51. flat, Vdnatot, Lam MW 0:35.,_ 99: FAST HORSES WM. JACKSON, - 19302313103. Livery Stables I JAS. SHANAHAN, - PROPmm-on C‘ Superior workmanship done At the owes: pausible prices for cash. CUSTOM Boot Shoe Store! C’Enquï¬restmyoflheï¬oteh. he Subscriber is prepared to furnish anyquantity of White and Red Brick a low pn p'ices. Orders by mail pxmpflysttondedto. . GEORGE DRAKE. FANNING MILLS, ' GRAVE STONES, BELL’S MELODEONS, Thos. H- Porta. s, AGENT FOR. SEWING MACHINES, McLeod, Blacksmith; ' a-m MOFFATT’S OLD “mug MATCHEDASH STREET, Where he will give prompt attention to Hi oer- dc; nth b23122: he may _be iavonredM mun e placey is o posits cLeod’s Blacksmith Shop. p21.903111. Ha commenggd_bu§ingsp i9 copgection with J . GOOD ENDORSED NOTES 03 M08?†GAGE SECURITY. V'Sad'nple. 3nd suite rooms for Comma-mid Tanners and visitors, "his Hotel is large, neatly furnished, and always {applied with the choiqut W' was. .‘ Down.» BROWN, ~ ~ - hormz'ron. BRICK YARD AS REMOVED to his New Shop on Missisuaga Street next to the Mfrble Works, where he will be glad to see all fnends and customers. All work done promptly. S. S. Romsox, Sol (Mice, over Dominion Bank. Oink, 24th June. '73. me‘xm AND GOOD CONVEYANCES. Dz. RAMSAY hasresumed the Practice of his Ptofcssion, and will be found when no: professionally engaged, at Residence, Colmlte: Street. Orimu, Ont. 200. Money to Loan D lit and vicimty, that he has settled In Or- inia», {or the practice of his profession, and that he will be happy at all times to attendto my “for whichp his services may beteqnired. Oriflia. Aug. 10th. 1871. (former of the Counties of Stmcoc, 1 or]: and Pat. n. Lately Professor of Clinical Medi- cine in the University of Philadelphia.â€" Gmdnata (with honors.) of the University of Queen' 5 Colleg a. Licentiate of Mid- wifery ,of the: University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Honorary Graduate of the Uni- versity of Philadelphia, the American Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, c. James McLeod, BLACKSMITH! LDWARD BURKENSHAW, GABRIABE MAKER, £113.. CABINET ORGANS, AND PATENT CHURNS. 193. V â€"6};ihi;Né§t 3001:†the “ 01-12112: House,†“(wily pmpied rgy A; Fowjie. All Orders by mail will receive grompt atten- flowâ€"Address. Box' a7, 03mm. 125. F W. ARMSTRONG, . (Succwsor to A. Fowlie. P. L. 8.) Provincial Land Surveyor, Dmghtaman. Civil Engineer and Axchiuct, Valuacor. Land Am! General Agent. ans compiled. Disput- ed Lines can-fully adjusted. TEAMBOAT STAGE HOUSE, MATCHEDASE STREET. ï¬nite Orillia regularly on the 16th, 17th And 18th of etch month. Good sec: of Teeth at 816.00. 0309. at Dr. Sanderson] s. N. B. -A good opening for a ltudent. Btrrie. July 23rd, 1872. 142. OFFICEâ€"Next doorto the “Orthoue,†orahnrendence.nfteroï¬cehom _- w ‘ -vâ€"uâ€" __ ___ ~~â€"" -w cery Conveyuc er. Notary PuinC, Cami tone} fornkingAï¬davits, aw. chin Chancery, Conveyanceâ€. kc.‘ Orrinâ€"In Masonic Buildznga M32;- Drink. J. D. EDGAR F FENTO\, r..E CORBbULD. l VETERINA RY SURGEON, £65 to inform the inhabitants of Oril- R. WM. BROWN, Provincml Land 1 Surveyor, and Mr. Arthur 6.. ' formerly Government Civil Engmeer Arygitecï¬, hzvg opeyed a} 0553 1315 ____., v AMUEL S. ROBIN SON. SOMCITOR, and Notary Public for the Dommon Bunk, om Conveyancer, to. Money Lent.â€" CW:- £or taking Aï¬dsï¬ts- GRAVENHURST. vein: like vs;r fCOthec A. 50. tor or . mrmmsn’flai'zgsgeaty. 05133.0: MONEY TO LEND. N.B.â€"â€"Rents sud debts collected. 07353, June 5th, 1872. cruczâ€"fxaéonicmndim. 003mm, All ardento be left gt 8. S. Robinm' I Lsy DGAR, FENTON a: CORBOULD I Banners and A‘Ctomeyn-u-La‘, Som’ R_AM_SAY, M. D., L. M., EDINz, ammo: new Dominion IRANK EVANS, BARRISTER, AT- TORX'EY-AT-LAW. Sgligitorin Chap- Omen: m Knx's Bnocx. :OHN mcogn, nly, 1873. BEAVERTON c. H. BOSANKO, L. D. 3., J. ALPORT Accountant, Arbitra- tor, destot, Land, Insurance and H. LAWRENCE, csiness gulls. gtnfzssioual garb. gust-Lu} Solicitor 1 ., 1mm imbue, c. J. swam. Soiicitor, A nice when: of Cakes, Pastry, md Confectionerynihbloforthia season-1nd all ._thdrcustomrathebeaeï¬t of the a price of Flour. and hue put down thequ 4meumu a A. uunnur are aetermnedtg‘ï¬ive 5! a. In Mr. D. McKinlay’s building, on West §treet, a. few doors south of Colbome J. A. BUNLOP’S BestBreadinTown Only 12 cents, A SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT has been opened, for the accommodation of mechanics and parties wishing to deposit small‘amounts. Deposits taken inthis De- partment of one dollar and upwards; upon which interest will be allowed, payable half yearly. ‘ Oï¬lce hours, 10 tun. till 3 p.m. Sat-i urdsys, 10 mm. till 1 p.m. A .