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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 18 Nov 1869, p. 2

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335:; sf gal-fag: games, med. Thecommonsystemofmauage- martin Britain mightbe introduced here with advantage,â€"these meetings might eitherbeasocial orconversationalgather- . ing, the subject of discussion at which has beenagreed upon beforehand; or some of the more enlightened of the members might open the discussion by the reading of a carefully prepared paper on the sub- ject; andinadditiontothoselivinginthe neighborhoodspeaking, no difliculty would be found, wethinhin obtainingthe aer- ricesofagoodlecturer,togiveanoccasion- al lecture on such a subject as wouldbeof Wand profit to the farmers. We should like tosee these agricultural socie- tielapowerfdt in our midst, muchmore aothaeitherOrangeismorFreemaaowy; anduafirststeptowardathiaend,let us enjoin every farmer at once to become a memberot'thesociety neamthim,andin joininglet ithe withthe intention of doing anhecanto further the objects of them- dety,toaimatunion andcordialityin the management of itsafiairs,and togi'veaawell astoreceiveallthebenefithepoeaiblycan. Letenegeticad intelligent oilico bearers flappainted'whowill take a deepaudac- V fiveirrtereatinthemanagemengforinsup- portingadfmhemgthe exertionaofthe 'pralsand agricultural publicationainthe , d‘memination ofusciul audpracticalagri- i-auhnl information,there is scarcelya Vinittothe goodthey might_accompliah. 'nepower'iain theirhamda,and theyarc Indetacertainamountofreaponn'bilityto .aimhighgudcarryintoefiecteveryacheme lid! all-ll pmrniaethe elevation ofthe ' ‘pldlcoofagiiculture,etheadrgdltenment ofevaymemberoftheiroociety,â€"andthey ' nayrelyuponeverycfl'ortinthiadimction r neehug'itha certainanrount of mecca, iailbearing infividualhenefita in itatrain. hanchdingth‘nsubjcctfordn present, ’ ‘unemmwhyourccuntyAgr-ieul- ~ “Societiesahoulduotmauguwearegu *emuofmwhrchmghtbcde- Whmm thewinter,adwe a. W fie attendance would be: that is goingforwardtolightgn the toil, incremetheprofit, orpmmotethecomfort citha firm. Itia inno spirit offanltâ€" Mic mhthatinmnymesthe chiofobjoct ofthese township showman: to be penoml wmhzmnent or prize- wing; and from a little enquiry and ”Mon, we are convinced that the mofdoingnnixmnenne dedxnoregood to their membersandto the count?!“ hrge, rests with these Township and County Agricultural Societies. 'l'heannnal exhibitions mnotatdl to he despised, for they have no doubt con- tributed largely to the rapid progress of agriafltunl improvement thmnghout the own fixeddeo; the raw, Which 1‘“ beansgnndednmtortons 8-11, mn‘ (hang easy #0 dlwho desireit, means of m to Township, County and country, exciting béth emulation and en- ten-prise; but the impressions these made shoddbefollowedupand deepened during theleiume seasoneiwinter, by thefreqnent meefingofthememben of these societies fox-the discussionof avu-ietyof subjects ndpmuits in which they maevenlly bwoimoxeachvity among theirmembers adofiee-bmthttheymoonfinmny doingaomthhagin thcmyof impme- Madman. muse . spirit of emulation, and to dissem- inttc the knowledge of improvement. Among these circumstances might be men- tioned the newspaper, bringing the events of the whole world within the scape of our deihebqlmafiminmneufionm paint! izgviegnnon the 23130:ch d1 timbers lately, as effective in the ohjget for which they were estabhshedas ndmyagreat number of theirmém- benthink they canbe,bnt not nearlyao Mouthsy myet destinedto be,if wemyjudge from theprogmu theyare mkhgeveryyear. Itmustbemguded uoneofthemostgnfifyingfesturesinthe agriafitunlad-vmeementof the day,that ”my circumstmces oombineto lessen thstaedudon’inwhiéhmo often the hr whubeeninthe habit of living; for it i, particularlythemse with themthat days, arethe Agricultural Societies, the unit of whose gathering: for purposes of whining anything of importance, they act upoh the principle ofnnion being strength, and ugite in numbers having a common object in view. Not byany maths last emotive of this sort of union, in our It is s fact which few can have-failed to nerve, that when men are desirous of LINDSAY, NOV. 18th, 1869. mums s; MORRIS’ justly cele- I MWu-eaoldhy @132 gummy $313053“. “Ea-rs- WM. “51 M Jm um Shalom m Street, wJawett’s Hotel, Lindsay. THOMAS BEALL, we have been LINDSAY. T. BEALL, LxxnaAY. “gymmmmfmmzsgm W 7 "fl ‘ ' as? _ “a ‘23.: . “£4133 Latterhanngtbeen almost an a stand duringtheeigh yearsreceding. The tradeofCanada'withthe yea“gtatesiisasproe- Wehave before asserted that the Domin- ion can betterdo without reciprocityintrade than can our American cousins, and the fact is becoming plaiuer every day. It is a very remarkable fact that while Ononda- gosalt is quoted inIOswego st82.45 currency equal to $1 94 in gold, and that the freight and wharfiageinconsigningit to Toronto will amountto nine cents more, to say nothing of commission, the Onondago Salt Company will place any quantity of its manufactured article on the railway