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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 3 Jul 1873, p. 2

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Hardware: Must GOOII! “ THE BIG ‘Little Giant Desperate Havoc Down Prices TO SUCCESS HEWING Hardware. Slaughter, THE BRANCHES OF ALL HARDWARE THE [NEW Lopping ofi‘ HAS TAKEN HOLD 0? Opposition, SLASHLNG Fearful OFTHENEWFIRM up 18 muuxa Look Ear AND, MAKING STORE ! NEXT WEEK. -HIS WAY- -â€"ANDâ€".â€" AT GOOD ' lately; MEETILVU.â€":L mun w u. ...v .___. i an ad Shreholéus a» Tangy-Doe nan. wmumldinmnaMon “day, A». of Julv- at ham-mt 7 o’clock, p.13» A. OFFICE TO RENT, "‘ Apply to THOS. H, A iniely, for sale. ms 060:. prom ‘nd‘ ying 102 m I Apply a Tax ‘xrosm: 06¢:- d ' Ammey-ac-Law. Solicitor ‘ Conveyancer, Notary Public, kc. ‘1 Small Home md Lot. m ‘ short disturce of tun A 7.4.. an: ac Onllia. on FRIDAY, the ELEVENTH day of JULY. next, at. nne o’clock. p.m.. to receive statements of his afiairs and to appoint an In the matter of G. M. WILSON, of Oril- lia, in the County of Simoc, and Pro- rimof Ontario, Trader, Ax IXSOLvnx'x-z THE Insolvent has made an assignment of his estate to me. and the creditors are requested to meet at. his place of business, in .\,,‘1:- .. wThAv the ELEVENTH dny INSIDLVEST ACT 0]? Tm: Washington Treaty went into effect. on Tuesday. GODBRICH is now shipping salt to Montreal. This is in consequence of a rise in the Livezpe'ol article. The American packers now use Cans. - dian salt exclusively. A MEETING was held in London, on Monday evening. Earl of Shaftes- bury presiding, to protest against the introduction of the confessional into the Church of England. FROM all accounts the hay crop is going to be very light. It stands partiesjn‘hancl‘ to be very careful f""' -- in g5.th€ring this crop, a's present appearances indicate a high price ere next spnng. A --- - A . o THE Medical Council. of Ontario is rent. by a. disagreement between the Allopaths and Homoeopaths. The latter have entirely withdrawn and it is thought that. the Council will in consequence break up. NOW thatladies’fam have attained a. useful size, it is suggested that. fan partiesfor the purpose of wipnowing wheat would be a. season’able and sensible pastime for the ladies Who are summering in the rural districts. ONE who has tried it says that old potatoes Cut in small pieces and scattered over the ground will con- centrate the potato bugs in immense numbers, when they may be effectu- ally destroyed by simply going for th°m with a. view to this end. MRS. PUTNAM, wife of A. D. Put- nam, who was murdered by Foster in a. street-car, has secured a verdict for $5,000 'against the street Railway -, -7, Company of New York, for the re- fusal of the conductor to put Fostel off the cat when requested to do so. Cure: 3 Kurt‘s Bnocx. THE CABINET.â€"The following .1:- rangement of places in the Cabinet. took .66th on Tuesda y : Hon. Alex- ander Campbell, Minister of the In- terior: Hon. John O’Conner, Post,- xuaater-General; Hon. T. N. Gibbs, Minister of Inland Revenue: Hon. Hugh Macdonald, Minister of Militia. Me, June 26th. 1873- Orfllis. Juno @xd. 1373? lulu-é -; u.~v.-v_“_ _,__, ,, THE Tabard Inn, the famous old English hospital at which the Can- terbury pilgrims assembled in the time of Chaucer, was sold by public auction on the 19th of June. The sale included the Talbot Inn and Inn yard, with several more houses, in all 29,000 square feet of ground, in sight of London Bridge. In oran- v- _â€"v_â€"-_ _, a A Moxsrnn WHISTLEâ€"Thesleepv townspeople ofSLThomasare aroused from their slumbeis every week day morning at 6 o’clock by a two~1nin- ute blast from the great whisle at the Canada. Southern Car Shops. This whistle is twenty-five inches high and seven inches in diameter, and can be heard distinctly at a dis- tance of fourteen miles. So says the‘ 4 Home qumal. THE LATE FATHER‘KENNEDEâ€" The Rev. Father Kennedy} of Pene- tanguishene, whose degthfwas an- ; nounced atew daysag , Waxarowned ‘in the Georgian Bay on Wednesday 1 last, whilst trying to save the life ‘ f a boy who had fallen overboard from his yacht After a few strug- gles, both sank. The Rev: gentle- man had to attend several missions attached to saw mills around the Bayâ€"Mail. 