that end. Though the departure othis “ very†wealthy, enterprising and highly veracious “American citizen†would doubt lees be felt to baa severe loss throughout this Dominion, yet, under existing circum- stancesâ€"the Knacks perversely refusing to annex for the somewhat dubiouspros- pact oinmking 51:03 millionaireâ€"we £311 magnanimously t. w triotieall 5e considerations to theâ€"3i?§n}3és, 53¢! gum. agilyï¬ï¬ni‘a'pnrchnsei for p oï¬ge,~;’on'e.;who_ WWdznot' or more than a. fair return on his in- vestment; and then Mr. Bush would be free to return to the other side, where, by judiciously investing in depre‘ dated securitiesâ€"said to be quite abun- dmt over there just nowâ€"he might attain the objectof hisdreams, has“ millién'a‘ire.’ Or perhaps his native ingenuity would en- able him to turn the river into a. channel around the lower end of his kitchen garden _a.nd thus both have his property on “ the other side," and†of course, beeome armil- .Imrd unhemmu "Besided;»â€"ps an advertisement. tbpgrï¬erprise would eclipse Bamum’s $500,000 tire. ‘ V , acme “ pr: ‘ â€Yofas well cu ductu‘e-hn? as can be f0 "J WV . that it IS no such thing. This reference is particularly unfortunate for him at a time when the banking institutions of his coun- try are tried by a wave of ï¬nancial dis- aster so great that it has shaken the strong- est amongst them, caused, those most di- rectly interested and best ï¬ttel to judge assure us, by the reckless competition and speculation in railways of which he boasts. And at a time, too, when the Canadian nilway system is being extended with a ‘ .steodprapidity thaontgrowth of the per- manent requirements of the country, as its resources are being developed, and there is neither a bankrupt or non-paying road in the whole country. We have now disposed of the reasons “why Canada should'be annexed,†and Lthough weighty, they are scarcely sufï¬- V-ï¬eutlyso to‘do more than sink him who holds them, in the estimation of loyal Can- adians. We can afford to ‘laugh at such vagaries, for we are too well content to amide: any future which. involves pgepa- ‘ ration of the ï¬lial‘tic which binds us to our mother-land. We dream of an united empire. with its supreme Federal Parlia- ment, at gram! old London. But whether this dream be fulï¬lled or not, Canadians trust that the-day may be far distant when they will ï¬nd it necessary to change for any 'other “ the flag that’s braved a thousand years the battle and the breeze.†“ The tide of emigration swells through the Sta tes. ’ Right; through to the Cans.- dian Great W est, and as it beeumes bet- ter known4 to the (:ng ' min, 0 classeaathome ï¬ll; bertumed from the to! gï¬mx‘gfavomed, West: nces. Ontario and the eastern Wmalso neceiving a fair share ‘of immigration. Mr. Bush appears wilfully blind: to this fact when he states that emi- gration “ never comes here,†thoughpe Imps he only refers to the Clifton House or its immediate vicini y. 7_ _ Mr. Bush states that politics account for the extraordinary difference between the‘ two Countries, which, as referring to their respective systems of Government, is to a certain extent correct. Our system of Gov- ernment comprises all the advantages of Monarchy and Republicanism, witï¬Ã©gttthe drawbacks of either the one extreme 9r the other, and though our youii'g‘ï¬t'ioxi is not free from rumours of corruptiun in high places as we would wish to see it, we have nothing approaching the Tammany Rings, Credit NiobiIier frauds or the hack ‘w55, VICWU A'A'JUAMVA Aï¬lï¬ijvï¬u v- m- "'â€" salaxy grab. We are not disposed to ques- tion Mr. B. ’a statement that there the_ o- ple are trained to think and act for em- selres. Here the great body of the people are trained to take higher ground, to think for the general good, and make minor 90;:- aiderations of gsnnaL mandixequt or «miswaï¬aï¬iï¬wg :Whflz ,7 “ If I had myproperty on the other side, continues Mr. Bush, “ I Would be 2. mil- lionaire; I bought it. very cheap, and still it does not return me more than a. fair re< turn on my investment.