the Y 31.0. A. Reading Room, mad hope, by attending to business, and war- muting ‘11 work, to anti: the confidence of the public, Teeth positively extracted without the slightest pain, by the use of 8001'“ 8: COBBEWS Bl08K,0ll|ll.lA NITROUS OXIDE Noticeto Squaltelfs J- lic Lands is specialiy called to the regu- lations contained in the Order in Council of the 10th January, 1859, wherein squa- tiqg on! Crown Lands is strictly forbidden. _‘.4I.‘ A: THE attention of Squatten on the Pub lic Lands is specially called to thy; 1'9qu- m.“ .. new-..“ .. vs", . No chin to purchase land by right of occupation will be entertained, unless such occupant was a. bona fide settler on the land with substantial improvements It the time of inspection, and so reported by the inspector. Improvements made on any Crown Lands since the time of such inspection, will be lost to the occupant, unless such occupatién has been authorized by the Department. THOS. H. JOHNSON, Asst. Ctmmissioner. Dom-fluent of Crown Lands, Toronto, April 1. 1373. \ Newspapers published in the Counties of We! ' m, Grey, NorthSimwe, North ‘ rntario, 'ictoria, Peterboro’, Hastings, Lennox md Addington, Frontenac, Carle- ton, Lanark, and Renfrew, and the Disâ€" trict of Muskoka, will plegsg give six in~ nertions, and transmit their accounts to this Department. 1‘. H. J. mmkz‘fl’lfl.‘ Appiy in IMDIATBLYâ€"ASteadySobet-Man, to take charge, for the season. of the Young Tmtting Stallion, MONTREAL The exteBSiofi of the Whitby and ~- “a“ :a .+. April 15th. 1573. when they have opened. and fitted up, All operations connected with the Teeth skillfidly paformed. ’ ‘ “a! 15th 1573‘ 180. PERDIAXEXT EFFICE ! AV'E REM OVE D! Orillia. Markets. ON PUBLIC LANDS. HARDY Raurm has been DENTISTRY. per 100 lbs WANTED in menacing to the public, that they " i th t2.”fi38§¢rfimf 1 Monday. 5th may, 1873 WM. BROWN, - I"0 J. GRIBBI\. nnlha, 11th April. 1873 Township Gigs-k ;, \Vnod, l Brant, DEPARTMENT or Cxowx Luvs, V Tonos'ro. 5th MARCH. m3. N Order in Council, dated 19th Apnl A with the view of promoting sowe- ment on lands of the Crown, at present remote from the centres of trafic, provides that the Commissioner of Crown Land: my withdlfflv any lot or lots or portion of land, he may deem necessary from any timber license thereafter issued or renewed, for the no of furnishing a. supplypf timber for saw ' , manufactwmg or to manufacture lumber for loul consumption. the timber from lands so set apart for thefsup: pl" of such saw mills to be cut and in ac- tured exclusively for such local demand, sud so dispoued of that any infraction of «rich con- dition. directly or indirectly, will he followed in each case by cancellation of authority to cut timber or trees on the lands so set a an {or the purpose me‘xitione‘d, :‘i'nd that such do shall -.._,... rm... “not. their urpose Inctluuucu, an“. n... .._-.. ____, restored to the license from which they Wen: withdrawn; B. W. SCOTT. 12-9.” Coxmsstoxm; 1784f. OTICE iyhereby given, that the Part L nershi heretofore existing between the under-sign: known as A. W. Harvie. Mill lh-nerx, c., has this day been dissolved. by mutual consent. All debts due the said firm are to be paid to William Hal-vie. . 1r “‘7 A \‘nDu I! QDXVIR Jon: Mum-:3, Juax Onmsm‘. PARTNERSHIP. V ANTED.â€"â€". No. 5 or NO. 6 Wash- ington hand Press ; 3.15:: a few founts of Job Wood Typi. _§er;_gl spec‘imcns and prices HE Municipal Council of Morrison, will meet :u 3. Can: of Revision. for the purpoae of revising Assesament Roll, on MORRISON Court of Revisien. Séturday, 3rd May, 18-73, at School House, Lot 10 E. Free Grant Road. HENRY N. ANDERSON, 14th April, 187:3. Towpship Clerk. STOVE DEPOT, JAMES CAMEIWN Cooking Stoves, ’l‘lnware! HARDWARE, GOAL OIL, LAMP Gussxs, c., “'hich he is selling st. extremely low prices. His stoves wag boyish} before the recent gre at a. At. _...6 5:"! awvca "6‘0 vvub..