And no one knew better than the same great apostle that he could not take tet'u'ge in the mercy ofGoti, before satisfy ing His justte N0 0111: too knew letter tl11n he, that men â€notion ofthe human heart (ould Le nssigmd to God, and could bc used to illustrate His love. But yet mercy could not shelter andredeem his soul until justice had taken vengeance on sin. And this was done in the person at Him wl1o“1'or our sakes became Sin." And so he exultinzly cries, “I thank God through jesus Christ our Lei-d. ch, only God who ought not, could pay that debt. Such Brethren is the ch: itthr of God, such is tic} naturr- of sin and such the 11101 11mm mule for sin in the person 1t_[cstis Christ. the Srviour of 111:1nktnd,“the samel yestertl 1y, to- day 1- 11d {oreur.1‘1.1di-n 111158 $er 211 ttutl rs no! express ouz faith e1 er} time 1w 1' peat ( ur â€red: “I l slim-1 inOne God. the Path«. r Almighty. 111 1kcr of Hcavcn.1nd Earth and of all things visible and i111 i: 11 .‘e, at 9) 1n one I ord Jesus ( hrist. the only begotten Son of Go] begotten of His Father before all worlds, God ol God. Light of Lial1t,Ver\ God 0t Very God, Beg otten not made, being of one substanm “-1 th tbcw Father, by Who-11'1†things wvrc mudc, who for us bear its c0n5<~quences._ But how shall man do tlus? God’s justice demands not only that punishment he meted out for violation of Ivaw,but also that satisfaction Le made for the deutol'b'iu. But how? Man isasinncr before he sinn d. In Adam all die. lec the Son who has to meet not only his own Siabilittes which are Inï¬nitely hey. nd his alnlity to pay, has also added to them like liabilitxes ofhis father, sn stands the sinner in the sight of God. Can there be inmgmed a state more desperate, more appalling? Manought topay that debt hm man canno:. ltwas the possessmn of this kntmlulg‘e tlz't flrcw forth froxn the great St. Paul the passionate exclamaton and mquxry, “Oh wrath .d man that I am who shall deliver me from the body ofthis death"? And if Sm cans-mi such a conflict of emotions in the nature of God, if: he problem of sin presented a difï¬culty to the mmd ufGol what we xsk must sin be to man? Sin is not God 5 war k and man, whom 15 the guilt of sin, should alone ' It cannot be denied that we live in an age of growing :tnbet’ief. . The Church is deserted by multitudes in life and health amt happi- ness; who oniy seek her ministrations in sickness and sorrow and *dath. The debt that men owe to God is often the last one thought ;.of, and is by multitudes never paid. . ' . And why, We ask. do such condxttOns prevail? Is it not because of two false conceptions that exist in men's minds, the one relating to God, and the other relating to Sin? A man's creed is largely the fruit of his life; practice in matters of religion always precedes theory. Hence a man's concep- tions of God and of sin are largely the outcome oithe manner of his life. But thank God human conceptions are not always gruth. One man regards God as a ferocious deity, ready to hurl against him, the javelin of death ; another looks upon him, as an imbecile deity. too good natured to punish sxn at All. The ï¬rst might be feared, but not loved, but the second, ‘aithOugh He might be loved could not be respected. Bothl ‘conCeptions picture an imperfect God. The God revealed to 'us in His W'ord is perfect. perfect justice. )et perfect mercy. and bnlh included in perfect love. The love that condemns and takes vengeance on sin is justice, the love that shelters and redeems the soul is mercy. Thus God is so holy