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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 4 Dec 1873, p. 1

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( DENTISTRY. A SAVINGS BANK DEPABTHEIT Teeth positively slightest pain. by ‘3 J CULCLOL'GH MACMULLEN, . Notary Public, Accountant, Con- veyancer, Land, Insurance and General Agent. Urfllia, Ont. Oflice, in Booth's Brick Block. Wild and Improved Lands in the surrounding counties; also a num- ber of beautifully situated village lots and houses, in Urilliu, for sale. Special atten- tion paid tb the conecuon of Promissory Notes, Accounts! and Rants, and prompt . ..,.-._mm 3'! .vvvw, .â€"-_ V V,, remittances made. Business agencies m the pnncipal c ties in England, Ireland, Wales, Scot at: and Gcrmauy. tie-fer- enceszâ€"Hun u. L. McPhexs-Jnfl-Ion. Jno. Simpson, President ui Uutano Bank, B;wma.nville; Hon. Frank Smith;Senat.urs. The Hon. M. C. Cameron, J- 1). Edgar, Esq, M. R, Angus Mun-awn, M. R, F. ‘V. Cumberland, M. Y. , Managing Director N. R. R, Toroum; A. Hugel, £81., Presi dent Midland leay, Port. dupe. ‘1‘. D. McCoxxkey, M. K, Col. A. T. H. William; M f. h, A. P. Cockburn, M. P., A. Oliver, Esq., )I.P.P., lngersoll; 0. Fraser, M.P.P., W. Finzxmxnous, M..P.P., Brock- --nv\ M.P.P., W. Finzmunons, M.l’:r., WE- ville; W. D. Ardagh, M. P. P., Barrie; W. Beauty, Esq, Parry Sound; J. H. Perry, Est}, Whitby ; Dr. Cal-beet, M. Minx“, Esq, and Jas. Quinn, Esq., Reeve, Urillia; and che Editxrs of the “"hntby Chmuicle, Karrie Wmer, B. A. Presbyterian, Toronto, and Brawbndge Kurt/{em Advocate. N. B.â€"â€"Divisiun Court business in the Counties of Simcoe, Ontario and the Dis- trict of Mnskuka. attended. to. Uriah, Not, 1873. 208â€"tf. F W. ARMSTRONG, (Successor to A. Fowlie. P. L. 5.) Provincial Land Surveyor, szghzamsn. Civil Engineer and Architect. Valnuor. Lmd nd General Agent. Maps compiled. Disput- ed Lines carefully adjusted. ' | n - I , u MIN- "nun,” , AA LI... EGS to inform the inhabitants of Oril- lia. 1nd vicinity, that he has settled in Or- nu, forthe pmtice of his profession, and that he will be happy at all tinnes to attend to say can for which his services may be required. Grills}. Aug. 10th. 187),. . An excellent preparation for cleaning the tooth and also preservixfi the Teeth and Gums s hcdthv stateâ€"for s . SAMUEL S. ROBINSONSOMCITOR, and Scary Pnblicforthe Dominion Bmk, 0mm. Conveyancer, c. MOM/y Lent.â€" Comnissioncr for taking Afidsvitl. Orfiézâ€"Néxtumi to the “Whom," o merly occupied by‘A. Fowlie. All Orders by mail will receive $rompt atten- tion.â€"-Address. Box 57. Oman. . O. 125. fimbus OXIDE OFFICEâ€" “'4‘”, 10 Add. till Lpgn.‘ MONEY TO LEND. OFFICEâ€"Kean doorto the "mum,” or at his residence. sitar oflice hours. DB. Rnnuv has resumed the Practice of his Prozcwon, and MR be it uud win-J) not pmfessinnall) engaged, at Residence, Colwpater Swat. Grillin, Unt. 200. lv‘lvgnrvayor, ind Mr. 'ArtburG. Robin”, (otmerly Government Civil Engineer ad Archit'act. havgopeped an oficeffiOu'ma; ~ GOOD ENDORSED NOTES 03 M08?- GAGE SECURITY. has boenopened,for the accommodation of mechanics and parties wishing to deposit nmallmounu. DepusitstakeninthisDe- partmnt of one dollar and upwards, up“ which interest will be allowed, pliable half yearly. Oflioe hours, 10 am. till 3 pm. Sat- OHN MCCOSH, Attorney‘s-Law. Solicitor in chm Calumet“ VotuyPnblic, ac. - ' v - c. H. BOSATAKO, L. D. 3., «Visits arms. gogubtly on the 16th. 17th and 18th R RAMSAY, M. D., L: M., 2mm., 0 Lateky Professor of Cliniml Medi- cine in the University of Philadelphiaâ€" Gnduate (with beam-5,) 0f the University of Queen's College. Licentiate of Mid- wifery, of the University of Edinburgh, Scsm‘xnd Honomry Graduate of the Uni- versity of Philadelphia, the American Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 6m. Coroner (5f the L‘dtmties (9' Sim, York and Feel. ‘W. H‘ 7‘ F». . _v~_ ”N ”All oxdersto be 19!: at 5.8.1101)“ :Lur 05:9 154. Extracting Gold Finings. OLD and Mexican Currency, draft: on New York, 81115 of Exchange, and United States currency, bought and sold, Drafts issued on all points in Game]; ' Interest will be uncured, at the rate of four per cent. per annnxn, on Special De- posits renaming three months.’ Special mangements can be made for money: re- maining over that time. ‘ Corner of Mississaga and Peter Street. 1'1 . Accountant. 'Arbitmor, V‘ ” Lad, Insurance and General AM " Onxctâ€"Muonic Bnfldingt. X.B.â€"Renu and all; collected. Oran). June 5th, 1872. 