.10 A. TAIT, or to THUS. \V. COPNER. Drillia. Feb. 26th, 1373. For Sale Che \p, and on easy terms. 8 mun- bet of the best Buildin" Lots :11 Orin“- Apply to J AS. SHANAHAN, - PROPRIETOR. VALCADLE Building Lots For Sale! C-I'S TOBI Root 6; Shae Store! M:ic;nity, 6y all respcctable dealers. Whole- nle, and to dcaiers only. by 181-6111. leoths, - weeds, TailorH‘s Qrimmings, flentlomen’ s Furnishings,0. 13 Front St. “3%, i!,.Ltc the “Iron Block,â€) Q. Superim- workmauship done at the owest possible prices for cash. Lï¬zaï¬â€™s Brass Label Brand! which for years has held the lead, and is so well known in Drillia as to require no recom- mendatien imm us. E a vain call tnc attention of store- kc: pets. and Chm public generally, toour celebrated brandsuf this article. 0121c: -House of all Natinns flu: the best 15 41w svs the cheapest, as it will u cover more ground and w ear the longest. be sure you get T'o'oe delivcrcd at the 1:131:03: price in Cash w WHITE LEAD ! Wm; This Hotel is I; ï¬fty: s-upplifd wi Sample and win Travellers and \‘initn DOUGALD Bum-x. ï¬â€˜ 300 (‘nrds â€11:3." (namely, for which the h be rid. Cu}! "d in “Thu, F'n'nd " fQ ' Tww-pa r x \1, J. LJ-l dime ORILLIA. T. LEATH ER €333 A3313. “ENDS. For Sale in Orillia! Gama. Feb. 2: IORONTU Livery Stables ! WM. JACKSON, FAS' " «1‘ HORSES By Royal Authority I hits Orillhl regularly on the at each momh. Good sets of Teeth at 33113. 050e, at Dr. ‘Snndcnon‘s . s GALBRAITHQ Ev case for whic . rETERm'A 2:1' SURGEON, BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Oril- Iia and vicinicy. that he has settled in Or- illia, for the prwtivm vi 212* profession, and that he will be happy an. 911 tuna-:4 to attend to salt case for which his Hermon-s may berequired. u -x t w MAGS HOUSE, 6’ Enquiire at any of the Hatch [â€7081 E {ix A ï¬6D.â€"Addfc$-I Box-3 ‘ '0â€"{FVHVIEFXEKC :10!) formerly Occupied 15* All Orders by Emil SHOE)! .\LER S’ F l) 01‘? \V. Barrie, J ulv 2‘ 1V1 Sueryor, and M: imgrly Goveyumcut Alchitect, haw? â€pa-net} All orders :0 1 Oï¬ce TOItO N'L‘O, ONT. ‘1. tor, V'alxxzttur, er Gmnl Agent, ()rillia. Unt Orrxczâ€"Masonic Buildim< RED. J. P». ANGER. etc“ ads Permanent Build Commoner for ta 0mczâ€"â€"0ver new ‘RILLIA 15â€"32% and Attunxeys-atolAW, $0116. or: in Chancery, Conwyuncers. c. Onczâ€"In Masonic Buildings Mixtmsg 9mm J. 1). EDGAR I". â€13195,; DEFICIT-Next door to the ‘ ‘ Ormia Home,†or 1.: hi. remdence. after ofï¬ce how. V'K EVANS, BARRISTER, AT. TORKEY-AT~LA\V, Solicitor in Chin. nary, Convayancer. Notary Public, Com ion" for £351!" Afï¬davits, c. . , Grifï¬n, June it}: Wanted §mmediately, GRAVE N I IURST. “MAN, shamans T§gi.20. L‘AMUEL AND 000 D (10)" V EVA NCES. PETER 5'11, ORILLL-L AUCTIONEER. MONEY TO LESD. MATC HE OAS H S T It 51511 'R. WM. onyy'x 'DGAR, FEXTON CO‘RBOULD, LV_‘- . c. 8. 1305.119 Kt); L. D. s., MUEL S. ROBINSONKSULICITOR, and Notary Public fur the Dominion is. Conchum-cr. c. Money Lent.â€" Inissioncr fur taking Afï¬daviis. rut-100w: new Dnminiun Bank. Ormia. w. .mnsmnxa, “'ESTS’" .,..()RIILI\ L- LIEMBER J . ALPORT‘ n- which his sex" Aug. 10th. 137 Insincss (furbs. A (AVAYS ( W 0 O D n \\ HULL .\LE :1 was 1:: cg EMRLHG WA 1N WRIC J. SHASAHAN. : Hark wanted imme- ltt‘NE price 11: can}: anl “N, Pruvincinl Mr. .krtuur G. Robinson, ut Lhi. Engineer â€Id led an ofï¬ce at Urinia. 11$ GRANT, COSVW- ‘1'1 inn-kg promptatten- ()muu. P. O. 1.5. Accuun: } furnished and A US: ‘\ Int-S. for Communal 16th. Inh and 18th a student. Pnopmm'on. Pawma'ron. r-‘ F V l‘ (|' 4 Vanna“. m3. 9.“ ODE. 3.3.9.. SEZ. our". |.I||l..\..l.ll. .5. 2:5. flagg- .\. TAIT. x- which the 1. Insurance ,IGHT, f’rupridtï¬' ITI-Iy. an Duwm'ï¬ Law P. p. s.) 142. Is also replete with a. stock of everything that is required by young men and old, Call and see my new stock for yourselves, ugd you will have no need of buying elseâ€" largest stock†112 town; his long experience in the business commends his abilityin buying a. good ar_ticle, and in paging int up: advvaxiéages which Iready-made TaiTozs do not possess. Althoug 11 he does not wish to deceive ghe public by adv ertisilng that he ha; the Is now complete, and will be found to cemprise all the In returning thanks for the large share of patronage he has received since he com- menced business in Orillia, would inform the public that his new Spring Stock of Cloths! A nice mrtment of Cakes, Pastry, and Confectionery suitable fox- this season and all DU-XLOP is determined to give his _ customers the beneï¬t of the fall in the price of Flour. and has put down the full 4 lbs. Loaf to 12 cents. Tailoring In Mr. D. McKinIay’s building, on West Street, a. few doors