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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 11 Sep 1873, p. 1

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‘ ‘ Livery Stables ! Cloths, Tweeds, /, hilor’s‘ Trimmings, Qantficzmas’s Furnishings, Sec. 1') Fran: St. “"155, (Late the “ItOn BIOCk,”) TOIQONII), ONT’. EGS to inform the inhabitants of Oril- ) 12a and vicinity. that he has settled in Or- Elli», fur the practice of his profession, and that he will be happy at all times to attend to any can: for which his sex-vices may berequired. Orillia, A111. 10th. 1871. This Hotel is large. neatly furnished, and )IWays supplied with the choicest Wines. Sample and suite rooms for Commercial I‘mvullcm and visitors. G R :3. V E 5 '1 BELL'S ME LODEONS, Wm» «is EDARHNG, Thos. 2 1 n. -..'.v-r,-_--i ‘, . (Successor to A. Fowlie. P. I}. 3.) Provincial Land SurVeyor, Draughtsman. Nix-ii Enginuer and Architect. Valuator. Land :url General Agent. Maps compiled. Disput- ed Lines can-fully adjusted. ; Urrxcn~2€ext door tn the “ OriHin House," formerly nccupicd by A. Fowlie. .111 ()nL-rx by mail will receive prompt atten- tion. -.-\dwlruss. Box 57, Qmuu. P. 0. 123. SEWING MACHINES. 197v priEev'. Orders by visits Orillia. regularly on the 16th. 17th: of each month. Good Sets Of Teeth at $16.00. Office, at Dr. Sanderson’s. X.B.â€"A good Opening for a student. Barrie. J uiY 23111, 1872. Q TEA. W. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M., EDIN., . Lately Profeswr of Clinical Med}? cine in the University of Philadelphia.- Unuhmte (with honors.) of the University of Queen 3 (Julie-4:. Licentiate of Mid- wifury, uf the L'nivprrsity of Edinburgh, fiuuthml. Honorary Graduate of the Uni- \‘urnify hf 1’2.iil.7.delphian the American Uni- l .1..R.\.\ISAY has rcsmncd the Practice c'f his waic'ssinn, and will be found when no! prufcssiunnlly engaged, at Residence, Coll-cater 5m ct. Ux'illizx. hnt. 20G. Beaverwn. July, 1873' CU STOLVI Boat 85 Shoe Store! versus of Pennsylvania, 81c. J AS. Oriflia. FRANK EVANS, Bmmm- AT~ TORNEY-AT-LAW. Salinfiorin Chm- ccry, Conveyance-r. Notary Pubhc, Commits. ioner fur taking Afidavits, Arc. ‘ OFFICEâ€"Next door to the “Orinhfiom; or at his residence. after office ham NIB. WM. BROWN, Promenl Land i Surveyor, and Mr. Arthur G-IRobinson, formerly Government Civi Architect, have opened an office a-t_ Ormh. All orders to be left at S. S. Robmon'. LIE: Office J. ALPORT, Accountant, Arbitra- . tor, Valuator, Land, 13m and general Agent. Orillia. Ont. OIPICEâ€")Iaaonic Buildings. x.B.â€"'Rents and dim collected. Orillia, June 5th, 1372. SAMUEL s. 30 _: Ora-Ea. Conveyancer. c. . Confinissioner for taking A5 “1:!- “ ‘ .7,“ “mm MWHA. b Bairistzrs ar;(l_‘:1;tor§éytaft-1M,‘Solidl org in Uhmcury, (Joxuwsyamatll'13.ta;§ 0wwb~ln Vlasonfc BufldippMSt, 9' Superior workmanship done at the uwest possxble prices for why 'DL‘ B12813”. v . _, , ANGER, c., c. Vdntwrtor‘. ado Permanent Building 5001631. 0:31 ICE)? MUCOSH: g Among-Mi“ Conveyancer, Nam WM. JACKSON, ' â€" nonunion. ORILLIA TANNERYg NIB}. BRICK YARD Ihe Subscriber is prepared to furnish any quantity of \Vhite and Red Brick at LEATHER 0â€"1‘ ALL KINDS, SHOEM AKERS’ FIXDIN GS, «53;, ALWAYS ox Ins». Ornczâ€"Over SioxEY TO LEND. IMPORTERS AL!) \VHULEIALE DEALERS IN 'ORONTU I \V. ARMSTRONG, , (Successor to A. Fowlie. 'rxwincial Lam} SMIVFEOF’ D‘ '1' I Omen 0‘ S’ Enquiire at any of the Hotels. aha-033E nonâ€"Em, moanâ€"a3 #3 #035“ $.30 mom .8 g 04“ A035 .3.‘ data 1 53am HAL!) BROWN. Cash allow. 1"“ f” 33609, Kip and 0mm“; DGAR, FENTON 13; CORBOULD, ,,--( I___' Feel CAST HORSES AND coon coxvnnxczs. .l U AVA~~»' _ iCABI'NET ORGANS, up PATENT CHURXS. 