11 .2 each 1:101:03. RANK EVAN S, Em AT- TORXEY-AT-LAW. Solicigorm Chan. ury, Conveyance. Notary Pubhc. Commis- iouer for akin; Afidafita, tc. EDGAR, FEKTON COKBOULD, Batista; m3 Attorneys-“Lug, Solid- qn in Chancery, Conveyance". 8c; O'HCIâ€"In Masonic Building- Mildlugts‘u @- Artificial Teeth inserted by the new Kent. 1 ‘c1j'ect satisfaction guaranteed. Orncx xx Km’s BLocx. “a luvâ€"w. “Ema Jets of Teeth at 816.00. 05cc. at Dr. Sanderson's. Elliâ€":3 gooéppening for . indent. . gnu-n Orrinâ€"Over new Dominion Bah 0,315., Money to Loan! Apply to Ofice, our Dominion Bank. Ozmia. 24:1: June. 73. DOMINION BANK. *2. WM. BROWN, Pgodchq Land PARTICULAR AnEXflUN PAID “1'0 I’VETERINA RY SURGEON, 1. ZEJ'ZS'OJV, L 9. 3., ORILI .I- . Eâ€"In Booth and Corbett’s Brick Block. ,,‘5:1Â¥m m. ti‘. ely extracted without the ,by the use of 7 -.-A. LAWRENCE, iffscwn'nydfi S. S. Rdmxsosz the “ OriIIis Home," Fowlie. rmwn, M. P» 1"- Mauaging Director Hugei, BBQ-7 Presi Port If)”. 1‘. D- A. T. B. Williams. :burn. lu- Pu A‘ ugersoll; C. F r8881" .3, M.P.P., Brock- M. P. R, 1533593 142. Q‘ superior wurlémanship @335: the“ amt possible prices for cash- J. SHANAHAN. FAST HORSES w 200 Cords Hemlock Bark wanted imme- diately, Eor which the highest pv'ice in cash Will J AS. SHANAHAN, - Pnomxmcm. Livery Stables ! luaway . . he paid. BILL STUFF "» LUMBER SHINGLES, LATE. c., (m ORILLIA TAN NERY ! WM. JACKSON, - PROPRIETOR. WILL BE Kept Running During the Winter; Boot Shoe Store! [EAT]! ER OF ALL KINDS. Onxcxâ€"Honaeof 3.11 Nations. m-Iy. Wlubm . -â€" ~ , ‘ of gigs . Attention pad 9:0 5811‘ "1;“! “mi‘m 3mg Mach inel and Needle. .1 all descriptionsep kep t_ count-nay In stock. 8’ Workshop, nagdoorwflodgetwfs 7c]... '. MW snd‘otber'l‘obweo be‘peefemudtepairedwith names: and . . .AA.‘.:__ _‘:1 an “Klâ€"L6 h-M‘i- n‘ fimflthâ€" She}: F. J. DELAN‘Y‘, FA NNING‘ MILLS, GRAVE STONES. BELL’S MELODEON S, Manufacturer of .the Celebrated DELANY TI-‘OLLLNG B4 lu§v pri'cefi. Orders by mil pn mptly attended to. GEORGE DR! Benetton. July, 1873. This Hotel is Inge. neatly furnished dgays gnpplifd with the choices: Wines. ~ â€"--â€"â€" l .- (‘nvnmm SEWING MACHINES, Thos. I â€"S;;nble. ind suite :1 Travellers and visitors. wzxka. whm] nd custom". Dovaun Bnowx, - Cash paid for Hides, Kip and 033516.”, and allow. nocsx mac: nmns, urn-mum an alumnus. Work done on tho :u removed into his new shop, on Mm Street. nearly opposite the “ Queen’s Hotel,” where he in now better able to ATTEND TO ALL ORDERS. with which he guy bet-Your- VSHIIE V-, I0. 213. SHOEM ~AKERS’ FINDINGS, 82c. , EWING MACHINES repaired in first- »cmutyh. MW gng‘othef'l‘obnqeg By Royal Authority! SHOPâ€"At J. ORON TU TEAMBOAT STAGE HOUSE, BRICK Ihe Subscriber is prepared to furnish any quantxty of White and. Red Brick at . TAIT’S O’BR ILN ‘MCRTEN WITH DISPATCH; DWARD BURKENSHAW. ensues MAKER. :19. AS REMO\ E1) to his New Shop on Mimosa“ Street, nextto tothe Mable mung]! .1135de its wherehexg belldi custom”. ' Anvor doneiaromp fly. Enquiire at my of the Hotels. CABIN ET ORGANS, AND PATENT CHUK’SS. 193. MATCHEDASH STREET. GRAVENHURST. e To tut-74th; 1873, ‘3 GOOD CONVEYANCES. AUCTIONEER. GUNSMITH- PETER S11, ORILLIA. WEST ST.. ORIL'LIA. sucksan 1 EODERA TE PRICES! ALWAYS 0N HAND. CUSTOLI BEAVERTON ORILLIA s. WAINWREHT. AGENT F03 TO IUYPLY Bmmond'l- 1304.3; most sdvantnaeo‘p um! ! Paorm-rox. for BAIT! COOKE’ S BySpepsiaRemedy w__,_ amnam Paula-- 'A $5 T0 $20 pet day. Agents wmted. All clause! of working people, of either mam; or old, mko more money “workfor u in tlgojr up!” manna, oral! the tin", fin- Al ,A-___.L_, ‘ CPR]? Subscriber offers an excellent chance to parties of limited means to pro- vide themselws with A BOIVIESTELA D ! ON EASIER TERMS I Appmnd by Inspector: and Trustee. fiber- ever introduced. Maul-id and workmanship. first-clan. All Good- wamnteJ. 7 ‘ 195. RUBT. ROSS. Agent, Orillia. FLATULENCY; c. fir Remember, it is Purely‘regetabu! 1m mm calyzsconumm: gâ€"J BE Subzcriber now ofi'ers for sale some of the most eligible building lots in Orillia, situated on tl.c math aide uf Mississm street. close to the Market Block- These lots are all " high al-d d1) ."':u:u beautiiul in situ- ation, and will be sold cheap, 0." EASY 7' £12318 ,' THE BEST CHOICE 1 Conveniently 51mm Building Lots! in the Village of Orillia, desirable. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS: FOR SALE. THE FIRST TO APPLY Ln? Gn.