a N examination made )f the track of this Railway. from Grillia to Benetton. makes it imperatiVely necessary for me to cancel all pauenger trains, over that part of the line. at present. The nunust exertions will be used toputthe track in order,and resume regular "‘ch at the earliest possible moment, of which due notice will _be given. . m_2_LL uuv uvuvu n... v- .V. v... 01' HIGH The_ Company will continue toreceivc Freight, 913d give the sage as prompt despatvh as possx- Al' LA... .â€"-_ m“ 331.: xï¬gflixé'gï¬i :vhich the Com- pany can not, at present. receive. ADOLPH HUGE President. Port Hope, May 4, 1873. 1844111. Lakeï¬cld. N usau nulls Peterbom’ Frasewille Bavenon; \Voodvine, Oakwood, Cambray, Lindsay. geuy's, Besverton, Woodville, Oakwood, Cambray, Lindsay, Kelly’s, Om'emee, Franklin, Brunswick, Bethany, Lakefxeld, Nassau Mills Petorboro', 3110mm RAILWAY. MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. TIME EABLE. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Minbmk, ULCAHY 00., beg to inform all L mwummbynotew Mmmthatunleauthcmbo ' anom- Hmtb-lm' Duochxs, they ' “PM beam: for collection. without further notice- Oriiï¬u. May 14th. 1873. 184. CONNECTIONS. â€" At Port Hope with Grand Trunk Express Trains. East 3nd, Went, morningand owning. and steamer “Norseman.†leaving at 9 Am. for Rochester. N. Y., connect- ing with trains'on New York Central Railroad- At Woodvflle with the Toronto and Nipissing Railway- M Millbrook, with Trains for Peta- boro’ and Lakeï¬cld. Trains run by Port Hope time, which is- Twwty Minutes slower than Gnnd Trunk time. ADOLPH HUGEL, B. G. TAYLOR, President. Superintendmt. 184. NOTICE. Midland _Ra.ilway r Company will pieâ€"aw forward them, with the $201»: vouchers, direefcdï¬o the Secretary 0! Com y, Joseph Gny. Esq" it the Head omen, or: Hope. Where-the Company has fanning ‘aceonnu ams RIGHT UP roams SCRATCH . In ONCE: pAY UP: PAY. 'UP!’ .â€" HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. By paying the undersigned on or ï¬bre the lat of’May, all whoer indebt- ed will save wail: AFTER the 10th of June next, emi- grants having through tickets, will be sent from Toronto to For: Garry, Manito- ba, at the following rates : 2030510 TO rxxscn mmun’s uxmxc. m WAY 05‘ comscwoon on sumâ€. - Adults, $5; children under twelve years of _age, half price; 1501bs. personal bag- gzggefree. Extra. baggage, 35 ‘cents per North-West Territories 100 lbs. ‘ ruse: nunux' s [ARDIXG :0 rom- GARRY. EBECTLDINL of a COTTAGE! in Orinia. Apply to V Emigrants, $10; children under twelve years, half price; 2001!». Personnl'baggage free. Extra luggagg, 82.50 pm: 100 lbs. â€Mu six-duh, take their own ra- tions. Provisions will, however, be fur- nished at cost prices at Shebandowan, Fort Frances, and the North-West Angle of the Lake of the Woods. rnaocan “nuns rot. mucxnxrs r0 row: .1me VB PRINCE Asmvn’s muse. Can be had at Toronto, at the Stations of the Northern, Great Western, and Grand Trunk Railways. Emigrants are requested to take notice that packages of lug-age nre limited to 200 the. weight, forwnvenieneeoi transport on the Portages. After 20th of June next, will be tune- ported from Prince Arthur‘s Landing to the eastern terminus of the Fort road, North-West Angle, a: the rate of $2 per 1001bs., or $40 per ton of 2,0001% Each piece ofpackageto beof convenient size, not exceeding three hundred lbs. in ‘ '«rht, and to beï¬rmly bound or fastened. ones, Oxen, wagons, and. heavy ar- tides, such as castings and machinery, an besent through to the same point, on giving due notice and making special at» nngemems for the conveyance of the Department of Public works i ' Ottawa, March 25, 1873’ Fort Hope, May 4th, 1873. 02515., May 12th, 1873 An excepaxrmvu‘) thiï¬, hoiever. .RTIBS haï¬xgg claims a‘gatimt this M ANITOBA ! HOME AGAIN ! Hams some SOUTH. NOTICE. d 94W {0.401 0.20. 10 001 22nd, 1823-: mcuwxsz. ASD :eâ€"Ezd‘eEththe end of ADOLPH 31763;, _ A. G. ROBINSON, Civil Ragnar. iPiresideiIt. on Lot No. 10, cnrner of \Iatchedash and Brant Streets. can be seen at the Furniture Warehouse of Mr. G. J. Booth. required for Excavation and building Stone-work, for Carpenters’ fâ€"Work, for Plastering and Brickwork, amigo:- Paint- ing and Glazing, in accordance with Spec'- ï¬catiom. The Subscriber does not bind himself toacccpt the lowest noranyTendcr. 1- Arnlxbm :Smronb Ema? Exrznmox'z ’mn, be ready on Twit-1.8m Luna: PBEE-TITMW JAMES CAMPBELL d: SON. Toronto. May, 1873'. T“ r Two Storey iiweliing [louse MAsoNIc BUImeGs, Orillia, 2lst May, 18‘ EALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, on or before SATURDAY, the 315}. MAY, Inst, Per Day, - - $25.00, Public Holidays, - 30. 00, Per Evening, - - 10.00. . A: the member! hsve to depend entirely upon their own efl’orte to meet the be“)? connected with the maintenance cram Mes need not expect them ‘to play gratis in the future. _ _, .vu-M TO BUILDERS TORONTO AND NIPISSING RAILWAY. __0_. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS! IRECT route fur Markham, Uxhridge, Sunderland, Cannington, Coboconk, Lind- say. Beaverton. c., c. Trains run daily between TORONTO, WOODVILLE JUNCTION, LIND: SAY, BEAVERTON. COBOCONK, from Berkeley Street Station. as fol- oï¬ce of May 26th,187' . __T:., ' . Saginaw“ r s†. Nojm' R. HOY, Secretary. of the nkdemigned. untxllZ OR SAMâ€"A Handsome _ Barr, and; m. Apply,» TON, Orin}... flâ€"Prgfj Windsor 3: Emir. instincto'r. 7m prepu'ed to make engagements upon the follow- A- ._ ‘_.