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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 12 Jun 1873, p. 3

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Tone-ism W of Tm: Exmsrrox: , Du: Sm.â€"The following Are ”In: of the Principle? necessary fur good butter. in chemicsl form, themfnre much mus it to change, as if turning int“ xinogar, similar to maple sap. This vine- mwum eats may much ofY the futy A t - tinogar, ammu- w mplvmy. -m _' guwure eats may much of the futy nub-taco that forms butter. 1: such 3 can the butter fut-med is of 3 Width}: dry appears-11°03; half butter and half card; or M be an extn get chess". There shun of dishes to hold une milking. so that the dishes used the perfectly clean (boiling or adding water is tau-essay» and aired for some ten hours before they are used, a the hat tonnes: in the dishes acts ”‘1. lesvon to change. the milk. There m rr\_.:llpwmm, M 1173;6ng rules were; generally touoweu, vith other particulars consistent thereâ€" with,bad butter Would. be awarce article. A l‘ A DRIER Mékay. 8 a“ “.4 84 years. 30333;! a! Clonal: vxcx ASK) w. u. cmszflxn. TntstAY June 12th, 1873. FALL Wuxn. pf! bushel ......... 81 10 (g, 31 :._ SPRING Wuur. “ 1 {5 ' 1 1;) FLopn, 8 hr! 5 2') (g 5 50 Bust.“ ............ 0 50 " 0 00 0x23 .............. 0 43 “ 0 45 381138, .. 0 1?. “ 0 13 “U“ 0 08 “ 0 10 Woo; You... Porno» .. Hmzs ......... Ongnn, per 100 [be Count“. HAY All parg'rapbsor artich-s in the Editorial. Locgl or Comptmdczxce (Julumns, 13 cent: 3 line for each insertion. Announcement» in the “ Business Xnaiccn“ culumn. set as reading. 10 cents a line for each insertion. Noticw of Meeting: or Servicen to be held charged for‘ at the suns nte an other public announcements- Great Barg 31113 1 THIS WEEK Mofl'att 6L Wilson’s DEATHS. A: Than-h, 1st June, Mr. Jno. Gmt. aged A: Thanh. on Sands? June lst, Mr. John [diam A astive of Sn: crimdshire, Scothnd, Heaw Biscount I Mars, June 7th. 1373- See Posters and Small Bills about Town, or Tailoring In returning thanks for the large share of patronage he has received since he'com- menced business in Orillia, would inform the public that his new I; now complete, Spring Stock of Cloths! Although he does not wish to deceive the public by advertising that he has the largest stock in town; his long experience in the business commends his ability in buying a. good article, and in making it up, advantages which ready-made Tailors do not possess. Is also replete with a stock of everything that is required by young men and old. Call and see my new stack fur yourselves, nag! you will have no need of buying else- EHE EXPOSITOR JAS. SHANAHAN, - PROPRIBTOR. CUSTOTMI Boot Shoe Store! PETER $11, ORILLIA. 0 Supyrior workmanship done at the hie“ pomble prices for mh. 3;. PARKHILI LATEST DESIGNS z ESTA BLISHME.‘ 'T. Clearing Sale - vâ€"_._-, and not t‘o dri've th'em For Full Particulars ADVERTISING RATES. we FUFIISIIIIIG DEPARTMENT NEW DOMINION Orillia. Markets. anna: m- for a List of Prices. TO BE H AD at the STORE ! plete, and will be found to comprise all the ._AT._. AT A gene-3:31]: ?olloveds L -L A...” IL" FARMER. . SHANAHAN. - ARLY TOMATO PLANTS. fro! tn twenty cents per duzm, st Mr. GUODALL’S Hot Babs. OUNDâ€"A sum of money, on Wednea- day last. The owner can have i: by prov- ing property. and paying for this advertisement. Applv at thisomce. OR SALEâ€"The Barber Shop and Dwelling next door to -the Albion Hotel, where a large businem is now being done. APP ply to GEO. WAIXMAN, Orillia. 