‘3 n v muv ____,, ‘53- xronanwr-mw Soï¬atofil cm. Comin- done Convince: Nogary Public, MONEY TO LEDCD rAm-.",_A .. eyanccrs. 5°- nfldingl mSt, J. D. EDGAR F. 333391! nrv-v“ fcurriesâ€"Next door to the "(mun mlymlriedlw yA. Fowlie. imOHJel-I bym’fl. “in": ve groin . 12.... um 57 03mm. ~04 1‘ . . (SumrwA. Fowï¬e. If. u. a.) ’tonncid Land Surveyor, Dmghmnul. Civil Engineer and Architect. thnator. Land sndGenez-sl Agent. Maps compiled. Disput- ed Lines careful! adjusted. -- A a J- .. oh. u m HOW,†OFFICEâ€"Nut doorto the c‘ ugï¬amidence.zftao$°°h° V V '0 VETERIN4RY SURGEON, BBGS to inform the inhabitants of Oril- «lis and vicinity, that he has settled in Or. ' ' of his profession, and tint howillbe happy at al ' any cue for which his services may bereqnired. Oriflh. Aug. 10th. 1871. DGAR, FENTON 8r. CORBO Wand Attorneys-abh', E W. ‘- 05m.) Conveymcet. kc. 00an for thing . . thud; hum. U . C. H. BOSANKO, L. D. 8., id†Ormia. regularly on the 16th. 11th mid 18th of cock month. Good sets of Teeth at $16.00. 0600. at Dr. Sander-son's. Nilâ€"A: good opening for a stxzdent. / “2' ~n I 1 Mn x.B.â€"nenu and aeâ€"bt: collected- 02:11:11. J nne 5th, 1872. Livery Stables! FAST HOB§ES cm TANNEBY! ï¬' 200 Cords Hemlock Bark diaely, for which the highest p1 Cash paid for Hides, Kip and Caflsmmd Inflow. LEaTfl ER 01“ ALL KINDS. This Hotel is large, neatly furnished. 3nd always supplied with the choicest Wines. Smple and suite rooms for Comma: i'nwellen and visitors. Docent) Bgow‘s, he Subscriber is prepared to furnish , .an quantity of W'hite and Red Brick my! Tiles 0 any size at low pricefl. Orders by M311 will receive prompt attenti: A. . GEORGE DRAKE, 9m}. Mav. 1872. .Beaverton. P 0 BRICK'aEd TILE YARD Tobe deliveryd at the Mill. for which the highest price' 11: Cash will be paid. A. TAIT. Tailor’s Ti'immingS, Gentlemen’s Furnishings, 5m. 13 Front St. West. (Late the “ Iron Blochâ€) TORONTO, ONT. Wm» 62 Mama, Imam-us ALI) momsâ€- Cloths; queglg, 6" Enquiire at any of the Hotels. A. S; EMBRMM TORONTO CUSTOM Boot Shoe Store! 6 Superior workmanship done at the lowest possible prices for cash. J. SHANAHAN. SHOEM AKERS’ FINDINGS, 85a, P 2,3,2 W13 again call the attention of stone- kee rs, and flue public generally, to our celebrated lands of this uncle. ’ @' REMEMBER ' Mthebestia always the cheapest. 88 it will compote ground and wear the longest. Be sure you get Lyman’s Brass Label Brand ! which for years has held the lead. and is go well known in Orilh's'as'to re‘quireno recoun- mdatien from us. , Orinig, Feb. 26th. 1873- 20th Maw. 1872. _________â€"â€"â€" TEAMBOAT STAGE HOUSE, BASS w'oo'D Logs, For Sale in 011111 “vicinity, by all respectable dealers. Ink, and to dealers only. by By‘ Royal Authority! vniav-v â€", Address. Box 57‘ JACKSON, ,- Pnormm'on. GRAVENHURST. MATCHEDASH STREET. Wanted immediately, ARMSTRONG; :gfessinnal @flhï¬. ALPORT, Amp?" :â€"Eoune of all; V8501â€. SHANAHAN, - Mormon. W EST ST.. DRILLIA. AUCTIONEEB. Iiï¬i,’§iimzns snag, GOOD CONVEYAXCES. ALWAYS ()3 HAND- LAWRENCE, ï¬nvERTo-N ALD “0m DEALERS m a quantity of WAINWRIGH'I“. k Bark wanted imme- ghee: price £9 cash will “ 02% Hour†LEAD ! Pnornxs‘ron. Proprietor 171o1y. woman “1., 110.136; (Opposite the Residence of J me: Samson, Esau Front Sheet, 01-313.) J. forthe grew and sale of noting-m will dways 1e 3 number to