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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 1 May 1873, p. 4

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Co;mnittee asked for power to, ob. tain samples of intoxicating liquor in the various provinces, and subject them t0 chemical analyses by com- petent authurities. believing that. the results would Show an adultera- tion very deIeterious to the health of the users, and an immense loss to the revenue. The report was adopted. .‘ Is the Senate, on the 24th, Hon. Mr. Viola} gave notice that, he Would move the appointment of ,a. special Committee- to' whom she“- be-reb THAT preliminary step towards geneml house cleaningâ€"soap mak- ingâ€"occupies the attention of the women folk just now, and many an anxious dome, as she stands'in the smoke nfthe out-of doors fire, pa.- tiendy fibrin; the boiling kettle, has foi'~:b0diflg$ in her heart that her best eflbrts will result in anything but that “good luck" which she takes so much comfort in boasting about among her neighbors. MR. BODWELL. in the House of Commons. presented the report of the Select. Committee to which the petitions in favour of a'Prohibitory Liquor Bill were” referred. The IF you want to make a. sensation and be regarded as senseless, enter a. church. a place of amusement, or any awemblac ve half an hour after eV'erV bndV is seated, and the exer- cises are u: eJ under way. You can add to your peculiar reputation bv leaving half an hour earlier than anybgdv else.- " ARmxcmmxrs are nearly com- pleted for placinga line of propellers on the route between, Collingwood and Chicago during the coming sum- mer. The line, it is expected, will Consist. of three pgopellers for the present, to be increaéecl as circum- stance mny ju<tify. The line will be under control of an Owen Sound firmâ€"bulletin. 11' Is Iegal to kill niosqnitoes now, but. it, IS inconvenient. THE only excuse a man has for not reading the newspapers is that he Can not read at all. . MAY 2. Hereby know we that we dwell in Him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spiritâ€"1. John, In, 18. Thy Spirit, Lord, to in: impart. Thacl'iuay know that I am Thine; Then peace and joy shall fill my heart, And holiness am! lave divine. MAY 3. ' The Spirit itself benreth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of Gd. â€"Romnns, um; 16. Christ's blood was shed to save my soul, I feelits power to‘iuake me whole 3 I trust alone in Jesus’ blood, And know that I am horn of God: The witness of the Sphit given Reveals my name inscribed in heaven. MAY 4. Where twoorthree are gathered together in my name. there am 'I in the midst of thenâ€"vatthew, xvm., 20. Let each the precious promise claim, While met tugether in His name; Each seek his blesxing to obtain, For none have eversoughr in vain. Ler, I am not my own, but Thine; Yea. all I have belongs to God, May I my all to Him resign.- MAY 6. When that: pusscst through the waters, I will be with thee â€"Isaia.h. man, 2. How sweet the promises of God !â€" Ln. when thou passe-st thmugh the flood . Then will I be with thee to save, Nor let the waters be thy grave. MAY 7. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me 'lâ€"Psalm, 71., 20. B15135} fith a price-Thy Preciflpg blood, Love is the fulfilling of the lamâ€"Ro- mans, 3.111., 10. May we each other love, And thus the law fulfil, And thus together onward move Toward Zion’s holy hill. APRIL 30. Redeeming the time, bemuse the days as: evilâ€"Ephesians, v., 16. May I my time redeem, ’Twill st on be passed away; Mylifeie bpt a dream_ For widens art worthy to be praised MAY" 0. Glorify God In \our body, and in your npirit, which are God 3. â€"1. Corinthians, Ipirit â€"Romshs, m1. ., 1. . No condemnation do they dread, No inward soul ammfeel: Who dwell m Christ. theirlinng Héid,‘ And ever do Hi9 blessed will. Ann. 57 And on t-he Sabbath we went out ofthe city by 3 river side, where prayer was wont to be made. â€"â€"Acts, xvx. , 13. On this "lad day of prayer, The holy Sabbath day, Unto the house of God repair, To sing, and hear, and pray. Sing praises to His name, And Féten to His word, Imploge _His_blessir_xg on the same Faith in the blessed Son of God Alone can purify the heart, But washed in His all-cleansing blood, The stains of sin will all depart. Ann. 26 There is therefore now no condemnatiun tothem which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but site: the Ana glorify the ford. - Ann. 28. They will be still praising Themâ€"Pa. Luna, 4. ' Still may m_y voice to Thee O Lord be m M? mm. (W whirl-3:208:10; hyJ.Lawson.) - Arm. 24. Were is your faith ?-Luke, V111, 25. Where is your faith? ye who despair, At threatening ill ; Know that your ianr’s ruchfulwe Ia o’t r you gull He hm the-cries of all His'nim, - - ‘f And over will supply their mu. Ann. 25., ., ' . A‘nd by Him (J esua)‘ an thatbelieve Ere‘ justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of‘Muses. The Lord is on my side, I therefore will nut fear; What evil can betide Me while my Saviour’s near? Naught an I fear in earth or hell. While sheltered in His side I dwell. Lord, am I on Thy side? And dn I Wurk for Thee? Aug do I daily them §bide, MAY 1. Who is on the Lord’s side ?â€"Exodus, From sin kept whol‘ .y free. This question will I 0\ er press, 'Cnfllq Thy Syiri: a‘xytwers yes. Which fades at opening day ; May 1 each moment well improve, And gain eternal life above. mmscrssoas. Is na-sxmxmv a. local paper; does not pretend to compete with the city papers in variety of quantity of reading matter but is particularly and specially devoted to the best interests of the people of this section of the country; being the advocate 0f :zood morals, temperance and sound pOIitiw-l principle; is the organ of 0.“ man, set of men, or clique, but bfxmnr,‘~‘hnd gm and mmm;wsrxdn. - 1w ; . - @’ Coangniontiunsue requested up- on m'atteré pertaining'totmnapiringcvents whether of local or 'zeneml interest. The furntghipgpf a. good home Paper to A -L:-.J. thb “a.“ ouvâ€" â€"-_~ peole shall 111“,“on the 1385.130me of the nblioher “YEIJ E132908120 o,” lgo to them and ask them to do so. Take a paragraph with you and they will nbt réfu5e to" publish it.â€"C'a/n- aclian Son of Temperance. prevent-30 : ,. i y ‘ a , _, 4. 3 ‘ WE Lhave again"? .ma agi’infinrged our Divisions not only to frequently report progress, to‘the Son, but also to keep themseliges proipinent before the public‘ by uéing the: loyal jress. Orillia Division is' to Bay, probabl r, the most prosperous, Division in the jurisdiction, ,3in .not a little of its prosper-inf iS-to be at- tributed to lollowing this advice. For the pacat six, months we have failed to notice a; we :1: in which an item concerning the Cause and the Order has not appeared in one of the Orillia papers, and frequently in all three atone :. Tm: Ex POSITOP, whose publisher issound in the faith, is (spreciullv devoted to this work and is termed by the members “our local organ.” a title it well deserves. Will other Divisions try the plan? If the editors of the papers do not publish items oftheir own