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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 20 Jun 1872, p. 3

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gain. WORK WARRANTED._é .. Remainâ€"Shots opposite Mr. T. W. Mofistt‘s store, Matcheduh street, Orillia. Late of the Grim: Foundry, would idiot-m the public generally that he has commenced busi- nzun his on: account, in Mr. (how: 911! Ihpp, where he win carry on Blac 'thinc m m_ Its-Bragghes. Having had a. long expel-i- mums Branches. Hamhadalongexm h e apes min the old country Mia-nu g6.-. -5_5:-.‘ L‘L ._-:_. __, W Q A batty Welcome will be extended to all. The Lidia; are engaged to gmvidq Pmfisiom. Syn-360m for holding a. New Blacksmith “ .~ SHOP. HE SONS OF TEMPERANCE AND 6091) muzgns of Orillia. are making COME, You are Invited! hadnoefl'ccton me,bnt as soon as I began taking Dr. Kat-snows Compound Extract? of Colchicum, I found immediate relief ._.--.~ h-â€".-v.-n..‘v Messrs. K ERM OTT (é 000KB: - Wn.â€"Your Extract of Colchiomn has entirely cured me of Rheumatim from which I have snfiered for a length of time. I first tried some of the most celebrated Rheumatism Liniments which proved of no utility, then I ap- piigd to a_first-class playsician, whose xyegiicine The “ Canadian Post,” established in 1857, with Which isincorporated the “ Lindxav Advo~ ate.” established in 1854, afiords adverfisem a. larger constituency of readers than any other ionmaLpnblished 111 Central Canada. A Prayer Meeting will be held in the same place on Sundn. the 23rd inst., at 2 o‘clockp 1a., which will e superintendvd by these of the Baptist persuasion. A11 friendly to the cause are invited to attend. 137 Published at Lindsay Every Friday man CANADIAN POST, .wm be held (D.V.) in Victoria Hall, Peter-St, on Thnnd Ly evening, the 20th inst., at 8 o’clock, by W. Lambert, Baptist Mmistcr. L.0.L., (DRILLIA DISTRICT E Semi-Anna?! meeting will take place 11: the Orange Hall, Goldwater, at 1 ‘nt this office. VVANTED TO REVT,~â€"-A Dwelling ngse, or two or ce rooms. Apply @‘ Repairixig in :01 its branches, neat- !y and promptly executed. C J. McLeod, 137-fin. One door But of the new Post Office building, M St. in: ion Temperance Picâ€"Sic, ON DOMINION DAY. 7 New Jewellery Store! DIVINE SERVICE ! GXO. T. B. GURNETT, Paormz'roa. Call and examine stock and prices. Gold, Goldine, Black and Plated sets. Bncelets, Brooches, Eat- -r'mgs, Wed- ding Rings, Guard Rings, c. GENTIâ€"JEBIEN’S Rings, Studs and Cuff Buttons, Chains Guards, Scarf-pins, c. HE Semi-Annual meeting will take place 111 the Orange Hall, Goldwater, at 1 uck, on Monday 15: J nIV TBOS. PLUNKE'I'I‘, 37-2in. District Master. uln- Minister of the Barony Parish, and .the wenknownmmrowood Words is- d‘ad. The cable telegnm givesno P33? r-' ' Wednwiay, 19th June, 1872. F'ALL Wm’r, per Mel ......... 31 fig!) 31“ g n_.