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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 4 Sep 1873, p. 4

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. A.“ w». .. u-.."- . â€"..<-... .W“ l a i. . <. unsetâ€"1A; ._ l‘ l ,3. 1!- mammxmmzsmmm l Axarnsx Peerâ€"This neighbourhoodis --â€"â€"â€"- . threatened. with a pest in the shape of a. A well attended me eting of the Lumber 1' wee-.1 which may yet prove to be a greater Merchants of Ontario WHS held on the 6th . annoyance than the Canada thistle, .It is of Avg-net, at ()i'illi:t. when it was agreed known as the Timothy Clotbnr, and is be- tirestu'nlrsh a Lumber Merchztnts’ Aswcia: . lieved tu‘nave originallyoome from Mexico. tion. Ufiiccrs having been appuiutrd and ; 1: is a large plant and is covered With seed regulations made, a draft of an Act incnr- . pods and firm and sharp pricklcs froth pirating the Ageizciation was read and ap- f half an inch to an inch in length, and. it 13 nerve-d, audit was resolved that at the ‘ said that it was first brought here in Buf- irext session of Parliament an npplicatiwu falo Bales. It has spread very rapidly should be made to obtain the Act. ~ this season, and care should be taken by The fwlluuing resolutions in r. gm! to all interested to have it out da-wn, before wages were passed :â€"â€"“That the highest the seed maturesâ€"Hamilton Spectator.- mte 0f “'3‘3'83 f0? first‘d‘“ ""3“, “‘dwmg 11' is proposed to organize a. county rifle loaders and teamstcrs, shzdl nnt_ orceed association. We notice that some of the $13. 0x workmen $20 and books $30 p81? prizes offered at the matches of the m mouth. Hired Teams l" b“ l"Md 3*, ‘the 1 vincinl Association consist of liquors, which ”it" "x 51.26 per client: whm 'fllmls'm‘l ; will not tend to bring such competitions, ““hfilagl“ and_chaxn*- 'lhe teamstcr w i nor affiliated associations into favour‘Vith recen'e the 'sleighs 1n gum} 'or-iez', .3"), i all classes If our people. Drink handone breaks occurmg arterwards‘ to be repaired , mm,” to injure the service than any other at his exp-4:18.». \\ hen teams are tuliy ; ten drawbacks, and its use is not so con- equipped, the “fl-‘5“ to. be S1.3.§pcrd10ux. i ducive to the steady nerves required for A,“ repairs {am Blacszsmzx'h “"1”; t" be 1aloud marksmen that the patrons of the cnarged tp 1;.e {v::i!::\_tcr‘.. lhe :more rate 1 rifle do wisely in encouraging its use by 0f “3;”? I”: “"3”“ l" ””"3?" “11 T”“'"3l“lfs : the force. Discountenance the liquor, and south or Anson’.‘.\l:!‘ 3-5:. ”yin”: and D110;- ‘ We will go in heartily with any project for Icy. In these lo'fl-‘nslups. an 1 those norm 1 increasing the efficiency of our volunteer or them an L-xtrx allnwu‘nco not pxcelexaiu'é l mmv. twccntV-zive col-IS her «my on t n: (1 "r‘h ' ' ent nit-es, mav be (given if necessary. The E G001}, LASD;"% correspondent 0f the‘ bov ,.. ,- I; . t t, ...,. w . t," 'W"0e- ; Parry Sound (.uuraer says that L’m’d land a e “,5 imzkfhn “I, 5 "‘ W) ) ‘ °‘. ,, i has been discovered both on tlie North and menu axe-Mi} made. wncrc the men how , , ad . . the. d' t . It . actually commenced work. That all men i instill. :rteglilsxins'mh. t fl; “0" ‘ 1:; on being hired shall sign an agreement : stat? t "' in he “a“? “$30 pence lm stating rate of wages and condition of en- l Cro t there are unhre"s (:1 30795.1"? P 31919 g (remeixt. Such agreement to be signed ire; fromstoucpwul: “a?" loam) c 33171;! 7 at the Shanty before cr mmencing work, 3p alsoquxte “e ' e are ”SW“ h at we and .. be 'ism:53.132222521132323123.22: open to the l!l.spu,t.