- H.‘S. SCADDING, 161-tf. ‘ Amt. Gilli. . ,Janmryht .1872, ‘ I“: 7 .â€" â€"â€" â€"â€"-â€"--v-n vuuucuv “In“ P u on New York, Bills of Exchgngg md United States currency, bought and sold, Drafts issued on all points in Canada. Interest will be allowed, at the rate of four per cent. per annum, on Special Do- posits remaining three months. Special arrangements can be made for moneys re- maining over that time. C" As he has now the most extensive facili- ties for 111321qu Sausages, north of To- ronto, country dealers will do well to leave their orders with him, and is prepared to ï¬ll orders, wholaale or re» tail, on short notice-- HAS much Pleasure in announcing that he has RESUMED BUSINESS, in his ORILLIA Sausage Factory. “- Every attention will be paid to busi- ness entrusted to W to 0mmâ€; ‘prom’ Fir; Oï¬lï¬a, August 27th.'1873. _ A_- DUNLORarg determinedtogh Mississaga and Peter Streets: [Montreal Telegmpli 00., Vicker’s Express 00., Canadian Express 00., And General Agency, DOMINION BANK. Lm Gusszs, c., Which heis selling at extremely low prices. His stoves were bought befor: the recent great rise in price. Parties buying within the next month my rel on getting a bargain; as he is determined to sell them at the 01 price. W. L. MILLER, Aaxz 01-min, May 8, 1872. ,OLD and American Currency: ._ \‘PA,_ v,Â¥2_ “In. Cooking Swves, Tinwarc! "mamas, com. on, OLD STAND ! ’ BEAVERTON STOVE DE POT JAMES flnmaoN :d’ van an: x: EARLY CALL. 181. ï¬lm andvicinity, by all res ble dealers. Whole- sale and to dealers o, y. by which for years has held the lead, and. is so Wellknown inOrillia as to requircnoz'uoom- mendatien from us. For Sale_ in Orillia! that the best'iFdwgyg £113 5% u it will cover more ground and wear elongen. 1% sure you get Lyman’s Brass Label Brand! E again call the attention of store. ,keeiers, and the public genenlly.’ to our celebrated rand: of this Article. Cruelâ€"House of‘all Nations. m-ly. T. MAUNDRELL A. S. QMBBM'I‘H, WHITE LEAD ! 4}: kinds of mm; am 153 mp- Has now on hand a. very large stock of of Enigma. and Peter Streets. .- 200 Cords Hemlock Bax-k muted imme- @flzJorwhichthehighe-t pricoincuhwill bede. S WAINWRIGHT, VOLUME ll, KO. 202. ORILLIA TANNERY ! LEATHER 01’ ALL KINDS. gash pdd for Hides, Kip ad CalfSkinn, and By Royal Authority! SHOEMAKERS’ FINDINGS, am, lYMAN, BROTHERS 8: 00-, Toronto. AT AUCTIONEER CORNER OF WEST ST.. ALWAYS ON HAND. «Mailers. â€"â€"â€"â€". .1. fox-the We and sale of Kong, and willalwaya vealargennznber to disposed. Pzrï¬eswishingto sellotpgrchuelflqm will do well to all and leave then- mmmmons with him. He has 3130 commenced the unmet 991“, go qhich he would invite tbe'attenuon HORSE BAZAAR HESnbucx-i'ber has opened a {9: the purchase and sale of Ho: 6’ Clean and respectable Vehicles; (Opposite the Residence of James Sumo , Esq., Eront 53mg Drink.) n GOOD HORSES! Owing to changes about to take phoc in the business of Mofl‘att Wilson, MUST BE SOLD REDUCED PRICES ENTIRE STOCK GREAT CLEARING SALE! An excellent preparation for cleansi; teeth, and also preservin the Teeth and in a healthyhtatwfor e. Important to All! Oril'h'n. August ï¬th, I873. @- Artiï¬cial Teeth inserted by the new patent. 1 'e1fect satisfaction guaranteed. N ITROUS OXIDE GAS. Teeth positively extracted without the slightest pain, by the use of Enracting Gold Fillings. ORILLIA, OFFICEâ€"In Booth and Corbett’s Brick Block. J. z. z’zwsow, z. $.51, DENTISTRY. ofliée, D class style. Meersclmum ma other Tobacco Pipes ferruled and repaired. with neutncss and deï¬ch. Attention paid to light repairs of all ‘ ds. Sewing Machines and Needles Of. all descriptions kept con§tantly in stock. Afi- 13:91-15 ShagL pexi; door to Dodge a: 6033 Manufacturer of the Celebrated DELA N Y TROLLING BAIT ! @mmth [My : F. J. DELAN Y, F. J. DELANY. Orillia. Februu-v 4th. 182' 3. 