\sszs',‘ c;', ' “'hich he is selling at extremely Inw prices. His stoves were bought befm-e the recent great rise in price. Parties buying within the next month may rel on gettingabsrgsin.” he is determinedto sell .them,a.t. the old pnce. comma senooL-nssx SEAT, Manufactured by 8 MI T H (30., BEAVERTON, ONT. ' I: thank “tide which Give: Relief and Entirely Cures! my who u. sfiictod by LOSS OF APPETITE, INDIGESTION, ignofthe Tomb: 1111 BEA VERTON _ STOVE DEPOT. JAMES CAMERON BEING the South Q, Lot No. 11, in the 10th Concesaiun .uf Mus, containing 100 Acres ofWGoodrIpndip a fhigkly sealed ORTH West half of east haliof Int No. 22, in the 12th con..Towmhipof0!% fifty acres. more or less. there an! abet; 1 acres chapped and partly cloned. We of lo: timbered with hudwood. - Soil. clay loam. Rsilwsy crosses comer of 101:. About of a mile from Hawkseom» station. For unhel- particulars apply to JAS. REIDE, Ormia. mm. 1m}. mm, 1873. 210-1111. 211-3m. BETTER THAN PAYING KEN HARDWOOD TIMBER ! Cooking Stoves, Tigmare! HARDWARE, mam For Sale. LOT 20, IN THE 2m CON, Cofliaz'vginy 2.9 21cm: ./ BROKEN. FRONT. t-r van mu: 5 En". (nu. For puticulars apply}: Orillia, 10th Nov“ 1873. Nov. FARM FOR SALE. Hu n.0w on hand a vex-j largéuock of Hare a Home of Your Own! anypther property in the place cu: be FOR SALE. ON EASY TERMS- recently put in the market a large numbe: of , o: to c. ROBINSQS', B‘eivérton. The Lot: are dw and every way Amdvto A. TAIT. . TAIT’S Nov. mh, 18783 T‘VO LWELLISGS for sale. HOUSES 1 Tuf'flfibufip " ”n SOUTH ORILIJA, “'ILL HAVE CHANCE. GO TO A‘ LOT ! 3bfix LEIGH. Con. 13, Lot 16. 01'0- East OH). R 0- AND f“ 2‘10-lm' ORILLIA, ON T., CANADA, 209-111;. 6f stack mien. THE Subscnber has opened a. Bazaar for $hc put-chm and sale of Horses, and will always have a. large number to dispose of. Parties wishing to sell 91' pumhase Horses will do well {,0 gall and leave their cnznmismqns with “j ALA ._.‘____ -t “I! ‘61- u" van. â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€" , , him. He has .130 commences! the training of Colts.» which he would inwte the attention WM. JOHNSTON, Proprietor. (Opposite the Residence of J tunes Samson. Esqu, Front Street, Orilfia.) lthesn’t’Mafler I Whilo my refmtation for mnking Goon Fm is so we] known that. I need not nx'v pstinte on tlm point. repairmd mama my NW honou- mn m mounds", and with the ram t- nm‘m ammon- me: of the nail ex, 1. JflcKinnoll, {annex-I and other: requiring” made/pun! ”receiving thcmonnhortnotice. Fun-c' , h- Flour ad Chas Food.- 0‘ ovary kind constantly on had. an m mount 0! Cum Ilwsynfgnhcomins-to my [0! Goon Lg”! And BARGAINS (positive sacrifice) m being obtained every day by thpu who» good judgment directs them to do their Riding st Ihc “ Exchange.” OW the Pacific Scandal investigatinn ends, provided :here be a full en- quiry. and the popular verdict he‘ in u- cordapce with raw and «pity. But 4 That the people who 111:9 to wear wnn, NEAT CLOTHING sht-uld know where to get the desired good clothes. Appreciating the importance of giving the people reli- able 7 ionization on this point, I harewith announce my abilétu sud willingmu to meet their wants in this nutter. . Family Flour ............ $5 40 per ham]. . Corn ....................... - 60 " bushel. ghopggd Corn........ 1 40 “ hundred .M-IA .ifl inge sud ntied.:nd well worthfin- Finé Shorts... . . .. Choppchm...... 1 25 “ Bran ...................... 70 " “ Delivered in any part of the Village. “[30 PRIME PORK 0“ mo! that ind .hav; mnrked d'uwn my entire stock to famine prices. J “at call and to dine the truth of thiy announcement. THE GR‘DCERY TRADE Is alway amongst the first to meet. me requirements of tho public. Funmsmm Gaons, HARD TIMES In win: of the twpamllelled cavity of money, I am decimal .cf making ovary man's dul}u.r go u f_ar its puniblo, :nd _tu __A__- It Does Matter ~fl- Gun-um, Call and-Judge!" WP ulna. - R. PARKHILL; INGLE COPIES of Ta: Exrosn'o: IS‘ountuuhiuJ. IMCooh. Btu «“0069 ofvlbliaficn. Which I will tell :1: prides unprecedent- odly low. ‘0rillia Exchange’ GOOD HORSES! ms Minhuzmx; nndergczne gyms}: I mportant. Just ArriVed ! AN N OUN CEMENT. C'ieax; and respectable. Vehicles. .9 FM HORSE BAZAAR. Rugby Mills. TERMS CASH! GEORGE VICK. TINDLE’D‘ ; urge Stock of. ' ‘, ‘BRAN, SHORTS, _PEAS, My Facilities for " TURNING OUT 5T CLASS WORK ARE msva'mssnn- My Stock of GENTS' Wain. A SPECIALTY. Porn-on, c.. «52c. ., - UN U8 U4 LLY LARGE My Stock of Cloths THE F. J. GRIBBIF. mn‘ R. TINDLE H 1 cunnv. , ‘tlathnhsdnovtosethhelfssrionsly 30 neck seeking we employmgâ€"not'f ‘:ple‘sssntstssk ithsdseeudwhnj has am Belted, henna-,1 Zdoehssstoitsprseti " .pdundsr; ‘ '5 tith‘tshisssdntéebidc ' would not last few mtgs'v‘e life-h in?