cars at the latter city for $1 35 per barrel! The Globe callsthe attention of our Amer- ican contemporaries to the important reâ€" sults which would be gained by abolition of the American duty on Canadian salt. From the salt basin of Canada any conceiv- able quantity can be manufactured of a far superior quality to that of New York State. At present the Canadian salt is shut out from the .Uniwd' States by a prohibitory duty, and the people of the Republic are obliged to pay an enormous price to Syra- cuse manufacturers. That it is enormous is proved by the tact that the Onondago Company is able to sell for $1 35 in Toronto that for which they charge 81 95 in Oswego. Thenatural result of the present position of afi'axrs' is, ithatfignmCanadians -d obtain their salt atavery ow ax areconsequen y able to pack pork and beef with ad- vantage for the European and 0 er mar- }?fizhile the Agar-inns pay $113100st pnvil suppo in uence themnopohgeof Syracuse. therJon- athan is considered smart, but no mania w ismorefooledthanhe is the Tekgraph wmay::'â€"“g11tat1-11':3 is‘qnite as prospemus to-dxy 33‘ w en 0 treaty m m force. Sinceitsrepeal'l‘orontohasgrown rapjdb', 31: lunggbeen almostft a. stagi- gumd'upom fmm1353 tothe lst of 1869, ,inwénchtheimportsfrom, to, the mtemdistingumh’ ed from withothawmhiqshowsthst in1865theexpomtothe8tatesamounted b824313,000,mdin1867to$26,595,,000 showinganincrease of 82,382,000. And Willem of the hathalfofthe “11:ng 30g]: gun‘s, 1839, hug trad regnhhom' ‘iyhfiizcmins this. Rsépméty .qmzfion, prison lpbour. But in any case it would tend in a greatmmre to reduce the plea- Inmand increase the salutary efl'ects of This is a state of things which shouldnot be allowed exist any longer, and we trust thatMr. Langmuir-’3 report will have the efl'ect of bringingthe matter under-the seri- ous consideration of the authorities, and thatmeasureswillbetaken fox-the classifica- tion and employment of criminals during imprisonment. It is probable that our prisons could in most cases be made self- sustaining, and some of them a. source of revenue, under a well-regulated system of prison life. but morearticulnrly Toronto, Hamilton, London, ' gston, and those in the huge towns or more populous localities, and the firstthingthat strikes the observer is the utter idleness that prevails throughout the prison. Not the stealâ€"y, wearing, silent idleness, consequent to solitary confine- mentâ€"hut the vitiating assodsted idleness that is so much coveted and sought after by certain criminals and pests of society while at large, and is fully realized when theyen- tar thedoors of our common guts, and from whichennhetraoedallthevicioussnd de- moralizing effects of our Common Gaol sys- The evils arising from our present system of prison discipline, by which the prisoners are allowed to spend their time in idleness, snd the old and hardened criminal is per- mitted to associate with the youthful of- fender, snd by his contaminating influence confirmhim in the practices of vicenre appa- rent to the most superficial observer. In his report on Prisons, c., for 1868-9, Mr. Lsngmuir says that, prison discipline, as at present managed, makes young people who may be imprishned the first time for trivial ofl'enees, want of sureties, c., bad ; while for hardened ofi'enders incarceration in our common gaols is no punishment at all, and has not the remotest tendency to make them better or sorry for the course which may have brought them there, Mr. Langmuir mounentis confined to the ignonnt half- breeds, and being diseountenanced by the ‘ English and betterclue of half-breeds, must Mmbuide: ' ‘ Thsfono'ing deapstehée oontein Whitenigenee that hubeen received regarding the “insurrection :” t The St. Paul Pm: heeletters from relia- ble parties at Pembina ivhich confirm the gunouis bf the expglaion of Gavel-no: Me- r-v-v â€"â€" â€" ~"~ 7’77”? - serious consequences are apprehended. The Amerim reaidents of the territory, who desire annexation, are supposed to have’stirred up the half-breeds to mun-ec- tion. d ' ' to retain the bale with the tonitory, gn pgevept ‘its gassing into Cana- n1. territory until spring. organized: nProv-isional Government. It rtedthst Gov. McDougall has appli- edrepo to the Ottawa authorities for troops. liishinilywillreturn to Canada. There is an influentialpartyin the settlement consisting of the Hudson’s Bay Company oficers and the Scotch, who support the Governor but whether they will organize smilitaryforceinhissuppo rtisuncertain. Later advices from Red River Territory state that the insurgents remain encemped about four milesbey and the frontier. They are receiving considerable accession to their numbers. A French half-breed, named Pierre Loranger ranger, is theleader of the party The Britishf settlers are reportfkd tube organizing or a movement on e insur- gents, and if the latter do not disperse ,1,_3. J dian hifids. ‘1: is Gov. McDougallwil] ton-inn“? until uni-ins! Aportion of the French half- breeds in the m Ever Sefilementhnvobeen induc- ed by persons