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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 21 Aug 1873, p. 1

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. GRANT, commy. RED. J. R ' ANGER, c., $9. Vdggtor for the Can. ads Permanent Buildmg Socwty, Drink. 0.3, ( Successor to A. Fowlie. P. L. 5.) Provincial Land Surveyor, Draughtsman. l fivil Enfineer and Architect. Valuator. Land ,xnrl General Agent. Maps compiled. Disput- cd Lines taro-fully adjusted. ' 09m: â€"Suxt dum- to the “01-min Home,” formerly occupied bx; A. Fowlie. ten- All Orders by mail will receive gomptat MM. 4 Address. Box 57. Datum, . 0. 125. 0911c: FNext d ,Eormcrly occnvied All Orders by m _:ion.-Addms. B‘ visits Drillia. regularly on the 16 of each month. Good sets of Teeth at $16.00. Office. at Dr. Sanderson’s. N.B.~â€"A good opening for a Barrie, J 111v Zird. 1872. iii}, En- the practice that he will be happy tny cuefur which his Orillia. Aug. 10th. ] \IR. W“. 155mm, x ”umâ€"w ___ ‘ Survcyrw. and Mr. Arthwu'.“ ' Formerly Uowrnmcnt Civil Engxnecg .Ind Architcct. bin'c opened an offiu at All orders to be lk'ft tt 5. 5. RobiW’lIig‘w \‘._3 â€"-Rents and debts --collected Ofilfib, June 5th. 1372 ' JOHN' MC GOSH, Attorney-at-Law. Solicitor in Chancery Convgyancer, )otary Public, kc. ‘ . .â€" Ornc: IS Km 5 BLOCK. 18-}; 0 FFICEâ€"cht that to .r 2: hi» residency. aft“ Oi DOC runners 13 Ftunt St. \Vest, (Late the “ Iron Block,") 'EX ) 12C) N330; 0N1.- This Hotel is 1:11 Llways mppliéid wfit ~ "310 ths, Tweeds, Tailor’ s Trimmings, 521*22t31‘2aaesz’s Furnishings“; $39113 BARLING, SEWING- MACHINES. 1r-1.\'.\'1.\‘(; MILLS, (1 Y“ -\ \‘F, STONE (I) BELL‘S 3i ELODEONS. 13* prices Orders b; Th5 S u bscribex‘ '17 nuantlty oi J 9.: SHA.\'.-\HAN, - hymen. '1" >le BY-A T-LAW. saliciw 'ry, Conveyancer. Notary P111159, mer for taking Affidavits, c. .VIONEX' TO LE Q‘RANK 13‘ Ana, ”3...”, Beavertun. July, 1873. J“ o USTOM H afiwfi é; Since Store! Livery Stables! (45' Superior workmanship done at the owest possible prices for cash. J. SHANAHAN. WM. JACKSON, - PRommofc. ORILLIA TANNERY ! FAST HORSES C I ' » ' " ‘ Tafl?£.pma f1 1- Hales, hip and Cdehnguxd LEAT H ER 01‘ All: KINIDS. SHOE)! AKERS’ FINDINGS, a, ca- 200 Cums Hemlock Bark yantedimme. d lately for which the highest price at cash will be aid. " s. WAINWRIGHT, TEAM ARD‘ ,r H. LAWRENCE, VETERINA RY SURGEON, 1:03 at inform the inhabitants of Oril- ’ fix; and vicinity. that he has settled in Or- », fur the pnwticc of his profession, and L be will be happy at all times to attend to ‘ case for which his servxces may benquired. 'rillia. Aug. 10th. 1871. ' - "5"â€" ' ' 7 \V kee ers, and the public general! , to 7 celebrated mds of this article. y ' our WHITE LEAD 1 ‘V‘VTE again call the attention ofgtom. keepers, 9nd_ the_ public generally, to our noRONTU that the best‘isvalways the cheafiést, as it will cover more ground and wear the longest. Be sure you get Lyman's Brass Label Brand ! which for y'em has held the lead, Andi-is so well known in Orillia as to roquu’emreeom- mendatien from us. Ind vicinity. by an res waders. Whole- Iale,and to dealers on .by' ' - - ISL-Gm. IMPORTS!“ a? Enquiim at any of the Hoteh. R, W31 CALI) BROWX: w. ARNISTROSG“, ‘RILLIA J. ALP For Sale in Orillia! A): BOAT 6.: STAGE HOUSE. GRAVENHURST. fiusiucss garis- M ATCHEDASH STREET. Lt'l is 13 "e, neatly furnished. and plied wi the choicest Wines. and suite rooms for Come and visitors. 3 13‘ AL!) WHOLEALE Dim IS 9m an st, ORILLIA. EVA 3's, BARRISTER. AT- .-.- 1 .w humor-in Chan- LYMAN, Bantams _eo.,_ W EST ST.. 7 Ewixm‘ ORGANS, mum CHURXS. 193. BOSAN K0, :ribcr is prepared to furnish mty uf White and Red Brick at mail prt mptly. attended $0. GEORGE DRAKE. BROWN, {rancid had . ‘ fink-“ a: REMEMBEB om, Acconnw‘: BEA VERTO-N ALWAYS OX BAND- AGEST FOR ion? to the "an” after office 50'0“- ’ 0!;tbe'16th. 17than518th Pnoynm'ron. :30, a student. CO} .XVEYANCES. D. EDGAR ”smart.