whagheéiï¬icdnvérï¬tion; but a. fool never knows when to stop. AN Irishman found guilty of steal- ing coï¬'ee was asked what he did with it. “Made tay wid it, yer '_ â€"â€"’ 'J nest in high and inaccessible forest trees. We see it, too, in that intense caution, miscalled cunning, with which that poor persecuted benefac- tor of the farmer, the crow; iscom- pelled to guard histh life. This caution has been taught bid! by the severe lessons of experience, and by his own powers of reason. It is foreign to the crow’s nature. In Nova Scotia, where an absurd pre- judice against the crow has no ex- igtence, we-may still ï¬nd this same species as familiar 'asԠour: common robin. And in the‘ West, in Iowa, for instance, where the farmers ap- preciate their value, and welcome them as friends, there also we ï¬nd the natural, untaugh t, conï¬ding crow. -â€"Brewer’s Notes. , ' honor " THE winning post of the race of life is of white marble, with name and date, springing from the turf where thege‘isno jockeying. THE C’cï¬oiggSenï¬nel says that a pair of mbinS‘bnilL‘their nest and raised a brood of yégng’ ones under the hat which'a Héi'dfmand farmer Lac} pheégigng scare crow in his corn ï¬eTa. “ lenvthe Devil his due, Pat, and where would yeu be 2†“Alone, your honor.†‘ . A mama baits his hook; school boy hates his book. lnan, and making grézt and impor- tant changes in their. nesting, both asto locationand architectural struc- ture. These evidences of .rensoning power in birds are by'no means can.- ï¬ned to the swallow family. ’ we see its manifestations in the change of me and habits of even the 'pro- verbially not over, intelligent gull, which at Grand Manan, taughtby generatxons of persecutions, and to bed of its eggs with ruthless greed by man, no longer I'CSlSs' on the treacherous shore, but. with its clumsy webbed feet builds itself a A menu: from Bangor, Maine, says that on Saturday evening two spans of a bridge on the European and North Ann railroad, between Oldtown and Milford, three hundred feet long, were blown completely away by a. tornado, and an engine andJender, wit}: a. ï¬reman, which Of the seven kinds of the swallow family inhabiting Ninth America all but one are kpown to have_“un- dergoue a more or lam complete'iï¬d radical change. of life, seeking the protection and companionship of . !,E_._ ._--L -‘J t nnnnnn “HUN wuucl, Iv 5;“ w u. v........, .. _- -â€" was crossing from Oldtown, was plunged mto the nver. The engin- eer was lulled. Ar CRICKET ALSO.â€"Canada is certainly beginning to look up. Not only have her sons won honours at the Wimbledon Encampment, but at the world-famous “Lords†cricket grouniInndon. ACanadian twelve have beaten a. like number of Eng- lish gentlemen at cricket, the nation- al game of the latter, and had twenty- four runs to spare. This is the more atriumph, seeing that " Grace,†the ‘I ' living béismannnade a score of 150, and his fellows ran up hand- some numbers. NEW SARUM, in the County of Elgin, had a. meeting of farrmers, at which the following resolution was after an interesting discussion as to the best means of extirpating the thistle. We commend the con- cluding sentence to the pathmasters. “ That we pledge ourselves to use our best endeavours to exterminate from our farms the Canada thistle, THE Science of Health for August is an excellentjnumber. Terms $2 a year. A new 101. began with July. S. R. Wells, Publisher, 389 Broadway, New York. that we urge the same practice on our neighbours; and that. we bind ourselves toenforceagainst all offendâ€" ers the law respecting Canada. this- lb \iualxu Us “nuns A.