what... I: the only perfectly sale and reliable medicine div and. Snare of “principled. druggists who * m medicines in place of this. Ask for 0008'- Cotton Boot Compound. take no substi- ‘fl‘- mounds cents in postage in loner ‘17.va sealed. by return mail. Mscnled m in plain envelom, to belies only, a nun- Addict. The Cook Company, Windsor. 0:2. Canada. Dr. Fred. W. Ivory, DENTIST. 0800 hours 9 tm. :o 6 p.m. one. : Residence, King St. Omemce. Cir-dune or the 0m. Vatvrinary (‘onoga Elan-urea Member 0! the mum-‘10 \‘cacrm Almiuion. .11». mm: or day. promptlv attended to‘ OFFICE: Next door to Adam's (jrovery. BANKER d: BROKER. 91 Kern, Money to Lonu on Murtgug or lawman. ‘ppl‘OVrd >ln(r!0rsnd Sun‘s u“ _ 1.. .ï¬ Hillbrook omce. ovar new You 0mm, Olomu omco. over Bra<1buru‘~;(:rnm-ry. OLE.“ EE EVERY MONDA Y. mu", Sohclwr, Notary Public. Mn. Money to Loan. 9-13‘ Albums Ioc.,reguiar 25c.; China Cups and Saucers, 9c., regular 20c. Clocks 90c., regular $I-25 ; Dolls xc., 2c, 3c., 5c., IOC., 23c., 49c. up; Pocket Books from 5c. up; Mouth Organs, in every key, from 5c. up; Violins from $I.75; Ban- jos, Mandolins, c. Hughan Co. Headquarters for Xmas. and Wed- ding Presents. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Victor}? was attended to in an: arts ofthc County 1: very reasonable rates. From 10m; experi- onco In this line orbusine .s, the undersigned fools warranted in guuruz .ocin: satisfaction, and farmers wuuld do Well to zwe hEm a can. Apply ut the oriï¬ce in tho Camweli House, Oneneeï¬nt. '1‘. E. JENNINGS 2L†The Rathbun Company Tho undenlgned. having purchased the Ibovo popular hotel. and made great lm- provonenta 1n the interior, busidcs thor- oughly renovating the rooms. respectfully â€In a liberal patronag: or the travelling public. Thohouselntmod wlthelectrlcbclls ï¬nd the best 5am 1e rooms a! any hotel In the diurlct, which gives good uccomnmdatlon to oommorclalmen. No trouble or expense wl.l NI trod to make this home one of Lao best. 81. u day houses in the delnnd District. he dining room receives the strictest atten- tlon, and the tables are Sll'ppzll’d with 11m hunt of everything in season. The bar 15 stocked with the cholcest brands of mm llq- Inn’-l w}nes__and cigars. Good stabllug and PETERBOROUGEX. Brnnch ofï¬ceâ€"Cor. Murray and Bethune bts Lumber, Shingles. Sash. Doors. B'lnds, “'in. dow and Door Fumes; Sewn! Posts, Stair Rolls.Ralustern. Moulders dzc. ï¬nnton Coal in Egg. stove and Nut Sizes Dr!†Bill for Grates; Smithlng and “min: Coul‘ also Coke and Lehlgh ‘ - mm (or Foundries. F‘iï¬'iï¬?§35' Bill '12: 1513b} y fan-f: law 1 or 0 mt! ones._ Brigg then; afoug and let u IuvInva». Approval Indorsr-d Antes xiv-(muted for In term not. excci-din: 1;: anJIhR. Grown will visit our store every day during the next three weeks. You will be wise to come early and make your selections before the great rush of the last week. For Special Bar- gains examine our Gold \Vatclies, STOCK Complete in Every Line and at Low- est Prices than .03. Note a few orour prices: MILLS BROS, EonuloigAlbumq. nge} C§$eï¬z 0th . 