south of Colborne Street. T. DUN LOP’S Bestln'eadin’l‘own TIIE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT LATEST DESIGNS z Orillia. January Ist, 1872. DINNER for m, R. PARKHII ~ Only 12 cents, 33' REMEMBER THE PLACE TEA or COFFEE. ESTA BLISHMEN’I'. A GOOD CUP 0ri15ia Fruit Bepet Office Hours, 10 am. till 8 p.111. Sat~ urdays, 10 am. till 1 p.111. H. S. SCADDING, has been opened, for the accommodation of mechanics and parties wishing to deposit small amounts. Deposits taken in this De~ partment of one dollar and upwards, upon which interest will be allowed. payable half yearly. , _ ___ A _ 1 OLD and American Currency, drafts on New Y,ork Bills of Exchange, and United States currency, bought and sold Drafts issued on all points in Canada. Interest will be allowed, at the rate of four per cent per annum, on Special De~ posits remaining three monthsp Special arrangements can be made for moneys re~ maining over that time. NEW DOMINlON Corner of Mississaga and Peter Streets. HE Subscnber has opened a for the purchase and sale of Horses. Ind will always haVe a large number to dispose of. Parties wishing to sell or purchase Horses will do well to call and leave their commissions With him. He has also commenced the trainingof Colts, to which he‘ would inï¬te the attention of stock raiser-s. R. TINDLE. HORSE BAZAAR. HE Subscriber has opened a , for the purchage and sale of Ho] 6‘ Clean and respectable Vehicles. .315) lGl-tf. FROM 11 A. 31., TILL '8 P. M. (0 site the Residence of JamesS FPO 3341., Front Street, Oriï¬!ia.)mon, A SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT VOLUME IV., N0. l95. GOOD HORSES ! DOMINION BANK. TIN DLE'S YOU CAN GET MINTHORN’S BLGCK. AT THE 0F 165. Agen t Blacksmith Shop. Bu commenced business in connection with J. McLeod, Blacksmith, @‘ IN MOFFATT’S OLD STANDNQ MATCHEDASH STREET, Where he will 've pmmpc attention ta d1 or~ dens with whi he may be favoured __que1nber the place is opposite mm. W IJ.‘r NIPEG, ON TAIN S the most reliable infom- tion of allthe aayin and doings in the great “ North West†Lveryone who take. 1n interest in this fertile Province, or who untid- W9 making their homes here, shouldsubocribo or 1:. Terms. $2 per annum, in advance. Addresa. ' BROKO 'SKI 6:. CARRUTHEBS, Praprigtors, “ The manitoba. Gazette," GOOD [‘73 HRSED NOTES on MORT- (mGE SECURITY. ON TAIN S Ofï¬cial and General Inform- ation respecting the Sons of Ten rance, Doings and Progress of other Orders, ogress of the movement at Home and Abrmd asun- mary of the news of the week. a Famiiv Mis- cellany. and an Agricultural Department. LUKE s; LARKE, - Oshawa, Out. 81 PER ANNUM. 6' \Vérk Shop: next door {0 Dodge C038 oflice, Mississaga Street. F. J. DELANY. Orillia. Februarv 4th. 1873. 170 D clussstyle. Mecnschaum and other Tobacco Pipes fez-ruled and repaired with neatueas and despatch. Attention paid to light repairs of all kinds. Sewing Machines and Needles Of all description? kept constantly i_n stock: ‘19 DELANY TROLLING BAIT .’ F. J. DELANY, Money to Loan! Apply to Prepared and for sale, Wholosale, by THE CANADIAN SON OF TEMPERANCE! Published for the Sons of Temperance, Enquire for them at the nearest store where Medicines are kept; 01 send to Bar- rie for them. One dollar will procura mo boxes of the Pills and thrccI of the PU\\UL‘XS. FOR TESTIMONIALS SEE PMIPHLETS! PR1 019â€"25 CENTS PER BOX .’ kDWARD BURKEN SHAW, CARRIAGE MAKER, £10.. and are entirely vegetable. In obstinate cases of Dyspepsia the Pills should be taken with the Powders, full directions accompanying each box. In doses of one or twu, they are alterative, in larger doses Cathartic and Anti-Billions, alwuy srestorâ€" gthc healthy functzon of the body. Those w ho have once used them will not consent to haxe any other Kind \\ hatever. Gnnsmith Shop 3 N O MINERAL POISON EWIX G MACHIN ES repaired in ï¬rst- Have given entire satisfaction where they have been used. They possess KERMOTT’S Mandrake Pills I Prepared and For Sale, Wholesale, by E'or Sale by DR. SLAVE", Orillia. 81 will Procure 5 Packages. Enquire for them at the nearest drug- gist’a, if not prooumble there send for them by post to Barrie. Price 25 Cents: Have been received from F. Kean, of Orillia; also from the Editor of Newmah ket Era, and many others, corroborating the above statements concerning these Powders. TESTIMOMALS 2 KERMO’I‘T’S Dyspepsia Powders ! Qfliu, over Dominion Bank: l, 24:!) June. 73. Manufacturer of tie Celebrated (nu-33m») Haire been unparalleled in the cure of Dyspepsia, and general disorders of the Stomach and Bowelsâ€"persons who have been amicted for years, and tried the various Physicians that came within their reach, without re- ceiving any beneï¬t, have been entirely cured by taking one Box of these Powders. CO H. KERM 0TT, DRUGGIST, GUNSBIITIi. ORILLIA C. H. KERMOTT, Chemist. Barrie, Ont. S. S. Ronmsqyg he @xm Bums, 0x1. Solicitor, ‘ 1mm orném ftp-the Dominion of Cu:- nglto IMO. â€h†, n’ r. MURRAY. 