“dainty, b all respectable dealers. Whole» .10. and to dvaylers only. by 181%, "Ml, BROTHERS 00. ..... which for years hm"; held the lead, And is so well known in Oriuia as to require no recomâ€" mendsden from us; thatthebesti;alwuystheche.pes has it Ki cover more "round, and wear the lon"est. !« lure you get Lymuns Brass Labrl Brand! kee’pem. and the yabï¬c generally, mi}: celebrated brands of this article. X‘ 7 E again can the attention nf store- keepers. and the Imblic generallv. toot"- e’ Superior wurkmauship done at the lowest possible prices for sash. WHITE LEAD ! JAS SHANAHAN, - Paopmmox CUSTOBI Boot £7 Same Store! Orflcz -Hume of all Nations. QVORON TU A. s. GALBRAITH, Cloth», Twaedsn Tallor’s Tmmmings, GmfleIm-u’s Furnishingsï¬c. 13 Franc St‘ \Vcit. (Law the " Iron Block,") E9? 53-19311 Orillia! Wm â€mum, . he Subscribrr is prepared to furnish any qvmntxzy of \Vhitc and lied Brick and Tiles of any aim: at low price-9 Orders by 31%“ will receive prompt :lttcnch .. u EanuE DRAKE, 20th Maw. 1872. Benvemm. RO This Hate} is [Mu-m- neatly furnished and always supplied \\ ah the enuicest W' was BRICK and TILE YARD Sainple-Euul smite man“ for Cummgrcigl travellers and vmnors, ’OUGALD Balms, W 200 Cur-L Hemlock Bark wanted immeâ€" Slinol}: .‘ur which the highest. price in cash "rill Cash paid for Hides, Rip and 0:1me Tallow. Ormia. Fcb. 201th. 1873. By Royal Authority ! BASS WOOD LOGS ORILLIA TANNERY ! LEATJI ER 01“ A LL KINDS. FAST HORSES WM. JACKSON, - PROPRIETOR. Livery Stables ! lTEAM BOAT ‘i' STAGE HOUSE, IXPORTERS ALD WHOLESALE DEALRIG IX Suits Orillia regmlarly on the 16th. 17th and 18th of each m mch. G â€d set! â€f Teeth at. 7316.00. O'Eco. at Dr. implcrmse‘s. N.B. â€"A '9 ml npe'li'r: fur a. student. Ban-vie. Jnlv 23rd. 1872. 142. w Enquiire 3: any 05 the Hotels. 30$ to inform the inhabitants of Dril- ‘ Ii; and vicinhv. that he has settled in Or- llia, for the practic: uf his profession, and m be will be lumpy-y at an timm to zttend m any case in: which his Services may box-muted. Drillia. Aug. 20th. ISIL TO [CO N11), 0 N '1'. {0:17le oceanicd bv A. I" nflie. SHOE.“ AKERS‘ FIX DL‘TG S, c., E . (Succc'm: 60 A. Fowï¬erP. L. S.) Provinci d lel Suerwr, D 'asxzhimu. Civil En :ineer and Arc‘xszrct. Valuawr. Lam! “' Gen-ml A ‘evxt. ‘hps cumpncd. Dispute ed Lheï¬ c‘zromny adj‘NtV-d. A'l O: ' -N hv Yr m wilt receive pmmptatten- ï¬tmâ€"Ad-‘lww. Bu: ~37. ORILLM. P. O. 12’). W. t“; 3. WM. Bili) “2‘. Provincial Land 1 sun-em»- and Mr. \_rchur G. Robinson. O'morly (, )Vrtn'ncnt C" nil Engineer ma Aorchicuc: hsvv upuwl an ofï¬ce at Drink. , All orders to be hit a: S. S. Robinson's Law ‘1. tor. Vdmcur' Lmd, Insurance fad Gene's! Ayn: Urillh Ont. 0!?!CE-.‘LL-Iunic En 1151123.. 1' ASHER. cm. ké. “mm; £01: eye Cm- adn Permanent Buildmg Soviet»: Unlha. Ont. ‘RILLIA PETER SIX. ORILLIA. .Vanted Immediately. A UCTIOXEER. OPPIACiâ€"Neit'fltw'IE-«b Que ffOrillia House,†AMCELS. RU!‘ ISSUN. $ULICITOR and. Notary Public fur the D 1mini0n M Odllia. C )nwym u- er. c..\1uue}'Lent.-â€" Commiuionrr for taking A {ï¬dav' Its (43‘ REMEMBER ARD. Onesâ€"In \I-Ssonic Burildin, '5 “3518389311. 9 in». r J . D. DEDGAR F. FEN’I‘UXt GRAVENH 'L'RST. NK EVANS, BARRISTER, AT. TORNEX‘AT-LAW'. 5.1mm: in Chg". cgry, ConVeyanCcr. Notary Public, Commis- £0.19? for taking Aï¬idavitd, c. ‘ OFFICEâ€"Next dmrto :he’uox-mianouu,» o: a: his midencv. nicer ofï¬ce hours. N.B.-R?‘1t€ «mi 41553 collected. Oï¬llia. June 3th. 1872. DGAR, FENTU) CORBOULD Barrisccm and Attorneysmt-law, Solid. ouin Chancery Conyey age-erg. _c. AS? G 00D CON V EYANCES. Ornczâ€"Owr new Duminiun Bank. Ormia. MATCHEDASH S FREE'I'. MOSES? TO LEXD. asp. J. R. GRANT, cost . c. H. BOSAXKO, L. D. s., V ETERINJ B Y S URGEON. W.A R‘I‘I‘RA) 0.56 “F EST ST†()RILLIA‘ J. AgPJm‘, Ace-mutant, Arbitra- BEA V ERTON ALWAYS UN HAND. usiucss Eat-ts. H. LA W R EN CE, a quantity of S. \l v rrnfcssianal $211135. J. SHANAHAN. IRUNWRIGHT, Toronto. Pxormzrox. G E Proprietor 171-“. 2. ('0 RBOULD. Q Every at tention will be paid to busi- ness entrusted to Mississaga and Peter Streets. Montreal Telegraph 00., Vicker’s Express 00., Canadian Express 06., And General Agency, CORNER OF rnHE DUNLOP is determined to give his . customers the beneï¬t of the fall in the price of Fluur. and has put down the full 4 Hm Loaf to 12 cents. A. nice mmnment of Cakes. Pastry, “d Confectionery suitable for this season and all W. L. MILLER, : V ' Ann Oriliia. May 8. 