7911‘; Ellis- A CALL SOLIGETED. Fur Capes Mu? Coats Fm Mmutes 02:31:23,355 Hughan 8: Co., at 52 Kent St, Lindsay, to show you the best se- lection of Nov elties for Xmas. Pre- sents ever shown It: Lindsay 374 GEORGE ST, PETEREUBU Hatters and Furriers, Exceptional ‘Jama Cor. Geo. Simcoe Sts., PETERBORO, Kent St, Lindsay, Walton St... Port Hope. Capes from $6.00 up. Coats from 9.00 up. Call and inspect them. It will Dav vou. FairweatheM En“ The Cardwell House. HILLBI:()OK. ’l'l wines and tofu! haulers. Sou) BY ALL DR LGG!ST$ T. Walden, J. H. Soothe; an, Robert Buddy. ‘I‘. E. Jennmgs, Banul‘acmring Farmers, OMEMEE, ()XTARIU OMEMEE. OXTARIO. T. E. JENNINGS. Prom-â€tor. Ont. Veterinary College. '1' or the ()nmrio Veterin- J. E. HUBBS. Agent ONTARIO. at lowast rates I v\'v 4A-‘ A ) 7L Ont. .\ Y in the Surrogate Court of the County of Victoria. I the Estate of Humphrey Jones, Late of the Township of Emily. of the County of Victoria, Farmer, Leecased. 5011(‘1515 hereby given in pursno .n v» of R.S.()., 1887, Chap. “0, Sev. 36, u: «l Amending Acts that all persons xuvmg claims against the estate of lln- pl:rey.lm=es, late of the 'l‘mvnship of Emily, in the (‘ounty of Victoria, Ixrun'r, devemed, who «lied on nr about the 16th day at December, 1895, are rvqnircd to send at stutmnent thereof, in writing, to Robert Ruddy, ot the Village‘ (9f Millhruok, Barrister, the Solicitur for Charles Mills and Jnhn L‘arew, Executors under the last will and teemmcvt of the said den-eased. on or befuro the 3rd day of February, ,ISSNi, ultvrwlziclx Sand lust men'inned date the said Executnrs will [mu-eel! to uls- tribute the estate of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as they shall then have had notice. CHAS. MILLS, 11 JOHN mum, , 13' their Suliritor R. RUDDY, Halal-lugliV'O‘urtcrmee tins 30th day of Dec., 1:595. .1. Dennis. Lindsay. m-xtdom' to Dorzan‘s Huh-z, l.in:!su,\'-st.. manul‘m'tnrtâ€"s the 1% Prize lmmminn Pump and has the unly thnruuuh \\'ruu:‘ht Iron Pump un the man'- kt-L b‘urmm‘s, ut‘ Emily. and citizvns 01' (Mm-mec- will Manse. cam and see me. All .yr o... guaranteéd. On the corner of Peel and \\'m. streets: during flw winter months, a practical Fur- icr who gives entire- satislactiun or money refunded when repairing 01 making to order furs ofevery descriptinn and style. It saves money nml fur to deal with a. practlcal cutter. ‘ law furs bougut. G. P. MULLETT. 4U-3m. Lindsay. Mr.Laurieris making a tactical mis- take in not sending Sir Richard Cart- wright down to Nova. Scotia to assist in the ï¬ght against, Six-Charles Tapper. m England stands alone but unternï¬ed while her people are singing the old song:â€" 'llâ€"l The quantity of pig iron and crude steel produced in rnnada in 1895 far exceeded that of any other year. It amounted to 62,863 tons. Yet the rrice was lower up almost to the middle of the year than it had ever heen before, and the pressure ofoompetition from the United States during: that period was very great. In the past ï¬ve