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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 27 Jun 1872, p. 3

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To {he Ediwr of The Mail: -â€"Ithas been suggested to me by those who know tthe 0.0an of the pubâ€" 11c jourmlsof - tins way, that you would allow me to say how thankful I should be for any aid from any friends of the mission war]: in our back country, to erect a church at the head of Lake Rosseau. A church is greatly needed there, and to ac- commodate the great number of visitors who in the gzmmef time reamâ€"t to Rosseau- V_J :nflll- who in u“: mun-um. my .93.". .v -, I do not believe that the may and influ- ential members of the Church of 13118181“1 mm Windlaw me to have mucb trouble in collecting about $1,000 for this object. Subscriptions will be recen'ed by w. P. Atkinson, 331,, the Secretary of the Synod, at his ofice, the Ben Rural Dean Stewart, 01â€"min, and, w, by year much obliggd servant NEWTOB 1 a n nnnnn n M;§Si0n. A: That-ah, on the 20th J: nenh Cameron, formerlillajo: 79:5, or Cameron 2513 lander At Orillia», on the 25th inst"; ter of_ Mr. Philip 31ch 33‘ wealaday, 26th June, Thu. Wan? per bushel ......... $1 20 @ Smsc Wan“, 1 12 ‘ FLOUR, brl - - 6 00 ‘ Emu-x ........................ 0’" “ Ons ........................... 0 4S ‘ Pass}: ................................... 0 80 “ 0 13 “ Eccs ....................... W001. Poss... Pal-A163 Hum; ' Omar. per 100 lbs Coaxxmx. HAY CORDWOOD Unc door But of the new I’ost Office building, Mississauga St. "VY -\\TED TO RE\'T, â€"â€"A DWclling House, or two or three rooms. Apply at this office. (4;? Repairing in all its branches, neat- ly and promptly cxacuted. LAM», 0311;!le BiSTRIC-T At Bin-no, on th_e 24th inst. June 2151:. Lot: of the Orfllia Foundry, would idiom the public generally that he has commenced busi- ness on his own account, in Mr. George Quail‘s 91d shop. where he will carry on Blacksmithing In all its Branches. Havixw had 3 Ion" experi- ence in the old country anti Canada, fie hopes by paying strict astentxon tobnsiness and doing good walk, to receive a. fair share of patronage. ‘__ -...““.‘vmfin m Vietnamâ€"Shop opposite Mr. T. sore. Embeds-Sh street, 01â€"21133. New Blacksmith SHOP. CALL AND SEE ; ,PARKHILL’S New Spring STOCK ! New Cloths, New Ties, All of the Latest , Styles. :old, Goldine, Black and Plated sets. Bracelets, Brooches, Earrings, Wed- ding Rings, Guard Rings, c. Call and examine Rings, Studs and 0113' Buttuns, Chains Guards, Scarf- -pins, Sec. 137-2131. HE Semi-Annual meeting will take 913.0: in thv Orange gall, Goldwater, at 1 .HE CANADIAN POST, XL}. RVORK \VARKANTED._§3 G'EX TL tr} b! r. U) New Shirts, ' New Collars, JEFFERIS 00., Orill‘ia Markets. J. McLeod, R. PARKHILL. cuSCLVNIb Ivan- -‘W Incumbent of R0539” Mission. REMEMBER THE REPAIRING. 'JAJDIE Q" nc avuu vâ€"â€"-v -Vi, ; erl MajorinHer Majesty’s nHig kmders, aged 84 years. A n:.‘. hm? “Hmbem daugh- "‘fifé's“. "PLUNKETT, District Master. émh J ape, _Colgx_1e1_ Keg: stock and prices. m, Elizabeth. daush' aged 2 yams and 7 the wife 6f Mr. the wife of Mr. T. \V. Moflatt’s 187 . “m , .3. ................ . . Loo Sarboro Junction 7.40 l - r"meow-1:” .. 8.00 Unionville. .. .. . . 8 20 z 8.30 Stoufi'vllle. . . . 8.55 Goodwood... ....... . . 3.20 y - " arrive .45 bend e. {depart 9_55 V\ ick.. N ...10.25 Sunderland. ..10.40 Canninr'ton ..11.05 \V‘ oodv inc... .. ..11.?.5 Midland J annon 11.35 to remove thedisease; in nomehas morethan three bottles been required, but 1!: they“: ma- jonty of cases, one bottle has efi'ected an; entire 'et discovared. This inedidne has began aged by iimforthehstthree ymdnr'mgwhch tune he WHoijEsALE RETAIL, $1.00 Pei-Bottle. cenmn neu’anv roi: nnzuuArlgu Trains will run on this railway til further notice:â€" TORONTO AND NIPISSING RELILWAY. Swan: ARRANGEMENTS! CHANGE OF TIME !_1 DR KERMOTT’S ; coniromm EXTRACT COLCHICUM. I 1; Midland Junction \melville... .. Caman-{ton- Sunderland. Wick Uxbridge.. { E Stoufi'ville. 8.90 an Markham. 9.20 I 5.10 Unionvillc. 9.30 5.20 Agincourt. - â€" 9.50 2.3;; " v - y a. . bcarboro Junctxon ...10.lo { l d.6.10 Toronto.. -- â€"â€"10.45 1 6.40 Connecting at Scarboro‘ Junction with Grand Trunk Rnilwav, going east, at 6 1mm. and with Midland Railway at VVoodville Junction for Lindsay, Peterboro’, Benetton and Orillia. W. GOODERHALLJK, 'V IVA Uxbridge. . Goodwood.. .. arrive” V 8-05 depart. 8.10 .. ..8 45 guy I In, the matter of John Paterson, , an Insolvent. DUBLIC NOTICE is hereby g_iv.en that “by 1:17:11; Bfâ€"E; pow-1:: vegtc'd in me as Assignee of the (state of the above named in- solVeut, I shall oficr for sale by at my office, No. 20 Toronto Street, in the city of Toronto, at the hour of 12 o‘clock, noon, of T ucsduy, the Twcn ty-seventh day of August, next. all the right, title and interest of the said Insolvent. and of myself as Assignee in this matter, in and to all and singular that certain PARCEL OR der' or Lamb lNflLVENT ACT OF 1869. in the County of Simcoe, coxitaining. by ad- mezuurement, half an acre. be the same more or less. being com )osed of. Lot number five, 'on the North side 0 Nottawgsa-ga Street, in the Village of Oz'illim (Camernrt’s Survey.) ~ 5: unhaonnfia'l and premises, situate lying and being In the Aâ€"â€" -â€"vv; 1 “Lab; v. v....--.., \ -Vw. _ 0n the propert is erected a good;s One-story frame mvelling house. Terms made known on day of sale. 1‘? m 1fAC 137. ___________â€"â€"i, IST ()1? LETTERS remaining uncalled for in the Beaverton Post Otfice. June 10th. 1872, and not. previously advertisal :â€" Buchanan. Neil Penney. Sidney Cameron. W'illizun Ryan, Mr. M. Hunt, John Kyle, Edward HolmeS. Mr. Sparks, C. Irons. C. \V agner. ~Wm. Morrison, R. Willis, E. Morrison. D. McEachern, Neil Napier. Mrs. )IcGuenness, D. Campbell, \Vm. Parties calling for any of the above will please wk for advertiSed letters. D. CAMERON. Postmaster. Beaverton, June 10, 187 2. 