4m A STOCK Company entirely devoted to our human. 1mm nothing but Farm groperty uul Detached Rendencel. Chi-taxed and Maud banne- m 1853. CASE Assam, ‘- $000,000 00. FARM}: Insure 5 Property IN THE Agricultural Insurance Co. @‘ Aedl will utiaiyyontlnt hols determined to sell st price: thnt cannot be beaten. EAVE-TROUGHIN G donein unperior manner; and every description of work in his line manufactured to order on the shortest notice and most reasonabletems. Now is your time to buy yam-Stoves md Stove~pipes,'Coppex-, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Japm Wm, gt prices thnt will Astonish you‘. BOX AND {mom srovns, and m assortment of Shelf HARDWARE. COOKING STOVES, Stock Complete ! ORlLLIA, ONT, CANADA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, {87 . and additions in his business, has de- tax-mined to sell his present stock at, and in some cases in below, cost prices. Allin want of bargain: in Stores and Tinware, should CALL EARLY ! Extensive ‘ Alterations ! Mr. ngton’posBe unbound-8100 ,Qauted_ u expend protection to D. PHILLIPS Hal/71.3! 0/12’ 6‘ 82 05?£. 0mm. 26th March. 1873. @- Call and see for yourselves that we sell our Goods cheap. SELL FOR CASH! WE BUY F0]! CASH Parties 1n want of bargains can be accommodated by us, as GROCERIES, All Kinds of Goods and thus effect a large saving. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, c. A FULL STOCK Pace Main, HISSISSAGA STREET. Being about to nuke PACE MAIN. DRY GOODS, AND «long In“, I bmaktas‘ tches ï¬nches arri ve. fmntï¬f 1 half- past nod the of her In the libm We sincerely hope that this most deplor- able occurrence will read both political par~ ties a lesson not soon to be forgotten. That both parties have more or less resorted to bribery in s good many of the elections of ‘72s: well as those of '67, is beyond all doubt. It is utter nonsense to say that with the one side was all the purity and honour, and with the other all the corrup- tion and baseness. It was not so. Will not then the honourable men of both par- ties see in this the legitimate consequences of their proceedings and vow that hence- forth, let the result be what it may, they will never again spend a cent in bribing. Even the lessserupnlonspsrtizsns mypen hnpc get their eyes opened to the folly and wickednessoi whntthey have hitherto look- ed upon as legitimate party tscties. Let the msn thst offers or takes a bribe be de- elared inhmousâ€"incspsble for a series of years dther of being a representstive or an elect»: We care not to which side in ‘ politics ofl'enders belong. The men who hsve to sll a peannce sinned as the pre. sent Federal ' 'sters hnve sinned are un- worthy of the respect or even tolerance of s. immdmomlpeo le. Byall means give them a. fair trisl. ut when convicted, as we believe they will be, nay, as substan- tially they we already, let them have a just and an sdequate sentence and punishâ€" ment. And should those of the “ other side" he ever found engaged in snytlxing 1 like such infamous pmcecdin let their flingemmtx'on be a? swift, their plai- " if possi e, more severe. e may have the ï¬nger scorn pointed at us for hsving had such things going on in our midmbut let us, stsny rate, not have thesddiï¬analinfsmyofithavinghbesaid thstCsnsdisn mllrs make themselves vile and ï¬ts people loved to leave it so. Yes, and while we condemn end dismiss those who have hetrsyed their trust and heaped infamy on the fsir fame of our nation, let us not forget toswesp each before his own door and in our own humble spheres hence- i forth strive to speak as trn snd set as honourabli as a minister of Crown . ogght. alwys _to speak and act-W When free from the cares of State, noth- ing can besimpler than the daily routine of life Queen Victoria leads at Balmoml Cu- tie. She manages her household on very strict principles, servants according to meritâ€"promotion alwaye being held out. For a stupid act, one member of the royal honechold had to wait ten year: for pm- nntiun. HerM :jeety rise: at ceremtakee breakfast at nine, and than attends to dis- tchea and private correspondence; she unchee at two, then drives out in her ca'riage. During meals a piper plays in l front of the window. She has dinner at ‘ half-put eight in the library, not having ‘ nod the large dining-hall