TORONTO opflcET-Vext doorto the ‘ ’ 0151 or at his residence after ofï¬ce hom B‘ W. Ann-pann-VFV, . (Succmor to A. Fowlie. P. L. 5.) Provincial Land Survey-w, Dmxhcsmnn. Civil Engineer and Architect. Valuator. Land and General Agent. Maps compiled. Disput- ed Lines carefully adjusted. . ,. Otrxckwdamu $1..»on .Iomerly occupied by A. Radio“ ; u . All Orders by unit will receive prompt atten- 4.. -Address. Box 57, Damn. P. 125. EDGAR, FEXTOX 3; 0033013113, Barristers and Attorneys-at-IAW,SOBQ on in Chancery, Conveyancers. c. . DIESâ€"In Masonic Buildings MWSt, SAMUEL .5. KUDL.‘OU.‘.U\.~.-__ .7 w, ndSotary Public for the Doxmnmn 0611i:- Conveyanceg. c. )1 oney gent.â€" Commissioner for takmg Afï¬davits. Dominion Bank. 01-min. Omcz-Over new I f V 8.. WM. BROW'X, Provincial Land i Sun'eyor, and Mr. Arthur G. RObinson, formerly Government CiVil Engineer and Architect, have opened an ofï¬ce at Urillia. All otdcrsto be lvft. at S. S. Rubinson‘s L13: Oï¬ce __, A. J. ALPORT, Acouuntant, Arbiuw _ . tor, Valustor, Laud, Insurmm General Agent. OriIIia. 0:: t. Orncsâ€"Masonic Buildings. V I '- VETERINA R Y S URGEON, EGS to inform the inhabitants of 02'“.- li: and vicinity. that. he has settled in Or- llia. for the practice of his profession, and ppy at all times to attend tn tint he will be ha. any cause im- which his services may bereqnired. OriHia. Aug. 10th. 1871. "ï¬t Orders by “on .- Addrea's. hits mania malady of each month. Good sets of Teeth 5 015cc. at Dr. Sande XB-‘A 209d ()Iwni Barrie. J ulv 23rd. 1 W.- Livery Stables ! ORILLIA (‘35?! paid for Tmuw. (Hazel)? ‘ be rid‘ LE \Tlllall 01‘ â€HI! KINDS NIB B.-â€"Reut9 and debts collected. Grill): June 5th 1872. I Illa Annex. , always supplied Witt; Sample and suite rooms Invellers and \‘isiturï¬. ___‘_____â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"- tin- ch wees: Wines. for Commercml DOCGALD mm. s‘ _' he Subscriber is prepared to furnish an quantlty of “ï¬nite and Red Brick ans! Tiles 0 any size .n low prim-9 Orders by 35131] will receive pmmpc mtg-nth .. n15. \“A I]: “p A‘K‘E- FAST HO RSES - Enqniire at any Tu he delivered at hi, 'bést price in Caz: IRED. J. R. ‘ ANGER, _c-,....° Win - “mum, j'l‘EAMBOA'l‘ IMPORTERS .\LD \VHOLESALK. ULâ€"khnm h. Cloth», rijeeds, Tallor’s Tnmmings, Gentlemen’s Furnishings, Sec. “ Iton 310015,â€) A \v" , 13 Front. St. “'58:. (Late the ARD. This Hotel if 159:: 31me SHOE)! AKERS' FIN 01 WHITE LEAD 1 , ' In Us, auu 'u‘ r_VvV celebrated rands of chm amclg. e3" REMEMBER . tbs: the best is dways the cheapest. as It will cover more ground and wear the longest. Be sure you get. Lyman’s Brass Label Brand ! which for years has held the lead, 5m! in go A un- _ A- _‘.nԠVIA rumm- Vanni nu JV...’ well knawn in Orillia as to requn'e no recom- mendatien from us. ’ w. ARMSTROSG; ‘ V- w...â€" _ and vicinity. by all respectable dealers sale, and to dealers only. by JAS. SHANAHAN, - PROPRIEI'OR. CUSTOBI Boot 82 Shoe Store! PETER St, ORILLIA. 6' Superior workmanship done at the Mposible prices for cash. ' J. SHANAHAN. J ACKSON MATC {muxsa Sl‘REET. GRAVEX 1771 L‘RST. “.43 a: £33 .5. #93159: A! :;::3.chth at $16.00. st Dr. Sandersun‘s. A gond ape-nine for a. student. uuu v“ TORO\ "LO: O\'l' :, auu u ...___ “HAN, BROTHERS 00., 'H, LAWRENCE, Nanted immediately, '23 again gs w'bo'D LOGS, W EST ST. . S; éAL-BEAI’PH; ‘usincss garb?!- -Kouse of all )aï¬onflo onwx. Feb. 26th. 1373 6001) COS V RYAN CBS. .135 HTANNERY! AKERS' FIX DING S, c. , AL\\'4\YS US "AN D. BUS AX K0, AUCTIONEER. ROBINSON LSOLICITOR, 1:)__L BE_.