().l of any member or Grant Districts. 0n the North Road, also, l As '1 i .7’ . _ 1' ‘8 so“ it ”n ‘ the land )5 reported as excellent, and, With l 9-9 1.» vanâ€"â€" i found, containing some two or three hun- PEN AND SCISSORS. . â€" ‘i dred acres, and quite dry. Tn: new RomauCatholic Church in Bar- i . ., ‘ . SoME Government organs are taking note ri h bezf nil: lw'tlz 1 (I‘d all . e as ex urx 3 a x 35? en l mu lof the Local Election 111 Montreal West, 0 n. v . . . . tinny. W um 434m. Moravia, New York. land cliummg the result as “Melly equi- lias placed oreritslocal matters the legend 3 valcnt to a verdict. by the DN‘S‘O“ 0f “ No more Trust.” . _ , BARR": St. Andrew’s Socictv is flourish the Dominion Government. Seeing that in". and (16in considerable in- the wuv of l u m the face 0f things t13e total nominal relief to destiai'c Scotchmer ' l Reform vote cast was 730 over the norm- " . ’ g _ ‘ 3 nail Conservative, the above reasoning does Littler}: is still so tar unmvilich that a. 5 not 1001; very conclusxvc. My, McGauv- charivm-i torik place there last \\'el'k, with- l mu presented himgclf as more of an inde~ out interference from the constables. l pendent candidate than the nominee of BARR”: epicurcs are agitated over a , any party, and although he may have pro~ speckled trout weighing sixand a half lbs, i clivities that secured him the votes of Con. rcceivcdfrom Thundchuy, Lake Superior. l servativos, the guilt or innocence. of the m Btrrie Examiner gives currency to ' Ministry was not one of the issuesinvolved ,3 rummrr that Jndgg Gowan is about to i in his election, as he took care himself to resign, 3",! will pi~n.»bably be superseded by i make understood; and many of those who Junior Judue .‘lrdanh, 3 voted for him, not on any political grounds, ° 3 ; but as being the most respectable of the “fin-:3 ’xlngffdtl};Libifl':el{;la:1cnl;::)rtl1‘: : three candidates, would feel hurt at their Cdllintvwoml. I t can be seen a consider- 5 action 211 so dumgbemg construed as favor- able damn“. from the l"ke~ ' able to the Doiumzon Government. Ex- “ ' l cept as o rebuke to the leaders of the Re- '. ~ . l . . . l . . - . . IT 1" ’9?"XtLd t-l-lt M“- John “1'0“" ; form party for their inconsxstency m oflicx- uf Thnruld. has made arrangements to im- l ally sanctioning the candidate they did, port a large number of ('liinese laborers to 1 the clean.“ if; Montreal West has really work on his contracts on the new canal. , no DOIIEICEII significance. The use these A rotxc man, an entircstranger, about l Government organs are making of this eighteen yam” of age, died suddenly at :1. election as an approval of the. conduct of- farmcr's in the vicinity.“ Richmond Hill, their patrons is like drowning men catch- after eatinmw apples. So says the ing at strawsâ€"Jflmlrml lVitness. Herald. Tar: manufacture oisilk hats is about to be com at the Hat Works in Oshawa, :1 10f silk hat-makers with their families having arrived there lately from the old country. Tun North Riding County of Simcoe Agricultural Soclety holds its 36th annual exhibition in the Touu Park. Barrie, on Tuesday and Wednesday. the 30th Sep tenibcr and lst of October next. AT the conclusion of their first annual midâ€"summer trip, Ye ()rpheads Orchestral Glee Club, of Barrio, held a supper for the entertainment of the club and their invited guests, to the number of about twenty. Fowr. are said to like and thrive on] potato b11233“ well that the owner of 3| celebrated hennery at Gulf. wishes tlierel wen more Of them, his fowl having found l them ‘ V“: H w - l JTTE‘S Grateful Thousands proclaim Vix- EGAP. Bi'r'rmts the most womlcrmlkln- . . . . Ln: l '3' - .