Pror. J. H. De Sllberg. Optician and cele- bmtad eye npt‘ciallst. from Germany. will visit. 07:99er three "men a your. and may boon-mantra“ the Bmlburn Bonn Parlors. Watch for-data. Al! conuutanons free 0! Chime. Those having weak or lmpe tack on» would not. (an; to « him. The newnnd np-to~da:e harbor Shop and 70wa Store. '3 he Tonsnrlal Rooms sup- pllpdwlu: two chnirs. with two ï¬rst class Arnntsm attendance; no long Waits. Alt. Rruwn in change of 'I’onsortal Rooms. Ev~ cunning mushy round in u. Tobacco Store to he had here Drop In and see Damn . one door wmd 01' huh; Hausa, Kencszreet lnd~ “LOAN. icGRIBBIN, Proprietor. Wezmvea ï¬ne line of beautifully dressed anus, all sizes and nricea, for Xmas. presents. T. A. Mcplnersnn 6: 1'- P. H.00AD, PM!) 8.. Drngglué‘: Optician Lindsay, (mm, succes sur to a. I’M-rm, next. door to Gouzh’n. will be and to accommo- date my predecessor’s old customers m all hit! ï¬pechl linemq'tm Boo McPherson 1! Co’ a ï¬ne display of load: {or the holiday unsan. Prof..l’. H. Dnï¬llberg. Option; anclallst. of Kumston. will be at. the lirndbnrn House. muomo-e. nonday.J.u-. 6th. un til Wednes- dny . th; 81h. Dr. Neelzmds, the experienced and sncceatul Dentist, of Lindsay, will be u the (‘mumercial House 0;). Pust. Ofï¬ce ()Inin196,0!\ fruosdax'. Jan. 79h. Il'e wil’ bu. nu and boot pgin obtundors Call in the fbrouoon If popslblo and secure WANTEDâ€"A gem-ml Servant. \Vazes $10 per month. SIRS. R. E. \\’OUD.130(ilhnour euro“, Peterboro. For pure drugs at lowest prices, go to P. 1*! (DA D, th. B. Druggist and 0p- tician, Lindsayâ€"H. u sppolnunent. I Everything â€"up to- duo In camber]. Drs. Wightman . Scott, Dentists of Peterboro, visit Ome'mee every Thursday. Ofï¬ce two Doors east of T. Ivory Sons’ General Store. McPherson Co. have some very ï¬ne fur coats, caperines and gauntlets, also caps, at the most reasonable prices Would make handsome and useful presents. ANNOUNPE.“ l-.‘.\'T.â€"anmg purchased tho Drug Rtmhless {mmr‘rb' narriml on an- dertbe ï¬rm mnu- ox {)RMON DJ: “'4 LSH, I will continue IL undvr the same name. It wt†be my rare to maintain the high repu- tation so long hrsd by the- luuslmms for re- liable goods and for accuracy In the norm"- nil-m 01 mt-dicinvs and prwcn Hours. The Bsock wm be mainzuimul a: a lgh stand- grd orexcel'ï¬nm. Invlrln a. conunuzmce of patronage. very respect any. DICKSON DAVISINN. . if you reqnm anything in spectacbs oyoglwases .-, (‘uH and have your eyes tested free. Satisfaction‘ guaranteed. P. I! ‘20“), Drnggis: and Optxcinn, Llndsav.â€"tf. Fox SALEâ€"Mix thorn‘brr-vl (‘on Dog Pu Thvy are bnnuthvs. $1 (-ach Apply '0 0b!) u. \VIKsOu. Heulml’v) P. ()..0r 0“ the ptomlses, ( Itswm Corns“ Furnn. To the Public: Ynur draught is Inehs uutln-rézul tn refund me pur- ohw ptire uh a twenty-ï¬ve or ï¬fty cant bottle 0: (ireelw’s Warranted 81m]. 4-! Tar,†it {hits tn cure yum «and: or amâ€. (ï¬zzled) The Lester If Greene ('0 A mowing of the members of the Public Lflnarv, will be held on Monday Jan 13, [I r U.e rurpow u? ehctmg nfl‘. oors and the human-Hun ufothcr buaio Mr. G. W. Malian, of Milibrnok, will boat tho Mirror 05cc, on Tuoldax, ’II. 1422:. Thule havmz biackamnh geoounu with him will aka-o call and Come, :3 ha in desirous «vf hen-mg an ouch :coounts nettled ox: Hm! date. SEED BARLBY FUR SALEâ€"About 350 bushï¬- of good. clcnn barley. at. 60v. per bushel. Apply to T. B. Lnidwy. Omemeo. The many friends a! Conn D, Sctu, 3nd Hr. l). M. Kennedy “1†“‘279‘ t" 103w of their illness. We understand and are glad tr report the: are both on the mend. In th'e line of C10 Wide range for your ‘ Small clocks reliable; they "1 ments and kcï¬â€˜ ments and keep g: Polxshed naturu mttal, or marble- am: your taste. 8 Day Clocks, $2.50. Our prices are 1 ï¬ne goods. Uniqu 7.11, .