\ VERTC )N Hides, Kip and Calf Skins, a quantity of 5. \VMNWREHT, at the Mill for which the ash w ill be paid. A. TAIT. call the attention of store- and the; publjc‘generany, to our GRANT, gogvm- onthe'16w.17thmd18th (£6th DRAKE, ’ . Beavertan. 1 9. ms V'alé3éor ion; :3“: Cu!- : Societv. 0111118. Ont. wfloLEsALE DEALERS IN of the Hotels. k Buk wanted imm_e- .hc‘g price in cash RILLIA .xtlv turnishcd and h does: \\ mfl. PROPRIETDR. PROPRXETOR- Prupridln' i. Whole- Torolito. 171-1Y. for the purchase haseand sale of Horses, szfd Willalwaynhaves number todisposeof Parties wishing to or purchm Horses wle do we]! so 91} quilt-ï¬ve thï¬ï¬‚! THE Subscriber has opened a Bazaar VOLUME IV†of awe): raisers. Corner OLD and American Currency, drafts on New York, Bills of Exchange, and United States currency, bought and sold, Drafts issued on all points iï¬ Canada. Interest will be allowai, at the rate of four per cent. per annum, on Special Dc- posits remaining three months. Special arrangements can be made for moneys re- maining over that time. has been opened,fur the accommodation of mechanics and parties wishing to deposit small amounts. Deposits taken in this D9- partment of one dollar and upwards, upon which interest will be allowed, payable half yearly. Ofï¬ce hours, 10 mm. till 3 p.m. Sat- urdays, 10 am. till 1 p.m. ‘ H. S. SCADDING, 161-tf. Agent. GEO. \VA {NM AN, Shaving, Hair-Dressing, AX!) SHAMPOOIXG SALOON, ga St... (Willis. a few doors east of the “Albinn Hutcl." Missisaa I» and every attentiu of customers. Having in'his business, and sec! 3 ï¬rst-chats hand, the satisfaction. GOOD HORSFS' Grillia Fruit [Depot A SAVINGS BAEK DEPARTMENT A GOOD CUP TEA or COFFEE. Orillia. Dccrmber 17th. 1872. DOMINION BANK. [DINNER far 150., BestlireadinTown Only 12 cents, In Mr. D. Q Street, 8 Street. T DUN-LOP is determined to give his . customers the beneï¬t of the fall in the price of Flour, and has put down the full 4 ms. Loaf to 12 cents. a A nice mam-uncut of Cab-s. Pastry, and Confectionery suitable 50: this season md all OOMS ï¬tted V v y _ , Clean and respectable Vehicles. ï¬ontreal Telegraph Co., Vicker’s Express Co. ., Canadian Express Co. ., And General Agency, Mississaga and Pgter greets- 6 Every at_bgntion will 1:? 934g, busi- 3:33 entru'ataed 1:9 onllia January Ist. 157 TINDLE’S FROM 11 A. M., TILL 3 P. M. of Misaissaga and Peter Streets. Orin“, May 8’ 187? REMEMBER. THE PLACE. MINTIIORN’S BLOCK. HOR DUNLOP’S ISucc-essa-n'r to T; Boyd,) 2: Residence of J ames- Samson, Front Street, Orinia) .McKinlay’s building, on West a. few doors south of Colborne {ted up in ï¬rst-class style, attention paid to the comfort Having had a. long experience ‘and secured the services of a Ind. the subsuriber guarantees YOU on an AT THE GEORG E W Al\.\IA \N 0F CORNER 01' AT TINDLE. ENJL‘AE 163-1?- KERMOTT’S' ' Dyspepsia Powders! ‘Have ,been received from F. Kean, of ‘ Urillia; also from the detor of Newman‘- ‘ ket Era, and many others, corroboming Lgï¬ above statements c6ncerm“g these 165. TESTIMONIALS ! Powders. Enquire for them at the nearest drug- gist’s, 9f not procurablc then: send for them by p031: to Barrie. Price 25 Cents. Prepared and For Sale, Wholesale, 81 will Procurc Have given entire satisfaction where they have been used. They possess NO MINERAL POISON and are entirely vegetable. In obstinate cases of Dyspepsia the Pills should be taken with the Powders, full directions accompauxying each box. In dmes of one or two, they are ultemtive, in largcrdoscs