__A.. VVILL be received by the Board of Com- ' mon School Trustees. :Et‘tbg ofï¬ceï¬of‘the CflURT 0F REVISION. l85-1in. Friday, the 30th of Véfla'y,~|873-! Beaver-ton (M R T Coboconk - - VictoriaBoad - Kirkï¬eld ' Portage Road - Eldone - ° 3 A I ni emotion Wbbdville - Can ' n - Sunder :1 - Stouï¬ville GOING SOUTH. Exprs'lxixcd‘ Lindsay 3553?? Uxbridge ï¬â€˜nirénville ‘ Aginco urt - Scarboro J auction} mungâ€"Stage for Cedar Grove, Bdfour. White Vde. Bangor, Brougham. mama -â€"Stage for xanchester. Prince A1- ben". on Perry. Epsom, Utica. Toronto Arrive scxnm‘fl).â€"Stage for Vroomanton, cmxlxc'româ€"Stage .for Oakwood, T. R,, goirii Eat. and at xidland Junction connect vi xidlmd Railway for Linday, Beaver-ton. kc. \V. GOODERHAM, an., ASILLY fool of} lover at Des Moines drawn blood from his suns and use: it in the place of ink to write to his girl. Ten to one he pounds her vith the wove-Mud“ in leathmayeuoftermarrisgea - Vory likely two fools will be well mated when the; up mgrriodwutwhst 11th wuvu â€"'J “-v _â€"_-â€"â€"â€", ~__ v.__~ name of husbandry is a stove-handle? FRAME ADDITION ! to the Public School, in Orillia. Plang and Speciï¬mtions may be seen at the TOWNSHIP OF‘ ()RO ! wiuhehcm‘ttheToannoon, on SEPARATE TENDERS The Orillia. Brass Band At Scuba-3’ Junction gonpgct grit}: phg'G. Toronto. May 19th. 1873. IBE ï¬rst sitting of the Court of Revi- sion, for flu mnnidpslity of the runs ARI) svssmcmpug OCEAN '39 QgEAN. DUEâ€"Jumof may, on Wed-38' 3.1.15“; {homunhwitbypm‘z' ,, 4_ Â¥:-AAL_-_ _ ' AVINQZ'}; a heavy_ egpgnge, engnged lows : ~ FRANK EVANS, Sec-Twas. B. of C. S. Trustees, CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. JUNE 2116-. 1873, STAGE CONNECTIONS. NOTICE. for the erection of a. for the erection of a TENDERS GEORGE ‘rUDHOPE. ' Toma-hip Clerk. ~ ,1 '. Apply.bH.Y. rrr 1 X J. AILPORT. ‘ at the oï¬ce of the o‘clock, noon of 185. for @132 gamma suddennws, and will brin sorrow; to the heart of every trpe 'nadiun, for in him Canada haS’lost one of her ablest statesman, the Queen an attached subject, and the united Em- pire a most. deviotedflpatkriot. It had ABELL has been placed on the English Church, Bracebridge. This is the second church bell in othat vil- lure, and the local papers say the) “chime beautifully†THE Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has opened an oï¬ice at. Philadelphia whichhas some noveland convenient arrangements. The most notab: e is that the travellers’ waiting room has been transformed into a. reading- room, where the leading newspapers may be found fresh every day."- , A MEMORANDUM from the Chief Engineer of the Paciï¬c Survey,subâ€" mittéd to the House, shows that the location of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway in Bell River will be 300 miles nearer Toronto than by any other existing railway route, 100 miles less than can be obtained by the shortest line thatcanbe procured on the south shore of lake Superior, 500 miles nearer Ottawa and Blon- treal than by any’ other existing route. Owing to the great length of the line of survey, and the difï¬culty of getting in reports, there is no in- formation leading to anv intelligible conclusion as to its exact location or the nature of the country to be tra- P ABBY SOUND wants a painter. . SNOW fell 10 the north of England on Sunfla) last. Sir George Cartier, Minister of Militia, died at London, on Tuesday morning, at six o’clock. This an- nouncement. comes _w_it.!_1 startling " "J """"" l ' * ~. /. . ment was received with deep :- 'ret in both houses of Parliament he Senate adjourned; and in the House of Commons, the .Right Hon. Sir John A.Maicdonald was snoreroo'me with grief as to be unable to more than read the telegram. Hon. Mr. Langevin repeatedtheannouncement in French, in subdued tones, his eyes suffused with tears. A Mr. Mc- Kenzie, leader of the Referm Oppo- sition, also testiï¬ed to the ser- "ices, courtesy and ability of the de- ceased statesman. Though they had seldom agreed upon political questions, it had never been. their misfortune to entertain any but the best personal feelings; and he added that these were not only his own sentiments, but those of every mem- ber on his side of the house. Sir George Cautier died in his 59th year, having been born in the County of Vercheres, Lower Canada, on the 5th of September, 1814. He was a descendentof a nephew of theFreneh navigator, Jacques Cartier. His body will be brought to Quebec in the steamer by ivhich he had in- tended to sail. AT the competition for the selec- tion of the Wimbledon Team, last Week, in Toronto, the highest scare was made by Captain \Vhite, 34th Battalion. Tun Mail is becoming, if possible, more untruthful both in fact and by inference. On Monday it published an obituary ï¬otice of the late John Shedden,-Esq., amongst its “Sport- ingIntel‘ligence,†which would natur- ally lead those unacquainted with the facts to infer that he had ï¬gured before the public chiefly as a patron of the turf. ~ This, we are glad to know, was not the case. Again; it boasted that the melancholy death of the gentleman above referred to was exclusively recorded in its issue of Saturday. This boast was not merely in very bad taste, it was a deliberate falsehood as well. A full account of the sad occumnce apv neared in the Leader of Saturday I'" v “ been thought