“ pulse to his determinstixm; Re looked? owe:- the newspapers snd dented the db ‘ vertisements Which he thought applied to s cue like his on. Some he snswered by letters; «thus required s reply'in person; Dressing evmy morning with the utmost care in his new suit, and taking his mom- -orsndum of the address. Luther would sully forth with the fitment resolve to havens interview with the preferred sd- ‘ ‘ vertiser. and claw s bugsin with him at mace. But somehowfas hewslked. his iresulmiuns began tn give wuyâ€"s thous- ; and doubts snd objeenons smse in his 1 mind. There wss something in the adver- ; tisemaxt that he did not like, «r it was i questimsble, un second thuughts, whether he could perferm the duties required of him, or there was something in the nature. nf the business that he had neglected to musid'er. The result no that his excur- } sion paler-ally ended in nu cxsuiustiun uf I the outside of the office or wsrehouee. and I u “True but that wns two days time; we had fifty up licntium the first dey." y Fifiy npp 'cnionn ! Antonia-lament held \ him dumb and mJtionleu for a moment, 1 mad then a sense of shame sent the colour ‘ tn his cheeks. He felt uhnmed of his own ‘ diial’u'iness, and whatnot, more than all, of haring applied for n plnce shady filled. He Mt as guilty as if he had been caught. trying tn carry of some of the poles or hands lying around, and heady puking fur the door, he rushed in the street. The ill slut-ecu of his first. effort deterred him fxum making nno'her for neural days. Visinus of a. aenxu-iug life who We: him. .He thought. of the mean, as thuunanda of Imaginative minds hm‘e thought, and via], think of it “pun finding for he first tum: that their-lolty fabrics of fame} lave nu sohd faundauo'n “you the land. “With this idea, he visited all the shipping in port- whoa wind the whale... and. spam mm m‘ the various ship yards. Thin was waste of rune, but. it was eel-thinly better than luitering in drinkingmalo-uns. nr hanging around ten-pinulleys u): biliinrd- moms. He nlsu made a. regular morning visit. to Washington Square, end an even: mg seldom [weed wuhout repeating it. Again, after as few day: of murtitication and deependeucy, did Luther summon up aresolubiun tn answer nnuther advertise- ment, but there Wu something in his ap- pearance that, in the museum: 9: any letters of recum mendutmu, induced a prompt re- final. He wan nmv gating spmewluu ac- customed w Bligh rebuffs, and his spirit A:_ A. AA 01 recon: menuumu, mun..- - In-.." __ fml. He wan nuw gemug spmewhu ac- cusiumcd to such rcbutfa, and his tpirit begun to rise. The cmuuatwc instinct, to esential tn success of any kind began tn at :- within him. He dewrmmed m obtain a immion unmehnw by dwel- quce and pluck. lu this am at mind no felt wongly aupporunl by a nutc from Captain Combinas. w whom he had written an a- count ofhil fuiluro in hit first. attempt. his prospects, which she had gresteon‘fi- deuce haddready become redid“ Luther could not answer this lonerâ€"he could not tellht-rof the miserable failure that had extended #1 his efi'orsés‘. In fut, he could [1me bet? to read it the second time, i: sounded so much like mockery of hiscrude phms and foolish hopes. ‘ - His money was an gone, and there was s week's board due; No criminnl can. demued w the gallows ever endured 3 week of greater-mental torture. He emrld not eat. not alone because he Ind no .ppetiee, but because he felt that. eVery mouthful was a theftâ€"s {mid upon his ounfiding landlady. . He euuld not sleep, or if he did, it was wdreun of s-tu’rible hob-gob- liu clothed ina drea of dirty bank-nose. with s tsil fuhizéned i930 ”311:1: oakite out ofslongstxiug'o unpai J 'V m shaking gm apps}: purse 9"!» Solved um. sis-P? lwu5 v. “‘“V'v _ He called at the pmémfiee and found , languid ad'ectiomte ktter from his mother, She had heard of the accidental: the river. and of the lucky es_ap_¢_of the crew of the nu vu-yvl boating bfdl‘lt. He began tn N1 of m flesh, the bloom of high health we: begin nine to fade from_ his cheek. . sloop. His own heuw was wane, gnu J uhn’svwmper and manner more surly and disagreeable that}: ever. but she did not ”for anything, she said. no long In her duling Luther was doing well. Cgptain Combings bed, wounding w his Emmi“, IJ-_ _ ,- ..