193. VET/53mm; RY SURGEON, (‘r‘l-{AVEN HURST. SEAN AHAN, 2 Pmrmn'ron. gusincss gums. ‘11:” \T STAGE HOUSE, of the C MATCEBDASH STREET. PETER ST., ORILLIA. H. LAWRENCE, mxxm'a MILLS, .,VE STONES, r mail pn mptly attended to. GEORGE DRAKE. H. BOSANKO, L WEST $13.. ORILLIA. BEAVERTON ,- R. gml, vw.‘ us;- i, A kc. vguatorforthegm- Amn‘ AGENT FOR 'ounticx cf Simcoe, York and S. WAINW'RIGHT, Pronmtor on the 16th. 17th andlSth J. 1). EDGAR r. FENTON. G. E. CORBOULD- J. SHANAHAN. Pxomxs'ron. 1+2. mtznwv "um- v- â€"' v -77 , four per cent, per agninn on Special De- posits rgmainiug three months. Special arrangements can be made for moneys re- maining over that time. EV'ING MACHINES repaired in first- class style. Meerschaum and other Tobacco Pipw fez-ruled and repaired with neatness 3nd despatqh. gttqntioypaéq to light repairs of , I ‘1’-“JIA- -t SEE-‘3 $133; 'Mfihé $33 Ne'edles of all desgjpgiogg kept constantly in stock. ,4 ;--_ ‘_ “.3... l. f... 1. Corner of Mississauga and Peter Streets. GOLD and American Currency, drafts - on New York, Bills ofExchange; and United States currency, bought and sold, Drafts issued on all points in Canada. Interes't will be allowed, at the rate of . A a--..'..l ha. partment of one do and upwards, u n which interest will’ be allowed, pays 1e half yearly. . Oflice hours, 10 3.1;}. till § p.211. Sat- urdays,710 am, till 1 p.m. 7 ‘ H. S. SCADDING, _ A nice assortment of Cake-s, Pastry, and Confectionery suitable for this season and all seasons. wumnnyu “.1,â€" -vâ€"“____ __ , 15‘ Work Shop, next door to Dodge 8'. Coin ofiice, Miaisspga Street. F. J. DELANY. Orillis. Febmarv 4th. 187 3. 1.70 T DUNLOP is determined to give his . customers the benefit of the fall in the price of Flour. and has put down the full 4 lbs. Loaf to 12 cents. DELANY TROLLING BAIT! BEAVERTON STOVE DEPOT JAMES CAMERGN 35" Every attention will be paid to busi- ness entrusted t0 W. L. MILLER, BestBreadinTown Only 12 cents, THE- Montreal Telegraph 60., Vicker’ 8 Express 00., Canadian Express 00., And General Agency, T. DUN LOP’S In Mr. D. M1 Kinlny’ 5 building, on West Street, a. few doors south of Colbome Cooking Stoves; 'l‘inware! menu“, can on, Which he is selling at extremely .1ow P His stbv'es were bought beforp file Mtg: rise i9 price: ‘Pu-fi 1393311} mthm e‘ - k-__:- .- mempnce. Datum Uu’tub w--â€"â€"- - ”ha ‘5 month my reIo ngattings barium“: determined to anthem at the 01 w Gm: mmEer-gy " Mississaga and Peter Streets. 0171?:62 â€"Housa of all Nations. A; S GALBRAITH, OKTAINS the most reliable informa- tion of all the sayings and doi‘rigs in the great “North West.” Every one makes an interest m this fartile Province, or who untid- ate unking their homes here, shonldsubscribe or it. Terms. 82 per mum, in sdvmce. Address, BROKOVSKI . CARRUTHERS, Progqietoqts, H13 commenced bushes in connection with J- ;Ichod’, Blackmith, @' IN MOFFATT’S OLD STANDng MATCHED‘SH STREET, Where he will givep prompt attention tn :11 or- dots with whic_ he may _be hvoufed_ w_Iviexrnlzrx;xl>e;ithe: place- is oppberitre‘ McLeod’s Blacksmith Shop. 1903m. “ The ManitobaGazette,’ WINNIPEG, GOOD ENDORSED NOTES on MOB f - GAGE SECURITY. @‘unsmith Shep 2 Orillia, January lst, 1872. 161-tf. Street. VOLUME m, no. 201. (mum, May 8, 1872. DOMINION BANK. Money to Loan Apply to Ofice, overDominiou Bank. Orillis, 24th June. '13. fiasnow onhmdsverykrgeatoekofi . J. DELANY, By Royal Authority! EDWARD BURKENSHAW, GABRIAcE MAKER, ETC" Manufacturer of the Celebrated GUN SMITH. A UCTIONEER Lm Gusszs, 35?? ORILLIA C ORR ER 01" S. 8. 12411313303, Winnipeg, Ma. low paw Pu AGENT. Solicitor. 171-1v. A FULL STOCK All Kinds 0f Goods 'Pux'gies in 'wéip‘t of bargains can be accommodated by us, as GROCERIES, @- can and see for 30135.91“; that? me §9H 99? 