hoofiie to the Dominion to oppos‘ethe mention of the North-West Territory to the Confedented Provinwe. Underthe impression that the arrival of Mr. McDongsll would be the commence- ment of unjust forfeiture of theirlands and illegal taxation, 3. number of these halie breeds determined to htemept the newly- aipointed Governor, end they hsve actually “then-resolution into efl'ect. The Bengal] end from Red River Terri- tory. He had "need two miles beyond the frontier and stopped at the Hudson Ba; Company post, sending Mr. Provench- ex, toward forlanley with the insurgents, who were five hundred strong. Mr. Pro- vencher was made prisoner, end Mr. Me Dongnn heleegnredmthe fort. No resist- ance was ethylpted, and on the 2nd Nov. the Governor m escorted names the line, and is now enaun near Pembina, in DI» kota territory. r o violence was ofi'ered. The insnrgerite were French. They haze n menomm swarm 31' may mutants. up xsooxmn me: to, ~ '1 "‘ Enter the conidoonf any ofgur 33013, " AROWAIEEDM‘ r is hardly prohable that will be able to enter the General. The Hon. Christopher Dunkin was sworn in as Privy Councillor and Min- ister of Agri tare. Hon. Alexander Mor- riswuswom in u Privy Councillor and Minister of Inland Revenue. Hon. J. _C. Aiken», Senator. was sworn in a a. Privy Councillor. Itisunderuoodthnt as soon “Eon-Wm: MW“ 3W 923‘ in the Dominion Cabinet :â€"-Hon. J oneph Howe resigned the Presidency of Council and was sworn in as Semtnry of State for the Provinces. Hon. Mr. Kenny resigned the ReceivebGenenlahip and was sworn in as President of Council. The Hon. Mr. Chnpnis resigned his ofiee as Minister of Agriculture and msworn in u Receiver- General. The Hon. Christopher Dnnh'n m sworn in u Pn'vy Councillor-and Min- ister of Agriculture. Hon. Alexander Mor- Linn-sworn in as Privy Councillor and mm: of Inland Revenue. Hon. .1 _C. A RAILWAY 001.115on of amoet appalling character took place on Sunday on the Western Pacific Railroad. The eastern bound train collided with the Alameda ferry train near San Leamlro; both trains were going at the rate of 20 miles nn hour. The engines are a perfect wreck, and the cars smashed and driven through one another. Seventeen dead bodies have been recovered from the wreck. It is estimated there are at least twenty wounded. The scene is described as heartrending in the extreme. There was great difliculty in getting the passengers outof the ruins, and many could not be extriested. The legs of one man were amputated before being released from the cars. The cause of the disaster is ascribed to negligence on the part of the switch tender at the junction of the Alameda and Western Pacific Bnil- wa fl: division of the Presbyterian Church of the States, which took place in 1838, cametoan end on Friday last, sndthetwo bodieswhichhadfor the last thirty years Minamofri ,ifnotpositive hostility, one. y this union, which tofall apex-sum will be complete, there is onn e largest Presbyterian Church organization in the world. It was resolvedtoraiseassthnnk offering, onsc- connt ofthe union, the sun of fivemillions of dollars, sssspecial fund for domestic sud other missions. Tn following W havenheen'made » A_ telegram from Washington intimates that the resumption of specie payments will be recommended by the President in his approaching Message to Congress. éuayarnsfldeclare ”that their enemies are short of the means necessary to follow up their late successes. LATE despatches refer to advances hav- ing been made by the United States Ad- ministration towards arranging their com- mercial relations with Canada. The Gov- ernment of the Dominion is said to have urged that should the present restrictions continue on our commercial intercourse with the States, it would be compelled by the pressure or public opinion here toadopt such retaliatary measures as the abolition of fishery licenses, placing a duty on for- eign coal, an export duty on pine timber, and a tax on American breadstufl's. A TERRIBLE mining catastrophe is report- ed from Mexico. 0n the ninth of October, while the labourers wer§seated in one of the broader chambers within the old mine of Jesus Maria, nearthe city of Guana- jauat, eating their noonday meal, they were startled by a sudden mumbling sound above them, caused by the giving way of an im- mense portion of shelving rock which {onu- ed the roof of the chamber. With. them were their wives and childremwho had bro’t them their meals, and were waiting to re- turn with their pails and baskets. Scarcely a second intervened between the instant the alarming sound was heard from above and the crash upon the chamber floor below, followed by a cloud of dust and the min- led cries of a thousand voiws. Twenty- hve thousand tons of rock in a body, had buried,in an instant, upwards of an hundred miners, with their wives, sisters and child- army has been increased both in men and artillery since he occupied s new defensive position. The unfavorable reports, how- ever, ascribe to Lopez sutflcient remaining power and authority to order the execution