tnry. when I was about to start for the United States a. year ago last full, he told meif I stayed he would take me into part~ nemhip with him. That gentleman can cor- roborate my statements. William and I did nearly all Mr. Sutherland’s work that ear, for Mr. Penrd. Did any of that fall l [0. And' any man who knows anything shout plastering, knows that mortar put on by an inferior workman will remain just as long as if done by a. good mechanic, the only diï¬'erence will be that that done by the mechanic will be a. more uniform thickness and smoother. The durability of the work depends on the material. No matter how Well the work is done, if that be bad, it will not stand. As for Mr. Robinson: house, he knows perfectly well that I did not ï¬rst coat it. That was done by my partner, on the last of November, 1872, and froze solid afew days after. Mr. Robinson then put in stoves and thawed it out, which caused it to be rotten. Mr. Quinn's job was also done in the winter. we having to chop small trees for wood to thaw out the work. As for the haul I made, I left money with Mr. Beverley Tnylorto pay all I owed, exce t $7.59, which Williams and. I owed to‘ . W. H. Carpenter; end which I will fmrd to him in s few days. The following are the gunmen whom Mr. Taylor is to pay: curs. Hugh Sutherland, Cooper, Dunn 1nd Buchanan. As for me being one of that classof fellows who never stay longer in one place thnn to show their inherent sconmdrslistn. I enclose the addresses of lhoee whom I lived with in Cagnada and the United States, and alsothe atdofmy employer, who is said to be the nest mechnnic in Winnipeg, so that. you can see for yourself whether I am an hon- rst men, ends. good 11186th or notâ€". There fare still 350 owing me in Orillin :vnd vicinity. So much for my Haul. If ? thought necessary, I would send the sdâ€" 1‘ «tosses of six ministers. of diï¬'erent do- .zoncminntions, in the Parish 0f Camberâ€" » ell. Surry County. England, where I was 3 orn, and lived until I came to Canada, and who would have great pleasure in \ onching for my honesty. Yours truly, D. J. HOULAHAN. Gm. the Canadian PM is like a Mal two-edged knife. cutting both syn, without fear. favour or nï¬ectim. 'J biota-nous Jimuel Briggsis edibbr. I». “Irene meet- anotherriding cut out: 1:. Isy, and “keeps to the right, as legidirecb.†no collision is likely to take 1’ too. Or, in the event of injury by a col; 1': ion, the one to blame, by not “ keeping tr thou-ï¬t,†will beheld in damages-qwe- 9 Edit oecqr in the United States. But i;- n MNew Brunswick, Nova Scotia, 0 anywhere in Great Rritain’, exactly the acne is the rule There the law is, to £39 10 the left instead of the right, when J“ 95320:: apubh'c road." The above 9:- †93‘ tliken from the current number of ‘1‘ ' PhTWIlom'caI Journal, a periodical :i- t opce inawhile hints tn the benighted " minus the advantages they might =5 We}! annexation to the United States, 9" wInch we will now add the securing of "" h We" informed magazines as a part of ":3" national literature. The people of ::33. and Of Great Britain too we be- ‘:.