99.048 91.19% ' . SELL” FOR CASH! DINNER for i50., TEA or COFFEE A GOOD CUP {Drillia Fruit Depot CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, 8m. COMBINED swam-nan SEAT, gnd thus effect a large $147303- FROM 11 4, 3/1., TILL 3 P. REMEMBER. THE PLACE. MINTHORN’S BLOCK. S M I 'I‘ H ‘ BEAVERTON, 9M. MERCHANTS. DRY GOOD , you cm an E'AGE 93am __0 19.. AT THE OF FOR CASH ORILLIA, At ngboro? Junk-Aida conncgt with the G. T. R” gong Bart. and at xidland Junction connect wi - xidlagd Railwsy for Lindsay, Wéddville. Oakwood, Cunbnv. Rduced Fares to Excursion Parties. MARKHAM-â€"â€"Stage for Cadu- Grovc, Beuford, “'hieo Vale, Bangor, Brouy ham. srom‘n‘xm. -Stag e for Clmmont, Alton; Ringwood, Gina gow. Lemonville, Bann- mammal;- â€"-Stage for mcheaer. Prince Al- ort Perry. Epsom, Utica. suxnawb. â€"Stage for Vroomnton, Valen- c.\s.\:x'§c;'i'ox.â€"S for Oakwood, lanillla- conocosxâ€"Stage ‘ y for Non-land, and con- 9991; Tuesday, Thursday and Sam dny fu- havefiofiibrflfig c. Lindsay. {idly s, Bfihék. Bethany. Lakefi d,_ N. B. â€"Passengers letting Coboconk it 6.40 a. m., and 2.25 p. m., arrive at Lind- say at 9.15 a. m., and 5.30 p. 11:. Pa;- sengers leaving Lindny at 11.45 a. m., - 5.30 p. m.. arrive at Coboconk at 2.20 p. m., and 9 p. m., and Toronto at 4.50 p.tn., and 11.45:. m. MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. TILIE _T_A.BLE. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Summit Campbell‘s Stoufl'villc - Markham - Unionville - Aginco 1m: - Scarboro Junction Toronto Arrive Beaverton, Woodnlle, Oakvmod, Cambny, Lmdsgy, . fértager 7 Road - Eldon - ‘ Argyle - - uidhmd :imction Woodville - Cunnington - Sundcrlnni - \Vick - - Uxbridge Goodwood - , LindsayJ“ R-RJ Benverton (M. R.) Coboconk - - Victoria Bead - Kirkfield - CONNECTIONS. â€" At Port Hypo arid: Grand Trunk Expmss Iain. East And West. morniugand evemng. sud We: “Nome-nun.” having at 9A.!. for Rochester. N. Y. connect- ingwithminl on NeWYork 0mm W At'Woodyille/with the Toronto Lad Nip-3mg Railway“ 'At W, with Tninnor Peter.- W ”-14 Likefisld- My! m “PM? 13.0!” 5m 1‘.“ bunc- _ mmnnvcn, E.- {3.- TAYLOR, ; ' ' ' PM“ ' -.. 'oA.4_.:,Az,_,_L_4 - ID“ Qrflliu, M. R. law Bem‘cMn, (3141.11. at.) Lindgay, l 213%: ° Victoris Road Midhnd Junction.. . Portage Road Kirkfiele , Signiville .. Uxbrigige Wick Sunder-Inn‘s... Canniugton GOING SOUTH. Canniu'won Woodvflle .GOODERHAM, J rm Mandy: "aging Director. Toronto. August 18t.18"3 U’n’donvflle. .. Mukhgm Toronto I Sarboro’ Junction Agincoun: , 3n RAILWAY. 4’ “SUMMER ”RANGEMENTSI‘N â€"+â€" DIRECTI} rot; te for Markhun, Uxbrid gs, Smdetl3q¢Caqnington Coboconk, Lind- fay. Basverton. 0111115, kc“ fie. Tnins run (13in between TORONTO, WOODVILLE JUNCTION, LIND- SAY BEAVERTON ORILLIA COBOCONK. from Berkeley Street, Station. as follows: gmejyéhfifiimfmmpm Hourg- gun ARTIES wishing to enjoy a plenum: ‘aftemoonon Ltke Simooe,undooo by procuring a. tickeg‘onflle be». :0 Belle Ewart. MformmWwN.EK FROM ORILLIA‘ TQRONTO AND NIPIS ING Excursion Tr Fare for the round trip, 31. Blinder:- GOING NORTH. ' ““ "fivgnfivfindmt TRAINS GOING SOUTH. STAGE CONNECTIONS. ‘d 9.15 11.45 11.24 “ EMILY IS MAKING 10.46 10.40 '., CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, EACH DAY, 310-10 (110.15 Expuptixed 11-00? 