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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 3 Jul 1873, p. 1

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6' Superior workmanship done at the )oves! po‘gsible prices for cash. ETER $11, ORILLIA. J AS. SHANAHAN, - Pfiopmon. CUSTOZ‘J Boat Shae Store ! ,' _-__ van...“ mdrvicxirxrty by all respectable dealers. Who] sale, apt! to dealers only. by e- 181-6113. which for yew has j well known in Ofiflia mendatien from us. fi" REMEMBER that the best is always the cheapest, as it will cover more ground and wear the longest. _ Be sure you get Lymarn’s Brass Label Brand! V V keé rs, and the public generallffievex‘z'r celebrated rand: of this article. Omcxafiouse of all Nations. 171-1y. WHITE LEAD 7 mm call the aftention of store. ”Pen, and the Ilublic renal-311v. fn nnv A9 3 gunman? Tailor’s Tfimmings, Gentleman’s Furnishings, Sc. Cloths; Tweegs, Tobe delivered at the Mill for which the highest price in Gish will be paid. A. TAIT. WILD «Y DARLING, .39? Sale in Orillia! he Subscriber is prepared to furnish any quantity of W'hite and Red Brick and Tiles of any size at low prices. Orders by Mail will receive prompt attentic :. GEORGE DRAKE, 20th Mav. 187 2. Beavertan. P.O BRICK and TILE YARD This Hotei is 1m- ge. neatly furnmhu'! and always guppliefl with the choicest Wines. Samp 1e and suite rooms for Commercial Travellers and visitors Donna) onwx, By Royal Authority! OriIIia. Feb. 26th. 1873. Cir 200 Cords Hemlock Bark wanted imme- diately, for which the highest price in cash will be pad. 8. WAINWRIGHT, Cash paid for Hides, Kip and Calf Skim, and Tmow. BASS ‘WOOD LOGS QTEAMBOAT STAGE HOUSE, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS. SHOEM AKERS‘ FINDINGS, c., ORILLIA TANNEE?! mm 3120 WHOLEALE DEALERS IX FAST HORSES WM. JACKSON, - PROPRIETOR. Livery Stables ! TORON 1‘0; ONT. ixits Ofillia regularly on the 16th. 17th and 18th of each month. Good sets of Teeth at $16.00. 0566. at Dr. Sanderson’s. 23.3. â€"A good opening for a student. Barrie, J ulv 23rd, 1872. 142. \‘K EVAN S, BARRISTER, AT. TORNEY-AT-L.1W,Solicibor 111 Ch“. ccry Conveyancer. hoary Public, Com .3030: for taking Mdafits, c W Enquiin: a: any of the Hotels. D 1i: and vicinity, that he has setded' m 01'- i In, for the practice of hm profession, and that he will be happy at _a.]1 tunes to attend to any mefor which his services may bereqnired. Grillia. Aug. 10th. 1371. “MAN, BROTHERS 8: 00., Toronto Orrinâ€"Next door to the “ OriIIia. House,” formerly occupied bv A. Fowlie. All Orders by mail will receive promptstten. flowâ€"Address. Box 57. Oman. P. O. 1%. F W. ARMSTRONG, (Successor to AfFowKo. P. 11.8.}. Provindal Land Surveyor, W. Civil Engineer and Architect Vahmtor. Lani and General Agent. Maps compiled. Dispufr ed _Line.9 carefully adjusted. AUCTION EER. Wanted Immediately, R. WM. BROWN, Provincml land Surveyur, and Mr. Arthur G._‘R0binao formerly Government Civil Engznqeg an Architect, have opened an office a: Gun». J. ALPORT, Accountant, Arbztzja. . tor, Vdnator, Land; Insurance and General Agent. Orillia. Ont. Guruâ€"Masonic Buildings. KKKâ€"Rents and dcggconected. Orinia, June 5th, 1872. 135 GRAVE)? HURST. RED. J. R GRANT, COW. ANGER, c., kc. Valuator for the Can Id. Permanent Building Society. Orin-n». Ont. AMUEL 3. ROBIKSON.SOLICITOR, ndXotary Public for the Dominion Bank, cam; Conveyancer, c. Money Lent..â€" Commissioner for taking Affidavits. ‘ VETERI. 'A R Y SURGEON, £68 to inform the inhabitants of Orfl‘ Mordmtobe .eftatS. S. Robinson‘shw H'W'm"; :5": Ame $513"; 5013' w’ on in Chancery, Convmncg: (:. , . Ones-In Masonic Buildings MM W. .D. EDGAR F. FE)TOX, . ECORBOULD.