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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 20 Nov 1873, p. 3

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that many persons besides myself was ignorant of these two townships holding their exhibitions separately; 'in fact the County oficiais, through whose hands the Government Grants to Agricultural Ex- hibitions pass, were not cognizant of the dissolution, and in consequence sent the whole of the allowance to Mr. Boulton, Secretaryofthe MaraSociety. Iamata loss to see why 1 should be blamed in the slightest, acting as I did in perfect good faith and under the above impression. As a merchant of Orillia, and depending on the public for support, it would surely be -an ueeediugly foolish act on my pm to place myself in the position of having once ofi'ered a special prize and then deny hav- ing done so. So far I have always endea- voured to encourage by every legitimate means the advancement and prosperity of these Agricultural Exhibitions, and in this spirit I acted, when, at the Oriflin Exhibi- tion, I offered a prize of a dress worth five dollars, and so soon as the successful com- petitor, Mrs. Thos. Byrne, came to claim the same I presented her with one worth nine dollars; a fact that can be verified by the lady herself. This surely does not show a feeling on my part to repudiate such a small gift as tWo lbs. of Tea; but when, as I supposed, an imposition was being: practiced on me, no matter how small, no matter how little it might incon- venience me, I felt myself justnied in act- ing as I did. Mr. Kelly no doubt being too indignant to seek a personal explana- tion has endeavoured to vilify my charac- ter through the press, but had be confined himself to a simple statement of facts it Would have been more to his credit and would not have exposed him as a person entirely unfit for the position he occupies. Bis statement of “ helping to make me a whole man” is the quintessence of mean- ness, beneath. notice, and entirely becom- ing his low sordid nature; but as the pub- lic an have nothing in common with such a creature, I feel it better to leave his per- sonal accomplishments severely alone, and allow his acts to work out his own con- demnation. Yours very truly, _ â€" “Iran-‘7 W Of Tn Exrosrros: 3 WI) uy..«-â€"~â€" -- made;n.tleut,ii heisnpeuongifwdvith ' ' powers, 3 fact 'hich I very much doubt. I us therefore com. polled to newer his letter through the press; which letter. I have no doubt, m written for the purpose of hanging my chancter; containing, a: it did. adamant: entirely mulled for. I will simply m the hem, leaving it for an intelling pub- “, -â€"â€"bL:nn In no IIVIIID If DION! VIC! All) W. 8. “321x133. Tauxsnn Nov.20th,1873. FALL Winn. pot bmhol ......... $1 00 (9 $1 10 Sumo Want, “ 000 (g 1 00 Crow; 8 bd ‘ 500 (g 5 49 he had himself been stranded the spam prize ofi'ered by me, and I at once handed him the too 90323 of “$52“ he gen- erous! pawn mo wit prize a- toes. yl was surprised after this to reggive an order from Mr. KeDy to pity the bearer ditmothofhgandwuatsloutoac- count for the double demand. I, however, at once told the bearer of_the' orderthst I BIRTHS. A: Severn Bridge. on the 11th inn, the wife of Mr. Hurry Nichols, of 33011. MARI-(1.1635- At the Muse. ()rillis, by the Rev. J. Gray. on thy 11th Novomber.Abner Chalker of Orill‘n. to Sgt-sh Mocdonald of the same phat. A: the Hague, _O_nlh:. on the 17t§¥ozg~m- ‘v .‘u vaâ€" v..