- We nx‘ opinion that “kee tq the z??? .;Y-he‘tohw directs†,wizs as 01% in its .. m“ 311038 ) 'i m f as ‘ . IiU-rited Maw-ts (f the a 13:8 1 Dmn Sm,â€"â€"I was greatly surprised at the article reflecting on my character which appeared in the Orillia. Times some weeks 340, and which was forwarded to me by a. friend. I am certain. neither Mr. Hugh Sutherland nor Mr. T. Goifatt had any- thing to do with it. The writer of that article in the last few words stating that I was going to start a Temperance Society. as the whiskeyherewas so had that I could not drink it, has, to use a. vulgar expres- sion “let the cat out of the ban,†and comes out in his true colours as one on whom the word Temperance Society acts with the same effect as the sight of a. red flag will have, on a mad hull. and who with the proverbial cuwardism of that classdure not. say a. word when a. man is near, but has great courage when he is over u. thou- sand miles away, and cannot defend him- self. The T £11m! cantiun to their Winni- ‘ peg friends would be very well if the peo~ pl: here were deaf, dumb and blind, so that they could not hear, speak and see for themselves. As fur my capabilities ‘ as mechanic, when I arrived in Orillia. 1 two years mu, I worked a. whole summer for Mr. William Pearl. Was he dissatisï¬ed with me as a. workman I No. On the con- ministering such a political slap in the face. To the general public it is a. matter ’of small consequence who rule, whether Tory or Reformer; but it is of much conse- quelwe whether they mle honest and wise- ly or not. The jubilation of Some persons in Tarnmnto, over Sir John‘s political thim- tile-rigging, is quite in keeping with some of the remains of the old family compact, that may be straying about the original nest. It appears that Sir Hugh Allen at peeted his money refunded to him by the Amerieens, they also wanted to know what he had done with so much money. Mr. McMullen being the active agent for the Americans, beatme thus, likely, in posses- ;iou of the vouchers or receipts in a legiti~ mate manner; these, as far as they show money payments, are a suï¬cient evidence in themselves. ‘ A REF ORMER. Mara», August 25th, 1373. Editor of Tax Exyosx'run: Eduor of TE; Exrosx'roa: Du: Simâ€"Matters m the Paciï¬c Rail- way Sandal are approaching a crisis. The Parliament was prorarued' In a very hasty and summary manner. It does not 35%:- that the paper- connected with tie loom of the Oaths Bill was even laidbe- fore Parliament. Oï¬cially, as a matter of fact, the members must like the public,be content wi :11 hearsay only. That pbminesa was in the hands of Parliament; and- was matched from them as if they wire persons without discretion. They inhst feel very much like Mr. Little. Oh, shade of Crom- well andhia “Rump†Parliament! Gov- ernments are not generally overthrown through acting uncon titationally, but for constitutionally committing errors. arbi- trary or unwise actions. It isconstitutional ? for Parliament toahow want of conï¬dence in a Government, but it is not constitu- tional under any circumstances for the Government to show non-conï¬dence in Parliament. This 13 what has been done by Sir Johnâ€"non-conï¬denoe in his own Parliamentary majority. “’6 submit that Sir John has presumed too much on the tameness of ex en his Tory followers, in ad- Winnipeg, 11th Aug, 1873. come to this country they ghould'iend their aid in tantalizing, instead of demon ï¬xing, the people. We hope his Grace will receive this rebuke in the spirit m which it is givon, sad that hemay return “Eng- land a. better and a wise: man. anrg. 59, ,- _ ‘____-_‘ Editor of Tax Encarta: : Smâ€"This