‘ AND GOOD CONVEYANCES. OFFICEâ€"Next doorto the “0ri11iaHoma,” or 3% his residence; after ofice hours. Ohm:â€"-Over new Dominion mm MATCHEDASH STREET. c. H. BOSANKO, L. D. s., MONEY TO LEN'D; W EST ST., ORILL 1A4 DGAR. FESTON CORBOUED. BEAVERTON ALW'AYS 0X HAXD. a quantity of Lusiness Earhs. H. LAWRENCE, held the lead, and is so > as to require no recon. graftsSinufl gang. J. SHANAHAN. Pxommron. Proprietor Representing Tnos. Rvs_sm.r. Son, By Appflfizztment. “ Makers-t6 the Queen,” 1754!, LoxDox 42m Iazymoon. We hereby appoint Mr. J. B. 2730mm, Watchflmker, “ Sole Agent” for the sale of our Russm. WATCHES, as well as of the Lozmrxz “'AI'CH, of which we have full- control from the manufacturers, for the Dominion. Any others selling or pmport- hag tosell the above-named watcheag in Gril- lia, have no authority“ do so, and we an» tion 'fltc public against b-ugfing from any A. W. RUSSELL , DAVIDSON, @- Every attention will be paid to busi- ness entrusted to Mississaga and Peter Streets‘ rMontreal Telegraph 00., Vicker’s Express 00., Canadian Express 00., And General Agency, CORNER OF ,fi -_- .â€" .. n“. pricé of Flour, and has phi down the (in 4 ms. Loaf to 12 cents. A nice Masottment of Cakes. Pastry, and Confectionery suitable for this season and all 88850115 . W. L MILLER, Aanxr. Orillia, May 8, 1872. T. DUN LOP’S Orillia, J anuary Ist, 1872. BestBreadinTown Only 12 cents, $9” REMEMBER. THE PLACE. 1 Mr. D. McKinIay’s building, on West Street, a. few doors south of Colborne Street. DINNER for l5c., 3.5.; 'Q‘ Clean and respectable Vehiclesxg TEA or COFFEE. DUNLOP 13 determined to give his . cystnmers the_ benefit _of the fall in the A GOOD CUP Griiiia Fruit Depot partment of one dollar and upwards, upon which interest will be allowed: payable half yearly. Office hours, 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. Sat- urdays, 10 a.m. till 1 pm. H . S. SCADDING, ‘“ .- A SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT has been opened, for the accommodation of mechanics and parties wishing to deposit small ampupts. quosits taken in this De~ FROM 11 A. M., TILL 3 P. M. Corner of Mississaga'and Peter Streets. Enquire for them at the nearestdmg-v _.,. ‘ gist’s, if not procurable there send for OLD and American Currency, drafts them by post to Barrie- I on New York, Bills of Exchange, and 1 United States currency, bought and sold, â€"â€"~â€" Drafts issued on all points in Canada. Interest will be allowed, at the rate of $1 “rill Pf nure 5 l)a(.ka¢yes. four per cent. per annum, on Special De- ‘ 5‘ posits remaining three months. Special arrangements can be made for moneys 113- V â€" maining over that time. 161-tf. «mm HE Subscriber has 0 ned a. for the purchaser 1nd 9 of Horses, and will always have a large number to dispose of. Parties wishing to sell or purchase Horses win do well to can and leave their commissions With him. He has also commenced the miningof Quits, 3:0 which he would invite the attention HORSE BAZAAR. HE Subscriber hm; opened; 32;. for the purchase an! sale of Horses. an (Opposite the Besidenoe of J ames Sanso ‘ Esq., Front Stgeet, Orill‘m'.) n CARD. GOOD HORSES ! VOLUME I“, No. l9l. DOMINION BANK: TIN DLE’S YOU CAX GET MINTHORN’S BLOCK. AT THE 0F 'for the sale of well as of the '5 we have full turers, for the mg or purport. “WW. in Gril- o, and we cau~ ring from an 'A I L...'r n 1 65. R. AJANES. 1 01min, March m, 1873, Planing and Shop Work done on reasonable terms, : By improving the present and intro- ducing new Machinery, Messrs. JANES Jr, BUDD will be able to execute work of all kind: on the shortest possible notice. Good-and Seaséned LUMBER win he used invmannfacturing, therefore the pub- lip can rely on the wor . BLINDS, CASINGS, Architraves, Eaveti'oughing, etc..etc. Planed or Unplaned, BILL STUFF of all lengtbsSssizes SHIN GLES, LATHS, DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS. Builders and Manufactur- ei's of all kinds of J ANES 8.: BUDD, - Pnopmmons, COUCHICHING Savalaning Mill _ -V. .uum a? Work Shoii, next door to Dodge Cole office, Mismssagap Street. EWING MACHINES repaired in first- class 1e. Meerschaum and other Tobacco Pipes fe ed and repaired with neatness and despatch. Attention paiq tolight repairs of all kinds. Sewing Machmes and Needles «if all descriptions kept cons‘tantly i9 sgock. -\‘ “r, I n1 LUMBER DELANY TROLLING BAI ’1’! F. J. DEL 05mg. Februanr 4th. 181'3. Prepared and for sale, VVholosaIe, by C. H. KERMOTT, Enquire for them at the nearest store where