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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 29 May 1873, p. 2

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O’Callandseehisnewstockandex- uninchisprices. Q Vantassel, Newton (30:8, CURING BOXES, PLOUGHS, of many kinds. EARROWS, HORSE BOES, GANG PLOUGHS, STUMPING MACHINES, M, £56. KEAN’S BLOCK, Sawing Machines Sea Pecan and. Small Bills- abont Town, Although he does not wish to deceive the public by advertising that he has the stock in town; his long experience in the business commends his ability in buyings good.a.rticle, and in making it up, sdvmtages which ready-made Tailors do not possess. Is tho replete with a stock of everything that is required by young men and old. Call and see my new stock for yourselves, md‘you will have no need of buying else- Heavy Discount I In returning thanks for the large share of patronage he has received since he com- menced business in Orillia, would inform the public that his new I: now 'eomplete, and will be; found to comprise all the Spring Stock 9f Cloths! J. WORLD CALL at. the STORE! Tailoring All kinds of Castings__for repainng LATEST DESIGNS z R. PARKHII ESTA BLISHMBN’I'. FANNING MILLS! ‘a' Next door to D. L. Suuon’s. Clearing Sale For MParticzflars NEW DOMINION THE FARMERS OF ORILLIA AND VXCIXITY. Opposite the Post Ofice. HAS REMOVED TO {or a. List of Prices. New Store I ATA DEPARTMENT { SADDLES! Dissette Hoy For a good RIDING SADDLE, your pick from the Oftevery variety of style and price, of a. supcnor finish, will be on hand. BRUSHES, EnglishéAmerican HARNESS March 15th, 1873. a If you want a safe Collar, try The most complete stock of A Splendid assortment of Make a'ver bxought into Orillu. DISSETTE HOY. ‘ Just opened out. in endless variety. CURRY ~ COMES, and Best Stock OF BOTH :q q DUST [U113 VALISES, SPURS, c., and take Would take this opportunity to thank his customers, and the general public, for the liberal patronage he has received from them for so many yem;esnd he requests change in his Business Room Paper; - , : Window Blinds, ~ ’ Framed Pictures, F anc Goods, School Books, ' To_\ s, Concertinas, Writing Desks, Ladies’ Work Boxes, Family Sewing Machines, Machine Needles, Melodeons, (fie. @- Manufactor) on Peter Street THE Subscriber being about to make a. Those Indebted to Him! All ACCOUNTS UNSETI‘LED Placed in Suit for Collection! MALE or FEMALE TEACHER, alga or 3rd Class, for S. S. No. 2, Harbou- Libenl enconngemant Apply, stain “11179 withgopiepoftestimonialgor ,1»; HENBYL 37- ”131333013. ‘ Household Furniture ! Say by their unanimous support that the Shefield House )3 what it claims to be The People THE LEADING ‘HoUSE W 1301’ HARDWARE, Moms 82 menm tiavnkithem for their verdict and shall continue to hold the proud position, if gm, Quality. m anxiety; Theyare now showing the Largest and finest stock of Stoves ever seen in Orillia. The same can be said of Tinware. Their stock of Building Material is immense. ~ Carpenters’ Tools in endless variety. A full stock of Fishing Tackle. A beautiful display of whips. . A splendid showufToilet Mats. A very large stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Brushes, 830. A great variety of Gardening Im- plements. In short every thing you want can be got at the SHIEFFIELD HOUSE, lower than elsewhere.- Vl. W. G. BIIIGIIAIL Minion, 8th April, ’orinia. Wantéd Immediately.