Cathartic and Anti-Billions, always restor- ing the healthy. function of the body. Those who have uncc used them will not consent to have any other kind whatever. PRICEâ€"2’5 CENT S PER BOX ! F01: TESTIMONIALS 3m: PAMPBLETSI Prepared and for sale, Wholosu‘ie, by C. H. KERMOTT, Enquire for them at the nearest store where Medicines are kept; or send to Bar- rie for them. One dullar will procure two bOXes of thc Pills and three of the Puwders. (nmm) Have been unparalleled in the cute 0f Dyspepsia, and general disprders of tï¬e Stpmach and Bowélsâ€"persons who have been afflicted fvv wars, and tried the various 1’â€; :icia‘us that came within their reach, without re- ceiving any beneï¬t, have been entirely cured by taking one Box of these Powders.»- DELAN Y T ROLLING BAIT ! "‘1 EWING MACHINES repaired in ï¬rst- D class style. Meorschaum and other Tobacco Pipes ferruled and repaired with nestngas and lies tch. Attention paid to light repairs of :41 inds. Sewing Machines and Needles of all descriptions kept constantly in stock. .«r Wurk Shop, next door to Dodge Co.‘s ofï¬ce, Mississauga Strut. 1 m: r. A \fl’, Gunsmiths Shay ~ COUCHICHING SaWPlaningllIi11 J ANES .Sr, BUDD, - Pnopmm'ons, Builders and Manufactur. ers of all kinds of For Sale by ma.~ SLAVE“, 0mm. Grillin. Februarv 4th. 1873. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, ' BLINDS, CASINGS, Architraves, Eavetroughing, etcaetc. By improving the present and intro- ddcing new Machinery, Messrs. ‘JANES BUDD will be able to execute work of all kinds on the shortest possible notice. Good and Seasoned Lp'MBEme be J;.. n... -v..|..‘ UUUU Mu Wu ‘Vâ€"vâ€" ._ V , . used in nmhuï¬gcmring, therefore tho pub- lic can rely on'the work. Planing and Shop AWork of 3.11 kipds done on reasonable terms, and‘prompfly. MLLLSâ€"Nggt the Amman R. A JANE% inlaaflff‘ a}; 1st, 1 . 11. mum", DRUGGIST. Manufacturer of the Celebrated Planet} 01' Unplaned, L STUFF of all lengthsSz sizes. SHINGLES, LATHS, UNSMITH. ORILLIA DELANY, Bums, 031'. Bmieo ont‘ J08. BUM; 170 Pace Main. A FULL STOCK GROCERIES, Parties inkvnnt of bargains be accommodated by us, as ma BUY FOR ms“ SELL FOR CASH! CROCKER Y, GLASSWARE, Szc. @' Call and see for yourselves that we sell our Goods cheap. Lll Kinds of Goods HJJIJMOJV fl’S 5‘2 073- MISSISSAGA STREET. D. PHILLIPS and sdditions in his business, hng de- termined tn seï¬l 11}: present ntogk at, and A ,_.___ Being about to make Extensive Alterations ! in some me: far belmtr1 All in want of bargains Tiuware, should Stock Complete l COOKING- STOVEES. BOX AND PARLOUR STOVES, and an assortment of Shelf HARDWARE. Now is your time to buy your Store: and Stove- ipee, Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Japan are, at prices that will utonish you. g A. call will satisfy you thnt he is determined-to sell at prices that cannot be beaten. EAVE-TROUGHING done in a superior manner; and every description of work in his line manufactured to order on the 1 shortest notice and most remnnble terms. and thus effect a. large saving. FARMERS Llnsnreé Property Agricultural Insurance 111m m Fm ‘gpaty md Detached Residences. Chartered md comm MESH" 1n 1853- ro dialects. AD OFFICE for the Dominion of Cu:- “mum RWY, Amt. â€".â€"_.;..v H, ,7. , CASH ASSETS, 1‘ ssoqxoooroq. 1I": MERCHANTS. 0,3113. 