THE Ce‘ehmted Enmpean and Ameri- 7 can Physicianjtiuenmt of the Hospitals 0:" the chief cities of England. Ireland. Scotland, France. Gummy. the United States of Amer- ica, and the Domiuiuu vi Cmda. will Tii 1%; A. LB Lox HOTEL From Monday, May 19th, till Sat.- all who are snï¬ering from chronic Linger- ing Iï¬se AM, sul'h as Consumption. Bnlnchitis. Asthma. cats: wk. and all Lï¬ections of the chest. Throat. Heart. N crmus Liability. Scrofuh, Ulcers, Liver c- mplaint, Rheumatism, skin Diseases of all kinds. no matter of how lung standing- Drops}: ch‘uorosi and Cancem cf the worst stage, without the use of the knife. VUUWDR" .v‘v .- v mg: ,m tn»: vmfxnay hjwe the beneï¬t of his are md trntmrm, and be restored to snub flu am.183-2t. After mm of J :mc next, will be trans- ported from Prince Arthur's Landing to the eastern terminus of the Fort Garry road, North-West Angle, at the rate of $2 per 100 1103., or $40 per ton of 2,000 lbs. ch piece ofpackageto bcof convenient size, not. exceeding three hundred 1115. in weight, and tn bejinnly bound or fastened. Horses, Oxen, Waggnns, and heavy ar- ticleS, such as castings and machinery, an beseut through to the same point, on giving due nutice and making special ar- rangements for the cunvcyance of the No wines or spirituous liquors will be taken ova the route £20m Prince Arthur's Landing. And ad’s-loud lï¬wgasrs. Salt Rheum : Dys- pepsia; Epilepxic 1"ng or Falling sickness, Apoplectic Fits. of luau of Sense and Motion, Pmdysis..\'cumlgu,chur:s or SLVitus' Dance, Scan y, Goiu-c or Thick ka, Abcw. Tumors. ALL DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR TREATED SUCCESSFULLY. All dim! of children. from infancy to am: sge. treated successfulzy. Ferns}: qmpgainp: oft-id! kinds and descrip- ,, , A _.2“ L.‘ ‘m‘n‘ Emigrants are rqu-igéted to take notice that packages of luggage are limited to 200 tbs. weight, forwnvenieuceof transpr: on the Portages. Important to the Sick! Dr. McCULLOUGH, 1330mm ‘ncxz‘rs F03 mrmmrs 'ro rom- amx‘ vu muses ARTHUB‘S moms. Can be had at Toronto, at. the Stations of the Nurthcrn, Great Western, and Grand Trunk Railways. Etna-u: \v"lllrou~-v~ .. ._. “____, W ,, - 60m. whether-Acute or Chronic, will be treated Many. X. B.â€"If you are sufl'ering frvm any of the above diam. do nnt qvlay. but visit the doc- , -LA LA_“Ct Emigrants, $10; children under twelve years, haxf price; 2001bs. Pal-sonar baggage free. Extra Inga-g5 $2.50 Per: 100 lbs. Emigrants should take their own ra- tions. Provisions will, however, be fur- nished at cost prices at Shebandowan, Fort Frances, and the N orth-West Angle of the Lake of the Woods. FTER the 10th of June next, emi- grants having through tickets, will be sent from Torontu to For: Garry, Manito- ba, at the following rates : 10:02:10 To rxxxcn Ak'nwn's LANDING 3? WAY or conuscwooo 01c SARSIA. Adults, 85; childrcn under twelve years of age, half price; 1501bs. personal bag- gagefree. Extra baggage, 35 cents per PRINCE ARTHUR‘S LAN DING 1'0 FORT GARRY. N orth-West Territories. SELL FOR CASH! Parties in want of bargains can be accammudated by us, as Call and see for yourselves that. we sell our Goods cheap. All Kinds of Goods PERSONALLY VISIT ORILLIA A FULL STOCKV GROCERIES, Pace mum, sputum-mt of Public works Ottawa, March 25, 1873, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, c. ‘ M AN ITO BA ! Pmicssiunally. and may be conaulted at and thus effect a. large saving. urday, May 24th, 1873, By direction, DRY GOODS, MERCHANDISE. PACE MAIN. AND AXD Poi: CASH F_ RRAUX, Secretary. Umemee. Franklin. Brunswick. Bethany, Laketicld. Sag-nu Mills l’cCcrbc-ru‘ ,FA-Mcrville ‘ Milibmok 1 bummit Campbell‘s ‘ Pcrrytown Quay‘s Port Hope Kelly‘s. i Beavertt-n, \Ymklvinc, Ozzkwood, Cumin ay, Lindsay, Kelly’s, ()memee, Franklin, Brunswick, gsethany, Lakciit N, Nam“: Mills Pctorimm’, Fraservifle, Blillbrm-k, Summit, Camybeï¬â€™s, Perrytown, Quay's, Pun Hope, Beaverton. \qu M1 Ville. Uakwoud. Cambray, Lindsay. l‘o'A-as u. ~ n.-. -... _â€"-_--V in; with trains on New York Cenzral Railroad. At. \V'oodville with the Toronto and Nipissing Railway. A: M illbrook; with Trains for Peter- buro’ and Lakcï¬eld. Trains run 1)? Port Hope time, which in Twenty Minutes flower than Grand Trunk time. ' ADOLPH- B§GE_]_L, _ MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. TIME T.»XB LE. TRAINS GOING NORTH. TICKETS, - - 25 CENTS, RESERVED SEATS,.50 CTS. Tickets for Rescrved Seats to be had at G. J. Boosh's. COB SAVE TflE QUEEN ! F. KEAN. - - J H. G. “@012! N examination made 31" the track of , this Railway. from Drink to Bezwertnn. umkeu it imle azively necessary for me to cancel all passenger tradus, over that put of the line. at preSeut. The utmost exertions will be used to put the track in order, and resume regular passeng‘ertmins at the earliest possible moment, of which due notice will be given. The Company will c1 mt'm'ue tomcciveFx-eight. and giVe the same as pmmpt despateh as possi- ble. An exceptiuu to this, huwwer. will be made with perishable gmsds. which the Com- pany can not, at present. rev-eive. ADULPH HUGEL. The £0110“ ma: ladies and gentlemen from Tornnto, have kindly cnnsentcd to appear on the Du .3310“. J MISS LENA BOCKT, Soprano. MISS CABLE, Cont-mitt). MRS. \V. DAVIS, Accompaniest. MR. THOS. C ABLE, Tenor. (£7 For further particulars see programmes. SATURDAY, 24% hMAY MR. “M. D \ VIS, Tenor. MR. WM. CABLE. Basso. Tm: (mun Bmss Bnn Will be in attendance. 