- DEALER IN ALL KINDS or 500 KEGS CUT NAILS. 300 BOXES GLASS. 100 DOZEN LOCKS, 200 “ PAIRS BUTTS, 85¢. are taken into account. to PAY Ur A! 0303, a NOTICE. GEORGE VICK. W45 RetailDailers. mrwr‘w Suva-hm rio. GEO J. BOOTH RAIL WAY. SUMMER Axw'azusm.’ ; . ‘ DIRECT route for‘Mu'khun, Uxbn'ige; Sandal-13nd. Cnnnington, Cobooonk, Lind~ say. Benetton. c., kc. Trnim run «h’ly between TORONTO, woonvnxr, .mwmmr. 1.1m). SAY, BEAVERTON. COBOCONK, from Berkeley Street Sagan. "fol- LAMP Gussts, ML, . . Wizieh he is selling a. extremely low pd his stoves wue bought before the WW rise u‘x1 price. lPu-tiea buying within thehnout man! an re on gethng' abugun.‘ u is determine to till then u the 0! price. 6? GmmmEthAu. ULCAHY 00., beg to inform all parties indebted to than, eitherby note or bookacwnnt, thntunlaethe Mel‘s-1rd. one: before the 131' Du or J cxx, they be plug} in court for collection. without further notice. 01-min». Mey 14th. W3. 184. STOVE DEPOT. JAMES CAMERON; Cooking Stoves, 'l‘inware.! amount, can on, COME RIGHT UP TO THE SCRATCH AT ONCE. ‘» PAY UPCPAY UP! HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. By paying the undersigned on 0}- before the 131: of May, 2.11 who are indebt- ed will save coatl. ALUABLE Building Lotstor Sale! ForSdoChunandonmytex-lu, n . berofshohath‘IdingLog in-O.__ § m or to THO! mam. rob. 26th. 1873. CONNECTIONS. â€" At Port Hope with Grand Trunk Expres- Tnins. Eat and Went. morning and evemng. and steamer " Nam” leaving at 9 AJI. for Rochester. N. Y., connect- ing with tuina on New York Central W A: Woodville with the Toronto and Nipisinx Railway. At Millbrook, with Tnim for Peter- boro’ and Lakcfigld. 'l‘njyg run bv_Port Hype TORONTO AND NIPISSING Nassau Mills Petcrboro’, Fraserville, Millbrook, Summit, Brunswick, Bethany, Lakefielgg Beaverton, Woodville, Oakwood, Cambny, Lindsay, Kelly’s, 03“!”va GOlN G S OUTH. Expn‘lxixe'd Bi-umwick. Bet-hwy, Nassau Kills Peterboro’ Fraserville Millbrook 309:“!an (M. B. )2 Bethan . Lnkefiefd. tyne. cmxmcrox â€"Stage for Oskwood, minn- At Scarboro’ Junction connect with 1:th T. R,, goi. But. Md 1.: xidlmd Junction connect wi xidhnd Railway for Lindny, Beavcrton, c. WGOODERHAM, Jun. ., Kelly's. Omapge. Wick - Uxbridgo Séhrboro Junction Toronto Arrive kuxxmmâ€"Stago for Cadu- Grove. Bdiour, White V113, Bangor, Brougham autumn-Sago for undue-tar. Prince A1. bert. Port Perry. Epsom. Utica. scxpzmn.â€"Stage for Vroonnnwn. Vien- Benetton. Woodville. Oakwood, Cambray, Lindsay, MIDLAND RAILWAY. OF CANADA. . TIME EABLE. TRAINS GOING NORTH. April 24th, 1873. Maytag: ngDirector. Toronto. ng 19th. 1873. H35 now on band 3 very Inge “.61. HOME AGAIN ! TRAINS GOING SOUTH. STAGE CONNECTIONS. BEA VERTON ’d 9.30 10.40 10.20 10 00 ADOLPE 13963;, W. ‘COPNER, Front St. n- ‘ght smnronn Emma’s Enxnmox z 1; now ready. SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, on or before SATURDAY, the Slst MAY, Inst, for the erection of a. Two Storey Dwelling {lease SONS OF TERENCE, Willdeliver .chrmm. upon thalPri-d- pie-of the Order in the Taqpnmm ’ n_°n:_ m. .I. I. name, P. c. I. 9., . tion to the following list of choice Lot; of Land in 'the the Township. of Man and Ram. which he ofi'en for sale, viz: The-N. §Lot8, 9LhCon. Mus, 100 Acres. . ht 14,“ H U 187 H TheNer “26,10 “ " 100 “ The N.E'. Lot26,11 “ “ 50 “ ‘20, 13th a u 153 u Lob35 find 36, an?Con., Raanbont) 260 Acres. Also House sud Lot in Atherley, and Building Lou in Orilh's. Tex-ms ascertained by application to the ORILLIA. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL W â€" 7 z 77 Education- TEMRSâ€"(ijwafiably in damage.) Englinhponho (pagnu'ba of 11“ M HIS School is one ofthe moat flourish- ing in Outs-i0. wd since it: Won hon-fitted more young“ “choline-pursuit! urn All other School- north of meifl Two 0 incl-Adm mmflhng' would 0 nit~ utions in the Dominion Bank in this Village tad» entire-addiction of tho um. uni mother is head Bobbkoepef in It. Jan. Tud- bopo’s Hordwm Stun, whiht moral othm m occn ' vtho highest position in let- chulfl'o oes- The My! W331]:- keeping. the Science of Am". Benkxnz. Tdegnphy. to. cannot be 3M Mg “Y institution in MM Parent-will mice the future moon of their bo_ ing them to the We whmthq will receive I. “w reguired for Exantion and building Stone-work, for Carpeum' Work, for Plastering 3nd Brickwork, ad for Paint- ing and Gluing, in accordmee with Speci- fications. The Sub-(fiber does not bind himself towoept the lowest normyTender. A I’ “(\Dm TEE nnderugn edâ€" desires to all atten- tion to the following list of choice Lou ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER IITII, ’7l. Lands For Sale ! can be seen 11’. the Furniture Warehouse oer. G. J. Booth. TO BUILDERS, TENDERS ILL benceived bytbo Motown- ~ mon School Trustees. st the ofice of the -'of the Index-signed. until 12 o'clock, noon of ‘ to‘tho Public School. in Oriflis. Plans and Specifications may be seen 1.1: the ofice of FRANK EVANS, _ my m, 1373. Prof. Windsor as their instructor. are HAVING, at a heavy expense, engaged prepared to nuke easement: upon the follow- mg terms: Per D: , - - 825.00. Public golidayn, - 30 00, Per Evening, - - 10. 00, AND masts. A: the member- luwe to depend entirely upon theirown cfi’omto meat the heavy ex tuna connected with'the msintemnee of the glad. patie- need not expwt than to phy gratis in the future. R. MAINER, R HOY, Secretary- Amman: palm. April 23rd, 1873. Mme Bmpmcs, nun, 421“: my, 187 3. AN D TELEGRAI ‘H INSTITUTE. FRAME ADDITION ! Liquor Dealers. SEPARATE TENDERS The Orillia. Brass Band >3 sinsâ€"A mum. Fan-p, being PLANS All! spsclncnnpug 0n Wednwday, #11 JWW Sea-Tm. B. of C. S. OON‘I'RACI‘ORS AND OTHERS. JUNE 2114. 1873, In order to efi'ect s clearance of my present heavy stock of Wines, Brmdies, Gin, Rum, Old Rye, Tnddy, Malt, and Domestic Whiskeys, I hsve reduced the prices for two months from this day. _Wslker’s best 91d. Bye, 75 on, by theBu-reier Mia-gym Brnndies from $4.50 per case. Hotel keepers will find my stock more com- plete, ybetter marked, and better vdue can be found elsewhem. JAS. CMBELL, «89R. SPECIAL NOTICE. for the erection of a PRICE $2.00. TO OCEAN. F. J. GRIBBIN. A. J. A'LPORT. A. KENNEDY. ’ EDAR POSTSâ€"A “unmw B SALEâ€"4 rhyming”: A...- UNDâ€"Amofm .00 duh-t. '1:ka voi‘ . , :A_AL:_ -3... My}: £83 ofiée.‘ hvoitbywiu in PM 8m, . W Thoma: rd am;- am' a...“ gin game; 2:: W3 32.3mm, The Jonnh anniversary of the birth of Queen ictorin. was ohurvod in s truly loyal spirit in Orillh. ' The places of bus:- neu, with two or three exception, can cloud. . 