since the death offher husband. There is no display in the library-~the arrangements are 01 the einplest character. She spends much of hu- time in Prince Albert's room. She' comes quietiy in to her dinner, with her knitting in her hand, and retires early. Sin isa woman of great method. In all wather she is seen abroad. A rainy day does not keep her in; with a water-proof and umbrella, [she deï¬ee the elements. Itia quite a common thing to aeoher walk- ing in the ground: under a driuling' rain. Sie is a hearty woman, having no “ ï¬ne lady" fancies. She dresses consistently wih the climate and the weather, and a fresh, comely, sensible-looking woman the in, in her comfortable, plain jacket and broad-brimmed hat. mmummm How did Chiist preach ! He forbade family quarrels. He warned his hemrs agninst the evil metices of the Scribes and Phsrisees. o bade no one come up to the Temple to vorship until hehsd ‘d his just debts. Be not only enjoin on them not to sin, tut told what the ï¬rst sin Was. that they m'ght shun it. He tslked to them about their families, and their habit of borrowing. He told them how they should scoot people in the stnets, when they should giveaway, and how they ‘ should give it; how they should keep fatst ‘ day. He told them how religion bone upon theirbusiness and associations. He bade them not to hwkbite or slsnder. He warned them against preachers who aunt- preaching false doctrine. Common things he discussed inconimonlnngnage, enliven- 1 ins; his discourse with pungent question- ing, illustrated by numerous stories, gur- nishing it with vivid and beautiful pic- tures, drawn from summer ï¬elds and hum» ble homes. Through it all, sang the ten- der tones of love, pity for the suffering, strength for the weak, trust and comfort forthe poor. No Wonder the people were asbuished at his doctrines, and when he cane down fmm the mountain. great mull. tï¬ndes followed himâ€".11â€. 0. Harvey. There is a wide difl'erence in the signi- estion of two trends which an frequently used a synonyms, and very often by those who should be better informed. The two words are, “Forsskingâ€nnd “Forgetting. †Anyone will see, upon the 'slighta-st reflec- tion, that the diï¬â€˜erence in the meaning of these two word: is very great, snd still We often hear the 25th verse of the 10th chap- ter of Hebrews quoted as though no difl'er- ‘ once existed between the meaning of the two words, and therefore “ Not fending" is changedfinso “ Forget not.†Ccrttinly 3 the injunction is much weskened by this nnwnrmntahls change. To forget what we ought to namember is certainly wrong; but to wilfully neglect s duty which we cannot possialy forget is undoubtedly much more so. How great then. is the guilt of thosehwho, incepahleof forgetting, still wilfully sud habitually neglect or “ forsake" the assemblin of themselves together, as the manner 0 some is? J. LAWSON. We: ills may thee depress, Thy Suriour‘s always near, All} units thy troubled wul to bless, And drive may thy fear. Thin why despair when clouds arise? Why yield to childish fem? Toheaven lift up thy downeut eyes, in}! wipe away thy tens. !' O rough the sea of life :ppeu'. raise thy droo in; head; viour says, “ oggood cheer, W I;beno:afni§?" ‘ I :.-~"" In Bimwhb 0’1] the bfllon trade. And doth the winds control; Trust thou in every time of need, And He’ll preserve thy soul. Queen Victoria’s Bahia. acumen». (Mutt... x1v... 2'4. ) 37 J. Luv-sax, out: Eiresihe. For m Emma For Tax Exrosnon. Wm " W: think the public may now mannebly look fox-wen! to more activity in busineqe than for some time, put. 1:; miny bunch! of tade it w quiet, not to “y dull, during the spring and earlier num- mer, but the chief unset were the tight- non of money and the poor cropp The ï¬rst came continue! to be felt more or less uyerely, and will dnubdeu induce cautiun 1n incurring liabilities; but with ‘ the pmpeot 'ofttleut a {nil Medï¬here‘ is reason to hope that n good fell busine- will beam. We consider the business ‘of the Dominica. though not free from dungeon. tqbegenenllyon unannd'md healthy bum-«Monday Tina. - Tn: little debts tint the boy is allowed to contract at the villnge store no often the commencement of his ruin, and the small debt: which the young couple just Ital-ting in life owe, are the beginning of oauntleu wineries. for pcrlnnl who live :1- nyl in debt doubtless mfl'er milenbly. until their Iemibilitien become blunted, andtheywillpefhnpedeclamthntthewodd. owe: them I living, end they mean to get it out of it. ' tnmplnntin Thu men ed no epocinl edeptetion for bad: life. Hem n moment in Edinburgh forngoodmnny yen". end in new