dispueof. Parties wishingto se or purchase Handy-m do well to call mdleave their commission with him. He has .30 commenced the miningof '- - - rim; .L- -»Mm Corner of Mississagn and Peter Streets. OLD and American Currency, drafts on New York, Bills of Exchange, and United States currency, bought and sold, Drafts issued on all points in Canada». Interest will be allowed, at the rate of four per cent. per anmun, on Special De- podts remaining three months. Special arrangements can be made for moneys re- maining over that time. A SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT has been opened, for the accommodation of mechanics and parties wishing to deposit small amounts. Deposit: taken in this De- partment of one dollar and upwards, upon which interest will be aflowad, payable half yearly. Oï¬ce hours, 10 mm. till 3 p.111. Sat- urdays,'10 mm. till 1 p.xn. H S. SCADDING, 1 m -th Agent. 7- WINMAR, Shaving; Hair-Dressing, AN D SHAMPOOIN G SALOON, Mississaga sm, Orillia. a. few doors east of the n md eVery attention paid to the cannon of customers. Having‘had a. long experience in his business, and secured the services of a a ï¬rst-class hand, the subscriber guarantees Won. . V _ ,. GEORGE WAINMAN 91-min Fruit Depot GOOD HQBï¬ES! DINNER for 156., B'e'stllreadinTown Only 12 cents, 161-tf. Orfllia. December 17th. 1872. TIDUNLOP’AS T DUNLOP is determined to give his . customars the beneï¬t of the fall in the ' ofFlour,andhssputdown thefnn4 Ibs. toEcents. A; nice Resortment of Cakes. Pastry, and COnfecï¬anerysuitable for this season and all DOMINION BANK: ï¬ont‘real Telegraph 00., Vicker’s‘ Express 00., Canadian Express 09., And General Agency, 6' Every attention will bevpaid to bus? ness entrusted to Mississaga and Peter Streets' OOMS ï¬tted up in first-01338 Ormia. Jammy 18*» er. D. McKinlay’s building, on Wat Street, a few dqors south of Colborne 01m {$1 respectable Vehicles. 0151158, May 81.18.72: FROM 11 A. BL, TILL 3 P. M. RELIEMBER THE PLACE. umuomrs Buick. TINDLE’S HORSE BAZAAR. (Successor to T. Boyd,) YOU CAN GET AT THE wow-Egtewiï¬e W1 lion Hotel." CORK“ 0F AT [e of Homi- M ï¬rst-class style. .id to the comfort 183-13. TESTIMONIALS 1| Have been received from F. Kent, 0(- Or'rllis; also from the Editor of Newma- ket Era, and many others, corroborating the above statements concerning these Powders. Enquire for them atthe nearest drug- gist’s, if not procurable there send for them by post to Barrie. Prepared and For Sale, Wholesale, by $1 will Probate 5 Packages. Have given entire satisfaction wherathey have been used. I They pogsess KERMOTT’S Mandrake Pills X and are entirely vegetable. .In obstinate cases of Dyspepsia the Pills should be taken with the Powders, full directions aecompanxing each box. In doses of one or two, they are alterative, in largerdoaea Cathartic and Anti-Billions, always restor- ing the healthy functxon oi the.body. NO MINERAL POISON PRI 013â€": Enquire for them at th where Medicines are kept tie for them. One doll: ,two boxes of the Pills a Powders. FOR TI-zsrmo . mm SEE PAMPHLETS! Prepared and so} sale, Wholesale, by __ “â€"“I-t\ LONDGN " PARIS HOUSE. Mechanical Watchmaker and J eweller, has much pleasure in announcing to the pub- lic, that he has opqned a (2mm) Have been unparalleled in the cure of Dyépepsia; and general disorders of the- Stomach