\h-Qnm!:t, Anctloneor eJivorl lnslrnwticns fnm Mr. Adams. m :1613 t-_\' public auctlom prawn-es, Viclnrlu Ave, Omani-- m. mg! tn G. 'l‘. l:. Station, on 'I‘ dgy. 133ml), 19W}, in on.» o'clot'k she. MI valnal‘le hum stn‘k, implements, éc. Sea bills for further particulars. WHJicflAR 77 mass, m Cook’s Cation Rust ‘3 Is chcm-siu‘ï¬y and mo :2; 10.011»l Ladle-x $319.9 :Ter‘ma! you: u:u,:_-.:xoi for Codi: Lat: rifl- Take nu other, :13 nil T-f :xtur». miutions are dangerous. ['11. e, Nu 2:01:50. 2.10 dcgrres stronger. $3 1329 I or 2,3131}in uh rtceipl 05 {Rice and: sumps. the Cook Co;np.-ny Wind WNW. 1 and 2 Sum Niki :‘wouxmcndc‘ responsible Dmggists in Canada. I The 9 U PM“: they make A 5v »_ A m ; My“ “ 2"" r4 3’0â€"?le Now, 1901. : Ynur druggist is u w )0 Each memlwr ofnu Institute in en- titled to recoive a copy of the following pnbllvntlomLRepmt n! the Ontario Agricultural Collage; repnrt nftho Agri- cultural and Experimenml Union; re- port of the [Min-men's Alsocldion of ‘ Eastern Ontario; ruporl of the Dairy- mon's Association of Western Ontario; I erort oftlxe ()nturln (‘remnerles' Aa- ‘ nor-lutiou; report. of the Farmers' [Hall- ! hues; report. of the 1)0mlnion Sheep :5: Swine Breed°r'u Association; report of the Poultry Associatlvnamnst and west; report of the Good Rude Association; Bullem-g of the Agricultural College a n 6 Experimental Farm.‘ Valuable mutter ll cout‘uln‘ed In tho-e reportaâ€" ovoryono should have them. Join the Institute nnd they wlll be lent to you free of cost. â€you are a mombor; and do not receive each of these publica- tion annually, no!in your Socremry, or write to F. W IleBOH, Snpvrlntou- l dontnf Farnxers' I‘uututes. Guelph. Ontario ‘ linear: I H Fee, Inn 9 bran appointed hex-ship fees In: the F eru’ Institute, On Wednesday lns t , nominations were held for Ofï¬cers and Council of the Society. A lull list of the nomina- tions will be given in next laws of the Mirror. It ls expentml that Election day will be one week from that date. On account of tlzls nothing furtLer will he carrled on by the Socioty until alter the elections. Reasons Why Ycu‘Shculd Become a Member - r the Farmers’ Institute. At tlm Methodist parsmmge, Lindsay on Jun. 6m, IQWZ, by Rev. E. Roberts. Mr. Allyert H. Human, Lindsay, (form- erty of Alillhr0uk,) to Miss Clara V. Corneil, eldest daughter of David Cor- nell, Sussex Skeet, andsay. Mr. and Mrs. David Fameâ€, of Lind- aay,were}'ismxuu Omemee and Emily friends, Monday. "Dr.†N. F. (‘nnmbm of Toronto, and Mr. G. \V, McKim, nf Ilium-00k, gave the Mirror a friendly call Monday. Mr. '1'. Boyd, of “t fleasam, is virit- in: at the! home 01 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mitchell. Mr. Wilher! Thornton, n.’ Peter-born. was a visitor to ()memee, the past week. MLGeorze and Miss Nome Greer were the guests of Mrs W. Lamb, on New Year's Day. Mrs. Samuel Blakfey, of )hnvera Station, h a most at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs Alex. Jones. M rs B. Spence, who has hnen visiting: be:- 919197 Mrs, W, [an-b, has returned to her home in Tor-unto. Miss Nanio \h-Qnmze, of Omemee has lrevn uppninmd toad-9r of the Sr. Dapt «ftha ('axnemn Public 8.