186. hvgckgoliSecti«wn No. 4. Rama. with gm class certificate. Address, TRUSTEES. S. No. 4. Rain. Severn Bridgo foot 03560. We hereby appoint Mr. J. B. Thompson, I'Vatchmakn', “ Sole Agent” for the sale of our Russm. Wxnmzs, as well as of thq Loxmsn “Knox, of which we have full control frmn the mrmuflu'turcrs, for the Dominion. A 3151 olircrs selling or pu ~ - . I 5“ ll..." ”(nun-Wu. v‘. n 7 V _ ing to sell the ubwu-uamcd watches. in Zia, have no authority 3:! «1:: so, cut-2’ :I‘C tion. the public against buying frun nther IVatchmexker, in Un'lz'iu. than .. Tho» won, vim gives Ms mm gum-an add“ m to that uf ilw, sulmre'bers. By Appointment. 1754i. ()RLLLI x COMMEh (31 AL SCHOOL, f VHJS School is one of the most flourish- _ in: m Untaniu. um! since its organization hzu fitmd ._orc your»: mm for-business pursuits ‘ than all other Schools north of Toronto.’ Two of its graduates are now filling responsible sit- uations in the Dominion Bank in this Village, to the entire utixfuctlvu of tho; xanager. and another is head Bcwk-L'cepcr in Mr. Jai. Tud- hupe'u Hardware St.,re, whilst seven]. otho-rs are occupying the highest ga-sitions in Mer- chants’ oflices. The aystcm uf teaéhiag Book- keeping. thc Scienm: of Accounts, Banking, 'l‘elegraphy. c-. cannot be surpassed by any inmitution in the ] ‘uminion. Parents will guar- antee the future sum was oi-thcir boys by send- ing them to the Urillia Cummercinl School. where they will med“: 3 most thorough. and practical Education. TEMRSâ€"(i-nvariulily in advance. ) English Course (per quarter of 11 weeks..... ..............$G 00. Commercial. Mathematical, and > g m v----_ 4 N I) TLLEGRAI 11 IASI'ITUTA ESTABLISHED SENEMBER Iml, "II. Classical” Telegraphing (per quarter Phonography , do. THE ONTARlfl TEflPlAll. P. H. Srmun'r: V PECIME'NS SENT FREE OF APPLI- CATION. Tempemncc men are requested to aid in extending the circulation and useful- nese of this paper- The “ Ontario Temp ” is filled with useful ' - '_ ' to Templar!) and temper- mce people generally, and should be li'bernlly luppomd by all who wish good success to the tOtal abstinence came.» -"Tcmple of Honor.” “The Manitoba Gazette,” ‘VIN NIP EG, CONTAINS the most reliable informa- tion of all the sayings and doings in the at " North West“ Everyone who takes an interest in this futile Province, or who antici- pate making their homes here, shouldsubscnbe for it. Terms. 32 per annum, in advance. _________..._..â€"â€"â€"â€" tEDAR POSTSâ€"A large number for A 'I‘AY'I‘ CHOOL TEAQ _HE_R_‘WAN TED Wink a 161. . U meets every Tuesdav e ‘ .Le Tempera'nce Hall. Visi beta will be heartily welcome- .. w THOMPS 3:31.), at a low figure .‘Booth 8': Corbett’s New 3:101: Block ORILLIA, 03:12, At One Doltar a year, in advance .â€" a. Anvnnusxxa Russ Monmxz. 