‘1uv. ----_v.._ __,_, ' t Mn. Lntimcr, keeper of sham-ding house. The complaint which set forth that the defendant was in the habit of furnish- ing ale or porter at meals to boarders and charging extra. therefor, was investigated at the Poï¬ce Court before Mr. Lamson yesterday afternoon and thin morning. Mr. Bertram, for Mr. Hutchinson. appear- ing for the prosecution, Mr. E. Meek for L, up J " AV. n. ......... m2 defence. Several witnesses testiï¬ed that they while boarding at Mrs. Latimer’s had been provided with beer at their own request and believed the price of it was in- cluded in their board bill. Mrs. Latimer explained that she had given beer in the same manneras she gave tea or coffee, and. charged for it as she should for my other extras. His Wouhip; after hearing all the testiuwny and the Mutant; of coun- sel, said he should'reserve judgement till Monday next with regard to the amount of tine, the evidence beingso cleir he saw no way of deciding the case except against the defendantâ€"London Advertiser. Mcssoxn hhssioxs.â€"Snnday evening but Rev. Dr. Newton preached an earnest sermon in St. Paul’s Church, and gave an interesting account of his missionary work in llusl'oku. His territory has extended as far 3:; seventy-ï¬ve miles north of the head of Lake Rosseziu, where he is station- ed, and where asmall church hasbcen built. Dr. Newton stated that half a dozen small churches were needed for the present reâ€" quirements of thepeople in his district, and his present Visxt was to obtain assist- since towards ï¬nishing the church at the head 02 Rosa-4n Lake." As an instance of the hardships a ï¬iissionary was compelled to undergo, 1):. Newton stated he had one time lost his way in the depth of winter while going to preach to the lumbermen 'm the shzmties, and had been compelled to sleep all night in the snow, while wolves M hbwling inthe‘distsnce. He had tra- Jnilled on foot’more than a. hundred miles in winter. But the missionnrv's reward was that he Was doinghis duty in that posi- tion which God seemed to place him in; and. he could say with the Psalmist, “ I Mr co again. 30mins, an hm y Reyesgth‘nie.â€â€"Lindsay Post. g? w“ -L Ax Ixrénnxr LIQUOR SUIT. â€"-Detective Crawford yesterday afternoon brought a. a. charge of) selling liquor without liwpse 147233;, short legs. horns turned up (we: her head; has on a large bell, xith strap, fastened M‘s-mall brass pad-lock. An person restor- ,,__ .__ O--:" L“ “A V ....:.1 ‘A- 5‘. v:- {'th :o {8535;} m'be'ax ’gaid for their trouble. An 3330:: found keeymg her after this noï¬qe w: _u.: 1::339cyted- (xEU. BENT- LEY) P931; Street, 032:3. 059-. 10‘! 51’, S'E‘OLIjl}? QR STRAY‘ED, a Red mamm‘m? 1,93. thug anyptha" 4M -1 'â€"â€"â€"v râ€"v__-7 in the V'mage of Onllis, 0N E A‘S‘iER T331 desigblc. ‘ 192. ‘ In the Matter of ALEXANDER KEN- NEDY,of0ri11ia, AS INsom'er. REE Insolvent has made an assignment of his W to me. and the Creditors are notiï¬ed to meat It Insdvent’ s Store, Orillia, -vv IN SOLVENT ACT OF 1869 INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869 L: the Matter of GEO. M. WILSON, of 02-min, AN Ixsouxx'r. _â€" I THE undersigned Duncan McFarlnne of the City of Montreal, have been ap pointed Astignee in this Matter. Creditor: who have not already done so, are requested to ï¬le their claim before me within one month. DUNCAN MCFARLANE, â€n Mo’ndé'Lyflhe "29th dayo fancy, 1873,31; one o ’ciock p.11: to receive statements of his aï¬airu, and to appoint an Assignee JOSEPH ROGERS, Interim Assignee. v.._:- ,anv IAtIL 1873. 193:2in. 199 Sr. Jam Suntan Montreal, J ulv 11th: 1863- Lindsay. Kelly’s, Omemee. wide themselves with MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. TIME EABLE. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Beaverton. Woodville, OakWood, Cambmy, Beaverton, Woodville, Oakwood, Cambray, Lindsay, Kelly’s, Omemee, ‘ Franklin, Brunswick, Nassau Mills Peterboro’, Fraserville, Millbrook, Summit, Campbell’ s, Perrytown. Qtiny’ 3’ Port Hope, Bethany, Lakeï¬eld, 7 CONNECTIONS. .â€" At Port Hope with Grand Trunk Express Trains. East and West, morning and evemng. and steamer “Norsomaan leaving at 9AM. for Rochester . N. Y. connect- , - ‘ - ‘- ,4 xr»_1_ n..-‘_..1 banâ€"mu}, ________.._â€"â€"â€" OUR HOME P QER,â€"quacribe for ~ T3: 1332051103.; Send it to mm. 