Medicines are kept; or send to Ban-- tie for them. One (1011:11- will procure hm hoxes of the Pills and three of the Pmulers. FOR TESTIMONIALS SEE PAMPHLETS! @msmifih Shim 3 PRICE-25 CENTS PER BOX! ‘ and are entirely vegetable. In obstinate cases of Dyspepsia. the Pills should be taken with the Powders, full directions accompanying each box. In doees of one or two, they are alterative, in larger doses Cathartic and Anti-Billious, always restor- ing the healthy function of the body. Those who have once used them will not consent to have any other kind whatever. MILLS-Near N O MINERAL POISON H ave given entire satisfaction where they have been used. They possess For Sale by DR. SLAYER, 0:111:19» Manufacturer of the Celebrated GUN SMITH. KERMOTT’S Dyspepsia Powder: 3 v.._‘, _..v. 1“-“ Univ Wrinus Physicians that wme within their reach, without re- ceiving any benefit, have been entirely cured by taking one Box of these.Powders. (rm-hm) Have been unparalleled inlthe cure of Dyspepsia, and general disordersof the Stomach and BoweIsâ€"persons who have been afilir‘ml for years, and tried the ORILLIA and prompfii Asylum. 23 Cents. IA]! Kinds of Goods J OS. BUDD‘ ist. Barrie, Ont. Damn, 0x1: show- oval-$100, 000. 00 WWW protection to Canadian ~holden. $3:in OFFICE far ch. Dominion of Cu:- mm Ontuio. 1m. 1’. MURRAY, 4M FARM}: RS ‘ Insure Property INTHE ’ Agricultural :nsnrance Co.- ' EAVE~TROUGHIN G done in amperi or manner; and every description of work in his line manufactured to order on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. 6 A call will satisfy you that he is determined to sell at prices that cannot be beaten. ages. I! GROCERIES’ {I Now is your time to bTIy your Stores and Stove-pi es, Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Japan are, st prices that will atonigh COOKING STOVES, BOX AND PARLOUR scrovzs, and an mortment of Shelf HARDWARE. Stock Complete ! All in want of bau'gains in Stoves and Tinware, should CALL EARLY ! and additions in his business, has de- termined to sell his present stock at, and in some cases far below, coat prices. Orillia, 26th March. 1873. Being about to make Extensive Alterations ! D. PHILLIPS 5.71.007! 0/12’8 820122. Q“ Call and see for yourselves that we sell our Goods cheap. SELL FOR CASH! WE ORILLIA, ONT” CANADA, THURSDAY; and thus effect a large saving. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, c. Parties m want of bargains can accommodated by us, as NISSISSAGA STREET. A FULL STOCK {'Pace Mai‘ PACE MAIN. DRY GOODS, F0]! CASH ‘ “ My darling child !" cried Aunt The". l She stnightened her tpechcles and lopked fixedly at Christine. The ad, “taut, out eyes were perfectly-me. “Well, my 2600, since you no no thoughtful, I will canteen I would like you tostay at n . “0h Apntie," said Christine. with sud- den, mom-any] qualms, “ yon hove always given up to we in this In. , haven't you 1 Oh, I am an ashamed. Do tell me for once that you rap} me to do. . ‘1‘- She t tllzae day pnttin man little thing: gen“ er. “Aunt grungy" said Christine at Inner. " grin: do you want to do this evening I” “ Why, my rim,” rpplied Aunt Than, in her and brisk, submissive formula, “uything that you you to do. The om? -V _....â€"... "cu, u. (want ma whether I'm happy this In: month or I But I wish I couki do something fit to dog}, beforg 1_go.’ _ kept him. But she was a jealoh‘i, extct- ing, Wonhipping woman. Their engage. ment ended in a tempest. Christine was just young enough to wish violently for delth. Until the old fellow meobligingly and stand her in the face that lovely mofigng‘ e1 glad she ‘ m not positiv y toseeynu” said; “its a little odd. And I’ve been in the hsbit of living. But I'm not sorry. 090' mollthl Well, it dosen't matter v- v“- umvl' tunatel -made girl. They were lovers in a few ours. Dartlhadoy that vanity which aboilsthe fgscumtipg nun; End 03.-.