years the price last fallen by almost the full amount of the duty and the bounty. This year the product of another l)i:_r furnace willbe added. Thus the fruits ofthe National Policy are fast ripemng in theiron industry. The pig iron and steel used ‘n the country are more and more every year the product of Cana- dian labours. Special to the anon. An exchange has received the fol- lowing: letter, which is a fair sam- ple of the way in which a great many people regard a newspaper, as a sort or machine for puplic use Without remuneration of any kind. The letter reads; Mr. Fditorâ€"I take my pen in hand 2 let know that times 15 to hard for 2 take your paper. Its about all i ken do to buy terbaker fer miself end boys, besides the-old woman hes to hev her snuff. Iwill pay you what i owe 30:1 next fall “hen i sell my hogs, it they don t dye with the collery. N. B. â€"\V e ve got anoth- er babv at our hous, cum a week ego last Thursday nit. W'rite something nice about it and send us 4 or 5 papers and wel send em off far you 4-5t The celebrated school case came up for trial on Friday, before Judge Knight. It. was on the illegal election of one of the trustees. After several witnesses had been heard. it was del-ixled to have a new election on the 27th inst. in the bum". hail. Miss Dnlinzla Calvert. of Lindsay, is visiting lieuhom friends. Iev. (‘. M. Carew and Miss Maud nor- ton, of Lindsay, were here on Snndav evening to hear Mr. stcLean, of nexuster C01 19:9. Mrs. 'i‘hns. Calvert and Mrs. Wm. Rea were milieu! to visit their Sister, Mrs. Wilson, of Kinoardine, whn was stricken With paralysis. Since then, we regret to learn 0! the death of Mrs. Wilson. The ham] was out serenading Monday mening, and gave J. i). Hutton and Johnston Ellis a. call. George Brown, of Dam, is visitmg J. A. Brown. )1rS.J. Groor, who has been visiting her Sister, mas B. Spence, Toronto, is home agnm. Cocoa \Vmc - 75c. Fowler‘s Ext. Strawberrv 25c Hires Root Beer - 20c Lactatcd Food - 20c. Nestles' Milk Food, 40c. spirits Turpentine, 50c. gal. Turnip Seed, Swede me. At Higinbotham’s Drug Store, OMEMEE. THURSDAY. JAN. 23}. 1896. BUR PHHJES THE OMEMEE MIRROR. \Ve don’t want tn ï¬ght. But, by jingo, if we do We've got the ships, We’ve got the mena BUX' THE: BEST. EDITC‘RIAL NOTES. And we’ve got the money too. REABORO ITEMS. A Fair Sample. LINDS FOUND. MILLBROOK 0315x1525. A Y . Executors 35 am. Special to the Mumoa. The carnival held at the Millbrook Cnrlingand Skating iink, under the able management. of Mr. Parkin, on 'rrnlav evening last, was a grand suc~ vvss. There were nearly six hundred [wra'mm in u, teudance, many of whom were presentin costume prepared for the mwusiulx The. judges did their \mrk satisfactorily he all present, and the hest of good will prevailed. The citizen‘s hand was present. and did much In adding: to the enjoyment of the skaters. Mr. l’arkins has the band engaged Tuesduv and Friday evenings of each week during the skating season. There were a. James number from Mt. Pleasant, ('avanville, lieu-any, Mona- hzui, Hope, Uuiemee and other places present. The iolhming is the list. of prizes and costumes represented 3/â€" Gentleman’s Comic Costume. Burnh:un.