'rite and keep the Editor on what is doing in your neighborhood.’ _~ I’m; it â€your I Sons and Daughters- m,-.rreadâ€ad aim-in, ‘ md mp u:- make it as it Show be. leaving at 95.1w. tor nocneam . .u. L . Wuâ€...â€" ing with trains on New York Central hailroad At \Vmflville with the Toronto and Nipissing Railway. At Millbrook, with Trains for Peter- boro’ and Lakcï¬eld. Trains run by Port Hope time, which is Twenty Minutes slower than Grand Trunk time. ADOLPH HUGEL, , n’ a TAYLOR. President. EGS to inform the Public that he is now prepared to treat, professionally, the most' obstinate and diï¬icnlt diseases of horses. Over 23 years eXperience as Far- rier Sergeant-Major ’in the Royal Horse Artillery is sufï¬cient guarantee that he thoroughly niggerstands‘ .eyery department H. G. TAYLOR, ...---..,-_., ___-__V,, de- in Farriery. Horse medicinés of Every scription carefully compounded and kept constantly on hand. g†Stables on the premises . I" vâ€--. Laclie Street, Old Market Block, near the Foundry. JAMES KENNY, Late Sergt-Major Royal Horse Artillery- NEELANDS 81 BENSON, DENTISTS, Have pleasure in announcing to the public, that they to the rdom ndjo' ' thé Y M. C- A. Reading , m. BOOTH COBBETT’S BlOGK,0RII.I.IA where they have Opened. and ï¬tted up, A PERMANENT (DFFICE! and hope. by attending to hairless, and war- ranting all work, to merit the conï¬dence of the public, ‘ H¢XVE REM OV'IE} I)! Teeth positively extractéd without the slightest pain, by the use of NITROUS OXIDE GAS. All operations connected with the Teeth skillfully performed. A ":1 15m, 1573. 180. , I beg to inform the public that I am about to make an extensive'iyprovement in my business, and to accomplish thmb~ jcct, I offer my present stock‘of ’Tinwu'e at a. great refit) _tiE0n on the ordinary selling. ’77:... -- â€mun": “haslwabwquâ€"vâ€"-_ -__, , _ ' An inspection of my prices as com with oth‘cxs, will cunvinco that I mean business. 1 . _. , Job work with neaimess and diapafbh. I have special facilities £0! carrying bu that branch of my business. Call at once, for what you want I will .sell very cheap ILIPS. for cash. D. PH Barrie. Jury 14th, 18(3- Api~i1,15:h, 1873. EYE Su'bscn'ber offers an ï¬nenent chance to pm of hunted mall toer A. ‘ -GHANQE- . Hm 0. HM, Your Own! 'VITROUS OXIDE GAS. CHANGE IN MY BUSINESS. an Anxoxms TRAINS GOING SOUTH; m Leahâ€"131w and every way FIBSFTQ APPLY DENTISTRY. ‘d 9.1:» Superintemlent. 10.20 10 02 CARD. '. KENNY , 11.20 10.55 10. 10. 31 10 25 10.05 Apply to FARRIER, 1:sz L TERMS! in the placembe CHOICE ! 9.15% 9.37‘ LI-‘r ’ght ;tht 10.15 11.40 11.12 11.35 Largest SCYTHES, SNAITHS. FORKS. EVER HELD Manufactured Expressly From the Very Best Material, By the manufacturers, we :an give you a. BETTER ARTICLE, at a LOWER PRICE, than HARVEST T0013: For HARVEST TOOLS. Selling Retail at Wholesale Prices Great Bargains! Moll‘att Wilson’s See Posters and Small Bills about Town, BEAVERTON STOVE DEPOT JAMEdï¬Mï¬Eï¬i nu uvw on noun Cooking Stoves, hawk“ “mamas, can on. Thos. H. Portas, ask for :dvertised lette'rlh D CAMERON. Bum 1.116191825- . ; W. W. G. BmGHAmé-g A CALL Somcrrm). Has now on hand a very Ingenock of For Full Particulars FFICE T0 RENT Aï¬ply to 'rH'os. H. PORTAS NOW _IS YOUR TIME! E FARMERS, W- W- GIBINGHAH, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. As these GOODS were SCYTHE STONES, any other house. FOR OUR TRADE, rurNIJS‘G 3mm: BY ANY HOUSE for a. List of Prices. at TO BE HAD HAVE m _. AT- ATA Discount. 1 or STORE ! FLOUR, Feed aï¬d Provision Store! @pbsme Booth’ 3 Brick Block SIE'IGCEQFS FWM Graham Flour, Oatmeal, Corn Meal, WMe, Com, Barley, Bran, Shorts, Lard. My Cheese, Confectionery, c., c. Nun! Opposm m “ Annoy Horn,†â€"_.â€"-â€"_+___â€"â€" (DRILLIA MARBLE WORKS! FRONT ST†- - ORILLIA. CHARLES DAVIES -GO., CHIMNEY PIECES,' TABLE AND COUNTER TOPS, TOMBS, MARBLE, SLATE, AND STONE PARTICULAR NOTICE TO BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS IME-BURNERS. @’ Samples of Stone may be seen, and orders left, at the MCMULLEN , VESSEY, Booth’s Block, Orillia. ‘ (SP HAPPY TO GIVE REFERENCES. 