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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 28 Aug 1873, p. 2

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‘ : STOCK Company entirely devoted (m L_ ' 4f Ingram. 'Insma nothing but " M petty sud Detached Residences. ' ‘ Chartered md commenced business in 1853. 34852188373 7- 36003900 00. - EVE-Wis Bepért show» over $100,C00.00 v ‘tcd a-s apecid protection to Canadian ‘ Po ' 4:01am. "‘ ‘ OFFIéJE for the Dominion of'Can- gag, ngs' ton, ntuio. , » ;; \ - ‘ « P. MURRAY, Agent, 180'- - Dunn. j” V mLLIA DIVISION, 5. OF T. ‘v" ‘ meets ever Tuesda eveninz. in the Tempggznce £311. wining mem- .. FARMERS Insure; Property ' Wivu-uuu, v- -- ‘L" H ._._V '; Swollin Ulcer», Erysxpcku. Sun-[ml Sock. Goitn. mfuluu-i Inflammatinns, [adult-u: lnflammuiomu Mercurial Allisctitms, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sure Eyes, etc. ‘In'these, as in all other cunstimtimml Dis- , ones, WALKER'S VIM-Run Brm-xxm have «shun their great. curative pun-rs in the most obstinate and intractable cases. i 1.. ~,' THIS WEEK, At the “Dufl'erin House ‘Vr‘olta Bilious Remittent and Inter- mittent OVefS, Which are so preva- ~lent in the valleys- of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri, Illinois,_annessu, Cumbefland, Arkan- , _ n:. n.....).‘ â€"â€"_â€"â€"'â€"Vâ€"â€" i Grateful T housands proclaim VIN- 16.41! ans the most wonderful In- vigorant that ever sustained. tho sinking systgm. 1N0 Person can take these Bitters according to directions. and remain long unwell. provided their bones are not de- :stroyed by mineral poison or other maps, and vital organs wasted beyond Jsuuvu, .yu..-w--, , W, , . as. Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Purl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah. R0. anoke, James, and many others. with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea- sons of unusual heat and dryness. are invariably accompanied by extensive dc- rangements of the stomach and liver, andother abdominal viscera. In their mature-m, a parmtive, exerting a pow- erful influence upon ihcsc various or- is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic (or the purpose equal to DB. J. WALKER'S Yunnan Brrrrzns, as they will spcmlily remove the dark- .colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, JUST OPENED Fortify the body against diseaso by purifying all its fluids with VIN mm: 81111135. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus foyer-armed. -. ........ c. . -,,, and generally restoring the he functionsrof {he gigst'xve organs. AI. E tie Temperance Hall. 832': will 5: 523,?to tglcome- 1'"! Dys .psia or Indigestion, Houd- ache, .m in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tigbtnes of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Emctations of the Stomach. Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita- tation of the Heart, lnflmmnmimx ut’ the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid my, and a hundred other painful symp- toms, are the ofi'springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove :2. beam-guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise- For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout. mums. Remit- tont. and Intermittent. _l-‘cvcrs, Diseases 0! .u Ix .. the 81006, Liver, Kidneys and madden these Bitters have no uul. Such Dbcascs are caused by V'itiatcd Aloud. Mechanical Diseam.-Pcrsom en- . god in Paints and Minerals. such as mbers‘. Type-setters. Gold-beaten“. and liners. as they advmmc in life, are subject to paralys'w of the Bowcls. To guard against. this. take a dose of Wanxm's Vix- mag Blmnsgcgaqionany. .. m,‘ Agricultural Insurance Co. ”“U' -- - â€"â€" , _ , For Sim Diseases. Eruptions, Tet- tor, Salt-Rheum, Bluzchés, Spats, Pimple-s, Pustntes, Sui’s, (‘anmm-k:<. 'ltingzwonns‘ Scam-head, Sure Eyes. Erysipelas'. Itch, Scuff». Dixmrkratimxs of the Skin, flnmors 3nd Diseases. of the Skin of whatever nnmo or assure, are Ximrally dug up and carrie’d out of the system in a short. iiuw by tho use of these Bitters. - - - w.- ‘1.un L'levvu.- Pia, Tapas and other W arms, lurkinv 1:! dual M'stcm u so many timnsmlds are cfl'ectu; J} acsmv c6 and removed. \'o 2)“? m2: ."t :i‘ (w i110. 1m \‘rnuifug cs, no an. zbchnix ' . [.‘cc tho 5:. strut 1mm warms like then» 5% “1:5. For Female C0:npl_zuni.:, m vonng ‘v- -‘w ..... or old. marx'imln a? singie. at. the «fawn m “'11- manhunt 0T 13:» mm .1 nf lithe these Tonic Bitters distdzlv so '51! -idml 011 mm. ence that imprnvemeu: ifs ~55 '1 fiery-(128.31g. Cleanse {no '7 mama bacon was:- ever you flu. in imgxiritics bursting through the skin in l‘impics, Rmpflons. or 39793; change i: when yun find it obscmcted and 51003191: in the veins: cleanse it when it is Quiz your feeling: will tell Von when; Keep :hxglxgugl pure, and the twirl: of the systam “A“ l I." II . ‘ n. :1. 5329033130 09.. mmzriuzs and Con. A 23.. Sun ancisoo. Californin. 334.com of \V.~.".':m~'mn wI-ichnflwn 5%:â€" X. Y. Sold by an Ilia-av" lsts and Dealers. 