that Sir George swstt to England had been so far summ- ful m the mtorati n of his health, that he would reach the ca ital of the Dominion shortly after t e close of the present session of the Can- dian Parliament. But dropsy, one of the effects of Bright’s disease; with which he had been afliqbed, ro-ap: nun! or m cm: CARTIER; um. iï¬alElï¬aï¬ndtowards the last; be’ 5th- fered much. The event was in no way anticipatgd, a_,nd.the a’npounceo morninv. NORTHERN Division of Sons of Temper- ance continues to progress, new members joining it every meetingnThe'rr next open meeting will be held on the 63h of June. A good programme 1: being prepared. v. A Tsxrmxcs meeting, under the sus- pices of Barrie Division, willbe held in the Union Church, V'espm'on Monby, June 2nd. ' LADY DUï¬PleN‘VnTS on Saturdajr 'deâ€" livered of a daughter at Rideau Ed]. fl Canon! ateEnmex-s have beaten Ameri- can steamers on Lake Superior thismsbn. Tn: mammoth mill built by Cook BM at Midland isrsaid to be one of the ï¬nest {n the Dominion._ a u‘- _ -_._____ _. A 30! was fatally injured by the acci- dental discharge of a gun while out shoot- ing on Sunday near Penetanguilhene. ONE hundred and ï¬fty-six volunteers are required to replace those whose term of service has expired, in Manitoba. A battery of artillery is to be sent to that, Province, in addition to the Infantry. Ax OLD Stoutâ€"Robert McGee, Wm. McKee, and an Indian named Comman- doan, the witness in the Tryon case, have been roughly handled in Collingwood, and taught a leseon that they will probably never forget. After being paid about as wimeseee fees, they started from Barrie for home, via Collin ood, where they intended to work an the opening of navigation. There they fell into the hands of the Philistinee, who. aftergetting them intoxicated, fleeeed them out 'of nearly every cent that they had. by induc- ing themtoiry theirhandeet obitofgun- blin . They arrived at Perry Bonn by the W without a penny. and were provided with a. canoe and prom pd went ontheirway on guardâ€, ytiefobe 53$.†’3 hopdwim mamâ€"56W". DRILLIA. 22nd MAY. 1873. EEK AND 50155035. Tn: warm sumhiny day- u'e developing kyerlunfomred fly ad the unsophisticsted SAmnnr being a. holiduy, do not‘pog- lect to make your purchas- on Friday. an is the “ morning glory" cricket club that was talked about same time ago? Tu Trustees an ailing fontenden for the proposéd addition to the School Home. Pnormxrr and oboceno homeop’peu- t » be on, the increase Amongst the boy- of ans and ugrest- may othe; spring diseases may be avoided by clemmg your nova-dag; As to have aid before, Tomm- and Nipiuing May Time Table is altered this week. â€rum wu ; stiï¬â€˜breeu, andconcidm ble (1m: flying, but Sunday. Rumm'l'ho Concert 1:: thq Music Edi, on the evening of the 24th. 03.6 Court of Revision will be held st the Town Hdl, on the 30th of Mny. tieo ue becoming Womble among mg ybnng people now. ‘ Ir costs nothing to lounge about the cor- ‘vners, and a good deal of that kind of thing is done here just now. H Tm: olden- observers of the weather no kept busy telling exactly what you: were as cold d backward†1873‘ J ABBAIT'S Commas has been ediï¬ed by a banquet got up by the ladies. Full pu- ticulu's are given by I. cone-pendent. u a..- r __.Vï¬Â° ford Quarry, yesterday, got'an up-set. Be experienced no further injury than a. wet- ting. Buumxa.â€"Mr. A. Dulmnge has ami- dence in course of erection, on Tecumseth street. The building is fume, 24 by 28 feet 6 inches ; ceiling 10 feet; with kitchen 16 by 17 feet 6 inches. W: direct attention to the excellent. tactical suggestion of our cox-res mdent “ Platform.†The platform:- at ‘lway Stations are dangerous traps, and neither ornamental not useful. Tm: September District meeting of the Primitive Methodist Church for thia Dil- trict is appoiutnd to 3m held at Orillis. â€0mm; Section of Culets of Temper- ance contemphte holding their ï¬rst pub- lic entertainment on or about the 29th r Ursï¬.-A son of Mr. Charles Davies, whiJe_pulling astrone‘ boat overto the Long- A7_ .._ _-A ti- Ir is expected that balluting on the Midland road, between Drillia and Be:- verton. will be so far completed that trains will be again running regularly as fu- u this town, in another week. Tm: annual meeting of the Rzligious Tract Society will l_>e ch! in the Presby- ,_,_‘. [urns vuluuu, v... "v _...._, v.-__,,u The Agent, Rev. Mr. Eastman, and resi- dent ministers, will :ddresa the meeting. 7 BOYS are laying in their supply of ï¬shing tackle. and surveying the gndem urefully to ï¬nd the best spots that produce bait Tun hour for opening the meetings of Orillia Divisiun of Son: of Temperance has been'chnngcd to half-past seven o'clock. Meetings every Tuesday evening. Psxsoxu. â€"We are glad tones that'Mr. G. E. Carbonld has so far recovered from a. protracted illness as to be able to get around, and was at his ofï¬ce on Monday. Lil-v- ~‘-â€"--_J ,, v, tel-inn Church, on Monday evening nail}. Smnrs.