«~- - A mhflrhsanamxmx.â€"~Thebther 43y a. all young man presented himself at the Worcester police station as a. candidate for employment in the city pviice force, before Mr. Superintendant Power, who had advertised for map. I “ 01;,†said Mr. K A gangstaâ€? is told 011M117 (olfax. ' Atgï¬lg’éï¬imjsr My, wherg’weg‘é illus- ‘ trious American and foreign statesmen, he leclined to take wine. A noted Senator, .ximself a little heated. exclaimed across,- zhe table, half jestingly, 'Colfax dare: not .Irink!’ «‘ You are ï¬ght,’ said Mr. Colfax seriously ; “ I dam not!†That simple an- swer, given with gentle and earnest solem- ‘ nty, was Itselfpu impressxve temperance i I _ .A“ . > , rifz‘Wâ€"S'prt'v‘v-‘v *- Wfryggqgv‘i‘uqn u: Lust],wu tau-sun themselves so as w ..-< Heatâ€"en, dot its bosom with beauty; , cover large buildings, every branch boa:- nnd the feathered songsters of the groves 2 ing fNit- We say to our readers, plant are chanting-theirgyeet longs to welcome} vines.-Sclwice of HeaZi/z. the return of the glorious summer morn V . ing. Is this the same Landscape thzit no I I m Edgar 5-. 200 3191; weregazing over on the preceding evening! i in the summer of 1349 he left New York If it is, what has caused such a miraculous 1 £031. Yirr'inia. In Richmond he met Miss change .1 It is that little drop glittering â€â€˜ ira oSIielton, whom he had known in on the green leaves, brighter in its purity, his youth;- renewed his acquziintaiioe,' and and exceedingly!“ mercprecious than the ' in a few weeks they were engaged to be "393‘ €03“? gem: But, 110‘? satisfied “ml 1 married: He wrote to his friends in the the good it hasalready done, after;bathing '3 North that he should pass the remainder Jim plants and Incistening their roots, it I ofhislifeinVirginia,where thehappiestdays sinks yet deeper into mother Earth, and l of his youth had been spont.~â€"Early in ()c. hdpi £0: form ‘aï¬s bf ï¬lial" sparkling , tober he set out for Richmond to fulï¬l a. .rater that gush outin the bright, bubbling ; literary engagements in New York, and to pring, to satisfy the want; 0f man and prepare for his marriage, which was to take (‘Ehcr animals, WhiCh God has sent for his : place on the 17th of the month. Arriving ! bcneï¬" '1‘he springs form 'creeks; these a in Baltimore, he found that ho had missed ‘ "Hi“ “‘1 £01m majestic rim-“1 and thcse I the Philadelphia train whichhe expected to ! again join the mighty “can, on whose . take, and would have to wait two or three ‘ broad bosom the fleets of all nations sail to ? hours for the next tmin. He went into a distribugethe precincts of their respective ,j restaurant, near the depot for some refresh- muhtries to the different nations of the ;’ ments. There he met some of his old globe. it is then absorbed by the sun. to ’ West Point friends, who imited him to a return again on its 1113315011 0f 10"0- To champagne supper that night. He accept- sum up: without the dew drop there would i ed the invitation and went. At ï¬rst he be neither animal nor vegetable life; man '1 refused to drink, but at last was induced and all the other animals Would perish; the i to take a ghass champagne.