‘ ‘t:' ed {11° slu'in" That is the musxc in one l :v:;,_,::‘ D J: “a sun uu a , ply insufficient for their appetite. '~ MR. J. L. PETERS, of New York, cou- tmues to offer four dollars worth of. music, for thirty cents. l “Not Guilty,” upon the charges against 0’ number of his Musical Monthly, in sheet form, would cost $4. The music is full size, and well selected. A, POLITICAL WAnXiNo.â€"The London Tipfisyin an article upon the unfortunate condition of affairs in Spain, remarks: “ Spain suffers from the total absence of any recognition of political duties by that sober and industrious middle-class upon whose participation in the functions of political life. so much of the stabilitv of modern society depends.” ' [-1 an istho decisiveway they do business in theUxbridgeVillage Council 2â€" “ Mov- od by Mr. Hamilton.aud seconded by Mr. McGuire, that the Reeve be instructed to inform the Inspector of Licenses that certain parties are selling, liquors without license, and that he the said inspector be informed that he must either attend to the duties of his office or resign. -â€"C'arric(l." A rm originated Wednesday morning ina lumber- pile belonging to Cartmer, Cummings Martin, of Hillsdalc, which. but for the almost superhuman effort of the employees and neighbours, would have consumed over half a million of lumber, together with the steam saw mill and out- buildings. About twelve thousand feet of timber was partially destroyed, which loss willbegncred by insurance. Mn, WALLIS. MechanicalSuperintendent of the Grand Trunk Railway, has issued a circular to the stall in his department, en- l pining them to practice total abstinence from intoxicating liquors. This is the third head of a. department who has taken a similar stand, and we anticipate a great impro'v'e'ment in the reliability, safety and efficiencyoi the Grand Trunk in consc- l ! l l i l l i l 1 l l l l quence. :Woula it ubl‘. bc"well for the! superintendents on other railways to fol- low their example. ONE or rur Gustsâ€"A newly made Canadian from Prince Edwardlsland caused quite a. Commotion by his appearance on Change this moming, 'owing to his vast size. He stands 6 feet 6i inches in his stockings. and is broader -in proportion . His weight must be more than 300 lbs. If :tl'lzthe inhabitants down there are of equally gigantic proportions it is not much wonder that they hesitated so long before annexing with such insimilicaut people as Canadians would appear to them.â€"-Mon- [real ll’itncss. Cmu‘MN newspapers have published glowing accounts of what they call a daring l ion: by Ballcni at Niagara Falls. It is Siatcd that afmr walking across the rope he returned to the middle of it and jumped thence into the river, 140 feet below. The jumpi consistsin letting himself down by a, :55..- rupe. until within some eight or teml'eet of the water, into which he then «privily drops, to be picked up by a boat stationed for the purpose. Not half 3.. during at feat as crossing: the rope. .