1:: .m) or Piano Forte for Music Hali! Where EH; CEï¬pahy has running accounts they are requested to be made up to the end of last month. A DOLPH HUGEL, Mmmm mum]; PARTIES having claims against this Company win please forward them. with the pmper vouchers, direcied to the Secretary of the Company, Joseph Gray. 1291., at the Head ofï¬ce}. 99:: Hope.‘ NOLIOE. Midland Railway 7U 0.2.02 M338. +19 9. bl...- IE. it... or... 2358:. p.529, awqmawwm. m. m. 20. kgmaa gm won» 0500. ed will save costs. Mu 22nd, 1873! Queeia’s Eii‘iéséay. TORE T0 Runâ€"A large and com- modioua store, cellar and storehouse, nex: door to Dominion Home, West Street, Orillia. é?y‘lyv:o‘DICK mm,» T110341? W ULCAHY 00., beg to inform all J. parties indebted to than. either by note or book mount, that unlessthe same bq mid, on or before the 1231' DAY ochxs, they wxll be placed in com for colloction. without further 1105:0343 1 ‘ . 0mm. May 14th. 1873. ‘ Notice to Contractors ! BUNK, Jr. HONESTY IS .THE BEST POLICY. By paying the undcmxgned on or before the lat of May, all W110 are indebt- com: RKGHT â€UP to THE SCRATCH AT 02:015. forth: ERECTION of a COTTAGE! in Odllia. Apply to PAY 'U'P! PAY UP! Port Hope, May 5, 1873. Port Hope, May 5th. 1372i Orillia, May 12th, 1873. Enoch Eommw 2.5.5 ms. u maxi mags we. .r E 59 WEN. iliwviua! r A. W. B. MCMULLEN. April 24th, 1873. Front St rand Concert gem .ghwï¬sggffi a ##an QCMZC MCCHMM will be received up :6 i20‘clock, HOME AGAIN ! NOTICE. TENDERS Lung. .\.'.\u.. mxw. 11.471 11.3.31 11.151 11.05% 11.02 and. MA“. ilix’ d2. 40 4.0 OI $.05 3 25‘ 5x05 11 00' @3401 10. .w “340 10. .131 '1 "o 10. oo 300! A. G. ROBINSON, Civil Engmgg'f ‘ 9. (lo! 9.4ol 10.00I 10.20; 10.40 1047' )uxcd. Hr ‘ght Mix’ Presidcixt. 184-111). Praddent‘ Lessee. 184-111;. ‘tht 10.45 11.10 u 7.- Uxuy av Vbllua, u. vâ€" .. 4 -w. months, on trial, for 25 cents. S. R Wall’s, Publisher, 389 Broadway, New York' A 521.?st Califumia minister recently refused to perform the nmrriage 'service for a. couple whcre the bride was his own abscunded wife. An'i that aggravating wmnzm said that “he was just as mean as he always used to be.†Tm: New York Times exitorially recurd: its resolution tn exclude 1): maï¬a: from its columns advertisements of lotteries and policy-deniem. This is a very sensible conclusion. Tm: law prohibiting the sale of liquor in Ashevillu, North Caéulina, has bcen so amended that it is now made unlawful for a, drnggist to sell liquor on even a. physi- cian's certiï¬cate. ' ' IKE Séimce of Health for June, has ex- cellent articles an variuus health topics. Only 20 cents, “1'82 3 year. Sent three - - ‘ . , n-,,,_.- c ‘0an!"- A wmrza in the London Times shows, 'zry'rcfercngc to the agricultuxal returns frum unions paxtsof England, that. the acreage uf lnud under corn is much less tL-m last ycnr, and that the condition of the ground frog execssiye min threatens to 'meJn 3f means who might wish to emigrate tn the States 01' to Canada. His Opinion, an far, is most faVourable to Canada, both for labourexs and farmers. -â€"Globc. -_â€" e' V .WV ,, n.‘ shn-t crop. He anticipates that more t' an halfthc "mm needed fox-En, "lish con- sumption must cumu fmm foreiv, ru nascouroes. Mn. EDWIN A. Cum“, special corres- pondent of the Fidd, who has been in "it- ginia, and Western Saves, through Kan- sas, Uhio, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and the NcwEngland Statxs, is now inTox-onm, having been in Quebec. He has been senc out to judge of am advantages to be 01?ch ‘ ‘ ' I A ,A‘ ,L A,. man's colleagues in the chm-CE. At the recent. Synod of the Presbytery of I mndon, held at Stratford. Mr. King was honored with the position of Moderator, a mark of conï¬dence and esteem from an influential and respectable body which eflectually silenca the spiteful apupks of his enemies; Tm: St. Louis conpcrs are making a war- hoop about the employment uf Chinese labor in their trade, and threaten tn “ stave in†and “ bung upâ€the Mongolian interlopcrs. Tm: New York Times exitorially recurd: THE slandcm of the Mail against the character 'of Rev. Mr. King, of Buxton. appear to be taken at their true value by the rgverend gentle- On receiving newu of the terrible catas- trophe, Miss Simpson (for such was the young lady's mune) proved herself a Cour- ngeous and true-hearted girl by at once flying to his :issishmcv, thhcut even de- laying to pack a trunk, :L-i the message reached her only a few minutes before the departure of an Eastern train. On arri‘ valat the the scene, she behaved most hero imlly, and at once undemmk the 'duties of mime-tender to the pum- sufferer. in conjunction with the kind lady (Mrs. nice) to whose house he had been con- Veyed on the night of the accident, and who had been in attendance on him day and night up to the time of the arrival of his intended. t is smrcelya matter of Wonder that the invalid has made rapid progress towards recovery under such fav- uurable circumstances. an on the 8th in- stant the marriage ceremou 'wasperfnrmrd at the bedside, by the Rev. E. L. Elwuod, Rector