and BoweIsâ€"persons who have been afflicted for years, and tried the various Phy'sicians that came within their reach, without re- ceiving any beneï¬t, have been entirely cured by taking one Box of these Powders. in Hammond’s Building, where wi ‘ t found a. LARGEANDWELLSELECTED STOCK Gold and $1193 Watclges, REPAIRING PROMPTLY SATISFACTION GIVEN! MONEY REMINDER. New Jewellery Establishment! MIDLAND RAILWAY. tll passenger trains, over Mput of the line, st present. The utmost exertions will be used to put the track inï¬del-i133: mm regular max-trains: ecu ‘es pond axiom of which due notiigg will be given; t, , A L__.-_:...n..:.i.o pany' 65:15; at presen ta For Sale by DR. SLAVE“, 0211113.. my m 1101-, lb ‘uwvu-N lV‘ ADO Port Hope, Mn 4, 1873. féi'r, 3‘0sz 184? C. II. KERMOTJ‘, DRUGGIST. Bums, 051'. ERIE; 'of every description, NOTICE. In Orillia, 85 CENT S PER BOX ‘! for them at the nearest store Lcines are kept; or send to Bar :m. One dollar will procure of the Pills and three of the FERRET, 25 Cents. Mist, Barrie. Ont. Powders ! reed“; obstinate 01mm ONT., CANADA, mu’RSDAY; MAY 9 :’°" Port! Influm Pace >Main, All Kinds of Goods GROCERIES, Parties in want. of bargains be accommodated by us, as SELL FOR CASH! @‘ Call and see for yourselves that we sell our Goods cheap. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, 85c. Hid/71.0! Ofl fl 6' 6’2 Oï¬ï¬ D. PHILLIPS Being about to make Extensive Alterations ! and additions in'hil business, has tel-mined t6 sell his present stock at, in some cases far below, cost prices. COOKING STOVES, 130:: AND PARLOUR s'rovns, md an usortment'of Shelf HARDWARE Stock Complete! Now is your time to buy your Stovea and Stove- ' , Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Japan m, at prices that will utonish ,v. é- A1311 win utisfyyouthax hm determined to sell at pricesthnt cumot bevbeaten. EAVEâ€"TROUGHING «gage in AIL-aperitif ,,~L 1.. NOTICE. Midland Railway and thus effect a large saving. Allinwantpfbfl'g‘in’ oanu. 26%}: Hugh. 1873. MISSISSAIEA STREET. DRY GOODS, PACE ' MAIN. F01! CASH EARLY ! STOCK in: in Stoves Willbereooivodntthe Oï¬oeoftheCom- ninioner of Crown Lanai: until' ' ' mm the Torn Plot Fort WEI: liun on the Kuninistiqusi Riv 'u :mth westerly direction to Pigeon River, to be built generally a n the line, cleaved by Hugh Wilson, ., P. L. S. «‘4‘:â€" F’ 7 W from the Road commonly called the Dow-on Rood at the Town-Plot of Pdnoo Anhnr’: landing, ins north-enur- lydireetion to Black BA} on Lake Superim. . :Tondou will be reoexved for the build- ngnttwenty mile- of the above-named Road, who opened and. built gonna-on on the line gleaned!†C. C. Fauna-l : TENDERS ' BIGEQN RIVER RQAD. 1‘ Lexdilg from the shove named D3001! Road to the Town of Plot of Fort Willi-m on the Knministiqnsi River ebout 6 miles. The ï¬rst mentioned Road to be bmlt on Department-l Speciï¬eetwn No‘ 1; the neond named weanling to Speciï¬ation No. 2; end the In: named upon 3 specid Specï¬elx-ion culled No. 3. Tie level-'31 Speciï¬cation an be seen and “uniï¬ed 3t the following place- : Tte Crown Land. oï¬oe, Toronto:Oï¬oel of Prince Arthur'e Lending; Hudson Buy Commy, 1"ort_Wil!ign};P1-incigd Howl! n,,n ,4 n ‘- ln w wvuu, you-u, v-..