" mm mm HIEBï¬BE KILLER. - i FRESH SUPPLY Jm 13 Band at mmgmm’s - BREE STIR}: W. EAIN T Ashhumham Wea’flen REID, East End of Hunter St. Bridge See our all wool and mixed mat- tress-as. the best made. _ Rene meal tor fertilizing pur- poses, grcumi fine or coarse. done every d_ay in the wool season. Highest cash price paid for wool and wool pickings and feathers, or goods given in exchange. Roll Carding A RTEIUR ROU STREE. â€-8111 Late of the Commercial Hotel. no LEFT. Ofthe 25 'onlet Sets put in the window at $3.50 for an Eamer bargain we have 10 left. These we willdispose of a: the same low price, only $3.50, but cannot repeat thanâ€"China. Hall and Silver Bazaar. 360 Georzie street. Wool Wanted 1 Having leasml the above well known Notch] will be " at home †to myold friends and new guests every day in the weekâ€"Sun- days excepted. The Roynl an has been overhauled. and “ summer followed." new "gratin" have been put. in. and excellent accommodation allowed the public. ‘arm era, Traveller" and Borders are offered ovary convenience and comfort at mmlrmte rates, A lip-top table. a well-kept. bar. a commodwun yard and ample stable accom- modnllon ough to" ï¬ll the bill.†Come and see me. Yours trmy In Full: Leaf Again 2 In the sama old spot-Hunter at... Pcterboro. Wilson’s Royal Oak Hotel. Young people who msh to be inde- “pendent will ï¬nd it. to their advantage to takea course In our Institution. We do not guarantee to save diplomas in a ticenam time. but. we do guarantee to we a thuzowgh trainug in both the usiness anu Shonhand deparmnentsâ€" in nhort to give students what they pay .for. Our Graduates have no frouble in ndoinz Olnce \Vurk. Write us for particulars. Beat sets of teeth, upper or under, regular pnce $12, warranted for $8 at. Green Dental Rooms, Lindsav.â€"2l-4t Business College. Petal-borough A lump of sugar is not easier to take flmn nginbotl. anus 9Little Iixer Pills. A. Higiubotham,’ andsa_v.â€"-10-tf Remember, you am yet 2 Butter Pails for 25a; 2 Brnnms'fnr 25a; 4 large flint lamp chimmys for 25c. ; 6 medmm flint lamp chimneys for 256' at STINSON'SL A GOOD INVESTMENT PETERBOROUGK. ‘Bnnch omceâ€"Cor. Murray and Bethune Ms â€Lumber, Shingles, Sash. '(mrs. Winds, Win. dow and Door Frameszrxewal Posts, stair Rails. Ralusters, Moulders kc, 'Bonnton Coal In Egg. Stove and Nut Size: Brlar Hill for Gmtvs; Hxnithing and Stemming Coal' also Coke and Lelugh Lump (or I-‘ogxntifles. ism" C. E. H-L‘BBS. Agent Just North of Hunter St. Bridge, â€"-ON THEâ€"- The Bath bun Company Ashburnham Raceway. Our custo nets of Emiiy and Ops wan ï¬nd it to their advantage to call at our factory id Lindsay, on X‘Iilliam 5L, opposite Bank of 5 Ion†..ca Everything went in thebig ï¬re 'of the 25th inst.,‘but we are again settled in a larger and better equipped factory. \Vchavc now 'the best factory, ï¬tted with the best and most up-to-d’ate machin- ery, and our customers-can depend on getting‘what they require on short notice. 53. WMEE EHEEN. ; .3! A4 .1 .. . 7 : 7r " . l .- ‘3â€: ‘.