36th Much. 1873. érocx‘Compmy entirely devoted to war Interests. Insure: ngthing but ONT., CANADA, THIESDAY, DRY GOODS, PACE MAIN. D. PHILLIPS. in in Stoves and ', cost prices. Sprig time has come! the melted. en Poundovn the hills with tepid flow; Rich véiéa wublinz fu- md near, In rapture tell us Spring is here. Natlï¬. to life it does restore, G'ladlrre welcome Spring once more. Springonee more bu put a â€my, Ushonng Summer in gain. Mskiï¬ hm fool light and y. \Iirtbud gum- now M reign; Everybhoro we ï¬elds of gain, Rips"? pith the sun “chain. WIS TIE. Winter cold Again come: round, Ice and snow are on the ad, North-cut winds do kee y blow, Turning min-drops into mow; Everything is cold sud drenr, Raging winter now is here ! “ Alpine and he attacked together-s he ï¬nished. The bird partied the two blown by the nine movement. and the ureep of hll axe kept his foam at 3 distance. 1 few steps more end he reached the holly- brunch. “ He drew a.‘ deep inspiution, and ex- haled it noisily, when he had lnid Gillie tenderly on the henth. ' “ ‘If no one cumu,’ he aid, seizing a piece of rock, which he hurled whistli , thmugh the air, knocking down , whuae part was to turn the poeitiou in or- der to alsnil the woucded in the rearâ€"‘1! no nnc comes, we will do our business our- selves !' ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ' l AL-._I. WV“ . “ Hetore up the holly-branch, and shook it above his duhevelled gray lain. “ ‘You,’ be excl-ï¬nned, with a spriugg which raised me to my feet gulvsn' with anguish, horror, curiodty, aimin- tionâ€"‘lou are here for us, and you ought to serve us? 7 - I 3.. L2- w “1": I150 . “ He held the cnc-rmous bunch in hit left. hand. while his indebtignble right still wielded the Luchabrr no u if it had been a feather. Soon there was thrge circle ground my pm-r Gillie, who undo agape-mu: efforts tn rise, and who unne- A___J_ L1- {LOLA-I nu {14¢er effort; t5 rise, and who nome- timu held his nun tow-ads his falter as if to demand pardon for not being a his side. “.The lain-d had no ocmsion fur help: be multiplied him elf. At one instant. he had the three MuMpSpa 13;.ius.tmm. for Rab , AI. 4 aLiJ sue uuw murmur".-- .3._..,, , had appeared in line again for the third time. He bounded, he was not. ‘ man; there was in him I Ingenltunl power; be rushed. er} in; and mdng. mw ' by his owa valor; his axe swung, sad 1 hard him shunt: A um“ ulul ruuu “ 'A blow for the Father? Roderick 1 rolled on the heath. ‘One for the Son? Alpine {ell beck as if shot. ‘And another for the Holy Ghost 2' Rob now bit the .lust. †‘ To the holly-branch for Ogilvie!’ “ It was necessary to go on to the end. As for mynelf, I (hinted for the blood of those men. But Bederaigh’s heart, harder than bronze, became tender :5 thot of a. mother when Gillie, his only end well be- lm‘ed son, was in question. He left the vanquished lying sut‘ered upon the booth to run to G l xe, who lay insenu'ble, welter- mg in his blood. He raised him, in a faint a he was, And so tenderly thettean came into my eyes even in the midst of l more terrible emotions. The laini opened his son‘s kilt with inï¬nite precaution, end discovend the wound, to which the lint «still adhered. , .... .11.- A TALE 0!‘ I'll! BICOXD' STUART 318130. ï¬ns BLACK WATCH. “in “Wu; ‘1“. “ ‘ The child was wqmided before!’ he murmured frowning. ~ “ He applied his mouth to the gaping wound, and sucked the blood three times. Gillio's eyes reopened. sud he pointed with nix ï¬nger, without being eble w spuk. to Rnderick on one side and Alpine on the other, who hm! ggnin risen and Were re turning t9 the change. . U- L:__ 0.1. -kn ï¬ance more 1!