'OI-IN mmSfi. IF potatoes are shri velledfias in the‘ spring and early summer they are apt to be, lay them in cold water a while before cooking, avoiding un- necessary cutting or breaking of the skin. _ This will restore much of their plumpness The water in which they are to be cooked should contain a little salt, should be boil- ing when first put in, and kept so ‘ till done, when they should be taken ‘ directly up. ,_--~u {ARM FOR_ §4Lfr1 ED- AR POSTS â€"-A large nnln umber for sale, at a low figure. - L-TAIT. A cmcnjmn from tfie British Col- umbia agencyin London, Enga, says that somesamplesof grain forw arded from the Provznoe have been priced, and that. the wheat is worth ‘18. _to 23. mow per quarterthan California, that the cats com mare favonmhly with the best Sent: that the pegse and Barley were 105. per oat-her better than theaverage from stem Canada. and the hops are verygood, worth 5d per fb. more than the bat Eastern Canada. GOOD quH cow: rhich «Ned m...â€" I‘v, . AND AMENDMENTS 13mm. 8 SALE OR TO RENT. 232: m 50185035. igfimmé, 1662;4mdm1l l; om Ban rum . was ApplvtoJOflK-KEEALYI on “1° 1911511 1'; .lv “‘4, Apply to mos, n. PORTAS. A moo ' "holders «of the JOSEPH ROGERS,‘ Interim Assigowe. 1373. 191- 2i“- â€"N01'th hf]! Pot 8‘) 189-y. gm gamma Orillia should have an immigra- tion Society, or some onewhoseduty it would be to look afierimmigrants who come here, and see that their immediate wants are provided for. Last Monday evening there was wit- nessed at the Northern RRStation acireumstance which shows the in- humanity of sending strangers, un- with the country and unâ€" provided with m where no provision has been made for their reception. A man and his wife sitting beside their seven chil- acquainted drenâ€"six of w means, into places ho'm,wenriedby their journey, were sleeping on the plat- form,â€"hungry, without friends or money, on their way to Muskoka. having been forwarded this far by the Government, and left to journey the remaining thirty-six miles to Bracebrirlge as best thEy couldâ€"â€" They had a rel but it is proba had arrived, an‘d'cbhs‘e- ,quently did not meet them. Mr. ‘Grant telemphed information of ‘ their arrivafi to the friend ‘in Mus- koka, and two other charitable gen- tlemen furnished them with the means of cbtaining food and shelter for the night. Our Government make a great immigrants at only as far as railway, and compelling them to make the hardestpartof the journey at their own expense, or accept that they charity. The destitute, s ative in the District, ble he did "M know; mistake in sending the public expense the terminus of the immigrant, however hould he made to feel that he is in a country where such as he, if industrious, are considered an acquisition, wants provi opportunity 0 and his reasonable ded for until he has an f earning something, without wounding his self-resPect by forcing him dicancy, or leaving him and his loved ones to suffer the .privations of hunger and exposure, unless re- lhvcd by charitableprivate individ- into temporary men- uals. On Dominion Day, a. number of delegates from the Divisions through- out the County of Simcoe, met in the ,Good Templar‘s Hull, Barrie.