- «, 1:. COKBOUID. Portas, ,_ P. L. 5-) 142. VOLIIHE IE, I“). l98. GOOD ENDORSED NOTES on MORT- GAGE SECURITY. S. 8. Kansas, _ Solicitor. Office, MDonwnwn Bank. , Apply to den wrm wxucu u: u..., W -... .7 Remember the place 65 opposit-e McLeod'I With Shop. ‘ 190m. Has commenced business' 11) connection with-T IcLeod, Blacksmith, 6' IN MOFFATT’S OLD STAND, _@ __.-.A n---" w __ MATCHEDASH STREET. Where he will vive prompt attention tn all or- ders wizhyhiqfi he ‘mgy be favoured :. ___A-:.A “.1 M'- W IN NIP E63: - . QNTAINS the most reliable" inform tion of all the sayings and doings in tho gm?- “ North West” Everyone whotakes an interest in this fertile Province, or who antici- Fateg making their homes here, should subscn‘he 0:- 1:. Terms. 82 per annum, in advance. “The Manitoba Gazette, A. Sh QALBBAITHQ Ovncanousp of all Nations. . Indy. I beg to inform the public that I am about to make an extensive improvement in my business, and to accomplish that ob- ject, I offer my present stock of Tinware at a. great. redu tion on the ordinary selling. An inspection of my prices as comp with others, will convince that I mean business - Job work with neatness and dispatch. I have special facilities for carrying on that branch of my business. Call at once, for what you want I will sell very cheap for cash. , D. PHILIPS. fiontreal Telegraph 00., Vickexjs Express 00., Canadian ExpressCo., And General Agency, Q“ Every at tentiou will be paid to busi- ness entrusted to W. L. MILLER, Mississaga and Peter Streets. Money to Loan! Bestlireadipl'l‘own Only 12 cents, Orangutan June. 73‘ T. DUNLOP’S In Mr. D. McKinlay’s building, on West Street, a few doors south of Colbome Street. DUNLOP is determined to give his . customers the benefit 6! the fall in the .cc of Flow, and has put down the full 4 lbs. to 12 cents. A nice assortment of Cakvs. Pastry, and Confectionery suitablv for this season and all DELANX TEOLLIN G BAIT ! SEWING MACHINES repaired in first- class style. Meemchamn find other Tobacco E‘Wéi" “If “d””‘%d$Ԥg$““p.mn“‘¥ es . manor: pat ‘ - re ' 0 all Ends. Sewing Machines. and Needles of all descriptions kept constantly in stock. ~ ~ :6' Work Shop, next door to-Dodge , (:03: office, Missions: Street. TB 1‘ “Dr 1W Comer of Mississaga and. Peter Streets. GOLD and American Currency, drafts ,. on New York, Bills of Exchange, and United Skye: currency, bought and sold, Draftstn allpointsin Canada. Interest will be" allowed, at the grate of ionrperoeny._per mm» on SpedaJDe- posits reanam’ three months. Special mgemntgmn be made for moneys re- maining over that tune, has been opened. for the accommodation of mechanics and parties wishing 'to deposit small amounts. Deposits taken in this De- partment of one down-and upwards, u n which interest will be allowed, pays. 1e half yeagly. . ‘ Oflica hem-g, 10 gm. till 3 pan. Sat- urdays; 10 3.131. till 1 p.1n. ~ ~ ' H.§.‘SCADDING, _ EDWARD BURKENSHAW, ammo: MAKER, £10.. ()rillia, May S, 1872. By Royal Authority ! Gunsmith Shop 2 01-min. January 13,1872. CHANGE IN Mir BUSINESS. prints. Februm 4th. 1873- A SAVIHGS BANK. ”FAME!" DOMINION BANK. Bfi'éxovsxm CARRUTHERS, ‘ Proprwtors, Winnipeg,“ . : Manufacturer of the Celebrated AUCTIONEER. GUNSMITH- CARD. '. DELANY, CORNER OF ORILLI A 190 165 170 WIBINED “Hunt-DESK _ SEAT, Mgmifactured by c. H. JAY g: ., IEAVERTOX, 02w. ' Orillia Fruit Depot A GOOD CUP TEA or COFFEE DINNER for 150., Pace Main. A FULL STOCK All Kinds {if Goods GROCERIES, Parties in want of burg: be'accommodated by us, as SELL FOR CASH! @' Call and see for yourselves that we sell our Goods cheap. CROCKER Y , GLASSWARE, 83c. FROM 11 A. M., TILL 3 P. M. REMEMBER THE PLACE. MINTHORN’S BLOCK. and thus effect a large saving. MERCHANTS. BUY . FOR CASH 'AT THE DRY GOODS, YOU CAN GET PACE MAIN. 0F 01;. ARTIES wishing to enjoy a. leunnt Afternoon on Lake Simone. an o so by pmcuring l ticket, on the bott. to Belle W: goodforretulfn.toorimwx' B” R?" - Excursion EACHDAY, FROM ORILLIA -RAIL W AY. SUMMER ARRANGEHENTS! . . ’ _. _+_ -' « IREOTz-oute for NIH-khan, Uxhrid‘ge, ' Sinderland.Cnni,nzton. Cobooonk, Lind-r say. Beaver-tog. 0mm, c., ac. ' ‘ Trains run daily batman TORONTO, WOODV'ILLE JUNCTI N, LIND- SAY, BEAVERTON. IBLIA COBOCONK._from Berkeley Street TORONTO Aug NIPISSING ,N'f 3.er lmving Cobooonk at 6.403. m., and 2.25 p. m., arrive Lt Lind- say at 9.1": n. m., and 6.30 p. 1:. Pas- wngen leqving Lindsay at 11.4.5 3. m., :3: 5.30 p. m.. arrive at Coboconk at 2.20 p. m., and 9 p. 111., and Toronto “4.50 p.m., and 11.45 a. m. Rduced Fares to Excursion Parties. xmqux-â€"Suge for Cedar Grove, Bellford, \Vhite Vale, Buxgor, Brougham. swocm‘xuz.