-_A. L- ',--“-n- uu-‘ " -wâ€"v -_-. The Rev. Dc. Droney eyed him nus-pie dandy. md tindly took it upon himulf to advise him nol. to be led in!» tempt-tum. butw keep _t_tge qmplg of (ha y: W 7|, 1' ,_‘l,:,, vu- -v â€"--r worthy man, Washington, ever before-him: “ Loék at. Pro‘rerbg chep. 1., verse 10. young man, and let the text sink inn-your been.” . . Mn. Lasher advised him to try homebo- ,_especinlly when she found, upon unquiry, the: he had. not dept much fur "m qr three mighty " Cefl'em‘is (bathing â€"â€"one drup in t. mmblerrof Wager, and “lie 3 Wptmuful every half hour. It rug-h like a charm. Why, 1 was very wakeful the'utber night. an! I hid tn take nearly 3 whale tumbler fnll, but toy-rd: morning it put me imo such a, sound sleep I didn‘t heu- tho breakfast hell." .0... EEK-21°; V'l‘SVYtV Hit agcuunt had 'eucourr aged her hope; of her‘dear boy’s ultlmqw. success. and uhe_ 5:9an him upon pvâ€" vâ€"v _, " Ah. but! inure the remedy," interpos- ed Mr. Stichen “Somenu 511thch I uid Mn. Inger. ' WM" - .Vvvoâ€" -v _... great Minhment. a well as disappoint- ment. he nave: o-mld find an mater tn my 0? his written cammuuicatinm. A would band bill gave a new fillip to his rosolution,.md handle up his mind to not-Inger deluy :pplying for, and accur- ing. sum: situation. His first tpplication threw; flood of light upon matters, 'in n:- htion to which he had hitherm been en- tirely m the dark. ‘ “ We ate in no want , ;_,_-_‘ _...l -...l...- huw v-w-‘v .,_ -‘v ,f, a rezom‘to hm own flow}. whege, a) _hiu buy-l nu uuv ....._.. of any one,” was the prompt and rather miemawer to hm mqun y -I "A. 89M ‘vauwu- x... ..__ ”,1 “law an advertisemént in the Her- LDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1373.7 gig: Some NEVER AGAIN- :3 w. s. xu'o. 8-. D. ‘H_e aid tn me: ‘Madune. 4" plan! an stratum,- tindia Minuuofde fins tingcof do and, bug I have mks undue-u- Wyn-adduc- Whit. N I A can: rmih of nature. 30W. that nee: he rejected die impulse to return to hi5 mother. Hc'knew thst he could easily beg a. W up the river on some elm» , or ilhe found ally diflicult in doing all, the: he could make the juumcy on foot in a couple of dlye. But he could not mean- cile hinnelf'to-chc idea uf returning in his brother’s rule, and still less of announcing in person tohil mother the failure of his plane. . 'Imtinctivvsly his step: turned tonrd‘s the sailor bonding-house in West Sweet. there, with Ctpuin Combiuge, he had st fin: lodged. The landlord received him very gncionslg, and kindly insisged that he should sggin take up his residence with him. Ilthuugh Luther frankly. owned that his pockets were em, and tint he knew not when they would be wplenished. Be gladly uccepted the landlord's Offer of o. bed. resolving tlut he would pick ,up his med! outiof the home, or no “drum on.- ing, monox- thm t'etich further upon the wag-thy mall's hoegiplity: -..- . cit 1â€" “ L with like haste to several “vs they run, Some to undo, sad dome to be undone. ' A» the cruwd rolled by, many directed their eye: toward. himâ€"mum with aulight exprcuion «If surprise or curiosity; but nuue stopped to ask him a. question or tn ,‘ofl'er my assistance. "All seemed mbe tun busy or too happy to heed him. Afceliug uf bitterness um: in his heart, but his better judgement checked it, though not without cfl'urt. How onuld they know his distress, find if they did, wens they not nther objects hetwr duel-ting their mm- pmiun! Besides, how did he know that quiet 3w “unjyrgaxu-riur there“ wen: ".05. ’hmuachmw deepex‘ grief: than his ,___‘.I‘ W Wm 'z’y of m "‘0'.” Warm gna‘i-i‘h ‘vhat y'ou “y of the «mentality ' “radium, uni the intern.” ofex- man. But win: in yum- dey in use: when thy carebellum evince: a decid- ed re ugnwoe to the pmunilic state I" u \nohinu mum nimble. madam: shirt- V ' Dull“- “ Yes, ms’sm, shirts. I hsvem dm shirts lying by any bedside. When I esn't 's'leep I hop outaf bed-ad change my shift; and I do tint eveiy hnlf hour, until I either {All ssleep or go Mb the whole dozen. " “ Very remarkable and original!" ' ell-Z claimed Dr. Droney. ~ . , " Neither one nor the other," ssid Mn Whopper; who had just entered the room “ Stichen hops out at bed and hops intn’n fresh shirt: now it is neither wimdedel not new thst hops should produce sleep. ” Despite these various prescriptions, Lu- ther grew horse: an explsnstiun could not be lung dehyed; it wns s relief when it came. The sctnsl isseldom so distressing ur so difiicult to beat: ss flincy represents it. His god-natured lsndlsdy tool: it much more quietly than