11-15 d. 6-40 d. 7-10 745 9-15; Mm HAIL llâ€"lnl 4-05 8.10 Wham then you dull have, and bursitis. Bgt regollgctl have no with to harni gag yquna man; treat him W911, u you would in important nger; follow the instructions which 1 ve given you and you will execute the business well.” “1 will be careful to fulfil your winhes on the subject. sir. Leave it all to me; I have some_ e_xper_ien9e in {emoving hind- nnoes Before he noonaciom of what we :e ‘noyboutwevillbecleuof hithBoads “mile.” m“See you do it, then, and mind ngnin totreathimwell. Guodday. Iwmoend the fellow over to-morrow eight days, when your largo. will be fully in, you soy.” end, to can ell, eordmdeone m pm am. y WV . in place old anu'e which had formed fipyed a the principel qtioh of ' m m the widow’- modeet sitting-zoom. All these in due time arrived I: Am, and t m the commotion evinced by the in i- tem: oithe littloeeeporttown by the or- rive! of such grand pleniehing, endlengthâ€" ened the comments on Henry Goudnll’e generosityâ€"for, thank: to the inntinble spirit of curiosity perveding e not] com- munity, it soon transpired who the donor man. His business proper being thee flu- iehed, the Austruther merchant mulled down Leith pie:- on the outlook for name foreign ekipper'who. for the sake of fifty pounds, might be subservient to hi: designs of enmppiug Joseph Guild. He had the person vented in a little equivâ€"built Dutchmentoumi for _J_e.v§,_ who” dork! business of trade; usbau decoy mm mm the cabin, and fill hi); with li quoruf ou could manage to drug a little in the t- tcr. While you are entertuning him theme, the anchor will be Iteig heel and before he is dive to hi8 situationyou uillbe far out at sea.’ “All vcrywell, sir;bnt n hundrod'ponndl is little enough. He will be 9 user on board; it is a long voyage. V will not undertake it under a. hundred." l, “ All right, sir; to-momw pight days. To]! him to ask for Sufism Vgp Canaan, of the ship ‘Loyden‘s 'ege,‘ and bound for Java. We will be lymg out in the madl,_and you cap u_y_that my fen-yuan wads, and you eon 58th any fen-yuan will take him on bond.” ' So He Goodall, thus hr successful in hiaplot, eft the put-liens of the harbour, and his useful acquaintance, Captain Van Oortewn. gloating over the Rink-notes m the parlour of the “ King and Cmni Tavern. Thus far things had gone well with him, and as he walked up and down the decks of the ferry steamer, he felt assured that everything Would almpe'iuelf to his mind. CHAPTER 1V. bulky body sway edto sud fro, and Iii-eyes spa;rkled but when the Fife-hire merchant had finished by oEerin him fifty pounds forgiis sen ices, he rep ed with s cunning loo â€" “Could not run the risk, master, under a hundred pounds.” “But there is no risk, mutain," lied Goodall, “none in the world. As I said, the young fellow Is in my emphy- ment; I will send him over on pretended business of trade; you shall decoyhini int» scarred visage end cruel-looking eyes and month proclaimed him u. once :henun for a dangerous experiment or a. dirty job. Goodnll encountered this nun in I. pot- houee frequented by foreign mu end mm of the lowest description. Nor wu_he lo_n_g inAunravelling his R10} poking. Efiéfi V’snbum lfiwnoifiis littlé bulky. bpd: mm ‘9 edmm hi-pyee is eo'ncerned (ding; wtlk in the patfis o’ Tlut night week H Goodall spent byinvitnn'on at the widow a cottage. Mml flop; was full 9f gxprguions oidgntitude to Henry for his kindness to the young couple, enry‘nd garmloualy raked up the asso- ciation: of twelve or {om-tea: year: before, when she had. watched thpm playing on Austruther Sands togetherfmm her out- tag}; _win_don. a.“.-.‘ a0,- c“I 1:136 fine 0' flui’ttich {aforeign and; woe parcels o pretax-v ye‘nqod to qend bane no -mo vi‘ fig: Hany. Ye Ind has thocht sometimes that your father’s md grandfather‘s fan‘- sel’s had been 31: every port ih t'the Indies. Your fathgr. decent nunâ€"am! them, wa- m a maziuidiarin’elder in a’the ' as roun’ Anptsrraftantimes uwd‘to send- in’ me samples 0’ Janaiky rum tan warm guilldmuid. but his son is me .ghint “BntI'm none! yeto’ {he pads]: kirk,er Hope. Igg‘rafu‘u ' ' 1 r If", , ,,LL, ,1 ex mod mean-Lion of Sending home a. suit- ;b wedding patent