â€"Stage for Cluemont, Alton Ringwood, Glasgow, Lemonvillc, Bdlan- if” cannonâ€"Sage for xmchester. Prince A1- bert. Port. Parry. Epsom. Uda. scxnanuxn.â€"Sug«: for V‘roomton, Valen- tvne. ‘ cumxc-rox.â€"â€"S for Oakwood. xunillh.‘ conmongSthe __:_ly fog Norh‘nsl, mad con- _. )_.. IAâ€" At Scarboro' Junction connect with the G. T. 3,, gain" But. and a lidlmd Junction connect wit?) xidhnd Rsilwgy for Linduy, Beaverton, Grim... c. W. GOODERHAMC, Jun., :Hamgiug Directof. Fanfor (In; round trip, 3L MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. TIME EABLE TRAINS GOING NORTH. Buverton. Woodville, Oakw ood, Cambray. 9951393. Bfimék. Bethsnf Lakefie dy_ R" V 7 In Peterboqu’ ‘ Toronto. Aughst 18%. 1873. thne,vhich is Twenty Miriam dustbin Gran Tmnktim: ~_. “ .. ~‘ V l10l1h 4|.m11E d4: 0 IlliIl 4 n It .3332 3.. 8838 3a a? $383 3 323 1580 «3?...ng 31.55? as «8580 .W .Nu.§u$ .34 a 3.543 Human-82.8.3333 wad .unavbo wad nowâ€":03 «839-5.. «an 51...". [Run “.55. ".35 .3! M .tom «4 l .mZCEmZzob - a. G. Tarpon, Station. as folluws: xiéét’TuesdEy, tinder» STAGE CONNECTIONS. ERAINS GOING SOUTH. ONT, “ EMILY my” IS MAKING 1d 9.15 .; CANADA, .ff-HURSDAY, AUGUST 2:, 137°. About: 39631.. 0|! the death of the Rev. J. P. Kennedy, “not the coffin been his bed, Andmo'nmera stood around him weeping. I hardly should have deemed him dead, 3‘55 calmly, innocently sleeping. Bitm- were crossed uponhil breast, . hampm'v mmgmrdm’ c;' A havenly mile upon his hoe Ahmed and his Seviour’s pudon. r Himnltg were few, if Mu he)“, 'Oht hi- virtue- fu- out-shout”; A n. a good, a» holy lilo. . ' E» d";- havg 9 my W uzw‘mgmq 'in were; 1m; 1 , c-__4n.__ . â€"h:tmt§m ne'er forgofien; His last wish vi; to ave ; nouL 0h! hour his soul limit shine influven. Unmindful of himself or friends Thought only of his follow-cram; And Godlwho a! his sag-me}, -,LA_ ”1333.5 Ew'iéi E inuéh 'thé richer: He loved his flock! how well, ’tis proud, I hope that flock was well deserving; For such a gable sacrifice _ n ,#__ ‘vn u-wâ€" -fi-. A mertyra groihrie his in Haven. When sent for to the dying bed, No epidemic o'er .ppalled him; qu dnye ready dny or night To go wherever duty celled him. He dweye went, yes, night; or day, It mttemd not how cold or “only; .He’s gone! I trust he is at mt, Hie peth onarth wroughmd thorny. How beautiful in Heaven he ehinei. Wnpped u in his immortal glory; Whilewe are eflto moumhil fete; And listen to the ad, ad story 0i himwhq while upon} the earth, , Wis good, was e€or kind sud true; A‘fnithfiul triad, 3. Pastor door, To whom respect was tiny: duo. Through all his short but noefvl‘life, Hinthoughtswmnever bentonpleuure; Hi5 duty, if ’twu-well performed, Wu more to him than my mature. o, fifforono, go puremd good A m _-. AA-:_..L. v..v, -V K ,, mat-nah for “human Tiou active“; Thgn 19th}: tged moger’s tear! ,A â€"â€"l§; m {he rEnIom Thou require-t. Fuewell ! farewell! thou Mymd Priest, Thy Suviour’s arms ahsll be thy shelter; Thy soul is glorious in Heaven. Thy body rests beneath God's slur. E. MW’squmnm- Penehnguishene, Aug. 11th, 1873. The following is the substance of the Verbal reply nude by His Excell'en the Govu'nor-Gcnenl to the memo ' pre- senhgd to him by the deputation from a. Inge number of member: of the flow of Commons :~ ‘ Gentlenrcn : it is quite unnecessary for me to assure you that any tupmentations emanating from persons possessing the right to speak on public afl'airs with such snthodr‘iagd: youmgg, will always be consi y me wi