â€"â€"“'l‘he Flmxer B0)" in: SM. in plush case, \‘ath: .52 Ludies’ Comic ('uslnmv. (hurlie (,jil- MILâ€"“'l‘he New \hmmn." Fancy Photograph Bux, aiixer trimmings-x, value $2.50. Gentleman's Funvy ('nsmme. J. N- M('(illX.â€"â€"“'l'l-Ie('rns;u!ur," \VlnincLul Collar and Cufl‘t‘uaes. “ith silk mush, \uiue $3.00. Ladies’ l-‘um‘y (‘nsmmm His-x l’h-knp. â€"-“ Don Quixote.†Nut Cr ckcr and I icks, in {am v .\ntiql_xe Oak l‘mx, silver trimmings, alne $2 75. “heelhurrmv Race. Horace Wood - “ linll l’lute Wan-In Chain. value $3.50. Barrel Rave. 'l‘lms. Nuttruss. Jr.â€" I’uirb? spenders, nurvhuswl from Yvats, the new nwrclmut. 1mm: out, 01 sigin, 3') small. Egyptian (iii-l. Miss Staples; Milk- inuiil, Miss “'eeil', Sillilllil‘f‘, Mimi A. Wood; Sumelu’nly. Miss ('liuiiiliurs; (imul Luck, Miss L. Vance; Winter, Miss liun 11-111; limiuli miil l3; -:i1l_\', \\'. Ll. Dry-ans; \l'liieiiliiiun, Nuriii. Arm- strong; Frost, Miss 31. Kerr; (jipsy Fortune ’ii-llvr. Miss Ariiistriiiig; Siiiii- iiior (‘1)1111. iierli. .-\riiisiruiig: .lui-kc)‘, Willie ()‘l‘irivii: llcl 1-l Him", (I M. Lariiii‘r: Rt (l White and Blue, Ulive M. (unipliell; Uuml Lurk, Bliss )l. l‘tlillfll Miiliiigl t, Miss .\il|_\' lllllt'lllliï¬iil‘i; \\'1nter,:\uss )1. O'l‘irlt‘n; l‘limer (iirl, Miss \Iillie(ir:lii(l_\‘, [\ClllliL' Star Miss 11. lit-iii; Night. \1135 lillii hiilis; Imliuii Medicine l'eilier. Linden (fuch- rane: Boot lilavk. Allie Payne; Muiil inf Athens, Miss Lila Might: l’lim'cr Buy, E. .l. liiiriiliiini; 'Jii:i1:i:1, iiim (‘nlliiis; Swiss Peanut, Miss \V. Courtney Swiss Gentleiimn, (ion. qltlfl'k"}'; Snow l‘uill, Miss M. 'l‘iiuriiilyke; Neurn. Lewis Smith ; Night, Miss limi- l’ullis; Trump IL 1“. ‘iliorii; .lm-lwy, Gem. ‘iumig; Little liiiliun, Arthur ’l‘imruiivlce , "liiii ’l‘oolaii,]“reil Suritlierii; I‘lmiugriiplier, iruce \Vliyte; Uncle 811111, l'iikiiuwn. A large number “ere in Costume. who failed to give in their “nines. Mr- l‘arkins is to be. (ungrz mil mm! ml the grand snu-ess (if ihe ï¬rst mrnival nl ihe season. unhor his man lgument. Another will [re held shortly, when the ell‘ortsrl'the manngvr will he put forth in making it (Aliihllll o the ï¬rst in ewrv respect “'0 \\ ish our ymm: friclid emery sm cess in his lllltit'rhll;lli:_'. 'lhe rink is indeed a ( rmlii, inti. L- immu- ger as well as uur lluuri>hing tmvn. Miss Krieger’snmn)‘ friends will he Surr)‘ to ivurn that she to 1, giving her injuries Hint has vomimd her L) the house the past w: 92;. Mrs. Krit‘gvr, who has been indisgms- 0d the past month, is, \w are pleased to learn, swmmhut butcr. Mr.('hus Ixrieucr is home from me \\ est onuvisit to his mother. He is looking hale and knit“): Mrs. ... \\‘. Harness, ot‘Exmor, is mak- ing: an ememled visit u iLIL her mother, Mrs. T. ()lx'er. 1791' a nolrhy, up to date suit or over- mat, yqn will ï¬nd It prntitulfluto ml] on W. (i. Blair (\2 Sons; Lindsay, as t) 9y have the must onmplete stuck nf Eug- Iish,S(-ntch and lush 'l‘wcods, Meltons, Beavers, \‘enetizms and Vecunas in. the county. 