of several oficers and soldiers with conspiring agninstlhim. The Pars- party, meantime, to keep up a certain standing army. The deep: mh may have some foundation of truth» in it, but it is more probable, if any negotiations are in progress, that they are ofa pacific rather than of a belligerent nature, and intended to lead to the reducfinn, instead of the increase, of the existing annmnents of these great nulitu’ypo wers. The reception of Baron Werther, the new Pruman _Am 53.333110}, by the Emperor, :ppean to have been most cordial, and angina well auto the relations of the two countries, THE information or rumors that cur- rent for intelligence concerning e Pm- gnaynn war are still most mntndictory. On the one hand the struggle is said to be over, and Lopez’s condition desperate, his troops demoralized md dose ' . 0n the other, it i_s alleged that the ident’g silence them by force. They pronounce against the preliminary oath preea-ihed for the memben of the Corpe ; for the abolition of militarylflaw, and demand that the coun- try be armed merely for self-defence. The manifesto concludes as follows: The Elec- tive principal is the only one which will stand throughout all revolutions. and must not only be the base of the institutions of the country, but be kept clear from mon- archical comuromises, and the violence of es.’ Tm: Few York Timahu received: tele- figgnountxfig Bvertures from Russia tu mace, proposing an alliance offensive and defensive between those two Powers md Austria. and Prussia, for three yen, to be renewable uppn 5i; m‘onths' notice, eugh ties. They say am the” demands of the people of the right m govern themselves means an inevitable tnmaformation, the necessity of which ispmved to be every day more md more impentive. The Op- position intend to use peaceful means m that end, unless _a.n attenipt is made to and agreed to its tboliahment with in- demnification to owners for loases incurred. Tn manifesto of the Opposition mem- bers of the Corps Legislatif of France has been pu__b1iahed,rp:n_d is signed by 28 Depu- EAL- Tm: proceedings in the Constituent Cortes on Saturday were interesting and important. One of the Porto Rioo' depu- ties! asked Senor Beam-a, the Minister or the Colonies, what the course of the Gov- ernment rigidbbe towaids the “and that was p six nndred ousand faithfmpmfiargs? The Minister replied a“ tel}: $316“ of the aggrie- would an 1’. air peo e 170 be proud to call themselves Spaniards. Some depu- tiesof the Cortes suggested and advised the abolition of slavery in Porto Rioo,with indemnification to the owners. Senor Beeern replied that that quection would soon be solved, and in a; way to cause the least injury. Sn nently, in reply to a question of Senor edial, the Minister said the Government proposed to treat Porto Rico not as a Colony but as a Span- ish Province. He did not hesitate to oun- deinn the system of slave}? in Port? 3:190, .v.- ‘7“. -_ _ __eflr‘ , the d phihnthropst were d with befitting eemn'lony Infi'estminster Ab- hey. There they willlie until the arrange- ments are completed for their remove] to the United States. Nothing we: wanting to shay due honor to the memory of the illustrious benefactor ofEnglmd md Amer in. The Queen was represented by her Private Secretary. The American Ambass. ador, Secretary of hgntion and Consul were in attendance. Lord Clarendon, Mr. Gladstone, and Mr. Bright, with a host of nohbflitiee stood amongst the epectston; and the Lord Mayor aniSherifiaog Lo_nd9n came in civic state. Cfowds lined‘the streets through which the funeral corhge pmdtotheAbbey, andthedeepeetemoâ€" fionwuevincedbythevanmwdedmitt- ed by ticketawithin thebuilding. On Sun- dsy the Bishop of Wed 3 fune- ral sermon on the philanthropist in Westminster Abbey, and referred in elo- uent to the efl'ect his name and eedswould ve on the tvogreat coun- tries with which his life had been identified. Tnfunenlofthelnto Geoxge Peabody 390k_plaoeonF1-iday_,wha_athemmm of mswmwm -v.v,,_.__-,, ing read and approved. Petitions were presented ”king the Council to memo'rinl- in the Legislature for the erection of an asylum fox-the blind in Toronto, and from Dr. Allnnby withdrawing“: previous ofl’er to sell three acres for a. gnvelhfrit, andiub- mitting another proposal. . Douglas, who had been appointed to enmine the lot. ‘ depenhouldhehkento-ecnreeomeplme for; vol ' Movedhy Mr.