for the you; bride, sud with the smart design of finding m wnyofbetnyinghil clerk abroadpnd scour ° ' Alinon Hope to himself. lsie'o present: were selected--furnitum such a had newt been noon beings in the humble com. “mud why. In. 11090 uni her angina-:1 dating-100nm“- xn thqmootfuhxonb}; style; mgmmpictum, - "‘Oh, that'll come in time, Him, my man. We cums expeck 3n gala bid on gating shoutBBnâ€"it wudm be 115911) like. 0’11 improve, 1'58 war-ant, in time. Gra'ée, like ither maiz- earthly things, tak'e fine he grow. ‘ Alison '93 WWI‘IEI)‘ mâ€"faugledovof union: to do everythingto please her 8 39 Guild could ofier her. In vigil. I an alsohermlyiriend,u he in. Shah?!» me. I an get him out of the wayâ€":en- tnp him shroudâ€"put bin in the way of bettering“: fortunes. [n the wdhevill forget Ellie, though it my tube 3 fine. If ever he tetnrm heme, finding thnt oom- plnint is useless md proof difficult. he will settle down Ind many name one else. N: , perhaps titer Ill he may be dispmed in the lapse of yen-I to «Rinse friendly re. lationshipa with us. Fifi} of ashes to the conscience inch :8 these, qudzll pgw‘eezled t9 Leith with film mronm dim sum cmmnn m . . Men do not boogie mad all at once. Xe tmould no: pinup Hoary Goodman e omgh corn: t 11115;, 30!. in the course in In: 55mm “13"!!!” he had no qualms of condom But, like hum-nity’in gonad, he m one who could condone his own hulaâ€"any, in the end he could not clinically nod Nigel» made himself that it was for good. no he reasoned with W:â€"Alison Hopeis a. apperiorjonngjoman, fitped to “0.111 .3 Though I have not performed His will, His guidmg hand is with me still; And thong I’ve “adored from Bil wnyt, He still support: me by His gm. Father, my guilt I now confess, ForgiVe myput qngsi alum; And if my life ppolon than be, Muy it be given 111 to. ‘ ' What shell I render to my God When I review the path I’ve tmd I Hi: Providentid me I’ve seen, Whilst I have most unhithful b'een. fig: game 3mm, Aug. 29,371. .1:me For Tn: Ema. “Oh, I'll uk'. leuk mn’ en see her wither m’ heml‘ the mom. or if it yo better. you can write shit note. Ihe P“ '“" “$21“ ”Fifi“ I 9"”‘m gm myue e engt 0' re. one I. lung enmeuenger roun’ directly the dice Opal“, . ’ . \‘ 5‘ Very uni.” aid-Josie..hin.lo we; with his unmet-'- mgementl; “ “’11 (he. Besides, it’s me great distance, In’ if I'm no heat the mom, Ian euily man- go it a... next A. “ Tbexikizeie, 'ulree et I‘lreme m «pain res-e ipper en _ mil his name. He'll. be lyin' oot in Leith Reeds, m' any ten-yuan wull hk' ye-oot forsuxpenee. There'e three eave- xeigm in cue ye need ony money. Ye'll be sure, Josie, tee deliver the packet into the ekipper'l Lin Inn‘s, m’he will furnish yqu_ with u} were; fo_r me. He'll li’kely “Ye may dopen u m9. Hun-y” aid Guild; Sfbut if. gonna I": gsnntaam'ybod,nin’1‘ve tan tunbe up in time (In: tho coach' 1n the momin’. (hid “Gum nicht, Jocieund I hope :01! rest wool. [’11 can you in the mornin' in Kim” 0’ time. Ye we! flung ,ork u d as you, gm! requipe léus m ’ In the morning J ooeph Guild went un- escorted to the stage coach with the are- fvllymtedwlz “MW“M tnk’nomo time bait, but ommgdoon into the cabin an’ Init ti it's ready, ye ken. life should bu occasion, pit “Fine there-so : 'night. Imppau the ’11 plenty o' r9091, but: at ouy_ rm, 'yonr Mmo’tho' and. you-Mot; for they' re wort guid dpaly’o hard cub heme.” ,-,_' 7,, ery. As he howled merril between the pleasant hedgerows, by w , where every tree was vocal with the singing of birds, and through the px-ett old towns of the Fifeshire coast, one ought done ocul- piegl his mindâ€"love; one unsge filled his heartâ€"it was Alison Hope. Merry In the gay summer morning; but long before eveningsunkonthehillshe