51-3111 G. W.Grcan. of the M..Ebrook Pump Works. has purchased the. Pump. ï¬nd Min and Fan- nin; MillWor.'s.ofGeo. hchilliams. Petm‘boro, situate on the Dickson Race. and anything n- quircd in the way ofwood work can he had from him. He win. as usual. run the Millbrcck Pump Works. his mnzr being manager for him. 441 142 Hunter Street, on your way to the Post Ofï¬ce. Every Pure and attention paid $0 guests. Cmnmudiums sample rooms. Bus meets all trams. JOHN WARDROB C, 5-3111 l‘rnprnctor. WM. MADILL. COUGHS, COLDS and Sore Throat. Dealers in l’innos, Orgms, Sewing: Machines and all kinds of mnsn-ui goods. Repairing and moving u spec- ialty. 40-]: George Street, l’eterborungh. 5-3m Petcrboro RIusic Company. When you want. :1 Refrigerator for your shop or private duelling of the newest description and prices. Aways Lelow elty manufacturers. Please cu†and examine for yourself. J. 1’. Ryley Liuilsny. 37 3111. Weave manufacturing Blankets in large quantities mzulul‘rom xlnc long silky lambs. wonl, clean and apc-rkless. We guarantee these to wearl'nrycnrs, will wuxh wnlmut turning yvllow. Buy Illl‘t'ct 1mm the manu- facturers and same oxpunsun and cummin- sions. Yourmuney buck it not, as repre- sented. HORN BROS, MADILL’S COUGH SYRUP NEWS FROM MILLBROOK. Benson 1310“ 911:, Lindsay. PETERBORO. Change of Business. The Best Remedy. Cure Guaranteed. REFRIGERATORS. Chemist and Druggist. CUS'I'X'M ES Iii-I PRES EXT [5]) ELAN EXETS. -â€"â€"1«‘m:â€"-â€" Lindsay Woolen Mills Edgar S l n M‘- Cash on Delivery, Unless Other- wise Arranged. Flour, Feed. and. Seed Store Bakers King, made from all Man- itoba Wheat. Roya1,BestFamily Flour. Superior, at $185 per hundred. Wheat, Pease, Oats, Buckwheat, Barle ,Rye, Brans, Shorts Chop, and Mals of all kin s, and always fresh and good. Ihave every kind you want in flour and feed,ï¬e1d and garden seeds, also Land Plaster. MY MOTTO : Prompt Delivery of all goods. Small proï¬ts and quick returns. Call and see prices and goods. COAL IS ADVANCING. Covering higucr and better values {inn ever in the annals of the Clothing Trad. (-‘f the country. Wake up and walk up. Here we are opening the Full Trade in Clothing, Bouts and Shoes. Nuts and (Taps. We are ten years on deck and have seen many :1 ml» go down on the business horizon. We are now on ourolevomb annual trip better than ever prepared to bring I argainx in your doors, to cloth. the, poor man “ith the rich man’s dress, and all the same low lied rock prinoa u uf yore. Fur {on years we have made ion years of progress. Our knowledge of ihe trade has grown and our ability to supply your wants. Not only are our stores {he knoun and recognized headquarters for the Clothing: Trade of the (-nnnlry, but one hf ihe distinguished utlrm'zmns ofthe town. Far and near our fame has spread until our names as trade-rs is :18 familiar in the homes of the County as a red waggon on the townahip (-oncesslon lines. 