†9‘9"! “"3" Luluws w .u- ‘ww‘-. “ But he could not show him Rob, who. concealed behind a. tuft of oaien, wu traihmnusly loading his istol. I say :nitorously, for the use of ram: in mg- oronsly regained on these occuinns. 0;.ilvies had nut even the right to tine the musket of theiy shunt chazmpio-n. _ ».._j [HUB-uh \u um... â€"v"--v 7v..__‘, “ Baden-sigh left his sword on the ground, and did not have his son. “We hu'e fought two against thme,’ he laid in his ï¬rm and frank menu : ‘ beddee in- advantagfl, the boy cane here woun ed. I was not. mum of it. I deunnd a. tmce.’ “ ‘ To-duy one of our two huutel must fall,‘ replied the eldest chAlpine. ‘ If you desire a truce, «knowledge that you hue no right to the a? of ground be- tween the ford of the wand theuqum imam“ SPBI‘XG. â€1‘ V Uzucvâ€"uuvmwâ€" - . v_._ ed toward heaven, which alone could hence- forth hear him. the cry, ‘ To the holly- h'anch for Ogilvie 2' “ Every minmc he was getting weaker, and when ï¬nderick Mpiwâ€"frightful spectacle !â€"commencod b'a'l'l tmrud him like a. wild heat, Gillie ya inaptble of o_eiz_in_g his sword which It? beside him. .L:_,_ 1:14. sL-n oh. Mk him; loss than the wreck Of . human being but he ljwdonthrough l"unloodokmlybug-um)!“ ‘o'rh‘ (From chl's M43045“) JUNE 19 1873, ! the melted snow For Tn 31ml. 'iresihe. ' ant V in without coal-ago: . . afppfnghdnoem I Ind of my mammal, l. ._L:.I. “ï¬n-A {n ma we [nu-"uu- w... - â€"â€" w - but. for the thonght which aimed in Inc M God «mold pel‘hp' and ; W elm-950 to prevent the iniquity 0! that demo 0‘ dance. I swear“ long befuu I shot“ ht“ quitud my mum: and done my bestforthe hwy-branch. It was no longer tune to Mate. The disunoe di- minished between the oldest â€A35: and Gillie, uni, mh' outoftho fl' I “and with bothhm duh-mile ofthe anhaber no. “ Ladies. this i: when I implore your pity. I hm mm in my life had but that 01mm to allow nay-01¢ 3 Into, and I fu'lud My. . “ With gy_too_hmds I could not kit ,A L‘__ _ ___ yard and all would be over. Until my dying dug! dull remember the demoniacnl Joy whie W the dismed'featnm of MacAlpine. Bil tongue was hanging out likethatofutiaer;mundhislipe he carried the gin of a It can. He stopped to drink by disuse! draught‘of ven- gennce, lining still some strength. for he was able to 4th Gillie’e eloymoue to “ ‘Do you hear me. Oxilvie l‘ he asked in a. half stifled voice. ’ ‘ 'our (other in dead, and you your-elf axe going to die. 1 Mnry. my ward, lovedym. Ihnte her‘ even as I do you. She will be my wifeâ€" do you hen: me, Ogilvie lâ€"tn-nmnow. I shall have my vengennce in my house. At the bottom of the tomb the eyes are 0 you will be at our wedding. You u see me the matter, you 1 see he: the I slnve': l a master without pity, the a trod- ‘ den down elm-e. She is beautiful, in the ' not? She will smile no more, never, never! [ Iehnll drink hex-tent: 1' “ A hideous lnugh made him grind his teeth, then he concluded : “ ‘ You heu- me 1 I know Well thnt you do. You die defying God, Ogilvie !' “I advanced, but he did not see me. no intent waaheouhieprey. Inpprcached, for I had aeizoz‘. n dirk, the only Weapon I could handle. Should I nrrive in time l Could I have done nnything aga-iuat Mac- Alpine, who was ulrwdy brandiahi his Claymore to strike the lat blow? do not know, nnd I now thnt I went with- out hope. A. _.