3. Sgofulg, or King’s Evil, White " ' ., n....,|.mx \'....l- L “Weill?! leans: Lit; "4 .u. .uw .Mcguacflh .8 6600.”?! .608 magma.» . .33. =11: hi Every Saturday. 5 Cents. 82 Per Annum CSTâ€"On Thursday last, 2. BLACK Wunrnoor Con. Reward, by leaving the me 1: Tu Enosn-os ofiico. 199. Select School for Young Ladies! in Orillia, an MONDAY, the lat SEPTEM- BER next. in the house of M35. A. Pulasos, Peter Strut. Circnhn, stating tam. etc" cm be obtain- cd on application to Mrs. Paterson. Urillu. 4th July, 1873.192 I HEREBY tender my hearty thanks to the Luge number of fellow-tawnmen. who turned out so promptlv and worked so energeti- cally in subdning the fire at my mill on Satur- day evening. I would also express my thanks to the aptrins 0f the several boats in the harbour, whose whistling‘wu so efl’ectual in giving th- Card of Thanks. To be Published in Nooembef, 1873: OVELL’S GAZETTEER 01" BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: containing the latest and most nuthemic descri tiona of over six thousand Cities, Towns and illngee in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec. Nova. Sootin. N ew Brunswick, Newfoundland. Prince Ed~ ward Inland‘ Manitoba. British Columbia. and the North West Territories, and General In- formation. drawn from oficitl sources. as to the nameeJocality, extent, kc" of over fifteenhunâ€" dred Lakes and Rivers, with a Tnble of routes, showing the pr mimity of the Railroad Stations, and Sea. Lake and River Ports. :0 the Cities. Towns, Villages. c.. in the several Provinces. Price in Cloth. 3250; Price in Full Calf, 83.75- Agenta wanted to canvas for the work. JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. md‘ mp repared to fill orders, wholesale tail, on pshort notice- or re- 66' As he has now the most extensive facili- ties for manufacturing Sausages. north of To- ronto, country dealers will do well to leave URILLIA Sausage Factory. A~3 much pleasure in mnouncing thnt he has RESUMED BUSINESS, in his their orders with him. 6 All kmds of FRESH MEA TS cup- plied to Cusunners, promptly. Orinia, August 27th. 1873. 199. Agricultural Show willbehaldattha ASYLUM GROUNDS I business of EN ' loads of @006..me W001),â€" s:ove eugths. delivaed, for $7.50. A. TATT. Colboma RM Stem Mm, Drink». Tuesday, Oct. 7th. H. SUTHERLAN D. GEFAT CLEARING SALE! ENTIRE STOCK Important to All! Mofl‘att Wilson, they now offer their REDUCED PRICES, MUST BE SOLD 01-min. August 27th, 1873. MISS LEASK Montreal, 9th August, 1873- CANADA’S COMIC CARTOON PAPER! 01-min». Ammtm .93 «.9 .63 “and 356 740,013? .w .H _ .E4E02 .3 .e \ .><._mnm EDDIEâ€"B AS pleasure in announcing that she _ intends opening I OLD STAND ! T. MAUNDRELL J. B. PERRY CO. PRIZES ! THE OBllllA UNION GRIP. for the distribution of IN PRESS : to the amount of “the whole stock AT GREATLY WOOD. $500! A. TAIT. Woon; GRILLIA. 21» fitsdsr. 1373. ‘ Whep THE EXPOSED}! was '1'- vived' in Orillia, we prumised that in politics it wOuId Be moderate Re-' form. outspoken in the defence 01' right. and dcnu.:ciatiuu of wrung. This coume we have endeavoured to pursue faithful! . ruled by no man. Set of men. or clique, duing and ad- vucatinv what. We cnnsidered best for the Interest of our own disuict in particular, and the cuuutry us 2 Whale. In vluing this, WP naturally causeddissatisfiwtiuntumux.-,clwu;ln the great. majurity uf the remlms u! the paper Commend our honesty of put-pee, even when nut cu-iuciding with our views. We have been led to make thae remarks by the Globe having on two occasions recently dubbed THE EXPOSITOR a. conserva- tive journal, If to refusetb‘ pin our faith to the skirts of the managers of the Canadian Thunderer, or to fol- low the beck and ‘nod of the leader of the Reform party, without daring to have ap opinion of ourown upon any 'of the fiolitical quéstiohs, i5 to be Conservative, than we are‘snch. But if, as we suppose, true Reform principles admit of individual judg- ment. then. are we of that party. The Globe has been acquainted with us and our principles long enough to know this; but to ignore it suits its present purpose, does not harm us, and aflhrdsit little amusement to some in this locality. In having an opinion of our own, and expressing it regardless of the sneers or taunts. of the Globe, we are but doing the same as thousands of genuine Re- formers throughout the country,who disapprove of the extreme, ill-judged utterances of their htitfhaided poli- tical friends only less than the policy of their opponents. They, like us. refuse for mere patty aggmndize- ment, to submit to the dictates of the Globe, the Hon. George Brown, or any other, but support measures for the good and morality of the “" P‘ * - people. When we do offer an opin- ion upon general political questions, it is wh'tt we firmly believe. In re- gard to Judge Gowan, although His Honour holds political views oppos- ‘ed to those of the majority of the electors in this Riding, the greater number of the Relormers will en- dorse our