180 ï¬ne Nap Oven-oats $3 90 were 8 7 130 ï¬ne Beaver “ 5 350 ï¬ne Worsted “ 4 125 ï¬ne ('orkscrew “ 6 15., ï¬ne Wool Melton “ S loo All-Wool Beaver “ 9 12.") All-wool Frieze Ulsters.......... ...... 4 200 All-wool Tweed ['1- sters ..........5 350 Imported Frieze Ul- Hers, in {war differ- ent shades . . . .0 75 Me-n's Cape O’cnats 5 50 :30 90 00 00 90 50 50 50 H H ll (I H H In S 15 10 GEORGE ST., PETERBOROXUGHD And Lindsaygi "‘â€â€˜â€œâ€™ 2:80.116?iiiixtilti(nrxK‘a'tf‘s, 'from 19 to 50 ' $50. worth dduble 2 duz Pers. Lamb Caps 2 90 were 5 00 Men's F'eXt Boots, loom; . socks.,.-.....,.,,. 5o “ loo Youth’s Overcoats. 50 cases Ladies’ croquet. Rubber: 23 ‘00 Youth’s Tweed .50 dnz Mackinaw Socks 1 5° Overcoats 3 3 00 “ere S 5 00] 100 Men’s Fancy Embmidered Slip- 200 YouLh’s Bezucr pers 75c. and '51. ' Come to the Big Push ! Come to the Big Riddance; f Come to the Hustlers! Come and Buy! ‘ 4 Sn Black (Joan (.outs 2 no “ 17 50 25 duz Sealette Cups, joclaev 50 200 doz Inntatinn (‘ .l|\S, from 19 to 50 2 dnz Pet's. Lamb Caps .. â€90 “ere 5 00 Underwear ...... 85 " Men’ 5 heavy 0 K Un- demear. 4o “ 50 dozen I’rmgoe Silk Handkerchiefs, hem stitched .......... 25 doz white embroider- ed silk Handkerchiefs (iough’s \\ orM bemer, 9.11- \\ oo] Sucks, ribbed ton. 10 dez..‘\1en’s all- “ocl Cardigan lavkets 80 were 3 1 600 All-“col ( anadian 1‘“ ’ed Sluts $3 90 600 ï¬ne now En glish Txxeed Suiw 4 90 350 fancy Y nrkshire T“ ecd Suits 4 75 300 \‘(out h Tweed Suits. 6 00 Too All-woo] Worsted Suits ...... I 50 550 Worsted Suits,p1ain check 5 90 Men’s American Night Robes,embroidered fronts.... ....$1 00 Men’s heavy twill Cot- ton Night Robes Men’s Sulk 21nd Samn, 4-in-hand knots, worth 250. eat'h. . Men’s Fancy Ring- womd Gloves . . . 25 Men’ 3 Linen Handker- (1)1618 hem stitched “on 5 beau Underwear 19 Men’s heuw All- wuol 25 Wombat Fur Coats, MEN’S OVERCOATS. McLaughlin’s Flour, Toronto. mom FEED Gent’s Furnishings. CAPS AND FURS Teuahing It Up far All It Is Worth! MEN’S SUITS 5E EEATTY. (Raï¬ ........ $1 00 were 3 1 5o The Wonderful Cheap Men, $514 50 were $19 {)0 25 were 2 for lo 00 15 no 10 00 50 Ho 50 50 60 lo Bm’ s '1“ch (‘ use Ovar- (oats. ......$1 75 were $2 1m :3 Nap Cape Over- (0.11.8.. . .2 25 " 4 oo Bo_\’ S fz-H “001 Muted 0\ «H 0.118 2 75 “ 4 50 Boys Irish l‘neze Ul- sters. .. .4 oo "' 7 00 Your pick .uf 500 Cape (h ercoats ranging in prlce from $4 to $7, for 2 9o 300 ()veer<-oats......... 450 17.3 Yumh’s Nap Over- (‘nats ......3 50 3.00 Ymuh’s [TL-Hers. . ..6 00 150 Yonth‘s Cape Over- routs ......... ........5 oo ‘250 Spiete .......... ...... .. 3 5O Fam y bt'otv h Tweed extra heavy dmxhle- breasted 5 no 500 Blue Serge Suits, 2-pieco, hedvy, 98 Funny pleated All-wool Cunadiun All-woo! Canadian Tweed ..»...$3 75 West England T\\eed, l4 difl‘er'gnt , \ patterns .. . . . .. . Venetian and Corkscrew, all wool, former price 311...... .... ’1“ch1 I 1 incest. ( l llity Scotch and Engli‘sh Tweed .................. a...‘.. 2 2 BOOTS AND SHOES Women’s Dongola'but- ton Boots ..... . ....