“-.. Iâ€" ~ - Christine 7,- _. -â€"â€"uu. Christine Dent had owned a lover, and now owned him not. mu reach the core of the matter). She score: of old notes, breathing vows warm enough to search the utinp: signed by her “ de- voted Dartley.” onldn’t she remember how they used tab set-her heart a-bcating till it nearly. bunt? Couldn't the rememâ€" ber. tho, how her love waxed while Darb- ley'n med 7 They met in Washington. He had at ones seized gray over the unfor- A..- - A _v_ 7 W..- - v . -uw uuvulnlu “B. V But Christine Dent, with her weak-h, her beauty, her “ mole,” hadnot been happy. Some of rapture had been hers, which eft her miserable because they didn’t last. She had entered the worldâ€"â€" not for the pursuit. of hagpinoa; that pri vi- lege isgumnteed to t e meanest of her countrymen, but for the purpose of catch- ing md‘retaininz happiness. She couldn’t ‘ do it; consequently her life stood for 1 nothing._ It_wu 1 failure. People said Christine Dent had every- tlr'ng in the world to make one happy. She was an heiress, cultured; much sought unto; had an indulgent motel-nu aunt for guardian ;n beautiful establishment; the hnd spent seasons abmadflnnd in the Cupi~ tal {she was herself a thing of beauty; how tune’s bosom, borne tenderly to the' door of Haven, and handed in I Wealth in a. beautiful advantage. We don'tneed dear Charles Lambs wond to convince us that “ exhilarating cox-dials, books, pictures, the opportunities of seeing foreign coun« tries, independenceâ€"hearts ease, a man’s own time to himself, are not muck, how. ever we may madame by that appellation thefaithfulmetsl‘t‘hatprovidesthemfurus.” Dun InuA-J -, more than a score of luxurious years. However, we all remember the fable of the old man who fell down and called on Death, and rose again, “ to explain,” when D‘eathfap He looked apprehensively at her. His sentence dewloped no alarming symptom. The Doctor fullowed her to the door, cau- tioning and scathing; puther into her wait- ing can'iage; blinked up into her still smil- ing face, all solicitude for her; sighed. sneezed, and could not put the matter out of his mind until the next patient sp- peered. Christinedmve tothe Park. Shemted <‘ to breathe. It: undulating greenueu J mckherlikea. pang. “ Thisistheearth,” should, “ and I must leave the earth in a. month." Yet Christine Dent had told her soul a great many timesthat she wished the were dead. She hated life. Her un- happy temperament hail‘beaten against it mm 6!...“ - --»â€"~ “My dear young lady,” dmned Dr. Mercury, tapping his glasses on his thumb nail, “ it would be better for you not to know it ; but since you so detcr~ mincdly insist, I will say mdidlyâ€"I do not think your lease of life extends beyond amonth. You may die my moment. According to natural laws, you annot nun viz-s 15.7:qu the time I named.” ~ w â€"â€" urn-- ion. Miss Dent #0091)“ his opinion as the oracle. She knew the flaw that was in her race. He had medall her family gently out of the world. He: tum must. come. Yet, “ To man, all men an: mortal exgept himself. " ~v.v muv , "(ivw _â€"- W of the study; the morning sun threw a broadside in at the other. He stood with his back to the north, she with her back to the loath, while he pronolgneed his pain- IC:.. 15-»; _ , Mite Dent stood to receive her death sentence. She could notiit still and ntch Dr. Mercury rub his glasses and deliberate. His Putty Pooh occupied one whole aide Wliich mdlfindfififiz’é -.- Appears a it does ceaseless‘ rave, And mg): with dread to rhyme. cc- _ ‘ 'nvâ€"iII-V u Which abundant éénh my 135i And o‘er theocean’e wide ex Where commerce floats in proud advance, And nought e’er intervene. the glance, Rigel): in storm the eurgigg nve _ 3‘1 ,A , II On which Misgréipéhfiww Othsrg see? algae for 1119mm '3 coil , -_ r-...-â€".v r‘D-v, And undisturbed by man, h“; In Thmughchangingtimedoenmootblyglide, W “- While pbftest uphyn fen. And o’er the fields of man’s domain ,‘110 '5.