‘Dundu. ”conga. by _ .Inry,ThsttheRondnnd iagtam"" ’ol'm‘ ovum ‘ ’ Foley, a._nd Mfgnn'e. Bryant: of lat meet- 43:--- _._ tu'y. Another female committed an. dan- gex-ous lunatic, and the moat hmauble cue thnt has come under my notice. .vu recommended for immodinte removal to Rockwood Asylum. " Covxcn. Marisaâ€"The Town Council met or: Monday evening last, 15th inn-m. Present. the Mnygr, the Rage, md Coun- ... '_, thcm were approved of by the late beam of inspectors, und the building accepted by a number of that Board ; under theeeilicmn- etnncee, while admitting the insecurity of the building, they contend that the County should not bear ell the expense of repairs. After e areful exnminntion of the defectl, I recommend nplan of repairs which would involve as little expenditure u ‘po‘gihle, consistent with strength and whdity; . I visited the 3301 on the 15th August, when the question was ngnin brought ;under the notice of the Coun Canned, with 3 re- quest that the work did he immediately proceeded with. On the lat occasion there were three prisoners ingnol, ell fem-la; one of whom was sentenced It the nuinee to thePenetmguieheneRefox-mntory; there being no accommodation in thnt institution forfemalee, she still remains ingnoLwhieh wu duly rted to the Provineinl Secre- tnrv. Ano or female committedan. dan- ermr Gaon â€"Mr- Langmuir, Inspec- tor of Prisons. in his report on thereon- dition of our gsol, points out some exten- sive repairs and sltcrations which mend re- quired and which have been broug ht under the notice of ourwounty Council. We trust that arrangements he made, without further dslay b have the interior of the gaol rendered safe and com- fortable. The inspector ssys.â€" ‘Lindsay Gaol wasfirstvisitcd onthe- ‘V'thJanuu-y. It was then clean and appeared trite-well manmed. There were only the prisoners in confinement, three males andp two fe- males. One of the males anediot. While the exterior appearance of W surroundings is all that could desired, and indicates good workmanship and great strength throughout, the interior construc- tion is of the most paltry character, and rn an utter state of dila pidation, althorigh only erected a few years. The partition of the cells and corridors, are constru of the worst quality of brick, with the ed! and corridor gates fastened into the brickwork, the wer, "ht oi the man gates in many places pulling Clothe whole down. Prisoners have ‘ access to the locks by simply removing the bricks,which' is easily done; in this manner escapeshsvetakenp ylace. Itis clear that something at once must be done to make the gaol secure, and in urgingthe matter upon the County authorities they submit 1 that the plans and details connected with them were approved of by the late board of 3 Ar the late V ictorin Fell Amine the Grand Jury returned the following pre- eentmentury â€"“ its, the (-rnnd Jurors of our sovereign y, the Queen, beg moat sincerely to congratulntey our Lordship on the lightness of the cdendnr, and the wall mount of crime nought to be adjudi- cated on at the present Amines, nnd most respectfully to submit this, our present- ment, I'egu‘ding the matters brought before In That we hue examined the Jul, 814:, and find it in a clean and orderlyco tion, which reflects credit n pun our infi- cinls, butbegtoull attentionwthdinee- cureetate of the cells, md recommend them to be made more safe u speedily as visible. There are nt present two prisoner! in the Jail, deteined thereineo nem’of de fective nmngementa in the winds! Re- formntory, there being,in (net. no provision there for the reception of female prisoner-3 and we strongly urge the Government to take the necemry step. to remedy thn dc.- ficiency. That in the few md trivial cues brought before ms we would team the good efl'ectn of 3 state of comparative}: me- peria in this County, which by diminish- e tam ptttion to crime, tend; W. m- terinlly to put it stop to its commissiunmnd we heartilyptrust that this ntisfactory m of drain will long be continued. All of which n reepectl‘nlly submitted J on BAMY, Foreman Tn; Lindsey and County of Victoria St. Andrew’s Society held their mun! M ing at J ewett'l Hotel, on Monday evening but. Sherin‘ McDougalL President, occu- pied the claim The following gentlemen were elected as officers for the ensuing you zâ€"Geo. Smart, President ; Mdoom Morison, lat Vioe<Preeident ; William Mugach, 2nd Vice-Men: format inson. Treasurer ; John McLennAn, Secto- tzu'y ; Revs. Debbie md Binnie. Chaplin; Dru. Kempt end Tweedie. Medial Attend- lntl. Chll'lty Conunitteoâ€"JII. “30011, John (3111301111, engefloben 81%? some ’ anion. moo ' to «:1ch St. Andrew’e De?”8 1 Inga; and nCommittee um nppoin to any“ out the necessary arrangements. should have taken mm «by, so hi! the township does give 3 bonus it will be neeeanry to ' submit the mattertothe ntffimyen. e Council passed: menial-ml to e Ingulntm' , whine“ 0 0 construction of the Lindsay Locks. If m pleasing to notice the earnestness shown by our Town Fathers at the Council meeting on Mondnyeveninglwt, in regnnl to the neeolsity that exists fox- good gravel roads. The Council is n'pgotinung‘lor the purchase of u lot for sgnvcl pit, all whnt- ever might be the Menace of opinion with reference to which lot would snswur the purpose hut:_n_ll wen :greedthnt n v81 kit should be obtained without slay. '0 mist the nutter will be ener- getically dealt with by the Con Council, gt its next waion, and that in 0 spring, as early as poudble, work may be com- menced on the principd wads of Mammy uwelluthowofthehwn. -' Symon for the WM“, °“ “£13m °‘ ”ma "RT‘Q'F’mW‘E son, W other or. Kleiner, Lindsay. by , __' ' > Dmo the put week the Whal- been cold, andotp‘reoentiteeems- ifvvin- terhumllyoetm. There in shout tw Mn. Boon Gunman, 3rd con. unripe-n, died suddenly of discus of the heart on Wednesdnyoi lut veek. He had been oomppnim‘ngof s slight_i!lnea_s forgone tune mang‘mspoo w the mpiidng butmfuaod to dono on thqgmunt Tn Municipal Council of the Township of Samuel-ville met on the 31-: 9f Ogtolgcr, Eutmfsao'dtiodonoonthégmuzdthuuâ€"Ié 9°me M as» 8“” unwrwétififi butitwunotoonddu'odlerionl. 