170 W _ __..r, v- Lougiord and Portage, 25 cm; Runs, 15 eta. To Rams, and return,†.5 ccnts. D. L. SAN SON . Orillhs, August 18th, 1873. 198-tf. WITHOUT DELAY. T. W. MOFFATT, J. G. WILSON. Fare to Washago, - 4C Iickets for round trip, 50 cts; I Will mnasfollows:â€"-â€"Leave Oriuia every morn- ing £Sundaya excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. 11., for ongford. Portage. and “'uhsgo; 're- tuning. calling at the above ports and A Rama. Will leave Orillia. at 2:30 PAL, for Rama. Long- ford, Portao‘e, and \Vmshagw returmng. - calling at th: above ports. ’ ‘1- Parties wishing ‘to go to Rama by the morning boat. will be accommodated by asking the Captain. ‘ IE_\VIN G MACHINES repaired in ï¬rst- PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO “ CARRIELLA 8†TINDLE’S Summer ARRANGEM‘T! PIG-MIG AND EXBUBSIOI {PARTIES Pattie! 3f ten or mdre persons will main."- tum. TiCh’etp for one fue. to my of the then n‘ . " MA, - Every mention will be in: tofmicht adsâ€- the comfort of pusengen -20- 'ro WASHAGO, - lug: ‘Loxcmnn, - “a? ;RQRTAGE, - RILLIA DIVISION, S. 01" T. meets eve Tuadnvy eveningm the Team pemce uiting mem- bers will be heartily $51001â€. WJ‘HOM’PSON R. S. Calling at 2am â€Wage, LONGFORD up rm: PORTAGE, (now was.) “ IDA BURTON. 'NTIL VFURTHER NOTICE, the they now oï¬er their as the whole stock GUNSQM’ITH. IE above commodions aidewhecl Steamer. leaves Oï¬llis every momng' gt 8 o’clock. Ind afternoon at 2:30, JAMES REIDE, Mum) AT GREATLY WY mum mm. SMITH OLIVER. ROYAL w STEAM“ STEAMER ORILLIA Street. 3. mm. 40 Cents; 25 Cm. Tuesday, Oct. 7 th. totheunounto! OVER $500! willbeholdttthe ASYLUM GROUNDS ! Agricultural Show Mr. ngton‘n Report Mona-8100 M00 d talus-pedal “00th P0 Jackie“. pro OFFICEforth Dominloaot Cur adgKinpton, Ongu-io. -. .m- ._._ ‘ PRIZES ! CASH ASSETS, â€" $740,000 00. Orin», August 25th, 1873, Agricultural Insurance Co. FARMERS Insure groperty .flhg 05 us 59 3 $3 5402 dhdnd10258am3d» . . .35 7.8.5. 05 am .6“ Joanna .3308 (v.50. 2% 8 .amï¬wxugwm can a: : 93 [III' II» It wad 131% Mach, British Columbit. “1d the North est Territories, and Gwen] In~ fmï¬on, drawn from omen) mum...- to the mutuality, extent, ca. of omï¬ftoenhnm dad Ltku and Rivers, with O '1'an ofronta, showing theyuigxï¬y of :13: WSW ._A Q‘_ T To be 1’14le in November, 18"3; LOVELL‘S GAZETI‘EBR or BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: conï¬ning the latest at! most nuthendc ducrigï¬om of over six thousand Cities. Tom And dingo: in the Province- of Ontuio, Quebec. Non Scott, N" 8W New. him Ed: Ban-den by the dayor’week will receivegmd mmudagxon. D. MCNAB. OCCUPIED BY J. A. Srmmsox, Opposite :he " Midland Hotel." for . Fmsw-Cmss BOARDING HOUSE. ..uâ€"nâ€" uâ€"wu w mi .- IVI Univ "01‘ JOHN LOVELL, Publuher. Helm 9th Am 1873- THE Subscriber has ï¬tted up sud fur- mhed' m odigood styly the lugs and com- odioua premises. Judy Private Boarding _.I_J for in the Ravel-$651305: 07m». Sept. 9th, 1873. uni not previously advertiscd: Counter, Chas. A. Nipklaon, Matti] Carrutbm, J. M) Peck. Riohud ' Font. Mr. J. ’ Smith, Joseph Hodgins. Cdvin Smith, Mrs. Robert émwï¬, (mt. ï¬vmwï¬sfl" o . r “can, we Lloyd, Thomas c Andrew Leech, H. 8. Parties' ‘ for m of the above will lease ask for “3:111:38 rtiaed lathe: P D. CAMERON. Postmaster. Beaverton. Sept. 9. 1873. â€201. Oriï¬ia, 4th Aug“ 1873. ,__ w -â€"°v ..L quiuntigy of fb‘lawwbtttfagnfleghuï¬. FAlso hndao um , qmtht hing c.. constantly on hand. 5' a, 188. A. TAIT. Neu- the Wharf. SAWN LA'I H. 'THE Subscriber has on hand a quantity uf Sun I: Lath. for sale ch Tobe delivered at the mm, for which in: highest price in Cash will be laid. TEN la loads of good PINE Woon, stove engtha, delivered, for 87.50. A. TAIT. Colborne street Steam Mill. W CHEAP WOOD. ‘ EN lax-$010M; of good Pm: W _staove engtha, deliwred. for 87 50. @‘Tthotaare dry amicqcry way desirable. 