1872. " In Mr. D. McKinlay’s building, on West Street, a few doors south of Colbone Street. T. DUN LOP’S @‘ REMEMBER. THE PLACE. Bestltreadin'l‘ewn Only 12 cents, 7 01-min. January Ist, 1872. mwm for 150., TEA or COFFEE. A GOOD CUP 154‘ 0rillia Fruit Depbt a timt-c'a-m hand, the subscriber guarantees satisfaction. ' OOMS ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and, every attention paid to the comfort nicusuumers. Havinghad a long experience in his qunesgs, um] sgcl'red the services of a AX!) SHAMPOUIX G SALOON, Mississaga 5L, Urilgia, a few doors east. of the Shaving, Hair-Dressing, H. S. SCADDING, KERMOTTsS IGIâ€"tf. - ‘ Agent. GEO. WAINMAN, Mandrake Pills! GEORGE ‘VAD‘MAN Ormia. December 17th. 1872. 163-1“ FROM 11 A. 31., TILL 3 P. M. 0513c;- Hours, 10 mm. till 3 p.211. Sat~ urdays, 10 a.m. till I p.11). H. S. SCADDING, has been opened, {1 rr the accommudation nf mechan‘cs and parties wishing to deposit small amounts. Depusits taken 1n this De- pan ment of one duliar and upwards, u n which interest will be allowed paya Ie ha“ yearjy. ;' Corner of Mississuga and Peter Streets. Enquire Aor them at the nearest drug- ‘I wat’ u, f not prowl-able them send for OLD and American Currency, drafts them by P0M t0 Barne. o 1 New Ym k Bills or 'Exchange, rnd United Siatea currency, muqht and sold, D131 5 'gsned on 9‘1 pomis in Canada. Interest will be allm.ed at the rate of ,‘ . F . four per cent per amum on S pecial 130- $1 “1" P11“ “re a PaLkageSu pcsits retraim‘ng three mnnths.I Special :mzzngreme'ns c:1n be made for moneys re- â€"-â€" ‘ maining 01 er that time. I for we p! mint“ and ‘ a“? of Bone» rad WM 10an .me a. hr; e i‘"mb€\ to «iprose of Pav’ Hrs wwbh» ; .0 w" or p'pcbane Horses all! do we]! to can and have t ! -ir cumm salons with Mm. He 2): w a‘w r'n'u newct‘ the tmmv’ngof Ooh}: to winch ue wou‘d inviw the mtention of Suï¬ck i’zflï¬el‘i. R. TINDLE. A SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT ’[YQE Subscriber has} ’opened a g“ Clean and reswctab'le Vehicles. _@ (Opposite the Residence of James Salmon Esq., From. Street, Uriflia.) GOOD HORSES ! VBLIIME [1, H0. l83- DOMINION BANK. (Successor to T. Boyd,) YOU CAN GET TIN DLE’o' " Albion Hotel." HO f‘. SE BAZAAR. MINTHORN'S BLOCK. AT THE 0F 165. R. AJANES. ‘ I 7 J05. BUDD. . Orillia, March ’13:, 1873. Planing and Sh0p Work of all kind! done on reasonable terms, and promptly. MIL [ISâ€"Near the Asylum. By improving the present and intro- ducing new Machinery, Messrs. JANES «\‘z BUDD will be ab!e to execute work of all kinds on the shortest possible nutipe. Gmd and Sea. oned LUMBER mu be used in manufacturing. therefore the pub- lic can rely on the work._ BLINDS, CASIN GS, Architraves, Eavetrbughing, etc; Plaued or U!) planed, BILL STUFF of all lengtbs sizes. SHINGLES, LATHS, DOORS, SASH, MOULDIN GS, Builders and Manufactur- ers of all kinds of J ANES Sr, BUDD, - Pnormm'ons, COUCHICHING SaWP1aning Mill a" \V'Jrk shop: heVaitVJdé'f-{oiiodge A: Cola ofï¬ce, Mississaga Street. F. J. DELANY. Orillia. Februarv 4th. 1873. ‘170 "V E‘VING LMACHINES repaired in ï¬rst~ b classstyle. Meetschaum and other Tobacco Pipes fermled and repaired with neatness and despazch. Attention paid to light repairs of all kinds. Sewing Machines and Needles of nil desg' ‘pqiong kept consyantly i_n stpck. DELA N Y T ROLLING BA I T .' LUMBER, F. J. DELANY, Prepared and for sale, \Vholosule, by Enr uire for them at the nearest store where Medicines are Le “Jr ur send to Bar rie fur them. One dull9r will prncurr iwo boxes of the Pills and three of the Powders. mo» ammdzozirm mmm Févmrhnmm PR1 CEâ€"25 CENY S PER BOX .' Gunsmith Shop : and are en Lircly vegetable. In obsiinate cawes of Dyspepm'a the Pills ehou‘d be taken with the Powders, full directions accompanying each box. In doses of une ct two, they are albemdw, in Iargerdoses Catharticand Anti-Billions, always restor- ing the healthy functxon of the body. l‘uuse who have unce used them will nm consent to base any other Lind whatever. N O MINERAL POISON Have given entire satisfaction where they Lava been used. They possess For Sale by an. suwsu, 0211113. Prepared and For Sale, Wholesale, by Price 25 Cents. Have been received from F. Kem. of Grill-'3; a’m iron: the Editor of Newman- ket Em and many others, combating the u'mve statements concerning these Powders. Manufacturer of the Celebrated TEST lMONlALS I KERMOTT’S Dyspepsia Powders ‘3 GUN SMITH. (?A1’£.