xemark last week, that he will perform his duty impartially. We regard the Pacific investigation as removed entirelyaboveparty con- siderationsâ€":1 question of national morality; and we think that by vilâ€" lifying all converned in it, who do Mo hnnmn tn amee with them in J V, not happen to agree with them in every particular, the Globe and pa- pers of that stripe have weakened their cause in theestimatiou of mod- erate men of both parties, who form the controlling power in the country. We have no desire to sail under false colours, but shall continue to main- tain for ourselves the right we claim for every man, to think, act and vote a; being personally responsible for the exercise of those privileges. and not in accordance with cast-iron rules laid down by anyone. Mr. Huntington has declined to appear before the Riyal Commis- sion. The following are the rea- sons he gives for taking this course. in a letter to-the Commissioners: “ I have to call your attention to the fact apparent on the face of the Commission, thatit wasas a member of’the House of Commons. and from my place in Parliament, that I pre- ferred these charges against Minis- ters of the Croxvn and members of that House, which onâ€" the 8th day of April last entertained the charges, determined to investigate them it- 'self, and appointed a. Select Commit- tee to inquire into and report upon them; and to. the further fact ap- parent on the journals of the House, that to the said Committee ‘I hand- ed a list of some of the principal witnesses whose evidenceI believed could establish my charges, and I have always been ready to proceed to the proof thereof before the tri- bunal constituted by the House for i the investigation. The determina- tion of the Commons to investigate these charges remains unaltered,and I deem it,inconsistent__with my duty l 33. mars}; 5ND rm: cox- n \eva --_-_ -- as a. member of Parliament, and a breach of the undoubted privileges of the House, to recognize any in- ierior or exceptional tribunal created to enquire into charges still pending before the Commons, and so essen- tially the privileges, dignity and in- ‘ dependence of Parliament. I believe ,that it is a breach of those privi- leges that a Royal commission, is- sued without the special sanction of the House, should take any cogni- zance of or should assume to call on ’me to justify words which I have "spoken on the floor of the Commons, gand for which I am responsible to Lthem, and to t'- em only. I feel that 11 should do no act which may be : construed into an acquiescence in the lattempt to remove from the Com- monsthe conduct and control of the enquiry. I believe that the creation of a Commission involves a. breach of that fundamental principle of the Constitution which preserves to the Commons the right and duty of in- itiating and controlling enquiries int-7 high political offences; that it involves also a breach of that funda- , mental principle of justice which prevents the accused from creating the tribunal and controlling thepro-, ceedure for their trial; end that it is a Commission without precedent, unknown to the Common Law, un- 1sanctioned by the statute law prev viding by an exercise of the-preroga- tive forran enquiry out of thebrdi- ‘nsiry course of justice ”into misde- meanors cognizable to the Courts, 0!]! POSITION. and consequently illegal and Void. Enter-mining these news, 5:0qu not expect. me to act. otherwm than in cdnt‘ormity with them, an 1.10“ will bemtisfied that by xnyp x' 3?. penance before theCommmloinn. tend no disreSpect‘ In the Wis- sioaers, but. am muved Py theme sense of public duty-whxchwillmn- strain me in the earliest practicable moment to renew the’efi' vrts which I have been making since April last, tn bring to trial‘befiwe the Cuminons u'f Canada the. men whom I h!“ impeached as public criminals: _ His Gmce the Duke of Mamba“ ”3". Lord Mandeville, Lieut-Culnnel‘ (‘4 unherland, and "that dignitfiijbg and umgmues‘ Went Imrth’lasnS'nwr- day. With the laudAhle 013th of af- fording the distinguished visitul's’fil uppnrtunity to witness the Rigns cf progress in the neWer parts of the Province. Their stay. was of sud: short duration, and it is to be preâ€" sumed their engagements of such a prasing character, however, that they chartered the steamers Nipit- . v. A H 41“ sing and Carridla to bring them back to Orillia on Sunday. We submit that such a flagrant violation of the laws of God and the ‘ should not be allowed to pass a 1 out a. protest from those who regu‘ either the one or the other. If the Duke must be in Toronto early on Monday morning,he had better have remained there than show the peo- ple of this country an example of contempt for the Sabbath, which will not tend to increase, theirre- sweet for some of the British nobility. ‘Those who justly claim to hold 1 wealth, title and position by the Game of Gud, should at least display more gmtitade to the divine giver of those blessings than to openly pro- fane his'sacred day, for the gratifica- tion‘ot