to evelything here. But he took to the new eimunstnnm like a men. and instead of growling end grumbling over the feet the: there ere no each minute sub-divisions of lnbour in Quads u in the old country. pulled ofl'hnooet end went et his work u If he meant it. He shown he iguannoe, perlupe. mwiehingtogetehoue when: couple of oxen would luve been more to hi4 purpoee. But in spite of all that will get on, end if be live will. no doubt, be one of (ignite eubetmtid yeomen by end “ We have got wonderfully well through the winter. We (my son and I) have got into chopping well, and have chopped some twenty-ï¬ve acres for Government, at ten dollars an acre (to get other ten dol- lars for lodging in summer.) It has been a great help to us, as we had literal! no capital. Got up a good house [15,: by borrowing from the Government in the fall [an advance on the clearing]. Have live acres at our own to crop. Going out the ï¬rst week of May {or horse. cow, pig, seed, c. A neighbour joins me in cettin ‘ the horse. All pretty well settled roun 1 us now, though none within twelve miles‘ of us at ï¬rst [only last fall]. Some not in yet, but coming this summer. A good ‘ few from Wâ€"â€"-â€"[where the writer ï¬rst landed last spring, and wrought a few months] Some are coming from the Old Country-mold! friends, and nice Christians; prospect of aha py, prosperous settlement, pram! God! ourteen miles from store or nut-oflice. so we don't get mail Very regularly. but expect a pust-oï¬we nearer, and store too, ere long. Not so good a supply of provisions as I could have wished early in winter, so have hadtodraw itinsineeindeerskins. Can draw 150 pounds over the snow easily.â€" Have had no hardships at all, I may say; any little diflieulty arose from want of meansâ€"seeidental themfore. Have been all remarkably healthy and happy, and have felt the winter short. ï¬nally an hour of work for bad weather. Not atall so cold as anticipated-do extra clothing â€"shiflrsleeves everyday. Msrehhasbeen the worst monthâ€"two or three falls of snow, and one or two blasts, though now the snow is going rapidly of. No frost in ‘ groundâ€"have garden plants ready for Sometimes we hear of the new â€ï¬lm in Parry Sound and Muskokn being griev- ously disappointed with the country. It is to be feared that there is something wrong about those oomplniners themselves rather than with the country, and it is ever to hebome in mind flat the nanny who are satisï¬ed are generally silent, while the complainera nuke a. considerable noise about their hardship. The following is on extrnct from 3 letter from an Edinburgh mm who went to Parry Sound last full. He and his son took up bevveen tm. and three hundred acres of land, and under dnte of 15th April, 1873. he tell: to an; Old Country friend the following not un- promising story of his ï¬rst winter in the .â€" Acovs'r 13. Look to Hoursehe tint we lose not those things 5which no have mu ght. but that we receive sfull remd. â€"xx. John, 8. Lord any we ever watchful be That we my not depart from Theo, Nor lose what now Thy grace has giver, And endless joy: with Thee in heaven. Mums-r 12. If thoiz faint in the by of adversity, thyntrength hsmnlLâ€"vaerbs, xxxv.,10. Lord, let me never hint beneath Thyrod. Remembering 'tis the loving hand of God; Else smdl indeed my strength would surely Were I to hint instead of trusting Tine. Thus may I ever long to he Within Thy home to gwonhi Thee; And mymy heartbethea 0f Thee, my Saviour and my God. Amun- 1L Msny m the aflictium of the righteous: but thc? Lord delivereth him out of them :11. -Pqu. xxxm, 19. Since all He love: He does chastise _Let me fly chutcging notdespiae, Avatar 10. My soul longeth. ya. even hinteth for the court: of the Lord: My heart nu! my flesh crieth out for the living God.â€"-Pulm, Atom 9. Come now, and let as real»: together, nit!) the Lord: though your sin- be a and; they Mud] I: u white at um on they be ' eerimlon, they been vrooLâ€"Iuint, 1., 18. Sinner the inflation heed. No longer steel thy stubborn hen-t. 1'th God dethlxow in money plead, For God forsake- Eisl'heople néver; But does‘fmm every ‘ deliver. handnbo , .inthe dnnthatI-lnll deal with thee I the Load hum spoken it, and I will do it.â€"Exekiel. um, ll. Siï¬Â°'m§â€iï¬"éiï¬Â°r e of y Can thy hands be strong and sum ’Neath the banging nod! Thou Vintll‘cu be and. so“ . , F'r ï¬lyqdvfllaptflonh Emept MMW. (Conn-Elm“! “Tn Xxx-cum: by Luv-nu.) Accum- 7. The LJl'dilnighuneo them untamed :brokenhygn; Mantis-whatnot; coma-its unlitâ€"Palm, rant, 18. To those of broken ennui“ hurt: The Lord in ever nigh, Md ever on. them from I11 ill When to Hi. can they fly. New Settlers in any Sound. 