â€!an and Miss \larv 'thw, of Omemee, has 8.1m scoured the pnsiHnn us tench. erin Hm Jr Dppt OHM: Rams school We u is-h these ymmg In. â€as the in at 0‘ success. Game at 7.30. Principnl J N, Mnfl'utl, of 11m Ome- meo PHMic School, has returnm! frnm a pleasant Visit with Valomia friends. The Beavers. My, Juhn Brrihmn. nf Jnnatvillo. wished his Unwmse and Emily friends, Inst weak. Bo “caygeon ‘vqoatinn “ith her \Ir9 “m. Shemnod. an appointed to weep! memo 'ees int the Fact Victoria Furna- . Literary Society. MARREED. Fee, and if. E. Ford W. S. Jardiue. Cor. Sec‘ returned tn nresume her Pllhiic Sc‘hnnl the ()hrntmas pun-nun Mr. and returned to un.e her dug. Is the ï¬ne“ 13', last week. inter, .Hsa 18328 at the Emily. lust '11 (‘uHegc Wn with 1317 n» I wish to lnrunn the cnizene of Ome- mee and surrounding cmmtrv that I will keep Constantly on hand, a large supply of ROUGH LUMBER, Notice is heteby given that the an- nual meeting 0! the Company will Vine held In the Chosen Friends' Hull, Pou Oflico Block, Omomee, on â€onslaught"- unry 20th 1903, 1112.80 o’chck, p m ya- the purpt-le of electing Directors. Those having deeds of Cemetery Lots “ill have avoice in the proceedings. O. u WILLXAMSON, Omenne, Dec 26th, 1901. Sac -'l‘reas. Allkinds omecodanummb,Sl Doo s,mBl â€1.0M uldlngd‘xo Also Ls“: Shin rglo I. 620. At Rock Bottom Prices for Calls. A can is most respectfully Omit-“ed. ‘ OMEMEE. Dry Goods, Sec bins announcing these in- teresting events. Lfllhï¬l‘Yarfl. "the uddruases m the evening sessio- \\'ill be interspersed with choice vocal and instrumental music. See. programs {or full partleulnrs. Admlniou . Aftenmnn sea-Inna free; Exening session 1%.; members and heit ladle. {rem “are". " The Comfonublo Home," by Miss Luna. Link"). A,ddreaa " Benulihiug Ibo Home,†in Mr. Mutt. now to fan. 1813, 1903 for J. J. NICHOLS. d u n n hm " vu- aw I‘D). Jun. “Sill, IDOL’. lere will also be a meeting of the Fast Victoria Lndlee' Institute In the afternouu, in the Chos- en l-‘neuda’ Hull, over Mr. Bradburu'a Grncery Store. The Iolloalng is an outline of the pruceedlnua: Afternoon Sesslou, Bradburn â€all. Program to emnuleuce at 1.30. Address, "The urn“ ing of rod and alike clover for seed,†by )[r‘ H. Glen- Emily Cemstery Company. Evasion. oftho East Victoria Farm- or’a Xnnlitute will be held in the Brad- burn Hull, Omemeo. on Wednesday, The ï¬rst scheduled gama oftlno Trent Vailoy League nill be played between the Omenmo Beaver: and Bobcnygeon teams, in the Omexnee Rink. on Thur-- day, Jan 9th, 1992, when the above teams will cross sticks for champion- ship honors. The manggoment assure the spectators a ï¬ne exhibillon ofuioan Hockey. Come out and encourage the ‘ boys in this their opening game. Ad- ‘ mission léo, Ladies and L’lnildron l0c Game ‘0 commenc. at 7.30 n m J. \' Aioflatc, President; li. Lamb.l~‘.ea-etary. A Grand Masquerade and Fancy Drowns Carnival u ill be held at Frank- lin,ml Friday evening, Jan. 10, [902 The program will commence at 7 o‘cluck. Achoico program of sports will be put on, after n lxich a hot oyster auppcrnlilbe aorvvd. Admission to (‘urnimL 20c, Children 15c. Supper 25c. extra. Evorybudy come. Roam f..r all. See bills for prize list. 6. U. Tripp, Manager. N I W; wvmony 413951.": 9 ,g/(im Coming Events. NEW Lagos} mg. 8 PETERBORO \Ve have the Short Jackets, \{edium and Long Coats, Tight Fitting8z Half Tight Back Coats in Black. Navy Blue. Grey «3: Fawn. Ladies’ Suits and Skirtsâ€"Every Style and Price in Ladies’ Ready-to-\Vcar Suns. A ï¬ne assortment of the very Newest Goods. New Furs for Fall and Winterâ€"Ladics' Astrachzm jackets, Electpic Seal Jackets, Coon jackets. Also alurge and complete assortment of Furs for neck wear. Also Gloves, Mitts, etc. ' Always a ï¬rst-class stock of Ladies' Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, etc. OurMillinery Rooms are full of all the Newest and most Stylish Millincry to be found in Lindsay. R. B. Allan '85 Co. FALL WINTER JAEKETS RB. Allan8cCo’s Both in Lmiias’and Men's goods, principniiy Marsh's goods, no better goods mada in Canada. Also Amerinun make: in Ludies’ Ruin Our import order om. has just come to hand, fur strongth and flavor is unant- pasm-d. I’AIKTSâ€"no need to any more than that we soil the Siwruin-Wiiiiams. HARDWAREâ€"A car load of bar and hand