â€"The Queen's Birthday celebh- tion in Orillis will wnsist of the usual sports, for which a. number of prim are oï¬'ered. " Luvs or Answenâ€"Cgpuin Burnett, of No. 7 (Orillia) 00., 35th Battalion, ha: obtained leave of absence for three months on private min. ' C-nmcnn Enumâ€"Mr. Wm. Johnston has purchased the Midhnd Hotel, now occupied by Mr. Church. Possession to be given next vac-k. QUERYâ€"Where did the nun who slmoet drou ned himself andchild. through drunk- enness, on the Atherley road, last Sunday, obtain liquor on that day? A coupon-nun two-storey dwelling is being erected on the corner of Neywash and Peter streets. Miss Moï¬'att, proprie- tress; A. McKay, builder. Ir ihose boy'. who play ball behind the wood, near the Cold wnteg rqad,‘ or} Sunfiuy wvvu, uvâ€"_ -_V - afternoon, were {Sire ithat {heir voioei (:0qu be heard ag (a; away 8.6 West street, they would probably not snout quxue so loud. OUR correspondent. P.P.R., informs us that a gang of labourers were at work on the Northern Railway, last' Sunday. ‘50 valid reason for working on the Sunday is apparent. and the Company should not. be allowed to continue it, with impunity. WOI'IDB. Mn. WM. Mclxrosn, Student of Con- tienal College. Montreal, will preuch in the Presbyterian Church, on Sundny morning next. Rev. Mr. Eutmnn.Agent'- of the Religious Tract Sodety, will preach in the evening; nnd‘in the W. M. Church in th: morning Tim Licensed Victunllere get the credit of looking after the unlicensed dealers, and shop keepers who violate the. terms of their license. A detective is said to be on the “war path,†and we ere led to believe the tmï¬c will be kept within its legitimate bounds from this time forth. 'v â€"--.._ , Damienâ€"Four pleasure-seekers tested the temperature of Lake Couchiching Jest Sunday. Two were upset near Steamboat Point. Twoâ€"one of them at lensta young men who had been taught betterâ€"accom- panied by a dog, started in a. canoe, but before they had gone far the «3006 turned over. The dog and one of the hopefuls mm to shore. The other held on to the canoe until assistance was brought. DISGBACHULâ€"We are informed that last Sunday two parties, driving on- the Atherley road, passed a man withhisclu'ld about sixteen months old, in a penmbnla- ‘ tor. The father was so drunk thnt the \ gentlemen above alluded to became alarm- 3 ed for the child’s safety, end decided to} return-for the nix-pone of seeing how it fared. It was ortunate that they did no, for they discovered (other, child and arm tinge lying in water at the bottom of M ditch by the roadside. The little one, al- moot drowned, was and for, end taken to its mother, and the unfortunate father alao rescued. ï¬nd not a watchful Pfovi- dence interposed, We would nsve been called upon this week to record another, probably two more death! through drink. Tan Township Council hss st last takes practical action towsrds the impxovement of the Atherley Bowl. If the business men of Orillia. will subseribe s reasonable sum for the purpose, the Council will grant aid to the enterprise. lt sppears ahead for the Council of s township like Orillis to confess, or even leave it to be inferred, thst the construction of three miles of s. main road is an un ' too heavy to: them single handed. , Ifit so, the Vil- lage Fsthers, should, whentho intereltlof the place are so metesianyinvolved, sn'st byagnnt fromthepnblicfunds. But if from neither of these sources snï¬cient means for this terrible undertaking he forthcoming. we are conï¬dent the enter- ' ' bunness men of Orillia will not be “0' 2mm than!†oft!» ton- Son; tutor men hopeful. wa building! on "“7 id“ Grimm busy and W Sunn- Visitou coming dun-fly. HOV will you spend your holidsy! Bax! rather pmnih thi- nook. Fuss moonlight excursion last week. ' Suonofbruh ï¬re- viu'blohvsn'ou H01- daysâ€"littlo boysâ€"hue footâ€"m eâ€"rag! Emuvigilmceiathepï¬eeof loads fashiomblo among the ' modes-,Mcsmm wdhanddllytdhmmmadcthu pleasant ‘ thoï¬utflnthwhllon annulment-iv thilnmon. . then: should if the act in don. for food. Want fellow: 0:30 to you:- do?†beggmg' set. to I cloning" up ‘udom’m somethingolu 0! than“, And â€a how quickly they will fold flair mu md silently medâ€"anything they an get hold t-f. Tax motherly housewife divide. horm- mnly dgtiqn betwogn extending lpnntar! “db-n ' nuthounfortnm toe- of that»!!! chfldmnndm «.11an0: thglitflochickswhichmmnoumngxheir min! by plaintive squeaks from beneath thawings‘ofuottingpuneuinthopoutry Tux Inspector eeeme to hove wakened up to the fact the: the luv forthexegnh- tion of the liquor tnï¬c is not fully ob- Imed,mdto seemed his dntytnthe premium. By continuing to bring a: one or two delinquents 3 week, until :1] pnctially the requirement.- of the net law, he will‘eu-n the gmtitude of the eon:- xnunity. * W; nndentend the like Conchiching Hotel will not be opened this mean. This ‘ill be e diuppoinunent to my intend- ing video“, but none need remain guy. or go elsewhere to spend their summer nation, on tint account, a they any still and room at the most charming xenon, . Lawnâ€"The mtch between the Se- cond Twelve of the Orillin’ Lacrosse Club and twelve of the Commercial School boys, lat Fridny, malted in e had-earned vic- tory for the former. The ï¬rst game, otter n stubborn contest of one hour nud ï¬ve minutes; was won by the School boys; and the next two menâ€"occupying twenty-ï¬ve and eighteen minutes respectivelyâ€"were taken by the second twelve. In: Bogaâ€"01min. has now one of the host country bonds in Ontario, and their charges m none too high for the trouble Ind expense the members ape compelled to incur in maintaining it, and it is but jun- tice to themselves that they should adhere to the tnriï¬' under sll circumstances,â€"un- less some public spirited individunl or in; stitutinn add a trifle by raw of onwurng- ing than) in their laudable work. szovz mu- Rvmn.