'l’hepro-pettofnin inthemorning gavel. blag dude to the plouun-ceeken' adaption: but?” 4:192:11 cloned 06:55 __I_ __--‘ Son: of Temperance announce that their {int mus! gnnd excursion will teke place on the 3nd ofJune. They hove cluttered the ferourite statue: Emily May, which willleave Bertie #3130 LIL, end proceed mend lake Simeoe. culling at Sheet, Hey it 8 o'clock. touching et all the prin- ctpul. {heel of interest, and giving the ex- amined». ample opportunity to view the misgifioent scenery of the Lake. The ex- cumonieu will stay one hour and ehflfet 02-min. Good manic has been provided. and the mmeging Committee will open no pain: to ensure the comfort not! enjoy: meat of :11 who “4.” Single tights, 75 cent: double, 81.25; dxildmfwm “wtâ€"vâ€"VVâ€" . -7 , once not. aim " Queen’s W In :5on for the (his numb. About ten t promiscuous game of footbdl m Wrorqthqprindpgl tweet, and d1 QUEER! wiéh no‘leu mike-won than -ki11-_ .T-vo mixed ”*9"? ".°'° WI lave received A letter from Mr. June. Currie, Cumin n, which. upon cooler consideration, will pmbobly. flunk file for withholding. Knot, be his aplperof his own, and by publishing ms letter there it will robebl: meet the eye 9f Mr. GeorgeSmi Thanh, whomdone .w u... ,-._. __ __-,, , , prince. The onmmittee did ell in their power to nnkethe day one oipleum, and the efl'nir on the whole was usual: moose; alumm. The Queen’s Birthday we: ushered in by e ' tloyd ulnteoi, we wentooeleepy tote 1 how my guns. The mjorporthn of the population fluted themselves to e trip on the magnificent Immer Nipiuiug, to View the beautiful wenery of Lekee Muskolu end Roswell. The weather dur- ing_ the gel-1y part of the d8; Sven cloudy, â€"° â€". -__. and unfavJult-nble to out-of-door sums}:- ments. but it cletrcd ofl' beautifully in the afternoon, giving the dmdng put of the company an opportunity to “ trip the light tastic,"inspu'ed by the melodious ntnim ofthestringblnd. Owingtodehy'in coming down the river from. Bncebridgo, the muithad not a much time to npendstthehudoflakomum intended, but :11 on bond exposed them- selves a highly planned with ghe' trip. M. “Jane! 2nd,G. Boyd's “Bluk Polly.” Foot (me, 300 ynrdeâ€"let, '1‘. J. Wilton; 2nd, D. Boyd;8rd, E. CnnnnL Footnece, 100 yardsâ€"let, T. J. Wilson; 2116, D. Boyd: 3rd, J. Boyd. Seek Raceâ€"let. T. J. Wilson; 2nd, J. McNabb. Thmleg- god race, let, D. Bo d nnd T. J, Wilson; 2nd, J. Boyd and . Meme. Sanding J ampâ€"let, W. Manneflnd, T. McNebb. Running J ampâ€"ht, T. J. Wilson; 2nd, W. McLenc. Hop, Stepcvmd J an let, W. Manne; 2nd, '1‘. J. ileon. utting Stoneâ€"let, J. Deviez2nd, J. Break: The day pleuentlypnd nothing occurred t: ‘uisturb. the good £11113 manifesto: 1m After . pnaeI' were ‘ t3 the successful competitors, never-l $11 sums were collected for the plea-are of the little boy- end girls, and it manning to nee the gills end emnll boys race for the 32) -II L. ‘L-:_ it concerns. ‘ ' walnutâ€"Bade Diviswq othhy 1‘ Wm. Today, 31 feet 11 inches. Running J ampâ€"3 entriea: ht prize, John Cuppsge, 16feet 11} inches; 2nd,â€" Kenrns, 16 eat 4 inches. Running Jump, (boys)-â€"4 entries; 1st prize. Jas. Tudhope. 13 feet; 2nd. Thus. Harris, 12 feet 10 inches. Running Hop, Ste and Lesp. (men)â€" 5 entries ; lat prize. Stewart, 38 feet 6 inches; 2nd._C. q Faiths-”36 feet. ll ,___\ Ionmx. The Queen'l Birthday' to celebnuud in ; very pleasant any, 335 being given in prizes, in the following momâ€"Trotting nee, ht prize. G. Boyd’s “ Morrison Squaw” 2nd, J. Boyd’s “Indian." Run- ning race, ht prize, M. Yo 's “ Flying Jme;" 2nd, C. McKenzie'l B. “ Jule." 2nd running neeâ€"13% g. MfKenzie'a B; .K... nunnu Bum-10x. The celebration in Beaverton was on : Inger scale than mud, and passed 