mtobem unconscious voyuger on the very waters he was now passing to heedleesly. (To be continued) Want at Indian “takes ‘ drink of whiskey sud dies.” thn British Colmnbit Gardner’s jury all: it death fauna mtunl ms. 11' ucems somewhat of an momdy that abutchervhoarfiaonsmofnlmd ne- cessary business within limits and restric- tion: that he mot have t voice in fixing, but» paysux 068500, while {cl-“OH: neighbor can engnge in the unnoeemry business of liquornellingfree from all these res‘rictiom. ' Yet this seems to be just how the matter-buds in Montreal, and the corporation stubbornly insist; that it is f " I with yo we left Elie, early health-tin the Ad; him biota mint. mouth-n "hem and ' a 4:311:11“: Ivulhuhkodhohamd U uid- bye rbye, uh nicht u Inn-1.” pruverbinlly muons, vi’ hot, all he expeckin' no the m marl you! negt m , Jolie, battal- 14nd mom had (411’: m o’en for a. a, or tn; A Batman’s an.-â€"We publuhod a Wednesday morning’s Leader an account of an accident which occurred throughthst fruitful source of d! misfortunes, intoxica- tion. Onmkingonqhiriu yesterdny-we weroinfomedflntbothmen was _lying “ Oh, it's woe} ként, Mn. Meiklewlnm," ed harnoighbaur. WORM form Oli'er, “tint John git van weal when he got yonml'. Glad gar, they uy,isayuinwéobuik. [trad huboen g pit! go we» ytbnith wi' anything addi- with gig. of "wit, Minxâ€"11g.” n, more and more into the widow: hurt by the merit of: mace-chauf'dlw com limoqu. W on Joe mu hoquujt 9593a“ yifghhim. m in ery'px-ocu'ious condition. Baker, themsnwho was thrown out of exp nggon. ma 55? ghonldqr bhdedxdoeated, nu. I wngxun. ‘nm at: 3:10;“qu ulluu mm, his arm way ruined Ind his head cut in svery w: . The an” ofdl this trouble was the mnken wrewh McVeigh- Here are on or two items abouth'gocgum of life, extending over period ‘0'! a 1: ten days, during {119.1010 9 of which time he has been may drunk. , Aboqtgweek widow? has bccn may drunk. Aboutnwcex since he successfully broke his wifc's am sad «hon-inc ill-treated berg He in; u- reucd by the police for «implant, and fined one dollu'and ode“, or ”lab inapri- soned for unonth. Hi: unfortnnnu wife managed to pay the fine fo'r him, and he mnrded her kindness hygoingmdgetfing still more dam]: on Tuesday, and nearly killing another man mdhinudx’. his a plain as noonday that the I“ should 1:: and tnkc hold of such clam ' place them under the usual mtuinti'xe- qnircd by- Inn-tics. Ifthc owner of the vehicle be guilty, as iaxeporté'd, of g'ving hinteaphchuggofsnwlmnnhoshonld dqms‘ thaw Smut-which” Goodall h! m a. the brid- at 0:1an chat, tonytho is uneo unonmmqq i I ken mug fps kit!!! or kin, let the strangers or more acquuntlnou, when I named John Meiklowhun." be held m mible for the gnjnrieaho r-. pointed] nfeéy of the public If» '- iogtheir egitim Wanna per- mimq‘to be imperiled by'nch men‘s mush-Wet» ' ' ‘ ' {he ' ' W ' .;é»..;\:...‘-‘ I “was, thing,” said one ancient dune, “if Enizry Goodall wad tak’ a wife himsel‘. Atweel, the time was when the toon 0’ Anne: Indus ha been air our- risedifhehndpropooed toAliaonHope lune '." “Quid-aka, I winder ho heuyo, ”31‘ ran Whom. m for.“ a con; gentleman like Edna-Hurry ho mmmtk'himelfnfub mthooolo' who town'- fouk by ooortin' the bonny dochtor o’ o pair, lonesome widdy' vom- msn! I roger Knit-r, Goodlei hith, 5"!“th ganja his 0%.: __ “1M” lieu-you,“ Mon, butns’ken mm’mm wumm in a kingdom o' Fifo. ' But uforthoab" total! “town my. 0:. 211:,“ mm 3096 phymg upon her new iumfom. . , mdnumakerm OyOdblm" bow-god with inquiries u to how min! dwfiohodgdhmfiefwtheyms badeâ€"tho muterial, quality, colour, And trimmingâ€"and greatly In: the (“our 8" teemedqis" offllo weddinggou'in pmoe-s’d'_' “hwy“: .L- -1 .41.- m;..u:.'