â€"That set him different grains would not grow, the flowâ€" l 03', and inafewhours‘he was madly drunk. era would not bloom, and this beautiful I In this state he wandered off from his! earth of ours would be nothing but a des- ;’ friends, was robbed and beaten byruilians, l art; that is if our Heavenly Father in his land left insensihle in the street all night. ; mercy and goodness, did not make some ,5 'l'he'next morning he was picked up and 3 l other provision for us, his creatures. 1 Akcn to the Maryland hospital, but he was W { beyond the help of doctors. He lingered . d A nuaxrsrox? is told 011M117 L'olfax. .' two or three days, and died on Sunday Augmenting: party, where were illus- 1 October 7th, 1319, in the 38th year of his I ._.â€".. v.†“a a“ . :we:. on the man’s presenitnrr himself. i'ï¬â€™ii GE ‘5 To judge of its effects “9: have mil} in ms! our eyes over a Iandsmpe at the close 'o‘i a hot summer dav; the gran looks withered and yellow; and the fluucrs and plants on its swich mm as $1)!th had uofsh'ength to hoRI up: their fadett h§ads. But after gazinv- on this sad seeing 1'!“ mm ear!) to your rest. that vnu mav he pr. ciaze as we ought the m1gnitud‘c of the 'iit bestowed upon man in this little mes- Scnger of Ime and mercy. In some coun- tries where it does not rain for months. uh ! aggsqmeiimes notjqr years,-both tzze‘ 3 Qm‘zbind vegéï¬ble qreatiï¬m yould has er sncanfnï¬ to the drought more it not for its life-renewing power. mus '1' U! L" "'8 and mercv 15 sent. not OllAy ‘ -bathe their lens as with 5 s refreshing g moistum, but also to moisten the soil. ' whom they derive their sustenance. that it: may beabie to send fresh streams of life du-nugh their almost exhausted veins. In nur own noble land, “here God in his 'mxlncss sends us frequent and copio'ui Jhowm’of r’ain, Wt! are! scarcely able tq ap~ ....â€".. budQs of E16 grbesm W'znim' grass, or the leave's (if ibé SWO'efr sente'd cféver. ' If it Emd no othu‘ mission than this It Wuu.d an» ,, __ pfv displav the wisdom. 1w“ er and good mm; of an a!!- -wise and beneï¬ceut Creator But it has another and ahi'rher mission: when the vegetable creal idn, from the tall .u d stately corn to the sweet and modcxc little mignonette arewilted a at! sea mina- Ix dying under the scon‘hin" rays 0 the hummer sun, then‘ this beautiful little mes- sengz- of lure and mercy is sent. not onflv _v\;;_"e,4 I "E ' 4 5‘9“- -‘ To follow you stars in their mystic ways; And join in their songs of endless praise-â€" To Eimbywhose power and will they move, who breathed on thcmfï¬rst withjhcibrcathc of his love. - â€â€˜1’““1 , But that still, with anaels and saints ab‘m’c. \\ 9 may know and be know 12,1»: lov cd and . .OVC. ' E And 0 God grant. when the veil is furled That partsthis mt}: (tom that happy world, Of the friends Ihnve flowed thatnone maybe Shut ontfrnm the Blissful Company; D... bLAJ. _‘:n _ :3.