hf Godi'rich. an old and elite. med friend of both families. in the presence of the mother of the bride and afew friends, who were much afl'ected by the interesting scene. It lx' indeed sad to contemplate that a. young man in the prime of life, who haul braved and overcome so many dangers as Mr. Lowe, in common with all the pioneers of that wild Western country, had been exposed to frequently, should meet with so serious an accident almost immedi- ately on his’ return to his native: country; but it must be at least a. most gratifying reflection for himself and friends. that while he has suffered the loss ofhis hands, he has at the same time gained atrue and honest hearted girl, who did not shrink from the Serious charge. and respmsibility devolving upon her as the wife and help- mate of one in his present helpless cun- MAsoxxc BUILDINGS, Orillia, 7th May, 1373. and left his father's roof smue fourteen years ago to seek his fortune in the then recently discovered gold fields of British Columbia. Soon after his arrival in that country he obtained the aboVe-uientioned appointment, which he has continued to hold ever since. and in January last he for the ï¬rst time obtained leave of absence with a. View to revisiting his native home. During his say in this country, he had 1h ~ gnod fortune to renew his acquaintance with a. charming and most estimable young lady residing at God; rich, to whom, as a chxhl, he had been much attached previous to his departure for the We“. The result was an exigaeement for marriage, which was arrange} to have taken place at Chi- cago in the beginning of this month, the young lady having gone their With her mother a. short while previously on a visit to some relations, and the honeymoon trip was to have been RCI‘USS the Rocky Mountains and through the wild scenery of Lritish Columbia. Tenders to state the dxfl'ercnce for frame or brick building, and to be delivered on or before SATURDAY, the 17th MAY, Inst, to the undersignéd. The Subscriber does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any Tender. ORT A. J. ALP . 1 Swing wa, lele 5nd Bd% 2 §oring Mbinehkxm Ind ï¬ns. It was our painful duty, in a. recent issue, to record a sad accident which oc- curred to Mr. \V. H. Lowe, Colloctur of Customs at Sony-ans, on the southern boun- dary Of British Columbia, when stepping on bum-«l the train at Clinton, Out, on the night of \he 23rd ultimo, resulting in the loss of his right hand and left arm shove the elbow. it will therefore, doubtless be interesting to_ many nf our readers who may remembertlie circumstances, to learn that he is the same individual a notice of wlmse marriage has lately appeared in some of the papers. The circumstances connected with the case are sufï¬ciently ru- muntic tn deserve a special mentiun in our columns, and we shall take the liberty of laying them briefly before our readers. MI. Lowe is a native of Seafortli, Ont, 'liicgiï¬inet chtory :â€" ' ' 2 Fitï¬hgm Saws, Tab) ' } §ws_ng gin'gule muï¬ï¬m' ,_ L3“, ,1 u‘ L IHI um 3“ r,‘ kmves. putt“: 2Tnminshth¢§tooll “ “ 12Pu11eys. 1 Jig Saw sud belting, 2 Grindstones. and belting, 1 Side Planer. A. full set oi Patterns. Theabove are all com slate; with 923nm, shafts, M., rcsdyf or use} Apply at this ofï¬ce, 91:50 _ Two Storey Dwelling [louse on Lot N o. 9, cérner of Matchedaah Brant Streets. can beâ€" seen at the Furnitu: e Warehouse of Mr. G J. Booth. - For Sale, CHEAP. HE following Machmery' ‘ ‘table TnCdï¬netI-‘wtwy:â€" ’ m ofa TO 'BUILiDERS. SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the erection ,i()n,â€".‘I(l;z. 183-2in. PLANS AND SPEGIFIOATIORS An Interesting Marriage. EEPE AND T3338. ‘ H. s. cxor'rY, ' Inga-sou. for J 01m STUART MILL died at Avig- non, in Fiance, on the 9th instant. Mr. Mill was the son of the late James Mill, the historian of India, and formerly examiner of Indian correspondence in the East India House; He was born in the year 1807 and having received a private education he obtained a clerkship in the East India House, and remained in the home employ, where he gm- dually rose until he. succeeded in 1856 to the post which his father had held before him. When the ad- ministratian of the company was transferred to her Majesty’s Govern- ment in 1858. Mr. Mili retired from the serviccanddeclincd an oï¬'ermade to him by Lord Stanley,0f a seat in Her Majesty's Indian Council. an honour which few men would have declined to accept. As a political economist Mr. Mill had it Wordowide reputation, STRANGE memories of wars will hover overthe royal partyat Vienna. The descendant ofMahomet IV. will enter Vienna remembering how his ancestor was repulsed under it: walls. The Conqueror of Sadowa and the late King of Sardinia, now of Italy, will seem as Romeos at a Cupulet ball. But one greater than any, than allâ€"one who had merely to whistle. and “L'Auntm'a n'aixte plusâ€"one who held Vienna in his thumb and ï¬nger, and was ï¬nally crushed by a congress in that very cityâ€"this. giant among Emperors sends no descendant to the merry- making. Hisdynustyhavenolonger any throne. A The book is being printed by Mr. George E. Desburats, of Montreal, and will be embelliahed with sixty ï¬ne illï¬stmtions, principally from photogmphs. TEE Sons uf