‘ln. Jnux Lovnu. is well known for the L lltL‘l‘Pl‘lSC. care and tact with which he 5 up us the continued demand for infor- {11:15. country. The Gazetteer of British North America. to be issued this month, and mrrected up to the latest possiblemoment, will be a valuable compendium of trust- worthy information. as full and of later (T2110 than the Dominion Directory, which the rapidity of change and improvement incident to a new country has already ren- dcrcd for from reliable. Tm: September number of Woods .Huag’mlcl Magazine is on our table. \Ve always have a good word to say for this publication ltis a regular little uo«ahend. “'9 learn that the firm of S. S. WVnOd Cc: dissolved in March last,‘the “ Co.” (S. E: Slmtes, Mayor of Newburgh,) retaining )ossession of the magaine, and recalling H. V. Osborne (Tenoroon) as editor. So, though the publication really changed hands, it has not suti'ered from the man- agement of a. new publisher or new editor, but under the redoubled' efforts of its energetic proprietor, has gamed new force and new attmclivcncss. obllar a. vczzi. r‘ .fihlges “'00"; [Indie/1.7M ”‘15“ iixfxswbmbe r. on cunCeruiug our rapidly growingl l l l 1 l l o l u t l l l l l 1 l l i l o l l l 5 l l l v » l i I l l l I l | l l l I l l according to directions. and remain long unwell. provided tlxcir bones are not dc- stroycd by mineral poison or other means, and find organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious. Reunite-zit and Inter- mitten: chm's, which are so preva- lent in the valleys of our great rivers ihmzzglmut the l'uitvd States, especially those of the Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri, Illinois. Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan- sas. Rod. Colorado. lir;17.os,lllo Gmudo, l’carl, Alabama. Mobile, Savannah. Ro- anoke. James. and umuy others, with their met tributaries. throughout our unzirc country during the Summer and .\ui:!:z7:n.:;2ul :'(~:u;1rkziblyso(luringsca- mm: of unusual lli‘ilt :zml dryness, are ':nv:1ri.:bi_r:u-l-ozupmiicd bycxtcnswc dc- ' No Person can take these Bitters mugcmcuis (.i' the: stmuuch and liver, and ()[llCl‘:1btlo.’;:ln:il tiszcru. In their treatment. :1 p1! ".ll\C. cxcrtmg u pow- :-r!‘ul lllllllz‘lll" ~u {hr-so various or- :am. is csscnt. _' necessary. There llu crdlxu‘iic for the purpose equal to Di:. .3. Wicmzn's \‘iXimM: lln'rm:s, :is they will speedily rcnmrc the dark- i-nloz-cd Viscld matter with which the bowels arc luullcll, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, :md generally restoring the healthy tivc organs. I functions of the dig; Furiii'y the body against disease by purifying: all its fluids with VLSEGMI Bi’r'rnns. Nu epidemic can take hold old system thus lure-armed. Dyspepsia or ludizesliou, ll'cad- ; ache. Pain in the Shoulders. Coughs, l 'l‘iglztucss of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructaiious of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, lilious Attacks, l’ulpita~ ration of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, l’uin in the region of the Kid ncys, and :1 hundred other puiuful symp- toms, arc the oil'spriugs of Dyspepsia. One bottle “ ill prove :l. better guarantee of its merits Lbczu v. lengthy advertise- mout. Scrol‘uln. 01- King's Evil, White Swellings. Ulcers, l-ersipclns, Swelled Neck. Goitrc, Scrnl'idous lutlzmunuiiuus. Indolent Mercurial All'uctious, Old Shin. Sure l-Zycs. etc. lizflnzmunzirms, Sunk} Eruptions Ul' Ll‘ In thew. as in all on: 'coustitutionnl Dis- ‘ ' u‘s Viz: AR Bil-runs have .. curative powers in the most ob<tiz ul intractable cases. V . ‘ ' Icr ll. umuuor) and Chronic zlhcumuéssnz. Cour. muons, Rcmit- l tent and Intermittent Favors. Diseases of Blood. Liver. Kidneys and Bladder, Such Diseases the .i‘.:::~u iiill"l'.~ lulu: no vqlml. are caused by Vitiufod Blood. Mechanical Diseasedâ€"Persons en- gaged in Points and Minerals, such as l‘luzleycrs, 'i‘_\‘pu-.:ettcr.