and so just, that He can look upon sin with no degree of allowance, yet He passiOnately yearns to save the Sinner. Sin. and we say it with the deepest reverence was the only thing that staggered God. Creation w th all its mysterious and stupendous laxxs to Him was as nothing. “Hast thou not known, hast thou not hear , that the everlasting Goal, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not neither is weary." Yet what conflict of emotions ï¬lledthe nature of Him to whom nothing is impossible, when be regarded sin and its dire possibilitieson Hts own cre.-.tures whom He loved with an everlasting love. .Perhaps no pronhet better describes the passion of God for the sculs of men than Hosea. “HowislmIl I give thee up ‘Ephrztil‘n? How shall I deliver thee Israel? My heart is turned Within me. my repentings are kindled together? And why we 'szsk this passion, this distress to the nature of God? “"215 it not that He knew the strength and the power of sin. “7215 it not that He knew that nothmghut the life blood of the Son of God could atone for the exceeling smiulness of sin†or satisfy tint Justice that could not look upon its hideous tiefounitv With any degree: of allowanCe? ’ The Church of GoJ has among her priceless possessions ‘the prolui‘e, Lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world; a promise visibly fulï¬lled by the clown tongues of ,flame the ï¬rst Pentecostal morn. And the Spirit then bestow- ,ed has ever sinCe guided the Church into all truth. And Ebecause the Church does not make Truth, but is only the guardian or custodian of Truth, for that very reason she can never part with any portion thereof, nor allow it, without a ,protest, to be Inns-interpreted or misunderstood. 1t mav be that in days cone by the Church has occupied positions. Or is even to-dayoc arming positions, that mend not be defen-ied in order to seCure ilct‘Own safety or the Saiy ition of mankind. It may be that many non-essentials, though hithctto regarded as productive of good rcsuits. might be abandoned without the great body 0{ truth suffering in the least. just asa skilfui general withdraws iris outposts that in: may the better defend his main position, and not Oniy so, timt from such vantage ground cover his enemy \vith chr- whclming defeat, such would seem to be the stern necessity that confronts the Church of God tofday. For it is not the outposts ofChristmnity that are assailed but the very Citadel, the foundation truths themselves. And the attacks are all the more dangerous, because arrayed in part m the garb of truth. anualistract principle, but those eternal relationships of God tonmn and mm to God, that never vary, let men's concep- lions ofthcm be what they may. For human Opinion can no more make truth than human criticism can destroy it. Truth is( (End’s revelation to man. We do not mean to say that man htts had all truth revealed to him, but that he has had all the truth that is necessary for the needs and Cnpncuic: M is. being. In this life he d0cs not see “face to mac " Here he knows in part, hereafter, “he shall know :1'.‘t‘ll?l$ he is known.†And because he Sees only in part the speculations ot‘his mind often lead him into those limits beyond which it is dangerous to go. And yet it cannot be denied that God has Qiytn man an investi ‘nting mind, that He has dep OSlted wtth him certain truths that lead to other ‘truths, butp which if perverted and mis interpreted, lead first ‘-to doubt and then to unbeliet. Truth islike a tree which if duly cultivated will produce .its own frqtts of faith and hope and love. But man must not graft into that tree the alien scions ofunregenerated thought, for the fruit must inevitably be “false docuine, heresy and schism, hardness of heart and contempt of God‘s “0rd and commandment.