- fill-«4; paid {in prize 1 had offered, and that there (as a. miaqke ‘abogt it, as I \- _. v--- - had only ofl'ered one pri: e to the Mara. and Ramanhibition. This, I presumed, would be the last of the matter; and. until Mr. Kelly'fletter appeared in TH: Em)- 31103‘ I was entirely ignoxant of any blame attaching to me. 1 ugight say, Mr. Editor. Snpponing thst the Township of M811 and Ram were joined for the purpose or Ibold-r ing on annunL Agricultunl Exhibitmn, I reached to give a. M prize of two 11).. of'l'eofor the but bag of potatoa,“ signified my intention of to doing by in- forming Mr. Boulton, the Secretary of the Sodcty. Asher: time after this 1 m callod upon by Mr. Kelly, who asked me if I intended to give a prize to the Rams Exhibition, thinking it was one and tho “me with arm I replied, that I did and that. I had dandy let it. be known I would do so. I ghqllghg‘ nothing more of the n 1 A...‘ 4:) A5 in. ”W, VA“... vâ€" .-â€"v -.._ bet. b :11. Rev Iohn an Neil Leitch. if;- tm-in Irbour. Georgian y, w May Ann Shehen of the same place. . Bulej, A U meets every Tuaday evenimz. in she Temperance Hall. V inking mem- ber: will be heartily welcome- - D. W. NELSOE, R. S. Bung..." Strum”, . . ........ labourers Wanted ON THE MIDLAND RAILWAY I flan yum-.w. â€"_. O"' V,” J. ‘ ‘ploymnt. d1 winter, to 150 Steady Work- m £00:th ptymentl. The highest m any. Apply to JAS. KcBRIEN, gongrgctor, . A -u- HE Subscriber will give blag-neat, dl winter, to“ 15 ammo!» {99’ _‘°‘"€5.‘£ :otnhold our-elm! 1‘! 1'0- BEAVERTON STOVE DEPOT. JAMES (SAMEMN I Lu? Gussn, an: Whi- unins st exmmely low prices. E" M” '9” bought before the recent snot filo l_l_I price. Parties bpying_ wighgn the ‘11}ng roriozno FARMERS MARKET. R Gmmumtchm Hm now on band 3 very large stock of taking Stoves, 'l‘inware. ' “2111955. con: mi, Orillia. Markets. lRlLLIA mnsgox, $.91? '1}. ”Bo-zfiggauiéd rand “Id: T‘Albion Hotel.” Uri-1118. 31' EMPEY‘ Golden Lion. CHAMBER SETS, From $1.50 to $10. TEA SETS -! CUT GOBLETS, CUT CUSTARDS, 'PRIDE CAKE STANDS. CUT PICKLES, 7 LARGE GLASS DISHES, c., 8w. Having determined to secure for. our custom’en the best that can be had in the ‘market, to retail at 60 cents, we are happy to say that we have succeeded at last, and are now ofl'ering the best Tea, for cents, we ever had the pleasure introducing. Selling. Ofl‘ ! For Cash Only1 Elephant Hansel DRY GOODS. STERLING COST PRICE The whole of this Large and Varied Stock of Goods must be clear: ed 66 before the Isl AT THE “GOLDEN LION 1" chase in maniac-s Great Inducements and Bargains 'ven, as the whole Stock must be g1 cleared out. Parties making pur- chases will find thisa TERMS STRICTLY: CASH. All Notes and 306k Accounts must positiver be paid by the lat December, 187 3. The Store, Dwelling, and Property For Sale on Reasonable Terms. the subscriber intendin ctomakes China and Whlte Granite NOVEMBER. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS. GROCERIES. GLASQWARE. Just Opened Also a Large Assartment of GENIHIIE HEARING SALE! QUITE A VARIETY 01' The whole Stock of SIXTY AT AND UNDER fl SELLING OFF TEA Jet/magi, 1874 ~’ JOHN PERRY. AT THE D. L. SANSON. CROCKERY. 1nd HIS Mfllhu lad undergme mmugn rep‘ir sud recdv my N" honou- xnn mmem, and with the nemmdcom mm «mum McKinnelL_f'-1'mm. and 921?“ mm m ,_ -I.“ _-A___ WM. JOHNSTON, Proprietor. kind eonmntly on hand. in Cu! almylforthcoming to NY '03 snug-nu WBIAT. Over the Dominion Bank. E77332 Sdzflfifldr/ For Cleansing the Teeth, and also Preserving the Teeth and Gums .72 I. ZEJVSOJV, Z.@..S'., This preparation hu now been before the public for a long time, and giVen grnt utisiactiun. Testimonial: given if required ORILLIA Sausage Factory md 13 prepared to fill orders, wholesale or re- tail. on short notice a All him of FRESH MEATS mp- plied to Custmners, promptly. Orfllia. August 27th. 1873. 