03' in a. moot “ti-factory manner. The variety of unusemenu will be seen itithe list of prizes awarded:â€" Boue Raceâ€"let prize, F. Meme; 2nd rise, A. Huniltoon. Bust Raceâ€"lat prime, . L. Barber; 2nd, J. White and J. (Jun- eron. Men's Eweâ€"ht, T. Glanford; 2nd, T. Doyle. Boy's Raceâ€"ht, J. Gainer; 2nd, -â€" Gunn. Running Jun ht, T. G‘mfoxa; 2nd, '1‘. Doyle. Stan ' Jump â€"lst, M. McKinnon; 2nd. J. alder. Hop, Ste , 3nd JumpL-ht, T. Gin-afoul; 2nd, ‘1‘. yle. Shoulder Stoneâ€"ht. J. Calder; 2nd,_P. McMillan. _Tl_uou_'ing ."Efifififlfigi, Step andLup. (boys 5 entrie- Eng 1:31“, John Ram 34 est “v“ MIAAI 7 3th“; 2nd, George Wsllaee, 33 feet 1 1n ' Throwinv 14 lb. Hammerâ€"5 entries; lat prize, 15.8mm, 97 feet; 2nd, Ed- vard Tnvis, 87 feet. 10 inch“. ’ Throw' 56 fl). Runnerâ€"2 entries; 1st prize, . Stuart, 22 feet Sinches; 2nd, John Mill}, 1_8_feotfi7 inches. -Foot Race, (100 yarda)â€"1atrizc, Thea. Phillipa: 2nd. Richard Kelly. Boys ’ Foot Race. (100 yanda)â€"ht prize, John Regan; 2nd, Joae Foot Race, (200 ”rashâ€"hitor prme, Thea. Phillipa; _2nd,( R. Kelly. -,, hf_l- Throwing Shoulder Stoneâ€"ht rim, Edwud Travis; 2nd, F. Stem p ORILLIA. 99th MAY. 1873. ARI-Y TOMATO PLANTS. iron five I ”my cum 10.313. ODALL‘S m Bobble 1 lawnâ€"Neu- the corner Tn YJLCA. Suds: «09mg WW meofinglbeginnutSnndly, _ . y mmwma tin-truce mtho 03W“- $1“ “‘° W 0‘01! nhop occupxod by Sptrling :- ......... Dmunken. Peter at, was 'v. and they v‘bnld not put but: hand wmhim. 'l'hehelpinghwlieofl'er- ed, end the word of encouragementlpoken, by a. gable band who are devoting $136k impzon in 1 week or "5. A 'man thin returning from Port Hope, Int Saturdny, no over 3 bone 3nd I. ball. The htter was killed, but the horse onIy baring it: leg out of, was de- spuched with l revolver by the engine.- "‘ Ii- W-wâ€" dale run killed about two weeks 130. by dogs; and Mr. John Allen bed the one worried s Ihort time since, but by sewing upd‘the wound he nved the life of the sni- m ~ , 0: SM eveningnext theBev. Joshua Dyke ivill‘rpmeh in the Temperance Ed] from the (aligning subject": “ The 'true 9.11... in the ehar. Addmios were de- livered by the Agent. Rev. Mr. Eastman, sud Remy John Cool“. One statement made by dag Aggm m particuhrly gati- fying, rain, that the Society in in e position to apply :11 contributions directly to the object intenfid, :aithout mydeduefiom expenm 0 care were we I namely : President. Thoma Ddfiio EA}; Vice-President; the resident ministers; Sealant-y, Dr. Elliott; Treasurer, J Welly»; Committee, 6. J. Bopch, J World. Nmows Banalâ€"This bridge is being built anew Mr. Collingwood Hui-in. Thewood iltobeofmuehmoxenb- stantid motel-ill than the! used formerly in it: contraction or repairing. We notice that but few men ore st present em- ployed. end if there are not more placed upon the work we fear dal: it will not be completed by the end of next September. The munoofpuuge now in nferry wow which is dmoet incessantly mgloyod in (game the nut) is levied 'for either a conble or single vehicle, the passengers of qmno being exempt from the five cent im- position to behind pedestriuu. It I: quite I Mr of ppnvgqience that pedestrians on back end forward free of expense by q Midland Rnilwny bridge, which the con. bridgekeeper and attendant, Mr. Frank; adult, keeps closed for the w comm tion of the public. _ from our midst. The opponents of the tnfio were accused of using language stronger