192. Applvto A. TAIT. ON EASIER TERMS ! Conveniently Situated. Building Lots! having recently put in the mint : Inge numbgr of Orfllin, Feb. 26th. 1873. .1 chance to parties of limited he“; :3}; Vida themselves with A HOMESTEAD! HE Subscriber offers an†excellent 7 chance to parties of limited man: to Dro- THE BEST CHOICE ! BASS W’OOVD LOGS THE FIRST TO APPLY 181' OF LETTERS remaining uncalled V for in the BeaVerton Post Oahu San}. Gard km: convenient 008:1! ““1 . 1 en. Fruit 5.“in â€"oone vines of the V0 ‘13" worthofSn-aw WagwmaoldAfrmnmdg'E den this season. Tida‘liood 3519 60%†CP‘EmRDmAGm’ Lot19 I w ow show â€mpg-t, or me Any ‘ Mon n-quired- y. 8i 2;; l 'FORW SALE, in the riainï¬vmlz? of THE DBILUA union VALUABLE BuildinglLots For ale I for the mm of my other property in the place can be A_,J .A CHANCE. Have a Home of Your Own! Wanted lmqpedjately, FOR SALE. LAND FOR SALE ! IN PRESS: in the Villnge of 0mm, A. TAI'l‘w ' Otto THUS. .COPNER. a. quantity of 3»! gm WILL HAVE '., CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1873. tion llinonHopo‘cénuntodhflwwdw be , Goodnfl’ame. due ungugdmm whï¬onin goodtownofAuh-uther,umwing maddodto WW’Iyomn‘ugw ‘_- __._A ‘Afj , I. -_Vâ€"â€"wâ€" mmomilyoulduanit ham. bo- fou the Liege of Leydon, Cnpain Vin 06%" Edam-n. ad that Guild ml ve mm" placed in his land km on} hg gent on shore. . mammalnnoe, made 1on the oï¬eegdeskfl t_ill_thnt _ ' thonld come " 2:: saw-.33» w h- 'nst h you pause st Leith m a. Dutch memhmtmln bound for Ben.- M which, a: you' {my :be sure, canned him great male, in common with the who town of Anltmthet. You might st least have done us the honour of bidding your adieu. I have a gm: 3 eurpï¬ee in mm fol-you. I unfrah from A visit I to Mrs. Hope’s cottage, end have just faked Alison, our oldfleme, to be my 'ife. Dog; by onelof her old friends, the 1' Y“ “m: “9P0â€. ‘0 cling' to £20m may! theonewho no. mained Wilda Hoping that you will ee- “pommopenhofyourmvomo end “’° â€â€˜12“ a“? ““3331. â€m" ‘° whichyou ve emigre , 'eve me u: oldfriend. _ _ “Em! 600mm,: This mimve written. W e couple of menthai! “.1995 ad slepoqitod in the ‘ riago wit-h Alison, which would probably induce mm to rennin in the countxy, .414 to do it in such a Sahion u to ave him- golf from my imputation of guilt, ghould Guild return toï¬ootland and attempt to indict him for ï¬nal on s oomph. soy, wouldbe say. He his pen in mud; and [rote a; {glow :â€" Hugs: Liter calculations had proved to him that he cogld not expect any sudden success with Alma Hope; to suggest such ._ thing for month; would at the very least beaming whuhoms, mdstilldeh wands-Damâ€- T1.†â€MP?" ' " be mutual to 1m bargain, 0: Joseph Guild might ï¬nd way: 43:11 means of re- turning from Jug immediuely on his swim, and then he might be looked tut in sixteen or eighteen months. At last the merchmt hit ugnsoehemoâ€"he would write wGuildat _m, underflu are of the pqtcypaphin, Winning 11" W Henry Goodall, not pmatisï¬od with his. momi all, beon hm (0 hi! counting- house, we .00 flunk opt the reminder of his plus and copsxglex: (a grol‘nhle work- ï¬denoo‘, :he eogld badly believo 1t, and yet who 1nd ‘dzvulged It. to them but his own early fnend and her: also? She felt that it angst b93300 true. The denerted bride did noz‘ipea, the stun had been too severe; but when Henry Goodall took his leave, the found relief in convulsive subs. The man she had trusted in, to mo WE “WWW my eon: lo ent. Ifeol verydsepl , oldtn'en 3; {Irving to make such a involution.“ will be glsd if you an make it a. conscien- 'tious duty to keep it secret. For your sakes. 1' sun determined to give the wim- ‘ no publicity.