__, ‘ - -V -7 Sound. m6 Quin. ‘ deen my am either a speciï¬c mm per mile, or nae: for the diï¬â€˜emt kinds of work described in the Speciï¬cation. , The Commissioner noel-ve- the right of coating any or none of the Tender: of- Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, 8th April, 1872‘ DELANY TROLLING BAIT ! U eta-style. BLWI-uu-u-u _.._ u-..“ _ qr Pipes («ruled nd repaired with nausea md den tell. Amdon pud_ to light repair: of uchmel And Noodle of .1: dl. Sewing M t causeway in stock. ddscriptiom kep I‘- Work Shopénut door to Dodge 1; Co!- mamm- treet. _ _ ___' .‘m gonday, 2nd J une. S â€â€œ311"; COUCHICHING SawaPlaningMfll J ANES 8: BUDD, - Paopmsrons, Builders and Manufactur- ers of all kinds of ORILLIA . Gus-1th Shop : Pluned or Unplaned, BILL STUF F of all lengthsS: sizes. SHINGLES, LATHS, DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, _ BLINDS, CASINGS, Arbhitmves, Eavetroughing, etc.“ dngnérh‘ew MaEhinex-i, Messrs. J AN 15b 8'. BUDD will be able to execute work of :11 kind! on the shortest possible notice. Good uni Seasoned LUMBER will be mad in manufacturing, therefore the pub- licean rely on the work. . Plating and Shop Work of all kind' done on reasonable terms, and promptly- MILLSâ€"Near the Asylum. . Bi 2. ï¬lms. | . JOS. BUDD‘ \Qrillia. March lat. 1873. W tho construction of the following Bond- in the W of Algogns : BEGS to inform the Public that! be is now prepued to taut, profusionnlly, the moat 0mm and difï¬cult diueaeo of hornet. Over 23 you: apex-knee n For ria- Sorgeantâ€"Mojor in the Boyd Hone Artillzry in mflicient gusmteé that be thoroughly understands 'every ï¬epu‘tment in_Fnrriory. Home medicines of ev de- scription awfully compounded and opt oomtgntly on hand. a Stables on the promos. Indie Street, Old Market Block, near the Foundry. JAMES KERN}, EWING MACHINES in ï¬rst- 4.-....“ Mm-chsumm 0th: hetTobocoe LUMBER, wmwaeammmiuw lia, WWytodow, “‘4‘" can- tiun' wpqu mind. letthm, “1‘! By improving the P!1mm ‘- I - ,7‘ If--- FORT WILLIAM ROAD, ,CK BAY ROAD. . DELANY, -UNSMITH- w. RUSSELL q DAVIDSOX J. KENNY, FARRIEB. 29, 1873. In hope to ï¬nd sweeten: hone; Their life. their; fete to her- wn bound; A: thought, of fortune went theirround‘ A baud a loen «rich lent, awn'd, ‘And free md‘lup y luound. ' ’Twu joy to see t one blissful ï¬es, Who caused her my union-sighs, An bled. with honor. wealth md pence. And ever ï¬nding I. releue From the ratrunt the long had home, 1 _I_\'ever poor. dejected or furlorn ; L, L4_r_ But tore home of plenty borne Should ï¬nd the chums of ends! love. When the bed found her home ebove. 'flwn onthe putshe oeu'd todwell. And " ingloom woman. May he. ' she must endure, m the future did not obecune, J'oriniu duhomehueebeuw Benelf a subject to hudehip'l luv. Tram friends she should forever Earl, From scenes the cherished in her eel-t, To meet an mnger’a careles- glance Ere she should End 5 western name; But hope lent in Inspiring aid, Andtoherpeaoe stribute‘peid. . (Front Zdl'a Magazine.) “ Of all the penona in the manorâ€"who were very numerous notwithstanding the owner's decayed fortune-only one indi- vidual'a pmeuce diapleued me. He was a relation and guest of Baler-nigh, the only one, excepting Gillie and myself, who was } not a. graybeardâ€"for I ought to mention I hens that the home of Hanover, in spite of the slumber of political passions, cou- tinncdtourryoutin the Highlands it- systexnofmilitary rem!" . Theex- mmt, which hulk-ted aeentury, nhown that Scotland waa an excellent numry ground for rearing soldieu. But the Englishman, the veritable English ruler-ï¬n, is only warlike in the huggin columns of his newspepera. I do not thin that he is more of a poltmon than others, that hpneltJohn, Bull, if he could-- light while digesting his dinner in aeomfortahle i arm-chair, with his feet on the under. 