their own selfish pleasures. Nor are our law makers and admin- iatmtors concerned less to blame They had an opportunity oi showing these Sabbath breaking noblemen that in this respect at least Cami- dians are not wanting in the righte- onsness which emlteth a nation; but we regret to find them quite as ready to set the Sabbath and the law they SABBA‘I’II OBSERVMIGE IV 1110 III IIIGII'PMGES. are appointed to administer at. de- fiance, whei: it appears likely they may escape condemnatiOn by pub- lic opinion. With what consistency AL_ AL ..v vr'u-vâ€"v can those churchmen urge the ob- servance of the Fourth Command- ment upon others; what a specta- cle it will be to see those M.P.'s and M.P.P.’s discussing laws to enforce the proper cheervance of the Sah- bath upon the people; and how great the respect it must engender to find a. m aistrate who, upon the most trivia pretext takes out his steamer on Sunday. fining, some thoughtless young man for hiring a boat or horse upon the Sabbath. While we could not pass over this in silence, and do our duty in pointina out less fia- grant instances of Salbbath breaking on the part of those not blessed with so great advantages of wealth; posi- tion or refinement, these' very 'cir- cumstances render the‘duty all the more painful, and we sincerely hope we may never again be called upon to comment upon such an action on the part of those from whom we hcve every cause to expect and in- sist on better things. MESSRS. R.- S. Thompson and J. D. Laidla w, of Stayner. whileon shunt- ing expedition on the Nottawasnga River on Wednesday, discovered a bear on the . ank enjoying a desert of raspberries. Having nothing but buckshot they each gave hima. dose of that medicine, wounding him; on which he made ofi‘. They loaded and followed, repeating the dose of buck- shot, when Bruin gave in; Thomp- son finished him With a dose-of duck shot, skinned him, and brought the skin home as a. trophy. THE Bidwclls and confedemtes were tried on Tuesday in London for committin the great forgery the Bank of England. founda guilty and sentenced to c’pelml servitude for tance behind. The parties were just emerging from the woods on to the clearing when the gun was dis- charged, and the contents lodged in the right cheell: of the deceased} teatimer nway' t e ter rt tr that side of the fncgreaDecefged fell to the ground and'expired immedi- ately. The brother who carried the gun was unable h‘aceouut foritbe- ing discharged ; the place being clear of bush, nothing to catclmthe trigger. and the hammer being down. Cor- oner Adams of Gravenhurst. em- ‘pnnelled a jury the same evening, 3 when they returned a verdict, that the deceased came to» his death by accidental discharge of a. gun in the hands of his brother.-â€"Advooqte. life. FATAL Ammanâ€"On Monday afternoon an accident attended with fatal result occurred to a. youth named Angus McKenzie, son at Mr. Charles McKenzie, residing on the road between South Falls and Gra- venhurst. It a pears that deceased in company wit two of his brothers and a sister had been picking berries and were returning home. The eldest of the brothers. about 17 years of age, was carrying a. gun over his shoulder, and the deceased and the other two were a short dis- A match between the Orillh. Junior Club and the Shaun-och, of Beaver-ton, In: playgd on the ground of the former. lug Friday. The. 01-min. boys warp notorious. The score:â€"â€" . , 0mm 30:103.. 0- " sum. 9. L Mondcn, 4 5 Stephenson, 5 1 O’Ccmnor. 3 6 Adan“. ... D 5 faylor'.... . ‘2’ 6 3.1". . ‘ n 2 § [00M auras. Quinn wauhip Council will meet ThOVMh hnvingthenowpctof ‘M in”. graded. . MW Show will be held on I’h_Fog!fi of October. _°u'> per-u .in 999“:- °° 21'“ P?!” any for June. 1873, m “0,915 Igl-iw 832,722 in 1872. _ Dunn Yawn-nu, â€"A Company Shooting Motel: will take place on Sabr- dsy, the 6th of Sept. Luann Ganâ€"The old building on the ninth-emu corner of W West Minutemmdown. -.‘.. - Bomb' 5 through line of sheet. to Goldwater. connect with the met-W ofMidlcod, WWW Boy. -7 Tax Primitive Methodist- lnve decided 'iipnn the immedute erection of I. church in zhu townâ€"a. utilftctory proof of per mment progress Mn. Evan. nominedthe'l‘owmhip Conn cilthatnoe on would beepued to pro! on the Midland line to steehene b55018 the ht of Joann-y next. Lm Sundty Mr. Phriaall, the utudent is: change! she WMmfii-wwe CMVPi-ab ' Chunk, occupied the pulpit of the v. John Guy. V Goon Du": Won-The Rev. 'John Gray visited Wain-hone hit Sunday, and, we ’u‘e informed, bsptiud twelve, held I Communion urvioo, and organised ; new liniuion. . ' W: under-taut! did it in the intention of the Freemasons to Inn u: excgnion to Waco, sad the fmwillbo 88 there sud back, with the privflezeofmy- ing fivoorlixdsys. 