†‘ gale had turned quite faint while Henry Goodall was makinqg this statement, but Mrs. Hope soon found wordsâ€" “To thinko’ that}! lamgmtefu' in a. Higher Power thuhns kept Alison fuse union Wi’ sic am, An this inspibe 0' your early companionship and n‘ your later kindness to him_._ What baseman. m 1 loo, no doubt, but if he had conï¬ded in no we might hugmxcpd' the dim. "pancy without makmf the sounds! pub- Lic, though it won! have. been quite impossible falling to rggam gum in my “3" " Mrs. Hope Alison,†he began, when he wss once seated in the widow’ s parlour, “ I hope you will excuse the intern! which huelspsed bemoan my clerk's disap pped- snee and my “sit to you. The fact is, I was unwilling to cometo you till I could throw some light upon the mystery. ‘It,’ 1. absolutely certain thst he took the oosch ‘ for Pettycur, sndss certain tbs: hemseed ‘ the Ferry ,butI smsorrytony than Leith all trees of him is lost. Yesterday I felt it was incuznlient upon me to examine his books, and I regret that the examina- tion proved so unsatisfactory this reason has been supplied for his flig ht. His se- eounts ere embeuled to s oonsidershle ox- tentâ€"some hundreds ofpoundsâ€"g serious T IL “I -uv-v '0; “am-v" "aw-Wu“ md hsvin s politic knack of “ fling, what had me of his clerk†31â€.: my â€mu $3?“ “â€2? ~°m°°’a,"‘°..p°pe.“°°‘,. was an o my. nous‘ ' moo was in all month. On the morning of the fourth day Good- allfeltittobchil du bank the widdow’nootuge. t, ‘ 0‘ call“ pmdentlyuenttohisl‘ ' to mun»; Whimmdtheptoun. o 'Ato no. if‘beymmmxwtbi-r Wu. mm}; {In-3w itz’nto a» Ward at thinkm outhisacheme while dub)“. flick in. the sub. Guildw was not mined bymybodyfotsdnyot tyo. but at the end ofthafginp,‘ (5004311 having My}??? F": 1’srt 9? 1‘ W: Hi Gnfld'n 'lotter to Alison. m in TIE FORTUNE unusual»: Summer time has posted I“)! Ever than does tine roll on, Precious moment: will not my, Timewithm wiflsoonboxone: Every day ’5: fleeting put,- gig: gm gird». Good-Raid not (him in on Ecmxxmu. .vt two. but kll having to enquire 'sto not r embonh, ‘wandoring when my ’, the afloat ‘ disappear ‘ No ou'oould underutugd how or by whom, but-fur day- aftot Bugdood- unamrnodtoAn-tmthaoï¬umnwith h'ndobuplid. Hhoknu mythingaboct thememhodidnotmndit. Hesvoidod tholow tavern when for seven! month: behodbmmwmedtospcndyin'in- ningmunddlthstoventhoatditmhoy wu Mmuhomgonwflm- t-lenun pant: ' nbrood, hoddischu'gedéfoddl's ob“. _ Rape Place was for ode, along with the Mud workshops belonging htdyto eryGoodgu, :pd’atho snetionm the bidder: you the strong» rho ho! ‘pot upsttbothanllInn. “waspinud competition they wen knocked down to him-udto ovoid giving his aunt the ‘monoympoiï¬ju thomononttothpm Myilpljhohaue,udinsfewwe¢hm W'miooommonoed under tho old QhWQnd fonndto qp'ttcnonshnlfuheetof Thennbpo minntm~ponndm math. cords “fromsï¬ud†___.__-_ â€" w“, u-uu v, m III“ one, hog-vs new ennloyo‘to give ho you. I Mum folgottonxtinny jack“. “Y"it hi; it :11 trampled ounnng y in “Idiom. Let mobs; it.†evening the lime Goodsns came in 1mm phy (Alina no longer lived st Hop. Place. buththelittlo W'mm boon inherited from her mother's friends) they told hot flnttheyhad neon std! M gsnfloman, . who had ukod sitar their man heath, and ‘f 0, mm," aid “Oh, so he was, air, but in the days lengeyne, and his forbem tee before him, but he mean content tee wslk in the steps 0' his gmundfaither 3nd hither, but built turrets an’ wings toe the house we sifter thither, hsd Inwns sn’ pleaumâ€"grunds, en' what he cs’ed vineriea ari’ hothoom; an’ at lsst s splendid u iary for the muse: ment 0‘ the wesne. lt wuns hug aifter this last addition till he .esm’ doon wi’ s a-ssh." “ He wee :nsrriedtoe younggirl named Alison Hope, I believe, belonging to the 1 town 1†“A1, sir, sn’ s bonny lsssie she was wee on s time, s plsymte 0' his sin; but she’s sully wsshed out 1100; the ‘ ’ basin hss wrocht gey ssix- wi' her, I'm thinkin’. Then sheilesyed wi’ him on the ssunde there when y were but bdrm thegither, slsng wi’ thither myahoeked lsddie ce’ed Josie Guild. In goons 0' time Haiti-y Guodsll wooeeded hisfsither in the business and Guild becsm' hisglerk, but for s’ ihe cheeuge in their dream-- oesthe three whtigpedas pack as over, The stungest psirt o' the story is the: Josie Uuflgsnéilsie renewed tebe msirriedw out :2 ommgndiss peered free has that. ’ makings been . heard 0'. ‘ me ï¬f’teen moxiths , -uâ€"rvw- s Valfvpâ€"ao l I informed. The puirglsssie evidently took 1 thedissppointmeut versssirtohesrt; sn' ; in hethssnem lookedthessrne since. F Dhsnegthemnremsrkedthstitm sssytse seen Hun-J" Goodnudidns J uhegither occupy the pheeo' Josie Guild. . Hukuidnxsn thst_novismvmkind tee n henhebouchtshsrouchesn'hsdheroot u drilin‘ wi’him ilksdsy. sad when she ï¬ Wmmpmvin’,hotookhervi’her u ‘nixhctseCï¬eGsndshewutheressxor 1] seven monthgsn' sittertheycsn’ beck a {psorisfl'itvsssmitlwhilesï¬xe they 0 numeinst." ., “Andoldflrs.Hope,lsshestlllsllve2" ss - d: wl “ o, ubody,shsmmemiull‘ 4,123.1“ sure It ‘ enemyetpeseesn p ty stEopePlsee. ShemgeymoQuwss i: bntw‘rslo'themwhheronl dochter 9g hsdmsdgsn'she sew noeht o’the succes. siv_e__m_isfortqnes thst hse hehnn her.