1 He would he cont-gurus between hiacigu lmdhia nightcapof punch,bnt he only ulikeatotravel onhiahnajneu or {or his w" â€"â€".._ V- pleasure. A country when the hunter nets to work gnvoly to pursue the brought in I. seek cennct furnish ion. John Bull, a gust commercinl lord, gain! money while eddy of Ireland and Sandy ofSeodsudwinhishsttlee. Inmyyouth few vigorous Highlenden were to be seen except in the army. The chnretained only the old men who were of no further use and the children who were not yet grown enough to go out into the world. Although Hemirh Dhu, or Blsck Jones. was in the flower of his age, he made no exce tion toxthe rule. His presence et thé n monly momentary, since he had to rejoin his regiment immediately nfter the conclusion of e certain sï¬ir which pieced him on u. very importent footing in the monor‘pf Bedereigh. I , ,___-_ OL--_.._- 'W""n -â€" "*- > , < v “ He wssslsb called ‘the mjor,‘ heesnse he ï¬lled the gnde of cergesnt-ms' till the Argyle Grenadier: (4th Scots). ems tsll'msn of from thirty to thirty-ï¬ve yesn of sge, lon-legcd snd solidly built, but terribly ill-featured, ï¬nd mmfllblml; gsr in mp 131106- 0 ate huge like a ï¬sh?“ sucked like s funizee, and never addressed the old servsnts of the house without I. Whig in his hsnd. At tshle he relsted with is mouth full deeds of s chsrscter calculsted to nuke ono’s hsir stand‘ on end. When he killed his enemies he killed them by half-dozens st .1 time; the women he carried ofl‘ by couples sfter having out in two their male relstives. ‘ “ During the journey, Gillie sud his 4 fsther hsd held two or three conferences together in an under-tone, and seversl times my ear h'sd csught the word ‘msjor’ ‘ or the me ‘Esmish Dhn.’ Nevertheless, I ‘ st the meal we partook of after our srrivsl, the potience with which the two Ogilvies listened to the ssvsge boating of this ruf- lien in uniform ubsolutely ss'tonished me. He was served with the choicest slices of the venison, snd his inextinguishshle thirst wss kept inoesssutly assuged with, excellent wines which he mixed with sle, or he even ‘ brightened it up,’ to me his own expression, with pot-to whiskey. ",2â€. _ I-:_A -l A TA“ 0" 1'88 88°02") STU“! 3180“}. THE BLACK WATCH. V'†9-r ----- â€": ~~~â€":~ - “The uninspired me with skint] of lubed; I do not with to canoe-.1 from you the: on my entry into the room, when the fumes of his pipe nude an intolerable cloud, he hed the impndenee tony, point- ing gt me: “ ‘ Deanne, Mex-sigh, where the devil hreixpurï¬lhed tap that. shrimp 1' “ Whothor it who owing to version or to an inttinct 0! fear. hum that moment I regudod with horror hi: protruding and blood-shot eye, which loaned to blue like two hot cool: in his high-minted has; his low forehoid'. on which thg tufts of big hair stood on end like : dmum-dc-ï¬iu; sud thst mouth with hmï¬ni lips, in which themgan hi: pipe ‘too root be- tween four buck ind worn_wetl‘t. ’ , uwmu nv“. uâ€"v... .