$l 10 won $1 50 \Vouwu‘s Amer. Don- gola button Bmots 1 75 \Vomml’s Oxfords and Slippers...†..... 65 Men's Jlnlf Balmoral and Congress ...... 1 25 Men’s Kip l‘nahumul.... Ym:th's Kip liallnmral Boy’s Kip linlummls†Men’s ï¬ne Curdm'an 2 50 ,l Lhild’s Boots 71%., 259.. 2 :5 Ju 9° "‘ 1 60 1 19 75 69 “ 4 oo Blue Serge All-wool 3 piece Suitin, $2 90 Heavy Canadian Tweed. All-wool BOY’S OVERCOATS Youth’s Worsted (Newman, 3 differ- ent Ihades . . .. . ...5 00 Youth’: Overcoat: from 56 to 38, now selhng for......... YOUTH’S SUITS BOY’S SUITS .-.‘ . admfm‘mn' ll 5 5o 10 00 8 51‘: [Iver Twamv-Flva Yam A!“ OAK HALL Was Established in Canada. 550 The W. E. Sanfor Mfg. Co. of Hamilton, now the Largest Cloth- ing Manufactures in the Domin- ion and one of the largest in the world, decided that the people of this country would be better ser- ved, if they dealt with the manu- facturers direct, and know who they were dealing with. ‘ This was the Acorn planted for this ï¬rst Oak Hall, since then streets have been Opened in all the prin- cipal cities in the Dominion. Peterboro is the last to get in line, and our reception has been a glorious one. The good people of this town, and surrounding country have caught on quickly, they realize that now it is ossible to get style and quality at a fair price in eady-to-wear Clothing, and unless to play fancy prices for custom mace garments. 'I: e confl- , dence that we are gaining with the public with never be misplaced on our part. We would be pleased to have you call and see our stock of Fall and Winter Clothing---and Clothing Only. One price to all. THE RELIABLE ONE PRICE CLOTHIE'RS, 339 Corner George Hunter JOHN MOFFATT, Manager. New [lash W Sam Slum. NEW and SEL‘ (1'1 :51 X K of GEMSR \L DRY GOODS and FURNISHINGS. (xL Al’ -\..\' i £121fo (1‘ er_\thxx ‘" to be ï¬rst-class ; and as represented, buymv for (“81%. Selling with small proï¬ts. under light expense. we are in a p )5: tio: w to show you better value; than any stow in Lindsay. 0111 2%? ~ ck of and surrounding countrx' . . has: Dress Goods. double fold, we. yd. Dblc fold Meltons for :7c :1 yard. Better for 19c and .2 c a "1:12. All worth more money. \Vool Serges,g "00d at 30c for 25 .;.oc Tweed effects for 25¢. extra at 25c, Flannelette {or 5, 8, 9 and IOC. We pay strict attention to Lndies’ Kid and Cashmere Gloves, Corsfls and Hosiery; also {01 children‘s 511k an'ti Lmen Handkerchiefs. Ladies’ and Clnldrcn's Undcnuar, Unldren's \Voollen Heads. Our specialty, BRIGGS PlflllEt, 1U .i‘l' S: FO‘x 8 BLACK DRESS GOODS. Prices less lb: 111 an_. Same in Ontario. \our choice of ten different patterns of Black. xtczth $I.- , ' to $1. 50 a 3-,ard Henrietta, worth $1.25, for t;- chrietta, worth 60c, ior 50c KERR CO’S, Respectfully requests the Public of OMEMEE 611138 Our stock is all new and ï¬rst-class. One price to all. Peterboxough. OPPOSITE BENSON HOUSE, OORS EAST OF SIMPSON HOUSE, FOR ONE DGLLAR. ARE GOOD, USEFUL AND ‘EZIZAP. f": @AY , :Y 7’3": V ALA)†1.00. . mistlinings for 10¢, 1°;c and r5: . , b“ x: linings, 5C, BC and me a yd: Linlsw, to; call and examine our price Mr. Men' 3 Underwear at 75¢ a pie price $1.