â€"Wo m unm- ilhed at the indifference of our authorities to the comfort of their constituents. For some time past we haVe noticed a. most din- LI 5.}. __l __.L_..A .‘n graceful pile of rubbish and gau- m on Missiseage street, directly opposite eed’s feshionuble tonsorial 81.1001). and also be.“ tween the steroid Messrs. A. Kennedy end '1'. Goflntt. Somebody's recent lot or ctrden isthe meet eniteble receptacle of this ï¬lth, end the only places where it would cease to be a. nuisance. Tn ï¬rst excuuion of the season took place on bonrd the Carriella lest Monday evening. After arriving st Longfond, the party wended their way to the mills, some on foot and others on lumber are. Music by the “ Canadian Band." Although the mills were shut down for the night, the visitors were shown the vex-ions sights by the watchman. and all returned to the boat well repaid for their trip. The wea- ther was pleasant, and those Present en- joyed the excursion very much. Tm: ï¬rmâ€"The Birthday of our good Queen has hitherto been right loyally ob- served as a holiday in Orillin, and we feel conï¬dent the good old custom will not be afl'ccted by the views of a few who wish to keep their shops and places of business open on that day. While we believe 'hst s more ntionnl mode of observing public holidays is desirable, it does ndt seem that 3 two orthree dsys of innocent xelustion in ’3 season is more than our people require. j And, certainly, the reduction. if made, should not commence with the merchants, clerks and mechsnics of the town. ‘Again, if it' be deemed thnt we have too many holidsys, let us lop 08' those newly added before we touch the long-cherished Queen’s Birthday, which marks at onu theesteem with which Csnsdisns regard her Msjesty’s virtues and our attachment to British in- stitutions sud British connection. [Since the shore was in type, bills hsve been 'ssued announcing the stores will be closed On Saturday] gin'é thou chis was disproved, the con- trary, hm ‘it been true, would not in any way lessen the justice of the complaint.â€" rather strengthen it. Regulu- dealer: would be perfectly justiï¬ed In taking me;- Iuree to pn-tect themselves from the illicit trafï¬c. which none am deny is injuriuun both to ‘heir trade and reputation" Txxmuz.â€"The terrors of s conscience reminding :he guilty owner that he in in areas With his printer may not be entirely unknown to many of our renders, and we copy _for yhcir bt-nf‘ï¬tnletter receivetï¬mm ,,11_) :_ “1.- __.. anxcrnn. â€"Two liquor sellers, one an unlicensed dealer, the other a shop keeper who had sold in less quantity than the terms of his license 1110:, were com ictcd yy-eaterds The defence was “terribly earnest, " hut the evidence was direct and not to beshsken by moss-questioning or or legal acumen. An sttempt wss Elsa msdea to show that the plsintifl' wu _ _plo_yed _by_ the Licensed Victusllers, ‘ ALA "I'J -v- -â€"-. one, hoping thnt all troubled in like man- ner will try the remedy the writer adopted, which we will warrant to effect an imme- diate nnd complete cure. Here is the let- ter:â€"“Pleue ï¬nd encloned 85 on account. 1 am really ashamed, and have even not been nble to sleep st night- with thinking about owing the printer so much, end no long. This wwrceau till nuï¬oe to give me rest for a. night or two, and in the mem- timo I will hunt around for more money. Send mom of my account, that I may know how much I am owing you nuyvay. Yours, in an nwfulâ€"" Y.LLC.A.â€"The Special General Meet. ing of the member: of this‘ Anociztion on yogdsy. egening In fsirly attended, sad notwithstanding sage fiiwuungiyggircum- uvrvv nun-w.._â€"° v -;_ stsnees, it was decided to extend “the ope- rations still further. (h the whole. there is resson for congretulstion upon vhst has been done. and the seal manifested by msny-of the members. The President oc- cupied the chair. A lengthy conversstionsl discussion took place, which resulted in the following business being transected:â€" The re-o ised Bosrd consists of. Wm. H. Leef. resident; P. Money and Jana McLeod, Vice-Presidents; F. Evens, Tus- surer; Ohsrles sties, Secreisry; Dimetors -â€"A.'J. Alport, J. A. Stephenson, Henry Scott, T. Dsllss, N. J. Winters, snd Rev. J. Dyke. The Weekly meetings were ms- pended until the end of August, sud only monthly free popnlsr entertsinments will be given. These will be held on the second Mondsy in esch month. The Sstnrdsy evening prsyer meetings will be continued, snd devotions! meetings evelx Ssbbsth evening. site: theeonclusionof e services in the churches. willbeeommencedon the ï¬rst of June. For this purpose s commit. tee wss sppointed. snd several of those present kindly volunteered to enlist in the undertaking. A new room Connniflce wss sppointed. to keep the ruling room open snd comfortable. Four undid-us for membership were proposed. m. $339â€) gag.“ T. at. 3.51- ny. wu killed by falling buns}: the Mom and tar he to than to La}! upon_n_.t the. 9mm Station, “3 ______ hâ€"‘k- null mmofthmthoCoqé-armm .fcllenqnigintnho tub. ":3“ u. - Man-ho m In “If“ to “:8“ wan-at in. Milne“ _' ‘ of to arch our other ,tho the I oftho ;n.rln who End! _by mm. m. w"...