e greatest respect, even had not circumstances already com- pelled me to give most anxious thought-to the matters to which yon are now desir- ous of calling my attention. You say, in your memorandum that four months have elapsed since the Hon. Mr. Huntingdon preferred grave charges of corruption against my present advisers in reference to the Pacific Rsilkay contract, and _that although the House has appointed a com- mittee to enquire into these charges, the proceedings of the Committee have on vari- us grounds been postponed, and the ‘ enquiry has not yet taken place. Gentle- men, no person can regret more dee ly than I do these unfortunate delays. he more so, as they seem to have given rise to the impression thatthey have been un- necessarily interposed by the action of the Executive. It may be premature at this momentto enterintoa history of the dirt-; allovance of the Oaths Bill, but this much 1 atalle en‘tl it is but fairto every one out I onid state, and. is, um immedi- ately sfterlhnd assented to that' act, I transmittedacertified copy of it to the Secretary of State, in accordance with the instructions hy‘which .I am bonnd‘on such occasions, that lean' myself to the opin ionâ€"an opinion foun ed on the precedent afl'orded by the act of the Canadian Par- liamentâ€"which empowers the Senate to examine witnesses on oath. that the act was ultra wires. 1 accompanied it by a full exposition of the arguments which could be urged in its support, but on the point being referred by the Secretary of State for the professional opinion of the law ofii- cers of the Crown. it was pronounced in- consistent with the Act of Confederation; and therefore the postponement of the en- .ssu “wov-v-v w- -_-‘_V,,, quiry, sofarns ithas arisen out ‘of this circumstance, has resulted wholly by the operation of law, and has been beyond the control of any one coucemed. Xou then proceed to urge me, on grounds which are very fairly and forcibly stated, to decline the advice which, has been unanimously tendered to me by my responsible minis- ters, to refuse to promgue parliament; in other words, you require me to dismiss them from my counsel, for, gentlemen, * 'you must be emu-e that thiswould be the necessary result of my ”seating to your1 recommendation. ' 0130!: what ground shall Ibeiustifiedintakingso gruveasteplâ€" Wh'a guarantee can you afl'ord me that the Parliament of the Dominion would eu- dorse such an set of personal interference on my part? You yourselves. gentlemen, do not form on aetunl majority of the House of Commons, and I have no means, therefore, of ascertaining that the majority {ofthat body subscribes to the o inion’you L have announced. Agnin, to 17 should I have to appeal in justifiestion of my con- duct? It is true, grave charges hays been preferred against the gentlemen. charges Which I sdmit require the most searching investigsfion, but as you yourselves w mark in your memorandum, the truth of thus mentions still remains untested. One o£ the authors of the curespondenoe which has made so painful nu impression I: n the publichas admimdthat many a his statement we“ and inaceno rate, and has denied on the correct- ne- of the deductions drawn from them, and various assertions contained in the nan-dive of the otherhgvebeen positively for years, hue ed the lughedt ofiee of Mud in ‘whom, during -the recent union, PM!” ha repeaoedly do- chnd it.- oontinuedoonfidence! Itintrue Wdooumb hue lately sppennd, inconnedion with these matters, of very pndgnifiaminregudtowhioh the contndieteiâ€" 1: the Governor-(new upqnfhe‘sb'quyh of such evidence u this, , 7 A- _-_LI -_._ moi-1. Rev. J: P. Kegmedy, “ He doth ve. He thing: Fox TR! E20311“!- ‘iresihe. fullest exphmtiop must be given. but no prqof hi! mrbe'nn adduced which neces- aardy connect! them with the culpable Won't) which, it in unwed, they my ,1: phded u- Jump-anon. mm oqnupondenoa to wind: they hsvcbeon _ ed by the peg-Ion who but _ _ hnuelfof (you; Under 1* am» “the ' ’ W of Aw would be my followed pmrogntion, snd thst no sub- stsntive o jection we! tsken to this en- nouncement, and thst, es s consequent». s considersble portion of your fellow man: hers sue dispersed in vsrions directions.