- v-.-_~ .7, ‘ me in price. Parties buying within the max]: month may rely on getting a. b , 33 he 15 determinedto sell them at the 01: price. Tailoring Spring Stock Of Cloths! 1n returning thanks for the large share of patronage he has received since he with menced business in Orillia, would infqrm‘l the public that his new Although he does not wish to deceive the public by advertising that he has the largest stock in town; his long experience in the business cummends his ability in buying a good article, and in making it up, advantages which ready-made Tailors do not possess. Is also replete with a stock of everything that is required by young men and old. Call and see my new stock for yourselves, and you will have no need of buyipg elsé- . P. MURRAY, 83., Benetton, i will take subscriptions, orders for Mim- :ising, job printin . c.. receive money and ran: recei tsfor x Emgofieo. P. MURRA . 1.64. â€"BBILLIA MUNICIPALITY! THE COURT OF REVISION Matrix-on, 8th AprilLIST3. For this Municipal April Ist, 1873. EH35? S'XghE'i‘: afihnhnrst. :h copi Wanted Immediately. 3: GM xxx .\x EARLY CALL. LATEST DESIGNS : ‘ ESTA BLISHMENT. THE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Has now on hand a. very large stock 0: DOW NEW DOMINION Beavertofi Agency! DISSOLUTION 0F complete, and will be foundfito comprise all the NOTICE. BEAVERTON PARKHILL which has been reduced to the very‘ lowest re- munerztive profit. Round: vdue in tea bag been ofi'ered‘ sincethe‘Gold: enLion’openeQ low; GOLDEN LION. luau-m .._. A'LEXANDE‘R HARYIE, WILLIAM HARVIE. JNO. PERRY. Witnesses. 1781111. AT THE Parasols, ' ' 'Parasols, * Parasols. Longine Watcheun'o perfect time-keepers. Longine “'atches are highly finished. Longine Watches are full J ewelled Longine Watches have all the modern improvement; Longine Watches are made from the best material Longine Watches are constructed on the most approved principle. Longine Watches are strong and durable. Price so low that they are within the reach of 311. $3 CALI. AND San Tan. 1m J .B.THOMPS()N, Sole Agent for 0mm”. Front Street, ilAnvm, BEDMN, MCKINLAY’S, Suitable for Farmers and Lumbermen, which for excellence. workmanship: and quality cannot be surpassed in the province. T0 Livery Men Farmers, In want of a set of Lightharness, double or single, they would respect- fully solicit a. call. Fine Work a speciality and done in workmanlike manner. Saddles, Bridles, Trunks, Va1i_se§, Brushes, Combs, . LAL_1 Heavy Harness! ”Wu-Va” â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€", __ __,_‘,_I In facteverything appeartaining to their’ trgde always.on hand and hobo had J. HARVIE, NEARLY Opposrrz up: “ Autos Horn,” your advqrtisemeqt $0 THE Enosrron ofice. J.FARQUHARSONB NEW STORE! * C. DAVIES, Stone, Marble, AN D SLATE-CUTTER FRONT 81,- 2 ORILLIA. umAm or » MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES - MADITEL PIECES, WASH STANDS, COUNTER TOPS, c. CutWindow Doqr Sills, PLINTH STONES. KEY STQEES. (Between the If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything. bring ot‘send Orfllia, 1st May, 187 3. For Cheap GROCERIES, CROCKERY, CHINA. GLASSWARE, and WINES -LIQUORS, go to CHEAP .FOR LONGINE WATCHES. LONGINE WATCHES. LONGLNE WATCHES. COLLARS AND ALL WORK WARRANTED! Rapumxc Dom: AT THE Suon'rasr Norm-z. CALL AND EXAMINE. m Leading Dry Goods EStablishment. “ Queen’s Hotel" and Beecher 8s Silliman‘s ofice,) IS THE PLACE TO GET D. REDDON. ,. M. WILSON. Wcherebyappm'nt Mr. J. B. Tho Watchpakerx “ Sch Agent” for the sale of our Ream. Wacnxs, a: well as the Loxoxxx Wncx, of which we have full control from thermufactm for the Dominion. Any otken selling or paper!