- l g. e _ Mowqandflmid dwell ; om {heb'iledegmed‘brfes of Israel, And the martyr-hast that tu death with stood. By nought bug'the blood of Christ subdued. To live forever with these I goâ€" w; 29%;? Mm ‘4‘ jonefi , V___., n-..- 1.4 far Than _the brightest sheen of the , __,.__-_. -. “v Av. unuâ€" ners died‘ Has from all impurity puriï¬ed, And the crowns that they wear are brighter ! go where the spirit: of just men reign, Set free forever from sin and pain; W'hom thiblfiod ‘of the Lamb, who for sin- ’ ‘ The tine of my departure 13 at hand â€â€" 2 Timothy 1v. 6. 1'07» 2"? Examiih Tho Saint’s 3W0. ’amifn BY J08)? READ}: rhqgiu mi xii-gm}- In ven fabrics. Hence the; importance of keeping ihe beds in spare rooms regularly aizjed‘ Mnnya dear friend or welcome As IMPORTANT Mun-:12. -â€"â€"Her¢_: is a. him: for housekeepexs, and a. very important one. Merely covering up a bed with blan- kets and counterpanes will no more protect it from dampness or keep it dry than a pane of glass will keep out light. The at- mospheric moisture wi’l penetrate all wo- brig: age. His funeral was attended 5y the Hon. Z. Collins Dee, Dr. Snodgrass, N elson Poe (his cousin)deenry Herriug(his uncle).â€"- Appleton s Jour ual. ~ [ghtest llIVLs; \\ ith tlmse he 1m cs. he sluucs the heart- f0.“ 1")? When the engines of an cxtensTve steam packet companv in the south of Euglmzcl “(-1 0 getting constantly damaged, the mis- chief was soon repaired luv «iv mg .the men what 1h: bounty of their (’ reator had given the m long before~thc rest of each scvqnh day. When gold was ï¬rst discovered in Cali- fornia the miners worked for a. time with- out any weekly cessation; but they found that they were digging grava as well as gold; and having lost their reckoning of the Sabbath, they actually made a day of rest for tltenm‘lves. L Grapes and. Their Easy Culture. 1 Simon; m:%6;a Maggie): in America went far to the West with his men and teams, to make a turnpike road - {At ï¬rst be paid no regarHo the Sabbath ‘but con'tinued his work at? on othér «law. He soon found, however, that the ordi- nances of nature, no less than the laws of God, were against him. His Iabonuers be- 95mm sickly, his horses grew poor and (echo; and he “as fully convinced that more “as lost than svaincd by Snndm ‘ labour. A The Value of tho Sabbath. thanks to God. emit are N 1J0! $3251.?" 3 CALL AN D SEE am his . {"333 ‘ PARKHILL’S up and: the“ as. N ew Spring; Sunda} f New Ties, f 34,331 if 'the Latest â€a; ,.'s A' t: 33, 1823. !‘\"r"‘ ' ' tuna-1.5.331. New moths, . All parties indebted are requested to pay on or before the 131: of J une next. _ BENNER SONS. May 8th, 1872. 