- I should, therefore, only deceive myse . wereItoregsnd thepreeentAssembly ss s full Psrlisment. Since the adjournment indeed, circumstances hsve occurred which renderyour proximate re-usemhlinghighly desirsblc. but in this country there we physical circumstances which necessarily interfere. A considerable lapse of time be- fore the representstives of the vsrious Pro- vinces comprising the Confedersted Per. ‘ lismmt of snsds can assemble, so u some of them the, by thoussnds of miles from the apitsl of the Dominion, in regu- ‘ lnting the times and eessons when Psrlia- ment isto be csllcd together. The Ex- ecutive is bound not only to consider the msonsble considersnce of these gentle- men hutslso to protect the Fedeml rights of the Provinces which they represent.â€" Undcr thcee circumstsnces I sve con- cluded, on the advice of my Ministers, ‘ snd even if I difi'emd from them s: to the policy of such s course, which I do not, it is s point upon which I shouldbe disposed to sccept their recommendntion, to issue s Roysl Commission of Enquiry to three gentlemen of such legs! standing. chsrec- ter and suthority ss will command the confidence of the public, by virtue at the power conferred upon me by the Act Vic. 31ccp38. Onthcotherhnndl hsvede- ten-mined in promguinz Parlisment. ‘snd to snnqnnce to the member-sot both Houses my intention of their re-snseni‘cling imme- distely the commission in question shsll have concluded their lsbours. By these menns sn opportunity will be nfl'orded for the preliminsry expuxgntion of these on- happy mstters before sEribnnsl competent A ._..I‘ Anna-I- run-we ww-vâ€" â€". '77 meet-I. Gentlemen. the eitunfion we ‘ heve been discussing is one of gust anxi- ety and embmment.‘ ' but I can but hope that on e eelm retroepectof the uri- oue Mentions to be kefit in view. you will «me to the conclusion, the! in deter- mining to be guided by the edriee of my‘ Minister: on the present oeeuiomin other words, in declining to not In thou the chimes which hnve been edvnnee'd 'nlt them were elmdy pmven, and in adher- ing to emngemeuu, upon the faith, of which xnsuy of‘ your cellesguee ere absent , j __A..J LL- ""I'l' ’ * , to trio evidonoe an oeth. Ample o por- hlnity will be given to member! the more distant province: to nuke thall- Pre- paretion in View of on eutumnl anon, end within two months, orten weeks from this date. e full Perliunentof Canada will teke supreme oocninnomof the one now pending betzeen' my Ministers end their _A_ .L- -:¢..-‘:~. -- frgg” 52;: ghee-W,“â€" 1â€"1;;0 adopted the course most in Mfuce with an m- confidence. inn of mmgtuitiond government. and which indue to those whom the Pal-lis- ment of Cuwds has moommondod 'to my (Contribuud w'l‘u: Erratum: byJ. Law-on.) Avatar 21. ' “'1"; In“: “M at, uni filled us with .1 holy cullingâ€"n. Timothy. 1., 9. That we should be m the pulse of his glory, who first mud in Christ â€"Ephedanl, L, !(‘; O . . V . 'i‘o God who "in!“ above, Let ‘11 my power: be given, Who called me.by His love To be an heir of haven,â€" Who culled me in my youthful dnyo, And bade me only seek His fnco. Auccsr 22. The Spirit. itself bemth witness with our spirit. that we are the children of God: mad if children. then heirs; heir: with God, end juint heir! with Christ-Rom. vlu., l6, 17. It pleased God, by the fool- ishness of preaching, to save them tint. be- lieve.