†And thus we See why a half truth is more dangerous than a whole lie. H ebrews III . 12. Take heed, Brethren, lest there be in any of you, an evil heart of mzbelief in departing from the Living God. Truth never changes because it cannot change. Men may Come, and men may go, human opinions and c0nccpti0n§ may oscillate between extremes of outside thought, yet truth puxsues the even tenor of its way, immutable as the everlast- mg huls. Anti when we speak 01 Km“: we mean not merely “The Haw Idea of Salvation,’ REV. J. H. TENEY, RECTOR, Christ Church, Omemee. A Man’s Creed the Outcome of His Life--The Age One of Growing: Unbelief. FIRST SERMON Ar‘cent ï¬rs. snhatitzzte fdr "Golden Med- ical Dismverv." There 1"! naming jus as goori for d ysperï¬ia or dcbiiuy. 7 Biliausncss is cured by the use of Dr. Picrce’s Pleasant Pgllugs, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov- ery makes the weak stomach strong. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of di- gestion and nutrition, and so enables the body to resist or throw off other diseases. Men and h'omen who are sick are in- vited to consuit Dr. Pierce. by letter, free, and so obtain without charge the opinion of a specialist on their ailments. All cor- respondence strictly conï¬rlential. Ad- ‘ress Dr. R. V. Pierce. Bufl'ilo, N. Y. "For the past two years I has: been :1 ve sick woman." writes Mrs. Chesley. of :08 W - land Ave.. Cleveland. Ohio. Q'I tried medicines from doctors and to no avail. At last I decided to try Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. When I started I was all run-down and had a very unpleasant taste in my mouth. Was choked up, and at times it was very hard for me to breathe. I had severe headaches and cuttin. aim in my knee joint. Was so weak I coul not attend to my work nor walk up or down stairs without the nssistnn'te of mv brnthcr or some friend. I am now takixm the fourth bottle. and am happy to my! feel like myself again. I can go up and down stairs and perform my duties as well as any one. Evrrrt‘ï¬ug' ‘- 1; be bright2r. and I can assure yuu that lite is worth livmg.†The 0 Bing for disease is often ound in a " weak" stomach. When the stomach is “weak†the body aIso becomes wak- ened by lack of nutrition, and disease attacks Eh: heart, liver, ungs, kidneys ~ and other organs. Parsons. mu! hivssre. M (‘hmmu E. lic- Pherson. P Shaw P. Pnrï¬mts, ’1‘ Han- derann, G. (Hmzny and E le'd â€"I’rml of Lindsny, of Saturday, Jun 20.19t13: The Farmers†Instmm: .‘IvssIr-ns yes tprduy were a 2mm] sncreen Full re- port in next issue. A jon' s‘t‘.‘ Em! 1‘11" v drm’e up frnm O'nmnon Ins? 1.13:?“ and spun? :1 cnnnfp nfpeuï¬unt hours an H 9 skmiw: rink The pnrh' (‘n'npr‘mï¬ the fHwaiI'u: Misses Ethel Henderson, \Vzu-e He «hr- son, Pearl MrQIm-ie. Lila Famous, A “‘3' thm' Y ?S-29. _ “.7 ..-..v, â€v“... “mu-v.1 nu“- .uv, . «us-n lnulr'r [nan (I‘y‘l' 1’91! rather than Heuvvn, and doeï¬ it too, in spite nfGOvi’l tremendous 961'an save hhn.mxrely the doctrine of eternal ; nnishment needs no furtimr\‘indicntimn "’I‘nkn [mod Ihnn Brethren los‘ them be in {my cf you anevi] hm": nfnnlwlinf In de; urtinu frmn the living: (4nd.