Engl'mh nobleman it .1: pre- nent on a visit ‘tnnthiseeountry. tnd we have no means of ascertaining the opinion 1.. huformed oftheCnnadinn people. Our habit-s may appear crude to his Gila, but we nvould respectfully informhnh .thnt from on: very childhood, we have been taught to regard the christian Sabbath a sacred. Perhaps the Duke is not aware, our: in this northern latitude, tints». bah breaking is a violation of On! laws. We do hope that as long as he remains in the Dominion, he will nut only raped our In“ but the feeling of the chrishm “pub? lic. ‘ The people of Orillia could .seereely give credence to the fact, that his Grace should so far forget himself as to charter two of our steamboat; last Sabbath, the oneto convey him from Washago to Orillia, and the other from Orillin tn Belle Ewart. We do think that when titledi ge{l§lc}nen mmaw.{~ 4 The Paciï¬c Scandal. A Dcfcnco. SABBATH OBSERVER. fligiaï¬m hapeéfsglo‘ï¬oumrroction. L.\[g.= bertaonmwpllknown mt! highlyâ€- Ipected in thelocnlity in which he raided. ‘ At Om. 6n the 193}: hisf... Bit-Richard Mnr- shall. attersloagandpainfutillneu. _ " 7A: the Weélmn Fuselage, Barrio. August 20:11.1873. Lizzie A- M. McDowell. third (tugb- tor of the Rev. D. C McDowell, agodli years. 3 months. and 13 days. 7 At’ Long'foxd 1311501: the Zith inst, aged 11 months md 4" .1ng agyElizabpth, only child of Chas. and §m§h At O‘illis. L“. z...“ 5‘25 t. thoin: son of Mr. VYm'."x “6a“, flared {yum Wei-gag; ‘nï¬r (I‘v- Egag‘am ' ma 56M '- A: Rugby; un the 15th inst. Mr. Georg.- gobemwn, Stain-hisï¬rdyw. Deceased†boenailinzZiiyea-rsand bore his illness with Cgristiagpageno‘e and. ragiggntion. Hoflfell "Atrium oï¬h‘o‘liii}. we the below}; Wife 'of We: ï¬lth-on. 31:1: Onthemthmt. :hovifoofArchx'hddRob- mmwduon. An 16 wifeofH. '1'. Cameron, Matching Brecfm, 0%; 'dmghtar. ' AtOï¬JJig omThm-la: ,215tinst, the wife of J unes Quinn. an.,o a. daughter. shall have your reward The come of Temperancey' is working slow but sure, end 1 trust the day is not for distant when there will not be a drop of alcohol found from the Atlantic to the Paciï¬c, when the lion will lie down with the lamb, and then there will be shouting glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good will to~ men. A SON OF TEMPERANCE. REGULAR monthly meeting oi Village Councilnoxt yWattle-tiny. . wâ€"wwwm...-'Vm~‘ *iyingisnrrounded by some women erymg. twas a scene not easily to be forgotten. Indeed, Mr. Editor, I got sick at heart and squeamish at my stomach, and if it were not for the stand I have takenin'the'l‘em- perance cause, I would at that time have gone direct and drowned sorrow in rain. that poison which destroys .more vic- tims in one single year throughout the world than all the railroads have done since their commencement. Being a few minutes ta» late for the boat we gota con- veyance which took us to WashagOporI might say, Oswego, for. in one single year it had almost surpassed your our». a-head town, Orillia. Taking intor con- sideration ,the time, the means, and the place, they can surpass you, for they have granite pavement to walk over, planed and planted by the greatest of architects. 