â€" wâ€"v _--, - thanuJ.J.Bnylock.leg-P"ï¬':'f y .2: theChnteh, nndhoviteenb .4. «brought into exemiee, "whichth by soup 17:?de discussion, a to the _ e ante per-one paying in pa e. hearty vote- otthmhw new e Rev. gentlemen who had to 1:0ny contributed to tho inï¬ereet _md proï¬t, of I'lw “vs-v I“ J JV: 8"“, m go mï¬ysm‘in‘qé, sud unsui- mously carried. The meeting m then cloud with singing and pnyer. All the member- falt much proï¬ted by their dq’n deliberations and instructions. 0!: Wednelthymoming at nine o'clock, the delegstu, both lay sud ministerial, were in their been. The Rev. '1‘. Cramp- ton rue-.11 upon to predde over the meeting. the Rev. J. J, HI look '0 ‘P‘ poinwd Seaetu'y, and the vs. J. Dyko sad 8. garish nape: Seam-riot. The , A-A:-_ ...i.. ‘ Bruin. A. swint‘ivo-n-w of deep FM! withtheRov. JohnMilou‘ig h_ adama- re ( fromthevuionactstioncwmre- cewed with much 'tude. a withontcn exception they ell- wed pecan-ea in every department of the work. The reports duo showed that considerable had been done on most of the stations on the Tem- perance question, both by preaching Tem- pennce Sermons and holding Temperance meetingn. Some Very rice remarks were made by seweral member: of the meeting. which tended to encourage ell preecnt to double their efforts in the Temperance Work. The report- nlco chow- ed thst during the yenr the church pro- rty has increased in value, some of the cbtc upon said property hove been low- cred and others hnve been removed; There Bevi- â€"â€"â€" _v_ "v ieeho In eneounaing increase of mem- here throughout the district. Some legis- letion u to the salaries ofyonng mini-ten ceased lively diecuuionend wee fox-winded to the tunnel Conference, which sits in Tomato on June the eixth. In the oven- ing 3 public meeting we: held, two short sermons Were reeched by the Ben. J. Dyke end H. errieh. A holy influence pervaded the meeting, all felt thet it was a. “time of refreshing coming from the presence of the Lord.†The minister- and lay delegetee returned to their respective nations feeling determined to renew their cii'urte with increased vigour foi- the pun- {)2}; "chiâ€"{ï¬eâ€" 8.1th an; good of mm; the g cry of J ems. (From a Conapondcnt.) Om: enterprising friend and neighbour, J. T. Kirkpatrick, has enacted tvory â€an tud substantial fence around his duelling, which reflects much credit on the designer wd builder, Mr. Livingston. SBI‘NGLI MILLâ€"Mr. Cheny is erecting s Shingle Mill shout two mile: south of the village. md expect- to heme it in open- tion in about t month. Thio will make the fourth establishment of tthst stripe of industry in the vicinity. Finnâ€"The reeidenee end out-building! occupied by Mr. Cherry were destroyed by ï¬re on Mondey but. Cnuee, defective stove pipe. There was no pereon in the house at the time the ï¬re broke out, and Mr. Cherry was only nble to save a. few light thing: in the lower moms. Every- thing eonteined in the eteblee end ehedl was destroyed, excepting one sleigh. Tune in en immense quantity of freight ginning through as route tothe North, per uskokn Steamerl, e greet pert the pro- perty of Emigrants who no urivi by every cage. The weeer in Lake Mus oh. instill on theriee. end the wherfieeovend 12 inches of the element. Were it not for the eordwood which we: placed upon it very thoughtfully eerly in the eeeeon, it would heve been 2 etmy waif ere now on the :aten of the Georgun Buy. Pmmmn Txxru, 1.0. G. 1‘., No. 462. â€"The oï¬iceu for the current mm: were installed on the 14th met. byw .N. Livingston, T. D.: John SWW MisaMtg e0, W. V. T.; nbet, W S.;J.'l‘. ‘gKirkps trick, W F. 8.: N. Liv- ing: tun, W. I12; :.C$;Kenny y.,W M.; B. C1311? W. W Wright, W. C.; J. W. sibbetld, GP. W. C. Alta-them- many was concluded two new members madmitbed to the Temple. ‘ (Form a Comnpoudeut.) A cricket club was orgtnized here last week and it is expected that it will prove a. source of wholesmw amusement to the vats-ice of this noble guns during thesum- Iner months. . The greatest govolty 9f the man was “â€"1.. _... :_ um IUD 5|w-wâ€" â€"v.v--‘ _, imugunted 1 far evenings ego in the neighbourhood of this villege. Aeertsin young gentlemen, hnving announced his intention of departing for Manitoba. esrly in the summer, s huge number of his lsdy soqnï¬nw-mfingldertotestify their h‘ h tpprvclw 'on I» is many gallant qu ‘- ties, conceived the kudnhle ides of giving him I. “ï¬rewall supper,†sud ssenergy generally ehsncterizel the sew-us of the fairer sex. immediste steps were uken for the exocutiou of their design. 0n the even- ing tppOinted, ladies, singly and in psirs, might‘be seen vending their wsy town-d- fl‘lâ€" - .I.-:_ _-- “us-u '- "vâ€" V.-___,,,U _ the eclected rendezvous. The chair to eï¬denfly ï¬lled by one of the most mflu- amid Mm patentâ€"the vice-chi: like- wise. Ample justice heving been done to the deintiee and rarities provided for the caution. And the usual oomplimen me- mu-h nude mpecting the “19nd, ’ the cloth m regoved,_end e “good time†- en .,-_A_____ mu-h nude respectm' g the “spaced," the cloth we: removed, and n “good time†commenced. The indispensable tomb were proposed, and mpomled to with in scum .nd ability. But when the air- manâ€"or monsoon-root] y, choirvomonâ€"mee md,’ in the moot touching end tender len- gnuze, referred to the “ guest's†useful and chinlrono coroer among them in the put, mad the immeuunble lose they, as well u the community at large. were about tom min in his deperturensh‘e scene was ugly *v mmntnndmiort ..