-..n. unwarnr. to uuu â€VF. “ I in: opening my mouth. however, to dittnet his ettention and gain e nee-and, when I new him totter, full, nud Imithe in 3 lat convulsion. At the same time the slurp sound of n fowling piece was heard. und 1. ringing voice, which seemed to de- scend from the distant Iky aid‘ â€[0 the holly-branch for the Ogilvie egumt Mee- Alpine 1' “ Godmd the Virgin ind sent echmnpion to replace him who had donated his putt. ‘ Roderick MncAlpine we: killed by n bull ‘ in hie temple. The voice and the denun- tion st the imm- time directed my look. At the summit of the highest of the three I‘llll, on the other side of the Show, the morning breeze waft/ed “my a. unnll cloud of white unoke. end, on the very edge of the precipice, there was a young girl on hos-whack. her heir blowing about in the wind : my equestrian name. my dream, Many thebetrythed of Gillie, who heal her 13 --â€"_..J “LA In“: an unsung-Rum ._ ..-_ ,_,, “ A few minutes afierwud she was un her knees near Gillie. who hnd fainted, end was nidin me to dress his wound. The old lsi had reviounly revived, though I had believ him dead, and no ‘ one hedthonght of sueeoring him ‘Hel rose withunt nuisance. 111 bleeding, for, 1 without exnggention, these men we of iwn. He hnd eleven wounds. He thtew am utonhhed look on the ï¬eld of battle. When he aw me be framed. ‘h was not for this the! the mm: of Luvs sent yull to our house, Maw: Wet !’ he ssid. severely. " | My then did he perceive Mary MM:- Alpine, who dmw herself up, not for him whom the did not heat, but. beau“ Gillie had sighed heavily while at but opening hitcyes. “The hird of Bndenigh stopped snd murmured. ‘Have we been sued by e E wow] "“ He lives !' excisimed M117, who joined her two beautiful hands together, and whose eyes wexe turned to haven. Thenshoknkedwwuwd Beden‘igh. Her AA -“m- lucuu-v-vvâ€"'_-- .7 _.. , fox-chad, haughty and gentle st the same time, I'll cuvenad with 0. flight flush. She had wanted, withuut knowmg it, one of those udminh!e_utitudu which no art A , -L-- U tum “â€"â€"â€" ....... an form, but. which nature mobâ€. ,u ‘ Hector Ogilvie.’ the aid, in I. voice 1 full of emotion, but. clear, end the most hemonious I hn'o ever heard in my life, ‘Lhoeo who era dead were my cousins in the fourth degree through my tether. end I beer thee-me mane; but on we my uncle by my beloved mothers side, she who we: the Mot your wife. Your son hu plighwd me hie truth, end, if it plexu- God, Iwillallyou myfnther.' Iameto the holly-bunch for Ogilvie walnut Mac- Alpine.’ “ ‘ My niece,’ replied Badenigh, gravely, ‘ ‘ I did not. know you. Between our man- \ or and that of Dgncswfhe velley wu wide: I pn_);4.h..â€"n In UK .uu vol-v v. â€" .._-, anathema. ThowillofGodiIstnmz In twnkhmï¬undsflighhnd girl hu 8 right to come to the holy-bunch like a. nun Alter God, I thank you. Yuu thc,’ be continued in s voice chwgodLby emotion. - - - , I A» l’ ___- I“; I Wilma-aw... -_- fl who nobln Mty of her I lave 10015.1 bless you, my niece, and [w leuoddut the betrothed rdof my son shun lave the blood of my dau- wife in her veins.’ “I mounted the pretzy bone of May and '1th to use kthe pleof the home. You â€6.1th '31:â€nt utter 311. A lime: Ia made for Gdlia, but the bard Wed the mnur on foot, leaning unlely on the an} of ol_d Fanquhu'. , AA. ._.-A onbkg UH WU mu- m: vu- - ._1.V.. 7. “ Mary Mpine new; returned to the cadet»! Dunc-w, which boaxne An nben- dead can no longer lute, Ind ono annot lute the dead. In the Highland} no other mum exit of extinguishing a feud. “ Mnry Mpiue noon reigned u, n mvemign in the manor of Martiah. Be- tween the old hind sud his son. my friend Gillie was not the Wat due. May ; dean-ed amen!