“ ‘ Whom inntizte «mice seek: for gain, u’8â€"‘10' Where labor there with constant strain of m “I K changing ev “tied scene The tho mm mu: inurzgyto toil ’ over her Awaken to view the wevy green, 157°“ ‘ And work among the soil; stun-no, 333d m And on the city where state] pride ' 59° Dow ever in wealth alone eoifide, Ma‘- And oontia'nus poverty deride, ‘ “ Oh, C W]: re aomeaoek thefmjtsof (get-clean] toil , piee‘tgilei 6 m _.I__'_I_ Al -3” no .312?wa the. trauma?» ‘ ' " " Whflelight is ga ering in the skies, Which o’er variad scene tx-iumphut flies; Where nature live. in pristine pride, A-J ___ 23-1,_,a ‘ u let tha Inn's hmmndent aheen rat on each luxuriant scene; Raul-fies. tad bmolrs md vgnhgt green; 1“!“ countless gem, winch lean , a... coma Itch. ‘ Bo hia’den :3 ha «glendan hem Ll3_1~_,, omoden a his a 1 mwfinm ghe game imam. ONE 30m. Enwun J on. Invo Tums, _‘.-7 , , , -â€"_.â€"- _ : um: rune, mm the W gunmen, after oondugiing the iufiarviu, “that I ever aw a woman sac-"dice W. to maul Median.” Her month uncrit- clouo. Yet how evenly, mlynhehem thmbbed. Was it really thymus fountain Dr. Mer- ‘ T' “ Now don’t, my dear Miss Dent,” cried the excited gentleman, seeing her fold her Jam‘s and cut down her eyes. t‘Don't give up ! A pittance-s mere pittance may be awed, but it; wise to expect the worst." - Christine thong-ht of he:- dmppmntod‘ ' heinzyétnocoof flaunts-min Walt. Of the bemfifdphn shah“! made for her poor Thatch“; yet somebody cine would1 take that up. ‘fI’m ‘W’f-he aid, “forthe ft- 3. 1873. gage The Image: of her petty called on her one morning ' y after breakfast. He brought bad news. Two busines- hou'ses by! failed, involving whole com- munitiel In their ruin. Her fortune was ' Every one laced t'nt fiber-gran a. clam nbout Christine Dent u that time, which d3!!- even women to her. _ We _--_-.....-.,. Christine found her world had changed with herself. She discerned sterling principles in msny whom she used to dis- trust sad despise. The little vanities and jealonsies of society bloke againsther like gossamer. She was a. woman who us go- ing tndie. She stood in more than one great. drawing-mom, eating her earnest, true eyes about, wishing she could resch‘ her arms and cry. “ 0h, friends. knowing ‘ more of our hnmsnity, I love the best of every one of you. 1 Irish 1 could nuke you 3 little hl‘ppie! before I go. " She nw Cousin Rhods untried. and took one or two little di into such fes- tivitiea u there were. e are soqial, nod put fmm‘uur kin'd_mlucta_n_tly. _ 7 nLng- _ r “ Why ."’-â€"the thought strTxck her sud- denly one 'dayâ€"“I'm happy! It didn’t: nuke my difl'erenoe whether I was happyl‘ or not yet I never wu as In. py mm; life before! Thisia:beautifulfuti monfh !” ,,V-_-..â€" Iâ€"vwvâ€" vuv to them. The Wt of her day: were mlove. “I woxider if I feel a little as Jesus Christ felt toward people, " she niedi- A-A-j , , .7. .â€" vuwn â€"'VIIJ van-UV", w WHO“ witin money and her pure pink fingvn, the repulsive palms of half ahve wretchen; to speak companionnbely to those who are apemte bee-use lost. Her heart was on : level with__them. It: cupenbs flowed out L A- Amgngvthe visitor: who noticed thispic» ture was Dudley. He stopped to stud‘y . it. “St. Agnes!” That’s Christine Dent: ’ face, yet it isn’t her face either. When ‘ did you find your model?” he asked of the painter, who hovered neu- like a sepqy an???“ “3891 ' i _ "-wo -“ur sting about tint look. I say, what’s your price for this picture 1. Christine did not leave at the end of the week; she would give one more week to the work. As she want her ways, street beg- begm to take t stock in her.â€" gf: who had lmhm unwashedmould r9? to talk Wit!) filthy children; to touch “It i. Christine Déiii's“'i:§3€£ered pm, ley under his moustache. “ Rather a sol- fish stint! But tbe're’s 'somethingfucin- -A:__ 41AM; n 1 ‘ “lfound'her in the roam of a poor family, nursing a. sick child. I Itudied her {we without her knowledge. ” “Y5 :- l‘I.-:-o:..4. 11-..; a” _A._A.,, u n stairs, caught an inspiration which he called “Agnes,” carried it up. put it on canvas, and had opportunity soon after of hanging it or} _exhibit:ion. [ An artistâ€"unfortunate tabâ€"whof bur- mwed in the same great warehouse with these Germans, went up and down the stairs. Everashe passed, he turned an appreciative eye on the picture'theix- opened door showed him. Onetwilight, uChris- tine soothed the behy on her knee, she saw the eveniixg stu- between the roofn.