â€" After a. full discussion of the ques- tion of union, it was determined to form 3. Convention for the County, to meet on the 1st of July, in each U luuvv v" v--- a , b . year. The oflicers chosen for the current_year are, Bro. Thomas Bl. ,SJ-_‘._ 1)-- current: yuan (MU, ”IV. -uvâ€"w. _, Edmundson, Rugby, President; Bro. Coulson, Thornton, Vice-President; Brother Cecil H. Robinson, Barrie, Secretary; Bro. Beattie, Thornton Division, Treasurer. The necessity for Tempcmncu Hotels wsa discuas- 1 A) 1.1.-1. LL- IUI Lvmrvu-‘--'- 7, ed, and it was resolved that the time has come when such houses are required in every town, and that the members pledge their hearty supportto them wherever opened. It was recommended that the Con- ventions of North and South Simcoe each send friendly delegations to the meetings of the other. A resolution that this Convention urge thatTem- perance men, when opportunity of- fers, bring forward and vote for total abstaiuers for public offices in the gift of the electors, brought out some "III: V1 Luv Vv’vv' -- cexcellent remarks: shoviing that the feeling in favour of teetotallers be- ing consistent in their votes as well as in their lives and labours is ra- pidly gaining ground. Prohibition has become the political question of the day,and temperance men, “Whig and Tory a'agree" that it is of greater importance than other party eon- siderations, and will henceforth make their influence felt as the prohibition party. It was moved by Bro. J. S. Lucas, Cnurchhill, and seconded ‘o_y Bro. Metealf, WWW prohibition party. It was mOVed by Bro. J. S. Lucas, Churchhill, and seconded by Bro. Mewalf, and, resolved, That we strongly disapprove of the granting of shop licenses and recommend th‘at subordinate Divisions use all legal means to abolish the system of sell- ing liquor in stores.” The next meeting of the Convention will take place at Barrie, on Dominion Day, 1874:. A vote of thanks to themem- bers of the Order in Barrie, for the use of the hall and hospitable atten- tion, was adopted. The Convention adjourned at five o’clock. In consequence of the Good Tem- plars’ Bazaar, the usual public meet- : ‘J 2- LL- Ann-nun ORILLIA. 3rd JULY. 1873. plats Huang, uuv uuuwâ€" lyw -Vi, ing was not held 10 the evening. THE Spanish Minister of Colonies has requested by telegraphic procla- mation that the insurgents of Cuba. lay down their arms and end an in- glorious war. The insurgents have appointed a. Committee to go to Mad- rid to represent their grievances. HIS Excellency the Lieutenant- Governor, has been pleased to ape point John Ewart L'ount, of the v11- lage of Bracebridge, Esquire, to be Registrar of and for the District of Muskoka, in the room and stead of Charles Westley Lount, Esquire, resigned. as MONEY Omensâ€"It may nb‘t'te uninteresting to our readers to learn that from and after the first day of 1 J my next, all the money order} offices in the .Dominion will have. authority to issue money orders pay- able in any place in British India, and vice mm, to pay money. ‘orders; down by the money order ofice of British India upon them; and from an'l after the ahovennmed date also, imoney orders will be pmcnnhle at 1:111 money order ofices in the Do- lminionhon the post ofiee at Fort , ._.-LA- Iu-u-vâ€", ." - Garry, Manitoba: at the same mm of commissi-qn, and on the same con- ditions _as orders are now granted, payable within the Dominion. In like manner, Fort Garry will issue orders on any money order otfice within the Dominion‘ The annual meeting of the Orillia, Branch Bible Society was held in the TemPeranee Hall, on Wedneg. day evemng. the 25th June. The attendance was not so In? as that of last year. After the evotional exercises were concluded, the Presi- dent, A. J. Alpert, Esqwdelivered an address which was concise and well chosen. He then called upon the Secretary, Mr. John Perry, to read history. Twenty-five centuries ego, the evangefi. all prophet of the old dispensation uttered this sublime statement: “ The earth dull be full of the knowledge of the Lord, In the uter- cover the sen.” Agesmlled on and its fulfilment seemed humble.