Temperance have removed the wood~shed frum the frunt to the back of their hall. An improvement. g1†gnawâ€. em as Well as to the Western sides of the Atlantic. Mountains were once thought to be effectual barriers against railways, but that day has gone by; and, now that trains run between San Francisco and New York, over summits of eight thous- and two hundred leet,itis not strange that they should be expected soon torun betWeen Victoria. and Halifax, over a. height of three thousand seven hundred feet. At any late, a Canadian Paciï¬c Railway has been undertaken by the Dominion." A} the present time no great wars are in progress, and pOOpl‘e may dream of the approach of that wish- ed for time when war will cease,and man no longer seek out devices for the speedy destruction of his fellow- mortals. It may have a somewhat disturbing influence upon these fun- ciw to learn that scarcely less than a. dozen petty wars ruffle the placid current of our times in various parts of the world. In the United Statw they have theirIndian troubles and though the Red men are in num- bers that would be considered insitr- niï¬cant, they appear to give troub e enough. In Cuba there isa. rebellion which has been carried on in“ a de- sultoxy, irregular way for fouryesrs, both troublesome and expensive to the mother country. Spain, which has likewise its own Carlist disturb- ers to attend to. France has a revolt amongst her Arab su lrjects in Algeria. In Central Asia. the Russians are prosecuting their militatyoperutions A l n "Nana", --.--_ WW. ,_, , against, Khiva. In the Dutch East. India colony of Sumatra, the Dutch army ham: got. into a war, in which, at its very opening, they suffered a disastrous repulse. Then we have the King of Ashantee, whd a few days agu declared war against Bri- tain, and is reported to have taken the ï¬eld at the head of an army of 35,000 men,which will be supmrted We have received the advance sheets oi'a Work hearing the above title, \\ hich will be particuiai] y valu- able and interesting at the present time. It is a diary kept during a journey through Canada from the Atlantic to the Paciï¬c. with the ex- pedition of Sundford Fleming, Eeq" Engineer-in-Chief of the Canadian Paciï¬c and Intercolonial Railways. The work is written by the Rev; George M. Grant, of Halifax, N. 8., who wasSecretai-y to the expedition. To afford any of our readers not ac- quainted with the extent of our Dominion, an idea of the terri- tory now comprised under 'the name of Canada. ,we take the follow- ing «excerpt from the introductory chapter. “l‘mveI a. thousand miles up a great river ; more thananotherthous- and along great lakes and a succes- sion ofsumller lakes,‘: 2!. tho'usand miles across rolling prairies; and another thousand through Woods and over three great ranges of moun- tainc, and. we have travelled from Ocean to Ocean through Canada. All this country is a. single Colony ot the British Empire; and this Col- ony is dreaming magniï¬cent dreams of a. future when it shall be the Greater Britain,†and the highway across which theiabrics and products of Asia shall be carried, to the East- ANY budy might have known it! A Massachusetts man has just recol- lected that he was the original in- ventor of the mitmillcuze ever so many yems ago, and that. his model was stolen and carried to France, where it. was subsequently re-in- vented. ' WNW, ...-..,......... ..-. -- _ _ . __ by a climate notably fatal 6 Euro- pean troops. In South America, revolutions of age such continual oc-- currence' as to cause but. little oom- ment outside the territory immedi- ately concerned. ORILLIA. 15th MAY. 1873. A noun AT FEMS. OCEAN 1‘0 com. The Sons of Temperance in this town held their usual monthly open meeting on Tuesday evening. The W. P., Mr. J. H.'Knott, occupied the chair. Mr. James Beattie. gave the address. He said that while society had much to do in the way of refor- mation, the main hope of the move- ment was in formation, and to this their principal efiorts should be di- rected. Form correct principles deep down in the character ot the young. and they will be shown in after life. Three great instruments of this work are the family, thepublic school, and the Sabbath school. The speaker dwelt at some length upon the in- fluence eXerted by these agencies, and the responsibilities of those in- trusted with the care of the young. Canada twenty-one years hence will be what theyouth of to-day makeit. Alcohol is anarcotic poison. When, some years since, a few hundreds 01 persons in another country were lost by a panic in a church, where a ï¬re occurred, causing the doors, which opened inwards, to be closed, our legis'ators promptly passed a law that the doors of all public buildings should be made to open outwards. But Alcohol slay: its tonsof thousands from year to year, and yet it is li- censed by our Government. Prohi- bition should be one of the objects of the Temperance elibrt. \Ve do not need that any one should tell us the direful’resultsot theliquortraï¬ic. Al- cohol isa .oud and pOWerfu- preacher. We have only tolookaround on those with whom we meetfrom day today to see ruined hopes, blighted prospects, desolate homes. disease. want. misery crime, the fruits of the traflic. TWo who