†“ Indeed! Your new: quite surprises me. I had aways thought him to be a. nun of substance. citie- oftheNetherhndn~Antwerm Mech- ï¬m Lenin, Dostâ€"thence byonc ofthel mex'chnnt’e ownveuels back to Amtmther. AndAlison ceflloddpwn to n liicofunnnt- fuldnyentflopel’lue. Ohedicnttc her hmhend’e wishes, Elsi. receiver; and pi turned the visit: of the principal {unila- oftihe place, Mndnilyrideufnrul’ib tenwum PdmyorElio. panacea-ion- tl ereninglputy tohil nndher friends and aninuuca, rogulnted magma,“ machold, end duchnrgod g: dutieu after an exemplary fu’iion In her now station. ' We will notuy thet Goodnll'l condone. ; was dormant afterhilpurpoceehad been attnincd, but he dnily ruched to haul! - ntheolog whichis w' espmadinthednily infliction: of commemnd ecciel hfe -viz., that the end j ' the means. , He whispered dnilytohinnclf Until he 4 had criminnllyecced withncgnrd to Joseph . Guild he had only mined Alison Hope to 1 her proper station in life. 4 CHAPTER v; 1 Twelve year: had pmoduny since the I dinppearmce of Jeep}: Guild from .An- 1 “rather, when n weather-shined and a bmnw-complexioned akmgequï¬vedz one 1 morning by the nail conch uthc door 1 oftthlnckB ‘Inn. Heindbronkfutl med him in e little pyiute parlour, rend then engaged n bed-room for; week ‘ in the home. inquired nftor the mpen'ty of the town,'nnd then asked who there we: not nu exleuuive memhnntin the phce mend Goodall. f . “ tiny oodal), o ceum you mean, Iir,â€rcpliedtho¢urulonnlnndlnd ; “ pair mun, he’s gnen a’ to pig: nu’ whistles. ti Ye’ll excuse me. sir; it’s n breed Scotch way 0’ uyin’ thst he's gneu n' the the bad. Helms {glued twice within three years, nn' n00 he‘s ï¬xing it: Cupnr jail at the mercy h -l L:_ __, - "Vw- you'd-$6573? Ali-05 luï¬wunldothnmbjoctdnot nummmmgmd that. m not waiting tho-o whoaiddntahomld boflflymeorthepiuhytbedu- zï¬ Wofmmtum. mama-um onto be Momvely. She had wed once whet lifetimenhuhopelts fafl:dher uhetookmthingnm MW ‘her mothorknewbeau tto‘ doï¬nd withomintorutinher‘guuwotin‘ o:- delkhtinthenudpudomd Militia-flown dam-nap- monb '1‘th 13mm Medley. PhDâ€"duh main-ub- ï¬r‘xï¬-m 4.9-- - .’ _- â€"â€" “up†“A V“ w It'll eqiu ofmenulor moral hat rooms. The consul-x?» It kind] and well, England has MW_¢Q M gooï¬ng undress- mdtigh xghtlI-cingzbntl “$131013 mmwmhvehkenhxgequmti- mduewthechoerleu. ï¬sdbvflhï¬emmbeneï¬dd cam. inwhidxdehatagirh Wanda-d. ,~Ith! god 'bytl'ze gum mm whommico- 1"" only time beds, and hobo! Monmrbchededu all - m. :- not‘l'ptent medicine. mm that Elmâ€"din ' sinceï¬ntAdm and "haw witï¬weepingtheir beautiful-Eda. ltnmbï¬gidremedy. 083 can 839 "53.55.032- 3% :8 5503 torâ€"33.3 a} «in 65.593 2: a :56... soar 8% at: 65.8,. much .3 87h.- ow. PE .82- 83» me don 't feel t_he story arugula! ,qund and to out your “MM can't un- Inga yoqwork If loamyypudon't feel E mmwm sham-hing and menu trouble. If you hue not Mullins... y'ou don: mt wylie nuke dawns “2°!!! “'9". Y“ "m Run vellum-71! misfodnne titan-1m» â€WW2!†5.“, ‘ Hot terrible 00 di- nnpwwwi---Y°t mï¬ckdï¬emmd one â€"1 8W? when is bundled into «emit!- Slcu: or Commâ€"Though 001M- tima small «it, "he invisible insects. in- “ ' adndnngWY'wP' vat ' yd. ï¬lo chief scent of comfort‘ pub†murmu- to vex one, and Pam ï¬nntotho tho moon! of crime; and We: in propor- blow. i3: Old-Mic minim or envious friends. utflod; but beyond. all other spots, they ddizbtin their-own ï¬reside at Hope Place. when, mice! by tho old domestic: And Inmundod bye-:1: “wisdom, Ehey hope to glide 951mb gown the pm of ‘hie, with- P5 a home wher- n, _they 1 Wod¢"'Jo'.e tar hu untied and “ï¬t-beam _ N. n aï¬er Harry Gooddl’nduthJooo 11 Guild psidnvinittohiuvidowatthool cottage. “Elsie.