he had expected. She had become used to such things. and this was only one week's bond, besides youth snd good looks counted for scene- think on the credit side in the btr-h 0f dressy, fussy. but tender-hearted Miss De Bclvoir Jones. With a. promise to pay her ss soon ss he could get the money, he took his carpet- hsg in hand and wslked into the street. Penniless 1â€"frieudless1â€"uhumeless 2â€"he knew not which way to din-ct his steps. Instinctively he turnedup into Brosdmy. and stood for s while‘gszing on thestresm of life as it rolled by. And whst more striking ob'eot of contemplstion thou the active. bus ing, hustling crowd ofpeople througing the great thoroughfare of a great “aafwbeiugsbuwgowaeepim and.- woruad Mu tuber. “19m.” .54 3"..SM-VITM" My â€"-all mun-ad dim-us aught to Momma; and all ex- tin! din-e. inmahyz ” "‘;§;t°hâ€"'1;g_{nm Iiuiple, madam; in!» dim.” fly .Ilu w». w " Hope. the frowning trait»:- of the mind Whiclrhiwhile it cozem with a oolour‘d friend ). ‘ Robe u!- of our best Virtueâ€"retolution," If, however; utterly dimtufied with home, where, m Petruchiu say: “ but smell experience grow." our country youth feel “the wind thatmtwu yuuug men through the wnrid,” um strongly bu he raided; better they set their-ails for {far western course, and seeks for newer fields. Pabuu is us old as “ Van-m." and uovepfilled with egrviqueuple. _ . He trace with a. light heat, but unluck~ fly, with (light stomach too. The sun was shining brightly, his level nye lifting the mist-veils from the surface of the river, 9nd packing them any with the other finery of nature in upper cin-xdland. The streets end bordering quay: begun to be alive with I bustling crowd of niion, mvedores. tigers pumrdnymeu. and cumin-hump ofiieerl, Everything looked lively, cheerful, and iungiriting. Luther dressed hinue f mm a 'oee of ship-biscuit for his t, and ‘ his 'penmhuhtiom in uncut the principal hudneu etreete. He celled at every. door an one side of the. street, but with no eneoeu. Somewhat {disharwned he took the other side. and went through it in like meet. The newer mu in- nriebly .e mung: neg-tire. Fain; and hungryheueppedinw too or three bat- "an.“ m to look e: the pp pea, tidied upped» her, and hun- oelf Madame-d each: about That. (io'thViI'IVen the attest of Cit! sud an." Corrupted md enfeebled y the bane: influences of city life, they unmade: en- ema“ 1%“ I? ____:_.. A“:“-- 1“ 0"- "find Luther though of his fair noquintmee 9f the stemuboat.â€"nu Infrequent thought with himâ€"and of the Iii-m of Ledgenl. Shipper: 8: Co. ‘“ Nu ! ' never !" be ex. claimed. “ I hsve said it, and I will stick to it !" Pride. (the; and foolish a it, mt dwayl is, gave wwpumy vigour to his resolution, ind he inaumly clused his best: tn the: suggatjuq. “31th equal firm- “v...- â€"â€"_.__ v __V, During the night. rpm-mint idea oc- curred tn him. He would canvas, penan- xlly. the whole business portion of the city. He would enquire and pm hi: inquiries with til-93°95 WRPWv.“ "Wm”. u-hop, lard o-fioé. Somethin; must come of it wounding wthe dectorine of chances. “Shirt-l" DIMâ€"I 7. Despue not pmpuayimâ€"L The: Ionian, 7. ., 20 0 any we not despise the ion! Thu' 3 spoken to us from the Lord 11y til-mew in whom Hi- I pix-it dwens, And thus Hi: won! to than: mad:- :M d! the bibulooo caste-mu. {t wunot I wicked thing to do, but. 3 in u m that, : week he would has mud n impatible. nch- xng mu beau n m denoulizing than shuudred plan- he work. called” y. bum: 33mm. Conufiut’thk-gsxml by J. Luv-on.) 1.4. “Mom Liam”: pitted: his childxeni no With “one, tendon 10.81% 3004’ 95m. - ’ g " 4“ Cu: ever doubt he Hen en‘y Tgthern' love ‘ Toward than uho feu' Him, and when hm do move, In love to Hun who shed for them H_n LU Buchanan 5;, " 4 0 fear the Lot-dry e hu mat; “for there 3 no want to them thnt fear Himâ€"Palm, m‘Y$.§-ci;7z a-“ ‘ .. . The LOrd' reg-unis Hi. hithful “inn, Who font; to My Bin rill, ' And ever duth supply their wank. Long ”their duty they fulfil, The Land wank with Talon. eye Aurwho in truck on Him nay.