than is justifinble, but what could go further than thendlnonitionn“ Looknot than upon the wine.” tad than who diz~ regard this injunction we indsngerof be- ing united by the insidious charm: with vhich the serpent hides its-venom until then'ctim‘nucurdyinthotoihof Adin- anodtppetite, and than hefinds that “a thehotxgbitothlike a mtmdsting- och liken adder.” Every professing Chris- finn should ddinmovingthilmbling- block. and #04000 Wally they should Minivan hmpefingviththeevfl. He asked would than an ,in tin"! work domythingtoniutbe plea dctimof their“? No: he ' t lie where he had kilomfluonghoqt flange-of cur:- it: oonveylnce new“ :f 1-5-0311: "â€"'â€"'»râ€"â€" . We: Slalomâ€"Lot Snndny owning. B".'J¢I‘Iu Dyke prev-bed en impnoive'l‘elnpeunce sermon. Hudson- for his jeet “ The Deoeitfnl Serpent," mad for text vaerbo, 23!“! chapter. 29th 60 the 32nd vanes, inclntive. He pdntdmtthenumdnrpenmthevui- one plheee in which they are mentioned in Sa'iphue; the oompuiuonl between ner- penis and intoxicsting drinkâ€"it is nobtile, enticing, erfnl, end deadly. The mf- ficilth'e oetomnndone of themt active agencies of the Devil in o poeing Christ’s work on earth. 'l'heiwfn efi'ects were filible on eva'y__side, {ng fl.» 0111;: an; MP 1‘3on {and a vain peace, and. on: mu loo. Things will pwhbly hoorondohdfbmvduhm “Rugby,- whentbe membaloffiebivinon mhfing,unda couple?! boon wen pentintho lea-untestooeidinteroowle, uricdbyde We: to the mall buzndgptgdforchecking thecyihcfin- tun . Wovouthen taken but by I'M-on D...GW.P Kat, qumwmmm‘ toJ-tutt’o Cantata-m. Tompennce lecture,“ be git... by“ :. Rev.J..WMnn noxtvooLBml. WWW-4'0 Me digciplaof tho‘5Br-ochoxofdn An; gle”â€"gu‘ided pg to 9 My hook not far thn reward of our our“ ' ”â€"1.“. in The sur- whoelandioecondmnofm Mr.R.McKinnelisthemillor._ Creek, lot 14,1.“ con, dusted in I. lovely giem mill of Ednandton Chew. path. Orillis. The new oftheaeekis y, befmhuvemtohvostubinenwr- on}! but Mr. Edmund-on him. 030de ' the Emhnenrthib onGmth township of pidly, and a short distance below there in another advantageous site for a mill or factory, the banks forming a basin of about. five acres in extent, and the fall not leg than ten feet. Th'n isoneot the mezt eliâ€". gible locations for two we: nllen, cotton. or other factories Len is cheap, build-. ing material abundant and easily obtained, the coat of livingand labour lower than in towns. The railway is only two miles of, and it is a charming locality for residence. Another modern industry for which thig‘ place possesses peculiar advantages is the propagation of fish. A largespringouthe. line dividing the properties of Messrs. .Smthearn and Edmundson, furnishes a, ‘ good place for hatching, and with a small, ‘ outlay of labour and capital this could he ; made one of the best fishing “ preserves” ‘ in Canada. To return to the saw-mill. The machins ery comprises one large circular, slain-aw.