†This sentence is very suggestive as to the way in which Amer-inn: in haste to be rich, aceompljsp th ‘ 651m iio "1: freedom of $150 an liberty 6f miss: his liberty is prevented from descending into license by a. sense of individual responsibility. In this connection, and by way of illustration, our American anpexationist? cgntrasts the. nï¬aj‘ï¬iolicy of the two, peoples.A attribut- initï¬epautionof the'Canadhns‘TjSqï¬a- H‘O'Hâ€" AV American \essel, discovered in the :w t of selling powder to the Ash- antee 1ebels,hus been seized by the British, and 3. blockade of the coast has eeen declared to prex ent similar occurrences. HE Subscriber has reduced the price ,~ of Lumber. owing to the dunncs of the Em Akrkct andthz huge stock helm: now ouhand. Any one who wants lumber will ï¬nd ‘this a very favoggble chance. ‘ ' ' 'A. TAIT, 29: Grahame St, 311115, 2081‘ the Wharf. ingtlo caqnonor the unamnsto mum;- éyy'gggile..mnme mumvan show. 1 3,, ., m1..- -Atflmum‘ :u We can heartily commend “Peter’s Musical Monthly," published by J. L. Peters, 599 Broadway, New York, the October number of which is,on our table. The contents of this num- ber alone are really worth more than a year's subscription. duméé Cu the United States. TEE Dominion Gm emment has forwarded a gold watch and $500 totbe Rev. Mr. Ancient, asan ac- knowledgemem of bisheroicconduct in savuw life {10:11 the wxeck of the steamer Atlantic-.1 ‘ “Twen miles. ’rom Xingu-3W“; forest sï¬lltyzisands †if m.- wimp mrifled to offers :emark, judging by w 113: we read in United States papers, had the settlers of that model country left more of .110 forâ€" - until this day, it would not be 7 ’: ï¬ne evil by the present oc- ' . - ' But lest this state- ‘» - - one to believe that it W twenty miles from I“ ' ‘ as well cultivated and pip. dam as can be found anywhere m g5}: “mm man mks; To BUY wants. 01:1221.4.. 2nd 0071, 1.97:1 " mums. Eom 3:: .22?- The stone obtained from our Bunny at Longford proves to be of a splendid quality, and we are prepared to ï¬ll orders ’promptly and on the most reas'onable terms. LILLAâ€"l- UJJJâ€"I .l..l,.l_l INJ ...â€"â€"â€" _ CHIMNEY PIECES TABLE A\D COUNTER TOPS, TOMBS, A v â€Hw, HEAD STONES, (kc, Manufactured, and warranted to give satisfaction ____+_._ PARTICULAR N0 OTICE TO ¢ BUILDERS, CON TRACTORSLIMEâ€"BURNERS CHARLES DAEIES¢<<SLQQ CUT BUILDING STONES CUT! [if HAPPY TO GIVE REFERENCES. fl A Discount of 10 per cent oï¬â€˜ to clergyman of all denominations. MISéIESAGA STREET, AORILLIA, AND noon" SILLS FOR SALE I PROPRIETORS. d...- v ’ \msn STmiDs, CHEF MONUMENTS, EHEFFONIERS. HARVEST 100.113.. . u...‘ 1" .4. Largest‘* stock THAN ANY 600]) DYE STUFFS SCYTHES, $ng8. »- FdRKs. MADDER! KN IN Manufactured Expressly COOke BrOs’. EVER HELD By'the manufacturers, we can give you a. BETTER ARTICLE, at From the Very Best Material, For HARVEST TOOLS. Selling Retail at Wholesale A CALL Soucrrxn. NOW IS YOUR TIME! 3 Di}? Stufl‘s, a. LOWER PRICE, than any other house. ’ W; G.‘ BIN GHAM CHEAPER As these GOODS were FARMERS, FIRST-CLASS SCYTHE STONES. ?QOOQ 310"} - 1718 FOR OUR TRADE, BY ANY HOUSE OTHER HOUSE EOflFiM TO . SECTloN. THE INgTOWN z J. FARQUHABSONS NEW STORE N EARLY OPPOSITE THE “ ALBION HOTEL," Family and Graham Flour, "'Oatmeél, com 1 Oats, Pease, Corn, Barley, Bran, Shorts, I Butter, Cheese, Confectionery, c., c. 717. H. CARPENTERS z FLOUR, Feed and P1 ovision Store! ‘( Paris Boot Shoe. Store! Has pleasure in returning thanks to V the public for their acknowledged apprgbiation of his efforts to supply a. want long felt- if: Orillia, in furnish- , mg a. ï¬rst-class Boot and Shoe Store, where can be had A Larg_e Stock of Ready-Made woxk on hand sausfaction in quahty and price. REASONABLE PR1 0E. THEIR NEW STOCK .r IT EMBRACES ALL THE NOVELTIES For Cheap GRQCEBIES, CROCKEBY, CHINA, GI ASSWARE, and WINES LIQUORS, go to - Opposite Booth’s Brick Black; a Work 'done promptly, arid 'satisfaction guaranteed. CALL ‘VND TS'EE! CALL AND EXAMINE. 