0:3- ward we journeyed two miles furthel'ï¬n'ml -â€"â€". - we. lauded for the night, at the Sunni _ Bridge Hotel, kept and" owned by ME C- McKenzie, a very discreet and obliging landlord, who is building a large house for ‘ i tourists, who annually frequent Muskoka, , to angle up and down the beautiful Sev- l I ! ern River andS arrowLake. Hotel-keep- 4 ing is not Mr. cKenzie’s hobby, for he is ready and willing to sell out at reason- able terms to any purchaser who 06ers.â€" Rose early on Sabbath morning, and hav- ing a good appetite relished a good break- fast very much. We took our journey for the Wesleyan Church, convenient to Gib- raltar. A large crngregation was present, and everything appeared in harmony with the day,â€"being sacrament and quarterly day. The preacher entered and commenced his work, which was well studied and well divided. In looking over the congregar tion I was quite surprised by seeing many of my old friends decked out in the ï¬nest of west of England broadcloth, With polished boots, and instead of the old slouched hat, they were to be seen with l Parisian beavers, of the latest style, and 1 their better halves could vie with most of the ladies in the front cities in dress and [elegant-e. The youngsters were dressed l equally well, and the old looked comfort- able and happy, as the blessing was pro- ! nounced they and rose to retire. As the l congregation was dispersing many vehicles 5 were in attendance with prancing horses , to canvey the families to their homes.â€" ; Here I was met by my old friend and ac- lquaintnnca, Henry N. Anderson, Esq., ; who is Township Clerk, and second to none : in welcoming an old friend, with an out- ] stretched hand, smiling face, and a bright l l eye overflowing with welcome. Comfort , and contentment were combined in his ap- pearance. As we travelled to his residence 1 obseiv ed many improvements going on, such asnew barns, new mills, and many alterations in the dwellings. Arriving at Mr. Anderson’s for dinner, there I behold a large new barn and a lot of lumber resdy by to erect a new mansion. After dinner we walked down to Sparrow Lake to visit some acquaintances there. One of the . houses appeared to be deserted, with the exocption of alittle urchin. I knocked with my cane, and out staggered, half awakened and half asleep, froma d'tl'k hedrnom,‘the proprietor of the shanty. I extended by hand, and in return was caught by a thing more like an icicle than a hand; his wife presented herself, not in a Sabbath day dress. 1 cannot say had they anything to eat, but as for informa- tion it was not to be found there, so my friends and myself beat ahasty retreat, saying as we went, “ I’ll gang na msir to you town.†As we wandered home, we called uponMr. Matthew Young, who gave us a. most hearty ieception. Heis striding on, and in a prosperous condition, adding house to house, and ham to barn. On Monday morning I paid a visit to Gibral- tar. I there met for the ï¬rst time the present Governor, a canny Scot. We had i :i Highland meeting and aflighland shake. The writer and the governor were com- panions-in~arms. in thirty-seven, at the time of the rebellion. He keeps the for- tress in very good order, and ï¬res a salute occasionally from the battery. He is to hoist a new Britisli Flag, the old one being worn in the service. After breakfasting with Mr. James McCabe, formerly Post. master at Gravcnhnrst, and bidding adieu to some friends, we took our departure homewards, Mr. Andersougiving us Scotch convey three miles to the Severn Bridge. On our way down to the Bridge, Ienquired