R , name“ BUSINESS! imm ' 'JY-inur. Béyoe’s building, Peter m" , . . . 33%: w. if Waggfhm â€53%;? T31: Exrosrron imtit the ï¬rst of ‘r_\' for 25 cents. RECEN T FIRE Tender-311i: heartfelt thanks to his numerous friendsfm-their morethan kind assistance ran. derodtohimontheoecuionofthe ~ JOHN DUNN BY leaving word at the "' Oddfellow’s Exchange,†Front Street, parties leav- ing by the morning train- an have their luggage taken to the Station in time, with my c‘onveyance. A5 I have to convey the mails to the train every morning, I will take luggage at a small ï¬gure, Dan’t fora get-I drive to every train lesvixggi Orillia; MRS. JOHN DUNN desires toexpress hex- thanka tothe Western Assurance Agent, for the prompt and full payment of her claim on that Company, for loss sustained from the burning of her stock of Millinery in the-recent ï¬re. , ' ' Sept. 17th, 1872. 150. ACKNOWLEDGEMEN T HE undemigued return thanks 'to all ï¬r whomnderedthem assistance at the late 9. Benetton, 11th Sept, 12. Cam; 99 THANKS. ARTHUR'W. E'ï¬Ã©ï¬mï¬ Orillia,18th Sept, 1872. . 15o. ALL INDEBTED to the ï¬rm of Jeï¬â€™en's 4 a; 00.. arerequested to can and svttletheir Accounts, 31? um, with B. G. JEFFERIS. b-__--L_,, ‘CA‘ a. . A-#, Vest and Pant ' Makers 1 T33 grocers of Ottawa. have agreed to close their Shops at 7 p.m., from 131: Oct. to lst April. V ‘ ‘ A HYGEXIC “doctor’ in Port, Hope has been ï¬ned 82 5 for practic- Ing without a diploma. ~_V_--_â€" -v my va0’ or: for tEeir: saucï¬en, when thirty-ï¬ve votes were polled in favour of its adoption, and not one vote recorded against it.â€" Pan-y Souizd Courier. ‘- G. M. WILSON ’S Fashionable Tailoring Establishment. Orilh'a, Sept. 16, 1872. 150. ON the 29th ultimo, a. by-Iaw giving efâ€" fect to flu} Dunkin Act, in the township of MyDogng, was submitted to the elect- 'anted Immediately, at 3?er all the insurance companies do- ing business in Canada. have replaced the money deposited with the Dominion Gov~ emment, by stock of their several compa- nies to the same amount. This action af- fords the same guarantee to the people, while it will materially assist in easing the present stringency in the money market, by harming the floating circulation of money. husband, who had haen a calm spectator of the accident, handed the brave fellow a quarter. Upon some of the bystanders 0::ng indignation, Pat said, as he pocketed the money. “ Don’t blame the jintlemanâ€"he knows best ; mayhap if I hadn’t saved her, he’d have given me a dollart†‘ THE other day a lady fell ofl' the Brook- lyn (New York) boat into the East River. A poor Irishman dived and rescued her. When she was safe on deck again, her year’s supply of lumber, however, as much as might.†ï¬rst sight appear, for an? im- mense number of logs are held in reéerve, or lying high and dry on the banks 'of the lumber streams, which will go far towards making up the quantity saved this season. But the demand for labour in the shanties this coming winter will obviously be great~ 1y mduceiâ€"Ottawa Free Press. ‘ the leadmg' ï¬rm; haveâ€"aeEEâ€"eé "Si-Nth; course. and 11: is Drobable that 0+.th Wm THE Lcnnnnns, in view of the high price of labour, and the difï¬culty exper- ienced last year, have resolved to reduce their operations m the woods this season, 1:: a mgerinl degree. At least some of FIRST-I P. Duck, residingnear the village, intend- ed to have exhibited a ï¬ne thorough-bred Berkshire Boar, from