- Dmnn. 6. ' . The young 1‘ “It. dw-lsck-and‘tnfi’er hun- ger: buttbey :hstuokthehtduhdlnot aunt my good thing â€"Pulmo mm, 10. How my creatures unfla- need, . Desiring to be fed; ‘But ngno H10_r¢fl1g seek the_l.brd 1: Exam flu 'fimm'iu days, 1 «name we; Maymwu put any, , 1A-- If .inful night sppenr to be Maylfrom itabstain; ». My heart from evil thus keep free, -‘ A conscience den: retain. Dacmqan 10. “'hen I was 3 child, I wake as child, I understand as a'chfld. I thougln.u n child: but. when I_ became 8. man, I put away childish thingâ€"1. Con, m, 11. So mnv we ever grow in graqe den, Wuuld they think it iumncunn xor ewerybody to be tremendously in earnest, in trying to stop its fat»! revues, and save :hemeelteemd their fellow: from its de- stmyiug effects? Crmu‘my not. If some “wage mind or mad dog were to go prowl- ing mm, biting or daunting 311 that came in their any, who u‘mJun't wish “id: as“ their beer: w 900 a!“ infuriated brute captured 9nd put out. of eyilteuce’? . But. can these easy going people ahuw us any- thing :3 terrible and destructi w: as are in- toxicating liquors, bringing misery, blood- shed and end!ess ‘ruin and Woe to baa; body end soul whenever in had died: are dloued mdeveiope themseivee? Now who no the no» consistent I Evidently. the friendeof temperance. “'ixichof us ever Buttered in the least fmm Mdmp‘hobis? Yet who is then: of us but Toeld do all in our power to stop in revues, were en enmged uninul, waiting-under its influ- ence. to be . wling about in on: midst, end spmadmg the mania wherever it chanced wfind a. victim I See the incon- siswncy ! None of us, probably, be: ever eufi'ered from it, yet, we would not be wanting in cement efi‘urt W stop it. But who can say ttfit he or aha he never tuf- fered from um: .i' I have never Vet seen thnt person. Though you an 9" you never drank a drop in your live- -nor your‘ family either, pcrhspsâ€"etill, you have either in one wey or another been made to mfi'erunder its ruin rue influences. (None of us, however, hal' m trace our genealogy Very far heck to find 011': who hubeen pthx;.sli}' and dixeefly iujgu'ed by drinking liquor.) We all eufi'gr from it in Mom In”. Liquor costs time and money. 'Part of that money is out of our puckeu; It. produces crime. Thin cunt.- __ ,n L,._... A- LA!“ on non packet... It pruduoa cmne. 11m 003L- monvy too; and we dl have to thp to pgy it. Drunku'ds New out clothesâ€"lea of them; they eat and drink 1-130; a little. These things huve to be earned and paid fur, sud those Who don't support them- selvu, we have to support. Dmnkenuess is a glut lugs to the country. and 311 hue leufl'er by it Evidently, then, the leu drunkenness, '6 have, the bettcrfor us.â€" Rum has n: influenco. an ”vial influence, sad one anti: felt by leâ€"J. hm. 'l‘o tone, the subject of Tempcmee my appear to be worn amend-bare. but. w my mam" it is still full of inwmp. and de- mands the ntteutinn of every low:- of moral- 'md Immunity. Some My it is talked out. Sn it ought to be in the w =y they talk about it. 1 have no sympathy with those who see no need of making so much fuss shunt it, and who don't. see why I‘cmpemloe people get so much in amen about the mm». “by, if the chuwrs or dome other phgue shuflld alum- ouk‘ bor- , A¢-~--_. ‘l _ “ I su', Pompey,” said one (realm womanizer, “dinehile in: tried lob 'ob gift fare. and tings fur a prize, but nebbcr could dnw anything at :11. " “ Well, Jim, l'd vise you try 9 hand art; do datum are : nomad to on» da you could dnv A nuts. in consoling his anus-hm, who Ind lost. her husband, aid: “ I don’t wbndcr you {grieve for him, :1: child; you will never find hisoquu." “ don't know u I can," replied the’wbbing widow, “but I’ll do my best,” The father went home oomfurfod. the wind as dunp with coming vet when June! and blag-eyed W0 met»; He held 3 gingham o'er his head, And to the maiden than he said: “Oh, Invely girl. my heart's aim With luve‘l nmnendnblo debit-e; 5a,.douutooe. villth‘mbeuiner Andjuin nu inthep-ooeryline I" The fluid. in Icon-at meet. "plied: “Jim. £1014th may“: 3 hm nu mm was-â€" ”.mm‘l‘l’tmv" sum mt cheirdaily bread: For non ght daft ‘ygood sill he deny For them who do on Him My. Dunn“ 8. ‘ ’ Prove all things: 3.4.1 fut tint which n Submit all things to this sure test, God’ a word‘infdhblo; Duncan: 9. Abstain frond! We: of evilâ€"x. Hold fat the good shun til the not, And that "aid d1 ill -_â€"J. - ‘_, Auu gaining wisfiom every day, my m: our “q pnmup ,, \., :. Thea.,,‘v., 21. F0 hawk-Id). , For Tu: Enos!“ 3: 11:. Earnest. than: “minim. ,Rfor Vinnie; he rememb’aetfl m ‘l |_ ’0 on @2145” a: mm- m. Wu undated fmngefwmb to thumb. 0t comicupihphi at which» then." pienty. The WW by our uh phorfi’gmim {mu 3 fiux'cbswdh , 1.6 may fishes Behn'ed here. As ever M thoi' puma duct; . BI} they're” it'd ‘0'!!! ago: (it. And they He II dead I. nits." ...,4. The resolufiun w compel n rhyme in tho heinous waded. titan-tum!) uh: mtingentâ€" ‘ ; ' “This li‘tkhei’ofiulhobu . Wu my, mm. This, " on An infant 031:1“. will old," in | nu" "u .