†"liPware of those “ ho privily shall bring in darnnahio hn'ns'ios oven denying: the Lnrd that bought them " Bow-are lest hv trifling: with sin and all its muse-gum)! ces that ï¬nd shnnhi hp tempted to send to you “strong delusion that you shmxld lelevn :1 HP. " But let us- m'hr‘r listen to {Le revnrd oFthe teaching nf him “ ho leaned on Jesus’ her-‘L and hoard with his own ear the Ir vim; pulm- tinns 0me heart nf Gm]. “Marvel not. at thin fur the hom- is coming in the which "I! that am In thpir graves shall hour his mice, and Mm]! amne Forth, they that have dune good unto the rosnrrm‘tinn nf life. and “Where the camel’s head goes his body follows,†says an Oriental proverb. It’s the same way with disease. A small opening will give it an entrance and when disease once has a pace in the body a large; nuqxbefpf ill‘s may follow it. FEE: QEE’EVE ESE EE And what He nsk Is ull‘cred to us in phtt-e 0! u. Divine Saviour wno saves us from the guilt and poner mnl cmzm-qnunces 0" sin by [his so- ‘cnllvd â€new idea†I)! Salvation. ’l'lm whole theory is a tissue of nils-re- ‘presentutiow and fultac :tt‘tttlaniiuns .cf the ltuly with or the Catholic Church. And so Iazrfhllll being new it is merely a TQ'CJSt ulheresiesus old as Arins and Pnlngins, themselves. Apart from its inure blasphem- ious features to which no will subsequently ruler, among other thlngs it falsely tu‘cuf-‘es the Church of teaching men to ignore the present, to make it the great nhjuct of human desire to est-ape hell and win heaven, after death. To this accusation “9 n-piy. that. while it, )5 true certain sclfâ€"nppnintcd preach-r5, r. huse iunurnnce is as profound us their We- sntnntion is great. claiming til we mysterious inward call to preach the gospel. have [mute such 8 base appeal to men, yet no right-minded mun shunhl accuse the Chnrt-h fur the pcrveraiuna 01' those who put her at deï¬ttm'e. For {rum the l“mi-min: u!“ hvr teat-hing: tn the ex (1 she lm- ,pre.s.~e:‘_l it her chihirm: llm urmlt lest-Inn, that Gad did i-ut send His Son to enuhle Its. “in ('tvihirrn o -: mirth, to enter heaton :is Winthned felons, but that M! might ha: 9 power to live on mirth as tho Sons of (ind And does not ovary htlh‘n nt'wnr aim-inns But-k nt (‘mnmtln i‘rurer. {rum Hnly Baptism m the l‘.nri:tl hf tho “mid, Cm‘utifllhit the truth nihnrwmtmitiun and expose the fulsnlmod hf the bnfum mo :timmu nhurge WM me ask were you brought to he embrnmut in )‘nnr Savinnr’s arms in Holy Hap- tlszn, and why are you Rn earnestly invited, (nn invitation “’hh'h many of you unh-trtmxntvl)’ tutu-ire). to t-rt‘z-uent. vonrselvvs at the ’l‘nhln of row Lord. Is it unt because vmi mp rém-unizpd as uâ€: Sm»: m" (ind “my â€my there is :1 plan fur mu ul your Father's 'l‘nhle But wlmn you stand alooftln ynn nut. L'n'e tnt- mmtn)‘ m-vnsinn to hlasphmnn, do you not furnish him some gmnml for Us :u'nusntlnn that the (‘hnroh tenches van that the present u ith its «tn'lm and privileges mnv hn ignored. no long as you cream Hell and enter Heaven at the Met. Rut on this [mint the Church touches that such is :1 mad .lalnsinn, n. dungernns nnutime Such an “C(Ellsutimll then against the ('lmroh is at: 13190 as the Father at“ lies. for Ullth‘r the» lnstrnvtinn vf' Ler Divine Hem]. She pun-p for all the pre~ent hlesselness of which that heantlfnl passage "Thy Kingdom Come†is cugmhle rut intvrnretutinn. Again the "new idea" null-:0 the accusation against that Church, that she ehturtums :L hm aunt unworthy (-nltceyllun ut (ind humus†blue plu- chums God's nruth npon Sin. "i'hink" H says "ut a God who Could cteutu :1 hell (Jonah-as torment: um! con‘ ign to it my smile“! creature much has his own children." “A (“uncuptioll