0n Wednesdny Afternoon he fell don dead. Dr. Andrew: was immedigtelymlled, but Sum copies of this weck’l Mm: ”1,6,0de at R. S. For“ or A. Kleiner’n, Lindsay. Price 4 ctl. Aoeéunts of the Pmrinci'of (Hm-i0 for his services wen of no avail. . “ g T!!! has been Britain‘dmwngthe pad: was“ m Run J. Wan-wax inhd‘l ' m ‘ gggcjdgef'yipeainthenible dqm_m of '1‘. Mam 3911., M. P. P._, 3531:1680 hum. Buq..M.P.k’.,wifl lose ‘3“??“59' *. ”wish? . ”PC pddforthofimflmbulhehexportod ill lBflmmnfiupddMfiefimm bushelsexporbdinlmi Iatitbq-rov- .aam'elmelmby the rope-l 0”“ umbeforewem invited tonnkoany manifim‘torecliniflmmm‘ aaificouthnof ouconnoxiwviththe mother may. The Hon. JohnYounsmewMPN' pouudntnshnll demdonrindomd' ancefinthehopodnttheww 'iuthegbomindinedtogluta m nmr, Mr. Snow underthe fimofllr Hunilton, aghast; totheir demands. Ind pdddltheyukotbnt Wmt toFonGufyand hid infatuation-gum themmtpminentofhisnnnihnu. Four ofthcpu’ty wem crested, and held on bflforhidttthoNovemhaComonu charge of aggravated "unit. thefintofhunmmand emu-ed stun- ;uurylmpenfionofthework. Form muon,uyetnnexph.ined,the mm on two ace-lions, and finally took it into theirhudlmwm MLSno'dew intendent, to pa for the time i mofl'work. omnthkflwyunder- took to duck him inungighbpuringm gram splendid ' ' occupied between Rod 'ver and flu: plgcc, 3nd a fur beyond a heart my Hox. Joann How: ”rived on the 9d: and remained until the 18th nit... a: one of the hotels 1:: the-eulemenL Thepoo- ple were diam-muted because he did?”- not givothem An aides-on the mutated Mutheyweremoumxiou {orzcli ableinfomtion. praifiufinhubeenngingetthe figm ufl'ontheAn-inilaoine. undcomid- hu been ensuined by the fll;n¢l'l inthedeetmctionoffcneely And The Portage district In idlyfilhmup withCm-dinnnenlen, 1:: thefineoountryhetweenthe Peruse BntCmekildnx-dyukenup. 1'1:er- agedistfictn ' really I. fine of the country, _but_ they-9mm W 631'wa Hdiftx, toldy for government The aabliahmt of a Peat 0609 do- parunwt for the colony.“- art-looked for- ward to aa a The inhabttanu at bWEW‘muipeg have dug thmetanyam provide plum: ofwanrfur their in can of fire. Gov. clans", Captain Cancun: and JudgeBlackhave been appointed madman- Nan-the oath of allies to “cut-60m MmatStAndmnmukiu tholead. under-Mr. Bemaflkoqinpu- paringanaddm-ofvelcommthehm- te'nantGova'nor. _ Railw- inoounh-ydimidithoAannq Gem- nidaluvudlin vuloflho pwudhmmd motion" green! to. Mt. McKeller moved for a copy oftheMfionofWifliamJn-hn Nich- olsu'xhrefmto Iii-claim whndin the Mulkoh terriwry,whichwu stunted bythafioune. 03: Friday. Niamey-General Month! stated that the (Bout-mt do not intend to introduce s Bill thin union to amend the Anne-neat Luv 0! Int Ionic; ' Amiga-Glam; fitment. in n- plytoun ' .M‘dtht-Binfiottho ostnbl'nhmt humid-cub “3:811; enquired. Wodnudn who- : rs on y, thathoGoummtintendto yomto thediflethnmhndtovapainOn- tnriothosnwnncoftbewrud duewthemorvhntcoumi-intendodto bepnnueduunuidl-‘nnd. In 1y.» tomoy-Genenlemud the Gonnmmmm Canada. number of you! ngo' tune-nun printing- eertainpoflionufthePublic known ”Moo! Lands, for numb indie localitie- whentheu had: was situated. ThemGomnmgtenym 130,15 orderinoouncilnvokodthe ' ’ of thstfundinflntny. 'I'hcfundhndboen extinguished before this Gaul-amt can. inwexisteuce,anditwonldbosmimu matterto lethstthqnhonldnvivo tfundwluch beaexungubhodbydn very Govemmaxt whicha'euedit. Ox Monday eve ’ Mr. Tm ‘intm- duoodaBilltoum-nd e Ana-mom Law of last union, and explained it: vaixionu, the principal of rhich go to about}: eel-thin existing exemptinm. md to limit the pow- er: now enjoyed by coma-stint:- of extend- ing the time of yment 0f Mel. “C Atwmey muted tn the introduc- tion of the Bill on the undentmding that it should be refund to n SelectCommittee. Ox Mondsy, Mr. Mm Wood intro- duced the Public Account for 1868. ind thq pine months ending 30th September. -M'l. m'stmelm the «:7 male ntodin mum W011i «1th for p.122“. comeoruhry r from m u- uinn or ailing, shall. AM theypa-ing § ofthiaAcgbeunfidedtomu of member-tome 1n the Iagialafive aembly of this Province: provided. how- ever. that such penon Ilaall be ratedaa follows: incitin, forfourhundnd dollar- andupwarda; and internship- andin- cm-punu'd villzgea. for No hundmd dol- launmd upwards; and who during the-ix thanmmtotheclccfionhaamdded, andnat etimcofthyelecdmil in the municipality m which he inabont tan-ole; and pxovided III). that he allall have [tidal] {axe-due by himuid shall not have claim! or claim any exempu'on {mm Hyman: (( taxe- on and: income or .3 I! the Legislature. on Tue-thy. Mr. Mc- Kcllcr intmdnusd hi- Bill amdnng the Iyahzm of dud M Mr. Cab nuginhvmgnu fornSdoceCoumime w e_nqmm_ mm the adygntagu of Woody: read; Apefitionfranllr. Bdnfaraidto com ctc a two-plank sidewalk from Jef- fnyatohinho-ue. henna-8mm mndinghttunm of tho Conndlkn with nferenaurthinm 11:. Wat-9n hekithatamofimu pmod some tine agowith the mic that if he vunotmficientold plank to finish tho M,mnutohapufiued. Mm Dunduandlatyuidthcem nonun- (ionofncwpluk in the motiun. AM wmo farther discussion. Mr. Wabon mov- ed, seconded by Mr. McLennan, that the lidowalk commenced by Mr. Bain be omn- ploud forthwith. It rammed in amend- ment by Mr. Leary. seconded lgyMr. Dun- du. that worked thg ddegalkx}: ngstion. mince. reoo «Manama the ”3% °' ink-an”? 