\TED) Have been unparalleled in the cure u? D) apephid and «renew! diswdcvs of the Stnmach and Bowe'sâ€"pe' anus \th ban e been afflicted in" y '2')“ and nit-d the ViU'il)!H Plum-darts that cmne with?!) thcér reach. without re~ Ceh in" any lwneï¬t. have been cut-reiv clued bv tukinw one Box ot ï¬le“ e Puwdms. c. n. KERMOTT, DRUGGIST, ORILLIA C. H. KERMOTT, _Chemist. Barrie. Ont. Banmz, 0s 2'. ‘ A STOCK Company entirely devoted tn an: Interests. Insure: unthing but Flu-m Ipcrty md Detached Residences. Cluttered uni commenced lamina- in 1853. CASHASSIL'TS, - $600,000 00. Mr: nghm‘u Report than over $100.000_.00 ll rotation to C Po imhnldm. p - Agricultural Insurance Co. . FARMIRS Insure Property ‘Vm‘ determined to sell at prices that cannot be beaten. EAVETROUGHING done in asuperior manner; and every description of war]: in his line manufactured to order on the shortest notice end moot returnable terms. Now via your time to buy yam-Stoves and Stovaipeo, Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Japan Ware, at prices that will utuuisb you. BOX AND PARLOUR SI‘OVES, and an assortment of Shelf HARDWARE. COOKING STOVES, Stock Complete I All in want of bargains in Stove: and Tinware, should ' CALL: EARLY! and additions in his business, has de- termined to sell his present stock at, and in Some cases far below, oust prices. Being about to make Extensive Alterations ! Orillia. 26th March. 1873. D. PHILLIPS 17.751.91.91 0.?! 2’8 32 072i . @" Cull and see fur yourselves that. We sell our Goods cheap. SELL FOR CASH! ORILLIA. ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY, JUNE 1'2 1873. WE BUY F08 CASH Parties m want of bmgains can be acoummudated by us, as and thus effect a large saving GROCERIES, 9A FULL STOCK CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, c. All Kinds of Goods P. MISSISSAGA STREET. wil_l satisfy youth“ he is “ace Main, MERCHANTS. . ‘ “ “'idi regard to that «litigant of gum Min†9f??? ‘ bunni- no ;deery muted. it is doubtless p, "my, m litnnge'tom that nunote ofinfuny in.» ‘ Om bchodtothe utmoofthooowbo.proï¬w PACE MAIN. DRY GOODS, AX D m nugusllu. In trance the sword is drawn for the met-est trifle, and single duels have nearly always a chivalric side which appnvaches even to childiehnm. 1n Germany,‘nn the other hand, two breve students twathe themselves up from head to foot in leather padding, to «rape the heavy blum (of the ï¬bre; bet'een two pipes and four pots of beer. In Spain. the Catalan knife is need, knee to knee. In Enulnnd, the duel :ends more and . more to become a. wager, so that our gen- tlemen will soon cry ‘ heed: or taile’ u_ tn who shell cup on poison. Scotland, on' the } century, hurernined the manners of olden days. and ï¬ghts in reality. Duels there are veritnble combats, in which all mm may be med, and where equality of mm» her: in not even necessary. The assign» tiun for the meeting m strict; that is to any, that under no pretext an the place at the moment of the efl'eir be charged. No excuse can be received, end the mm or the weapon which in mix-ping must be done withcnt. Thence arises the etmnge custum of the balk-branch planted to re- pleee the rincipal tbecnt in the line of battle, In else to notify the panels-by thnt e anymore is waiting there lure. head to wield it. “ Not only is it not are that this chi- valric signal in responded toâ€"t‘ar there the club of steel intuxicntee young heedeâ€" hut we me emuemle thetevery High- lander is 1 way: raedy to taken.“ in any quarrel, even when not hit own. The bully-bunch huin mn- mount-inn eolexnn land dmoet sacred chi-meter: it istheumte “but imperiou- request (lithe have that to succumb when mixed by number. Enemies of the clumpiun have been known to placethemeelvee by hielide, tree to re- ‘ mule nftetwu'de the old fend for, Ino- ment Med by the all of hcmur. Even friend: and relative-en! the-drone petty hue been knuwn to take up t Position. sword in land. union: their relation end comradesâ€"to ‘ pnlldownthe‘hully-hmeh,’ nee-mil 4» the conned-sud expxeuion. “ I m h) . M mï¬mhnl “f e “v".-"v, .-. ‘ . in Engjand._ In F558;: the sword ' "In the Highlands, private encounters do not quite resemble what are called fat-rain or honnr' «Ethcwutipenz, or even _ “ Tlie bird had will“)?! will remem- ber. ‘ I would not be neduced to plant. the nuly brunch against the three sons of Al~ pine_the_Re§I. “ But iii: time, mg, Jig iZBBTï¬'d ex- plzin w you the mysteriuus sense of the phrase, To plglzt. t_he hqlly branch. -.._ â€"-.