â€" Du'kneu covered the earth, and green darkness the people. Even a. century ‘3?! I'Vlu' wvnv Wvu w â€"' .__,, of history. would have been proionnced ; visionary gnd_ {anti}: ‘2 LL:. um».â€" n.- vouuuc was can u»...- ..-.._-_ _ ,, care, in the hope that an opportuniiy fur greasenting it would save. And only; ew months ago, the occasion long pray for at length arrived The precious book was duly presented'm, and graciomly re- ceived by Athe rgiguing empenor, and with ,,_ :._-_...n- “mu-nu! ceweu Dy um AUlsusub -...r-v., , its reception, J span was formally opened for the entrance of the word; and being the last of the kingdoms 9f the Wurld that. had ackmpwledged _:h_e slums oracles, thus completed the cutie (x moie- receiving lands, and left not a country on the face of the earth into which the Word may not penetrate, and introdnoe‘its life- giving truths. In View of an event so auspicious and unexpected, are not the friends of the Bible justified in singingâ€" ‘Alleluia! for the LondGod omnipOtentreigneth.’ 08631156 in» Inn-v a; ”My." What a mighty and numerous army of foes has he raised up against the revela- tion of God 3 Stretching far into all lands, like a. black canopy of hell, is seen the motly host of Paganism, flanked on the one side by the blind bigotry of Mohammedanism, and on theother by the subtle aophistries of Jesuitism. . _ .. n «n , , , 1:L_._‘-.n- dwulvnonu. Infidelity, with its Godless literature and many sided scepticism, “ naturalised in modern society”â€"with its open patron- age of all kinds of hemsies, and. its shame- less inculeation of immomlity, is dashing its multitudinous waves of infernal rage and enngity sgsjnst the bulwark: ofthe Bible . â€" - -â€" A ..Aâ€".“‘:n“- wucum-UJ I-éwmâ€" v.-- v .â€" , Aver-ice, With its penury and esrthliness, lawless insubordinution and contempt of every thing that is old, drunkenness with the horrible and loathsome details of its pmgress and prevalence, luxurious living and an undue love of ease, impurity with its many disgusting sud vile coneomitsnts, ands spirit of irreverence for divine things. especially for the Word, the worship sad the dsy of the Lordâ€"all these and. their associated evils make up an my of ene- mies, leagued against Bible truth, in the contemplatinn of which the friends of the Word may tremble for the ark of God. On the other hand, exercising s simple ifsith in an omnipotent Ruler and Sove- ‘ reign of the universe, who takes the Vol- Vua my“, _rv._ - theope n page, ‘I'Vl‘hy Wordof our God shall stand for ever.’ One other important thought would as: passessoro f the sacred oracles. this connection we take the_ fiberty 0‘ ._L-__ tnls oonnecuvu an ”AV ...- he“, serving that two modes of interpretstion of the reason for the present wide d150- sion of the Bible are prevalent 31120138 Christians. The one thst seems most in harmony with the line of prophecy and the analog of truth is, thstthisnide difi'usion of the Scriptures constitutes one of the principal preparations for the Millennium; and the other is thst. this extensive circu- lstion of the World is simply sllowed u s testimony sgsinst men, so thst they my have no excuse, end thstJnotwithstsnding this universal possession of the truth, the world will wax worse and worse, until, I! was ststed in this hell, by an at of the Bible Society, the Church will reduced tothe number thst entered the srk with Nosh. Though reguding the m opino ion as opposed t r the spirit and man; in of inspired prophccy, yet this my by ed: that to those Inge numbers who; t read the Bible and obey not its sacred pro: oepts, it will be only ntestimony, witness-Q ing against them to their utter condemn!!!" tion. “.Behold, ye despisers, nndw ‘ 90' t. , but thnnkfnllyrndoro an sllwise God, vhc in the face of so many fierce assaults on the inspirstion and authority vi His book, !A_ u-.. s- :5. M‘h- U LmPIIOMVu a..