__._ “ At the cloee of the meal the bird made a sign to Gillie, who too}: the by the hand nude: pretest aflehowin'g me the tilts-y when a hunched old worm-eaten lit-oh slumbered on the dusty uhelvel. But we did not visit it tint night; Gillie had still ooeuion for my net-vim. end we brought the healing m' . , ,j 1."...â€" “u L- 6am. “XIV I Lvuu -uu.â€"râ€" 3“! “‘(‘mod, ,\\’o.lter! The union 1: not the- ma for ; during room. 1 think he must hue oï¬ended you by his rude ohurntionl.’ “‘Wluthnrt me, Gillio. n- to 3 betvpen'yontioâ€"whomnotmly. know,blw:n-linm,butdnonodptnd adheresâ€"tend qfï¬di- mania“; thumplo pbofwhichlthouxht “Mentions utttheoldcomoau’ “VIIhI-v m _-â€"â€"_ _,,, “ ‘Be i. . good an...) aid he to me, with some cmban-mment in his numerâ€" al though he ï¬shed “apologise for the presence of such a, penance at hishther’s tableâ€" ‘ brave u 3 lion, Wat. and one of the best wadmen in the Scot- contingent tobogti‘_ â€" -- I- ‘5, (1-....4 For Tl! Ems. Eowno Joan. 9.5., 5.; up. on‘ my aim-nun it 3.5.. i. “ï¬ne, Fuquhar, rue-L toe “Mmmmtï¬am (no a gold.’ . . . “ He coop Ind aided, between his W‘We mohoioo, 1!;_the {hole tooth: ‘Wegldnoohoioo. In the whole cinch†than an on" china without down or with my beards. “ My too-inquiring look rendered him mute. “‘You maupitdsnmoon, little Wgt,’ he aid suddenly, utter 1 few weand's silence. ‘ See! I can move my arm with- outpdmmdgothmghtbewholeofthe umm' ~ . (TobeM) , 1~1 ï¬fth; ‘ . 4. " u, ForauourLordmmciï¬ed, Thstdlmightendleulifenoeive. MAY 30. How-hall "mi! '0 “810°“ Molnï¬onlâ€"Hebmfl, 11-: 3- dedgionhnnemmflvoe» . 0,110ng“! Iupï¬oeno mond,mindcunknowâ€" Iuvdueeotimm. 0! howdnllvem if" Negloctthisgncesof uniï¬es. Be not damâ€"link, VL, 60. Wiggles: um fear, poor tumbling one? y in thy soul dismayed! mum! thy chianspenhtotheeâ€" . “ ’Ti- 1. be not afraid.†Be bids choc quit thy noodle- (can, And look to aim for aid; Let :1! thy fem forever case, And be no more timid. ’ chx 1. He thanked God. sud Wk muse-- Acts, Lima... 15. Let n- be thankful for sum!!! grace, 1“)“ com, and pursue the havenly J can 3. Lord, remember me whén thou comest into Thy kingdom. â€"Lnke mm, £2. Through cliche changing scene- of life, Whum’ermy lotm be, By futhl'lllookdo'l‘hoemd pay. y()Lort‘l.xwetlwmberme. The dying sinneg‘f Thousdid’at ave, And take to dwell with Theâ€- Thy grace in atillvthe nine, my'Lord, Thou wilt mmen’ba: me. ï¬x: 5. ». In Thee, 0 L033, (36) put my trust.â€" Pnlm. M, 1. ‘ ' ' In Thee, 0 Lord, I trust alone, Who did for :11 my, sin! stone. 4‘ MW new Hockky, bywhich Mr. J. Linde came to his end. 1t 3931‘s that thadomued in mating with ' horses md waggon ghg bridge over tile Nutmwa, vu uâ€"kuâ€"“v‘ v.7: outlook some yoméï¬; whom â€711‘ng to luv. 1 ride, and as they were piepgï¬ng to get. into the Wagon, the hon.- beams frightened, and running sway,fthrew the deceased out, killing him ulmast instantly. He was s steady, industrial: young man. â€"Bradfwd Nam, A Lunuyurn SmurWhiIst on a. visit to the newly opened section of . country around Cohmnk, last y‘leek, we aw large qmdtien of stone that had bee'nquu'ried a few miles (tom tha village, and wave in- fofed that a large notion of the country c wounding in the tyne. This is found I p EA‘L-‘_L V- munâ€"n... -â€" vâ€"â€"- __,__. , to be Every superior kind of lithograph agape of flu rarest