the stock of Mr. Geo. Roach, of Hamilton, but the pig objecting to be the “ observed of all observers†made his escape on the way to the village, and could ‘not be captured in time to be exhi- bited The sheep and horned cattle exhi- , bited were small, but some of them Were ‘ of very fair quality. The best show of stock consisted of horses, and we noticed, a marked improvement both in numbers and breed . In the mechanical department there were no agricultural implements ex- hibited. Mr. Anger exhibited some good specimens of doors, window frame, sash, mouldings, c. ; and Brimstin Bros. some very good boots and shoes. The show of vegetables, although not very large, We think was not excelled in quality and weight ‘ at the Provincial Exhibition at Hamilton. 1 Potatoes, Cabbages and Beets were partic- ularly good. Some of the butter shown was of excellent quality, and some very good specimens at ladies’ work was exhi- bited; noticeably some shewn by Mrs. C. Elgar, of Draper. The President, Secre- ] tax-y. and some of the Directors of the So- ciety Were nnremittingin their endeavours to make the Show a success, and there is no doubt that if the weather had been at all favourable, it would haw been the huge“ and best Agricultural show ever held in Bracebridge.â€"A dvocatc. WANTEB‘I NOTICE. The ï¬fah annual show of the above Sociv i ety was hold' m Rmcebddgeon Wedneodzy , last. Then‘nmber of wide; ponl‘h'y, pigs, and sheep were very mall in comparison with former years, bni this 18 accounted for by the very unfavourable weather dur- ing the earlier part of the day. The show of pigs was very small, and what were ex- hibited could not be czfledflrabclase. Mr. Pay Up. ,, spa it E probgple £52 1911133 Q?! WWW Show. :I‘UDHUPE BROS. Janu- HOy’s new shop, nearly bipééiâ€"{e' M. Wilson’s. 7 some very was exhi- y Mrs. C. at, Secre- )f the So- xdeavours :1 there is d been at been the low ever '-ï¬ve @‘ Watches3 Clack: and Jewel- lery promptly and carefully repaired. ALL Goons 3: WORK WW. N. B.â€"J. B. THOMPSON is sole agent in ORILL'IA for Thos. Russell 83 Sons’ celebrated Watches. These Watches have a. world wide rephta- tion, earned entirely by their own superior merit, and retained by un- failing accuracy in performing th'eip work. 1 Call and examine the stock and be convinced that you can purchase cheaper-than elsewhege. A fresh lot just received. BRACELETS, GOLD, GOLDINE AND BLACK STUDS and CUFF BUTTONS, in great variety Another stock of WATCHES, LADIES AND GENTS’ GOLD CHAINS. LADIES’ GOLD SETS. “ GOLDINE SETS, « BLACK « “ PLATED « LADIES’ TORTOISE-SHELL 1 SETS. ‘ i LADIES’GEM AND PLAIN GOLD RINGS, GEM‘S’ GOLD RINGS. LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GOLD RUSSELL WATCHES 1. AMERICAN WATCHES! SWISS Watches! in large or small quantities, for sale. Plated-Ware I Fresh Family Groceries! Anda, lart'e stock of Ladies' and Children’sc Boots and Shoes, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. CLOCKS. B. THOMPSON has just re- . ce: ved another large stock of BRUSSELS CARPET BAGS, FACTORY COTTONS, ; “j FLANNELS, ' S BLANKETS, I ' WINCEY SKIRTS, ‘ it DRESS GOODS, ’ SHAWLS, A choice stock of all kinds of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods IJ. J. the large snare of patronage' during the past sixteen years he has been in business in Orillia, would announce ' that his COAL OIL ! In returnin‘g his hearty thapks for ___ w- my mu m, wuluu unurnl the public, that, d 1: their 103 is . they have got a goodthongment of Dmhesgvg. tionery, c.. and have Whining at their old stand, where they will bo'happy to meet old said new meant-1:5, 91131511 order; either whole- ..