- â€"_-.-~--.' isnisingu fresh vitae-saute intrn‘ '- fulness in tgo land of Mosh, through tho voice of I solitary stone, through the num- erous bricks found amid the ruins of Baht-4 Ian and Nin‘evah, and mum" the mimon’ which modem Jernstlem is 7 ' t. Turning fur 5 moment to the opentiou of the Branch inOrillin. during the pa; year, your Committe hue pleasure in :6- portinz, that the contributions, “0% not wlnt every well fisher of the BI auae would desire. as in aim of ‘for- mer yous, {dogged fluent of 'gfh Testaments, a.- oomPu-ed with last year. Your Committee m'll,theyhopo, be 51mg forhkingwextonlivo and “tied u. I ' my from theirobccnrontchtomin this retired Vilhge; and a the céntrihutiom of this gull lgnnch shew, theyoocnpybnt L\ -A -__ .t av lov.plw° among that my 03 um ”rumba-van 0000 grants ' de'?“ world an ' hootof the British sud 3:13}. in (.119 old. qo'dimy, there bohnng AU ‘1 twsw Wu thus completed the éircle d Bible'- - 1n-u‘a gull ‘nft not 8 country on of ob- the financial mummt, showing the receipts and expenditures for the past yenmdso the number at Bibles and Testament: received and dis- posed of, which was very said“. tory. Revs. R. Fowler, John Cook. end the able and eloquent Agent of the Society, Rev. J. Gemley, addressed the meetipg. _ .Q n- 1 l_~_-_. The followingmtheofic'e-bearen fortheensuingyearr-PresidentA. J. Alpert; Vice-Presidents. the resi- dent Ministers, and the Rev. J. Bor- '-'tt, J. Ssnsou and R J. Oliver; Cor. Sec., J. Perry; Rec.Sec.,J.CuÂ¥- page; Treasurer and Deposit- , . Dallas; Committee. Keats. . J- Hamilton, G. J. Booth, J. P. Hen. demon, S. Wainwright, J. World, F. Evans. J. Wallace, Dr. Sanderson, and W. H. Inf. ‘ Motion to gnntM. Dnfiytlieenle from the minutes furl-inland tho pspen'u owned by. his not having observed the names. whichhadbeen wfitunonthew the motion 39d oveg'logked. The instant , ,, A -t m-..mm minutes VON - Mk BMW 3?“: “am me. Mr. Booth thought they bed better see whether or not these were all rowdies. Mr. Bailey said the petition presented by Mike Dufi‘y m of the moat mpechbly signed the Council‘hul received. All the principal hotel-keeper- had signed it. It. ' * ~â€"‘ mmhl‘ m“ m the petition of the Sons of Temper-mes. Mr. Keen miditwesthemostrespeetsb ly signed petition presented to the Cmmcil this year. There were the nnmes of three of the Magistrates sttsched to it. Moved by Mr. Beiley, seconded by Mr. Ken, That the eppl'cation of Mr. J nines Kenny for e. tevern license be grated.â€" Carried unanimously. ‘ An application from the SchoolTrustees for $3,500 was presented. The Reeve thought the Trustee! should give the Council some infer-motion in re- gard to the purpose for which they re- quired so huge s sum. Mr. Kean said this is the most extran- t section in the County of Simeoe.â€" e sslsriespsidsretoohrge. A’chnnge, rather than an increase in the number, of this county paying five school purposes as this section. On motion of Mr. Booth, seconded by Mr. Kean, the Clerk was instructed to en- uire of the Trustees for whet purpose q Liey require the money asked. 82.45 was granted to pay the fare of so his friends st Weston. ' digent person to - .. 3] ..... n. residing nesr they requu'e we uluuc’ ......