131-1113. L U M B E R AND SCANTLING ‘ I’OR SIXLE. @‘ Remember the \\ est Street Tin shop. E ' >Pa'rï¬culnr _attcn:ion paid to wholesaling Tinu'are to country dealers. years. Cal! madam for mungâ€"If; and see the new Pa~ tent. Milk I‘m that is wan-austed to last 10 Cash or Trade paid fur all kindri of Farmera‘ Produce, Calffskins, 01d Copper, Brass, km REPAIRING Dune At 01:00. EAVE-TROUGHING .dnue i n the best and ï¬ttest styles and “'armntul to give Satisfaction. SHORTEST NOTICE ! On We“ Street. (mum. nc-xc door to the "um. {12% n1 House, whrn- ymn can get your work dum- in the very latest style or planthat ix roquiml. Having carried on the business in tin» city nf Kingston for a number of years. and km- form man in Tudhopc Brod, nf Drillia. you will-ï¬nd him Second to none in tho.- (Domininn MlnLaNn Rumvu'.: ORHJJA. RICHARD MOORE, - - Pmpriatur.‘ Thig is a nowlmllcling. comfortably ï¬tted up. :mdmunveuiont to the lmnine‘sa part of the town. Travellers will main: every attention and so commodation. Boardvrs :an have a cumfom- hlr; and quiet home. ' TEMPE RAXC E HOI‘SE, SILVER CREEK MILL! Hot Air Fumnces ï¬tted up in gmd urdc-rl D rcceivud. mu! single copier: U! the Tumntn palm-s â€"â€"-dail_v and weeklyâ€"and the Ex I'HNTUR fur sale. at the Bfwlicnl Hall, G. T. 0. RI» \VELL'S, Or at KERSK’TT AND CUUKE‘S NC'W’ Pr": and Bunk Slur". New Shirts, New Collars, ' rum]. I noticed upon the sides of the car. ;~matlv cousiructcd “ire racks, ouch cunw tainznga book. Reaching forth and taking! , one into my hand foroxnmiuation: Ifound f it. to be u. beautifully bound copy of the ' ruxisml Non Testanwnt Scriptures, mark~ t ed upnn ihc cm er, “ 'l‘heseB-oks are for : r free reading here: they are the pmxn-rty of f i the cnmpnnv, and must not be taken from g the tmin. †Not Inn" “ogre m.- on board ' before I obsened that ev cry mpy (eight 4 ; in number) were being freely cxzunined I f and read. Soy an)! 1-2" one "eta :ilong without adx cr~ tising.1nstanccs :u‘o given of pilgrims reaching Mecca on their knees Peter Street near \'nrthern Railw ay Statinn Sm'm and J 01108 were at the momtgcï¬e, and the conchtion turned on Dari-ink theory “ L4 Man that monkey, †said Smith. “ Think of its being an undeveloped human 3" “ Human I" said Jones, con~ temptumgsly, “ It's no more human than STOCK ! Shuntit-s and dairymen supplied on the A conxasl-oxum'r writes tu the ('entral Baptist cuucernixw an incident which is notcwnrtby and Worthy of imitationz-I tm'»k1113 scat, jovmeving homewanl in a [min an the Luuisville and Ensln'ille railâ€" I Srmm‘sz-mtdigm pepsin-- I 1y gnowri-W‘férérfï¬ghtem many , by xtg’gmmous but impropcx nag-Lo. «It in ’_ not, .Igrictly spew icyei-{md good who no aliackedzby-it in aï¬â€˜ï¬‚ï¬yg â€70t- ted. The dread which its name‘ cause. is partly justiï¬ed, hdwever, by the cw ter of the complaint, for it is indeed a fen-i- blc disease, frequentlibaflim flmskil of the best'physipigngand carrying its victims ‘ to death in an meredibly short space of 1 time. The disease is named by the modL - cal mcn cerebro-spinalmcuingitis, which I being interpreted means that it in an in- flammation of the mcmhraxie covering of the brain and spine. It is not a new disease. TWO hundred ymaquydexï¬nm describ~ ed it under anomér name. In the early part of the present century it Appeared in New England, where it was known as L 'f 315ch fcvgr.