â€"...â€"v. "I d‘ld not sleep well. but about two hours sfter midnidlt I lost consciousness. It seemed to me that I heard in my sleep a noise in the caurt-ysrd, towards the stables: then the outer dour opened, and the step of a hum: sounded on the stony and. It mu~t have b.en 3 (3: sun. “ When I awoke the sun wa‘ dready shining in my windows, and the house was silent. I jumped out of bed sud drexaed myself rapidly. On my night-table was a sealed letter. the envelope uf which bore < the name uf Mnry MacAlpiue. I kissed the writing fortllesake of the hand which hsd tmced it. I “ Gllliv, my poor Gillie l ‘ “ They had left, and were far, very far, already; vex-ha} s on the heath of Donegail, between the holly-bush and the broken cross. “ The old valet Culq‘uhnm; came to Isl: me if I Would takes. walk towards the sea. What reply I made I know not. but It-ml: 3 course directly the century; going with- out thinking, Wlthullt willing. I crossed the heath in a. straight line, and Arrived nut uf breath at the tuft of fame which closed the heath nf Dom-gall. At that moment I Reuetrsted into the bushes. “ ‘Gillie,’ I interrupted,_'vrith reproach. : “ The three sons of Alpine 'the Red ‘yon have nut thou;h of looking towud ; were oppimite in me. ad I could easily the castle of Dunesw.’ 1 write their names on their “Vnghs viugeu ' “He smiled, thuugh his cheek We 1 by the description I‘ had heard of each.â€" somewhnt pde. ’ Koder ck Ihe eldcfl. was nhuut {any ; hi- “ ‘I will ennï¬de my last meuagehoyou, 1 103' “3d {me We“: hairy, 5‘“? “l“ timid" Wat,’ he murmured. ‘ l hue wï¬m it i fleece could not conceal his extrurdimu‘y beforehand in use thg chances should not ’- muuculu' development. He was than. be in our fur-u» to~murrow. Ya“ have a 1 very squarely built, like hi. father, but a gmd hem, and I thank you for ha\'iug:tl‘iaeuiier1hul his limthrn, who evi- thuught of my puor Mary? J dently deferred to his authority, His face “ Upon my exprcgging n. regret for hu- : mu billions, the features c-«lrse: end his ing awakened in him that Md thanlght, lie 2 sunken 0103 had a 5670? 811d “30650110 1 clasped my hand and â€plied, ‘I {m not i look. Alpine, the second, had the red! sad, Waltcruhuulu I die human-ow, all i. i lair of his {min-r, and Rob, the third, {fainted fur her fli.;hL She will go a. g was bn-ad. ~lmrt, thick formed likeabull, mince and become a nun. ’ and .enundod one imistibly of "10.6 men “He added immedintel and almmt who go nbont st fairs lifting almuat im- gnily. ‘To you, my little \\ at, I bequenlh f pouilile Weights. Near thew wen.- piled my powder-horn and flush"; piece which 3 three mush-u, three umgeu, and three in as liglitas a feather. But I Wail-n yuu i U'Ch‘b"? axis. My gate '3": "U" test that you run the risk of Waiting ‘ long! upon them so long an it has taken me to time for your luring-e. Sleep uell, mm. 1 describe them. When my eyes caught the Wat, and go and take n wulk w-inomnw ’ Ugilviex I {6“ 3 bitter pans in swing mommgwithulc Cofquhoun by thesenside.’ v alongside .1 similar stand 0! arms only lwn "1 did not sleep well. but about an“ men stuidingâ€"E‘chiu and Gilli«, upright houn titer midnight I lost consciousness. ' ""1 pmud. leaning “" “’9‘." drawn 9“)" It seemed to me that I heard in my sleep mum. Hemish Dim, the, mercenu’y,W3I-l l '. noise in the edurtyud, towards the missing, and I remembered at that mo~ "ables: then the outer dour opened, and went the noise which had disturbed my the step of a bum: sounded on the stony 31999339 l4??°°‘?i}lg "38m- _ ‘4) IA ,, “ ‘ Gillie,’ I intermpted,§with reproach. ‘you lure not flunght of looking town-d the castle of Duncaw.’ “He Inailed, thuugh his cheek bewme "Wevhatpde; _ ‘___ w- w.“â€" â€"- u. “yuan "at. was ulruwy in bed when Gillie cane to seek me fury his last dressin '. Hm wound wu ciatrized, buta violent efl'un m -ht reapen it. (ullie examined it tad sud, ‘ Tlu's poor Mutyre must lie still on ha “ They sat late down 3min. Doubdeu the thme chaulpiuua Were conceding to- getherflw p115“: pf gutsy]: and defence. I been “V -V.-. v-e-wulw "IO-I VII“ nu, Injhepleahgt mouth of J une. ’Tia the pleasant month of June! Night is alums: turned to dsy. Plenty time fur wax-k And pity, Everything looks bright and gay, In the pleasant mouth of J une. Tit the hunt munth of June! Now a {HM deck: the ma, Flattering in the gentle breeze, Tunrful u the humming heel, In the plea-us mouth uf June. 1’ Ti- the plenum month of June! ‘ 82‘!!!» no singing in tho- grove. Through the woods and held: we'llrove, Th'. we dwayt dmdy love, In the plenum. month of June. "l‘is the planntvmonth of Juno! When duo 0mm and ion have been. Nov wealth may be seen. Feeding in the putum grren, In the pleasant muuth uf J une. 