~. .w improve! Index-sod Notes discounted for Gov term not. exceeding 12 months. 'fllbrook omce. over new You (mice. 'Olnemee ofï¬ce. over Rmdb urn‘s rccory. OLEMEE EVERY MONDAY. Hurt“, Solicitor, Notary Public. .ec" Money to Loon. 9-lv Honey to Man on nun-1m at lowest rates of ï¬xtures t. Dr Fred. W. Ivory, DENTIST. one. bonus mm- m 6 p.m. 0M ; Residence. King Sh. Omomce. Out. BANKER ARCHER. :91 Kent, LINDSAY PETEï¬EBï¬b. uu MILLBROOK. : : : ON'K'AflIO. A RARE CHANCE. PETERBORO. Robert Ruddy. PHIHBLH M9538 I. LINDSAY The undersigned has for sale a limited number of Choice Young prh, from the best, Fowl In Canada. Tnos, $2.00; Cocks $1.00. Orders booked new for Eggs for spring season, $1.00 {or 13; Rouen Ducks Eggs $1.00 for 9. Orders by mail promptly booked. J. S. RICHARDSON, Box 44. Bethany. Ontario. Head Quarters for Brown Leghorns Miss Evans madela suitable re- ply, thanking the scholars very kindly for the high esteem in which she is held by them, and hoped they would still be success- ful in their studies. and stated she would : lways have a warm place in her heart for the pupils of Div- ision II. of the Omemee Public School. She also thanked them for the beautiful present. You can, however, know that our best thoughts go with you, and we will ever be interested in hear- ing ofyour continual welfare. Signed in behalf of the pupils, ANNIE IVORY, JESSIE LAMB. The address was read by Annie Ivory and the presentation made by Jessie Lamb. You have been a kind, earnest and true teacher, and “e feel xery sorry that \ou haxe to leave us. OMEMEE, DEC. 17TH, 1896. DEAR MISS EVANS, â€"-â€" “e the pupils of \our room, wishing to show in some small “21y our sincere love for you, ask you to accept this slxght token of our respect and gratitude. The members of L. O; L. No. 113, and especially the committee in charge of the concert are to be congratulated on the grand suc- cess oftheir annual entertainment. The receipts were over one hund- red dollars. ' Miss Rose \Villiamson, Miss Stella Sandy and Mr. Geo. Noms, of Omemee, and Miss Maud \Vil- son, of Fenelon Falls, were the accompanists of the evening, and much credit is due them for their able assistance. Part II. of the program was given by the above talent. all of whom did credit to themSelves, and all present Were highly pleased with the evening's entertainment. A duet by Mr. and Miss \Vzlson was next given, which rccewed hearty applause. Another song,r each from Prof. Fax and Mr. Wilson concluded the ï¬rst part ofthe program. ‘ Prof. H. \V. Sherwood next favored the audience xx ith a comet 5010. His selection xx as ï¬rst class, and the rendition of it xxas U00d, receixing gmat applause. Mr. Fax was again called upon and gave another song. Miss Jemzma “ilson fol 10xxcd “11:11 a: $010, which will gin: her a warm place in the hearts of an Omemee audlence. Miss \\ ilson has a clear, sweet voice, and her selectioas w exe «good. Mr. M. j. \Vilson, of Fenelon Falls. gave a song, which was rap- tupys-iy flppkuxdcd. Mr. Fax came next with anoth- cr side-smitten Mr. G. \V. McKim then gave a comet solo, and we must sax that on this occasion his Selections were especialh good, and delight- ed the lartre audlence. T he clear and swbeet notes from the comet was very pleasing1r to all lovers of high class music. Address and Presentation Miss Ixose Williamson next gave a beautiful solo, and received much applause from the audience. Hex selection in the second part of the program was excellent. J .