136. D. GLOVER, - - - PROPRIETOR. We are prepared to pay HIGH PRICES for WOOL, CAS'H DOWN. 325' Come along, gentlemen, for the money. .. n 1. n nupnv Mummy RAILWAY. / On West Street, Orillia, next door to the Dom- inion House, where ynu can get our workdone in the very latest style or plan t t is required. Having carried on the business in the cit ' of Kingston for a number of yam-s, and late gore- man in Tudhope Bros’., of Orillia, you will find him Second to none in the Dominion â€"â€" Shanties and dairymen supplied on the SHORTEST NOTICE ! REPAIRING Done At 0nce. Cash‘or Trade fiaid for all kinds of Farmers’ Produce, Calf-skins, 01d Copper, Brass, 82c. years. Particular attention pa Tinware ta count?!r dealers. Tomnto, June 8th,187-. Toronto, 12th June, 1872.. @' Remember the West Street Tin Shop. E n butt 1’ I'DQ fiiBLIG AUCTION! EAVB-TROUGHING done_ in the best and test styles and Warranted to gwe Satisfaction. Hot Air Furnaces fitted up in good order. U 11“)ou . J. 83 J. B. PERRY Orillia, May, 1872. f0 FARMERS! NEVV TIN remxscs, smmte lyxug :tuu Wnua u. . VILLAGE OF‘ ORILLIAz Manufactured and for age, The undersigned has opened 3 TRAIXS SIOYIXG 30m. KERMOTT 85 COOKE, TRALVS )XOVING SOUTH. , The only Chemists and Dmggi X0." -. M UL. . 6.30 AJI. 99 818 No. 4. MAIL. 2.00 2.11. 2.10 2. 25 No.,1.. MAIL. , 7.05 Am. 'i'filisox, y’ as follows un- w..- .-J 'I good,- substantial SHOP ! to wholesaling 1 ‘MAIL. :~ 3.50am. p Director. 137. 5.10 7.15 8.15 Amignee. 136-1 0%. Nery Opened 1 Neck-1 RUSSELL WATCHES 1 AMERICAN WATCHES! Smss. Watches ! LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GOLD WATCHES, LADIES AND GENTS’ GOLD CHAINS. LADIES’ GOLD SETS, “ GOLDINE SETS, “ BLACK “ “ PLATED « LADIES TORTOISESHELL SETS. LADIES‘GEM AND PLAIN GOLD RINGS, GENTS’ SIGXET RINGS. BR:CELETS, GOLD, GOLDINE AND BLACK. STUDS and CU FF BUTTONS, A fresh lot just received. Call :ind examine the stock and be convinced that you can purchase cheaper than elsewhere. ‘ agent in ORILLIA for Thos. Russell Sons’ celebrated Watcheq. These Watches have a world wide reputa- tion, earned entirely by their own superior merit, and retained by uni failing accuracy in performing their Work. @- Wntches, Clocks and J ewel- lery promptly and carefully repaired. ALL Goons WORK WARRANTED. LARARD’S OLD STAND. HARNESS, and as my late employer, Mr. Husband. has disposed of his business, I solicit a glare of the patronage so liberally extended to him, assuring you that every attention will be given to any orders entrusted to me. @- Repairing Promptly an'l Carefully attended to. ' THOMAS DANIE13§ Wili now be found in Mr. ing, on \Vest St., where a. ins, is stairs THE TINWARE DEPARTMENT is again in fun operation in Mr. Frank Ken's stowhonse, mydigtelyggpwte the old stud, L- 4...... .11 “A." m-v â€"vâ€"â€"v, where prompt attention B. THOMPSON has just re- ceived another large stockfl of Orinia, May 30, 1872. ‘ ORILLIA Harness Emporium ! LADIES. Caps. Drivin Gloves, Paper ollars, Linen " , _ ties and Scarfs in all the modern styles, Silk Umbrellas. All at the cheapest prices FOR CASH. HARDWARE Enpomw ! CLEARING SALE ! DAMAGED HARDWARE! Plated-Ware ! IN GHAM’S GENTLEMEN. .