9 Wile Egg-usim linqh [SIOOIS‘ZWIHWIaov-J 2inches 200 500 700 1000 column 300 750 1200 2000 column 500 1200 2500 3500 column l100012500|3560l6000 Transient advertisements, 8 cont: per linefortholstinsertipn;snd29eg_por line for ouch ”Welt interim. OB DEPARTMENT. All orders for Job Printing executed in s13 perior style Ii at. moderate prices. \Vork done, fur as, when promised or no charge. Subscription, Office, Louisa Street. Toronto. tress. BROKOVSKI a; CARRUTHERS, ~Propr_.i§t0(s, " \V. KC nu: EXPOSI'flDR: Try our Tea, which has been reduced to the very lowest re- m n n o r 3 t i v o profit. No and: vslue in tea. has been ofi‘gred 3;! Liég’rupened business; GOLDEAV LION: 31;}; the ‘Gold: Other good: Proportionately low. CARD. ‘RILLIA DIZISION, S. OF T_.. ‘ 7.â€" A_.‘_-__ Representing T1105. Rvssau. .8; Soy, uncut. “ Mal. em to the Queen." Loxnos Ls» vamrooz. Apvmxsma urns: J ‘50. PERRY. 55211; x; mvzvsox, 1 mo. AT THE OFFIQB rs Pnusnzo onc Dollar a ymr- "’ " "‘J . - Drill-1:. than .7. B. '4 "‘1"! guarantee in 3mus. rt reliable informa- ;s and doings in the veryone who takes an wince. or who _anti:_:i- THOMPSOX at extra) DOUGLAS, anmnl P. MURRAY- on Wednea- Winnip'eg. {TED for withjhiré- :l :rc cau‘ fruu any 611103. Publisher. K 'gv‘eninz. in mung mem- Dril- five ORILLIA FRONT ST; CHARLESDAVIES (30., CHIMNEY PIECES. TABLE AND COUNTER TOPS, TOMBS, ~ .PARTICULZE §6TICE T0 BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS LIME-BURNERS. The stone obtained from: myQuarry splendid quality. and I am prepared to til most reasonable terms. @" Samples of Stnne may be seen, and orders left, MCMULLEN VESSEY, Booth’s Block, Orillia. g HAPPY TO GIVE REFERENCES. 5?} hARViE MCKINLAYK’S. Front Street, Suitable for Farmers and anbermen, ’ and qqality cannot be sur To Livery Mel} . Farmers, .â€".. v f V V In want of a. set of Light Harness, fully solicit a. call. Fine Work a. speciality manner. double or single, they would respect. and done in workmaulike Saddles, Bridles.1 In lhctevery J. HARVIE. AVING, a: a. heavy expense, engaged Prof. Windsor .8 their instructm. are prepared to make engagement: upon the follow- ing terms: Per Day, - - $25.00, Public Holidtys, ~ 30 00,- Per Evening, ~ - 10, 00, 'AXD nrnsm. . A: the members hue to depend entirely upon their own efl’orts to meet- the bowy expenses connected with the nuintenance of the Bend, parties need not expect them to play gratis in the future. ‘ a MAIXEI}, R. HOY, OUT NEELANsz BENSON, DENTISTS, Hsve HAVE REMOV’ED! to'theroomadjoi' theYM.C.A.Resding m. 3001'" BOBBETT'S BLOCK, OBILUI where they have opened. and fitted up. A pnnmxnv 011‘:ch and hope by attending to business. and w»: fuming :11 work, to merit the coufidence of the Teeth positivcly extracted without the slight”: pain, by the use of .5 BUILDING “STONES NITROUS OXIDE The Orillia. Brass Band (Between the “Queen’s Hotel" and Beecher 8; Sillima’n’s ofice,) CHEAP FOR CASH ! plenum in mouncing to the public, that they ' Manufactured, NOTICE. WINDOW AND 0908 SILLS. DENTISTRY.