3 .‘v-w v r _ Has pleasure in returning thanks to the public for their ecknoivledged appreciation of his efforts to supply a. want long felt in Orillia, in furnish- ing a ï¬rst-class Boot and Shoe Store, where can be had ALL KINDS OF WORK c A Large Stock of Ready-Made work on'hsnd which is sure to give satisfaction in quality and price. a Work done What! nï¬sfnction guaranteed. .6 REASONABLE P RI 0E. HARVIE MCKINLAY'S, In want of a set of Light ess fully solicit a. call. Fine of-k a Front Street; Suitable for Farmérs and, Léy'nbermen, which for cxceilence. workmanship . ‘ andâ€"guality 4:393:01; be surpassed in the province. To Livernyen Earmers, Saddles, Bridles, Mnks,Va1ises, Brushes, Combs, In facteverything :1pr to their trade always on hand and hobo bad Heav >1‘ Encourage Home Enterprise ! CUT wmoow AND 0003 SILLS FOR 'SALE! BUILDING â€"§T_5NES (Between the “Queen’s Hotel’ W Wark done TH. CARPENTERS 2 SADDLES : 'CO' vâ€"â€"~ HEAD STONES, 8n, Manufactured, and warranted to give satisfaction: LABS AND‘U 339mg ‘ DONE GROCERIES, CROCKERY, CHINA. GLASSWARE. 1an s; LIQUOBS, go to _RQUHARSON% NEW STORE! ‘ Made tip in the latest style and at a Next door to Slaven’s Drug Store. IS In}: PLAGE‘~T0'GET y Harness -! PROPRIETORS. Less, double or singlggthey would respect- : a speciality an done in workmanlike "and We! Simm's 03.1%) ' ‘V p. â€u. taxINLAY. WASH STAKE; MONUMENTS; 03mm, 0mm oï¬ce of For: good RIDING SADDLE, and take your pick from the Bissette 8: , vlloy Batgest and B'eBtSbéck EnglishéAme ican HARNESS 0! every vu-ioty of style sad price, of unpu'ior ï¬nish, will be on hand. BRUSHES, Ugh ever brought iibo Orillk fl CASH The most complete stock of Auctioneer Commission Merchant ! A Splendid max-uncut of Q‘ If you want a. safe Collar, try March 15th, 1873. ï¬les. roams, Liquor Dealers. DISSETTE HOYv Pmâ€! for two monthsï¬om than any. deer'l butOld ye 75 oh. by tine Bmxum Brandi“ from “50W cue. Hotel keeper- will ï¬nd my dock more com- plate, better mowed, and better “In. than can befound elsewhere. SPECIAL J ust opened out. hordertoefl'ectn in endlessvvsriety. CURRY COMBS, F. J. GRIBBIN. SPURS, c., mmsms, 'I‘ 61hr“! ""Wu-hdc." and in 31;. taunt-ae- 'm ready-m: [snow hdthtofn 'thn of 0v 3 thou-maimed by‘ m “d mv {new for yourselves, Household Furniture ! Boom taper, Window Blinds, Framed Pictures. Fancy Goods School Books, 11 Family Sewiogm Machines, Needles, Mel change in his Business LATEST r55 EESIGNS 1 THE Subscriber being about to Would take this opportunity to thank his customers, and the general public, for the liberal patronage he has received from them for so many yous; and he requegta numb be 21°"; 99¢ Those Indebted to Him! ms rumilsmuc neuarum All ACCOUNTS UNSEI‘TIED Plaxd in «Suit for- NEW DOMINION DEALER IN ALL mxns or '. WORLD is; New» Store I Oppositevthe Post Ofï¬ce. . NOTICE. HAS REMOVED TO to PAY'U? n 0x03, as GEORGE VICK. GEO J. BOOTH wish to deceive “how 'Céncertinas, L, Work Boxes: "mes. Machine Peter Street makes Dye Stuffs; r. ‘4 G001} BYE Cooke Bros’Q THAN TORONTO AND NIPISSING RAIL_0 WAY. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS! -â€"+-â€" IRECTxOute for Max-khan, Uxhridge, Sandal-land, Gallium Cobooonk, nay. Buvermm c., .c. Toronto éasuaviue Wick mdldeunbuou... h 1: mode; At Scuboro" Junction connect with'the G: 1‘_ B," going But. MM Iidlnd Juncï¬on connect with xidhnd Railway for Lind. . coma soummxpu Tobnto Arrive Beaverbone hit. 1873- 192-81 BRICK YARD ' Stflï¬S; GOING NORTH. m: CELEB uox RATED CLYDE s'u “YOUNG WMET†Dye Stufl’855? 1 lows : CHE APER ' FIRST-CLASS STAGE CONNECTIONS. Lot 9, 4th Com, mm. Mn no“. FOR SALE ! WI Goonxnnw, â€"x+x OTHER HOUSE BEAVEB‘I'ON Arrive Loaye articular; 1p to ALEXAND _ m mm 10-18} 10-40; 10-55 @1050? 10-15} 10-15 12-10‘ 12-15 9-101 4-10 6-1 :.55| IN TOWN 2 Mix‘d 11-35! 12-10' 703: +10 1-10 3-101 4-10