- .__L_ :1 ,7- mum-mg their stock, takingit 1m, gens; late ï¬nand a". 1:13; my time would mfann i, GEXTLEMEX’S Gmsm‘ SHIRTS, J ust to hand. 1e or new ï¬th'é;§"m"' KERMO cams. Am 27th. 1872. is now complete, comprising CUFFS, SrANDâ€"Dissette , NOTICE. - on hand. MILLINERY, MANTLES, PRINTS, COLLARS, OF HINDJCOLCEEEQUMH STOCK I igï¬lypsisua $576 Rememberâ€"Shop Wait to Dominiâ€"o; Hotel, on West Street. ’ shot-est notice aid Ingct __#,l ,4, ‘ Now is youcrétémé tog: our 85:: and Stove-pi , per ' heat ind hpan v53, “.mée. am will minim you. , @- Acdl will nthfyyonthat hejs; determined to sell at prices that cannot be beaten. EAVETROUGHING acne in superior manger; and czar; degafiptiog otworkjn 8 COOKE. COOKING STOVhsg Box AND PARLOUR srovns, and an assortment of Shelf HARDWARE. THE subscriber, has pleasure in retumi ing thmka for the large nhue of p;- tronage he has reeeived~ since he com- menced business in 0112ng and would in- form the public that he huhtely purchas- ed all the latest improve} machinery, to- getherzwith aluge flock of ‘ Phillip’s Tin Shop. for our instruments containing this won- derful improvement. Any manufacturer mfnggmg ‘on this copyright will be proud- cute . Illustrated Catalogues furnished by ad. dressing - W. BELL «Q: 00., 149. Guelph. As we have purchasad'the sole right of manufacturing Scribner-’3 Patent Qualify- ing Tubee‘for the Dominion of Canals, we hereby caution all parties from purchuing them elsewhere, as they will be liable to prosecution. We have copyrighted the name of the Our latest and most valuable improve- ment is the “ Organetbe, â€containing Scrib- ner’s Patent Qualifying Tubes, the efl'ect of which is to nearly double the power, at the same time rendering the tone smooth and pipe-like. By this wonderful inven- tion we can make an instrument of nearly double the power of a pipe organ at half OLA _______ the expense: ‘ at Provincial m ‘ ‘LEtEJzIQI'uww' P03 Pnoucmxcv m MUSICAL mmvxmrs, Besides Diplomas andFir-st Pï¬zeaat other Exhibitions too numerous to specify. Our Instruments are acknofledged by musicians and judges to be the ï¬nest yet prgduced. Ever given £0 makerg of Reed Instruments. éWARDED THE 0NLY HEDAL ‘ 147. Containing Saibner’s Patent Qualifying Tubes. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturem of “ THE ORGANETTE 1†.PRIZE MIEDAL Cabinet 0rgans ! I ,__..â€". i as follows:- Leave Orillia every morning (Sundays ex- cepted) for Washago, at 9 o’clock, 1.1m, touching at Longford and the Portage. E Leave Washago on the arrival of the mail from Gravenhurst, at 1 o’clock, p. m., touching at Longford, and connecting with train at Orillia, at 4 o’clock, p.m.; thus ' ‘ excursionists a. good .0 . r- tuniti‘rxovénvgiaiting the mill: at Lwégd, i or going through to Wuhago, and no turning the same day. Fare to Washago, 40cts; Longford and Portage, 25 cts; Tickets for the round trip, m 0‘: “ ORGâ€"AN'ETTE,†Until further notice the Boyd Mu! Steamer “IDA BURTON,†(JAMES REIDE, Manny) will run Orillia. June 11th. 1872-. 1872.‘ ' 1872. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT “__.w "- am 3603 ivozk, to meive a hit; flare of patronsgc’. @- ALL WORK WARR'ANTED..Q ‘ Reaganâ€"Shop opposite Mr. T. W. Mofl'att's store. Matcheduh street, Orillin. Late of the Orillis Foundry, would idform the public generally that he has oommenqed busi- nus on his own account, in Mr. Geo ' 'a old shop, where he will any on thlï¬mthing in all its Branches. Eu" had a. long expen- ence in the old «cunt aï¬cm e hopes bmaï¬ng strict ottentmn to‘businegn and don): ‘I-A I" u--:_- - (,3 Â¥ AND MELODEON S. Manufwtund and for Ida. WHOLESBALE ° RETAIL, Y tomwthediseueï¬nnomhu mthn thmbotflea been acquired, butinthovutnn- jox-ify of cases, one bottle has efl’ectod an entiro $1.00 Per Bottle. HAS NEVER canmu nenenv mi! nnzuulmsn N ew Blacksmith SHOP. 137. COMPOUND EXTRACT '. BELL 00., SEWING ’fl61a" INES ' G. TUDHOPE, AGENT, RugbyP 0, h, CAUTION. D. PHILLIPS. Guelph, Ontario. .f McLeod, KERMQTT_ 009m, SILENT MOTION DR. KERMO’I‘T’S The only Chemists and p. L. SANSON. lel run 9.: follow:â€" Summer Arrangement ! ! Unmtuchunoï¬wmmwmsma CARRIELL Drink. Jun 11th. 1872. Ties, 0011313,ng Ready-Maia Clptln'ng. ofShim, Dram an assortment of His long expuianoo in the bulimia, and everythingbefng'iindé under hil‘own super- vision, enable himtogumtoeutisfwtion. OF COURSE a: M the Dominion Tailaré WHO’S YOUR TAILOR? A i_u_II_stock of gnkinds of Gentleman’s PUNCTUALITY 6; DISPATCH @- A TRIAL soucmn. m GRISI‘ MILL REPAIRS. STEAM ENGINE, - WOOLLEN. R. PARKHILL, CASTINGS, (ANGUS CLARKE, Mater.) IMPROVED DESKS for schools. and straw cutting PLOUGHS ! Reaping, Agricultural Implements ! OF EVERY DISCRIPTION. HORSE BAZAAR. GOOD HORSES! Clem and mpecuble Vohicles._@ (Opposite the Ito-sage. of 1m Bub Front Street, Grim; Simon, ) ROAD SCRAPERS, 187 2. f “am“ has 0 or Krebs...“ ‘1'!!! hmmunba of}! man... EAVERTON FOUNDRY. or ORILLIA, sawing, (Totmans), anhcminï¬mdn-ayle OF 1 JAY 8: CO Mowing, MACHINES. SA W AND Whichtheymttogivegood -AL2;AL , L' , _ They wguld invite espocid m. 300T AND SINK SHOP h“ “ “m“ MISSISSAGA s'r., 0mm; AND SHOES ! Doing business on a. cash basis D0033. EAST OF POST OFFICE} only, stables them to sell cheap. M St. . . mm; stantly recei Tea STORE, main thanks wtheirnumerous mam m- (L. 1-..... -L-.. -t..- 'HE ORILLIA PACE MAIN, .45 an. 311.1 00131 '4 All kinds of Roots P. FITZGERALD Mammy“ n._.-._ A! , n W to. â€Mar. Mr. beam-n. India: v extended to ' will be V me. _ ag-Anffflflnxl’mxnpfly mi Cuefully 7 'r"" any $331 In": HARNESS. Iold' ““‘ ‘°" (0:15. a RGEnAp THOMAS DANIELS 0515.. Mar 30.1372 .l'bf Flour, ORILLIA Harness Emporium ! Ground Corn, Manufacturer and dale:- in Oats, 85c GEORGE YICK, 5 Car NEW J ust Arrived Old Established Feed Store. SADDLES. Whole Corn. 'Four 13 BRI‘DLES, Tea. SUGIRZ “ MOMBSES, cmmvfl;aé.,; ‘ 3e Alnï¬mhnduï¬tmwï¬â€˜?» ».’ . 1’0““de .01! recezpt c lmarked m mam c; Any Music fill be m C . vzt m.» *‘Gï¬ninffllopmaouam. ,‘ a m-hmimdiatdy . Mmmmm THE TINWARE 932mm -.__7 ~ ageing-m. 'imï¬rzan-‘w " 33°99? “a“! School; Writing Daks Wies ’ F amu SewinOM Needles, eons, a. @- Manufactory on Peter Street, Grim; Peta-0‘ Eclectic Piano School. 3 2‘ Over 300.000 copies in no, «7"! Petm‘ Bumwes' P ' “*9“; ‘ Won-111's Guitar Sdzool... 1*" Flesï¬quhimforSm-ga‘a '1" :‘Ne Plus UltnGleeBook. With} . Pinno on â€computing; éuddep‘g . - 71 for the Vain-n... is†3mg an Thestock 3: www.†CALL EARLY‘ Dawn 11: Au; Household f 3 DAMAGED HARDWARE: " ' CLEARING SALE! We can; for my waits-Ina? “EMSâ€,W ' msmsAGA 8 INGHAM'S Mr. T1108. Onlhmlhvm p2 ARDWARE 599 Waring 03' if?!“ BOOI’H;