.. only find. All .the amazement! m 31:11de to his superior 3 end his verdict. ml“! to the h The “Militia of the pimofom were duly tried, and him which Eldohdbeeahnght flashyâ€"“The Auld House,"“‘1'hthnu-s u' the Forest,” and the “ Birb o’. Abel~ fourâ€"floated mglpdioudy out on the surname: night. The en'gct was such a to collect I. little crowd of childmn sud gmwn- u people round the window, every indi- ndud of which m an interested hm, not for the “he of the strains go {mach a 1873. ifiw my“! Mfiéfi Pick? “Ath- ask themselves, when business becomes slack and when is is thought necessary to economize in the matterof sslsries. This question is metered in on American jour- nnl to our sstisfsetion. It uneven the w'hoanbesghespsmdthiss’ay: bunnies, the duties, the MRI. somebody‘s nephews, som‘ehodjv‘s W somebody's good-for-nothinms. Young men, plgsse “member thst these ere not the ones who sre alled forwhen responsible positionssre bobefilled. Wouldyon like to gauge your own fitness for s position of premium? Would; you like to know the pmbsbilities of your getting such a position 1 Inquire within! What. are you doing to mske yourself vdnahle in the position you mom” .9 If you ere doing with yo ' W {indigo do, the yore ten to}. onej thst yon will ban heeoup so vizsblé'boihst posi- tion 91st fine-vest W from it; and than, singular to relate, will be the very time when you will be sought out by promotion for s better place. Be content wgrsde smong. , . ., . Tn O'Donqghne, hie LLB. forGalny, has mp“ employment foam the Bn'tish Government; _u 00W:- .4 Ceyjon, at nonl of Erin who hove adorned emails: positions. Pin-noun to! Pun. -After consid- cnblo °W in the use of Marlena: for l chhqumfiizfi Jmfiapt lsogood u A- _-_ -1. L.‘l_ “my, "film! 3-.“ thing.‘ Rim. "immweithedy point. is to WW Wood. [111° the should belilledwith petroleum punyed I. new pine waggon-box some time same with petroleum. I went over it half sdozeg fungi In as my dnpboiqg . “L A I A, -___I__ '4LA An -A especinll" 31:51!“ up "911;; 03".) t3; ends o£vbou~dz mfg 'hold the bunk ngainst them as long a they would absorb 011. Jon will understand wimp 13111 if on _ "or used. mum in my. in} Suzi-hit how qulvkly the oil peneâ€" trate. in?» the pores. By going over this wagon-box, reputedly, I managed. in Ring it to absorb over two Wail. an not timid to hove that box élxipoied to the nin sad the sun and wind. erely going over the wood once with. the pe- troleum does oompnptively livtle_ good: with thopotr‘oleun: ‘Saimate the wood wifltigudthsti glltlnt is needed.â€" Now is {good time; to' do it. while the wood is dry. The pe'tmleum will take the place of the. “mienâ€"American Agn'wuurist. “ If‘we We. out-03,31: int-Ethic! and just to forgive In mum, and *0 dame whom all ant-inhuman." HOV! “The Wno cm 3881‘ 3:: Shaun ?â€"Young men this i! the first quegtioq yqur engployers any”: iodymfiéié B0. f The mdoonneeting linkl‘nt'aenfinr m and oath, Wenthoobodoof My :ndmthe nbodoof in, in thew“ 0|!“- n e kng' on “ 1M hilt! dwalmmubma WWW" In the Mdflfl‘ if. ”M.â€" hnppenedto be lunging‘on the well.â€" Aftermding it he asked in an injured tone, “Well, hu- they hagoin ftoshut has lull hup now, or wot’l hill 113131”an We weekly replied thst we thought not just yet. Th5“ gquu-ing himself round MMW”Wgox-he slid, afi'i?‘ ciaehaaé... ' an, be -,-id u Whgznpennoe ismw tna’w, M h‘hstinen‘cé Be ten‘ times! toner: Hit's wastin th_e best gifts 8mm 17. Blasted an the peace makers: for they shgh-qdbdwodyfldpnofGod.â€"Matt, 7-: ..: Md “9 9999.930 M w= fiat all “'78“ yte' e, m.” Hethu'l timed to the mt saloonâ€"London Ad- 1 EH' W13. :1 Mmthomeek: for Min- hetitthogaflhâ€"WJ Bleoodmthooevhoneloviy mdmeek: Form-lull inherit the ngvhich they - ' (Helm, n.16.) " .z, Emit -‘ “scum-yum do Inga-m thu-‘nfurfig‘huoumm: for fheyshnl! befiueiâ€"Muduw v. ,.6 Bic-to ”enema are memful, kind: For only, the net-dial, mercy thdl find. 8mm. “Win hen-t: tot-they Bless}! we 1'm they For the? sin. 