-â€" ; While she turned her rapt, sweet, resigned face upwmlg, the artist pend on the “I with I had three ycanto live instead of three weeks," she whispered over the feven'sh'Gormm baby. “80 many to be taken are of in just the very places where there is no eye to pity ch no an to ave." ‘ ........ râ€"'"' vâ€"v v“ . - ‘1‘:th [1 Dr. Mammy 1w! hamd’iz, he would give prescribed sudden death for her, amino. tux-oi! bxoxiqdz-y 9f grace. tu b03332 gt once,”'uid the pn'uid'i'n Ind . “ It will be Mist Tuin’l turn nextgw and she is seriously indhyooed.” “I ‘ill take her place,’ said Christine. S” she went to spend dnyn and nights nursing a Gamma family, who lived in a. pastilcnt pu-t_of_th_e cigy, >1 dam say, if -- -v- “vâ€" Chaxtine- preseahéi her-«1i More the Society, and was glufly received. “ You was Just in time: MiquDent, i‘f_you‘w_ish L,. L__:_ A ‘ fimfim Winger of e310”- ta e or ' , ough geve liberally to then Bonnie. she nervously shhurred whet the celled the “ goody- goody, Dorm type of woman.” She turn] ‘ ed on herself in aux-prise, when she found that self had formed 1 sudden desire to enter 1 sisterhood of which tom of her ac- queintanees had told her. It comprised uninly, young womenof lociety. with time and money “their disposal. Each in her appointed week hid ofl‘ the pompe end vanities of this wicked World, end went wing age poorest poor _to nerve them. of me, too. The though om hm- ohm I ‘ “ 0h, cumin. you hue undeme thehsp- ‘ pieetgirlintheworld. Two thousandâ€"two whole thcnsnd dollar- for a. wedding gift ! We dun owe our homeâ€"where we begin our lives together-to you.” Christine here crushed the tremulous red mouth ageing: hex-cheek. end curried the happiest girl in the world into her own spatmente, there to devote three precious hour: of he: eliggiqg life to plans for mother’s bliu. Next naming Rhodzthmfuplthe can; shim pit-.tmg' vi : us ing w i would o’uuuz her own life. She found Christine done, and reached out tumbling Lg“)- insâ€"durum I hopeRhodawillthink of me, too. I dun’t hue my weapon.” Thethou thurthertilltemgmh' omhercghheeks. “Nd; “only his-dry, but; very worthy young mm.” Christine left the room, and went up to its: .vfrifing desk. She found: bhnktnd i_... .7. v vvâ€"uvâ€"I’I.‘ ‘4 fl. 3‘;pr h £122.“.- 6m “ N0; Jan 0’11? his "11:7. but a. van “cumin “When In: dud," the thought on 9 89m, “Ayn; Thus: will miss me; c!" thecu-di one cent pgatage Etupbf'fhe poohgemmtbepfiepud.“ Amofrpd , moi nr fingernul manual-v Mien ihe'a'rd 3 E MR. E. B. Eddy, of Hull, Q“... 1117.:er : engagedin the lumber trade on the Ottawa, and also proprietor of one of the most up tensivo {nation Mimi-3e. on this con- tinent. has called smeatingofhhweditors. 11m Militia m bony. ' Ax snide ha buddedto the myhtiombstwfiCmndz and the United , mpmfi ing “a interuhmgeof - deautprqplidntooftio mg; full to their datum in either country, mpmwbembyltfixinifo 65.. M“: nâ€"A “-4 _AAAV _._.__.â€"_, m., 2. Lord, with the pmphet we took! ray, Revive Thy work in this our day; 9 The Church, alas! but hglf alive, Thy spirit needs, 0 Lord revive Thy work; Th Spirit now import. m fill and gear each longing heart. ' . ' ” JULY 9. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, consider your nytâ€" Haggai, 1., 7. My ways, 0 Lord, are known to Thee, Thou dost my every action see, Oh, Show them Lord to me; May I consider well my ways, And my the Wot my dag-s Be spent alone for Thee. meé: 'He trough?!“ goâ€"the ban acting house, and his banner over me was owe.â€" Solomon’l Song, 11., 3, 4. JULY 7. Isatdown nnderhinshuiowwithgmt delight, and his fruit was. ”feet to guy fg-fn - “A L‘A.._I_4 _. - L . Jan 5. Thmsaith theLond, cursedbetheman ‘ that trusted: in man, and naked: flesh his arm, and whose hurt deputeth from the Loniâ€"Jeremiah, xvzx., 5. Ti: vain to trust in dying man. OronInu-mof fleshbosta For dust returns to dust again, And :11 things eathlv pan any. J Inf 6. Theythattmatinthe Lorduhallbeu Mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but sbideth foreverâ€"Palm. ML. 19. 