†It Occurred in the south "Of quce in 18:37, Qttaékiug the gnrrisun- i ed towns. It found its way to America: again in 1848. 't is ï¬rst noticed as having ‘ occurred in 1856-57, ha} 1) ' ed 330;? or 1 tensivelyin Februury and of 1857. It is nut Cunt. giuus 0" infections, but it is! ; epidemic and at this scasrm of the year it is m‘b‘st likely :9 attack its victims. I'DSQ‘B!P'HO$S_ fur Tm: Exruslron Subscriptions Received. The un-lcmigwml harmnt’d :o 1‘3er Kgiwiï¬uxi} '_. luau NORTH ORILMJ. v“ TI N HIiC)!†3 Arm D. PHILLIPS. THE} EXPOSITOR, ‘ QRILLIA, 7 UUNE‘Bch, 1872. nu Repairg Pi-omptly Executed ‘.' "Thaw? 'c-ag-Iinvinoi to cu}! an". ex- Light Heavy Harness ! iWorth Knowing. BYRN E'SHARN ESS SHOP m SADDLES, Two D001: frgm thq Commercial Hotel, The place to get theyonh of your money Ladies shoul’i all and see our NEW FASHION PLATES and get the .- - . IntestStylgs. y GRmE‘ES-LA 5111 supply always on hand. We still continue to sell 3::- Action-931’s Tea-16“ "Id lit-ins. natWitlmLuxding their great advauov in emare urncw un war 1141' H '- . ‘ .. tion. give thematrinl. p0 a mmg won To» gm: gnu Md“- bymps, Sugars, Cotton, Tobnccos, Spices, c.. all pure and of tho bout quality. ‘ DRY GOODS, HARNESS, TN DRY GGODS will be fmmd n vhoicc'selrctiou of new Drcss “an, Wincéys, Priffluï¬Plain and Fancy Shirtings, Cut-haw. A12, Ate. IN MILLINERY the ‘s‘tockyill' befound_\'cr}"coxn‘plc§c. All the Latest Q“ Railwm Cami-actors and ntlurs Inquiring CART HARXEbh “in ï¬nd it to thdr uh 1m1'u tu giw them a call. DISSE'I'I‘E HOY. lTu the prices and qualitv of which we \xould imiw inspection. 'flzeir . prices “ill be found lower than ulsv «hon, as (hex buv largely and He 1' thus mmblul tu svll chi-2.111 TR l’NKS. bb‘zs'rn'hdén Dissetté DOUBLE 827 SINGLE Packages mum, A VERY Lump: STM'K or WISH’S! GEN TLEMEN ’S HATS. It is needless to say that Mr, Elweli's ' is the most reliable place for the above. 01060)? A ml Grass Seeds, The Very Best Quality. Seeds, GARDEN, FIELD nu FLOWER. Styles in Hats and Bnnncta. Mantlca. mady-mldc or inndur mi omit}; l’wh; Ribbons, Laces, Indies Collars Cufl‘s. c. Seeds, THUS BYRN‘T’ \ 4. SABDLERY ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SADIDLES' .3531: x\8 TRUNKS, {155 received his Spring impormtions,‘ consisting of "\A“~ A.‘ A ‘. i W 5115354 Speciï¬l attention is diva-fed to our new stock of Cheaper than the Cheapest. “Medical Hall!†A LARGE STUCK U!“ LIGHT AND HEAVY FELT AND STRAW. or ALL levs «N mm, RTONLRHLNH L()\V PRICES wmvs, m, VALISES, J . J. H 1X1) Have just opcmfl :: MILLINERY, c. 238 11313 EXPOSI’I‘OR u a “Weekly Nov: papâ€. devoM to but! and men! am smith: banana. tannin: “Monasticism P... Nth-d every mama.†dandy. Tynan. S. (“lump as Elsewhere. The ; Vim/Mtg ! BIN’SHES, CIOTHES. REMEMBER Good Suit of; “cairn“ Pf Mm}. 'f nuw stack of IF YOU WANT J..l. HIND. EARN ESS. CI'RRY C1 01115. GROCERIES, .l R Ell 0 l'SE. ;' GEQDREE mic,- all ofwhich will be sold?