of Mr. Anderson how it comes that the people here in Morrison look so comfort- able and happy in their homes, in their dress, and in all their hearing throughout, in building new houses, new barns, new teams of horses, c. His reply was as follows: the people are better paid than . formerly, and what they gain they can take better care of. There is not a village or township from Orillia to Parry Sound but temperance organisations are formed; there is not a man with the exception of two or three on this road for miles up and down, but what has joined our-temperance ranks: it has a moral efl'ect and influence throughout the community. One neigh- bour asks his next what causes that man to prosper? the answer is temperance. So {say go and do likewise, and verily you A: Sum oath 22nd inst“ ' . . Laidla’v, "(ta-nu. ‘ the mfeoï¬J journey. I left home on Sunnis horn- ing, 9th Augustâ€"took the can at ver- ton for Orillia. All went smooth until about one mile from Orillinmhen the alarm was blown and the train stopped. Wen!) tosee whathadhnppened. Qnthe read. about four ï¬ve hundred yards, she‘d were a. locomotive and some trucks at 3 stand still. We hastened to the scene, and were met by three men in a buggy, two of the men supporting the third, who aï¬peared in great agony and gaspmg for brenth. ' A little ahead another man was lying beside a fence, quite unconscious Unwardsstill was another viotimin the embrace of death. withadreadful gashacroeshisneck and one of his eyes gone. Still further on we observed some men carrying another out of a lumber ear, quite dead. After be- holding the gloomy scene, welustew for the boat that was to conveyusto Wuhsgo. 0n the road we saw another of thdwonnded, Dm Sm,â€"-As the columns of your journal are always open to that which is wholesome for the moral, spiritual and in- tellectual good of the community, I would with your perminion pen I. for ranch on mstber3_aud tying: eongocteq. "Eh my Editor of T3: Won: baE'o'hi: W131i: Lots 0:: bar-Agplytb' Id!“ 111 or to T1308 Grimm Feb. 26th. 1873“ GUS; â€1:11ng for Saï¬dmnogea‘z â€" a premises_ KEN. WWW Awnmm >197-1t. , anew ' ‘ Building Lots For Sale! THE BEST CHOICE ! OUSE AND LOT for Sale, oheg Enquireqntlgeprumieeah. 3.3.0 ON EASIER TERMS! M‘qï¬u-M in up plum be ea maggï¬wmwï¬mbnï¬noouofl 8 . . . 8 13.. €18.13†A «.3. kW. EOEWHM>UH rig gnu.“ a mu etc 5 v 5. bacon on 82353 flitmmuï¬nwn v3: nqmtityof BASS WOOD LOGS, Tobe delivered :1: the Mill, for which the highest price in Cash will be peid: ‘3' A First-Class Cutter always employed on the premises. THE FIRST TO APPLY REDUCED PRICES X FALL SHIPMENTS, We would strongly invite intending purchasers to AT COST ! Fo}. $.19 013992.993 0.3 9": *m: ‘ WI- DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS 8:; SHOES; GROCE RIES, TEAS. the balance of their summér itock of OLE ARIN Gr OUT T. F. ELLIS 84 00., Beef; fore qi-s. _do ....‘ Mutton, by «113:6,er Butter, tub dairy" . . . Apples, per brl... Potstoen, per’.bush...... @ons, do ’ ........ *. Drink, Feb. 2681:. 1873. 0:: o uh‘m HOUSE OF ALL NATIONS. Away: 27th,1873. Wheat, £311, perbmh†â€8 1 25 G 31 27 What, spring, do 0 00 Q 1 18 Barley, do 0 00 O 0 85 0m, ' do 0 423 0 00 Pm. do 0 60 Q 0 61 91mmâ€: Maigret-y way CALL EARLY Tam-9a August 28th,187 FALL Wm, per Emahel’ ......... 