†ahuuld lad he! tu the altar in the uniform of the Black Watch. lie, with 'the ouneent of his ftlhel‘, beanie \ ; nondierof the Wan Dhu. ' ‘ “ When my hthcr came to the W for the wedding, we 1nd -nut seen ‘eieh other for two yea-a ‘ Be clasped nlze in hi- gmn. weeping. I Ind then who height, if not the agar, of n nun. The viyifying it of the monntpins had done ell that m wanible with flay poor constitution. I: an dmugenlhcle. Gillie in than; JG an ' “19W†)1th wed thatit would huebeenupity to taketho (anther 1mm Gillie’eeup to at. 1‘1: - ' - 7, ,u_ .4..: . xiémvï¬chm nobly ci sword. - Ho‘ul without Mtg soldier in thé'nnglinh army. I lï¬ul'ui . M d .mw â€at. : “But? for the “153., thodzy am the wedding Muy't'u'll m not Onyx-one. She said mGillio, “Wu with In! Bax he was slion, Inddid notwfl'erhitchwu tn hamndbydn uni-ouch!†young h} bewariwythc uni-ouch!†young 3er .V - ' '- .. - ,“ He enjroflm-juppinï¬. and then he left. The ya: after he returned an ensign Tbsâ€"many than“ made : barrister It Whit, he received in London hi- can!†a Captain. Bu- donigh. before dying. reconciled by the glory . 1' our myï¬v him colonel of the Black Watch. - “ And H3113 n" gt tint time an double Ira-n 3. She had done at um toflu mountdn: uuh‘ Wynn“ can mum nut Isl-Wrw__-’ 7,, tar Scott stopped“ baton. He mum he must be mist-ken, md hi- spectacles wen turned max. did, which Ina-Rod two houn 1M midnight. He colored 3nd r--â€"â€"wm â€Every one promoted. uni the main, frighwned at. the idn of losing the demoe- W, begged mostly for thewdof the W 3 . “ The buonet,†aid the beautiful duchels “bu just let. full t m which with! Well he the indiation of a. vicissi- tude. Dinnu"emonhuporhplbecomen widow.†wuuuvv . “ One should never many 0116’. 1:31:30, charming lady,†interrupted quickly the ultlnor .of Waurlty. “ That in u wellâ€" kuown precept, although it. in not found in ï¬ance. Thuxk haven my poor Gillie will live longer chm I I I opoka of Mary became Ibo us waiting for no at the Hotel Menu-ice. 1 un st Paris under the wing of Gila Lord'Ogilvie of Bodenigh. Vit- count More and Baron With, liar.- tenant-general, with amped-.1 dip- lomatic mission; m I think I told you thst lady May Ogilvie follovod the my. This will be, if yquhplgue2 ourdmmt, ,,' j _-..‘ an. other grade. and make Din. Vernon : cur-hart wife." ‘ . (Contributnd “Till Emma byJ. Lawton.) J mm 19. Cut thy baud upon the uteri for thou lshdt ï¬ndy it titer many d1y:.-â€"Ec.. 11.)... Fear no; _to_ given“) those who need, rear no: w ‘I'v w ...»~. .._- n , , Nor thigk 'twill nuke thy enmfom I.“ Upon the waters cut thy bread, So shalt thou make thy goods inquire cha 20. _ He (Int hath pity u m the Poor leuaew unto the Lord; uni t which he huh given will he psy him mâ€"Pmubc, xxx, 17. Hsvc pity on the helpless in distress, Withheld not that which will their wmtl singly; ' Do what on amt to nuke their cuter- inga less, ‘ " And heavenly W thou shalt gain on high. ‘ chuioe ever-«none. â€"I. Then. v.. w. Let not the sex-nuts of the Lord In grief and guinea: a nd their days, Not thus dï¬piu His bu y word Which bid. Hi: people amt hi. passe; Leg every saint with heart and foiee, t snd ewnnore rejoice.‘ ' ' Jun 22. I M130 to him but he shallnotrdtnrn to me.-n. Sunuvl. km. 23 Whnt if friend: an gone before To Cuun‘g happy land? I A‘, A -t.-_ l A. wvw- w _ put conï¬dence in mg. --Pulms,-cxv1u. , Cuu'd is 19. vhf: m injmen, Con. Ccnumb, Managing Direct†of the Sax-them Bdlway, was in (mm on Tuesday. He wan mmiewed with re- gu'd‘uv an excunion w Orilli: for the bene- ï¬t of the Mechmia' Institute, end wen-e glad to any that amazement: we in a fair fly of being “kid 'ly concluded for; “ride on the mile†sometime soonâ€"per- hspl the 8th of J uly.