'flMhO for ngl diving. 1 h! 1mm“, is the promise 31.... 'ihmm- "m u.- In opoonn :or can liszofhesmâ€" gum-3m}. Bleacdhtheywhoinupiritmpoor: Foitfigl'flleythokingdmof heaven se- cure. ' ' 823231333121 ' Bland-Eda. who done” filament: For Godf'ill ‘ve comfy: ta' algae who .5 W to mm: by}. Iawaon.) Mmm A"; 8mm? in singing t» ngmdiencu of delighted British, 001- mm 15. Mdmgfig'mégiifil: £0: thaynhnll hm; mm: mm. Form} 23381094023031; fluid. mix nothing : OI PEI Milli" '1 V., ’mdsvwith who thus ‘ hum wit is I «norm-793% gem-1 a “mmhmm ging Estui‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , wd themes window’s!- it." - -‘{ mofiwrty-m¢9§~" AGtmux florist, in a. high “Q. irfitatiswm {elated his “951.6 u: Phat». irritation, relatedhisttonblei'infiig'"? " Heuid “;havcsomxa_chdrqubbnot ' .ol ladies wen day come to not: him hardy, dey nut-hug: fragnnd,d -‘3 ‘ fig 5 A Baum Connâ€"Last fooled on the fun (i y near Elora, which you ’ .. “ found to be Italioblmd, h" .. "v 90. .. '. intha placé Mountain!“ ' tube. Aahon' ' Harald. of Crucifix, in one of the ”chit-é}: and the mum little animal is now forbid-to enough be able to we not to run his end-gum an obatmctiun. Thecoltwon dfinfiry‘y sale at an English or‘Welahcollaay, ufiu proprietors of such mus-hm m not find it necessary to Slept-in {10' second for my mammal '1‘th is the wholemeal ' “m oppression in I nut-shell. Indie-d Cook beingto blow, it ism-thorwlt. ‘phen Richuda. for his W mind: the mac: W still more, it in Mr. Sand [Ministry b‘eipgpo ignougt. of tho'liv I AL,141 of remarkably my in.- paratively My great abundance. F pam- the moat cheering aocognh of the «up. ovor which M 3t film Mfi'flfi" paid their mqney for m they did AtAtfll __.__L~ Edna; gefiding it dawn In?» in.” V“ theearth, uis Widow mtg-I; purchues.‘ . .1 bl, .. “th whenthe coholicmedia [footigmofthe vioun whethcy wouldnot nbeenqfi A “mm-htthomflerhdmfl ‘to . lmmedifielyaflerthe m theQx-kaputmonthe lot at“; box. Thema‘lihofthoother ' 2 ingof ’ oeizedthecut ,.. DE theirétnfinu’amutuponq. . M mMfiub} , _ andtdung' ' m” t tupbet. H _ 1” action mined flyh‘é Mm in; the 000 had bought the ‘ ‘50! ‘lfi'ci. Q the other firm Ind, ”fill 81% m They had paid :1] the (10"ququ Hm hadbour u “stamina!“ objected to bait]- mused of? .. M: entaned‘tbflq Latin ban-too " mum wmagbutogho erbium. fl § £51?” FmGnnt Act, winch, in “Cum minioner’s anxiety to meat the pan;- bilicy of the WW Stu, mam ’rom ythe timberfimglem gent that swaths meq'm ad the 'fimbgq 102$! Ac;, whit: 1t” 00 MINI-I in Council nhfingmm d “at t nd hwhthnfinhgrin um blfdhtzmearthmem W33. fag. _'l'hilm -. A- ____94: -v-u â€"v y'[ v‘ I'“ v --- 7‘; F:- “*1 Mbyw ' “$13th when the alcoholic medRatton W it! the dty_ will be eluted qu'giw {gm- Vim _t£3tholleu canine the gentlemen cateewu 'flé'dt'odiainu'g‘ r"; bereifiuzynninzhhfighfiwfig: ingtheCrovndnes on what [In pt mightprepcreforthemnket. U pamiuionfl'eloateeinqmfionoqfl fightwthetimbcronhiyslottan , ingfirmin thencighbourhoqd. ‘ kindoflharp practiog, which v'om to heuisbynoingmg what: in } mam: flight.- SEMMHL v-.. o‘ mdmgwm Aduy «Macadam-ca: if: «2"in «Quinn!!! h. ~ 01' Offh Wm had got udeeisinn' m Whisk“ disputed timber on a F by insinuating "M a? Eimeoe m mg eugufi at x In min‘ is autcmafiufirnqhoo bur! $31..ng "WW than to KIM W W. .‘ h! 32: in @0391};me thug firsthand}: naymeddfingnfih thepmoollhmâ€" mt) theverystodesmtfo. be fainthilan my {in . -..." “:3 Q? E2? .5 as: 3 vâ€"

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