†Maid bhuintho little pur- lontubnilminyunxonebyâ€"“Elaio, you promised ouch-hm your lot inIife mm. hittoohto at!†Ali-on unwed, “ o. Jade,†hnlf throughMMdh-lfmflegmd :0 the Norman-grim“ more. ; HopoPluo run once more under the‘ hands qf'dp dooontonmd upholsterenâ€" W'mflsqflprdmmged, the "in, and hot-houses repairedâ€"and Alisonflopeonoe moreMttheootugeof layout): £31m statelyhomofhermom pro-porous ,5. Sincethflmne chaise: have come to Jmthuild .nd his wife suchucome to Iuinthooonmof flail-lives. Theyue not in old me, but fortune still amiles upon them. Somanddsqghton knees:- nodthonunaotGooddl And Guild far Mrï¬oâ€"hï¬dflmgflhqqï¬nt “â€"4_L A. Â¥7 . u. .- Ourstoédnnneu to 8 close. One [int-{:5 mnjug,_ mthan twelvemontha " uooam a Con: ." it now appeared “Goodall Guild.pm emhmts, Fiehcurem, and Shipowneres†and half of Anetruthex- town flocked down to the quay that they might gaze at the transformation. Of course. it was soon noised abroad that the bmnze-complexioned gentleman. whom public opinion had esteemed a millionaire, we none other than their long lost towns~ men. Joseph Guild. It became incumbent for the nemongen nowto invent a special reason for hie flight, and afterwards to ex- plain where he had been, and how he had made hia money. 0n ell these heads the l gooda folka of Mother found themselves ‘ ‘ et inane the 0:3 "5‘11:th other, butfwoï¬ â€˜wereexehoug to ' e purpose, or were alike 'ldo of the max-k. To 110' one did Joeeph Guild open his mind, and in; a time after Henry Goodall’a he paid no Vinita, and law but ' e company. Pxoeperity hooded it) upon himâ€"a bunch house vaa opened at Leith and another at Dundee. Spices from Ceylon and Celebea, sugar from the West Indies, tea, tobacco, eoï¬'ee, and molaaau, ell found a place in gleam-antic mhomea quMelle, Guild, t 0351p“; 0d my of their {number usmrkeu' n: his stores, orsaflors in his ships 3 Besides, he hsd diedâ€"thanks to his unknown friend â€"-and left not a. penny yof debt behind. A week after the funeral s new dwgu scion up over the oounh'ng bousewgu door of ngapsnyh †it. now gppeamd (AA ,1“-.. Thodoceuodmnludsnintementbe- ï¬tting the inherit»:- of name 101: respect- ed in Auk-other burgh. The tolled, the leading dipp- . were shut, and man found littlszbut pane to bestow upon the dad. Had he not inmmd the reputa- tion of the town, headed every local chu- i‘! â€3' 1,1“ W "*4 “PM?“NP‘ 01119193- v , â€"â€"r'v â€"' ’uho' ï¬nk-mu», orlkenye’llgenem 1y Wafer,themin lifeâ€"yehnmumd no 0' Mt for you:- and Alison’s, Mï¬ho mm 0' Guild my be an honored in» ' 5 ï¬' 5 9. b i 3 3 3 That nigh nun-rounded by his family, ‘ r hi. wife, udtlais early friend, Hm-y Good~ ¢ 1alldiod. Hehadnotbeen; goodnm.nâ€"-1 he committed one crime against the II“ of his countryâ€"but ha was, gt least, in his misfortune, and when neu- the gate: of death, a. “peanut. one. The two pet~ words of reproach rise to their lips; but as they lookoé on the cold clay through their blinding ten-3, each tried to thipk of him uthe merry-hearted and generous play- mate of long ago, dividing his spoils of foreign ploduoe among them on Amtruthcr B-..) 'noinby with". I Ignorant you hum’forgi’cn me. Ink a boon mainâ€"bongmrdinntomywem,wdtu the rum wh- should he been your wifeinltudo’minq. Ilavetheminyour mwhhubeensbomfï¬en’tuthem Mlmw;m'1 pope, 3:0 for the L o.- still non broken down, And 'thkwï¬ï¬‚anflm'rfdlon tanninCnpu-Prhonheloohdnthouund times napkin-downwind»; In am only for 3 few he hpundaib'to thymflun onlyocw mustn‘t“ ' outobediaputed. 1!" bank, «$1;ng mavens, m In kï¬rpmpwuï¬owhwm CHAPTER VII. Hm I: s ata- uiito inhoutg' thanpeo pie-mac thirst! Evuywtd 3 healthy home should 60°, end the sham, thug-mom ould he intheeoldestmer. Oneugphruleeptp tie. the nutter. Kern-allowanyqneh your household to complain of cold. It ‘ ammuymem do not mm luxui-im feeling of warmth indispe mbleto m themtem 1} inmebnopznalmfe, guinea extra. ï¬ne and clonlmavâ€"more‘ad My cluster Then is 9° malty» oh: by wolemg - mphgm m and â€magnum dunes» Bzrouyon at n favor of say any“ connderthreethingn. Fm Carina“ avoidit? Second. Omflnonechiwly tognntitl Third. Would 30.53"; places mmd, dolor ygur Emu" °" mm “â€â€â€™Â°"°“..'