\t eight o clock the chair was ' takenb ythe \Vorshipful District \Iasterb y‘dr. \\111.C0ttingham, who said he was pleased to see such a large number present, and V1 ished them all the compliments i of the season, anda aHappV' and VProsp erous New Year. He said he l1an :1 long program, and would not take up 111111 h time in speech making. In this Mr. C ottiiwham showed good taste, as lcugthV speeches on such occasions we tiresome, and take away the good of what is to follov. He then called upon Prof. Fax for a song, which “as glven in his usual good StVle, and faiilv “ brought down the house.†Mr. I a): was on the program for eight selections, and after each had to respond to the heart} encores and applaue se The 1115595 3953 Williamson. Jemi- ma Wilson; .and Hessrs. M. J. Wilson, G339. Maxim, and Prof. H w. Sherwood assisted in mak- ing the Program one of the best ever presented to an Dmemee Audience. The arm .23.! concert under the auspices of 1-. O L. :13, was heid in the Bradburn Opera House, j Omen.ee, on Christmas nigrht, , and some time before the hour to y commence the pro'g' am had arriv- jcd, the hall “as cxouded to the doors, there not being a vacant} 'scat, and a large number were“ (:0 2pc“ dtos tand. 5 _,. r‘.‘.“r:‘ n A :1.\ar\ I } x V 2 PROF. us. FAX "ma sun 03? THE EVENING. A Most Decided Success. 113 CBNCEBT.§ Patent and Extension Top Car- riages and Buggies of the latest Design and Finish. My \Vaggons are pronounced the easiest run- ning waggons on the market. All work guaranteed. Terms liberal. Cail solicited. “LINDSAY Manufactum‘ ofCarringcs, Sleighs and \Vaggons. Repairs at all times promptly attended to My specialties including Sunol Cart, either for the. track or roads. Curner Kent. and Cambridge Street, Lindsay, (mturm. Terms, $1.0Up1-rdzu'. The bar supplied “ith the alum-est brands of Luwnrs and (,‘iuurs. Uoud stubiing and attentive hostler. BILLY VEIT‘ H, Manager. EYE, EAR. THRL‘AI‘ AX!) ROSE. DR. YI'ILLANIYS 01.1) STAND, lately nucnpied by Dr. K E.“ PT, X‘E'l‘lï¬lWOIIO. Corner of George and. Murray Streets. Opium-2 Horns: 9 to 11 a. m., I L051). 111., T tn 8 p. m. A YEAR OLD llEH-‘ER. The owner is requested to prove pro- perty, pay expenses and take her away. .105. JAMIsuN, 51-3L ()Inelm‘e 1’. O. On to the premises of the undersigned LOH), (‘.on 1, Emily, on or about. the 23rd of 0c: oher lust, When you are going don". (urge: to procure license. C. Unglxun in Li one for you for 52410. B cure it in ample Lime, so deluxâ€"éU-U. This new Hun-l has l-vvn m-wly rmnndoled and roum‘uud and is How (mu m‘ the bust furnished houses in (‘unu (30ml 5! mm nccmmnmlmlon. 