have waived the sentence of death in this county, for the murder of their wives, he was acquainted with; and they had both committed the awful crime while under the in- fluence of drink. \Vhile our judges tell us that three-fourths of the crime, with the attendant cost of the administration of justice. is caused by liquor, the Government, in its profound wisdom, sees ï¬t to lervalise the traflic. From heathen loo 3 we are told that Britain's intoxicating drinks send more souls to perdition than Britain's missionaries (an bring to a knowledge of the Gospelâ€"her liquor pulls down more than her missionaries can build up. Is not this a powerful aroument to those who prolesstolovet eir fellow men? Whether the Bible enjoins, permits, or prohibits what is called the mod erate use of wine had been long and, eloquent] ( argued, but it was enough for him to know that thc'grent Apos- tle of the Gentiles had declared that he Would not eat a harmless article of diet. if it caused his brother to err. Some Would reply, when the evil of their example as moderate drinkers was pointed out to them. “I am not my brother's keeper." What a doctrine for a Christian! It was a fardifl'erent spirit to this which inspired ' true Christianityâ€"which brought Christ from heaven that he might suï¬'er to save fallen man. He hoped the time was not far distant When the liquor tralï¬c would. be banished from our land, and Canada become noted for sobriety and God- liness. Mr’. Wm. Teskey read a selection ponrtrnyina some of the evils of the liquor tra c. There were also two songs and a. dialo e by members of the Section of ets. The National Anthem was so , and Mr. Beanie pronounced the ediction. Four members were after‘rards admitted to the Order. THE ratepayers of Bu sanctioned aBy-lnw devoti to the erection of a Town Qtéoï¬ivefupon sliwht acquaintance. formed a. high op?nion. The Port Hope Times. in noticing thochtnge: SilVB: ' â€"- - - 7- -n n“. Kean Hey is succeeded by Mr. A Huge}, a ge'ntlengtq 0! whose. ability ness connection with leading rail- way men and bankers in Europe and the United States, will be of valuable service to the prosperity, not only of tho railway, but thus» towns closely connected with it. During his residence here.he has won the esteem of all parties he has met, whether in business matters ur in the social circle, and has at all times proven himself a thou-ugh gentleman, a. shrewd and practiwl man of basiness." v1- “ This gentleman possesses all the necessary qualiï¬catiuns for the posi- tion helmsassumed. Heisathorough- '3; practical. business mamâ€"full of energy, enterprise, and pluckâ€"and we feel sure that under his directinn, not only will the road be pushed rapidly forward to the Georgian Bay, but that the whole line will be placed in a most. thorough state of efï¬ciency. Mr. Hugel's wide busi- an m WAY. mamas mu i‘nnn is competition in thcloeï¬ng bui- nus. Stun labourers get 31.25 pet-dial: this your. Tum: wanted in ochool cectica’No. Q Ruin. . â€tannin-ilk yard near the nilny’ Junction. Outta Town-hip Council meet- next Sntnndny. Tun fann' community on wrestling with the p103. ' Wan about the Inter cut promised come time ego? Ccsrux my lend u mun into my er- rats, but it justiï¬ee none. , Amcnoccumdinehouocinthevi- cinity of the nil-ray on Suudny. Hon-lacuna. â€"â€"'1‘hc {Sumo to plnnt advertisement. in in Tu )5 “mam-on. , Pmrwnn Summer ï¬nite" m occur. mom st the hotel! in this um. 0mm tnvcrn keeper: lnvc niopted the early cloeing movomcnt for Seturdnyu. Tu Time Table of the Midlnnd B. R. .will bejound in our advertising column. MEASLES nre prevalent nmongst the children on the lnke chore north of Orillin PLAST your pcue; and then if you went them to come up quickly, turn out your Pm: your peue; and then 1: you run: than to come up quickly, turn out your um Cu’rux Mo: has oommnd of the Emily May Mill. He was very popular here In: season. Now get ready your prints patio: for the 24th, a there is likely to be no public demonltntion. Tm: flooding Room of the Y.M.C.A. in open ovary dny fromwven Ll. until nine 1.3L, And it free to all. choonnâ€" That you an get liquor by glut 0: pint, to be drunk on the premises, or otherwise, to wit customers, in any li- censed liquor shop in town. Which the same will my «ma rise to eXplain? 11‘ hunted tint there was s Sunni“ eclipse of the moon visible in Cu: 1., on the morning of the 12th instant, but. we have not. hard of any one who thought ix, worth loving tunnel-table bed to wit- W‘; deluxe events eat their shadows be- fore." end the 24th of M3, is looming large in the neu- future. Pnu'xrs are ulvised to put new hinges on the front gate sud double line their dsughzer'l dreu sleeves about this time. Tu: Concert in aid of the Rue Bell Club, but F rid: evening, was eeompletc meow. Abou $50 were realized for the Club fund. Tun Emily May ruched Orillia thoï¬nt time thia'eeuon, lust Mundxy. Them was quite 3 number at the what to welcome the steamer. It in reported, upon Authority sppu'ently nelieble, thnt‘ Messrs. T. Muleehy md G. Vick will let tbout the erection of brick store- shortly. Ezrasslvn Punâ€"A. boy playing Le- croase. tossed a. ball through a. pm of plate glass in the Shefï¬eld Home iront, yester- day, glue cost 8L5. Tut's-Min has been shut down for one‘ Week A lsrger boiler has been" put in, and one of the latest improved lath may chine is being added. Tl: one hundred numyen who signed the petition {on sidewalk on Missisngl street. will learn with not much pleasure ch“ the Council has refused the request. Os Sunduy evening next, the Rev. Joshua D) he, will preach in the Temporal“ Hall, (mm the following subject : “ Faith and Fire.