105.00 .10 -fizfirér 95.2 8305:: as: It nunâ€"o awn... canâ€"M383.“ ulna-ab 5.3.848oflgk 5. 3398. gunâ€"93 alsoâ€"832.25 Indonthumds, “Wu-Ida“: next-prim. Anudmtm-ied. Onmo- Anmdmtanaed. Unmo- ofmfghung’kdhmdodbynr. Canaan, theClex-kmimmdtonofifylblani- but tom “momma. (mm not the brewery forthwith. Mr. minuodmdanpyflofithefinmm- $me umm. v. fig: ,. mm, _. tram 1 mm WWWmuMN mmmm Theexpodidmi-tn madman- “Khu- toum andwfllwnlilt of 2,“ inhnfl'y, 250m at of Bub Buouh. “4mm.- guu Them-rm uwwndnofmmlodlofmhu- dhewhichntnbeundforhmdthh taunt, Indwillbeaent by the HMO Deuanlunoum. Aflofilhot’ablu-ge burgunndmmhigefim'hich mom in August last. ha- iw M Mafghviggmmlpdtomdthefob ' ) trunklinmthcimedoruzinwrmandbys rapidly cloning networko! bnmhmnds. andthemnllertomthumnmdwith mazes” ptindaeuinclecueof Turkey, bethatof“D¢fenoe.notDefinnoe." Sn. Sagan Bun. the we"? Afri- cnnt. er :- org-mine It pmont timemexpe’diuonofgw Mme:- [laundromat-1.! portion-of thatmunty. “’degmdotherpumbfinging theweloomenev-dthe inventing”- dudntocmigntewthaewbin spring d1870.wethemfonem thepolicy dtheGovet-nmentvill be vol-daydtho endwhe accomplished, a the fanned thehnvinoetoegwmtdependlup outheirnccion.” Tnstnin whichnuuienplicy. both internal and exam-11h: of he: been ' situation uofnolifik intents-tho evorld. meluvingbe-n undertlwdominnfiondtdeflzm' the Wmofflsewmd, hanging; ple, theaxltintiou of begun was. and the up “Wem thmklul for what the fluent Govanmthndone, butadumum nmboldwnflimmmngdn “man-em! 0! '“4 1-“ phytielyias HMhimduaithmhg-uoo- flafimuhflyhhufl'mwfikdo- w-nrmmhmm Peninsula-r}. He mare-flyw- ingdeoa-iptionof haul: M be m”°°°""“‘?a°wm:§ 2mg; Wig; emu imhhmmtotheUnmd Shh. nun oonvincanllfight-thinkingpoophfiu his Wimwflmywfll be: mutant-m view-n: flan-greens Laughg< 05353.94. 35m:â€" ....=:: 8534...! .583... 53.513: aid-335139 32.33» .5635: 33382:. 4305883355 §3H¢g¢8§>o©9€ gizwégfia 1'“th should haw been done. we hnve room fol-50,1!” families, and fifth-Commend" only mh’baflly, Montezuma-n tho-ink m M‘s-kahuna Luke Ni ‘ hefined with: load, intelligent, antes-lurking geoph_ emintocaipt oftdvigutmm A nu mama ambled a convention us @W lucked topahon Conntiefl bps-nbfiatfizh wmwo‘hb .1 ng?§M-ߣ other denominstinns. The number who oouldneitbermsduorwritewuLanl thosehsbituslly intenpentewss3,m Ot- tswsprisoneneonu-ibuud to theirsu $1.093“ inTommennd mnedwsstbe eves-known”: maneu'ly four ollsxs mbehnger dunsny venoussslc. robesbeo't SP {mm 812 to 816. The number soldwss exceedingly smallâ€"less (Jun 5.“. The man! quantity lus been {mm twelve to twenty thousand. wu- Wm be- tween theCmns sud Met-to! west plains will tend to 6311.0th scsxaty! and prices my necesssrily we Minoan the finned Counti- oiNou-thmberbndandbnrhndiumt nan-ion mm. no fouling of h ueefing'uanthuiuticin it: detainin- tiontomcoeedintbe don to any the by-hwstthe '11:. Committee- wan-p- pointedin midpdityto curry out themlutionl. Theme readout-em Whamdmoe. ‘ FAm-Mclaoxhubunflnhuoohn hournttheCoo rImfimta. Five thonnnd WM .‘Wh'98m 0(th enoughunfilthoyobhinthdr but mmmciroldm m theymoetfm. melb. Langmuir-'0 onpnlonl' Asylum- for 1868-9. we um flu numbadmomdxtunmd WMpflheh-gr of find-993 of hying'dfe m humble mp: one-tAdvx-‘Ay,onaae16d1, mqmmthel‘flh, nnd onegt onthowdaduyl ofDocembu-next, futhepu-poooofuhngintooomidmfion finalvnbflityof odingtheextemionof than, L..BB.RtoAdu-lybygmt. non. "A Alinawuieooived‘fmmd‘l’dm Arthur’uPriveteSeueh-lye ew ego, endodngeemafldonnflontpmflwgidey Theletterexpxe-eed the Prince’s gleam- gretfortheaoeident, endhoped that!» injuredmenwouldepeedilyieeover. Tuloflieenofthe militia an! volunteer MMwhommedmtetflievu-iom [Anne-Whynilfixoe theGov- «nor-Gene“! and H. R. H. ee Ar- thus-.ouflieoooeionoftheirhtevi-itm thiefmvinee,hevebeoninmaedtofub Memzollofflioeeoffiemenwho weietheaonduty.forthepnrpoeeo€ob- hininingtwodayu’ pey. ‘ Aremefingddiefluewmthe Runwanthmpua; ”prawns-t Athfrlyp 9|! ofthe 16th, inguboliu. _ - - “Tu Lunar Emu."â€"Wemin W of the fingpquulyf the Lindny conned him to their village. The Hon. gentleman responded in : short ”each. pmminingtodoaflinhilpowetfor end- mmtoftheinmof flat-action ofthervinoe. TnCoxrucrforoon-huctimdw first ueeh'onof the Tomato, Grey and Bruce Bailuyhubeenunndod taunFfl-nk E E E . E 53‘ :fi :3 mndfiomtho Hanna has ofArthur, thdNol-mmdymmh aid-company DcuxcPI-inoe Arthur- vilitto Belle- ville, .m mmengen-leym hnduTwwwyjignJer {he nyiel and title of the Luau? Exrosmn. The Exrosmninn nigh-adult Paper, and well primal.