___. v -___- n 9! non o n - ' - ' * eveningmpunod in : manner-nibble w_thoocasi9n,sndth_ocomplnyw , A _____._ ;fl'ec ' sud beyond description. The “ gueat endeavored to reply, but was , to overcome by the intensity of hi: emotion- u to be empelled up â€gm. his net with- ï¬mï¬wncmfm GRAVENEUBST. JABBAWS com “Faith and 3;â€; 5i mvvm enigmbothforthowantof 1.3de thanogodngnmï¬e ‘3‘}; y . . nuwmthuighc o! 'uy, .- such Mono! and in deraibod to be of mgmtndnnugeeothhmunidpuï¬ty; mdintheevento‘nwmofmoneybeing WinthVflhgedWMmy-m tothil Council snï¬cicnt to entgr upon boundtognnc gaumtousistintheume The Council authorized psyment of the fol: lowing maceâ€"B. Connor, 23nd {ox-k, I, 1‘ LL- m . A...- Council to make hot 1nd family unprovi #1.?“ l" vrv- vu‘Iâ€"â€" - _‘ __7 - a! authorised Du. Bunny. Elliott, and Sandman to examine and report, and they lining and!» the masonry emanation and givau their certiï¬es“, the Clerk '1' inltructed 50 write to Dr. \yorqun. ,To- mntJm W the fat; under his notice. “a “king mtmctiflxl. km?“ to mourn: MnGibhs 88 (or tumble .19 ,the .uu Cue-e5 cv- â€"â€" â€"-â€"-‘ we r v to ellow Mr. Gibheï¬for tumble in the nutter. The Reeve In authorised to make theneeeeeu'yxep-inonthe Bridge Roedeoutonmoreanyaueofdmger, end be we: duo desired to â€sedate with the Clerk in attending to the use of aim. -m-~ “â€"â€" bun-u - s5: perenqniï¬ia‘lptothe P3.“ ‘. . III-v Vavu- :â€" â€"v u.._n v- w. , Ncwdl. The Council snowed Widow Con- nor, a: indigent party, the sum of $5, per the Reeve. The Clerk was authorized to notify Men-I. Dulnuge, Millard, Munch, end Bailey to remove their fences of the 10th md nth side lire it} South 011.111.; u n the ground: of the late survey; and to give notice to the Northern and Midland Reilway Compwiee to place ap- proaches on the said line of road allowance. The Council then reeuméd their dt‘tiee u : committee fur sppmpdntion of Statute labor, and hsving ï¬nished the me and deï¬ned the Puhmutere’ beat- for the current m, resound brought up their 77 h -:-_A..A AA_ gathieh wuflï¬nupon 3‘30pr. Ad- journed to June lab. A grand Concert was held in Kean'e Hall. on Tuesday evening, 20th inst, pm- ccedsof which are to be applied towards purchasing an organ for the use of the chairof St. James' Church in this place. The afl'air was well attended by an appre- ciative audience, who frequently testiï¬ed their aatiafaction with the performance in a must unmistakable manner. Mr. F. W. Armstrong, P. L. S., deserves great praise as musical manager of the concert. The Orillia Bran Bard, under the superinten- dence of Prof. Windsor, added materially to its success. The programme commenced with an instrumental selection by the Band, which wag fepeitedly encorai during A ‘»_~:I-J -a mwvuw- "â€"--r-w 7 .. - the evening. Miss Stewart presided at the Piano-forte end Organ. and executed the various secmupeniements with much taste end cited. The Sundey School Choir- sang e number of Chou-mes, c., which were duly epprecieted. Mr. Kent's cong- were Well received end moored, as were also Mr. Armstrong’s. Thb“ Cmivele†Chorus 0 “ We are Blind Beggen all,†by the little ones. was much admired; vwhile the several “ Tries" were enthusiastically moored. The “ Organ's Pesl,†sduet, re- ceived the well earned spnlauee of the whole house. We msy not be out of place in euggeetiug that it would he a very judi- cious move to secure the eminence of some of our excellent loeel menial celebrities in future. We we decidedly of opinion that they not only add to the sttmtiveness and give cold to such oeeuiom. but would sleo mist both numerically and Grands]! totheir «access. We we svem to en sfl'sirsheing either elect or exclusive and therefore rosy be pardoned for giving the hizt in due â€econ, so thst itmyhetsken elvsntsge of, and he the mesa: of secon- plishiug the most deeirlhle end, that of devel ing our superior lste'nt vocel and m ' talent-Cox. Held May 2m. Before A. King. I). L. Season and A. J. Alport, Eeqs., J. P. A. M. Empey was charged by the Inspec- tor with selling liquor by the glue. The principal vitae“ was Samuel Hoffman. who swore that he had purchned end drunk 5 gle- of brandy in defenéeut’e store, and .110 to hearing been “ M†on otheroceuione, when making purchases there. The defendsnt croï¬quuQï¬onod the witness severely. 5‘“ by “Mi-BI" mule the meter weree-forjimeelf. while md com. ‘ "V â€"r """ 7-- , v Duï¬y with selling 1i not without license. The seine witness us in the above csse for the prosecution. A multitude of witnesses were ofered for the defence. and those cslled swore to some rsther sstonising “ facts." For instance, two swore posi- tively. thst liquor could not be obtained st defendant’s house, without their per- sons! knowledge, though oneof them after- wards admitted hsving been swsy from the house an hour and s hslf on the dsy in question. After patient hating, Dufl‘y was ï¬ned m sad costs. Samuel Holman charged Michsel Dufy with ssssult end hettery st the “ Junction Home,†on Tuesdsl evening. The avi- deuce ss to the origin of the row being egg-y conflietiug, the esse was W, without cost. mun Turnâ€"There ' wmogmmbnnl u we had time: as. sprins- WWW we hudonough, no doubt:butafter 111 than is no can for W95 Hard times u-e not on unmitigated evu. They wool! new the vulue of money. end the need of thrift und industry. They nuke peosle awful about their expendi- tures, an no beget I. hobit of economy. When timeout-chad. more menlive within their income than when they no prosper- ous. A ï¬nal: time is a time of danger to trade, and often to morals. Who! extra.