__ _ “v n A- 657 In «late WWI, paper” find the following advei-tisementzâ€"NEW Tmzshxn NW'Tnmmm Penelope and flying F385 from London; R. H. King has 533‘ received“; hpléndid set of new blaok Ostrich Plumes, and a. select assortment of cofiin Furniture. " The” Plumes, added to . a magnificent-House, which won.geneml admirition at the last Exhibition, coz‘n-j‘ ate the ‘ N o. 79 Tudor £5. with “Mary maznfieziired by a fim class Undertaker. Those who are rich in this world’s goods, and require the Funeral oi their friends conduCted in solemn gran- 98311" would do well to can at this estab- _- ._Vr-_ strict attentionpomg and doing , to receive a. fax: share of patronage. JEFFERIS 82: 00., Orillia. Markets. IADIES’ REPAIRING. OBILLIA, June 10th, 1872. JAMES SHAN’AH “1N :o mvide Pm ' be given. Morning. Call and sec for outse_1_f, and see the new Pa- tent mum t' mwphstlo yemfiiw ., -_, .. \5‘1..r':~.v Particular attention paid to wholesaling Tinwm‘e t; country dealers. @’ Remember the West Sheet Cash or Trade paid for all kinds of Farmers’ Produce, Calf~skins, Old Copper, Brass, .320. ' .\ ' “I T' EAVE~TROUGHI\G done In: the beam-11d but lstylesand ngntedtaéve Satisfwtion. HotAeruI-nacesfittedupmvoodord‘é 7' REPAIRING Bone annex SHORTEST NOTICE ! Having carried on the business in the ci of Kingston for a. number of years, and late ore- man in Tudhope 31-081, of 02-min, you will find him Second to none it: the Dominion 011 West Street, Orillia, next door to the Dom- inion House where you cmget m' workdone i_n the very {agent styio or plan @553?qu Mmmmimtmh. .vv‘w, @' Come alongr, gentlemen, for the money. J. J. B. PERRY. Wines and Liquors of the beat; brand; Good Stabling andcafeful Hostleu, _ , I23. W9 are prggareg to pay HIGH PRICES mun LLVUUA, auu uku u. up: on nuov \auw 9v; .u, travellers may rely on recciving every accommo- dation. Having Intel assumed the propnetorsmp 0: this Hotel, an fitted it up _in {inst-class style, D. GLOVER, â€" - ~ PROPRIETOR. Parties calling, for any of the abov e will please ask for adv ertiscd lctten. Ontario Hotel!” 181‘ OF LETTERS remaining uncalled for in the Beav ertun Post Office, June 10th 1372, and not preV ously advertised: â€" Buchanan. Beil Penney Sidney Cameron, \Villium Ryan, Mr. VI. Hunt, John Ry 1e, Edward Holmeg, Mr. S arks, ,Q}. -’ Irons. (3. - - vgzer m. Morison, R.- < «n ' Willis; b Morrison. D. McEachem, Neil Napig'. Mrs. McGuenness, D. Ewen, w. 0n “the propert" 'i.» erected a. good, 'su'bstantia] one-story frame welling house. Terms made known op_da3_r_of_s.}le. in the County of Simcoe, containing. by ad- measurement, half an acre bv. the same more or less. being composed of Lot number fiv,e cm the North side «DOS NottafwaSaga Street, m the folage of Orillia. (Cameron’ 3 Survey.) _ .. ‘ PARCEL on TRACT or Lxxn and premises, situate lying and being in the at my ofi‘ke, N0. ‘20 Toronto Street, in the city of Toronto, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of Tuesday, the Twenty aeventhday ofAugust, next. 311 the right, title and interest of. the said Insolvent. and of myself as Assignce in this matter, in and to all and singular that certain §ample ‘qumq fox: Qoxqmegciql Ira-gnaw. â€": NE W TIN SHOP! INGLYENT ACT OF 1869 . I n the matter of_ John Paterson athlvent. UBLIC NOTICE 13 hereby given that by virtue of the power Vested in me as Assi gnee of the acute of the abov: named' 1n- solvent, I shall ofl'er for sale by H‘Lving _htely_ assumed the 1).:- oprietorship of Beavcrton, June 10. 18'".7 Orillia, May, 1872. 'e qre pre area to pay HIG‘ forWQOi. CASH D9799}, Shanties and dairymen supplied on the Scarboro‘ Junction ...1o.15 I 333‘}; Toronto.. â€"â€" ~10.$5 _ 6.40.; Connecting at Scarboro’ J uhctibu- with Grand Trunk Railway, going east, at 6 p.m.. and with Midland Railway at \Voodvillo~ Junction for Lindsay, Peterbom', Beaverfon afid'Ormis.‘ W. GOQIQERfiALL .13., TO FARMERS! Toronto, June 8th, 1372. Mun. l MAIL. Midland Junction... 6.30 4.x. l 2.00PJ. woodyme... 6.40 I 2.10 MidlSnJJiinction... Wick. Snnderlzmd. Canninzrton Wood Vi) 1e. . . Uxbridge..... {COLCHICETMQ TheTnIv ., ”Mia 0' Director Toronto, 12th June, 1872. , 7 131:. PUBLIC AUCTION ! TORONTO AND NIPISSI'NG RAILWAY£ ‘V’ VVHOLEgALm RETAIL,‘ “3 Movathé‘fissidse; in P0 “'38 I!“ Ere thin than? h‘btfle- been rcquneL bumflioiast Ina- Jority of cases, one bottré has efl'ecféd an entire $1.00 PerBotfle. him fox-the last three mdmm time}: HAS NEVER FAILED The undersigned” opened a CERTAIN REMEDY FOR “WATTS” diacov medici sed b Em 501-th f1:221; flmmg dm mime}; VILLAGE OF ORILLIA, BEAVERTON. D. CAMERO\ Pos‘ ”master nuns MOVING sown. No. 2. Manufactured am} for sale, KERMOTT s; COOEE, ' 4 f Chemists and Dmggjgts, 3 { {Li-five: 9.45: . . depart 9.55' ' ;..10.‘.’.5 ..10.40 W. T. MASON, D. PHILLIPS. mmw. 13510:. No. 3. 8.15 5.10 --â€"c. .M .._ .‘--__ store-hung: immediatel" tc the 01d stand, whene prompt attentiéa: be. given d1 orders. . W. BINGHAM. !j THE TIN WARE DEPARTMENT 31:: X 'l c .’ f? ix? a'gam_ :1: full opengion m Mt. Frank _K§an' s I» CLEARING SALE ! is gqipg an. The stock is being 891d at a great \fié‘now‘gerféuhd i'h Mn‘Walhcc’s 'n'ew build- ing, on West St., where a @- Repairing Promptly an‘l Carefully attended to. _ THOMAS DANIELS. c., c., d as my late employer, Mr. Husbuld. has an)“ of his-buttons, I solicit a than of the so libertlly mded 1.0 him, assuring you that every attention will be given to any orders entrusted to me. ' I beg rcsvzectfu]! to inform the ublic gene- rally that' fhave afirge stock of )3 0mm, May _ ORILLIA. Harness Emporium ! @’ V'thgclieés, Clccks and J ewe]- lery promptly and carefully repaired. ALL Goons £5 WORK WARRAHED. LARARD’S OLD STAND. N. B.â€"â€"J. B. THOMPSON is sole agent in ORILLIA for Thos. Russell 8: Sons’ celebrated Watcheq. These Watches have a world wide reputa- tion, éamed entirely by their own superior merit, and retained by un- failing accurap-y in pbi‘forming their work. _ , ‘ 3 ’ Call and examine the stock and be convinced that you can purchase cheaper than‘elsewhere. Orillia, Mayan; 187 2. A fresh lotjust received. BR;(3ELETS GOLD, GOLD1\E AND B,r UACK. STUDS and CUFF BUTTONS, DAMAGED HKBD’W‘ARE ! ”WATCHES, 1LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GOLD CHAINS. LADIES’ GOLD SETS, “ GOLDINE SETS, “ BLACK “ “ PLATED “ LADIES’ TORTOISE-SHELL SETS. LADIES/GEM AND PLAIN GOLD RINGS, GENTS’ SEG NET RINGS. J HARDWARE Enmmm ! AMERICAN WATCHES ! Swiss Watches! LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GOLD IN GHAM’S -... aw any uu val man 3‘“ch FOR CASH. J. 85 J. B. PERRY. RUSSELL WATCHES! .lsnen 4. V U, 4' '- - Neck-ties and Scarfs in all the modern styles, Silk Umbrellas. ' .All a}: the ‘cheapest prices {Newly Opt L”..- Vdmmev‘ Plated-Ware ! CLOCKS. B. THOMPSON has just reâ€" .: ceivcd another large stock of r 80th, 1872. SADDLES, LADIES. . Am great vaneLy. Another stocktoffi Just to hand. ta Ensues, gebfiate Skirts. G e eeShqus - Ru; at 153mm ' 1: French Muslim. :MEXP»Q§WOR»-ORILLIA JUNE 3913.13.18.72. «- Silk under Shirts, India Guile Shirts, 232w; Shirts. 0P Linen Sew. BRIDLES, FORTH! Opened ! . mam 134. Which t'hey ‘ warmnt to ' give ' good? satisfaction. STOCK 0f TEAS I They would invite especial attenc tion to their - Doing businesson a cash- basis only, enables them to sell cheap. DRY GOODS In returninntlmnks totheirnumerous customers For the large share of pa- tronage bestowed upon them since they commenced business in Orillia, would announce that they are con- stantly receiving new additions to their large stock of Tea STORE, I keep the but. selected stock in Orillia, md 501' cheap for cash or produce.â€" 20 Pieces new and choice Shirtings, VERY CHEAP. 800 FRENCH Cmnmc Dmxsm! HOYLE’S PRINTS at 12; Cents, Wax-ranted to equal any 15 cent Goods shewn in my other Store in 01-min. Anoéexibtuof those cheap Parasol: and Black Velveteens 50Dressesforl5ctpperyud. A bhoice selection of Box-done Dress Goods â€"without exception the prattiest Goods 1:: Drillia. - G. M. WILSON 6 pieces plain and fsncy sub, at 81.00;»: Show: this week. the following lines of NEW GOODS ! ! New Goods This‘Week! 40 Inch Cotbous, only 11 cents. iHE ORILLIA PACE MAIN, 15 cents per yard, nellingin other stores for 18 and 20 centa. Umbrellas. GROCERIES, zc., G. M. WILSON. ‘ormia'; ion; 3m, 1372. .103 x “£145.33. u Bromo Chloralum, .. Cal-bolate of Lime, Carbolic Acid, Carbolic Acid Soaps, Chloride of Lime, vyhichthey sue offering to the pub: 110 at very low priceS. . DISINFECTANTS 2 Owing to the sevenl eonMious distance which are spreading through the coun- try, lave recently received the following valuablq TUDH OP E S ’ BRICK BLOCK, 0R1 LLI A ! KERMOTT $3,000 Worth 'l‘inware ! ! WaoLmALs AX!) eruL. A ll of' which we are sellingat prices chat cannot be equalled elsewhere. Hardware. House Furnishing 10,000 Grosg Screws, as- Retail . Druggists, 100 Doz. Pairs Butts. Wholesale 300 Kegs Nails. 2'5 Doz. [lay Forks. '40 D02. Snaiths. 1 .l. 00 D02. Rakes ! 25 Boxes Scythe Stones. GRASS SCYTHES! VERY LARGE STOCK COOKE, and TUDHOPE BROS. ‘ Auctioheer. Tudhope’a Carriage Works, West Street, A11 sums of $10, Cash; over that sum to $25, 3 months; over $25 to $506, 6 months; over $50, months, and 12 months credit by furnishing joint and approved notes. 4 TONS OF IRON, assorted common flint. TERMS of SALE; from 4 inch to 2!. l5 SETS AXLES. 