-__ 82.45 was gmmed to pay the fare of so indigent person to his friends it Weston. Mr. Kean said persons residing neer the lake shore éomplaiu of the stagnant water behind the Midland Rnilwny A discussion ensued, in which the Reeve maintained thnt the town had granted the ‘ â€"--l unnnh‘ flny' Compmy too much. nod would Nuyl have reason to regret it, god it was shown thatincueoffirethem is no means of getting access to the lake. ' Mr. Bailey, seconded by Mr: Iceman Clerk was instructed to notify the Midland Raihny Company 00 fill up the space be- tween the shore md track, south of the wharf, immedintely, and to complete the es lancdeusoo ”possible. p ‘ n‘ ' ' tnuafnrredm relief. He and his eldest m were given employment on the streets, until the un- vel of his relative from .Muskoh. _It sp- that the brother-m-law promised to meet the family here, 1) Grant has been unable to find out where that party resides, to inf of arrival of his friends. Mr. Duudignn wan head in reference to improving the ntreet leadingto his dwfillring. ‘ . aid as r w d Keen __ the‘IJmuminztfi: dwelling. ‘ Mr. Keen aid the In: r was not do- in hieduty. The other nncillon eo-in- ci ed in this opinion. and loves-d pheel on our streets requiring his attention wen mentioned. The Reeve submitted a. of the pro- posed lock-up. whiehino 24 N 30feet, with stone yell: two feet in thickness. It ‘I __ ....w dnmv- is proposed to add an upper storey. ox bn'ck, for e Council Chamber. Mr. W. Dunn was requested to prepu’e specifica- tions, end Mr. Bailey to advertise for ten- ders. Council adjourned. upon the knowledge, ad per ouioquenco is driving a brisk trade. H03. 1‘. N. Guns hu'mn ' by . Mjufity 0‘ 240’ in m onw’ Pure: Bonn Isuzu) m fomslly .sdmittod to tho Confidential: on Domin- cfi'cotonthe moot (moms-well u uprin'g grain. Wen: (ltd. however. am the lay ampâ€"the most profitable, we helium. Agatagoodmrtosdyintbomand promisatobosntmgoyiohl. Tnnmphintofscomspondmtonyil ”perm: of m nu 'orhng uponthoNortme-xlwx.mnnm.dux~ ' olnnplybom $9.131; my wand ‘1"! ' um’aChmmlfiAW.“7'-': inhodethinbn,m sfoozrmofhdl-o-nilovithJooSinpoon, st Morgan Sundry. nnni'nxit in twominuhandfiftunmondl. Cmilt fuhiomblo pm in the mw,andmyninwutinggm in playpd 'ut baton “the night he: hit curt-in omnndpimitwithsw." Y. M. C. Aâ€"We understandit in the inunfion togat up 3 mammoth Ic-mc undctdu mice! of thoY ’Ilen’u ‘_-__- ...... thmtheydidsmk ago. Humanâ€"We huboenuquatodto direct the “caution of the owners and health" tospigpeninthovidn- ity aft!” '3 Hotel, whichomitlsn odourbynomfluont. Tn: next quarterly meeting of the County Convention of the Son- of Tom- 12°???“ for North Simooe will be held at AL- 18‘]. :M--. A mlhlic permw I I .‘wâ€" ww--- ,,,, 01-115., on the 17d: mt. A public heating will be held in the evening. Tnxnleofliquoreolndimeilnot allowed in Candi, tad we amnion pae- mme thlt mustache or mouthing skin to it, mwlntcuuedthe unmady pit of onewhomwenwonthe street one day Mweek. ' Tn: soda. water fountain: amine! town 1h“. been “whininz”: good deal thi- lut week or two. The icecleun. though not melting much fun :bout it, bu been “taken in" couidmbly. and keep- ooolall the while. Canon; Tndhope bu t out the interest or Mr. P. Dick. in efimofDickMe.iner, end Mr. W. Tndliope, Sn, bu deoentered the new firm, which will be known a W. J. Tudhope Co. Moun- Cnvnx PmamnY.â€"The Eminent Precept", Em. I Fr. H. G. Sum- mers, 18°. has informed _ue tint, on Mon- dsy evening next, there will be a. regula- usembly of the above Preoeptory, st the Masonic Hell, Orillis. All Incubus and visiting Fnh'ee we requested to “stand. 135’: it aggravating to go to bed these warm nights and roll uidpweat and any bad words and scratch and slap 3t moequitue until you are exhausted laid-lumber, and then in the cool _of the_morping when sleep wen Lu I-uv wv- v- v..