0mm. â€"A meeting will take plan. an 3°? ' x a: gm” o’c mother " u r. 1., or 00 Cricket Club. All who with to booomo members In toque-50d to mad. PIC-N10 â€"The maul Pie-Hie in con- nection with St. Juan’s Church Sundny School tookphco utthe residence of RY. mum. I'd-41,115: Thu-adv. It was well attended, and the pmeoodings throughout highly gustatory. Tm: grist mill htelv purchased by Mr. Johnston, from Mr. Edmund-0n, has been supplied with some new whim . and thnroughly aspired. Mr. R M 'nnell whim hie 'tion a miller. which he ha Fm m.-â€"A woman named Mn. Kidd fell into the water between the wharf and : now, u Longford, lat Thon- day waning, and was promptly pulled out by the firemnpn t_he Ida_Burton. This "-11 1 u the neeond time Mn. Kidd has fdlen Into the kke and In: pulled out by the we mm. ALMOST A Finnâ€"0n Sum-day evening shout 7 o’clock, the alarm of fire In given by the whistle of Teit‘s tail], end the num- erous Immlxntl At the wharf, which lum- mnned a large pmpurtiun of the melee pop- ulation to no the smokestlck of the mill burning out. But for timely nuisance this would lave malted in the destmctitm of the mill. A warsxn misc, who fmcied himself a. prince debectivo for the Company. vu pm. of the Orillia. tnin sumo distance north nf Barrio. om night last week, for being abus‘ve and “tempting to travel dead-head. He assured ConductorMcLeod tint it was A! right; thu mtholuttuin he would ever-run on that line. The train went on a: mud, leaving the unfortunate in the ditch. Loon. Emnnun. â€"Do you know whut itmenm? Itisjustthia: Ifyou an think of mythiuz that an be done to beautify or,build up your town go md do it; don’t fight the hying down of a. new sidewnlk beam you lave to pay your dam of the expenses; keep your capital at home; patronize home industrius; help your own mes-china to sell more, so that they can an cheaper; 31"}: get gym- work done in ,2 ",_AL-__ "In vâ€"‘vâ€"rv- _.._ _ your town if pouiblzi 7 if ion follow these suggestions, sad if your town does not im- prove sud build up, it. will not be your fsulL 0mm; Mandarinâ€"Although not yet possessed of factories giving employ- ment to hundreds of men, Orillishu some estsblishlnents creditable to the tact, skill and foresight of their proprietors. We lsstweek paid s visittoJJ. S. Bailey's Hub end Spoke Fsetory. This firm is building up s fade thigh hes already AL A :.A - -‘-I grown so the the demand is about equal! to their present facilities of supply. The} con turn out ebout eixty eets of Isl-go, or double the number of small, hubs per week. Their new spoke mschine tum out 400 to 500 spokes per diam. They slso mnfsctnre neck ynkcs, whifletnees, and do s lsrge mount of general turning. The machinery is run by stesm. Tm: Cumâ€"An observant fume:- has kindly furnished as with the following per- tieulan in regud tothempsinthe'l‘owny shi of Oro. The Bay crop is light. and wflfpmbsbly be same and commend the highest price. The Full Wheat is s good “mph, and I. {sit svenge yield. The spfiquheetie lightsndwill hex-ether “‘0'. “lichen“! dcgcsen £310 flu “,1 no ' t. w ‘ e tex- .,...’L 11-3 good. on the whole shout urly gut of the summer .7“;ng tur- nip. ntinnome field: theym fintnto. Plums m ‘ 800d “'09: but ‘9?!“ will namely yield up to tho "W- Tm! m plenty of mmhgenhlo young Mien in this town who have grown nick sud tired of the ‘dilly-dsllying’ which is characteristic of the sterner to: of Strat- ford.”-Stratford Herald. . “ Then we plenty of unitble bachelor- in this can who no Ironwof the ‘dallying’ irhich is clan-misfits of the hit so: of Bragflord. Let's mp !"â€"-antfnrd Ea:- Iunés M.‘ huge-Mum Guelph Herald . ‘Vlth mud vâ€".._... WW 3 W- “Thelttestst e‘ofvoddiug’cudltumod out on a augment? nqtigg, of. .the .. or oflioa; sad lot-of minister- in Hamilton willing and ready totig the knot in the mout' spproved manner. Don’t stop 10 think too long.”â€"Hmu'lton Sycdator. Thgplaunw ghee in Antone: to upend A75‘n1A __A ‘L- _....5 your 1km}. Oriliu, and the has chaining wedding tour in our our north- ern lakes. Como dong befmtho mn- -, Anfiln. Conantâ€"Tho fool-9h Ap- mnl Convention of the Ono 8M School Aaocigtiog willy: Ilekl in Bonn CALL "u. gun-v“..- .. Kin-ch, m Rugby}; Wednesday, 10th 6! September. 1873, at one o‘clock I. I. The order of bugineq inn follow: :-F'm - 4 .-,,,| Sessionâ€"Erode l to! P. It. Motions! Examine: Address of " Webmne,” by the Pater of tlie Church; Annual Report and Treasurer’s Account; Discussion. on the “me1501: of the Teacher fol-his work,” min introduced by the Rev. John Guy; Question Dram. Election Oom- mifieewpointed: “ Singinain theSebhuh Scho'oL' dime-ion led by Rev. Mr. Siloox'. Second Sessionâ€"Flam 6 to 9 r. )1. ‘De- voti‘dml Examines; Address of the Vice- Pruident: -RaportofElectionCommiRaee: ' Drawer opened and questions answered: “Temperance in the Sabbath Scho'ol,” opened by the Rev. R. Fairblirn; “ How to retain the elder Sehohn,” by Rev. Mr. Ropes; 1632'. R. Anderson, as- . .1A_‘ __'“ ._..._ -4 _. - e, 7 furnish mimic eniteble fol-the occasion. A cordid 'invibfion is extended to 111 the friend: of Sebbsth School: to be in “ten- dmee. 1The when of the Church and Sabbath School oordiflly extant} the 08a: nf théirhosninlityto 1mm. dietinoe Tn: tnficretnrm of the Midland Bail: 3:71:73 ‘1: ty to who attend Conven‘ «in be taken tip *0 defray exponau. 