~‘. Gold-beam“, and Ilium-x; us they :vtll‘fl‘lcc in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard :tgniiht this. take a dose of WALKER'S VIN- mnn: lli'r'i'ms nannionziily. For Skin Diseases. Eruptions, Tet- ter, Sult-iflmuun Blutchc's, Spots, Pimplcs. Pustzzh . Bulls. Curbuuclcs, Ring-worms, Scald-ln-ud. Sore Eyes. l‘lrysipelus. Itch, Scurt‘s. l)i<colunuions of the Skin, Rumors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature. are literally dug: up and carried out ofthc system in a short time by the use of these Bitten . Pin. Tape, and other W arms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, . are cil’cczunlly destroyed and removed. ' No >_\'.\l!'lll or medicine, no rcnuil‘uges, no am- ‘ ‘ manage 3...... Enterprise ‘1 __ ._.. + â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" CHARLES DAVIES 00» TESTIMIALS : PROPRIETORS. MARBLE, SLATE, AND STONE CHIMNEY PIECES, WASu STANDS. TABLE AND COUNTER TOPS, . .CHEFFONIERS, TOMBS, MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES, c., Manufactured, and warranted to give satisfaction. -:â€" + +â€" ‘ PARTICULAR NOTICE TO BUILDERS, CON TRACTORS LIME-BURNERS. The stone obtained from our Quarry at Longford proves to be of a splendid quality, and we are prepared to fill orders promptly and on the other evidences, a. young prairie has been most reasonable terms. CUT WINDOW ANB DOOR SILLS FOR SALE! BUILDING STONES CUT ! 1.2.3- HAPPY TO GIVE REFERENCES. 3; 1 # BEAR IN MIND ‘ That the 0m Established! AND RELIABLE PLACE ! to purchase your DRY .zooos, GROCERIES, 3001's a:- SHOES, LADIES’ BONNETS FLOWERS, RIBBONS of all descriptions. PARASOLS. CHIGNONS, cc, is ' J J HIND’S ‘ E3435. Goods at Prices that will be apprciutcd by all. May 7th, 1873. J.» ,,\A..w»..AWAwW HAVE RECEIVED this week a. stock of Jewellery of new and elegant designs. In JET JEWELLERY I have secured the newest and best styles. Studs and Solitaires, the most elaborate patterns, as well as the plainest. The demand for RUSSELL and LONGINES WATCHES is dailv becoming greater, thus showing that. the public can ap- preciate A GOOD ARTICLE The stock will be found complete in every department, and to contain the NEWEST and BEST GOODS. I1wpection Invited! Sole Agent for Lazarus, Morris 85 Co.’s celebrated perfected Spectacles. REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHESl J. B. THOMPSON. ' W. H. CARPENTERS 1 FLOUR, Feed and Provision Store! Cooke Opposite Booth’s Brick Block. X Family and Graham Flour, Oatmeal, Corn Meal, Oats, Pease, Corn, Barley, Bran, Shorts, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Confectionery, c., c. @- m Cheap GROCERIES, CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE, and WINES t: LIQUORS, go to :hnimiuitli-s will free the system from Worm?» , J F A R U H A R s o N s O For" ‘r‘emulc Complaints, in young or old. in. . ml or single. at the driwn of wo- mnuliu -‘ or We turn of life, these Tonic Bitters c..~plaj.' so decided an influence that improvement is sum: perceptible. Cleanse the V itiuted Blood when- ever you Lind its impurities bursting through l the skin in l’imples. Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and I l l I i i . v I Price only 0an Slllgglhll in the veins: cleanse it When it is foul: your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. is. H. Mammal) a; co- ”212213321 and 61‘". A 73s.. San l-‘mncigco, Wen!” m and (mm-nausea. N. r. f} d . bl' “'th an mind-n {hirsute anmglcflé.’ 1 NEW STORE ! NEARLY‘OPPOSITB THE “ Atmox HOTEL.” 3 M @- CALL AND EXAMINE. a L..â€" -., “m“ ' Those who have once used them will not - ‘3 _ a, o b. " '. I .'