o! snlvaiiuu that reprcretzts Got! us doing such things, condemns itself †But it is not nnr purpose or intention to endenvur to t-Xphtin every n ystery r»! (max wm-d "l‘he oceun uf God's truth i~ too deep fvr any swumting hell in uur possession; but we have mnpln mum to bank mnSMYeB (in the human of Its gun)". waves. And yet it i311?! (umnntmth “but. we can mum! and what cannot. Just so is Hm muuntn'm of God’s truth one nmjrsths zme tn- spirtnu whom, from itsstnpemirms \n‘rl-‘B,Y0 its rwternulszn'm. chui [H.jgmg And nut-Hy of me u hu Lununl ch‘mh its tutty peaks because «a camel breathe at such a hemht, yet. 6' (1 our prnper level on the foot hllls, when) the grass gH-ws and the ï¬nwars bloom and Whvre we can hide ourselves in the clutta o! the even-lusting rncks. If we endeamrvd by guides of human wtsdnm to settle the Inn)- heights 6)!3p>‘0nlath,m about what God w HI or wm not ï¬nally dn with the unrepentant sinner, we might. as many who have tried bofnre us, win: om- footing, and be dashed to Moran on the tucks n! unht‘HM. 31:! even hero “(9 can hide (,urseh'ms In God's comforting and pl‘ulectiug 1m 8, and in this matter leave 111:2 “My Word to be ita own best mterpretor and in (n1. 1: 1 e81 Je- fence "The Son] that an): uth it shalt (tie "' "The “irked shat“ ho turned into Neil mu] all the people that fnrget God †"Depart immanm ye cursed into everlasting tire prepared fur the devil and his angels †Can may at the critics and delmuncur s of the UM fai:h, WM "3 \\ hat other htnznutze “9 can utter. tmm w) at we know of God. f“ 1†Mill‘- “'9 know oi'sm, {rum \\ hut we know «nftha freedom of the human will, what other nwsmge- (lure we dvhwr. (Haul nulued might tl-nusavtdn he ,.....I'| A! r! v u _-u . W e {I .l..v.ul. ....h...; _, .V ...P... â€unwaruï¬ m. ifdeath meant unmhilmimx, H lmjndunwm followed death, if there wasunjndgatndviivertucl-.(H\1Iiver,und no ernon in which to oust them. (‘an any of the ndvucanes «\fthe "New Idea of Salvalion" with its: goodmatured Gwd. its cmn‘mtuhhe 11611.1)“th In one Single folly that is not visited with its 0“ n natural cmmequancvs; one pleasant vice that does not become its own punishment, mm sin that is nnt ham-d with its own appmprlMe scourge? And H‘"!he wagas of sin is death" Buy-9hr He \vhotenohaa mun concorningsiu, anything losstnau its exveemng giï¬. humus, and its oï¬â€˜enslvmaess tu God mum inevitably he fnliou ed both here and hereafter by the despairing curses ohhe damned. Apart, too. from the absolute Sovereignty of God, whose h'm' must he supreme, we must not farget that in this maltnr mun Ships in and exercises the treednm of his ml] It is true God is (no loving to corsign one single creature tn overhmï¬ng dPnth; but when mun chooses cank- ness rather than li21.t,death rather than life, Satan rather than Gm]. HAM _‘.|Ln_ ;|..._ 11,, men and our salvation came down from Heaven, and was in- carnutc by the ley Ghost oftht: Virgin Mary, and was made 1‘ man. Yes, here we have the God-man to pay our debt and to make satisfaction for our sin. Hue we have the man who ought to but cannot, and the God who can lut ought not. \Vasxt any worider that the angels looked on in adoration when “(So-:1 sent forth His Son horn oiawmnzzn.†“"35 it any wonder that the angels sang "Glory to God in the highest, on earth pence, goodwill towards men?" Yes Brethren, in spite of the Oscillations of human thought, in spite of the insidious advances ol’unhelief, in spite of the determined opposition of the woxltl, in spite of‘er new idea of Selvaéimz,†we still cling to the “Christ of the creeds," “than whose name there is nonr- other given under heaVen, among men, whereby we can he saved.