92:4 his aim canâ€"No q'oen- Oat-trouzogdctopwf ‘ glint strength md volume. Parties resid- iuzh an vicinity “ex-that moot-build- _ingu of tho Queen’s Hotel we thoprincipd m of the nuisance. \ " Min mud in the doornydook- Lgal“9|;n.ruj_tl'<>vn. the street for thmcm- _..-_ -_L I! I‘. k--.- M“w'l:o oomoohoot': 1110' mum no buoy horn-ting, but building open- tiouo oro bn'sl: “out. o - Wan time- no good lot tho poopls fill your stores without much ofi'ort, but it ro- quiroo oomo work togttho poolo out when times.” dull. on who gonenlly gin libs-him ‘ Ta: Orinio Unio- Wan-d Show will tokoplssrilithiotou oaths'lth of A.-- no u best tomboldinOriuin. A "Manon thonoon tnin. 00mg quiet: 6* 9%.“? MW‘ "“5“ _,IA2__J Qriniu arcane!” tothe nkemu. Pinomâ€"Hr. R. J. Bowie, student of W a Palm , New Jami, when having pongfgrd the present. {reg , j’i‘tdvaouldfio'mmider Inc ;:;gnph forfiu um, road 9‘00 H;G~J.Bodra,whohubeeneoeonâ€" sidente in buildingnnd furnishin dwell- inghoum for ochreâ€"being old of miewhere ebout 3 dozen houeeeâ€"hu just co leted extensive additions tohie on Get ‘ .whichienow averytutyupl ‘ to enjoy it . v , \ ' Lu- our cupiuluh unite end multiply} mnfucturinx eetnbluhinenu until no 1 other part of the Province excels the num- her and quelity of our mannfncturee. This is the rod that is destined to lend Orillin to a bong! wedth and influence; and the sooner our people take it and resolve to‘ employ their means end energies in this‘ ny the betterit‘will be (or them end.the wen. Tn: Cn-xc Hauntâ€"Today an ex- euni-m train will leave et nix e. m., for Port Hope. The Cricket mu between the Orilliu and Beavennn clubl ll expected incontinence nt 10 o'clock. on the new m ‘TherewillnleobeBueBdlnnd metchee. The juvenile Lecroue Ulnb go to Bur-into plny the return netch with the “Store” of tint town. Pic-nic psi-tie: will be numerous. PULH‘IOU‘TIXPEILSCE anosmnmx. â€"The Som of Temperance have seemed ‘the ve belunzin to Mr. Quinn, near ‘ the C. Church, or their demonstration i and pic- nic. on the 29th inshnt. In eddi- tiou tothe digxmtaries of the 0rder,Meeere M. C. Cameron. Mchnltey, Lount, Blake. Ardugln, M. P. P., and Cook M. P., and other: hnve bee: invited. The question will be considered in its p-litical upect. MAX Mashedâ€"iguana whose me we could not lesrn has been misting since Thundsy lest, md it is (cured that he has been drowned. lie commenced work in Tnim Mill on the preyioul Tue‘edey, a‘nd luv v- __.V iconic I. wider. by being toq venture- mono in dxe’wlber, orgoing in toooften. nu ‘lu-Euw wâ€"â€"â€" w- â€"â€"r~r" , enqnixiel :1: his Wig-house showed thst he-hed not return , and that his efl'ecte, of some-value. were not taken uny. Semi: was then made, but up to the present without success. Burma and "rimming“ delightful end healthy sports, and en pertieipeted in with modention, uall pleasures should be in order to nuke them enjoyable, eon- duec greedy to the benefit of mind and body. It in the excess in this, a in every thing else. that produces the harm, and this should be pmicuhrly guided again-t, May 1 bright young lad has lost his life or undermined _hi§ health and be- , d L_-_4 l-IU- no... v.- v..- r" had been getting saw-163: out of th'e‘lnke. Hi: Ala-anon gun-ed ugune‘uufgu. until .1 ____j Soul: of the immigrants who arrive here are of a class not required or likely to be anything but a burden to themselves and the community. On Tuesday we had a visit from one who represented himself as a Englishman of good family. could speak fin: langum and had walked through several townships seeking n situation as teacher or book-keeper. The benevolent gentlemen who paid his fare out. of Toronto were doubtless right in saying that such ' are ovemwded an the city, at the chances of his obtsin' employ- ment suitable to his years and bits are no greater in the country or towns. We want men who can_turn.their hands to a pa ,3____ m ing, young end apeble of lard man- u hbour. These will get on; but other: will fill. Menu COUNCILâ€"At e special meeting called b the- Reeve a the instance of Mean, obu'ly andiCorbould, asking the Council to “pen“ with the Councll of Rum: end the Hex-them R. R. Extensive it I _I_A GA Wq u- nvvvvnâ€"n “â€"v .V...Vv, John by blu ' the rock in Black River, ”d grunting :i therew. n molation “I paged that thi Council take no action in tho Mr, I: the Munid 'ty of Man. would receive no Inga-ill 2 thereby. 1 xJI___ _ _. Th: sum “‘01:“thde dollars In t, ed whughlinmd John L.Mc ,fnr Speed, y wu grated 83.33. a a. coupon» tion for sheep killedby don. mlution pmedwthoefi'oct that. this Council do gntmoqudmn tothoConncilof onh. Wand; lowering 1h. nun of Lake Simcoo. dutiee'iu timer end husband accepubly end not Infrequent-1y dispense charity to those in need. A community mule up of such men would not reTxire e very expen- sive “ministration 0 justice. Ito jnil Imuld be untennnted. It would hove- little need for. police and the punpherne- lia. of criminal juetioe.’ But its streets would beneglecbd. It: population would he meant wig): Inn]:- and pump; In log-l“: ndvunngee would be un' med Its voter power, if it had one, no flow: on idly to the net. Ito mineral resources would be undeveloped. Its oommercinl fedlitiee migh:_t3e yigoro‘usl! discussed. â€" A -mnâ€"L Towx Faunâ€"A enmnmnity ha tune to expect in the way of public spirit from men who hue no load pride. They may be honev, peius tek'mg. well behaved citi- eene; they any pty their debts. proeecute- _.:_._ .I:..L..-.. 53.4- mo ”WI "-1 3"; â€"-vvâ€"â€" 77v 7, . . their ailing: with vigor d'uchugo gheir dude.» who: and hufibm'd 09°09“ny In“ l-‘Qâ€"' 7.- bntyot puma-11' y wad of no account Other tom would steal from it in mtunl trade. In children would grow up well- behovod enough, but deficientin enterprise; Now, we by it down as a. broad proposition tint no community und no notion ever so- complished anything in the world’s history which did not have a stronglocol urnutionol pride. AI 3 rule, few men have accom- fii‘iohod much for humanity who did not vo my, ids flutthoy Irene born for more thou ordinary things. A few, it is two, hole been unconscious of their gm râ€"A4_L2-_.. gnu inventors, poets, statesmen. philan- thropists, farmers, artists, and ooldiérs of every age have been more or lea impressed with the nine of their pinion. And gen- “er-31m- iii: of individuals. it is uni- versal}: true of communities and nations. u No, Wfiu m; oxhilenb calmly replied the era- wéémmmmmw “f. mu gm“ 4. EM mm @me Wm « wwwmww ammmm .mmuMmmm WWmfox-modin Lon- don, mmgbytvoorthmyounz men. whowinmupperchmbert’orpnyfl- hmmfim of thaA-wishom in mayuhupdinw 101865 -_ .- ,,,_I_-1.I young mâ€"vounginhmflmzh not guminym Itwuuouetimeudif- ficult, wdnwtheline, ninth inane. dgmemborofthaPort Hope Association, who,thonghninet 4'0”."de .n weir. mumtm mdodsfingthst his heart m-tfllyounginlovemd nympntlu fox- young men. hue building: and buildinz funds on is continent yo Que Won-£11710 00an of the INNS men connected with it. Ind 91°” '5‘!“ when Mama “3 “PM: The? '°°“ , AL _ __..-_ {J'm‘ "pm "Ea; by dnwing the' on mama-wwwww “-rArâ€"v â€"â€"â€"- 7, ' influence. Member- uhonld be ever on the-left 1000' thegood nod. Associa- tionisoompooed ofmembon ohllEm- gene-1 cmhurches, and m u sfeedcr to 4__-_:-__ A...‘ -‘II .“fi- In Toronto, young men whom Rom Cstholics. Unituians end Scepties sre brought to the nouns, Mons found for them if poesiblc when required, nursed iu sicko“. and whatever loge for Christ. sud W nuxilhries of Association. my men shouldgoont income ssloons. the M, the highways sud hedges, and invite those whom they found to come in The Bibbolsseisenother important bunch of the work, all require to be well informed concerning thefiajgtures. The work is bud. heeet with didi ‘nlties end pence“- t‘uu, but God has mended thusoengngod in it by melting then his instruments for doing much good. the members dmld feel theirin ividnnl responsibility todo what they em. The world does not real the Bible, but does teed Christians, and judge the “'0rd by them. The work ne- quim men who can prey, tail, weep. and die for Chrilt; and they went the prayers of mothers, and other friends. Young men mongst the immigrate u-eiving at ‘oronto eve invited to the Association rooms. kindly tuned, encouraged.ndvieed endpn iynnd he had just made a. trip 14 seen, to meet wmeuf those. end partly to be able to tell the immigrant- what the count-y is like. Mr. Wilkie con- cluded In meet end feeling eddies: by tax-gin the young men who were not tit. y enlisted in (‘hrint'e eerviee to give ‘ ' ‘ 77A_.__‘.. approving «of I had been aid. Mththehdmot with st least one imm' twbo bod boon'lod to enquire M ivine truththrough the instrumen- tdity of the Toronto Y.M.C.A., and men- tioned dust. the “oldest member" of the Port Hone Associntion has Motives oun- nocted thh two of the congmgttiom in this i'z'é}. a B. mum exp-sued feeling of deep interest in theee Wicca had had some experience of the working of that of Toronto; and hoped thetof Oril- tufaof 1866‘. m». mumm- MGM Miftho Actof 1866 romnlodtho y- ]:qu the Conn .mBy'h" M!“ 0 a, .ol' w 18“. Jfimmmwmgmnuumd v . ,â€" Court ruled mmwflfi W A consonant“ furnishes us the pub timlm of tho openiugof sumbybr» ion watch. The morning of the 1M hit. was ddightfnl, the gy beingcleu', the it cool and bracing. 0 took s that drive. which brought III to a. Inga settlement, to- mdbhf‘norflim of “agnwm west y. 