6m not ni- spirit to Julian: ' Obey Hi: allâ€"no mom delay. Come now. and wash your sim any. . Am 8. 09.!!th Mandate, orrcu: thine 0V3 DAILY mu. x in the city of Sananciwo, Stateof Cali- fornia, one ’of the United States of Amer- icg'twenty-two Chine-e femaies, who 1nd arrived It Hon: Kung only the day before, rm gold by public mama. The quot-w ï¬nal were as high a $450 for young woâ€" men. and from $100 to m for middle- agedud o!d woman. It to us that “this kind of thing it to even in Celifornia, Abnhun Lincoln lived for no- thing and died in vain, and Cunt, Butler, Sherman and several other: raised a very wfwdeouth aboutudomj Hum being: are still held in bondage, Ind bonuhund sold likecattle, in open mar- ket and by public amnion. in flat country over which the sudden of Liber‘ix so fre- quently represented as wuiug her cap, which has been mittbly loewed on one ex- tremity of a. long: pole while she holds the other in her band. VQn'l‘ueId'nyof last week, A coon story is told of a. Germanâ€: idea of model-3m beer drinking. Being e wit- ness in court, he was asked huwnuny he bud ever taken at one sitting. Well, thou: forty-ï¬ve glam: was all. He was then asked if he thought it pomible on get drunk on Germ-m beer. “ wen,†was the response, “to long a he drinks him easy likome, he lillnot gfltdmnk butifmuws to make; hogof his-nit, like some purples, then he might get drunk. " Dun use like flinging mosquitoes to honest men. mi they poke ‘heir bills en often into their face. that. they learn to give them a with", 83d! never let. t3? approach '11; «t to is when men we the mgofobhiniug whntie not I"): fully their own, and thereby defrauding their neighbors, and the community st MIL Tremaine, M. P., whose yacht was part of the mum! pageant at Portsmouth during the Shula" visit, was injured by the wder fwm the gum of a. near gumboat co daughters of Lord Smdy's were 1150 hurt, and the powdered grains riddled the yncht's bulwark; and boat; like bullets. Waxy t Roummim peasant is at the 5:13:05 (hath, In: fnendl gixje him deep glut: of strong liquor to inspire him with courage togu to judgment. W KATEVIR you do, do not neglect the cellu- under your dwelling house. Clo-m it up whitewash the vans, and ventilate it thomughly uni often. MARIA Dust. loaded her crinoline with fun in Canada, and add them in Rock- port, N Y. An ingenious method of “ nia- mg the wind." This is found to betlne ease now. too, in Pennsylvania, under “ Load Prohibition. †Whenever the licensed “ bars" have closed up the hotels sre more comfortable, orderly snd commodious than when they were licensed. Under license the owner dc- pended greatly on the ssle of quuors for his proï¬ts. He conducted the “ sr†well sud neglected his guests. He now ï¬nds thst without the “ but†he must depend upon his guests snd burden, and as acou- uenee greater attention is paid to them an greater eï¬'orts are put forth to make them comfortnble. When liquor was sold the “bar" was cleaned up to the eye sad the bed rooms left ditty. This is now all reversed. The “ bar†is shut and the bed ‘ roomssresttcnded to. Fromthese facuj it will be seen tint hotels. and taverns an 1; be better conducted for public accommods- l tion. without license then with the liquor tmflic licensed in connection with such es- tsblishments. We trust thst we shnll hear no more nonsense talked about the necessity for licensed liquor saloons in union with hotels for the accommodation of traveling public. ' telers merely; but largely by the general public. who prefer the tem ee hotels for their orderlinees, to the ' ing hot-ls where rowd ' may disphyitself at any moment. Glugow, Dublin, Belfast, Limerick, Cork, Liverpool, Southport, Bir- minghm, Leeds, Sheflield, Stea'ord, Bol- ton, Preston, and a. hostofother Engl'uh, Irish and Scotch cities and towns, temper- ance hotels we favourite place- of stopping for s lug-e section of the middle and in» dustrious chases. Mrs. Aleken, the widow of an eunest teetohler, conduct-e large temperance hotel in Dublin, the apihl‘of Ireland; and motherin Glasgow, the oom~ meme! capital of Scotland. Both these establishments are 81"†crowded. One of the most commodions hotels in Belhst, in the north of Ireland, in Mrs. Robinson’s 1 Temperance Hotel. The regularity, good order and system with which it is conducted , makes it a favorite place of resort for travellers, especially for any having ladies in their company. Thus with scarcely ‘ an exception, every city and town in the ; United Kingdom has itstempemnoe hotels, w‘ u a matter of choice on the of both 1 the owner: andthe