'Til the piemnt month a! June! Variou- fluwen uf bounty rare, Now an opening everywhere. And Quit fragrance ï¬llnrthe mi?l A TALK 0? THE SECOND STUART IUIXG.‘ Bahama, J une 2nd. THE BLACK WATCH (From Zea For Tax Ext-05mm. itcsibe. “Thu: both rammed tn the pileof arms, where they tainted ll'o musket! ; the- third m to main {or the participant u. come. “ ‘Are you nod "endemen ?' asked Wet. - y' ° “‘We m‘rephed’ the two 'wiu, with : drawn: cry. 03:1 “ Th_e Era mmkctu were aimed ut'tbe “me time, but the Mlpiuot ï¬red ï¬at. Indfllthmdmodn 01d Budd-nigh. I "vb? aha-t my. Riggs gum-{ho ___j 3 he â€Pu“. Mghing‘hezirï¬i; -- ‘Amen 2' “ Roderick picked up his word md went any. Baden-3%. before doing the tune turned («mu-d Gullie and for the ï¬rst time I new the: his (me. which I to ï¬nd downcut, was radian with udur. He lax-Iced twenty yarn younger. ‘ Child,’ he exclaimed with gniety, ‘ I am the fe- ther. youne the sun, end here in the holy ghoeffhiclg grill deliver m fqu evil 1' ' “ Meantime be m tying hated and white ybud to t“? mp of Brunch, wd Gil- “‘1 e-fme against you fur my right, aw ' 2 In the the name of the Father. the Son. uni the Indy Ghuat dust the piece uf around in mine, and accepting this oumbtt until you av. “Enough! I lied; the land does not belong to me. _ V_._- _.__~- -‘_ --. -nv -nvw-uuâ€"w , :. ~ In an. nameâ€"3f the mm, the s m, md the Huly \u'hoa‘t, I swan tin: the land {tux-med between the ford of the ShlV and the square mm, pmducmg mien wd heather. mounting tweln- Scot: feet in length and ten in width, in mine, Jegiti- manly inherited fmm my father. I will tight whueva- will contra: my right.‘ “ He llid‘hit sword before him. The lain! laid his upon it» awful-matron, and “id : then both walked t» the! many-branch. while the MwAlpines, on their dale, Id- vmced had! way. The mun reclaimed piled, the wmbanms retaining only the dirk and the chyluore. Ruderick Mr- Alping angle the aigg u! tlge cmuwdaid : “The bird repeated his appeal three times. Between each of them a. short in- ter-VII elapsed. But no reply wan heard -â€"no mud except the mud whistling emong the "to tow. After the third or) had been uttered, the lain! remained Inn. monies: for a minute, wd then returned to his son, when: he wok by the hnwd; “ “1‘0 the ' holly branch for Ogilvie against MicAlpine 3’ . “The sons of Dunc-w regarded :11 this with cold disduin. 0:: bearing the appul of Baez-sigh, their face: all won: the tune wmbm and cruel auntie. Had Hamish, the mummy, rem-Wed two suinLdiv-s, and did ha- uls-i any “way the money of dose Macéipiuya ?_ ‘ 7‘," ._..~ ._- 'vâ€" 1.....- vw-r-vuvu “I. “ Without replying, Eachin took his txe 3nd “arched vow-tn! the bush. With une'blow he cut a I: 'c bl.ch, pointed the thick end with his ymore. and drove into the ground at an equal diumlco from both the crude md the bush. Then turn- in; successively hawuds the four cudinnl points of the horizon, he cried with a voice which wuudeq like a trumpet} "The Mnch ï¬ne: exchu: ged s few wurJl m : low bone, then Roderick culled aloud: " ‘Laird of Bademighd o’you consider “e have united loyg cutoughl plea span, 5c V ted by a line <3an fr-gnjhe gym crass t9 flag bony-push “I envied to the edge «f the bushes and lxoked over the bath of Dom-mil, where I I" “once aw them Hungâ€"t. me 5433th who were abuut to die The no encluies' camps Were at some _sixty “At the moment I arrived :11 the thicket of tune I am pped to “114:", but the bent- ing of my hem prevented me {mm hear- ing mythin g; and even when that aimed dawn all remained silent still I believed that ell wu ovenand the: my friends were “ But st uther time. the holly with it. «rennet smash in vein to the desert. N . une we: it. an que comes. Then the digit- is left to the will of Gad. ï¬fteen year: at age. nighud°rmm his uuringe with bhg‘Wemnr, pulled down the two bunches, and gun the victory to the Millivmys. ‘ftxr hsving received lever-l wanndn. “ More recentlyâ€"that in to ny,_ in the mum}: of Much. rimâ€"eight Maclntoaheu were u the puree of mot-1mg Igtimt six Mchxllivmvs, who planted no bully branches. 