'J'c ‘nm >Ull3lhli‘. +1 THE RUFF: 130111)! I-IOUSE Corner (‘hurlmte and Water-sh: A ï¬ne fresh srock, just arrived, oftllc Clxoiccst Brands of Pastry Flour, consisting: of the Queen’s. People’s Mixul, Etumlzu‘d and other well selected Brands. Also a choke line of meals. comprising Rollal O:1ts,t%trm(l:u‘(l Oat Meal, Rolled li'lu-zu. H‘lxczztlcts.Crackcd Il'heut, Graham Flour. and Corn Meals. These bramlsurc all mun- ufacturcd by the VICTORIA ROLLER MILLK‘. A call is Solicited. T WALDON. HM @315}?! MM Largest circulnï¬on of any noiontiflc paper in the world. Splendxdly illustrated. No intelllnenn 1mm should. be Wizhuus 2:. Weekly. €3.00 3 year: £1.3Jkix mnmhs. Address Ml‘. \\' C0,. Punusuws. 30]. Broadway. New You; City. 17 D. C. LEGE1‘4Z‘JRE, Prop. Call at Thom. Brady’s, \Vholesule :md lie-tan [M‘uk'r m (:moeries. Flour, Fuel]. Baron Hum. [.nrd, Sun, and Hay AH kind.~m'(::mM-n and Fivld Hoods. All kinds .‘I‘ Farm Xroduve “(Run in ex- chanuv. Uld Past (mu-v, Ht: “ruck-st. and 442 Georg-$1.. l’vh-rhm'u. Um. 'l'uh-phune N0. :22. W. C. Tl'LLY.formerly m Hmo- meu. Chief Suicsmnn. 4!; :3m Dr. T. Pop-ham McCullough, ï¬ver 1,800 Testimamals. . .u.u ‘u-uuuuun erlfl U) MUA." . (10.. â€(.1 Bmle’M'. SEW Yank. Oldest. bureau for secunn: parents. in Amcnoa. Every gnu-m. taken out by us 1'5 l-rng‘m, before the public byanouce gweu tree 0: e“ “5c 1:: the n. , .‘ .L†‘,o (In 1' “77".Va-iâ€"W ï¬asmzézt :4: 22mm: -v. . ..n.....v' a For infnmatlnn :ï¬d'f‘xjpg Jigndboqg wrim to \Il‘Mx’ l- .‘.\ George St" l’olcrbdrn For Baz'rrnxns In Dress («mus I: (uh-W (:tnvm‘. U m‘mr- We: 11‘. (nrm- H. and Su-plc Ill} (: nods cull nl “ J HF (HO 01'! l-:'. ‘ Srnl. P: “ apposite Market , ., (‘unx no u. . Arrangements have been made by the undersigned to lend on Real Estate secunty at rates of interest from 5 to 7 per cent, very large sums at 4% ()3, the mort- gages taken for any term not ex- -ceeding ten years, and the inter- est payable yearly, half yearly or quarterly, on days ï¬xed to ~suit borrower, Prmcipal can be re- lduced 'by instalment. Apply to I BARRON STEERS, l - _r_._a_.4. mm. Dominion Bank Building, Vl’illiam Street; Lindsay. HOR \ 131 208 P. (flurmn. lam ofClunzm Hausa. Lindsay, is now prnprimor 01 this (‘lumm House, l‘ctuz-lmm’, app. the (3.1‘ u Nam"). cor. -\:vlmv-r and (,‘lmrlmtc-szs.. win-w he has scuurvd ampln slncd :mzl stable m-oumodu- Hon. and will be glad [4) am: all lns‘uld friends and .mtrous. 'l‘urms libel-uhâ€"lsdm L. O’CONNOR, YEI'I‘CH’S HOTEL. MONEYLE NT. HOTEL CX-IANGE. :11 are gnmg to get married, :t to procure your marriage nglxun in Lindsay \\ illissue S'I‘RAYED 1' Lindsay Wovan mills 1e sur'e and pro- ) :15 to zu‘oid no 1., [‘etcrboro. GEORGE ST., PETERBOROUGH. . And Lindsay. Oven-oats ‘ 200 Youlh’s Beaver 30 Black Goat Coats 12 90 “ 17 5o 25 doz Fealette (flaps, jockey 50 200 dun Imitation Caps, from 19 to 50 2 doz Pers Lamb Caps 2 90 were 5 oo ($00 All-\\ 001 ( anadianT“ ’ed Sluts $3 90 600 line new hnglish T\\eed Suiis 4 90 2350 mey Y orkshire T“ eed Suits 4 75 Suo Scotch Tweed Suits. ..... 