â€"J. B. THOMPSON _is sols Baptiste Skirts. Grenardiye Shawls, in great variety. Another stock of Sui: Shim Silk under Shirts. India Gauzg Shirts, "*~’ a. sum,- F9}: Hgts, Sifiw “ THE EXPOSITOR. SADDLES, J ust. to hand. ’03 m FOR THE to inform the public gene- u-ze shock of EARLY ! BRIDLES, L: J. B. PERRY. OF Wallace'a new build- W. BINGHAM‘ c- ) c‘ 9 134. New Goods This Week! 6 pieces plain und fancy Silki, it $1.00 per 50Dresaesfor15cbperyqd, A choice selection of Bozdm PrenGpgds â€"â€"without exception; flic preface“ Goods m Orillia. - - . Black Velveteens Another lot of those cheap Punch and Umbrellas. HOYLE’S PRINTS mi 12; Cents, Wmanted to equxd any 15 cent Goods then in any other Store in Orillis. 300 FRENCH Cmmc Dams 15 cents per yard, seningin other stores for 18 and 20 cents. :20 Pieces new and choice Shirtings, VERY CHEAP. IkeepthebestseloctednbockinOfillis, and sell cheap for cash or produce. Shown this week the followng lines of Tea STORE, In returning thanks to theirnnmemus customers for the large share of pa- tronage bestowed "upon them since they commenced business in Orillia, would announce that they are con- stantly receiving new additions to their large stock of DRY GOODS Doing business on a. cash basis only, enablw them to sell cheap. They would invite especial tion to their STOCK 0f TEAS ! Which they wan-ant uto give satisfaction 40 Inch Cottons, only 11 cents. ' cant, 10m June, 1872. G. M. WILSON [HE ORILLIA PACE MAIN, GROCERIES, 6m, GOODS! ! JUNE 27th. .1379» _ '. WILSON. GRASS T'SGY'I‘IIES! 40 D02 Snaiths 25 Boxes Scythe Stones. Doz Rakes ! 25 Doz. flay Forks. 300 Kegs Nails. 100Doz. Locks and Knobs 100 Doz. Pairs Butts. 10,000 Grosg Screws, 88- [louse Wuonma mm RETAIL. All of‘which we are sellingat prices that cannot be equalled elsewhere. KERMOTT TUDHOPES’ Owing“ the several cont-sic!" dim“ which are Blinding though the °°‘“" try, have recently received the following nimble DISINFECTANTS ! Bromo Chloralum, CarbOIate Of Lime, Catholic Acid, 0R1 LLI A ! Catholic; Acid Soaps, Chloride of Lime. which they no ofiefing- to the pub- lic at very low Erica. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, BRICK BLOCK, VERY LARGE STOCK Hardware TUDHOPE BROS. COOKE, C., C., C., 'l‘inware ! l BUGGIES ! FOR SALE ! Carriage Works ! A FEW Still Lefb. l‘udhope’s Cheap, my kg" and straw cutting IMPROVED DESKS for STEAM ENGINE, WOOLLEN. CASTIN G8, GRIST MILL REPAIRS. PUNCTUALITY DISPATCH a- A TRIAL somcmsn. 9 DEALER 1x Au; xums 0? Household Furniture! Room Paper, Window Blinds, Framed Pictura. Fancy Goods, School Books. w v """l" amily Sewiné Machines. Needles, Melofieons, «be. REMOVAL GOERGE MEAD, velihinbusineu tothe OLD PM Ha mo OFFICE STAND. mm: Sheet. which in In: acted up in: tony North Wig-fiend- and the 01'.me nubhc for than heal W they I -4 Ankh... EAVEBTON FOUNDRY. PLOUGHS ! an!” {0' we mu nun. uâ€"wâ€" râ€"" "bestowed upon him for the hat “on“... he ' byhil usual co brim. an due 1‘68“ °° merit a oounfinu- mmmdhilvifimto 554$:qu "SEB-‘TT'JEMZ' Gnvonhunt. May 8th. 1872- bedsiteointbedsing Iwillgivefne deed. of vi]. To any person chiral builddmingthe m- . AL_ L... .3.- i- a. rising vi]. WJue M1872. mamas-uh OF EVERY DISCRIHION. sawing. (TotmanS). ROAD SCRAPEBS, FREE GRANT OFALLKIXDS JKY 8: CO. HAIRDRESSER. Mowing, GEORGE map: T033 SAW AND

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