public. e proprie- I tors of all the ho is here referred to 1 would not accept a [cease to sell liquors ‘ even if forced upon them. Instead of hotels and taverns requiring tohe licensed they can be much better conducted free ' from license end from all this trading in l intoxicants. I perfect. in “thematic-incite. one; is 1 supply ofhot Moon inter inerery hai-roomubeth momenea’ch float-Huge drawing roomsfor Indies and gentlemen; show room for commencid tnvellen, with their umplee; splendid dining room, a ublic restaurant; in even respect, un- Equalled aeoommodetion free from the liquor end ell connected with it. There are half: dozen other temperance hotel: in the tune city, well conducted, well pau'onixed, and with thenteuof fem lower than a my of the hotel- having licensee. In Edinburgh, Scotland, there are the “ “'nverley†tempemee hotels. The proprietor of these has similar hotels ‘ in other citiee of Seoflwd and in London, England, all known In the “ Waverley hotels.†These I13 splendid establish- ments, conducted entirely free from drink; and that in cities where the owner could obtain licensee just upon ulcing for them. The public atop et theee temperance hotels because theyu'emore select. quieter, freer , from noise Ind roughing. end in every re- 1 spect more orderly and respectable; while 1 the ntee of fare ere elmoet invariably 1 lower than those in lieeueed hotels. ‘Lon- don huaeoore of good, ï¬rst-clue tom-u pennee hotels in the very heat of the city. These are neuxlly qowdedfnot by teem: Then at a cum no 'ion to the prohibition of Ivan... houh md urea-m, for public W could never be uncceii'nlly conducned without licence. New!!!“ than 1 more alumni stubemmt made. Then is no connection wins-ever between the bona ï¬de accommo- dstion mquimdat Mud taverns, by bullet: and â€imam-s, and the “w modulon" gimtotheloomof “lad. en" about liquor clean “but.†The best hotel: 111 public accommodnion are those having mhMg drinks. This is the cue even in the United Kingdom, when liquou are placed on the dinin- csbles much mom than in the United States One of the ï¬ne» hotel: 1:: Mul- cheater, En “la“ Tmnlyu,†culled after SirWaltol' m'elym, the Pvesideut ofï¬ng Swwfortho'goppluuon 'lzhmis . «grinned in oppougtioq to the TEENS: SI PER “III“ E r' m‘ India-lbw I Am: â€" ' an"; '31 -â€"me. W mum ryei thong ghh not considerodl to {amazing ea cover, as pecu lu- edvang' taxes I: an enriching ctr Son: in (to fall, it grows on thrauglip the winter“ early spring, till you ï¬end it mm plour'h it under In May or June, m for the succeeding crop. .By this menu )ou will ham lhme crops in the two M â€"one of them «ed emit-Ely for en the soil for the crop foflowipg it. We not merely from theory, But Sign ence. Lastfall, aftern'ï¬n mgleropot potatoes from I. 'plot of gnund, end will:~ ing to have n potato crop the ensuing ye“ from the same ground we bored at under u inter rye. The third week of My we had 1 the plotp leafed with W, unique-reo- ly my manure butthe gmwingxye w under. and the [Woes now gratings}: promise of an excellent mp 30"“? the time was about two foeflzigh. ‘3 turned do“ n on the {man 660le III the dn‘lls. It. not only gave tin-needed knit ity to the mil, but «had also to kept tree and mellow by preventing the of the arch into a hard mâ€" We Ta :2 Ho prom; Tn xc EDT. â€"'I'ke pm Dave Xcsbitt, mill en Iavéun to keep tag, the uppcnrzmcc )f insanity, and mumblu. to himself in an incuherent way when 1‘ think: he is underobsen‘ttion. But “I“, unnoticed he does not seem to law. 10% his names: and when he is taken 23} garb ‘ prise he does not. exhibit. Luck of W ‘ His conduct is, however, lea violent ‘ ' ‘ gt ï¬rst. lie has been harden mom than one OCCMiun a: pigbt to cxchim in used:- ing tunes “ Uh, mypoor murdg-éd M2". He endeavoured some days' a’gb'to hisempe. Remaking tn sin" n; the inner yml when he made a 13d†rush into the 0 wet ytrd and made m efcrks to get arm" the val}. He didlpt‘ of course, succeed: and after spending g' few hours in the dark cell promuod hm conduct in future, and “as (aka: '1», his“ ordinance“. The lcruyshere‘a“ "Aâ€; -__.A:1.- .. -_..A_.... ._ _.R _. - 05 Saturday, 26th ultimo, the W and pupils of the Sunday School to St. Paul’s Church, Newmuket, ‘ 2' bled and presented Mrs. Runny, the Iiï¬q of the Rev. Canon Ramsay, with an ad- ‘ dress and testimonial inthe shnpcginhnd‘ some piece of plate, as a mumbling“ ‘ them of the uniform love and kindne-i any Ind experienced at her hands, and “an: expreaaiun (3" their regret tho; at: should. retire fwm e management mt.