6 00 700 Alluvool Worsted Suits ...... 7 50 550 Worsted Suits, plain «S: check 5 90 25 Wombat Fur Coats, Underwear . ..... 35 " men’s heavy O K Un- dor\\ear . ..... ...... 4o “ 50 dozen i’ongee Silk Handkerchiefs, hem stitched 25 doz white embroider- ed silk Handkerchiefs (iough’s world beater, all-wool Sucks, ribbed top . . . . . . lo doz men’s all-wool 10 Cardigan Jackets 80 were 3 1 25‘ men’s American Night Robesmmbroidered trunts.... ....$1 00 were 3 1 5o men’s heavy twill Cot- ton Night Robes 69 men’s Silk and Satin, 4-in-Izzmd knots, v. orth 250 each. . 2 for 25 men’s Fancy Ring- “ om] Gloves . .. 25 were 40 men’s Linen Handker- vhiets, hem stitched 15 men’s heavy Underwear 19 “ 25‘ men’s heavy All-wool 125 A 11-“ ool Frieze Ulstors............ . ...4 90 2300 A H-wuol Tweed Ul- stcrs .......5 50 350 Imported lr‘rwze Ul- ster-s, in {our differ- ent shades . . ..9 50 75 Men’s Cape O’coats 5 50 180 ï¬ne \‘1p()\ ercoa t$3 9o “ere S 130 line Bemer “ 5 50 “ USU lino “'orsted “ 4 50 “ 121?) ï¬ne (‘nrkscrew “ 6 90 “ 150 ï¬ne Wool Melton “ 8 00 “ loo All-wool Beaver “9 oo “ ('overirg higger and better values than ever in the annals ot the Clothing.r Trade oft! e ('tdllill‘)‘. \\ uke up and walk up. Here we are opening the Fall Trade In Clothing, Boots and Slmes,1lats and Hips. “'e are ten years on deck and have seen nznny a sale gm (town on the business horizon. We are now on oureleventh u'nnuul trip better than ever prepared to bring hurgainz to your doors, to clothe the poor man with the rich man’s dress, and all the same low bed rtwk prices as ul wire. For ten 3‘ ‘urs we have made ten years of progresa Our knowledge 01 the trade has grown and our ability to supply your wants Not. only are our stores the known and recognized headquarters for the Clothing Trade of the country, but one ofthe distinguished attractions of the town. Far and near our fume has spread until our names as traders is as familiar in the homes of the County as a. red wnggon on the township concession lines. Rooohing Up This TerrRo ' RoryTrirrmphonfly! Touchioglt Up for All tIsWorth! MEN’S OVERCOATS. Come to the Big Push ! Come to the Big Riddance! Come to‘the Hustlers! Come and Buy! l Proprietor. Youth’s Overcoats. CAPS AND FURS Frames, Sash, Doors, Mouldings. - Blinds, o.,o J. P KYLEY, "Victoria, Planing Mills L I N D S A Y. V: THEJAMES SMART MPG. 60.. L111, - Bnocxwur am- b 71» 0090600000000 099%0666990900660606969‘) wmmooog L“ "J â€""‘â€"" ' “wvvw VJ" U “‘4‘ generally for their patronage in the past and seeking same for the future. and wishing all a most happy New Year, I remain, yours sincerely. T. J. PARSON S. Youth’s Tweed Gent’s Furnishings. I have just received and opened up a new stock of goods suitable for the Xmas and New Year's trade. This is the place to get New Year >6¢¢9© T h 8 “Emperor Perfection†Furnace FOR WOOD ONLY 3960N90W0600®4+0¢00W990066009000690000.0990... NEW YEARS MEN’S SUITS Oranges, Lemons, Confectionary, Candies, Nuts, in fact anything and everything to helpyou have a Happy New Year Thankmg my many Customers and the Public .HMI o... $14 50 were $19 50 The Wonderful Cheap Men, $ 3 90 were 3 5 oo 90 00 15 00 10 oo lo 00 12 50 13 50 15 00 10 50 socks 5o " 1 50 cases Ladies’ croquet. Rubbers 50 doz mackinaw Socks loo men’s Fancy Embroidered Slip- pers 75c and $1 and (‘onzress...... 