â€" 1h. Pm: Manx“, forum-1y of the Grilli- Ezsponitor, has enacted upon the WWQHWW ie‘éah’v.“ v TnoadonoftbeIndPu-lhmtof Qubocrmbeopenedonthefirdimt. Snmaoommcodstfm’anhnwoek, undtbeioe moonsideredgoodforthe Kaiâ€"WWW handouts-come" only. undnotonmdmh-ddifiondm. m m Mm“ Wm “.mm Tn; Hon John Carling, Commissioner of Public Won-kgvi-iwd Bnoebridgemoem- 1y- .A nymtpronhe www.- with." 31 31::â€" a; 95 .830 -gflpuofltowdtoéuo . 33905 33.32%..55263 -giaggigaozulfi 4230260533195 an 8 fightâ€".3 811 a 3.8.1 “the TMQuebeclnchovmthu WKWO‘WAdYM, uWAgentton-amundfielgim humanism, f m yuan by Hum. John Wazoo? udMnnddxephoeisofl'andfornh â€"MY ”Mt “We“ iuptheunnauy' ' don. Miami? Orthemzplmonhmdattbecndoflutfthameltfllmgmi‘animw M firfiel’mfincidmuuminvmdm junta [renown “pi ‘ tins” inDominionStaocktudDebenmmonithe Baal-«hood. teamgm which inhuman val received to the amount 5 “dudaeu” hwhka phoedthefiny (£816,468 75,mking;totdthunwcumd§awad. immoddiaed by Mafia. Thus during theyenroffiSOflGS 75. ineaigabriflinntona,butlika .afiafe- Axeifiw-hrnlofluflhubmm “Petro' bmeWudGood- fifiu‘iefit'mdwu 9%“ ' no gun mum wiumbeinamedmudx. anpponenuoftheweuiwton,Gx-ey mdBmoeRaflny an about to enter- suit inCh-ncuytohsvetheByâ€"hwmoâ€" l votedonindnt county. mm y‘bomu of $50,000, occlude. 1‘3:inth bu beenquitctmandhn man WM the Bun-no! “xi-m a m MWtoW' ductile-Inches; they‘voulddwnobtnin a_ large mpgly of ".131st {Ia-gum, and st â€"moudy to distant buyen "‘" "‘ mam “I'd. i'aw revenue of due 60m Mimmwwfiowhm ' ' . mam ifipm‘mfifléfit‘fifluhh n... ortonm. Wbmhdueawbeunu-ue. 'Homnfl'omcto, an: (II-plun- under ibmol. Butwhilntdn“nome”infun, TuPIWOIpl-nu hut: M ninety ' them-whammy. ngdddisoovuiumnpocudondp 1"}!!th 43”? 35'5”. in exemiamflkindiofuuinml inhColumhin. [til-dd“ theycxceod innahnC-IhoCu-iboodm TnnnrketofSolmdsy moneofdhe Ina-gumbo“ in Km Immense mmdboefandmuMVereoflemd, efmuQc-ndthelamratx Fu'm Wax ’sdennnchfionof the W he allege- he waived whilst. : mainlimm'huoxdtedmuchin- 3 6.,“1; Vw, ”umfiiwww‘ ceflonhip thus mam-Globe. heist!) Osman. Tu nan-hen of the Toronto Field Ba- {notyetbeentbleto )thewholeofhil Mxtensivemrvey but (instead LnkeNipigonwfllbefoundtoexceeddnt gofhkethmio,ormfiltof1‘hefiw MWJWM. Mi.” deck-He to hm at mmrfl' IMO M0!!- ndflpfilg my muttâ€"M hlnendninedlgy the Yangon Riva-mt upper continuation of the St. hm beyondLnkeSu 01-,th everyhrge mmm thirtymilesmlength. Upwudlofedov- enfivenofeomidenbleinue toemptyintohkexipcgol lid“- Weundmdthntoneofthenestlingu- “Winthegeogsphyoffihbemfi- fulhke, 'utheimmemeqmnfityehdndl whichue scattered Mount-mic . 3«%§§§§.§ fvaflagsauig 58% «8.5.503 5303.9. 38313.3 . ésggggfisgé .iaiofigipia 3.3.8 $35 .gsgzoaagme “é ’§ ‘ nimideaitwill probably codaâ€"mks. deunat claimuty wonderful-kill in finauci («either-effluents: who law may fluofliceoffimnoe Hunk but; butwe do clam flutthfltheyhnw pct-toned their duties with hit-ability. and we believe honestly. $.13 h“. ugkin'lpmvmu,â€"bel€optdmnfi thenbflitydtheomytopcy,vifll- out the amenity to mart minus-led nation. Wemundorl‘hepcaent ofdutiuandinumnlmhnl, ummmmp‘ymm wryingontheGovernmganddno intonatonthepublicdebc. Butte amuttoinmthntdemanditwfll new-my that thenvenue beincreued dm,noutopwwidemnndluink- hfithndfortheulfianOffln do ' “(the 1,1me if!» hag-pent orpu ' in ‘ chum,eithetmdkwyyiefl_zm E - g3- 8‘5? theleu, must be med in W between blic works and: ' mention and public works homwbich nodirect returnvill be reoei due if i 108: F 90 a?» 158i. 1‘ Eight-Inna ginseng..- nears}?- gram afiiég II a...” «laâ€"ins $.85..- On urn 35E. month. ngo,thuem Whom ucm ail-a Wynn-WW mglm,zllbfi,mm”woek Tmhhlamoutofaudcuud ' purposesforfln put you- “12,285, flamwwwkmmgmu Fenimprilonenu‘e mules-ed. This-ob ject in ranking this demand in Gordon 1 LL‘_ comm dump «anemia-t. ' mghmmhsm. ”6:0,: questnothingmelicihed usmfw‘ hhfidenegothetthmflntfipM‘l mufimggoddidcdtodfinfinggn'flm- am. in Erie. It is mppnud any? they have “loaded" he, hing I351 Welhndenla-amauofm J Tan Pen-y W IIJ'I ‘ In: mmondClunaumnmdAmigiée, infilo 0“? out-id. oondih'omofut- fins mummfitfi’s' dernndBeguhtioq of27 mgor Every 55m !mh' w no- 61 my, mehnleistohenb' (blinds-k. who» prices ong theSouthamphnmthism TnCantniFanisnAmnastyCommifleo askIrishmanlivingin the _Brihhlshn region. mod to duck-winter , after 1min: experienced many of had ‘ and Pd' union: incident to the life_of fiat g- Mm'atchnn, Horton, Adm Ban, So mull-K. Enginn.‘ Mo WWMTmme-a lathe Counzwof .‘ndjfsizlé‘fi trict .ipinincnre 090 ‘R‘ ". price of fiftxoem PF!” scam-k «11w seam, pcyn‘yleone-fllindnt‘hemof‘lé, and the PHI-paintwoequlmnllml- monthafirthedaffig'. nhndshilcol: tinnomly nbom occupant In uddentonuuehlmdfontleutflme Indshallenathenon a M ofthedimomof at but mm bytwentyfeegmdlhdldecmdmdor mfuwfimmmm'fl- inmchmyemn quantity Win the dammmwm one undmd m PMjot- who until above conditional: oonpliod with.

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