....I we to u it my the whole question. Butnot with. Tothose whoféd “Want cannot freethemsolveswithoutowhgs fenow-ay‘nszuhrzipwe would onl My, thus dough in butlooktoï¬im, mu»? 53?" up thu object, and if you should â€await him! rte set-vow Go?j thin-u cw: seetai: you (1% morethanyoumabletobest, ‘ For CW3. 'ith sinners When light: 1_:_| du-zmsl mum £2.93 coshueyourlqvo;mdflexillߤdï¬ï¬‚ inyouchoioglf He doom: iii-ham and bestfor you. On theoï¬ethï¬ should He leeï¬t “you W' throughth'nlifomgfle depend}!!! ‘inforuomnzood purpose {Tail-3 ‘m°%.;:s°“$%1awm'<'~“ ll â€9“ u . 4’3“,“ wmbembpdnet: archangel-do mBu _. wfllaotlongtomn brbiddm no: bo_euily_tezpp§e§: W9†_ .M- _ Eu 6-3 3 p 33:; E “E 3 And love uith “What, When Chitin Bali-Hugh 0.1-3. envyunchanone! only“ . thonethbygiviggahehgduï¬g load *ofumxcu' '0m to an, “m i ï¬ntspprouchtouateamh 3° “A, wmwmuohdimnld eternaldeflh. Andifyouhsva ‘_ _ ‘ ottheutepguyouvaheyourlodl 1t"- nalwelfne, tnmyonroyatoï¬inwhoi slipowerfultohblpmldohdyflilm â€"“Gonotin tbs any of the am"! Your Heavenly Father will not deny flu wish of your hgut for ‘WW as hr :3 eduld be m entire stranger do not know w butIrem y en.†Acting from thn suggestion!†80°; 28;: “mi: “m, M “‘“m‘m an m " He has got the treasure' Maï¬w . theirs, and. worldly W '4†W“: Butinavery shoï¬ï¬mehp ï¬nds-him take. She will not give the of her former lifezand 41ch km enjoyment: for hun, and the W; oroemintyfli. “1108"“ “P h†m of heaven {ox-her, audio â€â€˜9. an be m emnm once knewuyoniig My. tmhmct fame knewuyoniighd , gum-aha» the, church, who married .1.pr wh‘ï¬â€˜ 411,0 I *â€"â€"- 1â€"- 1r?» bsth, and “thus God’s day In holy. . Hegoesawayflhatnighthe tang _ Jail! and pay a: usual, but oneobjectunppeb most :11 his xnindmhe thinks, “Liam my even go so a rug were not in the Bible,†to . excuse for big" we. Thick “huge-fiv- ing agunst own oémqence. van watchesthestru gig-Le butthereu‘no cholin- ing earneatcry krh'al'p‘.“ is the: tom; if I take her “my yfrown herhome, and our- xound hex-(£3.11 Claim mam 3hr the great accept such an m breaking his comdnient 3â€"“Be y. mi‘ur Again, whntyonEgmdou i E 3' extmmelydiï¬wlttodeclmominvihfln to via: an unconverted young “but. own home? We onlyintendntmté take the cue of those who . invitation. Hy. goâ€; M s evening; then u eiery enjoyment in society tint an Ind, w ' ' en, a If i: be enjoyment; he luv In: bmk, and thus the net in be? Mupefllseenav' 23 E 'é if F S f f: rehgwn' ' inhis hen-t and 042533, a; her entmties, mum a they a?! with» much unï¬thf Mm nstep, second to none butcunion, ï¬nch, thepromiaeof becoming highs-Ha. Oar ‘acience protestsâ€"«behead- itnotv Friends in Christ remonsmteâ€"bnt in win; dag put: them ofl‘, and my even note Song: mnthw covzr gag, thigh“ act-:11; Wm Innov- est on o ' I My": thy huséand 2" True, but youuémtfl his wife, and havgnoright to be.’ late thmthat, whenyouwmbgho'ï¬nyou item; oithisï¬inhand believe, wing. â€1 :ve meat 9 . wwithyouteyuom It takes more ï¬nd a woman'aloveto gun’shurtund it take- mom that a map’s _love 30 change u roughing. 5 , advdmes would do more, 7 6;": w r __ ants.“ "m“ mfslfh". .‘P‘vum Wewillendgvonrto enema themwueivestsps “until-5:, mandisaotnsuy ybukoninttlwlettuofit; (Mithbmkeninitaspixit whenï¬nt'e ,cheriheuchanobjeetuwetdam has-H, l trytoshowhowto avoid the nest!“ ‘ havenotasyetactuan Wmï¬e T mend. Ityhasbeenthovï¬ter’s new ible pï¬vflego tobeschildofGodfmnln curly agqudhgadhedngto hot-puiss- lion, shehasfoundthstitis but one of ‘thez‘thomsndm" thatshe has thiaisbutanotherstep. Bysltd ' she begvimtotltinkthatshe may win boos Chrntian, and throws herself sud more into hiscompsny for that pose. She commences talking of the oellendes of , endange- hints joinwithherin service of the lad. he my l_isten_mpe§tully,hut hehnss Iâ€! “Wags-saw mush-mm “NB-Wammwhiehhum wdowithhhwdl-bdngbwhinthil ngddand the next. We any-idyl- m Humbug ngtgiven to 3;“ unsung.