1 25 men’s Ki Balmoral.... Youth’s ’ip Balmnml Boy’s Kip Balmorals.. men’s ï¬ne Cordovan 2 5o Child’s Boots _]9c., 25c., 35c., worth do'nble: men’s lg‘elt Boots, loose Women’s Don gola but- ton Boots.g ......... $1 In \\ ere $1 50 “omen ’8 Amer Don- gola button Boots 1 75 " 2 75 Women’s Oxfords and Slip ers..... ..... 65 “ 90 men’s ufl‘ Balmoral Twéed ......................... Finest qugh’ty Scotch and English 3piece.................... ......... 35o Fancy hcotch ’1‘\\eed, extra. heavy double-breasted 5 00 500 Blue Serge Suits, 2- )iece, heavy, 984 Fam'y pleated All-wooll Canadian All-wool Canadian Tweed... . . . . ..: West England Tweed, 14 different. patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . Venetian and Corkscrew, all wool, former price $11 . ............. Blue Serge All-wool 3 piece Suits, $2 90 lleavyï¬jamulian Tweed, All-wool BO\’ 8 Ali-“001 Chiueed ()\ercoat8... .. . 2 7' BO\’ 8 Irish l'neze Ul- sters........ ......... 4 00 Your pick of 500 (ape (her-coats ranging in price from $4 to $7, for we n'h- y’m a furnace t‘wt in in:: 11“..- wax-mini 1-nfuxb l2..1 n Mummy“)! 1'24 (“was Lulu-r SU'EH‘IL“.1( 1 sczc'niï¬c ]r:'I:1c;;| n. (in do. \v If! 1 :(531\' mu There is no longer any doubt about :1 hot air furnac: being the best house warmer for (awn or mumry. Th: question is only which luruacu to My. 111 the Boy BOOTS AND SHOES “ EMPEEER PERFEETEQN 300 Youth’s Worsted Over-coats, 3 differ- ent shades . ...5 00 250 Youth’s Oven-coats {mm 56 to $8, now seizing fun... . . 3130 150 ~â€" "a- «.3»- 57797-1. BOY’S OVERCOATS Twéed....I.... . . . . . . ...........a . :let. \vTy1:15-l""‘!bk‘":11"iShdwiJilgdt 1y mum and norm“ 1' a lmuw. ' WI f r (Yt‘srx-ig'P're mtn'otzno. Tf' 3W1 .::1('-):1H::1ruin_r 13:11. 2‘ Suc our cclc' k "1 " Kelssy †Wmm Air Ucuemtur m: placmg your oxxhr. "s Tweed (Tape Over- uouts.... ......$1 '3 Nap Cape Over- coats.... 2 (h ermats ......... 4 Youth’ :5 Nap Oxer- mats ..... \ unth’ s Ulsters. . ..( Youth’s Cape Over- coats ...... ..........5 YOUTH’S SUITS Wellington St. BOY’S SUITS ;t and seeking a share of the most happy and prosperous v. ll'YF"Y‘"flS<C(1 .1 '1‘) l: 1113‘ «: :cx‘. EL i4 cm:- ‘nS. i; .~: :nn'. 3. ti al.(1\'.i.liu..xt 05 16o 195 00 290 10 oo 45o 400 69 oo 300 850 75o 00 1.50 Ludies’ walkmg hats 45 We are clearing: out all Imos «u and winter millerrery at half price GLOVES Ladies' kid 7 hook lace 2.09 †lace SS “ button 64 Ladies’ black cashmere 1:3 IlOSIERY Women’s heavy ““001 Beaver In 1111 colors Fancy, latest style Fancy, “ Tweed in all colors Lndios’ IO I¢ ‘1‘! n. [1. 