“ at a; reduced rate in order 5 : phat purchasers may lay - ma. oodStockbeforethe O 1‘03ng break up. 1 Ground Corn, 03123, c of Flour, AGE \‘1', Rugby'l’. (\ 5 ‘al / " LO ad 3.01““ S IA Livery S tab 168 g Com, Cordmrod“ and Stove W000. J. A. Smmmxsox, Feed of all Kinds Groceries and Prm isions. amnm’lm FLOUR- J st Arrived Ml the I’M! Field Sm»! Oats, Flour I Alsike Clover, C ROW N‘ FIFE, Spring Wheat. SEED GRAINS, FIELD GARDEN Seeds I Pr with -r,,- Whole Corn. Stat Red Clover. ,ROD‘UOI: mumsslox. I 1‘!le Saw-is taste/dz; (undou Semis, ac. GOLDEN DROP, Buckwheat, 7 . w-vâ€"w :- WW ‘mnmissiun Mt-rchanf. "MN 0. 04mm: 10.1.54,“ w ~.-: 01111444. ’ ' ISAAC} DIUNSON, Mn. Peaes. Timothy Seed. .3 A LN) :., 82:6. i’c DST. GOLDEN V IN E. Tares, ’ BRICK and TILE YARD he Subscriber it to finish {T «raw «:33» 3a? Haw.†~ “In. A. -u... -m‘ -‘ ‘ GOOD HORSES! ia‘Cleanmdmpedablc Vivien. _. LEATHER oil“ nuns, «swan-p - 9â€â€œ.‘i Mâ€".___‘, - CLUB. STABLES. " i (Oppoube the Residence of Jung: Samoa .L W‘ of W“ ind m~w_._.;a 1‘1“???"qu the “low 96%: Order: by m w?! rcpv've prompt amt-i. i FAST HORSES jWM. J ACKSON,‘ - raomxmm. TIN'DLE’S New I/werg/ L‘m A “1- h" 20:1. My, 1872. ' (:me DRAKE," Benetton, P.O. SHOEMAKERs' mmcsfm ALWAYS OK ‘ my. \V SEWING 6' Enquire at guy of the Hotel-r. Moussns, CANNED ijrxf, 1422 A iway- on hand at “It EMF-wimp!†ta‘ "0310“ .1: 35 mswwm. ‘7 '7' Tea, SUGAR, Cofliae ! URILLIA (.‘ijAP? f Family Grocery ! CASH ASSETS.“ ..- "MW. HeuiOflim-for Datum of (Hands m0. ST‘KV. Um; “ï¬n-53“! fur the beneï¬t «(429315; than." Ingmw fur the bandit nfC~u3i§nPQaq- H “141’". tam-«£9115; at 0133,11. 6mm 'hMl‘i'n mulling? Mt Private W Flir- nimn um] hum? minty. : Thin' Raft! is lady. had W .1! I1- uuy- mmahed with the chug“ Wilma †Sample and wig-ï¬lms for Continuum} Tn. wilt-wand \Wn. 4" 33’ ' '3‘ " ! “rm. mw. with. _. . ‘ [MW-“J! Bmws, - - - Placenta». « BRACEBRIDGE». 2 1i. MADE! .. ‘ W. This Huh-l in umwnieutly 05W 3“,“?- nixhes 6m chm â€mum-«laden faé Trudeau Every attrntiun Quid to th- lea-63nd I’ilit- Boot é: siibéStomz RTEAMBOAT STAG 8 HOUSE..- " GRAVEXHTTRST. Esq, nonééixéegï¬i’j'“, '1 ‘OROX TO, OA'T.R10: 6‘ Supn-im- workmanship done“ the lowest pomihh- prim fox-cash. _ . AND GOOD (DSI'EYAA'CE. JAS. SBA N A HAN, - Plowman ( ‘1 1 A RTERED 185:: ; New Boot and Shoe Shop, TORONTO Excellent mm»;- ahd WV? (New. 15. and lk‘flï¬â€™h by strict 5thth hum using making: but thr hm WNCW gmd «rho... to «accive . MMW~ am. “ Bn'uurr Scots†W gave him a can. 1H9 WEST 8’12. OBu-UA HE subsaibcr I'ifl‘el Won: the m- hnbitantu of 0131i: 3 the puiilié “then!- lynlntbchuropuuda. MATCHEDASH smear. ' 800T AND SHOE SHOP wSSES WP"! PAID. G 1411011113.“; INSURANCE CO‘ {01' “Eu-114mm,): Y.) - moons EASI- or Post orï¬Ã©n, MissisugaSt. mu. H EELER ci- WILSON’S um. HOTEL, LBION “4 ITEL. MISSISSAGA 81‘... 0mm WM. JOHNSON, - Pmmm. (LIM- of “Johnson Home," WA.) BEAV ERTON l? m‘ock'nq-E‘ivméaiuw. ‘ ‘ ‘ “that pv'vc in‘c‘ufl will ___â€"â€"« v ~y SILENT 3101'be A «om-mm. am as G. TUDHOPE, < i. turn run: 31:, GRILL“. 51mm“: aid me,» ‘VWRIGHT. CI 'STOM 37130“ Shad, A t at Orillia. m p. MURRAY. IVEW J. SHANA’HAS. A. BALSTU‘N. w'cfor. and 39“"