- iag toad! the «bow-named with“. in 0rdâ€" lia, havenoauthoritytodon,mdwe tic» *1! NW 099."! W. Tnos. Rm 8 Sex, ”Appointment. “Mbfifinm’ 13-5.; Low um um. LONGINE WATCHES. LON GIN E WATCHES. L03 LVGINE WATCHES. w. RUSSELL mvmsox, CA u M. MCKINLAY SH! Orillia, Feed and Ptovision Stare! Opposite quth‘s Brigk; Block . among §§§9§¥ Land PLASTEB. GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! Seeds, Seeds ! GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! EASTERN ’l‘oWNsmPs BUCKWIIEAT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, TORONTO AND NIPISSING RAIL WAY. magiâ€"32?. («vii-M V . PM 51° but, , .. «HIP-00.175“- 9"?me for me “'5‘ no. monkâ€"Stage tot-0M min-1b At Sarbqro'lucfionw'ifi‘hoG. '1', 3,, ‘ Rut. 3nd at Iidhld Junction _ ' A gals-d him. ‘0' “'4‘!- 77 7W 803mm . GOODEM, 139-» 'I‘IIE ONTA R10 TEMPE-“‘- m-Suce IorCcdn‘ Grove. Mo". WhiteVde. Bangor. W ALSO WHOLESALfEm‘D menu; IquER In many and Graham Flour, oapmeal, Cprn Meal, ”Oats, Pease, Com," Barley: Bran, Shorts, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Confectionery, 85¢, 8w. for“... 3'an 1878- if, in: run daily between ‘lanalu, WOODVILLE J USCTION. LIND- ____A-v Anvv' 'l }RECT route for 'Mu'khun, L'xbridge, Sundahndt‘Csnninftiononboconk, Lind- "UV-IV nuâ€"â€" â€" 'â€" SAY, BEAVERTOIN'.’ ORILLIA, COBOCONKL from Berkeley Street ééiion. u follmn: CLOVER sues ’oommcnoxa iptiouunwDolhrayear. SEED OATS AND PET-ASE, ~ SLAVEN’S orillia Drug Sting mm) SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS! FIELD subs: FIELD SEEDS! AT FIELD SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS! Daily Line to Rochester! NORSE‘MAN LEAVES Cobourg every no 4- nd Port Hope a 9o‘clock. for heme: - connecting there with New: Yolk Cum-J and Eric Rnilwoyo, (or :11 point: But. We» end South. RETURNING : lave- Charlotte (port! of RM). My, u 9 ML. except sau- d.) when Ihe lava it 2 r. x. for 15' ton. Dealers in Stock. to», will ll“ ‘5' ‘5‘ chap”: god mode 'tionl rouse tom. Albany, New Yuk. «further infatuation OPP]! *0 R. CRAWFORD and dditionl inhil bruins“. hll minedbooll hinpmontpquflo inmate-mum, nuptial- COOKING STOVES. BOX AND PARLOUB STOVE. and u: what of Shell HARDWAR suaveggra. Copper. m'.‘ i Stock Complete ! a’Ae-ll will utinfyyontlut heh detox-mined!» .011 st. pricnunt enact behaves. EAVE-TBOUGBDIG done in nuptial ma;sudanyduca'ptiond1flkin his line Ila-aw to order on; an Wuotioeudgoqtumqblpwg Now In yous-tin. my! THE NEW LAKE SEWER Boing about to nah give Alter-9mm ! M “u“ I V“ Port or C. F. GILDBSSLEE EARLY ! FLOWER SEEDS! FLOWER SEEDS! FLOWER SEEDS! FLOWER SEEDS! FLOWER SEEDS! FLOWER SEEDS! FLOWER SEEDS! FLOWER SEEDS! FLQWER SEEDS! FLOWER SEEDS! Every week. They wk: Editions NEW GOODS Staple and Fancy I”! Goods, Groqegriea, and Provisions, caogxgnv. Gusswaaa, 0mm will day. be found complete. and we tell 0.: prices that cannot bat xiv! 2M “ti-5min BLACKSMITH’S COAL PACE 8L MAIN RRIVING EVERY WEEK. paws goons. An receiving no; as MAIN OOT’IONS. {J X334; STOCK OI Winter meiviq SADDLES! ’. R. ._T UDEQPE; For s good FIDIXG SADDLE, and ak‘ your pick from tho Dissette 8;: Hey English 0! every variety of style tad price _ ousupmoxamnuboonwf ”4 ' HARNESS ' DISSET‘I‘E 8a HOE. luck 10%, WE. ' The no“ complete (took 9! A Splendid Wont of link. our brought into 01-min, Ts; warâ€"mama Scorn, upgwmsmw‘”? luvs”, Just owned 9w. VALIIII CURRY com, and Best Stqck; OF BOTH American

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