38 in. 40 In. 4-1 in. 44 in. 46 in. 44 in. 40 in. White Blankets, 71b Grey blankets c Oxford shit-tings Grain bags Linen towels, 20 x 42 2 Towels, )5 x 30 Fancy Dutch Carpet Fancy Carpet, special Floor oil cloth 145 yds wide Ha]! won! ear-pet, l yd “ide Lamb skin blankets See our 5(: prints, reg: 10. Flannelettes from 4t: up. DRESS GOODS 44 in. Silk Henrietta 46 in. (‘mtting Serge 44 in. Henrietta all colors 40 in. Fancy dress goods Bleached onlmns Feather ticking Fancy ginghums Roller toweling - Fine grey flannel Table linen, 60 111 Heavy all wool flannel Flannel sheeting, yd Wide Fine Military flannel Cana‘dian tweed, all wool STAPLE DEPARTMENT Cottonade in fgxmcy patterns 22% reg $0 Grey Cottons We never allow our stock to become‘ broken,‘ liut 142:}: t}: glen; assorted from January to December. “'6 fimka‘ Câ€. to mand meeting changing conditions of trade by being up With the times, each and every revolution. THE GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO. BARGAIN DAYS, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS THE WflRâ€"YPALAEE STUHE Fancy dress goods Bannerette dress goods M A N’I‘LI N G Henrietta Serges 'J nrtan plaids Tweed serges M ILLINE RY. trimmed huts u " ribbed cashmere EGGS TAKEN AS CASH 87 rez].25 89 -‘ 1.25 1.15 " 1.56 75 “1.00 2.09 “ 1.15 88 " 1,00 64 “ 75 ]S I); 19 " 17:} reg 1:3 “ (I 19 193 4" 38 ‘u 39 30 re" I. 1' full " 1.00 ‘3 .50 350 35 0f a; 00 (an :30 40 30 25 25 "(I _.) 10 12 GO (“ROCK ERY 97 piece colored dmner sets 6.00 reg 8.00 Specxal bargains in white goods. " spa-i111 23 " 3( Mixed tea, arr-5n and black 25 “ 41 Baking powder 5 a. 1‘ 'l‘mnames, (tr-r 1 or peas '4' Raisins, new truiL 7 ('urrams, he“ fruit 5 4 lbs mxxed (-z‘ndxes, Ivory‘s selected 25 30 ibs bright yï¬llnw sugar 2?. lbs Redan ’5 granulated 7 Hrs Tapioca Sardines - Salmon, good brand Japan (ma, J D K - - 1.39 “ 1‘77 Women’s Don lwztmn or bale 100 " 1.5’ anen’s Dun button 1 25 “ 1,61 Misses Elm-e gram bals 89 “ Li! Misses bnfl'bals 6:3 “ i“ Children's in all lines at special pricca RUBBERS Men’s InmheruAan's rubbers 1.15 “ LSK “ Rubbers 45 reg (K Won‘en's Rnbhflrs 35 " 4! “ Storm Rubbers 4" " 5( Men’s lined 0 Shoes 1.15 “ 1.51 GENTS" FURNISHINGS Men’s shirts or drawers 20 †3! Bm’ 5 ï¬ne bnls - Y outh’ 3 mean bale " ï¬lm quls Women’s glove grain or peb- ble hula J I) K - Women’s Don button or hala BOO’I‘S AND SHOES Men’s ln’vy lace boots 94 U I “ Fine balls 99 " I " ï¬ne bols or congress 1.3 “ : “ manger, J 1) king (0.115 “ l “ In ls, ‘ 1.89 “ 2 “ Don r Cong. " 1.89 " 2 Boy’s l‘eavy school bals 84 “ l Men's Freize P. Juciu Men’s “ Ulster-C Men’s Tweed Yuulh’s 'l'ueed Sui s 3n_\"s 3-piece suits “ Oven-oats Men's Men’s “ " all “'00! Sootch shirts or drawers Knit top shirts ï¬ne t p shirts “Lite shirts REA DY-M A IJE CLOTHING s Tneed Suits $6.50 “ $85!; 4 U 450 4c 7 00 _ mumm'l ‘Donlu 95 rag 1 ‘11". Tweed Pant s Freize P. Jackets 3 ~17 “ Ulster 0 Coats 5 50 (iRULERIES 1.15 1.10 18 reg 14 u 20 44 39 39 89 9g 60 " 4) u 50 " 1.50: 30 60 1 M) 50 60 50 1.33 1.10 ".l 'l 40 In 10 glass accommodation. - Choicé liquors and agar-s at the bar. Hmds, Proprietor.