†Service to commence a half-put six. All we iuyiwd. Moonz's ANNIVERSARY.â€"AH Irishman interested in the celebration of tho Poet Moore‘s Natal Day will plane attend at MneMullm and Veney’u oï¬ioe, on next Mondny evening, a 8 p.111. Tonoxro sud Esmflton no ogiuting rival railway projects in Smith Simcoe. We do know how nanny grains of truth the ï¬mflwnians my hove. but the Toronto railway men do not possess enough for one scruple. Lamenâ€" We are informed that the Wainmlnl, of whom there are several now readmï¬ in this town and vicinity, have fallen eirs to pro rty of consider- able \‘due, in Englan , sud Ire taking mcyums to pro“: their claim. 0x Dirâ€"That the licensed vietusllen on: about to combine to put down the un- licensed tmflic. It is use proposed that those having shop licenses should be com- pelled to close their stores st the same hour as the taverns, on Ssturdsy night. Right. Tam is the wsy {delightful Michigun “ low" puts itzâ€"Brightex dsyssre coming, just think of it. Blue birds, dandelions, cat-suns, scissors-grinders, artichokes. vio- lets, and hmdwrgms, will soon sing, shine. Mn. F. J. Guam ofl'en 850‘ We purchasing I. steam lira-engine for Orillia. 1f the other merchant- and property hold- er: un Missing: stmt will give udly liberally, there would be little di culty about raining the remainder of the mount required to purchase a. ï¬rst-class engine. Mn. 1". Knut announces a‘nnd Con- cert in aid of the Music lid] P oFund, on the 24th. He has been in oronto, end got toe eonunt’of some very talented _,_ __-_I- _.-_AL“_. .- - â€u“; vâ€" wâ€"â€" v vvrvi , v, Rah took time. Some boy. who saw the much mind I loud slum, and a. large crowd quickly collected. Their (Ii-gutted looks vlgen theyfgqnd it!» be :‘onlys Now in the time for young men who are looking for wives to call wound. sud nee who are house-acsning. Mn. A. Dunxxnornn has given up the inwutiuu o! erecdng I howl, and will have built instead a. brick block, two storeys high, containing two “urea. WI: understand tint Mr. Muluhy has decided to resume business in Orill'u. This umounccment will give pleasure to the pcuple of town and country. Tm: Lacrosse buylu'e in tumble because the exercise lasso meme-ed their strength they cannot get fer enough 08' to svoid throwing their bad] or» garden fences. Mn. R. Putnam. is putting up another shop 20 by 30 teet, two «guys, adjoining his present plane of business. When ï¬nished it. will be occupied by himself. and his present shop tukcn possession of by Mr. Byrne, Saddler. Egg-Mi}: :13 our pop]. any there- for. W a. pm Event. _Tho Orillis 3:... 3.33 will mo an part in the pnâ€" endings. Axedditionilbeingputn “the out and of the Queen'- Hotel, or a Bilkrd Know. It will be 3 storey and 0. half. with m roof. end hue nihng and tuned work, with see!- all wound. It will add to the a mac of the village. and be a nice mugs: (or mm. Mr. J. G. Oliver is the comm. . Filmâ€"On Tue-dey Moon the coat inechimgel on titan-ï¬ance ofA. King, l~~___‘ A Wn-rmchinyon Sunday. DwmoxOomh-tsdudny. ï¬nAvhn-minvogunhu. Saxm'updringhuoom “Dmyaummmhwr Dugoummforywtmhbofl Wales for Stunt. labour, $00. Nuxnovl be“ on the Inks lat Sun- for nothing V 13 s_ :1»ng st I. public minim!- z........ -t 4.1.- AB -U’VWâ€" â€"-â€" _v_- .7, ___ utpolis. Ilium, {n the interest of the Phaï¬c Railway, ex-uovernor Wuhbnrno, of Mine, aid, “ A thou-Dd donut at into 1:13:11:de more to er the population (hm . million dollar- put hatch-ado." If than are unyoldfqgieo inthhloality,lndno dgubt than mu. Kovuidevnlkl iii- year. . ahsrpeu, went mud {hack that upring 36:: Loamâ€"Mr. Ind 1P?- M" arrived at M: home :11 Onlln on 11-day "Snug _of M†A Lteok. They A.L-§â€" mum gnphy cud Item thst this well-known “ Prince of Humbuge†could obtain such 1 collection of curiosities from ell parts of the world since the destruction of his mu- seum by ï¬re‘in December. This colloesal exhibition cruel: by rail, requirmg ï¬ve trains of about thirty can each. The great street procession is nearly three miles long. EMILY Cinemaâ€"Last Saturday even- ing, for the ï¬rst time, We believe, in the history of Oï¬llia, the bur-room: were cloned u: seven o'clock. The new law making it u: indictable oï¬enoe to expose a light in «he bar-room after that hour, they " kept dark.†The clnnge was quite noticeable, and very genenlly commended. On Sun- dcy flight, £39, there was an absence of A _. 