unlit), equal to the Wimpy _ ‘ from banks of the Dm- nbo, on the continent of Europe. The stony w 00500001: is now bein qua-tied and cut into proper sizes, and 'pped to New York lid “he: inn. ‘13in is 1 forums." diQovery an will prim a. mine of wealth to aerial-cum ponies-or. We understand that Mr Whitea 9f anerton, A_ AI... nun-“v Alhnuille, each in the Mary's lathe Mir lion. The â€abutment-ting themselves for the purpose of hearing them ended, but u the â€W are very poor, mnut give a. “ï¬gment no. for the purpose. The Jun 2. . megfur Inn withthea-hd .m. 5. ‘ no; blast the voice of God to hm, Dispelling every needless far, Hi: pnuence my 1 ever feel. And that secure from evil dwell. «WUIWW vâ€"w.’ ._ V ' v in tho evening. “Echo residence of My. game“. MW â€e, by Chas. Randall, .,' of 1011's We, the subjects selected being “Enoch Adm,"snd“ Robin M- head." A nameless, attentive and appro- cistive mdieqce whhd.‘ “and the ex- cellent. rendcmg'ofl the “1ijin by Mr. Rumba}! gm m1 natufaaiun. A 0:151†lat Vick}. "‘7 N mufï¬n“ l,,__x:.l. It- I we. 1’- mm: mm. moi-all ’7 In W For Tn Euro-mu. Edwin M rodnpfd 40“"- M‘“ “" vised uni doped._ W 31“?†.4- unmimgmomwmwghom of ' , ’ hire 6th 'épxi‘ceuiun of In Mean. mama macaw-dun" «damage: twolve road M.-- WM -_, was!“ maduoumy on a". tom: 810$i9the2nd,_3rd, ï¬ll, 11thand12¢h can If“! on the centre' and Mono}: ' Siaddidazn w a: e oontractd alreauy Xe}, wdlamo Helm on 82,000 on mad- » the n ~For the cur- rent year. Mr. Noah g“hump-on was ap- ted Baad Comm vice Wm. Ira-Am WW: oios‘wtil: heflkm ‘ TnGoodTemplmotBanishsvepodr ponedtheB-nsrï¬eyineende'flholdingon the 24th until Dominion m. Tln Radiator any: lb. Wilmsth ï¬sh ginning gisbeu‘ingimit, sï¬ne salmon, 3 t Zinchss long. :1:de undsrsight, Invingbssnukenontof labs 1’“: Gina Tn old Wesleyan Methodist chumh' m. Barrie has been noggin“ up fol-week Sauna Ion-mm $001de of Bum, “3'91! :- can». Rum tint lav-respect. if no better feeling, does not Wm. why by chili: “was, bilityfrom indulging in: dug few wiflnpplyunfldermmm ful. A mxmorqa'r consisting of Hanan; A. Ann“, R. fannyA. B. mama. Moody, and h. Ska-max, 151159156 u dgy’s sport at the M W anti Couhon‘l Mill, W, on and-y lat, 11nd succeeded in hooking22sf‘ cpgckleu.†‘ on Tawz'm , fns._ Thé'tcty,ul ':§cstd;oad§fon. weï¬ï¬‚w A Suï¬sm: WOXAK.-â€"A grocer’s wife Mly wing: to allow her husband“??? a. petition a. W ' pg â€,5 can: .110 hid it “113%;qu Mi hypocrite of hung. 3°63†him if M wnhod' to tip it, In M'dhns' liquor in his shop. Hsnidhemxld take" the matter into oomidonh’on. The db cumtmcc “troubled him lion was that bah-dalu'geltock 'od h‘pnd. and might hue to get more to enable him mam 65- whst he had. He did notsign the petition; Pm" “ï¬ï¬mï¬mwm I ' stockâ€"Em. ‘ -' ‘ mwaï¬m mmdfthilm W° a†I 3" mm“? “ape m u -.. w " m' - down-hill 2::th of Tdbot Rivegvn the Orillia. Extension. He was onion the front of the 'ne when it leg} the trad; my me $33M Fen: it ram was: eight. mien @55er stuck tothe “ï¬zphme†â€uiong u npgssib§ but. the bumping over tie- sbook him 06; and be barely amped being rm: over. A: it was he had gone cuts PbOutthelegI, and was generally bruised up, but. not dangerously hurt. Thtgeaame day no lean than three taint laid iii-wk north 06 Benetton, butin no me waa theme any motel-is! dunage done. The previous dzy come well-nigh prodnz int-loo a Moron. (whose name we could not learn) on the « Extension, who tried to get on e morning train at the Brechin Cut. Loeinghis foot- » hold, he waa dragged between the side of theatrandthesideofthc cut (whiqh :5 have verynarrgw ed â€$- uanemxulciw e pm -‘ dropping beneath the wheels. His in- junee, though very eevene, will not, it is thought. prove fatal. 