3ohn, earl of _Duuglu, then an; “Scottish tradition. cite some celeb-ah ed empla of houy-hmchufluud and pulled down. In 1746, in u' «hammer bctweeu the elm Chum tad M Cuupbell uf Glenmnre. then won ve- hnnchu in the rank. of the Inter out of thirteen mmbucuu. Amongst chute who came to phcc theynlvea in line and ‘ pull down the holly’ wefe three men who bore the awe of MmPhenun. and in hip in. in fact. inviolublc. Thn bough cunm-t be touched or posed. to tint the abmaduned chunpinn has 3: least a: immamlgle “I! tn» lean Ignimt. Tl nHighhnd uplycr etc, to u'uw on chsmpiouv ,aGMIng‘theHh‘inmq‘y 0!‘ “ “ The haul: i. placed in the earth after hslf u- hour'l uniting. It boll. mum-idly tho has at the shunt manhunt, ugd thou d gheMure be about the height of. three out. to mph-cent length them 0. This dinphy of the out":- of the My in dim ip qézdentnod by «wry on. from the Fritb - I’d. in am of ï¬ddled. Ordiuu-ily .dxo handbag . 8. HIKW Mm}! 9MBâ€. 55!. "tutti by their adv-huge, force the make:- u!- rexury tn ï¬ght under equal a-nditimu. But. it is so; me]: is the law. Even that: wbohuunwthehelpofdhpsrty indiuâ€" m“ wuuld fume him tritium: pity tnphnt. the 1:313ny on a similar coca-inn dcd‘ until next 3-9: but it my be antici. W tint the vote «If the turo Rpm-enu- ï¬ve hmbliu it t flit-Wm of that 76600! the Mp thmughout country will hmâ€"mel “rang, luxuriauu in mm. imamâ€; mu chem ue very few places indiau'ug from! killing Spring that. barley, out, In ‘ me‘duw gnu, flumgh backwu'd, show volâ€"03h“: Balm. ’ Pumas-WAN Exxonâ€"By tint mny be Quad decade;- votes, both in the Ge: - on! Anemhlyof the Canal: Pmbytu-iu. Church, sitthg in Toronm, and the Synnu I of the Preabyu rim Church at Csnsdn in connection with the Church [of Soo‘lmd, swing in Montm’, the question of Uuiun MGM the It" India is pmhlbly deter mined. In theiormerbudy. It the Fri‘dss manning sitting, the ï¬nd wee in favour of Cniun, with the you sud my: recorded. J In: 123 ta 35. Subseqnamly, Mr. Ross 4‘ entered: W415†the basis of Union, which was signed by himeelf and aeren others. At. the lit-ting ofthe hue:- body. held on Sunday but, the basis of Union. were maim-mdycdoptod. Tim questiun “It“! a» b00255!!!“ M2570“ of the canoes-hon! mfenox‘ ’ its-codes of truth qufcha, nude-smog beoï¬qinlly gag :- ,, A_A M‘. Hausa had oeuuiqn to visit the coun ties of Duthnm, Victim's, uni North 0::- Mo recently. we have hwd u: "woman“, of necing and baring 0f the m «If th. craps. The fgdl fluent laukg halzhyand " ‘ Highlwderd to the bully-branch fur Ogilvie 33:an MucAlpine." “ ‘The Highhlnderg'repliod Mcrick. with 3 «range ltugh, ‘ do nut ï¬ght fox mum-able beggar- came fmm kehnd.’ “And while he forced his: way to to the frail asylum, I am that he was pale, and that. hm punt-eye. turned, in spite of him- self, from the enemy to watch the my red track which Gillie left behind him. ail Vnice tumbled when he basin 590‘“, but it in but: the depths ui hia‘pacmad wguisgnlonn._ “ ‘Tu the holly~hnmch, lid 2' he cried seizing pin gmyith his left hand. "‘ He remained for sn instant motion- legg, not that he was intimidatedâ€"I knew nothing in the wax-Id s’u apable of instill- ing Ion-inn) those men at†iron ~but because . pause wuneoeum'forhim wreeonnoitn the situation. I believed st {inst that the thxee MacAlpines were shout t0 rush upon him altogether, but such are not. the piti- ‘ less Mics of these combats w the desth ‘ The wounded is ï¬rst of a." ï¬nished. Had the bird thus fnllowed up his ï¬rst admn age, Rub wuuld not hue been there then m but his mud. The three bmthers rushed in 1. body, and by different paths, towszd. Gillie, who wu tryiugto stop the bleed ng of his wuund by pressing both hands to his breast. sud allowing hisfsiling head v- aink on his chest. The kind but foreseen their design. and as he an: nearest t0 h1- wn, was accordingly the ï¬rst to resch him, when the terrible swing uf his L-vchlbe) sxe ouch-dad the wounded youth with s In†of steel. “Mel-nigh was now alone against three, like Hot-1mm, and those three adversaries were not uprated... u were the Curiatii, by a}? ineqmilit}: of their younds. “ Gillie had not follnwed his father. but ru-mained still in the same lace; standing, but with both hands on his cat. He had not been anguished by the two MacAl- piuus, but his wound, badly ciutrized, had mvpcned, and was bleeding profusely. His Claymore fell frum his hands; I saw him tower, and then fall on his knew, I {allowed his example, for my heart. failed me. “ To Gillieâ€: cry three about: of triumph replied, for. st the mgment he fell, Rob Move-red hi; senses, nose, and again seized his chymum. i “ Randal-id: and Alpine fled, in fat, or at feat lhey brake gmgmd rapidly; but just at the moment llxat'thq laird’a clay- mun: wusbnut to split the skull dupine. heï¬uflzedy {91' Gillie Ind uttered n cry of [any “ ‘To the holly-branch for MncAlpine !' cried Badcmigh in a. bantering tone. ‘Thn-e mime of “name clan to equalize the game V ‘ How far will you flee, sons of n murderer ?’ ben and «f the ditloysl advantage by which their “Vex-uric: had xvi-«med. Gillie we: a match for both A] inc aid Roderick, and the arrival of the nird wss about to turn the balance. No sooner did he approach than I saw the two tons of Dunn" draw back. i “ He was a. Highlander, haughty and young. He was ï¬ghting for his hunor, his hatred. and his love. It was magmï¬- eont spectacle. “ ‘ To the holly-bunch fur the Ogilvie 1' ‘ The bird Ind overthrown Rob by a blow from his an. and was nowndvxncing to the help of bin son. A cry of triumph «use fmm my lips. They were the strong- est in spite“? the iqfefiuï¬Â§y of their num- -â€" “V v-v-yl each of m. .déééadé- In a. Hercule: but. whim he nude a map in advance they recoiled. for my noble Giflié, Ammd hi- baa :pponred I circle of tire, for the sun Ilione through I cloud and dmw from the city- mom millions of flashes. The blows fell on the tuner: npid and distinct in the basting of m I distinguished In: accord gbove the two others, sad I could tell his lth-kel by their sound wunding mom Iguanas than @huse of the others. “The pistol. were discharged almost point buck, without muting the violence of the shock. Gillie advanced before his (ï¬ber, became be non c Roderick, the gusrdizn. the tyrant Mayâ€"the cur- ud "h.†abused his authority 88 guardian to drag hm- tu the am. Alpine. the se- Oond, tad Bndérick united :gu'nst him, {wplngtp phoe him hung d; combat at one “renown . r-theold mdtbe young manâ€"unis 59cm}; cxhiler- mm. The flame MacAlpineu «m nox we anLIgu'nat them. bur wnvod m the wind; in hgvy pword neem_ed u a feather m bu hand dc â€"â€" u.- luv-U UV' lightful of MA?" xiii-up 'a light and 91°35â€? «ï¬e A .Idrgnoydjspjdly his fair ~_ “â€"â€" .â€" } drew their daymgta, but u. that moment the hind 'pfllod hm trigger, and they thM' { flat-machâ€. flu m theirhca by ucommun movemt: f “ ‘Fot , ROderick!’ laid Gillie, who 1 done' a: timed “Ho ' gOOdnimatthehend of hi: advent-q “ onthennunud. and ï¬nd. The We Walt» bike: with: cry a! m canted his {pad to hit hood and vim. it out-end with blood. Bm the m was Ilinht, (or he bundishod hi- . undwu thetirltto muchto‘ £eldofhottle,uitmd be-l Neon and the emu His bmthen'w followed ' Badenigh had 1 red patch on “Mid", but be had last nothing Wk, for his voice mg loud and . .1 4:41.- ,_:_A, (To be continual.) TERMS: 8| PEI “III“ £20m nfbddgmnmm thwymbemn‘hewmm‘ï¬z" mg directly for the them “03M 1101138 and pen yithout dong? IE", “ 7,7: - __7§ Mrs. A. local pawl-proposes u a My the construction of a public drinking than: min for nun and beat. Thiu is rerygmd. but we prbpooenauoondmedym permm go tn the am heparin! «5 msnd Inter, altering top-ya fair pie. for it. Tuvena hoppers m not ' to furnish even wuér with-qt psy, and should not do so, but. they no regained ï¬g garnish it n «he; aqoommoduiom when Wed. “would Inaapim outer: of Russia. bears â€village cacti-o 4 L-«d mu slapped ninth am and aid ;h, “amid“, c.2113 reat Jami aha Who can!) with his neat but while doingsow “an. ante b or away. Thv man apmgafter it. mt the ladyqu int.) the daigh lubed he had-tea, and Wu anon at heron d _.' When the handsome alei :h m 9'4 w :hepa nl ce a wine nu fuund «attaining ï¬x thuuaand rubles. Kobody appeared» tum sleigh or purse. Tu {latest piece of spring work, to: the sauna. perhaps. has been patch-ad n the’ am 0! Mr. Thoma: Ford. of thin ownsloip Three men with one team (1 horse and :3 aka of oxen, flopped ainy’ 1 er a of land. flamed menu may†‘ owed t zirty three times. railed n1 pioughed twenty aura. all this done in â€vent end-up We no not ï¬cic nth c liver-am rith farm labarw p»: â€ounce t: is extraordinary ant-k, but“ :ertainly think woeengngod' in the aha: work did not. allow the grass to grow made:- their ï¬at. If any of our \ou m_ canbeatthia byanmeam laminar from them. ~480er Reyna" Tu: tavern Imager- at the village of Waterloo. 