199. w As he has now the most extensive facili- ties for manufacturingw north of To- ronto, country dealers will do well to leave their orders with him. a;:;fi_;o-g;lTand letve dich- oomxnilnom wit WA, ____' AlA F-1,~ ,p A. Luge Stock‘of CORN, BRAN, SHORTS, PEAS, c., c., e., Which I will all at price: unprecedent- edly low. Family Flour .......... “ hundred U ‘6 (K It Chopped Com. .. . .. . . Fine Shorts.... .. . Chopped Peas. Bran" Ddircrcdm in any part of the Village. ALSO PRIME PORK ON “AND! POTATOES, c., c. TERDIéâ€"b ASH! GEORGE VICK. HHH -Il9 ‘8 09'80 4‘ It To be had only 31: the Dental Room of (Opposite the Residence of J ames Sanson. Esq., Front Street, Orinia.) HE Subscriber has 0 tied a Bazaar for the minus and e of Homes, md will ‘1qu ve a large number to am of. Parties wishias to. 3°11 912359399“ win COMBINED SCHOOL-DESK SEAT, Manufactured by kin. Hehuducommdgcodthomhmg' of Cola. to which he would Invite the attention of “not I’m , R. TINDLE. Approved by Inspectors md Trustees whey- ever introduced. Material and workmanship fiat-clan. All Good. wu-nntcd. 195 tut-e ogazfiztits‘axggebfln. for :5 Act mm°y“d’”g§..§°-A°°f£$°’fiium°n “:2? Cf: , m e y- yea-o er jesty’s Reign. M14 the ”Veal Acts unending .7 ~. ‘ in the thirty-second, thirty- . WV“: zfth “d M‘fifth you! of Her' sjesty‘s Reign, by changing the me of the Conway, 3nd revivmg sections numbered two said four {O‘chmct Mitch ill-:1 thug; secon year 0 er jesty’s ign tend sixfx. duo sections numbered one two, p .e A ,A_____) :â€" bk- ‘ I-L‘ tend sixty. 1130 sections numuuxw uuu IWU‘ throeandfourofthe Actpuaed in the “realm“ Hi? mimic of “d ‘ 41:. mag m ex- to extgnd thgér litany to Lake 8%? 1,,913 _ L... .L ;. ‘I'Tâ€"A REMEMBER YOUR TEETH X W clwuu v-nw- Aâ€"vvâ€" V V , . nau- Benetton, mdtobnild thrush ton~ bridge. and a branch from Port Pay to Lind. any. ad thence to Penelon Fdls, with an ex- tension of tine for the commencement tad com. pletion tbgrqof, wath pgvreg‘ t3 take addifional " , ,_.11'Y_|._-_1_ xenon wc-wn, w-u- rnwâ€" -- ~_, , ,,,,, dsat Lindsay, Fendon Falls and Uxbridge. 1130 that said Company any be empowmd go extend that many from xts present terminu- bv way of Beavegton 3nd annhum to the Georgian Bay,.w1th mums powers over the of any rulmys on the line of the poscdextensiomalaowith war to said our puny to build two or more ranches from some pain or points on the Com 3": Rnflny, ‘thin the Curpo ‘on of the ovnofWhithy atorneuitgm vteminngtonouothcr Eliknts i4 and Gagaonmon near the “tan of e Ontario, u: out to High Water. with powertotake additiondhnda tc that-Moi twentyacnes, no: muchmdnoby z'wingthe Railway powerto lense an arm: puts of an railways connected with Con- sBui'ny.md for tom aha-o- ;n unto fix by bygay L numbeg. summa- -- -s‘L_ mus Mfllhu 1am)? undergye tyomugh GOOD HORSES ! Township of Orillia. ENAMELINE, .â€"â€"-â€" 'WING to the in'creue of Mux‘licipal buinou,I byesmngodtobe inatuno OLD STAND ! 'As‘ much pleasure in announcing that he has RESUMED BUSINESS, in his fist Arrived ! ‘HE Port Whitbygnd P_or_t P: Rugby Mills. SJMI clean and respectable Vehicles. 5) [E Pox-t Whitby and Port Partly Rul- ‘3?! Copying will :gylyyo the .oghh ._ _-_.. A...- l’n- .n A» BENSON'S AROMATIC '. MAUNDRELL TIN DLE’D‘ mmanwnm. HORSE BAZAAR. BEAVERTON, ONT. WILUAI BROWN: Clerk and Treasurer. and Provindd Lmd Surveyor- OFFICE I 35 49 P9.r W1: gwfmsning'a bushel . hundred J ust erected on his old stand, oppouite Ht. Hmd'sI pared to oflu- . SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS DRY GOODS. by 811-- ‘ In consequence of the Smmcmzcv 1x 1 mined to RUSH THE nova S'rocx on at Will remove next Dyspepsianenedy In the only article which Gives Relief and Entirely Cures ! my who are sfiictod by LOSS OF APPETITE. INDIGESTION, FLATULENCY, c. 1'- W,“ is Purely Vegetable ! 1R 1‘17 :9; my 25 cent: 20: Bottle! Encourage Home fmde.’ CABINET-MAKER; UPHOLSTERER, and UN DERTAKER, Has pleasure in informing the inhabitants OF BEAVERTON. md surrounding country, that he 11 “snub 31731:: ms, since the late fire, In Wilson’s 0m 02 Where he has op.ned out n large of all kinds, consisting of Bureau, Tables, Chairs, Bedstea Washstanda, Clocks, c., which he All who no married, and those who intend to be married, sre invited to imgect inf flock. HARVEST TO0LS. FOR OUR rm; From the Very Best Material, By the manufacturers, we an give you t BETTER ARTICLE._ 1% I. LOWER PRICE. than my other house. A Manufactured ExpreSSIY For HARVEST T053. Selling Retail at Wholesale Prim EVER HELD IN Largest Stock a” In addition to the Bankrupt Stock purchnsed from the creditor: ' of the estate of G. M. Wilson, I have received. and will open out, a magnificent stock of Household Furniture "m" IRVN HUYCK. Benetton, Oct. 27th, 1873. 