'inc yuuago ' m entered bl twoWy-ofllummdtho first -â€" luL__ ‘AJ'lH-AA added with payer the latter din-obi the 13th verse of the uixtieth chapterof Isaiah. “I will make ”the plaoeof my feet gloriong.” He showed that by Hi- feet in this punge, God did not mean His enemies, as in some other A c. l__4.1_ wrvicciygu coodugtod by thy Rev. Mr. Awhiwn. who in in ch: of the Mission, 1:16 the Rev. Mr. Phrizefuf Wabaughong. sad the Rev. Mr. Pin-bell, «f Wabausnone. The former sddrouod the congregation in the fonnwn, 1nd the 1:15th in the titer- noon. 7 The oburch 1:38 _lit4era‘lly cramped ,L _- _A_ : thefithveue “And who then is till- g to W his-union alga” unto 5AAL_J _..A â€"â€"A-- n“ In wv 'â€" -â€"_-, ingwmtohis-unicethisday unto the Loni.” He pointed out various my- in which a. person could serve the Lord. mdur‘godhihmfio con-maca- uelvesto Goa-m Raped:- «all for mopowbdthephoothlttheyhueerect- odsphyoiorwmhipfinthomidsgof the Wefpuyingfor and damn: up {flair farm. Be:v3:)hnAGra_y page-tome few («marks 1.: 26th. 13m 3435013 A. J. Alpert “ “a" a By J»! providing thatno shop been” of ° for ythe ale of up irituom or .nslt liquon 5'. :31? shall be gnn.ted Tax Enosmx un " tint all the WCt-nncillors exp rented . nelvet in favour of the petition, and on “a“: motion it w unsmmmuly resolved - " ° “ That the Council epprompf they-inci- ”swâ€" Kalliâ€"fiver}, Sunday align: V 7- . '1 ”3n Gama}, (WOMâ€" Bav. K. Campbell, Punt. Sex-nay“ 81” “41030.1“; Weapon It 3:” o'clock. ' . w’-(Ennoorn)â€"B«.A.8hyv affix». mm Sunday's-m @7171 gand? 9. III. Sud-ysasodu .9.” tan. :is, W. Sal-via in tho Tel-pun. HIE, each Sound: at. 11cm, ad 6.30 p.111. Sundtydeoluam. W. TB"- John Gig,“ tor. SundIYW.¢llq-n c.1630 a. Sunday School a 1 ma}. M". 'ble Clan}: 3.? pm. Wash dny Payer. Huang, Wedge-any cm; at. 7.30 o'clock. W-unx Kunmingâ€"Rev. Kenne- dy Creighton, Miltonâ€"Sand: oer- “ 11 3.310 sad 61%.; p.m. . y School at ' p. p. «- MTâ€" Sundgy at 73.111 ., updlfiiday, 31: m x,__ _A .M .flonoofiocflounlmroogoar VowWâ€"HonoE-gag nub-:99; . 88.3903033328 .wofinoca. «F890»? “sup-Mo can! H58». rwmgoaa can. a} oneâ€"SPCA“: 8.. nearing-.37 03958992” men? 2.8. .09.? Mr.J.8.Johmhu kindlydhwed «tanked» following ext-ct from a. pdmmmdyreeeivedfmm N!- J. Andaman, formyyeuu gum-known naidentofOro.md now wedded in the venom pang! Flo-:â€" ‘l'thrq-A tyxonghouf the action 0‘,“ unwiththoexoeptiond lungs!»- nlly we «typed; in hot, hr hotter. thznweexpeeeo’dafter so dry 3 m. Ihavelfiaaudgninmp,whichgim pmhoofsgoodmdsbundsntyieldgmd wobwereuonto be thmkfnlthazthug instill pro-poet of plenty fog- map at} been]; Sui-i3; the meat. I have hand; an nece- - new bed, pen. of which I intend lowing mmm. Mean. Cotton 5: Leeann are building 1. saw mill in‘onr immedim vicinity, which will be in openfionnextepring. ifnllgoen‘ well. ltwillbengmtboonw the net- tlerl of this settlement. as hitherto we lave «gained 3 good deal of trouble in newnng lumbet for building pin-poses, cite. Been here settled mange! u luely‘ and become exceedingly fond of pork. enr- rying the ”vine any bodily out of our born A few night: ago Dave Com-A emu had one etulen 00'. of in pen, not Cu from the house. Bed success to Old Bruin, my he die with hi: next victim stuck firm end for in his throat, end we will then, he quit of a very ”If-helping visitor. The impropriety! f dlowinc qunmi to be. said in groceries and other similar places. of luminous. dong with other merchandise. Iris atmngiy pointed out by «number of the member: of our Ontu'io Parliament st its but session, and the Government was then strongly urged to legislate with a. special viewof preventing a. continuance vi the practice, but it ran not done. The main objection. of such a custom are tint purchaser! of provisions and other new , A,___AAA A- l’""" '.' articles in often much tempwd :0. drink by trader: who have liquors constant- ly mgedon ehelves don: with their or- dinary goods, 9nd thus may “See are driven to pewms who would otherviee re- frain. It in well known too that groceries keeping liquors are enjoying consider- eble advantage over those more conscien- tious than themselves. and therefore re- fuse to make sprofit from my thing so in- jut-ions to the well being of society. We angled tomte that the fn'endeof temâ€" perance et Orilli: hue recently petitioned- theCouncil to prepu'eendeuhmit tothen: a. By-lev mending that no shop licensee for the file of spirituouu- or .nalt liquor: shall be granted. Tn: Enosmn that all the Councillors expreued - selves in favonr of the petition, and on pl“ um 00" In we phuuuu Coundlvoulémmeodthudurthis youth. officemubeoonfinodto es eding exclusively in liqmw oshouldbogghdtosopthmugih- udomtho Conntty,mdothor00nndll memoridiudin the mm. It is nocaswpveryfuinadvm. Without inthexightdiroetion.â€"€abd. mybemdq'odlo-lnbbtohhinhon A L:__ glen hjd dog? in wad» of Ta! Ext-0:103: BILâ€"I noticed . mph.“ PM may w-â€"' "* Wt * d the 5M half ' o “mmfiwz Koo 112.315; I'dinm. kenfm' my wthoo “*0 ' m shoflld be W °“ °’ m mmum Thefimetho - ' denfiscminpow ‘11 ‘yel‘fiinw thehdnxdfi'd" -°”bfi”a' firnrnko’Au ‘Bntl’lluupllf- Editing-vb“ I dunk thechiel’saboot. F013 ' Julienboot ., --_-__w-_--_v_, , {suingdndag etc. n-h camps-d 6“ "wt \I'Dto- vvvwwi 7,, anon tho chiel‘a married he’ll amin- d: bower. Bntmycofly ikshard, the pair bodiuafeer wdtinsahnghato submit“. twa dollars taken fr; them, :31: and £5: mair,‘ .1500 Mr. Editw. I'm gmnaond 'i’a gain the when a. soap in intend. oounw'ZiEéfi p?” 0m- Comnww a" we?“ “1* , ____4

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