â€"x. Cox-imam, 1., 21. When inim_3_y euly youth ‘ Avatar 23. . When thou saddest, Seek ye nuance; my heat aid unto thee, Thy hoe. rd, will I neckâ€"Palm, xxvxL, 8. Ye m not your own, for yo no bought with 1 price. â€"1. Con, VL, 19,20. ' How oft when on thy road. 0:- in the lonely field, I fell: 1:: tin: a load. And 5131: ranked to yield; . Resolved to give myulf to Him Whodidmyuoulfromdesthrodeem. Ava cs: 24. Not every one thnt saith unto me, Lord, lord, Ila-ll enter into the kingdom of haven; but he tlnt doeth the will of my Fuller Which is in havensâ€"Matt, VIL, 21. Shintoonterinatthe unit gate: for may, I any unto you, will noel: to en- nerin, and uhdlnotbeebleâ€"Lnke, um, 24. And oft when all done, With none but. God m be", ' Beside a tree or stone ' ‘ 1 knelt. to Him in player, And, weeping. currently did préy '1‘th He would wuh my t'in'e'bwny. "v--.._ _V, There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked .-â€"Iuinh, “11., 21. Who-cover thenfonnhdlbe abused of me nuclei by words, in this adulterout and sinful mention; ofhini also man the Son of gin: be untamed, when he comet): in the gln this'Wher with the holy angels. â€" k. m, 38. has month and you! mllod mud, Bot lupught In no relief, For 3:111:10er I__.ound, . _ Ax Om“ Shylock clan-cad I. Govern- ment clef??? per cent. inure-“or a mall loan for'threc nought. . Tan! fi'u ," purely Cundian Gm!” mveninginthe Westemputot’thhho- vines. who-e amount: ue W with “picture" ofthownh, unmounted bytheShnmdSmP“ I head gin}? rushed word, Hdw (ft I elt It! truth, And longed to know the Lord, - I longed to know :1: sins forgiven, And feel myself an air of haven. ’ 'fifiifi'i'au my grief = Ash-dad to unite my trouble- known. Noll. haw my hurt but God alone. OUR DAILY BREAD. Atom 25. ' Wehhnonohfifime. ' Bath-ambient; togiveitchenuongue hwinein-Il" In threedsyllnm'inoocurthe 25th mnivemryofthedeblnhmentofenewe- Ezperpminth: ofSimooe. We 7:131:91:de Mbyeoon- venetian, 321w (by-ego; withone of Simeoe'e “IQWW. Esq, of 01mm withelevenothem “1W" 6rd}: {gimmefimq inflieyeu' m wands Cleo 'onof? Mr. Putting-39d HEM ‘ to believe, the“ twelve ha longtime moénmbod~1¢the fist of nature: some, from Moi-Ion 'advsnood facilities at the period d their demise, bei interred M.” .of their own cameos. Intb‘ ,udontblfibdsy‘ ‘ pa offl. ‘ , Medchfinwm‘number 4% and north of 1b. mntq,‘ (and. h to the suggestive Imam a dam Magma), by Mr. 33%;.(mmmm office.) M ed mnfionio anneal. «ya-“To theWeet! To the West 1" and Yonge Sweet, {mm Toronto to Hollend Landing, became the greet thomughfun of intending settlers. lured in e greet measure by the ' well-grounded facilita- tor progress and Watery eu- finial intonation Midis/the col- umn of the per-severing Magnet. ~ Within thefint-throe weeks of m eu‘eer the Mag- mt had the boldness to commence the ud- vooscy of the (then deemed utopia) eon- motion of 5 line of nilny connecting take Ontario with Georgia: BOY. vii Bertie or “touehingeteome'point «point: on Leke Simeoe. “ We must have I. rail- , way,” said the spirited We journal, and ‘ we 1’11 never cease it: edvoency until ye cu: loweBau-hat'mchunhoat in the morninguvin mourns tot-kc nearly bmkfut in {no cityof Toronto.” The idet m pooh packed for utimoby even some of thebest informodof the the'q‘Dis- trict ofSimehe mongwhi} bythg'l‘éropbo pneu itwu We“! ' V “'3‘ 9 rally richjobeflor vh'atboqld resend down,uomeofthem "id. Wit "light bemowtoimprove theirsleighing' Noth- ing (hunted, however. auntae Malawi vexed and Whmmbutdng ‘ w; W wont-191W! of the new-31.7 To? greet WW5”?- Fact: penned; the «image- oertuu to wane from the construction ofluch s nilvuy were fionnd to be anything but chimeric-.1; the Toronto press smiled more graciously, looking northwlni; the City Bond of Trade became Mayne?“ Via: use “8le v- â€" _v.. 7,, a 'or route for the developing trude of the marli’orth-West. and seeing then m “ money in it,” took the mm up heartily, u did the city Council, thé' Sim- ooe WM and the various local .Wuu‘fl ‘V-*‘vvâ€"â€" ~ 7 . uric», Simeoe and Huron Railway” (now etyled the “ Northern") heme en moon:- lished M. The results foretold by the ‘tfleBan-iepsper lave been more than verified, for where is there a rainy in the Dominion eb' pmpemqg may, or peying sebrge :diridend 2 and the entire All! lulu: ”Bums-r..." __.ei , in a. new country, having had to submit to financial pressure after hearing the “ burden and the host of the day,” and give phce for others to enjoy the fruits of his labor. 