- COLLARS AND ALL REPAIRING Doss AT , 5110.165, L]. W, I ”NUâ€"1, â€"_ WV___ , ythmg appeamxining to their trade always on hand and tobe had HAVE RECEIVED this week a stock of Jeweller v of new and elegant designs. In JET JEWELLERY I have secured the newest and best styles. Studs and Sulitaires’, the most elaborate patterns, as we” as the plainest. The demand fcr RUSSELL and LONGINES \VATCHES is da‘lv becoming ter, thus shnwing that the public can ap- preciate A GOOD ARTICLE. The stock will be found enmplete in every department. and to euntain the NEWEST and BEST GOODS. Inspection I nailed! Sole Agent for Lazarug Morris : Cufs celebm ted perfected Spectacles. ,7 , “ . -.n¢-vsc ' g rea Remxmxc : SLATE, AND STONE IS THE PLACE TO GET HEAD STONES, 8m, , and warranted to give satisfaction. MARBLE wonxsx A - ORILLIA. I anbermen, which for excellence. workmanship cannot be surpassed in the province. PROPRIETORS, .\'G IN ALL ITS BRANCHES; .1'. B. THOMPSON. JVU Abby- .. ____ plete in every department. and e NEWEST and BEST GOODS. nvitcd ! Sole Agent for Lazarug! 's celebrated perfected Spectacles. \‘G 1.\' ALL rrs BRANCHES! arty at Longfm‘d proves to be of to till orders promptly and on Q WORK WARRANTED! .0 THE Snomssr Noncn Valises, Brushe§. 909.03» WASH. STANDS. CHEF MONUMENTS. Liquor Dealers. ]In order to efl'oct t c emnoe of my n: heavy stock of a’inea Bnndies, Gin, Ram, 01 Rye, Tnddy, Malt, and Domestic Whither, I hue :9an the prices {or $39 months from this 5183. deer’n bugpld Bun" ’fdie's’fmm 34.50‘pei- me How teem will 59‘? “if?“ $93 $3? plate, bettgr' md betéer vita; an be fonde SPECIAL .CUT!~- Eiffl‘FONIEBS. D. M. McmNLAY. at the oflice of SALE! Orillia, ’ Grillia, lst May,1873- Parasols, _ Parasols, Parasols. AT THE Saddles, WHIPS, Valises, Byrne’s Harness Shop! best of Workmen, and manu As Mr. Byrne keeps none but the may rely on getting full v: {mm the best material, his customers their money. Carriage Harness ! got up on the shortest notice. gnd dispatch. a” GIVE 1:; Richard Husband'é old stand. “:nni:fiL-fifl ORILLIA SADDLERY. A Discount of 10 per cent ofl’to 919mm. 01’ 911 dQDQIQingtlops, r . 4. . Leading Dry Goods Establishment. BEAR IN MIND 01d. Established ! DRY JOODS. GBOCERIES. hears a: SHOES, LADIES'BONNETS SzFLOWERS. fiIBBDNS of 311 description. PARASOLS. CHIGNONS, _c-. i. w Goods It Prices that will be .p‘prciataed by all. RELIABLE PLACE ! BY ALL MEANS GO TO May 7th, 1871 notice. All kinds of repairing done with neatness GIVE 11m A CALL. THOMAS BY RNE. . J. HIND'Se 15' YOU WANT >ld stand, next door to Dodge 8: Cos o Mississaga Street. to purchase your. G; M. WILSON. Wâ€" That tho 3f Workman, and manufactures rely on getting full value for Harness, ' BRUSHES, Trunks, £15., Harvest Goods! To be sold at our usually Low Prices, 25 per cent, cheaper than; any other house in Town. - FLOUR Feed and Provision Store! Opposite Booth’ s Brick Block Family and Graham Flour, Oatmeal. Corn M Ogtg, Pgase, Corn, Barley, Bran, Shorts, Lard, Butter, Cheege, Odnfectionery, 8%., 8m. GARDEN suns» GARDEN suns: GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN suns: GARDEN SEEDS: GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nam! Ormma m “ ALBon g CALL AND EXAMINE ARRIVAL 0F SLAVEN’S orillia [Drug Store, Seed 5 CARPENTERS FIELD SEEDS!- FIELD SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS! F_IEL_D SEEDS! AT FIELD SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS! gum) SEEDS 5 Born," FLOWER SEEDS! FDOWER SEEN! FLOWER SEEDS! FLOWER. SEEDS! FLOWER SEEN! FLOWER SEEDS! FLOWER SEEDS? FLOWER SEEDS! noWER SEEN'

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