81 10 321mm Want. “ 1 00 Emu. v hzl g 99 3mm 3! am VIC! £31)er cm ECURE THEIR WANTS! LIQUORS, CHINA, and GLASSWARE, In order to make charance for Have a. Ham of Your Own! Wanted Immediataly, intheVfllg-eofOriï¬g cram-Markets}: £28! @5312. A CHANCE. T. F. ELLIS Co. House of Iml! Nations. to arrive by the '5‘ CA" of August AT THE Applvto A; TAI’I‘. WINES, COPNER‘ mm 1 @@ mm 6 1. mwm 030 @06 mg 0.20 6 00 4mm COPIES of Tax: Exrosrroa. b smumh_ “J. J. de’u,Cooke. Bm In the Mum of ALEXANDER m- NEDY, ‘of mm, As 1%; Eta; 6m» ocpéuimm‘ Â¥ James McLeod, HE Sub-0:120: ha cum s Inga ‘Aluol mmorxgnnba,m" qunlityShinglu.‘ 850.. â€may on hand. . A m; ; ,- x rmmgnbam. msomENT'ACT‘OF‘lses PIG-I00 MID EXCURSION PARTIES Eve attentionvinbo ' iota-mu tnndto flurotzfortofmgulwa Puï¬uoftunornorepmouiilluodnn- turn 'ï¬ckohforone {no.lonyof thosbovo Will lenvo Orillnnt 2:302. x†for Runs. Lang- fox-d Portage, nnd WM; taming. calling 3!: the above ‘__.poru 'Pnrtiuï¬yhingcogo toRunn byth morning bontnnll hemmed“ by akin; the Cuptun. Fare to Washago, ~ 40 Cents; I I AS REMO VED to his New Shop on Missinaga Street. next totho Mable “forks, where he will begin! to use All friend: and autumn All we done promptly. Will run a followlzâ€"Loavo 01-min. "on mom- @3181;anng guptod) a ‘8 ‘clock, A. 11.. m,_L-___ __ Ticket. for round trip. 50 ct!- Longford 3nd Peruse, 25 cu; Runs, 15 cu. To Run. And retina, 25 cunts. D. L. SANSON. MULLIA MUNICIPALITY. en: 5;- the Clerk. THE 29TH INSTA N 'I'. For igforgagion. spply to my of the Coun- SELLING VERY Low. Summer ARRANGEMENT! STEAMER “ IDA BURTON." “ CARRIELLA 1" (JAMES REIDE, Mam) Black Silk Csps, Tourists Glengu-ry Cups, (hp: of all styles and shape, Black Silk and Shell Hats, u for Meg’s Straw Hats, and Ladies’Snn Hutu, Calling a! flame mlaye, LONGFORD mu m PORTAGE, The Kwsxxaros, - - . Latest one. Knox, '- ‘- 3 ~ - Imam; Rmazx, - - - A Black Planar. chroxn, ’- - 'Lateqtli’e'Ym'ker. JACK" o Lanny, - ' -' Smell H». A Tame xo FILM our Tm Mon: or. Pms, - Good Feltï¬at. Turns, - - Distinguished Syylo. Dzvnuvx. - - - _‘ - Soft Felt; Tho fqllovring NEW‘ STYLES any bu named: “GOLDEN LION," Lahï¬h Drill», 29th July, 1873. About ' Hats... Drink, August 18th. 1873. I. u. can; vanâ€"- 'WM. BROWN,- Orillis. 18th August, 1813. 01.55 THE admigeod,4ugngtM,Jme-, Al- [ENDERS for the 0500 of Collector, for the current year, will be received up ins Sun (by: em for Word: P1 (I ’(P U ‘NTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the noun um um Pwmé Sémnu, - ï¬st of Hm. Egan}; lam cam“. "cf! 8 o'clock. sud Afternoon .1: 2:3), SAWN-LA'IH. WY DIAL! wrrn. Among“ the large stock of Eon-ml, BLACKSMITH I (m writ.) JOHN PERRY. Mona dde-yhoql SMITH d: OLIVER. - - Lightmdniry. shove i915??? '{PRfME 90,121; HAMSisinokod oé uhsmokoi' Suflgrior Family Flour ! FRESH BREAD AND BISCUIT! mismonswowuormn om, AT GEORGE} VICK’S McCuss Bounme HOUSE. A Boudmby the any-01:30}: will "minced A_.____I_L__- THE Suï¬om'ï¬erhuï¬odupm‘l fur- ijooduyle blag; _ can- Ooqqrmn By J. , 4, Srnazssox, (Opposite the Residence of Juan Sun-on. ' Ea}, Front Street, Orillia.) ï¬rlldws hue: larfenumber to dltpoeeof. I’m-ties gluing to eel or purchase Horaee will do well to can end leave their unanimous with him. He hu dao commenced the training“ Colts. to which he would invite the Mo:- of stock nieen. R. TINDLE. Private Beaming. m: sebacribir ,_ f9r the Punk!