9 Beneath the shadow of Thy Church, Saviour, I bin would dwell; Then; 311-11 oohuming sunbeam scorch Co: tempest: me mail. Seéure from every hellish foe, May I, Thine honored guest, Daily Thy love god tgvor know, And on Thy bounnes (out. JULY 8. 0 yard, revive thy work-Esbakkuk. Thus saith the Lord, let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty mmglozy in‘hia might, let not the rich mglory in his richea.â€"Jer., m, 23 (Contribuhd toTnx Exmsrrox byJ.Lawaon.) J cm 3. Blessedbe the Lord. who daily 1044611 us yith 1:031:36“,ng the God of our sal~ V ,V_-_-_ “urn", nun-nu, “71.11., Help me accord to Thy word, To trust alone in fines, 0 Lord; Thu like Mount Zion firm and sum, From evil I mydwel! secure. “ But," my her friends, “ Mu. Du-tley has the happiest faculty of getting a life- time out of every day.” They do not know she learned her luppy faculty by having to squeeae n lifetime out of a. monthâ€" Wood': Hmhold Maga- Inv- 9 “Sit down,” breathed Christine; “don’t y mdmllfetoo den-to mgl want?» see . clearly end coolly {or your: oeke. Do you .knowI’mgoingto die? Itwoaldbetoo L eelfishtoloeeptend bindyou tome now. . I only wmtyou to hemydm, deal-friend for a. little while. And, believe me, I will be as close, a helpful s friend to you for. cocr,uthe Makerwill let me be. Dr. Mercurytold .nethirty dtye ._ that I “ Zounds! Dr. Memory 3 Wlut right had he to set bounds to your life? And you believed him 1 I’ll prove him a quack 1‘ have your remaining life into my hinds.’ Now whether-this young woman’s heart learned to oomport itself peacefully during ‘ that month, or whether Dr. Memory nude 4. “alight 'milteke in time,” which even ‘ the wisest scientist may do, or whether the lizlwility to sudden death was not as great in lxerbody as it had been in other bodies of her bloodâ€"she ntill lives. 4nd :- her ' hem enhrgee, and learn: the pulse-beat 7 of humanity better. it may do service to 3 green old ege. ~ - “ Rue ” --.. L‘_ :4,_ x u u- _ ,- Howgoodflxc Lord huboentome, While on' lifa’n tailbone to“; His blessings. 0 how rich and free, Daily on me bestowed! » JULY 4. He crushed hex-like l but“ He was pleading, at this moment. when she would turn his thought from her. lest her, deneshould 1» s bitumen. to him. MA- OUR am? BREAD. ”r" be happy. 1)) x 3:; Never flied: a. ham 3 a; Behappymhyfu! “is, v-d again: The plenty of fresh air only mbeatthedmrchfiro.“ to: earlier than usual. “Katheryn, first served,” is the principle on did: the free- aeat system worlgdmd if the member: of u funily cannot n room to sit together it is simply the fault of their on Moon; in not coming to Church in good timeâ€"V Cor. (French Herald. ‘ ' Stamenfiounus. â€"-Dmrfriend, where- ever you go, see to it tint you do not go may from yourself. At home, in the church. in society, wanna a f ' ‘ f as wen u exjpymmt. You do J: J13 merelyto takccomfort and pleasure in the good things of life. Then when you my into the country, away from home, any- where, near or far, let your light co shine " that others may rejoice in it. The mat side of people teens to be turned outside, when they go from home. They ere , tobe impatient,fcetful, had tobe l exactinzflault-fimfing.‘ and > _ f ‘ ywbué “ bosniinginthe‘mntry,” ox , ‘ ‘ they are pm tot-loo aim m - wires that they never show at home. 1: in better to carry kindness and patience, and good humor everywhere he blew-canon of o gentle temper. of ' ly words, and good deeds, wood you. In; every circle, in social life, in dress. equip- age, habits in the duties of religion. on the Sabbath in: in the wee‘kiuiflyon are a you w: o “pagans o, In ; therefore, ifyou are :01:de beg that you will do as: Chriafiuoughthdo. of the ' .a- sac-4,: be up”; ‘1): m3“ sad-«5 Never-speak: Mhmflbfi"; fiehnppyphyIan-aoymem mom dwnyg, and agunl' any like plenty offvesh air-naked _ mercies. - How can wayio thew ‘ ind indifferent, “Come jail: with}: na'fin m worship of God,” if an we'can 060? than; is apmonizingoornerofonrown pew, or. an out-of-cight oubof~hearing bench made: a dark gallery, or, worse than fill, is seat on one of those prettier): pews