0:: Monday night’ lutaatheOI-illiatimber a ' waaoom; in: South, they ran intoa hand-at with three men upon:i¢l'rhflum :Fdnklin and Bethany. The men seeped, but in smash: ing the hand-ear the pilot was shivered, and the engine ran over wheels, axles, and everything belonging to the hand-ear; and «myth belonging to me nunâ€"car. These dpggfg between We e331“? legal V or mainly; “league was‘ of the neJ “ six driyen,†lately obtained from the G. W. R. , which are very diï¬cult 'to throw from the track, else the whole train wo'uld no doubt have been in the ditch, and some of the hendaiyetenity.â€"Guide. ' Wnsmm Dis-rue! Msmxc.â€"During the past Week, the annual Wealcyan Meth- odist District Meeting, of the Barrie Dis- trict, was held in this town. Such a. meet- ing is compoeed of an equal number of ministers and lay te‘preeephtives from the: Mom ï¬elds of than; i’vithin its bounds. Thu district extends a fir u Swlt St. Maxie and Prince Arthur’s Landing, on the notth shore of Inkequiot-ior, embrac- ing twenty-ï¬ve circuits and m '59?“ which ere employed twenty-seven 3111an ten end pmachemaheeides mall other peid â€38‘1“: unchqu Men MM» pretext {among Indian nib“. The meet-K , mg'whlch V88 M ' blomd plea“ not. was pmided over 5y the Chairman? the Rev. D.‘C. l'cho-veu. The retume presented were highly encouraging, sited“ year. Two young men who 1:16 1:3an themselves as candidsbe‘c for the ministry; reached trial aermone before 1:13:th acting, and in company wit ypu ' M (“a aid; index-went s audit-:3 exhumation, by the Cheirm'm, upon theo- logical subjects, during which Huey evinced ! -rum'n’nl“ can: -vvâ€"r.‘ v._ , 00118.1 vote nf thflnks to 1.1:» friends who «1th the membmu] «n ‘the Bit: meeting, In: unmunousl the m .réquat pmwtodmm from “Wesleyan in ‘Banie. last am The mm was bmugit mi Mmmdmofia swingflun‘ byofGJdockp. m.,anlthcm:uisten Mp mun for the ‘ 91,1701.th IV‘Iâ€" ..__.J-. __, _ ,7, s creditable knowledge onllc'Holy Saip-_' tum and the doarines they $33.31;. At request to incense the salaries of prob-.1 ï¬onen and unmarried ministers, accepted by the but Coda-woe, received the cor- dial sanctiongf the pal-130m ï¬bronghg Hut: 5â€""..- -_ -_- V 7 out the Ma. In reference turbo ques- tion, “Who have died timing 1.1.; “:3" it wag found flu} at “Willi-ad, the hue Rev. Thomas Hurl‘bnrt had been eummoned from his lung continued 13.: bore in the mission ï¬eld, to join the run- wmedof God in Heaven, whither many. of thoee to whom he had been this mihis: ter of salvation in the rifled-ell, had gone to greet him on his zap-63d. Poi more thanfowy you: he had preach“; the Gospel tolli- fellow men, chiefly among the Indians. It ha been void, that pro- bably there Ill not upon this continent another men 90 you wquginiel with the vav- .. law std W ‘of thé Amati-an Indians as m the mot-asked Rev. gentle- man. But-ï¬lh‘tbe minted (hue and' Evans. and others, Lin fellow labor-gm, 11;: now map; the nyuds 9; bid whiny} 11.2...