“ wamxgn, Cd! and Judge for your- ' R. PARHHILL. i: Inge and n'rieddnd well worth, in- ARE UNSURPASSED; While my relfutstion for making Goon Fm u so we known tint I need not ex- pm»- on this point. Funmsmm Goons: My Facilities for TURNING OUT FIRST - CLASS WOï¬K . W‘Abe Emiflc Sands! investigation .' ends, provided there be 3 full en- qqu-y. gnd the‘ populn- verdict be in u:- ootdanoe with I}: and equity. But It. Does Matter ! '1'th the ï¬le who lika- to was: wax, W 7 [HQ should know when to g†a. desired good clothes. Appreqigting the impel-Macon! giving the people "lie able Momttionog this†pointy} hmwiï¬z ;nnounoe my ability snd willingm to moot their nuts in this nutter. Drink 4th Aug" 1872. GOOD HORSES ! It, Daesn’t Matte}! bByye, 75 en, eBu'raï¬er cued Bmdiee from “.50 per use. Hotel keepers will .ï¬nd my stock more com- .pleta, yum: snorted, md better value than can be found elsewhere. Tooth positively extmtod without thg flight: pun, by the use of ‘ NITROUS OXIDE GAS: c Arbiï¬enl Teeth inserted by the ne m. 1 «fact satufadiqn guaranteed-t Extracting Gold Fillings. G Particular uttention dâ€" to customers from :11 point; of {Se com- :55. Parties from the 1:014:15“-I 111 ï¬nd it 9999912le to their interest focal]. J. L ï¬gjr-S'OJV, 1291.3" DENTISTRY. Liquor Dealers. f 1.11 - ;nd it‘le f ,.â€" 33.; K3" . haze “nabs: ‘0. ‘3? .â€" v â€""v Clem vand reabéctable Vehicles. .9 PARTICULAR ANINIXUN PAID To TINDLE’S hue roducod the ima- for two months fmm this a». Wflhr’! buspxd clan-moo of my t bony stock of men. Emdie-zGin- .3991. 014 HORSE BAZAAR SPECIAL My Stock of GENTS’ In order to eï¬â€˜ect t Zloesn’t flatter .9 M y smck of Cloths UN USUALLY LARGE Second to Noneâ€"WHOLESALE Ir. RETAIL. F. J. GBIBBIN. 0f every variety, kept constantly on hand. OLD ESTABLISHED BAKERY. Auo, m Runs on; guwogbudsvalfl‘flm“ (gouging Stoves, 'l‘lnware! “MARI. â€Attila, La: Guam. be“ Whichluil ulna. staunchly low pub-s. mummwwmmmw .5. and?» 3“,. WT..- Wm: no: 0' ‘ ' a «ceramic can then: “the 01 price. §TOVE PEI-QT JAMES CAMEIWN BRUSHES, 0! every vu-iaty o! stylo 3nd prim, ofsonponorï¬ninh, will boon land. HARNESS EnglishEAmerican For s 390d FIDING SADDLE, tad uh ' your pick from the mE-neF Exï¬aagaan chart in his line mmnfyctued to order an the shortest notice nd matron-cubism. Dissette Boy S New in yang-Okinawa husmmï¬ towwq pper, ' act a, Jtpul are, st prices tut will ghoul-l: yov. ‘ a Aull will “tisfyyogtlut hols downwind to .011 nt price-M mot be baton. MWTROUGHIFG ngoin {superior I, 2* 00, STOVES. Box m Pump]; mam and m momm of sum HARDWARE éA'LL‘ EARLY: Stgck Complete 1 :0 Gm m a Bun Cm. 'C‘ Ifyou mt Info Collar, try March 15th.1873. A Splendid mortment o! The most complotoctock of SADDLES ! 01-min. 2621: Much. 1873. Mann:- hrought into Orflljs. DISSETTE BOY. BEA VERTON Jun opened out. in endle- urioty. CURRY 00m, and Best Stock OF BOTH 3010 Agent for Grillia; .' ST, GEORGES WINES! g wvhoarpggtputodinufmqgtqtquovowinmm aeggaintodbyrudingTuEnosmL SLAVENSI FRANK KEAN 8: 00-; What they are going to do, and where they are gqmg to do it MWRTANT ANNQUNCEMENTS TO MAKE FROM WEEK T0 WEEK, A ï¬er the lst of September. Nearly Everyone Knows To be sold at our usually Low Prices, 25 per cent. cheaper than any other house in Town. FRANK KEAN (‘30. TheAnvil 13.101183 Harvest GeodSI 50 3302.181; Quality Scythes. 20 do "“ db Snaiths. 50 do ‘5 do Rakes. 5.0 Boxes 68, ARRIVAL 0F W. R. TUDHOPE. GO TO :g-ATâ€"s. HéyFbrkg