he ': ally for W . w y “I’free 1m nib whammy“; as: spec: would allow himeelftobe treated it} this coatemptuously Making Innâ€"u it must seem to himâ€"a eee'qnd age; If we want to draw all men to Ohm-t, we must throw open oanhurdxea to 811.,[id13 out making invidiaea was» once: ofany kind, In them o‘L God, we mmt Iree sightofallsoeial '_ ‘ cinctions : entering His home, moat, not claim privileges oggehebovmt'éfirer, o: arrogate to curse vet ta w ‘ w. deny to othem Free seats do not necessarily involve any breaking up of families, or the separation of friends. If a number 0‘ friends desire to‘sit tegetlzer‘, they! have. . “'2me Fuxnx. -â€"There in imp; wisdom in the W'- Ins-er asked whyhe womao ' mm than appears on: due no“. “Shun.”- he said, “ whatever will keep out the will keep out the heat. " This saying might, be profitably applied to the custom of wear- ing very light undemlothiugâ€"or' none Q l1:11.16 ILuring warm weather. It is in: more e t y to wear fie #1616093- the year round; inning: thin-taxi might be lighter, but‘wool u: any time u better to wear next the body than silk canton. The reason is that flannel inst sudden changes-of them -~ figflteekin, bemujl , { ._ f ‘tlze Boa] rifle it w ' heat from without; it conveys the water 06 perspiration to its outside while the intact surface is kept drier. The safest mleietd wear white woollen flannelnext the akin all theyearroundmhaghg thethickneq about lst June to lighter quality and re; sumingnthe beevier make about In Novena: bet. éFauourfl'q. uwu wux mm mmere ya: “ no 1; rock ” The finnnt alum nuthe aboekofthe no: meat He :ctnrned home and and solemn. -Frc¢ Pm; Am. 15 2:0: Gone mu Guianaâ€"A few days ago a fumerame toOttan from up the Gatinem, and went immedintdyin mrch ofadoctaz, I'hu j: Ionetln'ngof geologist. Hi: Wfi annual- were «was; that He ' 1% important matter weighing on his mind. He found the doctor, end metal hill; with a piece of rock conte'mingsome sht- tering particles, and asked him if “ that mu t gnld," and before the doctor could ‘ reply or give an opigion, the outed fume: ‘ launched into a general description of the country where he hag found It) the rich- ness of the reins, flmweifih QW bring him, 3.1:de by ‘ ' ' minutely how it had hitherto heaped die: cover-y by other persons. l‘lte . 39¢ waited patiently until he had finish and then told him thelje was “ no gold in that : pm'u' 13.38:"L'ITTCW‘ km; '33" $33.73 w: it is hoped, and co dim"?! the nof such a W.- outâ€" "8‘3 this the W m aistanoe of the expire causality all have m inter-min pmflecting the rainy from the tackles-m Indies cinch ”ohm An outrage of tint Wanna betoo strongly condemned, Jolt.“ , track or engine . cumqoe of 31m charm:- of B? track. by placing ties on the nib. Ella-ca 99le b the fiends was near ‘ may! " “It ,' W station; AW ? ” of timber an; chi o’clock, fortunately atmodontupeed:ud only; the front wheels of the engine m thrown 03'. But slight deity m occa- sion‘ed; and no damage m done t9 citing ‘On boudtheateamer. dim gy a: could be desired. Capt. M00 and II- sktants did all in theirpowerto render the trip Warâ€"NW Era. Unsung-me m WJ‘RACLâ€"A dutudl and paramncaeuful attempt "3 m e, Thursday morning [kg was. inst. to throw a Midland handling, “and. L- ..I_ 4‘ _ A: A food. It: afloat!» «Emma; pmivefomeofnins and the trend o£ lgmnsndoflgoruimlqandloochm With dto aid, the armor“ ‘30: Man cultivate-camels, :0an condition uwhq: £01m meat in not ownfiveâ€"fim'm’ Um, g agar“ ‘ ' j and apri- it: q 7 -u‘ 50110“ from a; ’9;ng my n . Wlmnghint to acme ofonrmlefipo‘wz noticed 1 gentleman f west the citygm m wuu "MKWofpowder. no , it ismeflmdremedy, butahouldbe "W“:Ifmflympsmmbsrkoffia f God," ifdl We'cu: ofl'e? nizing corner of our own put, on: sight out-of~heering bench nude: Jlery, or, worse thu; 3.11, g, out those prominent pews kamâ€" W4 and loamy». ho .a‘a Wih‘ in mg g 4., Id allow himselftobe treated jg; mptuously patronizing wenâ€"u 2m to himâ€"a second time; 1% o draw 31111102: to Chant, We Tn “Mué'ufdndiye W _LL_A,

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