- ....._- v." ‘prm. w »r . .. gin”; “mpg-hint... for. uy‘mv 0f ' on igni- 3nd young chil- dm $11-10me and than. tinny exa‘mplea, of; hoof thifisu'ib mu acceding} boa-rufiiul. This, from Kensol Green, quu'nitely “pun-6 3 mi, poetic thought: -â€"‘- “n. onlwflifo; maxim-yam Foind thaw bitter and mm tut; Ava-Ia an: tux-aim in tho fine of day, He now;- sighed ha M an! ups." Mombrud rather quilt. but still LAI. (mnâ€" “ Hem mug in gave mylvife d¢ th lie, - Now she'lot nut, and so uni." 0103er niéézbling dab above it one which Raid :0 be of Fund: arising-.- , “ Hem lies my wife, A fact thlt must tell Fa! be: repaa And for mine as well." The next m from 9:: Ami-I gnu- mi 931%: 31.3w m 1" funk- Whoaiaimmma «ode ‘The Lord giveth, and abo' Load «a way: Blessed be the mine of duped." Of a. simiiar kind is the next I. dun qua“, which, Mr. Faitley up, is copied from a country churchyxrdzâ€" ' "Hero lies the baby-9f Jana Hakim H To “Imagery of John m Au incompanble boy, , It 3:513;- :hn-x i}; bégun for." . A great many epihphl hut-eon wan vehicles in: “tin by surviving Inn-hud- un their defaced wives, and «'0: m.â€" Of ooune, mrtheAx-nt- mjoytxof «as. ,-_4I_ d- 1y human-y; but'whenn epinph in not "f thin kifid, it I MYW vehpment m the opposite; human. Hr. Fairley supplies unmaousenfiplql. may of which lye 'hnggim. are glad.â€" Thil. our author’s”. comesfmqthn Greyfrinr: Chumhyud: be my be nah, thou vb we do not Member m In“; m it there.â€" m. _ __ many mph: of what may be‘ ellkd “ marital opitsplw" 0f the opp-site aun- plexil-n, seeing fin: they thouud‘iu ‘erery clumhyani and cemetery. But then is one which 3: rah Vf‘dngulvar. and which. IéBZpréfix'éche'ames: advocac- of heu'en's blessing on his head.” “ Hére lies wyfwifc Pdly,nfiin‘blc mu; If I said 1 was sorry, luboufifiopop.” LVI , , ..--- "1.5a Rani his wife. ‘Their wilfam in wooing ‘ It would bepbsugd fug- munch?! toxin A..-) ;'a'r':i':w1‘o. us it speaks rather. of a want. of inventwn. than of any great depth of feehug in the son ivor. hit an {WE'â€" “She assâ€"but words are wanting to an} Sxxo dinppuinunentw the winds; bk. life as it igfind wifi a strung will mail. it as near what it should be u poaibk. Tn thwloyiml Jon-pal commend! itself as a. magazine tn :3 who app-seine the good, true and‘impmvingin‘limn. , _ -AII-_L 1x the commiuitmcicvil fan: no man so much as thine own-01f. Wis but nne wanes-against theb; than at: thou-r sand Auothcr thou myut avoid. bot thyself thou cannot not. Wicked“ in it! own punishment. ‘ - ’V'uvhll-Icuncu _-v.___-V 3m . “in; The engnviugfiordiiu ninth in emidwi “01d Polka". ”WI .000 do‘lu per yearâ€"or with. chroma {mite (no dullnr and a N. Adj”, Wood's Hous- hold Magaziuc. Newman-33. X. Tnz Science of Head; fut Dace-slow class- the Third Vulunu of thin m1 and indqpmaent Muffins. lb Mi?“ obj”; 'u Wa.‘he béeoouaf Info. m- cludiug d]. that relate: to Recovering and Preserving Ugl‘th‘pd mating g W physjed fag mentd audition. A no ,, :AL 'LL- “-fi nus-aka- .- vâ€"- we. the wishee, of «mother to 032’: on far the lure we beer um Love is giv- ing. 310,: rewifing. Lave i~ not a sheet of blasting paper or s sponge. sucking in everything to itself. Lam's mom has beomdm pod inthisworld as e gem of greet. prim. by the loveliea. the fairest, the purest, the m4 of love: thetere: trod this mortal «fill, of whom itie re. corded that. lie-id, “1: innate biased to give than to receive." No; in love there we ten receivers wane giver.”â€"Hrr, premiums. S. R. quh, ”Jim-Any, Few Yurk. Ta-z December number of Wood'a Hana- }aold Maguim in rcpluuwiph gut-draping wuunsin‘ipg Ikewlgu‘ftgrgu. poems. _AI_ :- Pu} an. up..- â€"-â€" .w whine begins ‘ith 3;; next number. Now in the time to enhaa'ibe.‘ Addm S. R. Wells, Publiaher, 389 Bundway, New York. Ox Coxxmn. Lamâ€"r" Many women auppue that they love their husbands, when unfortunately they have not an idea what love ia. Let me explain to you my deuyonnz My. Loving tn be admired byam, bving to beans-ed by him. loving to be praised by him, is not loving him. All these maybe when a woman Ina no power of love. They may all be sim- fed with em, and have a tam: corner. But all this ia up: love. It pay exist to KlfiéfflJe-tiézz is not we. Lave, my deu- ladies, in udf-ncrifico; it in life out of self sad in uwdur. In very em tunes in $119 prefagng a! thc‘oomf-irt, the :rgtfid "g;

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