01:12., stopped up their pit-pa on Satamday evening hat. at the an; hour the iazoompeh chem toclaaa than 032:. is foal-tile grin Inducing pmvigm of Russia» New t vdï¬zeof this cacti-n I! the chunch manta a. “54:3 mom for its young men, 5:: father "mother can do so. Then: are few boo-o- holds who have not, within the circle of their wqunintonce, one or move homeland mung men who would gladly welcmno ‘ cordial invitsuou Woke afternoon in 1 oomf le parlor, ind who would gladly embrace an opportunity, If thus sfl‘unied. to read t Min: oewspaper, or, st last to mm liter-aura that Would be pure if not Mysolqdm: "Overcome mil with good. " 7m CA'H‘LE need roots of some kind in win: term keep them healthy. 1133'de only make too little misty. Wbuld it not be for the interest of farmers in gene; mltorainea better supply of mom for home use. One man says tint by fending a small quantity of been to hiscows daily, he turns Jnnuary into June. Cad thq cattle every day; it will more than pay. ' ‘ Tn: Wine deders' paper in Cdifomis is nï¬'ered free for one year to :1! who will read one number Of at through, but In jud the task «me so nauseating u to ha, u. ly impossible to any who had not h! sensibilities utterly deafened by Candi-i whiskey ur Californis wine, and a this class we not a a rule renders, tbs dodgo will hue to be altered, f»:- the cit-cw.“ «f the psper even cucuxtously, m’man .1 low at at present. " Ir any young farmer would keep his 000. hundred fowl: and take good are of , in two years he could pay for his _ house and Imve money enough to buy him a. mowing whine “b: flake tv'r‘o or a. 'cultural papers i es w ich m, 05:0“th to) and not have t: labor but 5 little harder. ' " It has been quu'ntly, but corned; " that the business man who does not aim, tine, Itandg in the name relatirm to an community as the large: flaking viplegxdy at his lady-love behind a pair-of blueapéo- tacks, and then complaining beam she did no: notice his signal. A Van? destructive ï¬re brake “out i_n Dctro: t an Sunday memoon, In ‘ ginnted in a steamer which m beng ' -, ed at the dock, foot of Second St Ax old farmer “ya, tint that: with til you will hue to do win he to M yuur potatoes on Monday ind dig†«nos 01] Szmmhy, as each new $3 fmni two to ter; days earlier-{inn all ow Gm. Dn'za had a tenfold erected upon; which to lung CnpuiRka and about on. dozen of the Media when be “snapped by order: from Wuhingwn. Gut. 0842‘“, the Mom Fwd: g enl. ha been nï¬pohnted by President Mon to the important. post of Governor, of Algeria. ' ' A nut occurred in Boston on . and deï¬tmyed pmperty valued «$500,000: insurance $400,000. Foreign companies“ safer hesï¬l y. Rmux Catholic Priest: luvs been ex-_ pelled from Mexicoâ€"the Gaunt“ lacing thym u pgrnicimu foreign“ ‘ Dmuxo April and May one limbo! ï¬rm in Colliuzwuodslzipmd «mam; feet. of lumber to the (3me Sm in Guatemala, and a this; :3 but Churches are to be emcee-3. sight, 0 any my wards and thoughts and tieâ€"0:; be right. iii: Y T'h;;e;f‘ecltu :11! my’lmoy, With power to fulï¬l. ’ Jim: 18.. The eyes of the Lord are in even pip! beholding the evil and the goalâ€"Prom, ma, 3. ‘ Thy piercingeyes, 0L0rd,mywtionueo. Dim-m my inmusï¬ MAILâ€"3am- hid up hot A though}, I. maid, an action from Thy, Her ways in: ways of gen-hm.’ nil her paths, mâ€" no . The ways of religion and truth Yield plasummthe wax-Id mot “in 0 enter this pnth' m your youth, And mu m it longuyvuh we. J an 17. The {moftlze Lord uthe bemd window. -â€"Pll.lm ll! 10. This wisdom, Lord, tn me impu't‘ A nuenud understanding lie-11’, “That I may know Thy will; 3m 13. .1 , For wigtdnliic proï¬t “an, 3 lg. Maia the whole World, audio-chi on mullâ€"Mat, um, 36. .' Stupendous question! who can to! no value of a goal! ‘ ‘ Which must in bliss cream“ ‘ While endless ages no!!! 01-th “1.2mm " W “ for his Ion! lâ€"Muk, flu, g ‘ Nnnght in the world, not e'en the ‘91., > Gun be compared widx this. ‘ ‘ Nor would I hate: fur the V1101. ‘ .' ' My wnl'n eternal bliss. Jun 15. . ,1. . In thy pmscnoei: fulneuof Joy; at ti, _ right hand there are pleasures for ever- mure.â€"-Pulm, xn. 11. 0 juvful thought! what tongue 1 m: The joys Thou but prepared, 9‘ ' ' For than when thy pretence dwell ’v‘,‘ Td'ngpylgairblutmqnfl , MW . Bitumen liberty has been W Ibis huly {Jr on me 1:85: WWWMJMV - Jmlï¬. And hoinginmwhe mm amend}, and Manama is m gmdmpuoiblmd idling donate tho mountâ€"Luke xan “- What‘ unitbetlntno “Sim“ (my ï¬'veypedw' mm: m; Jm lg.