3 , < 1 ’ same «a 68‘; Eéiébï¬rtéa perfected swag. REPAIRING xx ALL rrs mucus!" ' ‘ J. B: THOMPSON. HAVE RECEIVED this yeek. a stock of J ewcllexy of new am! we‘legant designs. In JET JEWELLERY I Amie secured .‘the newest and best styles. . Studs and Solitaius. the most elaborate patterns, as wiell as, the plainest. The demand fcr “RUSSELL uml LONGIZDLES‘ WATCHES is ’dailv becoming greater, ï¬hhs showii) that the!†public can ap- reciatd 3: GOOD Aï¬TICLE. The stockwill ' {Mindfcomplete in every, mm. mid.- to contiinlthe NEWEST and BESTQOODS. KINDS OF WORK HAVE OPb NED OUT Made up in the lgmt styleiand at a Next door to Slaven's Drug Store. - ‘ 1 . Oilï¬Lu,Oxnmo which is sure to give Household Furniture ! Window Blinds,â€" Framed Pictures, Fancy Gooda' School Books, Writing Deskï¬Ladies‘Wox-k Boxes, Family Sewi 0 vMaachines, Machine Needles, Mel“ ‘ebh§;"é. ' @- ganufactory on Peter Street VILLAGE OF ORILLIA. HE Corporation of thin Vimge hereby 083': a. Bewsni of 8100 1:9 â€Him $100 REWARD .I- “allow“ osnoowanypmy or parties who will furnish ouch infom- tinnu'win lead to the conviction of the person»: pemm who on the ' ht of the 2nd or morning of the 3rd any 0 Septem- ber, Willy md maliciously dehced, in- jured at destroyed the premises and prov rty of Alexander Kennedy, W. 8: J. dhonl'l‘. Ddlu, Chulethvies Co., and Jo Wilson, on Missing: Street, in this Vilhge.‘ By order of the Conncxl, FRED. JNO. ROBT. GRANT, rk for methu: orfllthcï¬ A3411?! wanted. of either . {399: m w Agent: 9. nuke non money-x. wo WP ti. “’1': rm nu. Annua- (1.8%!!! 8031800.. PMâ€. all OUR HOME P WEB. â€"Subccribe for Tn WI. Send it “your friendi. WriOegn‘flkocpflanmd on what in doing II M Pumitwymu- Sam Daughters Latin ma Induiudae, audio}? n1 nuke“ u it Should be, iOrillia. The pmperties of DB- men .9 lzn-nrnn m Amnent. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF x, 137 3. Raper, GEO J. BOOTH Toys, Concertinaa‘, Wmn’s N. 13.4mm WW :1: 6.40 a. m., and 2.25 p. m.,uriveat Lind- say at 9.15 1. 113., gnd 5.§Qp:_m. Pu: say at 9.15 1. m., and 5.30 p. In. ru- sengeu leaving Linkages: 11.45 a. m, 5.130 p. m1. wire at booonk at 2:20 p. m., and9 p. m.,:ndTomn'uouLEO p.m., and 11.45;. m. , Rduood Fares to Excursion Parties. AI! gwwuv v u-â€"--â€" v'_. 7 , '1'. R" gotï¬l‘hrt. sad at WVJmction connect wi lidhnd Railway {or Linday, I’ve-vault, 01-min. kc. W. GOODERHAM, Jam, gaming Director. 1'0QO mpussma RAILWAY KERMOTT’S Dyspepsia. PM": 2 TESTIMONIALS I Hsvebeenreceivedfmml“. Moi Oriflir, autoimmune Editor of Newma- ket Em, and many othm, cormbonting the nbove memento concerninxflwle Powders. m, in?» prom-b" i. am and ï¬t thembyposttoBu'x-ie. Tm. Aw 18‘- 1373- hepared and For Sale, Wholesde. by 31 will Procure 5 Packages. and are entirely â€Sm“- can of W“ the P taken rith the Boyd». . Mandrake Pills I or two, thggm alterative, in 11'8“ 50'“ Catharticand Anti-Billions, slur-m!- ing the healthy function of ï¬le bod!- rhao'ho mveonoeued 63m will not N O MINERAL POISON PRICEâ€"25 CENTS PER BOX ! F03 Tmmo vxmssI-JPMLETS! A: safrbor_o Junction 9-199? vi“ ““9 G‘ , 1 I'___.4 1-â€" SINGLE 00le of TH: Emma. 3 acumen, stJ. J. Bird‘s. Cooke. Bros or. the oflice nï¬mhliatioxg, (rm-ran) Have been unparalleled in the cure of Dyspepsia, and general disorders of the Stomach and Bowlsâ€"persons who have been afflicted for years, and tried the various Physicians that came within their reach, without m- cciving any beneï¬t, have been entirely cured by taking one Box of these Powders. «Wat’s; v.9 ‘ "W’ met Tuesdayim} sud SIMdny for . oust store .Mgrejqr Wfl‘éï¬ifmm Bu- mwewna. sum. 01411“- C. H. KERMOTT, STAGE CONNECTIONS. .5†ï¬ar Cedar Grove. :e Vale. Bangor, Brougham KERMO'I'I" S DRUGG'IST- Cents: