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Omemee Mirror (1894), 2 Jan 1896, p. 2

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Albums Ioc.,regular 25o; China Cups and Saucers, 9c., regular 20c. Clocks 90c., regular $z-25 ; Dolls Ic., 2c , 3c., 5c., IOC., 23c., 49c. up; Pocket Books from 5c. up; Mouth Organs, in every key, from 5c. up; Violins from $1.75; Ban- ios, Mandolins, c. Hughan Co. Headquarters for Xmas. and “fed- . ding Presents. Crowd will visit our store every day during the next three weeks. You will be wise to come early and make your selections before the great rush of the last week.- For Special Bar- gains examine our Gold \Vatches, rlafoiii‘bfi} {53611-1 Is himpiy {airy km! or the 1m cones. Bring them mong and let them no. Note a few otour prices: L‘gnulqigAlbnnggwa Cases: ctg . 0u_r di_s- of your time is F1! :8 ELIMBS wanted by Hughan Co., at 52 Kent St., Lindsay, to show you the best se- lection of Novelties for Xmas. Pre- sents ever shown in Lmdsay. Cor. Geo. Simcoe Sts., PETERBORO, Kent St, Lindsay, Walton $13.. Port Hope. Call and inspect them. It Will Dav You. Capes from “6.00 up. Coats from 9.00 up. EairweaiheM E0" A CALL SQHGITED. The underslgned. havlng purchased the above popular hotel. and made great. 1m- provemcnts xn the interior, besides thor- oughly renovating the rooms. râ€"apactmlly asks a liberal patronage 0: the travelling publlc. The house in ma d wnh electric bells and the best 5am le rooms or an ' hotel in the district. which g veg good accommodation to commorclalmen. No trouble or expense will be soared to makethlu house one ortne best. 31.009 (133’ houses ln ‘the Mzdlnnd District. STOCK Complete in Every Line and at Low- est Prices he dining room receives the strictest atten- tion. and the tables are suppdod with the Nut of everything In season. The bar ls stocked wt h :hecboicest brands or fine liq- uors. wines and cigars. Good stabung and careful boomers. 295â€" H' sues attended to in all; arts orthe County at very reasonable rates. From long experi- J-nco in this line ofbuslne .a. the undersigned leols warranted in gum-an .eoln; satisfaction, and farmers would do wall to give him a call. Apply at the omce in the CurdWcll House, Umemce.0n:. '1‘. E. JENNINGS MILLS BROS, Hatters and-Furriers, The Rathbun Company PETERBOROUGH. Branch omceâ€"Cor. Murrayand BethuncSts Lumber. Shingles. Sash, Imnz's. Blinds, “fin. dew and Door Frames: Newal Fonts, Stair Rana. Rulustcrs. Mouldera 6m. Scrnnton (‘onl in E gs. Stove and Nut Sizes Brim Hm mr Grates; Swimming and ‘xanmmg Coax also Coke and Lehigh - Jam for gFounérk-s. ‘tnllbrook office. over new Post office. ’memee omce. over Bradbum’s Grocery. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Victoria: 1.“.me ST” PETERBURD. HANKERé: BROKER. 91 Kent, LINDSAY. Woney to Loan on Morzgag at lowest rate: Interesz. Approved Index-sod Boxes “mounted for an! term not. exceeding 1;: mthhs. OLEMEE EVERY MONDAY. Iarrlster, Sam-nor, Notary Public, am, Money to Loan. 9-1y The Cardwell House. uduaze 0.‘ the out. Veterinary College. .mtier‘ed Member of the Ontario Veterin- m: at. 01:. .h, m “11, or day. promptly attenddd to. JE’FICE : Sex! door to Adam's Grocery. MILLBROOK. : : : ONTARIO. ,3 hours 9 mm. :o 6 p.m. e ; Residence, King St., Omemee. Ont. fimk’sflottonfioot physician. Stowaway and mt)”. by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly , are and reliable medicine db- Bch of nnprlnclpled drugglscs who sic: medicines in place or this. As): for , ouoa Boo: Compound. take nombstiâ€" .ucloce 81 and 6 cents in postage 1n letter .vlzlsend, sealed, by retum mall. museum far: in plain envelope. to ladies only. I - .. Adda!- The Cook Company, T. VValdon, V. S., Eiarrfacrrrrrr Furriers, . Fred. W. Ivory, J. H. Sootheran, Robert Buddy. T. E. Jennmgs, LD BY ALL DRUGGIS‘I‘S. OMEMEE, ONTARIO. OMEMEE. ONTARIO. T. E. JENNINGS. Proprntor. DENTIST. Arm: discovery by $110“ T\7 (I. E. HUBBS. Agent COMPOUND. Windsor. OnL. Candi. 7 Promises made in the time of afflictxon require a better memory than people generally possess.â€" A. Daudet. Every rrfan has a serious rival in the ideal man a. woman llkes to sxt and dream aboutâ€"Paul Bour- get. A man is Qvise when he seeks msdom; a knave when he Lhmks he has acquired it .â€"7Fontenelle. There is only one thing we are wflling to have others share wuh us, 1t 15 ourop1n10n.eIVIIgnet. Is not a fool one who does noth- ing to justify the good opinion he has formed of himself? Equality may be right, but no human power can convert it into a fact. Time is the capital of men who havebut their intellect for their fortune. A man should find all women in his wife. Not to succeed 15 social high treason. For School Trustees messra A Orr, Dr Bradd, '1‘ A McPhemnn, '1‘ J Pnrson, '1‘ Stephenson,S~muel Grandy.J J Lang, John McCroa, and Wu Brown were nominated, the latter three remaining in the field. The election took place today (Thursday) and resulted as fol- lows: Lang 51 ; ucL’rea 41, and Brown 28. "here was only about one fifth the total Vote polied. In such an important mat- ter as electing school trustees, there should be a bettersl‘owing than this, al- though considering this is the first public election, ever held here for such, to the knnwladge of any of the rate- payers, it. is not. at all discreditable. In the village on the evening of non- (lay, the Bradburn Hall was crowded to thednors,and there was a very amus- ingtime. There were in the neighbor- hood of a. dozen nominated for reeve, and about double that number lor coun- cillors. It was thoughtthat all had re- signed with the exception of Joe '1‘ lieutt}, (who stood his ground like a mun) butitwas found that nessrs Thos Stephenson, T J Parsons and Henry ’l‘uole, were still in the field, they not huvin-greaignecl in time. they together with Joe ’1‘ Beatty, \\ ere declared elected hyaculziniation. Dr V (l Cornwall was elected by :icchunation to the reeveship. We wugratulate the above gentlemen mnltrustlhe} uill have a. prosperous .md successfuheur and tlmt they will he the means ol this town advancing as it should. Mr Lioodi‘ellow deserves particular mention for having went Loruurd at the nomination to hold up l'nrthe acts of the council for the past year,agninst some who felt prejudiced. As far as we know, the council for the past year was conscientious in every action they did. It is Indeed a. ham task to please everyone, and the more one tries the more hard it gets. Let every ratepztver put their shoulder to the wheel and help in improving 0memee,an(l not cast up every petty grievance that may occur during the coming: year, and the fntu e tutlook of the village will be bright' {he flmemee Minor Every Thursday Morning NORRIS BLOCK .-\ Weekly newspaper. published In the in- :nn-u oi the Village or Omemee and sur- rounding district. All kinds of job printing Jum- 'm the Jab rooms at. the very lowest living prices with neatness and despatch. Subscription, $1.00 a Year. 1 Double Column $75 on $50 00 $2") 00 i " “ 50 oo 30 oo 15 oo ; “ “ 2-3 00 15 oo 10 oo 1 Single Column 40 oo 25 oo 15 oo “ “ 25 on 15 00 10 00 i “ “ 15 00 I0 00 8 00 Professional and Business Cal-(1835.00. \Vam Advertisements 50cm. first insertion. 250“. each subsequent. insertion. Special rates for longer periods. On Monday last the nomination: of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Councillors, for the township of Emily, took place in the old 'Jownship Hall, and the meeting was very largely attended. ur l: J Grendy,clerk, received the nominations. ale-ere W C Switzer, William Adams end T H MCQuade were nominated for reeve, the latter re- signed, leaving Hessrs Switzer and Adams in the field. For the Deonty’l vhair MPSSI‘B '1‘ H McQuade, R 8 Ford, JaxneeRBoate,\\' Adams and Dennis Scully were nominated. All resigned but the former, Mr T H MCQuade, thew fore he is elected by acclamation. For Councillors, xesere Jae R Boste, R. E Ford, J G Ashmore, Dennis Scnlly, J H Fee, W Adams. 'l'hos Graham, Jms De- yell, Chas (.‘orueil, and W S Graham were nominated. The last six resigned, leaving fouriu the field. All the fore- going gentlemen are highly thought of throughout the country and no doubt there willbe an exerting time on non- day next at the election. Loom Natives acts. a nne first insertion, 3cm. each subsequent insertion. 1 YEAR 6 3103. 3x03. 1 Double Column 375 on $50 00 $25 00 Tramlent advertisements 10¢. per line first lnsurtlon, 5c. per line each subsequent inser- Lion. CHAS. W. RICHARDS, Publisher and Propriel or. 0n tha corner of Peel and \Vn. streets during the winter months. a practical Fur- rier who gives entire sntistaction or money refunded when repairing or making to order furs or every description and style. It saves money and fur to deal with a. practical cutter. Raw mrsMugbt. G. P. MULLET‘I‘. iii-am. Lindsay. OMEMEE. THURSDAY. JAN. 2. 1896. Cocoa \Vlnc - 75c. Fowler‘s Ext. Strawberrv 2 5c. Hires Root Beer - 20c. Lactatcd Food - 20c. Nestlcs’ Milk Food, 40c. spxrits Turpentine, 50c. gal. Turnip Seed, Swede me. At Higinbotham‘s Drug Store, THE OMEMEE MIRROR. MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS. DUB PRlEES AT THE oFl-‘CR, KLNG S'l‘rEET EAST, IN THE RATES OF ADVERTISING: Words of Wisdom. OMEMEE, ONTARIO, IS PUBLISHED LINDSAY. FOUND. Geo. H. Dunn. of Agincourt, is visit- ing friends in town. W. F. Davidson, who for some time past been clerk in Dr. Turner’s drug store,hal left. for his home in Omemoo. During "Billie’s" two years stay in Millbrook he grew to be on. of the most populnr of the “boys” in tuwn and he will be greflly missed by his large number of friends here. The Millbrook Electric Light Com- pany, (Ltd.,) has been constituted to be (tompnsed nf .J C Kells, J A Vance, Wm Vance, R J 00:11:, W '1’ Wood. Dr H A Turner, A A Smith, and A Leach. of Millbrook, and S G Parkins, Linds.w. to carry on the present Mill- hronk Electric Co. with a. capital of $6500. RJ Doak is Sam-Treats. of the coaxpany. a branch line mf the U. ’1‘. R. shin. thé hack of the mountain, electric utreet care flying through our town and have this the saratoga of Canada. ’I he audi- ence became intoxlcued with delight at the “ old man’s ” wishes for the future, and he was cheered again as he took his seat. Onc c more the municipal matters as‘ some a lively appearance and once more W. S. Pickup aspires for the reeveship of our village, In opposition to Alex. Fer- guson, who for so many years has been at the head of the all'airs ofthls munici- puhtv. All the old counctl seek re- election, namely S. Bateson, ll. Camp- bell, I. Richardson, and J. Clarke, and in addition R. J. Doak. A public meeting was held in the Town Hall on Monday evening, when each candidate laid before the electors his platform and endeavored tojustify his position in the past. James Kerr occupied the chair. The best oforder prevailed and of course the chief interest centered In the speeches by the candidates for the reeveship. Mr. Pickup made a long and at sometimes eloquent speech, in which he endeavored to prove that incandescent lights were just as suit- able for the streets as are lights and of Course much cheaper. He always con- sidered the Electric Light Co. got too many favors ofi'the town, in fact any thing they asked for. He then made an attack on the reeve for not trying to cutdown the expenditure of the (,oun- ties Council and declared that it was getting greater every year. He was loudly applauded by his friends as he took his seat. Mr. Ferguson, or as he is familiarly known, “the old man,” made a short Speech but it was to the point. He first turned his attention to the electric light question and declared that there was no comparison betwe-n the two lights-duo and incandescent-- as everyone knew that the former were much better for the streets even if they did cost a little more. He challanged Mr. Pickup to point to a single cent that had been misspent either in the county council or the town council. Mr. l‘ickup’s teeth had been fairly watering for office but if he were elected he would find that there is not so much in it after all. '1 he speaker with wring- ing eloquence then told how he would i like to see Medd’s hill dotted with cottages, our mineral water advertised, THE ORANGE CONCERT, A MOST SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR. The Bradburn Hall was Crowd- ed to the Doors. JAMES FAX THE “STAR " OF THE EVENING. On Xmas. night, in the Brad- burn Hall, Ornemee, L.O.L., 113, held their grand concert, which had been announced far and near by the beautitul posters from the Mirror ofiice, and through the col- umns of that journal, and notwith- standing the unfavorable weather and roads a very large number came from Mount Pleasant hea- boro, Janetville and Emily, and pemg reinforced by a a large number from the village, the hall was packed to the doors. At 8 o’clock sharp the chair was taken by Mr. \Vm. Adams, D. M., who gave a short speech, and then proceeded with the programme, which was first-class in every re- spect. Space will not admit of a lengthy report. Millbrook, Doc. 31.-â€"'l‘ho Hockey Club are anxiously waiting for ice and intend making things boom this winter. Although the club decided not to go into the 0. H.‘A. this your the citizens of Millbrook can dopend on seeing some good exhibitions of thin populargamo. The officers of the club are as follows :â€" Hon. Pres.-W '1‘ Wm d President-R J D mk Y1cc-Pres.-W D Lem-h Secretaryâ€"E S Clarry Treasurer-Geo A Leach Captain-John Nattraas Committee-W Comnbe, C Leach, J. Bateson, and W Baking. The club intend giving: a grand con- cert at an early date, in. which Mr. F. J. Cur-less will be the chief attraction. The solos by Miss \Villiamson, Mrs. 'I‘. A. McPherson, Mrs. _] J Lang, and Messrs. '1‘. ] Parsons, and \V. C. Switzer were of high order and much apprec1ated.'l‘he instrumentals on the piano by the Misses Rose VV illiz. mson and Stel- la sandy werexen well qiv.cn The comet solos by Pxof. \V. H. sher- “00d and Mr. G. \V. McKim were rendered in firstâ€"class style, and were encored again and again. Mr. “ Kelly ” Mitchell brought down the house in his reading, and his mouth organ solo. Mr. Fax ap- peared no less than six times, and each time responded to the encore and applause that would make the building fairly shake. should Mr. Fax appear in Omemee again an addition to the hall will be re- quired to contain those who would no doubt go to hear him. It was moved by Mr. Geo Lytle sec. by Mr. Mathew \Vilson,that a vote of thanks be tendered those who took part in the programme and otohrwise helped to make the en- tertainment such agrand success. The p roceeds amounted to $90.00. On Christmas Night, NEWS FROM MILLBROOK. GEORGE ST., PETERBOROUGH. And Lindsay. 100 Youth’s Tweed Overcouts $ 3 00 were $ 5 00 200 Youth’s Beaver 25 Wombat Fur Coats, $14 50 were $19 50 30 Black Goat. Loan; 12 90 “ 17 50 25 do: Sealette (‘ ups, jockey 50 20° dnz Imitation ( aps, from 19 to 50 2 doz Pers. Lamb Caps 2 90 were 5 oo ‘600 All-wool ( anadian Tw’ed Smta $3 90 600 fine new English Tweed Suits 4 90 350 fancy Yorkshire Tweed Suits 4 75 800 Scotch Tweed Suits.... . 6 00 700 All-woo] Worsted Suits . ..... 7 50 550 Worsted Suits, plain 6: check 5 90 Cash on Delivery, Unless Other- wise Arranged. J. T. BEATTY’S itoba [Wheat Royal, Best Family Flour. Superior, at $1.85 per hundred. Bakers King, made from all Man- Underwear ...... 85 " Men’s heavy O K Un. . derwear 50 dozen Pongee Sllk Handkerchiefs, hem stitched .......... 25 (102 white emhrpider- ed silk Handkerchiefs Uough’s world bemer, all-wool Socks, ribbed top.......... 10 daz. Men’s all-x» 001 Cardigan Jackets 80 were 5 1 40 H [Ina-l ! stars. ..5 50 350 Imported Frieze U l- aters, in faur differ- ent shades . . . .9 50 75 Men's Cape O’coats 5 6o Men’s A merican Night Robes,ambroidered fronts ............ $1 00 were $ 1 50 Men’s heavy twill Cot- ton Night Robes 69 Men’s Silk and Satan, 4-in-lnand 62 knots, worth 25c. eacn. . 2 for 25 Men’s Fancy Ring- woud Gloves ...... 25 were 40 Men’s Linen Handker- chiefs, hem stitched 15 Men's heavy Underwear 19 “ 25 Men’s heavy All-wool 200 All-wool Tweed UI- Wheat, Pease, Oats, Buckwheat, Barley, Rye, Brans, Shorts, Chop, and Mals of all kinds, and always fresh and good. Ihave every kind you want 1n fiouw and feed field and garden seeds, also Land Plaster. 180 fine Nap Oven-oats $8 90 were $ 7 150 fine Beaver “ 5 50 350 fine Wot-tat “ 4 50 125 fine Corkscrew “ 6 90 150 fine Wool Melton " 8 oo loo All-wool Beaver “ 9 00 125 All-wool Frieze 0‘ H I! U U 10 8 12 13 15 MY MOTTO: Prompt Delivery of all goods. Small profits and quick returns Call and see prices and goods. Touching Up {his Tammy}; Triumphant Covering bigger and better values than ever in the annals oi the (‘lothing Trade of the country. Wake up and walk up. Here we are opening the Full Trade m Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Hats and (.‘aps. We are ten years on deck and have seen many a sale go down on the business horizon. We are now on our eleventh annual trip better than ever prepared to bring.r I argains to your doors, to clothe the poor man with the rich man’s dress, and all the same low hed rock prices as of yore. For ten years we have made ten years of progress. Our knowledge of the trade. has grown and our ability to supply your wants. Not. only are our stores the known and recognized headquarters for the Clothing: Trade of the country, but one ofthe distinguished attractions of the town. Far and near our fame has spread until our names as traders is as familiar in the homes of the County as a red waggon on the township concession lines. Four, Feed and Seed Store MEN’S OVERCOATS. COAL IS ADVANCING. Come to the Big Push! Come to the Big Riddance! Come to the Hustlers! Come and Buy! Youth’s Overcoats. CAPS AND FURS Gent’s Furnishings. Ulsters. ..... . . .. McLaughlin’s Flour, Toronto. FhOUR FEED MEN’S SUITS Touching It Up for All It Is Worth! The Wonderful Cheap Men, 490 final ! 15 oo 10 oo 10 oo 850 60 350., worth double. Men’s Felt Bouts, loose 6nt:ks.............. 50 " 50 cases Ladies’ cruqueL Rubbers 50 duz Man-kimlw Socks 100 Men’s Fancy Embroidered Slip- pers 750. and $1. amH‘ongress...... 1 25 Men’s Kip Balmoral.... Youth's Kip Buhnnml Bay’s Kip L‘ulmnrals.. Mvn’s tina (‘nrdm'nn 2 50 ‘uhild’s 150038 190., -50., d'nuble- breasted ' ..... . ..7.. 5 on 500 Blue Serge Suits, .3~piece, hemy, 98 Fang) pleated All wool Canad 1m Boy’s Tweed Case 0\ er- coats. .31 75 were $2 90 Box’ 3 Nap L‘ape Over» coats. 2 25 '- 4 00 [305’ s All-wool Tweed ()wrco ats .. 2 75 “ 4 50 Boy’s Irish l‘rieze Ul- stera...... .......... .4oo “ 700 Your pick of 500 (ape Ux ercoats ranging in price 1mm 34 to $7, {or 2 90 'l‘Kvéed ....................... 1 95 Finest quahty Scotch and English Tweed .................. 21.... 2 25 Women’s Dongola but- ton Boots . ...... $1 10 were $1 50 Women's Amer. Don- golu button Boots 1 75 “ 2 75 Women’s Oxfords and Slippers”... ..... 65 “ 90 Men’s Buff Balmoral All-wool Canadian Tweed . . . . .. $3 75 West England Tweed, 14 different patterns ......... . ..... Venetian and Corkscrew, all wool former price $11 .......... c-uo 3Vpioce Fancy Scotch Tweed, extra heavy Blue Serge All-wool 3 piece Suits, 52 90 {leafy .Canudian Tweed, All-wool 175 BOOTS AND SHOES BOY’S OVERCOATS ()vercnats ......... 4 5o Yunth’s Nap Over- cnuts ........... 3 5o Youth’s Ulster». . . .6 oo Youth’s Cape Over- Youth’s Worsted Overconts, 3 difl‘or- ent lhades ...... ..5 oo Youth’a Overcoats from 56 to $8, now selling {or......... . .. couts.........2 .. YOUTH’S SUITS BOY’S SUITS .....5 oo final ! 5 5o 10 oo 69 4 00 1 60 1 19 75 3 no 85o 850 ~l )6 {,3 The W. E. Sanfor Mfg. C0. of Hamilton, now the Largest Cloth- ing Manufactures in the Domln- ion and one of the largest in the world, decided that the people of this country would be better ser- ved, if they dealt with the manu- facturers direct, and know who they were dealing with. Thls was the Acorn planted for this first OakHall, since then streets have been opened in all the prin- cipal cities in the Dominion. Peterboro is the last to get in line, and our reception has been a glorious one. The good people of this town, and surrounding country have caught on Quickly, they realize that now it is possible to get style and quality at a fair price in Ready-to-wear Clothing, and unless to pay fancy Prlces for custom made garments. 'I‘he confi- dence that we are gaining with the public with never be miSplaced on our part. We would be pleased to have you call and see our stock of Fall and Winter Clothing-”and Clothing Only. One aprice to all. OPPOSITE BENSON HOUSE, TWO DOORS EAST OF SIMPSON HOUSE Was Estabished in Canada [Ivar TwenIv-Five Yam Mu OAK HALL extra at 25c. Flannelette for 5, 8, 9 and IOC. We pay strict attention to Ladies’ Kid and Cashmere Gloves, Corsets and Hosiery ; also for children's Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Ladies' and Chlldren's Underwear, Children's \Voollen Hoods. border, 37 m {Vida 10c, 20c, 24c. Whlte Sheeting. 36 m wxde. 30c yd. Grev Flannel tor I: Be, 15c 20c, Apron Gingham, 36 in wide, IOC. New \V'hitc Apron lnwn,’w1th KERR CO’Y, and surrounding country, when in Lindsay, to call and examine our NEW and SELECT STOCK of GENERAL DRY GOODS and FURNISHINGS. GUARANTEEING ever3th1ng to be first-class , and as represented, Bu3ing for CASH, Selling with small profits under light expense, we are in a position to show you better value; than any store in Lindsay. Our Stock of Henrietta, Henrietta, Dress Goods. double fold, IOC. yd. Dble fold Meltons for 17¢ a yard. Better for 19c and 2 3c 21 yard. All worth more money. Wool Serges, good at 30c for 25c. 40c: Tweed effects for 25¢. Our specialty, BRIGGS, PRIESTLEY SON’S BLACK DRESS GOODS. Prices less than any Store in Ontario. Your choice of ten different patterns of Black, worth $1.25 to $1.50 a yard, THE RELIABLE ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, 389 Corner George Hunter Sts. JOHN MOFFATT, Manager. N395 M m GEMS Stare. flammafisem g? .u-Zi , . 55,. .1 I Respectfully requests the Public of OMEMEE Kmag. Presents ARE GOOD, USEFUL AND CHEAP. Our stock is all new and first~class. One price to worth 53.25, for $1.00. I V’Vgistfiqings for 10¢, mg and 15c worth 60c, for 50c. , Sert lmmgs, 5C, BC and 10¢ a yd. eterborough. FOR ONE DOLLAR. LINDSAY , 70 Grey Cotton for 5c a yard, Union Blankets for $1.20. Ladies’ Fur Capes Cheap. New Stylish Large Sleeved Man- tles for $5.00, $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00. Beauflfnl NEW P. S.â€"I have made ments mm a Toronto fir any watch repamng you n The annual busineu meetinl Presbyterian Congregation in take place on Saturday afwl 2.80 p. m. RARE OLD YIO R J Muiiiga And Musical Supplies. you can get A PEL T‘3 9? Ni Trade and 63*: “f. “'ebsxor. Lindsay's General Gun and Lock Smixh. Blow-Res r shortest notice. Re; mirs kept on membcnhe addre». 23 North W posite Jo: Keith» Mulligan‘s is the place to Xmas tradmg when: yo get “hat suits \ou STYLE 6: PKIC 7 PETERBO pair, regular price 40c. Chock Ginghams at 5c 8. yard price Sc. Coed Canadian Yarn 1140c al prim Sm. Turkey Tablirg at 25C a. N prire 350. Silk Euxbrnigerod Handkerch each, re: price 15c. Silk Embroidered Handkerch each, regular price 2%. Fancy Lawn Handkerchiefs a regular price 103. German China Cake Mates 2.: regular price 254'. Hnnd Mirmrs a! $0", remfiar pi Pm ( ushim a at 200. reguhr p. Ash Trays :1: 150, regular urv e Tea Pot Stands at 10¢, reguiar Pm Trap-n at 15c,re:ularprxce1 Photo Frames 32 20c. reguiar [1‘ Dinner Bezls a: 13:, worth 330. JapaneSe l‘iz-u (IL-1‘ “5; “useq price 50¢. Ladies‘ Enamels Xe: Scarfu a: 131' price 21.00. J J N . ' ! Japanesel 1511mm ( mm at.» ° 00] Best Quaiity Scab-{Le for $8.01 price $12.00. One Mamie Length of Scale quiar price $10 In). One Mantle Langu- of Scale regular pr ice $5 0». Hem} Aetraciuu. t ' rlfurCa 64 regular pace 3. ('0 Heavy Astra: ha: A wimp-£81161 reguhu' prime 4:3 .00 1 J . C. TURNB The meeting for Southern ] Woman's Auxiliary will be h‘ residence of .‘Ir. A. Jones on afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Christian Endosvor So‘ meet. this week in the Pre Church, on Thursday, at 7.30 ; stead of Wednesday evening. The Yeterhorn Examiner, ui 23rd. contains a list of the cmdidates at Korwood Mo and we are pleased to see Bella Best, the newly appoi :1: for the junior divisian of m Public School stands fits: in list. W. J. Morton‘s newly fitted 1 is now one of the leading attr: thishne, being fitted up in 1 Lunches and meals served at ‘ At the most reasonabie rat colicuod. 45 Kent-sL,opposiL 51-3111 prion 50c. Men'l Underwear 1.: 75c a pie4 price $1.35. Ladiu' Vests at 50c 3 pita price 906. Children’s Vests at 20¢ a piec price 30c, Children’s Vesta at 12§c 1 pie prion 20c. Heavy Cashmere Ribbed Ho: Eli Williamson, l‘hutogmpl sav, ()m. Ail kinds of him from lite or copied and ocular; picxures. lamih groups schu buildings, sunk, en. Pic un- endless \arien alums in I work :I'arzuzeed and prices r1 duri gme ..ux..'avs.â€"49-tz The servive in (‘hrisz I (V‘ixflalxll..s mummy, \\ 11> ‘. hearty one. The lie-cm 3 moat excellent sermon, u m ened to with great, attention congregation. The Christ: We have been making parations tor the Holid and now every departme‘ tening With bargains, whi our store the best place chase Holiday Goods. ‘ departments we have spec which we have picked up. instances at less than cos‘ ufacture, such as Men'upnggrweu 23¢ 0. pi THE OMEMEE MIR OMEMEE. THURSDAY. JAE All our Millinery am reduced in price to cle: the next THREE weci through our stock for b: STORE N THE NBU 363 and 365 George S and 163 Simcoe Str QUID PRO QU» C, re: LOC‘L LLCO N 14: OMEMEE. __.\ '1‘â€" fl? YQUPJ BOOK? FANCY Wm‘na Stvlésh

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