â€"2-3m When you are in Lindsay call :: Mansion House.. opposite the M L‘mdldy; Terms._ S_l.00 per day. --M Miss Hendren. 501013: of t‘: :9 ( L. Street Methodist Church, Peter'vo {ill Sign: at the S. 8. en: erminuu Mt. Pleasantâ€""ml" Friday 9;“ next week. Rev. Mr. ’l‘anner \\' take part by giving an address. R- Ruddy, of Millbnmk. has a tit." 0‘ private and Companyh‘ to [end on Pas} terms and low r; mien“, K0 commission charged mee Olï¬oe over Post Oxï¬ce; open Monday aflemoon.-â€"16-tf In a letter from 11.1. met citizen ofz'uis p34 good times in hum where he is Mann, "on. tile business. The Rev.\ - . A. M UM anee has accepxe-i me ' £ended to him by u. o 0: i the Methodist ( '9urch, ()9 become their pastor nc: \ean We ure sorry to learn 2}: 32 H m young son of lredericu Mchnit his arm broken in: {no plan week The little {81'0“ suifared deal. The breaks manual: sed iv} tramping ox.- his arm. Dr. T. Popham .“M‘uliungiz, Throat and Nose Szwcialist, land’s old stand, Ian-1y (bu-up Kempt, Peterlmro. 1! ya; hm ease of the above parts gu'c hi 34-3m Dmt fail to UV “ I r.‘ (are, †also “( :uarrn 120 are gi\ in: great rmi- --1‘ 1 these diseasw, .1 H},- Store Lindsay Miss Ella McCaffrey, f .‘uh in town the past week visiting ems. Hersnstvr, Addie “as a for Xmas. and New Years. The 'lownship S. understand. u“! be h the ï¬lst 0f January later" Keep the date Mr. Thee. Ivory. Sr his bed a few days US are pleased to learn I: and expects to be ab: Miss Jenni: Eu home in New Mex Miss Endxcott has this vicinity. Mrs. (Dr‘) F. J. Brad friends in Campbelifur Cnibume, returned week. Miss Lizzie Davidson, for the ï¬rm of Barron an say, spent New Years town. Muss McMillan, of A rived on Last Saturday, . duties in the Omemee The ï¬shing: spans sun; after some of the recent the river. and abide by 1 Wesley Mitchell. of Beaver: New Years with his z-arems, Mrs. J. .1. Mitchell, Emily. Our Band should remr: sernade the newly elected « and county oï¬icials. Wiiliam McCafl'rey, of Cixy, Spent the holidays wit in Omemee. Rev. John M. Garbutt preac sionarr sermons at Dunsford u next. Arthur Franks and W Frank Hill, were visitors Frxday last. Mr. Thos. Richardson and Nets, spent a few days M Evans .lust week. Miss Eila Sh-Quade and 3‘ Wilson were visitors to 1’69 meek. preach on the Bethel C day. Misc Hzmie Pogue was a. 1 Lindsay on Saturday. George) ’JTTiS ‘s spending a nith friends in the Queen Ck: Rev. Newton Hill assisted i! iatic services a: Little Britain 1 Jae. Mc(‘armli, of 1-011 ers gaw- tM Mirror afnendly ca}! Miss Wood, of Lindsay, is \ the home 0: Mr. and Has. Thai Sn}. Mrs. T. A, McPherson is vi budge friends. Hr. aw1 211-5, E, Scarlet: at Omemee friends. The T1 wnship and Villag meet next Monday. OM EMEE. 'I‘HL'RSDA Y. .Y A :ev THE ODE acnts \V W3 td NDEED‘ 000$. SILVERWAM nd Jewellery, Music ANTERNSA Aâ€PS. COAL om Venice in China and ( '“dWWdly the Best ‘ULLIGAX . .I. Jo: heral, of Duns OMEMEE. K L LACO 13' repairing: v: ‘oALL KIXDS O '5, the New S. Toronto 1 3.1115 D next. 'xrcun mam: Stem even: ,eac