1 â€4L... L-ML-nul:nn v- .v.. pustxd up that. parties and teams would be taken acmu on a now, at the expense 6f the adjoining counxivs. On Monday, how- ever, this order was changed, and the con- tncw: give notice of a tax-inf of tolls for mung, said tollsto be his own individual remuneration im- tmuble and expense in- curred. in pmyiding this :23er of cimwy- woe. Now the question aims whethér the counties are bound to heap open the only public thumughfam was the Nur- mwa a. all times. We inclims w thin opin- ion that they m, and could be made pay heu'fly for any luss orinconvenienoe ocu- sioned by when- failing to do so. “ Tun Urillia. Exmsn‘on has been mule: ed in the sum of $100 dauxsges for libel «blinked in that paper, gamut Mr. N. F. net-son. The plzuutifl' ufl'ered to with- dnwth‘: ution if the defendant would pub- lish I." spology. This wa- refunod md the result was a verdict for the plnintixf with the befoxemenuonnd dung-ea. The ofl'er of the phintifl' was a. hit one, and the pro- grief/0r of Tax Emsnoa {uï¬ghthnn- awed . A-uâ€"c-w-Vâ€"_â€"â€" _,7-,, copy of his Adm Conner giving a. full deaa'iptigq ofh_il grenttnvehmg World’s ' 1 AL, I___‘ 4...“... F3; .331}?! :nfl éEhibit hi the lake towns of Cumin during the present. season. It is one of the marvellgus tyéqmphl of tele- u.) 1%..-, -~,w, ____v the loud talking and amber baccbamsliw sounds usually hen-d insomeof the tum-us. Business was naively renamed, sud sere- rd “ regular.†were seen gning in quest of “eyeâ€"openers,†shortly after ï¬ve o’clock Manda-y warning. Pecansâ€"At. the end of the ï¬rst quar- ter . minister of the Primitive MethoJist Church we: stationed in this town, eight number. were returned, and the sum con- tributed tow-.rde thew-support of the Pus- tur was 817 :15. The report for the eecond quarter shows a membemhip of utenteeu, without any speciul services, and W12 given towards meintsining the minister. ASIIndny Sdtool has I)!" been established, and there we 33 children on the roll, for whose instvucdun tncy have eXeren teachers, end a library cantaiuirg ï¬fty volumes. The Sabbath School is held at half-put; two o'clock in the afternoon. The regular eezvices, every Sunday mornâ€" ing end evening, in the Temperance Hall. up well ettended. Tu action of the uuthoritieo in refer- ence to the Narrows Bridge has given time to ounddeuble complaint. When the work of rewmtruction was begun, notica weze {13135011 from the stigma which studies to I liboller, had be accepted the ofl'er in the spirit in which it was made."â€"Pctcrboru' Tim. We dissent from the conclusion: of our legal brother quill-drivar, upon the follow- ing gmundazâ€"In the ï¬rst place, we could nut escape “ the stigma which attaches to a. libeller†by any means. never hnviug in- curred or merited it. Secondly, we did not refuse to publish an six-1057, our col- umn- being tiny: open for the publica- tiun of such documents, couched in becom- ing hnguugeâ€"rate. eight to ï¬fteen cents r line. we advertisement. Thiidly, Mr. Fin-non did not make any such offerâ€"tn the proprietor of Tu Exrosx'roa. And fourthly, we were not sued for dunge- at :11. The defendant in the an referred to In: Mr. John Murray, of Thanh; the suit was for libel eunuined in nlemraent by him {9: pnbliatiun 3111‘s.: Ewing, 0‘":- his â€"yâ€" ‘7,_, on signlture. And this, we doubt not,. was quite plain 0» every one who read the remit. except the strangely obtuse editor of the Times. Will he make the correction? :m “ Revel. Hon-e" In. ov-ld by nuc- tiou, at Toronto, on the lat instant, to Mr. Montgomery. The price wnsnbom83,000. A Bus BALL Club has been organized, 050011, J. Williams, President; ’1‘. TN- levyn, Vice President; M. Campbell, Sec- reury end Treasurer. _ 11:. John R. Proctor informs us did: he had to go to Aaron for Stoves for flour beads. How in this in a Wood...) coun- try! Must be oomething wrong. 0:! Mondny of lat week two boys were Ming at the Hamilton ï¬ouu. when onto! them, son of Martin Timlin, « -f Man, and mail curler between Urillin and Bon- verton, had the ankle bone of his left leg broken. At I. meeting of the Boaverton Cricket Club, held at the Hamilton Home, on Timothy evening, 6:11 innit, the following ulcers were elected for this year: Presi- dent. 1". Wm Esq; ViocoPreaidcut, A. Mm;$emhry-Tms.. Dr. (high. Committee of Management, Messrs. Wu- !pn,_Hnmilton, Brown, Linton, and Dr. é;;qi§§:il;_m wfll b9 ?ll ï¬rmâ€"The guod people of Beaver- ton intend having a grand demonstmtiou all tthueen‘u Bil-dad: , uni we hope they I?" be W by u gsthering ta mmukelmtinmapom. M9 50., a B_ue Bdl Each, untried against " Wgeâ€"vv -7- -v-- r"** â€" relpectwély. At. any o'clock there will be a. but nee, ht prize, 88, 29d. 84. Men’s footâ€, boy-’noa jumplng throwin , and minus- are, mgounoéd. In tlfo “- . ‘L‘ ___‘ _ awe-fff'i‘iï¬dnrze: «imam. Tent T. BABE" hufnvqnmdiug with a. nu .i-n. headed by the plum Mule-h] The Court of Revision for Orillis m ,. held on Fridv, the 9th inst. .m 3.3; Council PM: except 11:. Ken. ï¬â€™ motion-of Mr. Quinn, wounded 5’5. 3-303. Mr- Wainwright tookthe duh. . Thzappealgofhthfhn Sage}, g .4: n“; CiEva. Bhin, sndJ. KW tohsvethcirnnme-pluadonth. .‘ I“! meat. 2:011._ were gynnwd. _ At the (flute 3f the Court of Won the canned met for general butineu, flap M939“. at? “1° WW ,9!" the Midland liturgy Comï¬â€˜ny fa- oonveyanco of deed I‘ll gmnd‘ counts of G. J. Booth, 81.50; W. m 81 25; J. Ewan-and, 8200; W. .Elh, for printing vilhge By-hva. 30. ,m . The 3pplicution of Mr. for :3er plid by him on improper III.- ment was granted. Petition for dd.