208. W. W. G. BINGHAM A CALL Soucmm, 'IRVIN HUYCK. SNAITHS. FORKS. Wilson’s 01d Stand .’ NOW IS YOUR TIME! 3 I'. a". 0. film 2 232233? a?! :nhliom: m .8 Hm lib-ID! W' In tho put THE CALIFORNIA STORE! ' SELL CHEAP As these GOODS wen FARMERS. SCYTHE STONES. READX-MADE CLOTHING BOOTS SHOES BY m HOUSI â€"-x+x-- 'ro ECONOMICAL CASH BUYERS. SECTION. ~0A8Il AID ONE PRICE. cAsn ! 0110mm; 1x ‘5'. Mom mem‘, I am deter- ? at keen that will be appreciated HARD TIMES ANN OUN CEMENT. Is alway amongst the first to meet the requirements of the public. , In View of the unparallelled enmity of money, I an: desirous d talking every man's dollar go as far as possible, end to that and have marked down my entire stock to famine prices. J net call and to 3.1136 the truth of this announcement. ‘0 rillia Exchangc’ THE GRMJERY TRADE And BARGAINS (positive sacrifice) n. being obtained emery day by those whose good judgment directs them to do their trading at do “Exclinnge.” 0W the Pacific Sandal investigstinn ends, provided :here be a. full enâ€" quiry. and the papal“ vex-die: be in u- corduace with law and equity. But aGlxnnflx, Call and Judge for your- ' R. PARK HILL. Tint the pepo he who like to wear vunt, xzu CLOTHING should know where to get thedeeiredg oodclothes. Apprecizting the importaneeg of giving the people reli- able information on this point I herewith snnounoe my abilitv md willingneu to meet theit went. in this nutter. Whilo my refutation for making Goon Fm u no we known thnt I uood no! ox- mesnm Goons, is lugs tad vuic‘d. §nd well worthy inâ€" It Doesn’t Matter! It Does - Matter {mine on um point. FIRST - CLASS WORK For Far- Prune Selling for Cash! And In: no doubt but his old triads Vin 31)me the change, a tho, cg sum ind! "“1 69M vi“ 4!.- in: insinw' gag it i._impoaip1e'q§_ d9 :5: 91d_ quiit' mont- ofl’md By they 91%: far’cuh. mumnyincothstlan gins-godm- faaiqninthowhulhopo Ihauintho quigwdtmmby sodomfio Inuit. ”aim of {hp Rnblio m no ll not, wounding topnviou “noun.- Important. "WINES mp LIQUORS. WORLD ARE UNSURPASSED; My Stock of GENTS' A SPECIALTY. "s, where he will be Pm” OR EXCHANGE My Facilities for TURNING OUT My Stock of Cloths UNUSUALLY LARGE F . J. GRIBBIN. i’aceSEMain, A. FULL STOCK All Kinds of Gdods GROCERIE , Q Parties in want of bun-311m be accommodated by us, as we BUY FOR CASH SELL FORCASH! ‘8’ Call and sec for yourselves that. we sell our Goods cheap. CROCKERY. GLASSWLRE, 5‘- 0rillia Fruit [Depot A GOOD CUP TEA or COFFEE. DINNER for 150., Boom Paper, Window Blinds. Framed Pictures, 7 Writing Desks, Ladieu' Work Boxes, Family Sawing Machines, Machine F amily Sewin Mmh'xu‘ Needles, Mel com. ‘1'. a: :55?“th ’on I Heusehold Furniture ! sad that eflect a lug. saving. FROM 11 A. X, TILL 3 .P. M. REMEMBER THE PLACI. IIITIIOBI’S smog. Dawn :2: ALL gum: or DRY GOODS nu us on PACE MAIN. AT THE ~ :hool Books, 01' also 1300111, 'bn Pete: Strut. Toys, Wary ! AT J. B. THOMPSON’S. His skill at n first-clan workman require: no pudnp All good: at work warranted. Teas, CRQCKERY, WINES AND. LIQUORS! Val-It. odI’éJSESTiifi rm: com mmfible my AN EXCELLENT J. FARQUHARSON a: Funerals furnished with every requisite co the no.“ (BALL AND SEE THEN“ % 20 COOKING STOVES soldthi; week at the “ Anvil House." 300 MORE 111 stock. Also, a beautiful assortment of HALL and PARLOR STOVE. and COAL STOYES. Aqother Cal-load COAL OIL just \ to hand. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, an»: to own, 01‘ ‘1'" “an“ THAT CAN'T BE BEAT. g 2, gyansP-fi’. - --...-- - T. B.MITCHELLCQ,, West and W Sta. ORILLIA. All”.

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