- ._-_. ,71, _ seems sweetest have the flies come crawl- ing om ono's {we tickling him into wrath- fpl wakefulness. Till. Inspector of streets would confer 1 fnvour upon 1 long-mixing public by hur- ing some of tlw unmet-om obstruction- removed from the street! of the town. He might_l_>egin with a pile of posts owned by “.41 1.1.- ._..... okzmmuh I'm-u ’v-mâ€" lâ€"' ,7. In“ John Hunmond,» sad the more thorough the damn caring u thereafter the greater the Monk hepwill sfl'ord. Rush? Bantuâ€"A by-hw in Harvey, in fsvour of the Omemee and Bobaggeon nilny icongeqting wit}: the Midlxu , a“ -:A_’Lâ€" nun mwg oonneccmg w v [I usual gnaw; val-u}: unn- w... _. “7â€"9,” ones.andxt uexpeefiedthatthemdvill be completed imelve months. Omanâ€"The short mneuof Athenian Kine, Eng, terminated in his death on Thursday. Mr. King was one of the enli- est settlers in this plane. He has been for my year! in hummus, and In: shade of the Peace. His kindly disposition to- wudl those in want, sickness or adversity Irena well known. and added much to his popularity and worth. ,4. AL- (llâ€"n1. g“- mgédont of the Tosronto District. Ex. Comp Duniel_5 Signet Clasp“! and y l'y’oom. limen‘ed the 0600:: and membcfl “9°u A ‘A__ “_‘_nn 0‘“; Mn. Sum". San-m 5.“ purchued {mm MLP. Dick,the mwhmary,ete.,of the Drink Gain Cradle end Turning Works, whichwenahblhhedheresbmtiyesn g, end has pmvedeprofihble invutment. . Smith be erected I» new ‘m, and put in nu! boiler, ° end my new unprovemonte in In: ' , end intends 1118!!!!an on e larger gale. We wish him succe- in his enterprile. Too Lnonâ€" This County is too and in interest! too divuutobeuuelfdlfi wbyoneCountyCouncil. This Mm felt by the mjori , if not ell. who attend- edtholgteeeeeionofthdbody. Whetis A,___ - -n... .Nui-inn. aha,doonm,htoooodmm Mudy,menwdcbopauonlvhom they“ Itis_n°t.'°w'°!t§°h’ mmwfimfizam“ an “(unmountitvillhso Gm tomdtbonquinmenuofdl» -We understand that Mr. Ju. bonzht out the intggegt of nhowen doling t!“ the Grand §Ir hid. . view on mof;quomn,uvutho cued: the Session?!“ Whydomusumo publicduhegandtbon neglect themand meonmimeothm b! '0 doing? The drop more that mgood for him,” and hndhh tongue loosened thynby, began finding 5 burn who rein-ed him my more liquor. in t of the hotel, a. few dsyl since. Thehuerloothispw tienco, struck his shunt, who, being drunk, fell heavily upon some Magnum stun- ned. His manila-lit sppeared dun-med at u . ,, 4‘-â€"_.A_‘ for. We hope flat he ran not seriously hurt, and that the misadventure will be a lesson to him to svoid taverns and that which is oold there in future. Cumsâ€"The Orilliatfiection, No. 18, ‘ - AL A:_ .2..." V‘uflli‘eâ€"Q-‘v v--â€"_â€" V Cadets of Tempennee, elected their ofiioers for the ensuing quarter Ian Thursday em ing. This Section in growing steadily, the efforts of the zealous members uf the Division under 'whooe mperinteudence it bu been places! lave been successful in obuining a» lame attendance, end making the meeting: Wain well u instruc- J. Whitehanse Svmr‘ tive to the children. . J. Whitehonse is \V. Pstz‘un; Mia Murray and. MBJMN Gow, W. Associates. The cleation resulted u follows:-â€"Worthy Archon, Wm. San-.11; Vice-Archon, C Hgnderu‘v‘n; Secretary, 3. , __,L__ (I D A. cuwmu.. -_.~_, , , Fowley; Treasurer. J. B. Henderson; As- aidaanmsunr,Mu-gmt Murray {616%. Robert Gov; Usher, Jemima Stntheam. Wgtchman, J . W. Spulingflunior W - nun, Howu'd Chester. Mxmcu. Assopn'nox or Norm SIX- ! At A _.-.I:..I I. h.