. . I .v 3' ' _._ Wm Wâ€"w-” ..._.___â€"-â€"â€"â€"-__-»â€"..N... m-Mm‘wvm .. use. tmâ€" w “ n--. ,...«~ .. .. ........... .â€" . -_ 0 (run-m») Next door to Shven's Dmg Store. ’ fifmgfiinfii‘m . . ‘ ' disordered the 8m. .. i ' ‘ ‘ ‘ BOW ' ns’who have been W. w. G. BINGHm aflicted or years, and tried the . various Physicians that came within their reach, without re- HAVE nu: ceivinf anyngeliefitéfipve been ' entire y cu y inc one to ck Box of these Powders. ° ’ . 113123317 S l râ€"Ofw Hove been received from 1“. Ken, of 0rillis;oloofromthe Editor of Nevins:- het Era, sud runny others, oorrobontm' g the above ‘ebteineute eon ' these Powders. - Price 2? Cents: Has pleasure in returning thanks to the public for their acknowledged appreciation of his efi'orts to supply a want long felt in Orillia, in furnish- ing a first-class Boot and Shoe Store, where can be had ALL KINDS OF WORK mm Made up in the latest style and at a immsmwuur.mwvn W ‘11 O W E3 ' _ Enquire for them at the nested drug- gut’c, If not procuroble there send for them by post to Bnmc.‘ SCYTHE STONES, EVER HELD BY ANY HOUSE M 31 will Procure 5 Packages. A Large Stock of Read yâ€"Made work on hand which is ’sure to give satisfaction in quality and price. w Work done promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. @ Prepared and For Sale, Wholesale, by c. n. mnorr, DRUGGIST, Brains, Orr-.1 IN THIS SEGI‘ION. â€"xâ€"â€"- W KERMOTT’S Mandrake Pills I| Have given entire satisfaction where they have been used. They possess NO MINERAL POISON and are entirely vegetable. In obstinate cases of Dyspepsia. the Pills should be taken with the Powders, full directions accompanying each box. In doses of one or two, they are alterstive, in larger doses Catlin-tic and Anti-Billions, slimy: restor- ing the healthy function of the body. As these GOODS were Manufactured Expressly 0, FOR OUR TRADE, By the manufacturers, we can give you a BETTER ARTICLE, at a LOWER PRICE, than any other house. â€"- X + X â€"- consent to have any other kind whatever. From the Very Best Material, 53‘ NOW IS YOUR TIME”; 3 FARMERS. z For HARVEST TOOLS. w‘l PRI 015â€"95 CENTS PER BOX ! For Tmmoxrm SEE Putnam's! Enquire for them at the nearest store where Medicines ere kept; or send to Bar- rie for them. One donor will procure two boxes of the Pills and three of the 'etat ‘met 'Snv “9:11:10 POWdem M Selling Retail at 'Wliolcsale Prices l so: so. by on. suntan, coma. l ... T . __ t w l Prepared and for sale, Wholosale, by l N ‘ r C. B. KERMOTT, l A (.ALL Samurai). (Mitt. Barrie. Ont. . '- 8: W- 6. BMW, D S t fl. "7:0ch and Retail Dealt-rs. ye u s, . ~ . m.~..-»«~mr v.- 0 .â€" -> - 0” #1,,wâ€" ~ Mm- ‘. . Dye Stufls, X+X FOR 600]) ME STUFFS GOTO Bros’. OTHER House IN TOWEL l> All Kinds of Roots Made to 0rder. 11an 'I' 28’ °M lSEA-OCLS BNIHOOO allmmaopu [1 pay I EEHVWEEINIEIVO ‘ sedo DEALER 1: ALL rows or Household Furniture ! Room Paper, Window Blinds, l Framed Pictures, 1 Fancy Goods, School Books, , Toys, Concertinas. Writing Desks, Ladies’ Work Boxes, Family Sewing Machines, Machine Needles, Melodeons, «be. W Manufactory on Peter Street Orillia. GEO J. BOOTH osno H 9.5190119on now [1 _,.. Tues. roams, o l Discount of 10 per cent 931:0 clergyman of , all denomiuetlons CONSIGNMENTS, ‘ o \ ,n‘ -. i.-..4 “your. a” -‘ ., a SP. . a E' '"3 . __ E a g 5’ Auctioneer ' at Q G a 'c 2- ‘3 a -= O 9' who 13 ¢ :7 ~ANDâ€" l .2 on S ‘5 kid i .2 3 E: 8 .' a E d. Commission Merchant! 3 go ! m . o‘ M» O a o ’, m . l‘ a CASH ADVANCED ! , O l 5 â€"ON-â€" a

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