free will, A. Ericâ€"fin the" gamcxdceus .t State Pris'on there is a younggnan who is serving but aflife sentence for highway robbéry: He is evi- dently gifted \vith‘gginsual ‘avgtistic skill, which, ifhis fifé h‘ad notxheen made a failure by\.hi§ own wrong- :doing, would have rendei'ed hilfi'fa- muns. He spends his brief hour of leisure each day in arawing, and is now engaged in making an illustrat- ed copy ofGray’s Elegy, printing and all, with pen and brush. The title page is exquisitely Iowa, and all the illustrations are as nicely finished as steel engravings. He seems to have fully appreciated the poem. He has been about- eight months upon this work; but in,‘ win- SWer to the inquiry" of a. visitor he mourfully said, “Ican only workat it about an hour and a half each day, If I could but give my whole time to itâ€"" And he turned away to his daily drudgery. W'hat a' pity that such talents should have been 2nd sale of intoxicating liquors He dwelt upon the strong z”and growing feeling throughout the country on the quesfib'n oftempemnce, as shown the immense number of petitions whxeh the ngaelmd received In re- feregce to the same. thouubt that the subject. was 6f sufficient importance to wa’mnNu inquiry at the bands of the'House. preverted Z his stock before purchasxng else- where, as they can save money by doing so. In the article of Tea alone, a. great saving can be efl'ected, either by purchasing by the Chest, Halt-Chest, or Cattie. or, proportion- ately, in smaller quantities. Parties purchasing bythe chestor halfâ€"chest will be supplied at Toronto Whole- sale Prices 3 GROCERIES! u er held by any one Establishment in Orillia, \axying in price from 20c. to $1 per lb The 0public are lespect- fully invited to Call and Examine Flour, - Stock of TEAS PROVISIONS, FISH, consequently, parties requiring such, “ill profit by purchasing their sup- plies at the “Commercial Hall. ” His TERMS, in future, will be STRICT- LY CASH, or Good, Merchantable Pioduce, ocing convinced that by that system alone, Goods can be fur- nished to the Public ad ’autageously to Buyer and Seller. Parties will, therefere, please refrain from asking Credit, for, by doing so, they will save themselves the disagreeable pain of beiugrelused, and the under- signed the pain of refusing. For Cash he- will sell all articles in his line at the very Lowest Living Profits. Q“ A Call 18 respectfully solicit. ed Goods and Prices will commend shemselves. which required considerable time to laccomplishâ€"before he could com- pete successfully with older and larger establishments. and that he is prepared to furnish them with all kinds of Goods in his line, at prices that cannot be beaten by any house in the Trade. Hith- erto the quality and low prices of his Goods were his only advertise- ment, and they have been sufficient tn procure for him :1. very large share .of the business done in Orillia (lur- ing the last six months. His stock (which is now very large) consists of the following lines, viz :â€" Ready--Made Clothing ! Although considerablg time: has elapsed since the undersigned com- menced Business in the Store known by the appellation of (Buniomaaium Whom as the “ Commercial Hall,”) in the Dry Goods, VILLAGE OI ORILLIA, he has hithérfio réfrainéd from Ad- vertising his Business to any extent. His principal reason for adopting that csurse, was, that the premises above named requirgd to be ‘ He now feels it a. pleasure to in- form his old friends and patrons, and the Public generally, that his establishment is in PROVISIONS 3 Speciality ! He has at present, in Store, the largest ‘ _: A. KENNEDY Glam, Mat-$54519, 1m ' FULL BLAST,” KING’S OLD STAND! WINES LIQUORS, ' CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, BOOTS a2 SHOES, CLOTHS, WOOLLEN S, FURS, HATS, CAPS, WILL BE MADE A HALL. FLOUR. FEED, ' Renovated ! GRAIN, 'c. Manufacturer of the Celebrated *DELAN Y T ROLLING BAIT .’ QEV'ING MACHINES re awed in first- L clasutyle. Meenclnum nu own-Tobacco Pipes ferruled nad repaiged witp nentm sad des tch. Attention put! to baht repair: of all inds. Sewing Machmen nnd Noodles Of all deécgjptjon‘s kept constantly 1n stock, ,A In”-.- ‘\_.l._- I. (V. I. ‘u uw.r..v._. ..- a- Work Shopfiéxt door io Dodg a; Co.’ office. Missisaagt Strget. e . 'r.‘ 1' “var .\mv Ten First Prizes ! A; S. G‘ALBBAITH, 1872) AS USUAL! COMPLETE SUCCESS! .- U ins" REMOVED TO Omen -Gribbiu'u Exdnnge. KEAN’S BLOCK, All kinds of Castings for nppiring Machinerytrequirod by Fumerl. The best can be procured at J. WORLD "antassel, Xenon 8'- Cots, 6' Call and seqhis new stock and‘ex- amine his prices. 3 STUMPIXG MACHINES, c., c. CUTTING BOXES, PLOUGHS, of many kinds. HARROWS, HORSE BOES, GAS G PLOU‘GHS, Sawing Machines Gunsmith Shop : Orillia. Februan’ 4th. 1873. Guelph. Oct. 15. 1872. INGLE COPIE_S_ ot_ Tn Enemy! By Royal Authority! L J: DELANY, FAN NIN G MILLS I Q" Next door to D. L. Samson’s. THE FARMERS OF AND V1033 I". Qpppsiu. tfh‘e Post. Ofice. GUN SMITH. At T wd Exhibitions ! AUCTIONEER. antreEBuilding, New Store I ORILLIA (1372 171-11 170. Under the superintendence of Mr. J 08‘s DOUGLASS, late of Toronto, (un- doubtedly one of the best workmen in the Dominion.) As it is new con- ducted in n more systematic and businesskway, we are enabled to turn gut IdeOdbqt lees expenae‘than has bqfietofore been done. This benefit we 3 itékgin ougpnstonierg, and bye therefore made. a. sweeping reductfdn‘o’n on'i- wearer Tfnwd’re. WE'g‘ ve the following as a sample r 4in.TinEsveoI‘mnghConductox-10e.l’ft. 5 in. Gdnnined Iron, - 16c. V 4“Gnlva.nizedlron, - 14o. " 7“ “ “ ‘. 18;. g, A Large Stock of Ready-Made work on hand which i satisfaction m quality and price. Has plgasure in returning thanks to the public for their acknowledged appreclationof his efforts to supply a. want long felt in Otillia. in furnish ‘ ing a first-class Boot and Shoe Store, where can be had REASONABLE P R] 0E. TIN, COPPER, AfiD' EaTABLISHEn Paris Boot ‘ Shoe Store! Eave--Téo‘églflrig;¢ Bdofing, a’nd Gal‘vdnifig We: Put up on tbé most approved principle. Orders Punctually attended to. a" WORK WARRANT!!!) AND SWAG- nos GUARANTEED. ,@ -* W. . W. G. BINGHAM. NEW SPRING GOODS. J'UST RECEIVED A13 J. J. HIND’S. Our New Spring Stock! THE ORILLIA TIN SHOP! Sheffieldfflouse‘if Greater Attraction than Ever. Greaterrattcntion given to J OBBYNG thad Bas heretofore been done. A Discount of 10 per cent off to clergygpen of all'denominations. a Work done prompdv, and satisfaction guaranteed. at This old and reliable manufactory of unkinda of «1 All other goods reduced to the very lowest pri'b‘o 3» . -"- KINDS OF WORK Made up in the latest stylE and at a IN QUALITY. DESIGN AND PRICES. Next door to Slaven's Drug Store. In connection with the CALL AND SEE . 1862 ! I‘EU is sure bogive ice” HARNESS SHOP! THOS. BYRNE, Program!“ hgivagn-Jxkost ugfiiiéet ' up, to the buried and moat dumb“; *0 thi' 9" abutment. No inferior _ used. Only Groceries, employed. Spodd Mfion g'ven to re- curs. Anioomtmcnt of COUCHICHING SawaPlaning Mill TRUNKS and VALISES. (Opposite the Bmidencc of June: Suntan, an., Front Street, Orillim) will dwayu {ave I. huge number to dispose of. Putin willing to sell or ptgrchue Kona will do well to an and let". then- cominou with him. Be In! .190 «unnamed the flamingo! Colin. m which he would inviw the attention #35150“, I?’ Imuwtmng on; CMMMWfiafifl: CASH ASSETS, - $600,000 00: ML. W‘- Bapatpho-gm smomom a “pedal Mon to Can-din CALL AND SEE HIS STOCK kaingpm HESubwriber hu 0 ned 3. Ban:- tsw the Wm M A ,: “Few. “9 Goods “will be sold atflOrillia. prices. Agricultural Insumce €0- J ANES BUDD, - Pnormm‘ons, Builders and Manufactur- ers of all kinds of HAS OPENED IN BEAVERTON By improving the present md intro- ducing new Machinery, Mean? J AXES BUDD wiu‘be uble to execute work of all kind: on the shortest possible notice. Good and Seroned LUMBER will he need in manufacturing. therefore the pub- lic an nely on the work. 1x M'Locranus’s OLD Stun, Pluned or Unplanned; BILL STUFF of all length38; sizes. SHINGLES, LATHS; DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, BLINDS, CASINGS, Architruves, Envetroughiug, etc..etc. leing and Shop Work of all kind' done on reasonable terms, and promptly. R. A. JANES. I Orillh. March lot. 1873. GOOD HORSES ! BRUSHES, , .ch com, m, dnyu in stock. Also 3 stock of LUMBER, sroc-K company «*5le 49”“ ‘° vau- 1m. [WEI VIM ”“3 Clean and mmctnble Vchid‘el. 3 of the “Grillia Exchangg," FARMERS 1 sure Property Thepublic are invited to ‘. J. GRIBBIN, MIL LSâ€"Ncar the Asylum. TINDLE’S HORSE BAZAAR. 8.th Stock of Liquors, 8m. IN THE THOMAS BYRN E. Workman J OS. BUDD‘ R. TINDLE. Dinah . Punish Powder-Q ,. ' TESTIMoNlALS '! Hnnbeenmeevedfmm Eff-m. 8. 0mm; dwimthendx Km ketEmand myothemco coan the shove statement- concerning Windgw 511943: Ema Pzetuwg, Fancgcfloedu. L 11981 Bflgkfi, , ~ Twat . . mg 139ng, Ladleg' Work 3659!, ‘ Emily Sewn: 1139111316. Itch!” Needles, Mel twice- , Gilmfiactory on ”worsening $1 mu Procurc 5 Packagqs. Household Fumtm I Price 25 Cents; charity post 50 Barrie. Pmpmdsnnd For Sale. Whole-do, by and we entireiy vegmble. In 0W use: of Dyspepsia the Pill! uh 4H 50 when with the Powders, {all ' ' accompanying each box. In dmd: of one or two, they are iterative, in latex-docs Cuhu‘tic and Anti-Billions, always m- ing the healthy function of the body. Those who have once used them will not com: w tun-e my other kind whatnot. KERMOTT'S Mandrake Pills I Hu'e given entire utisfwtion where they Lure been used. They pounc- N O MINERAL PRICEâ€"25 CENTS PER BOX .' Fan TESTIMONIALS SEE Pu Pm! Would hke this opportunity to thank hi. customers, sad the genus! public, for the liberal patronsge he bu mivod (run them for so‘ many years; and he aqua-u Those Indebted to Him‘! Placed 6n Suit for Wm! . Enq aim for them at the newest store when: Medicines we kept; or audio Bur- n‘e for them. One dolls!- will pm" tuo boxes of the Pill: and three of tho THE Subscriber boinz about to nuke . 4 . change in his Basin“; Powders. Prepared and for sale, W'holoule, by C. H. KERMOTT, Chemist. Ban-in. Ont. All AC“) ['NTS ITNSE'I‘I'LEB (tn-nun) ~ Haveofbesn unparalleled 3% care yapepsia. anti diaonders of the Stomach“ and Bowelsâ€"persone who heve been aflicted for years, and triedtbe various Physicians that came within their reach, without re- ceiving any benefit, have been entirely cured. by taking one Box of these Powders. Enqnmforthenttthe ”not 1’s, ifnot W1. than and r3 Orillia, For $810 by DR. SLAVEI, 011.131. DEALER IN ALL mums or c. n. limo", to PAYIJP a Ono-,0 NOTICE. GEORGE VICK. DRUGGIST, Paw. am ”on:

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