iron, horse-aim", hone nails, cut and wire nulls, tnrrcd sheeting. dry, plain sheeting, rnnting fell, glass, puttv, gate and barn door hinges. strap and 'i‘, hinges, Emits, luck» and knobs, and everythiw in he found in a ï¬rsbciaas Hardware Store, m as low pic-m: as any where. “"9 soil Rifles, Revolvers, Shot Guns and Ammunition and re-inndinc tools at right prices. When you want Lanterns, Came Chains or Home Blank- ets give no a coil. We solicit a. continuance of your patronage. The lay-gas! and 1198! Mack of Clothing eve-r shown by us. '1'“ Bed sultry worsted suits, splendid goods and {II-e ï¬tting Uwrcnatn. am: a case of Bo; '5 CluthiLg. sizes from 24 to 35. Shirts and Drawers, Etahï¬eld’a unnhrinkuble. u ads from pure “col, and unrmnled no! lo shrink In “nailing. All departments we†uorked w ith the latest and best, Tweed Dress Sulxmgs, Black and Colored Sen-es with krinmungs to suit Wrapperenesâ€"a large assurtmum In new and handsome designs. Uur stock is fully aaunrwd in (fro- toués, dark Prints. Flunrzoleucs mud all Wool Flannela, a. new elock of laces, embroidefles and small wares. For V'Vinter My stock was never so complete and artistic. You thing from a DO YOU WANT TO HAVE A A HAPPY NEW YEAR, Don’t Miss Seeing the Elegant New NEW YEAR'S GIFT - J- Mufligan’s, DIREICILY OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. ROBINSON EWABT, 74 KENT 3TB B, LINDSAY EAT! BOOTS AND SHOE S In medium or even Strong Footwear We can give you style and price make you examlne the goods but become a purchaser The Canadian Rubber Co’s, celebrated “Armour Proof Rubbers†for Stock. Every Pair Warranted, and replaced FREE if’ not 91in In speaking of High Class Footwear we need Lewis A. Crossett for Men and J. Never before in the History of the shoe trade was it possible 1; for so little money. T here is an increasing demand for the a wordis our specialty “The Best. ROBINSON EWART Are Making a Rare Offering in Boots Shoes? Rubbers, Uvershues. FOR YOUR FRIEND. For I4adies EVERY STYLE ,AND PRICE THAT ARE OFFERED AT“ onIy $1.00. Subscribe now and get all the N ewe IF SO, YOU MUST CALL AT Cash. and One AND GET A wear we need only mention the names “Hagarâ€. and Men and J. T. Bell Fine Footwear for VJomen. can get any. \Vood Heating Stoves, coal Ranges, coal Heaters, and coal or V‘Vood Furnaces in the Town; , g 1’ SIM M Wï¬ï¬ï¬‚ [:ng Sim our own makeaevory stove guaranteed. The BANNER wood cook-sin {our sizes. The Good cheer cook m (our 81888. We also keep a large' stock of Graniteware, Tinware, Knives,Forka Spoons. We are Headquarters for American "and Canadian Coal Oil. ADAM " HALL; . [avetmughingï¬ Bnaï¬â€™ng a Specialty STOVE S Haréwara Merchant Tailor, PETERBORO OMEMEE. Cutting Done v‘v '7 Now is the tiine to secure If few suit-s left. If you have a MIS-FIT bring it: All the newest patterns and latest Shades in heavy Weight goods for Winter Wear. Admir- able for business men others are Our splendid English and Scotch Tweeds-~special prices. 0511 and inspect, Reaï¬yuï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬e for your Building Supplies, Nails, Locks and Hinges. Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. â€"Aâ€"â€"Â¥ Machine Oil, coal Oil, coe'. Oil rmour rrooI‘ Rubbers†for Men always in replaced FREE if not Satisfactory. We Sm Your Attention for . M. CGBB, Cash Store. 407 George-st, PETERBORO. to some of our leading lines. In .J.A. 'riee to A11. A? and Below Cost. ‘.\"e have on hand the L: , RANGE S, FURNACE S style and prices that not only In a h11hnLnnAu ible to get so much real quality ‘Ii the VERY BEST, that in TRAIN . Manager. €€€@ۤ%ۤQ@ for wood and coal. i’t FIT? re Bargains. Only a. left. ,8“ it and We will make Short Notice. g AND CLEANING ,argest wood cooks : . 37.