1:! has enjoyed the pleasure, however; 'tneosing the resliwoion of his {undect dreamâ€"lightly as such means may be held by someâ€"the influence of his humble efi'orts as a journalist in aiding to make a once despised back country one of the most wealth y counties in British North mm Now, for ate: moments. let u: see what Barrie was 26 your agoâ€"we would willing- ly aka up the statistic; of the entire county, but mat of space forbids. In ' â€"A ll..._ g-n‘nrd_ Gnhun, unner 5nd bootgngl shpe maker, if we ex Mr. John‘ Boon, of what is now Allan , u the south comer of the by. who 1 ad a “ shingle” nailed to a piece of bound, forming a L and stuck in the sand on the nmdside, with a pyimitive uyl‘; of panting of the inscriptionâ€"â€" " “uving'done Here ." Blacksmith: Mr Povey. Theneuutgrut mill was at Tol- lendlle; “I mill, (Wicken ’.s) three miles distant, up the Peneunguishene Road. gnves. Mr. Lune was also Clerk of the ‘; Surrogate Court, and councillor for the 3 united town-hips of Velpra. and Ora. Mr. { John Mchtt, Merchant, was-elm poet- mater, and Clerk to the Discrict cauncil, 1 (he is now the whole uouled Boniface of the “ Burie BoteL") The County ofllcids were the nine :- now, with the exception of H. H. Goran, Esquire, D’y Clerk of the Crown, md J no. Alemder, Esq, Crown Land Agent, both now deceased. Edmund Lally, 304., “a County Trea- surer, nnd the lnte C t. Moberly ngent for the Ben]: of Upper wads. Frederick Gore, Esq” was principal of the County Grunt-m: SdzooLanisbedhyMr. Hutchins; both of than are deed. Barrie, in 1847. bed a populntion of about 450, at the present tine it an bout of 5,- 000 pemlnent refidenu. In 1347.,“flze than ruin route for Lake Huron, vi: the ' of Coldweter and Penman“. In the vintage-non the mnilsfiue carried by poorjl'otn MoCanslan‘d,"vhom everybody ‘ liked; sometipu on them-idem back, 1 sometime- on duo-epoch, end in deep mow L:-I_ x- “â€"1.: menu":- v-n ”wan...“ __.., , _ in a rude oonve‘yahee, in which he could take three or fo'm- W" Snob at: some of the pfincipd charges which lave taken phce withinthe put 26 yumâ€"Ez- War: in done veil'e'n‘ough, is dqné quick snout Annofidlmtimmmtbmaweek ofvork. - Tu! nut hunger infant whg will not workinhut. Wnoponthoheat ofotheuvhen we quatern- An mmmuuomed atPort Mlle-Rob AWW "rails: 81 m Axum madasmgg ijheiChm-ch a man‘s tome “when!!!“ in th them. mk' 'austumfieleemfihe lane! thunk: Inlike‘mumer the church-mined: minim 621mm mifgog‘ v1 ' ' thafumerbydtu'in'gqg fie and energies mung“, ing her healthy, vigorous. ‘ :th htterbyf ' and sustaingngtlymhnt.’ themselves md the other: by the hand. Keeping this relation in View, which is too often lost sight of, let us giveyou a. for joking! of our mission fields in Monte and Text exigugijng nort‘li to the Georgian 7_ L__- ;_._ vim W. Busch: stedy, "“1 ""r‘ m ufbdr fifedm haunting-lum- bfiing mflip and both bunches of in; dairy m driving I good Maine“, the onefnhfliutingthe hborofthe other. The' form‘bfifine so still ample to supply the kahuna-Eat “ Ibefiudwood has (in ms!) fifth {ty before the' sturdy stroke A I--. I...” n-) Lin WWU““""J -v-â€"~ - d the curly pioneer. Ala! 56"th campaigns” moulder in the and: ‘ w Inn: And fair «1 “ton - , limbo“ neatlin on the ill side; Wile ore . «Wham by “'0 M‘WWVMchmmind them ofthooe’ wh'o WV” 129017113“? people in’ W“ gufionmmgoodcircum“ canoes ‘driving 1bontand' to‘ church in their-“Democrats.” We worshipinaauy" old] 1131! urchued fromthe followed of W‘ ' " I ‘The inside isfiched up' neatly-m3 3 non "", ‘ ‘ m 'm‘ .pipperunnm', Huh“ nde. Tsmb " ' - can; mot M unfetwflomu __”" manila; butyon ‘oo ‘ 'ufiold settlement to m Maggi ‘ 115°; the remit of Government! pansy grunt- ing lametrwtsofbudtocompmies. 1:119 Cmnds Company hxving hold Hm 0! this had for tens of yous, thonby'm'dod in fully mgifiedbythomdimeotuy con- dition of e fu-ms, rods, sdmo}: Anq churches of‘thi lac-My m ’ ' . - “MU? mtion. x have a drived crowded upon the bounds. benda- dosh. Willeome ofthei'endmbf papal-and loversonion help these first netdeuto finish their don't Zion thidi $4:thmede W . sent to their eliier ahd (minder; . Stewart, Pusey, P. 0., wflWy received, and duly neknow Avep' egeattendance 90. The roed.wour‘ih-" hone now bunches 03' in two W: let u: take the eouthnrd due en'd‘drivé I over a rough meld four mileoto Woverley’.‘ This is n‘ nucleus of n mull villnge nnd it likely to remain such a podtiohud'nfi turd {utilities magninetiu growth. "It is pretty well drained by other branches 0f_ our church, yet all due: coming to our evening service give’iil tn‘u'a'rage m: woe of over 100. w‘m'cur step! to Rue-ere Mion we set out inn ’ meat: you! direction for Victoria ' .I die; tnncc of “eight miles, nix of which “'6 through c den-o «mat 55 Mind and pinery, without '3 hnbitthle e] ' ”on“ where lInnbeIeI-I “tough it” for. the ’win': ter season. The coil in this primeval for‘ est in avenge, hutnheovy depositof ‘bold- eu’ has as yet prevented it. cultivation: After driving throu d mud holéi,‘ an; over sung: and 155.. finely pel- ehle for a. wheeled conveyance, (I go on’ ‘ horseback) you are rewarded for your W tiguing journey by n beautiful View of the _ Georgian Bey u'it spreads out beforeyon’ dotted with green ulimln, and Inn-16 y _ land slightly curved. thus givingto th°. I “we a natural lint-bar, second” only to ii idInnd'City, onthe oou side of thd Geo ' Bay. 'A now-mill here turni 3 out: )ut 75,000 feet of W, dnily: - This in the only branch ofbuei jean (nanot- 5 ed at this place. There being no turning ' I done the population are ezdrnivdy in . I connection with the lumber trade. 5 I Pmiestult pooulntion welcome the Evan: - of from twenty i0 thiIV. when in no' . church of nhy kind hone; five Worship in 8‘ I frame whoolrhouse. At ,pment we he - the only Pmteetlnt 630W which - oculpieathefieldâ€" ' ”joAm.Py-abyteriafi disciple of Siedenborg (but: “ Ht. â€"â€"5 you say we no to follow the same Mill. in heaven that we dointhis world 3" “ Yet,‘ that in in perfect nomine- with m: fur the Cmtqr Mi is not idle, ant! thin. yer honor,‘ do paple @ie than: 'cmdtllm be P “wag l .- like to know. yer boom; whgthey’n 6n_d for me_m do, for world ." Pmugmxdgicrindm . ‘ ,‘ Mun; an ego AW. M Vin; “ the earl ”settlers ‘of“e «eaten: mu; sold a yoke of oxen for fifty‘ dollars, and received in payment a. fifty dolhr bill, which he caréfui) folded up and dc? ited in his tobacco x for safe keeping. r. M. was accustomed to make use of. the weed at any hour of the day or night e "whenever he felt. an inclination fol: benwofit he “pegged, he chewed it I: most WW! md “My, (:1chng II hedidw. “Noam to the tobaccn‘ ,, 4L .1 ‘L‘ A. In...“ '” when rami- E3 â€"‘ â€" ' the W !” when, - legtifig‘bhe finalization of the day. mm plue where be deposited his manure, b! added, “ Ohio !agakeofogtma¢mwdww!’§ Do xor,Dm: Sign. Tylggsglâ€"m ,, _'~.A_- 9 in a loftytowar. At ni lu- wifeciné to Yes}: beéozehis wipdow. h :‘Ceaf-e yot: gnof' ,’, ui ; 'é sage; "go one or ‘ present, und {than thither whenyon havd invented: livJ‘ beetle. angular with'a‘ link glue (or Malta‘s butter). flame am â€"one of the fimt silk, aucflut’of “out nick-thud. and another 'g‘vf thip-cord: v-v- -----â€"- â€"-â€"â€" , _ family, a stoutooilofm ." ~When she camqufln ”thefoot-V -tbctuwer, pm: vided with tho-e things, he inshcwd her moonohflxeheadofthe‘innectwichnlitde‘ of the ghee, totieonodoftbesilkthread uound‘him. andphc’lune W on the 'wdlofthatom. Seduced b'ythe and! ofbutter,whiehhoconoeivb5wbeinthd stone somewhat above him, tbebeedeoon‘ tinned tomwdtin ha reachtddae top uni thmput the'vuia' in pm at. theendofthethread;andhedmupdn pack-thread by means of the‘fiihflu :mlloord by unmet the (mainland; mdbymeamof the crud adout nope; «pubis ofsutuininghil ownweightpd so, “but, empedfromthe plum A sax of Exit} oqoe accosted! MANY nee accosted a. wound bong thus: “ Hr â€"3 follow the same bum lointhiaworld?” “ You naming“ ““1 M1. inn-1f is not idle. ”‘5 matures be 7" “ ““111

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