> edger and lath machine. It is driven by“ a turbine water-wheel. manufactured by Paxtnn Tate, Port Perry. Messrs. Ed- mundson Chew both praised very highly these wheels. When building the mill last year. ant-1d style watefiwheel was putin, but the loss caused by that mistake exceeded in the one mama. The mill isnow cutting from 12.0“) to 15,0“) per dayâ€"- the exact quantity cut lastweek was 78,0“) About ten thousand lath: are also turned. out each day. The millis not run at night. Mr. Edmundson and the firm have live hundred and twenty-five acreaof well~tim- bered‘land, and all the lumber they make isaold at a good price. From twelve, to fifteen persons are employed in the mill, and it may not be uninteresting to mention that all working there at present are tee- tatallers. The proprietors ofl'er any of their Men who desire to build dwell- ings one-half an acre of land and lumber freqwith the privilge of coca paney whether they continue in theuemployof the firm or not. Anyrespecta e nondesiri to build could»,also obtain refine lassofnaglot for a long term of years. Toma-o and only 0855‘“ PM“ ‘0‘ ale. ”ply «600.1413 Hotheds, m- duh mnopposihe Dr.Shven’s w MgfldeMm'lBooh ”- ed and .djustegl,‘ ' Wane-1 and Rent- promptly poll-099351, by Mullen V“; TB! W Prince Edvu-d lei-III hu unanimously passed the reeoluuon‘ wcepting the term: od'ered that Province on entering the Union. Sum Rum 3v Docs. â€"Of Iste we have heard numerous compldnts of cod], sheep being worried by dogs, snd no me- munsndon or ' on be had now thst the dog- 4.3x been chili-bed inthe townshi . This tax is epropu'one,” should gain levied both in town and town-hip. It would not only serve to les- sen the number of useleu sud destructive m which u very deeirsble. but even the ulue of sheep killed by dogs were :ebmdcd, it would beegxest boonto stock-nice". Amosr the collection, subscription! end Mon! received from Febrnsry 1st tn M 31“,, sdmowledged through the M Herald, we find the followingâ€"- Hmiannnd-Januu-y Collectionâ€"Parry Sound, 31. 50; Wilcox, 50c: Wsu'buniek. Mn ynglnlet 82; ShwtyB‘ ’31-” W‘- gown and Orphan! Fu bet Collec- tionâ€"Ulluuawr. 40c. Specul Ap $10. Mâ€"Bsrrie (per J. A. Indian Mission Fundâ€" nutâ€"Donation £26310 , 3.. Ban Orilhl, $19 Tm: second number of the Mechanic? Magazine nqnite equal tonne first, 1nd feel- ngtoonfiden tthe publisher will not allow it to deteriorate, we puhnve no hesitation in recommending it. The Putnt Ofiee Bae- cord 4: in Mofgrentnlue. Published by George E. Dubai, nominal, $81.50 per mum. Single number, 15 cent. 50c: Sin-my Bay, 88; St June-5, fl; St. Mark's 8],; Ridge Road School Home. 50c; Braceh'idze, $1.75; South Fans, 81.95; W, 83c; Gnveuhurst, 60c; Bynglnle'c, Anna} Mills, 81.83;Ptge Mills, 74c;Pope- nasal-hone. 8325; Wyebridse, 81: not. um, Tn; Hail funily i. seriously aflictod. with “ Horrocks," . new dilwe. Hon muhaum is the road to com- nerds! independence md‘xroeperity. anxunsnhunot any chum:- II. we: a new for oneâ€"and does not get it. Tum mootlikolytonnkoanurkin the worldâ€"one who cannot write hi: on Br. getting your blood in good odor. Otherwiseyou willnotheinspmperoon- diuontonttnct theatfiennon ofthc dainty muoquito. the only pope:- pnblmhed in the intend: of the Anglican Chum-'1 inCuuds. god ought to be well attained, not only forthis rea- son. butbecune it is worthy oflupport. Tn mthoroffihe sayingfi‘you must dnylukexmsnu youfindhim,” m aeomablo. ' and inzvmwd in swap-me? '1‘”; i2 Mon money I: spent madly for adâ€" mission to circa-nee and monagerieo then would support the churches. In the evening. we took leave of tit friend: whose kindnes- 1nd stranded In 3 day of perfect plenum, and returned to Orillia. in time to heu- “God Seve the Quern" lingazthe Concert in the Home Sallmnownnnifest fin-pops fizz- ialweaknea. Tn: Carmen Hunt; cum to had but mzmmm BOSIIESS m

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