â€"Me¢ford Manutor. nunâ€"râ€" â€"_V Tux Accxpm ox run anmn.-â€"The evidence given a. the inquest held on the po 1: {allot ybo was killed in the yocidem amt befall WI circu- trsin near Ome- mee. Io vividly mun-tug the perils of uil-ny tnvplling. tint it is acirpriging dis- uwnu‘g amnion numerous. Aworn out ‘ ‘ 7â€") ‘_....5w “,4 m king'w â€I“... pun uw‘--.’ V , brought to the wag: o; (lath. 06¢ M- moot warthleu life Danton the long jour- ney. it come- out in evid'snoe flat. fhe outa heuvy box or (name-hing bodily lifted. Thu it w ever duly impvcud have been of long standing. The vendict, ' ' ' t .' tu mm, ieunmis- factory. The deluld Comps!) is ac- qui of blame rightly enough; at there is not even an mp: nude m ï¬x the re- quw'bility ‘on those who were mspomibh for the defective earsâ€"the Grand Trunk Comp-gay. It my be argued that cen- sure tnnld here had little weight. but if coroner’s junes were to perfurm their duties thomugLL‘ in end: aw. their re- preeentntiomxoqihi' not fail in time to produee theiquigga elect: much greater esre in reggd"yo everything connected with nilvny heyeï¬ing. The inmtigt- vae faith in Godâ€"Mark, XL, 22. Trust forever in the Lord, Never doubt his .pmciom word; All his proud-es as sure, And forever than endure. chl 25. ' ltiubebterootmstinthe Lonithmto n_-l_.- .mm'l R †1n TEEN-'9‘ w "“vIvavâ€"w , with nihny trading. The investiga- tion is dw unutidndory ‘in flat no at- tempc was made, sppu'enfly, to laced-in further psrticuhn concerning the ties the ° 'ver say: were on the tragic tln‘i side of Oglemoe. The inquest uhould not his beau closed tithont wanking en- W315???“ mch i1 0‘03 DAILY 33w. rams: 3| BER Allâ€. III! ISO Jun: 21. For him ‘0 16. mmaAmWM lug 911110013, Equcng, I-vaâ€"â€"â€" , . â€" Hï¬ï¬‚ï¬n mght‘ unzip-n In hymn. Maxi 3100? ‘0 ““399. (-f ï¬ve h2g3 Hemumdtomfltbocï¬. drop. and request-d to wading of the mice by his tenant. Pnyen over. the whiten! drum over the cplppt I. @113)†properly adjusted,th Can-other: launched into acuity}, um paws. vu any“... .._- r, , condemned man said “am? an air, word known to hu‘e on the drop orufwrhwingkfthucen. Luc In“! uc-u -"_, crime,tlnthehadno' 60am: his wife, but merely to quarrel with her, on the night of the murder, but the influ: ence ofli no land led him on to " 2i. denied to the his-vim; , ,1 . ’ ' die ï¬re. but admizmd the blbd yith tlie whip-M: Tu whiskey he‘ialid the whole mused hi , ‘ .L'_“_A._“- choc-n1: Tu whiskey 11819.“: mo ".9... w... -_ then unhwp: 1an W? i: .n .-.- untreated by; 150 life more and more in L AL- _._A 0:... Bucsnmcn is to ban s baby show, on the 24th of September. ' ' ‘ Swnnnlmo one’q enfl'ee ingenenll ï¬rst ltirriflgevem ofthedlya ' ’63. men men cannot be that. eats, with themselves or with the good. Yo}: hsve daily to. do with the devil. and prgtend to be {Wudygyï¬ Northd Bl'ewer‘ Tun Muskolm U1 ion or Ewpw 4.;- “hold ricultur’il 80% their utmost Show elt’Bz-dsdangemq’ the 24!}; of Septemher.’ ABOutw begiven inérids, ï¬nd it is , ,. . tlut'ihe fofllwoming show will fl any 5165. held an the Dimid. Or "all the umhngi that can inflict any communiiy'. , "u-avellingdoetor" is flu gnatest. He comes with all claim In the nlphabei his name. did nth. lot 0f oel‘tiï¬ as long I! your 'ufl, bearing testimony to his skill Ind contain inexperiencyd- ,4“. Uflnw of ‘Eowpibiv‘ “1.3183 Show 8::th Edsqytemher.†ABOutw :nénï¬ï¬, .nd it i! _ H, roam oh" Vin!“ _, Cramp“