- ngsuoe we run into when money is plenty! It i; not well thst every nun should hove all the money he could spend; few men know how! to spend judiciouully. During of money-making, society 8m“ corn uncenmg' proopenty' ngh' 1; work themat’ofournouon. Soit is well the timol uhould be I. little had, occasion- dly. Hold time- eunuot last always. my m..- 7111 move dlthe bruker' for hflinfl ‘ whih. Thu 3"“ ““1 mm must, I.“ want: Which in WW“ moneyâ€"4 5:- Jâ€? 753‘ 63793 608033?- mamas count. Ava-ylu-gestockof all mom-h innguJu'l‘udhope'a. Amncnrlooh well dun-a!“ nu, §ou mustachl}. I‘WMM buy mnmcamet; hohsm Myofthem. Ohthowmï¬nym‘ sndvuydlup! Jm. Tumors in debaminod not to In adenoid. He mam just what he an Blaine-sums motto, bom'péc- ' ' Awrm inthemth M0083“: y,hytwonu, who“_ fromherfllOwddeamped. TB! Town-hip of Brook, 00. Wt badeprecistedin valuetodnom of ï¬nds m :gnTiuahindimatodednm annotated-tears; “only“ ï¬gmflalnmln Cattle M mmoï¬zm, Emmi,†11am min Wynn, towhidlifveaddmwhouaonly oath. roll uownenof property, we lave. to- ts!of1,1230fvhichnnmberthao ml,- 070 voter: [Our column an open licintaut. Wedonot holdounelm uponsibie far. «endorsing, diam cones) m] Edam- of Tm: Emacs: DunSm,â€"Byi ' g the few below you will greatly ve. 0a Sandy the 18th instant I chanced to pan dun N. R R. Stationqn tthnmroad, when, N. R R. Stationon theBamiood,‘ to â€â€˜1 may sprpri-g, I pgmivod _ men buylnyingnilsontheN. Road. If business on tint line 1: of such 3 pro-sing.- character I would like to be informed of the fact by the Managing Director, at and: desecration of the Sabbath deserves pun- islgmcnt, according to the lurcof the Do- minion. lfthisbe not rep liodto, adieu. willbonkeninthe Maui .69- mqu' 11) _every ranged. ERR Sunâ€"It seems that irregularity chm. toxins-[tho pecuniary engagement: of ï¬ne. company of the Midland Bailny. It i; understood that the employeeo ore to he. paid on the 15th day of ench month. Now we hove reached the 20th, and no sign of pnyment has yet appeaed, nor no opology. either direct; or indirect, has been ofl'end- for such a failure. If the company look on. such as a trivial matter which nay a“; no «me very deeply, and dust ms, be innd-. vertenfly passed over, many men M. ingon their works, who no in indigent. circumstances. who hnve families to pro- vide for. wd who hove nothing more to depend on than their dsily Inga. mack view such in the some light. On Inst 89!», Editor oanz Ema: uniay night, man , to whom a. month'a wage. were due. ly knew how they won going to provide for Suudty. Then. in not: known to every one in this din-7 trict employed 0n the Midhnd works. and. they are. facts which should should I» ex-_ M' JOHN HABMAN. Laborer on the Midlnnd Maya Orillia. my mth, 1373 Dun Simâ€"According to ennonnce-. meat made from the pulpit of the Prob,- {ex-inn Church lat Sebbnth, there will be. e congregational meeting on Wedneedny ezening. Mxy flux, to consider the quee- tion of church enlnrgement. It in to be hoped the oflicevbeeren will be in n peeiâ€" tiun to shew the necessity of such enlarge- ment ; that they will hnve plane, kc, to submit to the meeting, with a clone cuti- msue of the coetof the propoeed additions. A110,; welldevieedendfenu’ble echel- for mining the funds neceeury to curry. out the work successfully. At the an time would it not be well fot‘fl'le Ind-ethn- to consider other matters connected with. thebestintereetsoftheChurdl. It h well known tint 8 large nunbu' of the. members and adherent- of the Chuck incur the introduction of en org“ in the. Church, to aid in the needy. A can: plinnce with their w' in this meets would no doubt inmate the enthnlim. wid: which they would entainto theetbec. censu'ytoenterinto a diecnniond organ queetionet this time of dege- edmitite ndvnntngegnndthoeew bye, been moetoppoeedtoitenseinthechmd; see and Mike folly of 0 ï¬g inevitable: _ You-e, WE Editm of Ta: Exrosrmnz Editor of Ta: Exrosxmx: Pet-hep. there is no accident which may occur amid the bustling thmngs of men,‘ eager in the pursuit of gain or plenum, which, for the time at least, eppeen to' puflyue the enemies uni strike tenor in‘ the heat: 0512 dunno! our annuity umecddentans Rainy, not been. that mode of conveyance in in ital! more dungeon: than other mean: of trevel, but most likely from the-fact that-n accident onaMyay-is genenlly attended with ,2 1.1â€" 1â€"-â€" vu â€" mwâ€"l â€" DVVV, more or less mutilation of body, from which our goals revolt. Oi such a m wuthooneu theCsnningtmldaï¬omou Saturday hot. I. it not potable, on. would many ask, to ovum to 00m mttbeoowrxenoo‘ofmchacuidonbl I believe a is, especially those fluid: ‘ um Tothis endwoulditnotho for Railway comp-aim to do uny 11:35 tho-o ly high platform thigh 36, wotton become mumps_ to ['93er “2:; “adopt the enmple of 9-. Isâ€: Y Coward, and some other: of the lend~ ing utility. of the United sum Thg BMW of those roads are only mndothe e'ghtï¬the top oftbe mils, the coach“, 910 W with an exu} step, some“! than by having to step downwards u on our an. Besides. should the gee-on Ihp, i3 ‘0 npelfxomthe win motion, when. in the-m, it is downwards 3nd Inn-jar. Tm some one better J “P ““1. abject wd compel Bgilnx any: ï¬ng'dthsnkilgyoufgym Mlsulscri myoe ‘ 7 ‘ 1‘ Puma. . C" Orflï¬a, May i9th,'1873. hams, my uni, 1873. step, some tog pnoent one 9|! :1 within nim‘v