‘ after having so ably discharged the duties; ovnnected with that position for nearly 25', â€a†M?i:"‘m’“""5m 3% m“ ed. grace u 3‘ now ’â€" mcnt, and thanked them forthe hand-o... giftsâ€"(â€humid Herald. - Buxbv is said to be getting the be“. of Bismarck, although it is equally ï¬ne tint he gets the best of handy. F oxn flmusand shveo have been not h-ee m Khiva, no the result of thé m expedition. The ark grounded on Mounf Amt. the. ‘ highest Jam] in that put of Ash, the mm surely to prove that the water: had covered ‘ the whole earth, and the more certainly m'. can is away where it might never who. found by the profane of the vol-Id. ‘1“- now in a god state of preservation, bIt'. lyin under an eternal mantle of now. hun reds of feet deep, at an am of 17,000 feet above the level of the you. Ever since the flood dried up, the M of Armenia. has been colder, and snow d- .. ways covers the top of Ararat, rendering; it impossible for any of Noah’s descendant to go up and ï¬nd the askâ€"the snow line defends the approach to the med‘relicn.‘ the tree of life was defended by the flint in: sword in the Garden of Edenâ€"Nab. abounded in the hkelets of the surround- indeountry. Whenhid eel-amid†heels, and fastenedthereto, theendloftheï¬oou, with the side-keel: under-them, remained to a catenary cumoitemion, the cornea was done with themiddleâ€"keel and mid'o' ehip‘floor,‘ u hich med to begin the W of the ark.'1‘hm eprung into the bottom of the ark membled Iheet supported at four corner: that unseen by Peter in elvmma egeeï¬ter theatr- built. The bottom being dulyfarmedqn’d blocked the top timbers were next with the beam: for the decks, and room had its own mot-knead; one for nttnchmeuttothefrahtee; and the been: alternated knee-ends with each other, the. same as the floomdid, and being lad close together, the beams eonsti ted the decks: without planking. entihe ko'eh,flqor timbers, mp-tnnbem‘ih and were erected, then the bottom meovered both outside a!!! ineide with 1 ogeofgreat length, hid in bitumen; and they were pinned and dov ctailed to the decay with pine and dovetails nf shittim wood. Longitudinal and croes bulkheads were next built in the lower huld, and in the lower between- deeks; the former being three in number. and the Letter nine, maldngfonyeehpit' ments in each of those stories. ing to the forty days and forty niï¬ï¬ (iii; the water poured from the windows («Edie heav ens. ""-' . -' 'TV'FII ’llexlf appetzte and amen-a toga-{93‘ [ï¬rst was, in which sign done gap 1. \ portion of humanity he lured. The all of the keel and floor were next nieedcml ‘the middleemeed to bear weight, Illea they wove blocked in position. The“ keel: were then bid and the floor. get across. The timbering wu solid W: out. Everyfloortimber was in onelu'agth, mdhadits roof stheduekneetp can? nect itlflgflén‘w timber; fluid: val dsï¬ in one en very top «w in.“ a floor end having no knee, itself has! Q knee-end for the purpocenf securely icing ing the 11001350 that all the ï¬nd and ï¬le. alternate to timbers had root-knee- «low at then emf; One pair of doors and tie pair of bop~timbem made: dwbleuumberec}: frame. in which the floors were new†ï¬ve feet long sad the top-timbeu m ï¬ve feet on the avenge. The fumes m securely fiovc «tiled, gauged, md my 051 WW “-meiwdhiï¬m whi 8 with lines ‘wht‘ ad sighs «gum, †the bottom‘guodowp won elhpned' ' “2:2 line, presenï¬ngjconvexitym tho and: and to the sky. The central keel md‘midslu'a floor Were ï¬rst bulk on blocksâ€"the flog crossing the keeL Thus was formedjï¬i mme it hadbrad dyadic:- i_t. bed 9qu waged?! Seam“ timber of me In mogul ‘, She whitecedu in lightness; Mn tit time of the flood growing abundantly around till: headwaters of them“! Chi tegopertmepmpu-pe' in. elngv). Themes for the timbeugfï¬Ã© a]: won, my of them, cut out by a" root, and wrought!» for-smack of iron in the forest,- of Northern Manpo- tannin. When duly prepuwed, all the tim- bers were floated in rafu down stream. Uni landed in time of froshets on a m ground in froutoftheNoadï¬andw "‘ “ where they were tested for integn‘ï¬y. then combined in the ' ' structure. The design $0: the ark '8 II; this wise : Form it had depth, Mil“: it..wa maggot «1-3; flint Great Eastern, and Ira Win an life. but it wu inferior in tonnage and di: mention to the modem Great ' ‘ built in London. who-e potion I“ Q ave mama".i The coed?“ â€ti-1:! 110:: accomplish in m. t itch of 3mm! we: ugndly. Xah’c Iii had thmdecks, and“: divided into III.- em-om comment: by longitudinil Ind mumbulkbeadsfortheufctynndoldgr of its occupant; To this thy the Chipge, the okia‘t people lacing knowleaje (I “:0 arts mmhtive with mvigution, use can» 1):erch in their vouch. Noah's Boat.