1g and 1}. very best. 25 PAIRS CARRIAGE SPRINGS, : 10 PAIRS CARRIAGE CIRCLES, mort- inch, Right and Left, 25 SETS THI_MBI:_E SKEINS, assorted, 1 TIRE BENDER, new. 1 CAST IRON PLATFORM, new. 2 ms SEQQKS 4159mm. 3 up to 1 2 PAIRS BELLOWS, lat Prize, 2 VICES, nearly new. 2 ANVILS, nearly new. Blacksmiths’ TooLs STOCK. and will be sold without the least. reserve. AND PA INTED. WARRANTED GENUINE The above work is all manufac- tured from THOROUGHLY SEA~ SONEP White Oak and Hickory TIMBER, well Ironed and SPLENIDIDLY TRIMMED! 35 SETS WHIFFLETREES, ironed with Swoedc’ 3 Iron. Orillia, 30th May, 1872 C ofhml’s Patent. 25 N_ECK-YUKES, [toned with Sweede’s complete. 2 SINGLE WAGGON S, with spring seats, complete. 25 STEEL MOULDBOARD PLOUGHS, from the factories of Patterson, Fleury, Butterfield, and Allen Henry. 2 HORSE HOES, (Patterson’aJ 2 STRAW CUTIERS. l STEEL GANG PLOUGH. 1 SIDEHILL PLOUGH. 3 SETS WOODEN PLOUGHS. l SE3}R(_)_N_HARROWS, Steel Teeth, WAGGON, Tongue ind 3mm 1 SULKY. nearly new. ‘ 5 DOUBL_E_ WAGGONS, with spring seats, 2 FOLDING SEAT CARRIAGES, Tongue and Shafts complete. 10 SINGLE sm'r OARRIAGES, Splen- did finish. 3 cgycpgn SINGLE SEAT c A R- mass. 1 81:99:51; mum 2 SEATED SPRING 1 LARGE 3 SEATED CARRIAGE, Wh‘. flctrees and Neck-Yokes complete. 5 TWO SEATED CARRIAGES, Tongue ,_!BI, IA \ . ON Saturday, June 22nd, 187:: At 12 o’clock, noon, sharp, the following Carriage Works, West St, 0rillia, MR. F. KEAN In retiring from the business of CARRIAGE and WAGGON MAK- IN G, BLACKSMITHING, 8m, has instructed MR. W. TUDIIOPE Carriages, Buggies, Waggons, Ploughs, Barrows, VALUABLE PROPERTY: and Shafts compléte. 'UBLIC AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE, F. KEAN, to sell by nth}: 620., c. 0F munch-whoofthchea 'tesin 63" ' " vilq hgcof Gnven‘humt, I giwfiurm ol Mmdcmnsgoodmnl. Tbemmonfionhupauads 43' tum ' mi‘umsm Weijmfwigfi ”um-e FREE GRA_N'.L‘ VILLAGE LOTS. atave . low WBM‘ stock-0‘3!“ CombstyShnving-bruhes, mu, Bum Stop! fumeafxmquny dqaylvon “3% m and you-me. I Hill" ‘8" meilswldhy yer __,._..._ -_.... fiufimdw )ina. stylesupedortoiyw'iolfl ofTomnw‘.‘ 11: bus friend: ‘84 tho ublicforthekindand benlpstmnace they velnstowedupo nhimforthch‘agbtu. months. uhealrfimuhy‘hm hyhnusuluuietm ducregmd WWWM fico-nnfwtofhhviizui, axhoeofthcsune root! ' forl‘oundryJI‘EE MOW s‘acmmdmufimd;woodam minimum. J. P. OOOXBURN. Hammond his business to the OLD 1’03? omen. 8.1m». mmsmeswhub REMQVAL GoERGE MEAD, 01-min. hue 8th. 1872. W Manufacbory on Peter Street, Orillia, Gnvcuhuut, May fill. I872. 131%; Writing Desks, Ladies' Work Boxes; Eamibr Spying Machines, Machine family Sew-mar Mncnm Needlm, Melogeons, «be. To my m ,qu will Pails! am? ~2- Room Paper, Window Blinds, Fi-amed Pictum, Fancy Goods. Household Furniture ! TO LET. EDAR LODGE, Cedar Sheet, 0mm PUNCTUALITY 6: DISPATCH @- A TRIAL somcn‘nn. .9 GRIST )1") LL REPAIRS. STEAM ENGLVE, 'VOOLLEN, CASTIN GS, IMPROVED DESKS for schools. and straw cutting Reaping, Agricultural Implement: ! C. H. JAY 8; CO. PLOUGHS ! DEALER Ix ALL KINDS or OF EVERY DISCRIPTION. Apply 15 EAVERTON FOUNDRY. HAIRDRESSER, Rom scamm, and Munhchu-einfimdn-be sawing, (Totmana), gchool Books, OFALL KINDS GEOBGE MEAD; JAMES LARARD. Mowing, GEO J. BOOTH, Toys, SAW

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