- Inlk on Mamas: street was read. A“ ‘ tion deferred. Petition from Wyn' of Peter street, refcn-egl-to comm ‘ 63. A04 ' , n A.:V..C'.a.f’§££ V~ .1 ‘ ‘l ; ‘:‘c-3M1i- i Mr. Kenny preeented e. (or ha rem licence. end was by the Con.“ cu m support ofit. Biepremieeenotbo. ing quite ï¬nished, be was unable toobhh‘ the neceutry certiï¬cate from the Mr. Bailey said the Council coal tub no action I'ithoutthe Inspector 'eeerhï¬em Mr Wsjns-right ssid hem W the Council felt thst theyhsd this n granted wofnsny hung-3m “(1 how in: my more. A discussion took place in m the Market Block.'M1 “'ain ' tan: ï¬link tbu lots “Herod b Mr. ' “f Included indie Marketa!“ . vdubleulot ho.4,thichit tum' to give in exchangg f0r_thom. ‘ eddn, nndtbedecision ofthe ““7 "7 must bee-triedout. Thiamoï¬onmn_ have the matter ï¬nA‘Jy settled. The two ‘ lots, as at present shunted, were of“ value tohimthanlot Nu. 4. E. com hue no objection to the Cox-pom I.“ chasing tug property. if thy: prgfeu-ed. 3.7 um... .-‘.V_‘7, regrctwd thzt every member of 0‘: ‘cil wu not present to give their 01““; upon a question of Ouch imptm u' business could not be continually m on account of Mr. Ken’- frequent.“ from their megtingah ‘ __ 6th!» member; appeared to canal-n, the Bbeve's remarks with mfemnceblr.‘ Kun's absence. ‘ "' Mr. Bailey asked Mr. Wainwright who»; that he Would prefer to give 814110 {c by property required from Mr. Quinn. Foe, himself, he would not like to late tbs ’ petty the Corpontion held for n 3.4:: He would fsvonr either exchange or 9.124 chase, as might on consideration w‘ most advantageous. en Linn. †WWI: nu v ‘u Mr. W admin-1;, '1“: sad he did not a“ der the lots oï¬'eved by the Reeve a â€In; able as lot No. 4. but he “ould not {M opï¬use the «en-hang. e. r. Booth and the Council wen 05593;- coarryontthe 1 lauorthrow upthewhdq 'Il‘he Reeveâ€"Tints so. i M: t was then, on motion 0 . M seeimded by Mr. Builey, PAINTS, Oihmd Varnisha, wholes-lo, st Shven'l. , WISBS, Lï¬quon and Cigars, whole-31°. It Shvou't. (Egamlueeï¬newonderfnl«fungi!t on, beexchnngul with the Reeve fo: the portion of Lots N06. 1, 2, sad 3, m in and comprising part of the M market site as voted on, and that†Council, in urnsidemtion of the hush gift from Mr. Snnth, viz., three unit“ aces, and the opening up and continu- ‘iun of Missing? street. feel it to be“- duty to cumplete their part of than-ago- ment by ratifying the Vote of the III.- payers, thereby putting an and to If. vexed question, ending further litigsï¬m. and perhaps serious expense to tho-lb. Int-anon. Mr. Booth asked that the boys b9 sl- lowed tu level the market ground In: adi- eting. The Reeve thought that iftho remove the stumps and level the they would confer a beneï¬t upon flavour pwmtion. I Mr. Gov was instructed!» beginnpsi- on the streets as early ss possible. Con nail adjourned. WALL Punâ€"Shun had the onlyï¬ut elm stuck in town. Bmlccd: That, whereas the Rm b owner of half an acre of the presentâ€. ket site, voted on by the Mayan, i compliance with a 0535:! Act of M ment in that pmicu case, and thut i the present ï¬nancial positiun of the can poratiun it in not adviublo to pay on money for any further purchases of hfl, therefore. be it further rescind than: 50. 4, on West_ street, gytaiuing ha!- Scuoox. Mnmxc.7A meeting“ m st Ardtrea, at: Tuesday, 6th inst... to tho into mnliderstion theadviubility of build- ing a new frame School house for Ichool‘ section No. £ A large number of flat ratepayers were prarnt Mr. “'11:. EMF :1: moved to the chair, and Mr. A. T. Millicbunp wu rogue-ted to actu or rctaxy and tre‘uurer. It um mend. - cnnded, sud carried unanimondy, tint. School house should be erected without delay on the present site. and that the funql Jequimd should be levied from tbs section. Arum Sun Tsxrut, No. 284. I 0- G. T -â€"The fulluwing is a. list of the oï¬cers of thin Temple for 8the current qwtrter I S. Melville, W. C. T.: Mi. 8. mm, W V. T.: W'. McPhoe,W. F. S.; MisuB. Adapts, W 7.; L. Wilson. W 8.; ~11qu Foxaredgenuinogoodeupof to,†the “ Golden Lion.†A selectinn of Vick‘. 9m and ï¬eld ad. a J. J. Bind's. - Arxwofthnooprimedrleds pigsï¬ll on hand, at the “ Golde Lion? Thin Temp“ now nunnhers over ï¬fty melm; ber’a. Night of meeting. Monday. W. R. Tudhopo’s. wen than: two mile- {run tlwlpotwh-u the body was found. An in uncut-aw by Dr. Spohn,nn Friday, an o â€dialo- turned of academia! drowning. The-tower Waubuuohu at lull ID- rived, bringing freight and W Thooeennd raftof uvlogsofthio at son let: for Collingvood In: may. T303: indebted to Mnlcuhy 8'. Co. will ï¬ndsnmcthing to advantage in the adva- thing columm. . Tm: “Golden Lion†has Ink-1y nudq addition!» the stock of Crockery Glassware. W. R. Tcnnon: in now anm sup- ply all the small hnrdwm scores in town and chantry, at Monti-ed And Torontd 'holeaale prions. ‘Mr. T. Brazen-bu on hand a. lug. u- ment of light and hairy Bana- which he is uni at W prices, preriom to in removal to annual- Booummdgivgyinaqg ‘ The body of John Vint '- !oud h Sturgeon river en Thunday. Ho 1d home about two Weeks agnfnd fa.“ ,â€"}){x;chased from! Mr. Skiingqj the property of this curmntion, but 3‘ included $9 the gruff-t lfiarsct sine whl gig: in exchange 101' mean. Reeve Ind {h}! Bloekhul-hoeh '05 Lnrn Pluter at Slnven’s. Fm: Seed. at Shven’u. 1 131m Chunky Sea, “the “Gold- ;totheu£amstofhispow,gu- £35213: G 172522373.