“ w; W ' ndvortioemené . "A. D. ml“ by *9 tan- W' FQ“! we Ind no W- Iri- uhstdto an than. new drinkubooonesndmnhduwtenwh- ”nebulae-lbw. AmintheRdln-dllayaa'uny: W‘momgondmagdmbfit fora-g im‘my"'"m" ~1va ' amt" A nowâ€"on CACILlâ€"m Pan-bong Times bouts of men; “that but Strguuvoy egg. hollow." It Inhidhy a eight Echo- tam inch. 53m M;m,ud an". no of to he mhthn; upendlhnft. the ’ of be Maladies]:- unification-mint) ,LO. m u 1-1361 meeting No. 41 â€".r n 1m :- eaten. The W Aruopen Sm Lodge, of dlhd 94W?" thsthewodn “whichuunl Gunny Conn sent speech. Wefindthst thefimefiueom whgnthou-nth, hovem nap-bums to ”me, Mdbespoken fearlessly. undue mwmmtyCounal andodnn my continua: uphold the 'nciphoof 3:31pm“ Indoingthil.$y '1‘!" edbythe knowledge til-5min" the Manned of all who burg.“ an!â€"â€"Buy genuine TnnipSeed. Tobolndonlyat Cooke Bro-.31)": 6V w _ â€"- ‘â€"â€"'â€"‘V ' deriving!» and some fox-kart} in Mr dam,nudmnd forth-s ‘59!” ‘9” the Mud- _of pthic opiniffl'fr “1:3 we mu- v. Innâ€"v V(â€"_V,r who oppose them in whining truth mmtbow in silence and submit) that diantion. This was dearly not but in I. apt-respondent» which sppearod in tho Packet of June 27th. in which tha- writ Sign: him-elf “ An Eleotnr,”‘giring Tl: Exrosrml (a he suppouu) annexe-sti- gfion for daring to review the. ad: of undilor Bailey upon the 3nd: «tied of the day. How any man could we the fwetomdbeforesthinking' blicmd flaunt himself mvnnd, Iimpfr he. respect! the man, ngudleu- ofitherpublic' waam whjilayou refer, it. myutery. ’l'his‘ml 1 gen emu: er venti 3 mm . \ponringitforth qponlgehead‘ . Ex- ) roams, then, {1th see-1mg pneum- ,‘__ -2-“ Timiggwoddpftlyty new in Perry, and a score of «that, endorse Mr. Bailey's acts with regard to giw‘rg. such.- menuMingufiylioeme fodutmytho V. 3 J- lel u a..." nunâ€"J â€"'-.__ public monk, and to now dead: and dr- stmction broadcast over the community. We could act believe that thongenflemm wuuld be I0 farcveneen as today may act of their fennel-fives of anti-line‘s: and man; now the] ”their choice has-proved: unfaithful to the m append in.him.â€"â€" Agtin, is it bee-nae such men voted. for Mr. Bailey, that that run guarantee flint Mr. Bailey would hitbfuny any out the views of and: men, notwithstanding W consistency of his former Iii}? Whatn-m- WWW-I . v _ 7 sense, forlnny man to say bee-nu a. Inn. has been well trained and “former m- oon! has been gran-thy: dimiw, that he L4- _AA. 0" w M v. wâ€"â€" v -vâ€"~*v* on“ broil-gin do“ upon hint-he H. A» :_ _-a:__ on nun-nit UN“ 'ut‘vwâ€" â€"rv.. w.__ ,,,, v all right thinln'ng men, in voting to gut license to such men as Mick Duff, which we hope will be remembered in due time; for it in impo-ible flat Hr. B's. not 9!: 31:32ch through the M of Onllit, giving evidence of one of at: last Iblk: acts of Cogpcillor Bailey? ofigei'd e, in A _A__ 1‘ right to any out his own views. We gnntthilto any mm, Winifthon views m in uamdznoe with the'vefilbe- ingot themnunity; but, more especi- dl uspnbgic mun doesthia duty do- Envâ€"nting him ‘on view of this, it. 3- my gamma-ind» mus-b hon-at offll-fnmoonevaym_m,andm four-fifth! otthooo-qmmtymtovofi don onraocomnodmng Council Much mtheirdesim. pnmforthatlfl’dy; would that Canned be bound as public mentoarryonttheviewl of so large. majority ”a gram 11:er Wean- . , .L:- .u...“ R. dn (5-- of was. Nomwhsthubeendmandw bytho-ewhositin themofjodzmt, whom bonndby-olemn pledge-to d- vaneeufu-ujnthgm has the good of u .1 ,AL_-_ 1“, mqomy IW .â€".-__ , are: no! and an: would be thou-y of every re mxpdod mammal: nndchild. the muons-W BUSINESS Locus. n the grad: eltion" , mu: maid we the 1, simpfy‘ he mile. ofitherpubli? :8, i:. myutery. Thil and the aw; . 1.x- Lee-1mg pasca- nuubur 051:.“ highest mndinz'iu of thc' hi It“: ey’s ofid’d e,in m to dam In Lynyflnrfichns s own views. We a, that is if that. urith (shown-be- bnt, more «9055' 41

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