‘ .53. Luiiou' Mama at 50¢ a. vice price 90". Children's Vests at 20¢ a. piec price " , children’s Vests at 12§c a pie‘ price 200. Envy Cashmere Rih‘md Hug pair, regular prim, 4w. Check Ginghums at 50 a; yam price So. (bod ( anadiuxr Yarn at 40¢ a price 50c. Turkey Tam: lg at 252 a _‘-\ prire 35('. Silk Embrniderod Bandun- each reg prim 13:.‘ Silk Embroidered Kamila-n: each, nigh!“ price 1%. Fancy Lawn Handkerchiefs: regular price 10-3. German China Cake Pines a: regular price e250. Hand Mirrcre at 20v h.“ 11hr! Pm (ushiuns .1126: r-- 511.. f‘ A“! Trays :11 15c W21: r ~rx Tea Pot Stands :11 Mo, r~,-_"..lru Pm Trays :11 15c, YEZIJJF przv-f Photo rfa $.06 at 30c. rï¬g'. Dinner Delis a. ‘5- u uni; .ifxu ananese Pi w new 3; '£;.-.'.« All our Millincry and reduced in price to clear the next THREE week: through our stock for bu W e have been makir .5. ' parations for the Holiu ‘ and now evrc : dcpartnmx tening With bargains, whh our store t 1c Lest place chase Halide: Goods. } departmcrfts ~.c have s ICC which “0 mu: pick ed up instances at 1c 55 th ;:1 cc: ufacturc, such a Hen’uL’mEern‘ear 2T§c a 1.10 ' 88c, regular price ELL. Jazmnese ( 'ushimx t mers a: 3 price 502. Ladies' Brussels Xe: Scarfa' y. 13? price talJin’). Belt Quality Scuietie for SR pnce Slims. One “antic Length of Sea rr zular price Slum-L One Mantle Len-,4.» (.1 30.: regular 34-h» 9.0a. Btu-y Astrachan ( ‘::r2 for (is regular przce $7.00. Heavy Afltrachau: ‘ ‘2er {Jr C; regular ptil-c £3.00. ~ LIL B w aw U fl. P Jun E Rn T 0d 6 E m P m... J. C. TURNB Beautiful NEW1 BARE OLD W Mu‘lig..n's is the place 1 W Inter trading “1: u;- * get “hat 51m; )0: R J Mum P. S.â€"â€"I have m ments with a Toront any watch repairing 3. ._4 And Music; A PHUYU BF Y3 The S. A. «ii! give a. co! the Orange Line, «2: Wed! Admiseiou only 10c. Revival services were m Mondny night at Ops by ‘ (aarhuu. A murdi :11 ix \iiut ed to all In a‘m-nԠThe ammui 10.1 and cm the Lukevule I‘reshyzeriul‘ 'l‘msdu' evening, in the 1 near melcrs' Corners, wa} lelled success in the hi rhurch. The hall \\ us‘ pi doors. There “iil be a 501‘ ms: at the same place. A - be exmcted. 1 In. David Bentley, of X come into: nice win mil the death of an old frieni son, a bachelor of some‘ habits. Mr. Bentley took «in i 1;; his Sickness and ti fasted his gratitude by ï¬rm in l-‘enelox: worth x1 leo Snnduv School J to ne‘tinu with the net was a. decided sucmss. 3m part in the programme a selves well, mnferring: those who had the re training them. The n orchestra on Sunday an very much appreciated I: Adepnmtion from m cil. comprisin: Warden Messrs. Ju. Lithgow, 1 J. L. Bad and John Kell THE OMEMEE 1‘2 0M EMEE. THC BSD A Y. J 363 and 365 Cc and 163 Simc It. A. E. Bottnm, of Bob 13', and pmemed Mm ‘ tion of condolence passe council on the death < Bottum, ex-wardeu. Tl neatly and arzistically {rmgd in an on]: would QUID PRO Q LOCAL STYLE <3; Pix‘ OMEME -â€"-ATâ€" VOU C3. .- u