†Doprix'e us of this. and then for man there is no known Saviour, for sm there is no possible atonement. Possess‘ed of it we defy the. Wrath of devils and the scum OfI‘JCl’. v-vvrur Huey 1.1m nave â€an goon vnrn Hm rosnrrot‘tinn nf ,ifp :II‘J that have done evil unto the resurrection ofdamnation "--Jol.n V. e appeal] to men, yet no right-minded mun the perverbiuna ofthose who put her 9.1 MM: u? lwr teat-hing: tn the ex (1 she 1m- *mt lest-Inn, that Gad did 1-"! send His Son earth, :0 enwr hem‘ml us ynrduned felons, r m hve on mlrih as tho Sons of Gm] And rï¬ï¬‚f'un‘zm} as UN: Sum: of (w‘nd and HIM ’ulher's 1‘;th Bnl whnn you stand m-onsinn to Masphmnn, do ynn not :u'nusntinn that the (‘hnrvh (91:0,le 20:4 and privileges mun-1m Favored. no r Heaven at the hint. P4190" thispnint ‘ mad delusion), n. dunuemnu nnufime the (‘hnreh in "R 13198 as Hm Father 02' Ler Divine Head. She wars for 2!! â€In! beautiful passnuo "Thy Kingdom whole theory is a â€sane of unis-re- .:I' the Huly xaith of the Catholic I' It is merely a rte-(Lust ufheresiesus PS. Apart {tom us mun) blasphem- w..~...n.â€" ' *V‘ ~CW ‘, T.,..._ U _.‘. ‘ can’t be beat. One trial is suï¬ï¬cent to convince you that our quality, style and prices are right Om" Hackey Shoes you should pause when you think ofa pair of boots, shoes, over- shoes, slippers, leggings,moccas- ins or anything in our line, beâ€" cause TEN TO ONE you have thought of the gift that Will be most acceptable. When pondering What you Will select in the line of LENDSAY. "As the airing unto the buw," the quiet w mm m an he wanted to sumcsl 'tu'u thingn that. were the cnmplemeut wrench utherâ€"Lwo things that work to gellmnand are more nst-fnl tog- thr-‘r ihzln svpurmnd â€I‘m. otl-er t‘ lugs or the Sumu MM] 2 e a [Latrnpniilan daily land 21 “Val le\‘-.N'~ilil('r Um: gixos the Wurlnl’b I.P\\':.’ mm] the . tler the news of ,ils own Invalitv. Butln supply natural wants. and neitlwr run ï¬ll the want snppl-ed lay the other Alon-u M?!) yunr 1| cu! pa; er, Hum-{um \‘on slmnld take The Toronto Daily Star. In all Ontan-n :here is no clty paper that can ccunarv with the 'l‘urontn Daily Star. It has its own «lirer-l v-xpeclztl cables, which ng‘ van tile “(u-M’s news a day ahead of mner papers And it gives all the mar. ket. quntmimm, um] givns â€mm on the ammo (luv, nrr:ixln9n hours nl end of the m: rmâ€: 1w; ms: F...r (busts re 1mm; :olmm \ on will ï¬wl it will pay intake the S tiuson. I l Gruby nmify my customers that Hm mpmt, Lnim: circnhm-d that l have raised 'ha prim of coal oil, in ant‘mly false Inm sHH selling Pn'm s Asmzl fur" -50 pal-gal. and Surnm Oil {m- 20(- and will until further notice. W. D. Another uf the old landmarks has 2012?. Mr. James Nngent has changed tune for eternityâ€"and ('anuda fur Hvaven. Un'w much this crmnlr)’ owes to the: sturdy, tLe lmrnicund Lheindns~ trimm men who ï¬rst settled it and turned the miden‘ess lntn a garden. UH er man have Iu‘uorml and we have (mu-red into their luhnr Amid Hue rnnh «)ftl1331'.~mntie>t-‘I cow-Jury In! us [rump rhrliHHJI‘I‘YIfliiid12.:li'k“0 wm-k and nmth (it mm u hm howed to make [he Emu] and the (‘hurt'h “hat it is to day Mr. Nix-gem “as 1 urn in tho (‘mmty of ('avan, Irehud, nu Ma; 9th, 1521) When he was but seven years nf age [I e Nugent family svtliml in the Tn“ n~ nhtp n." Ilnpo, when», unvr Sume yenâ€, the father died, They then removed Dmiington, whens, in lSHJLe suhjevl hf this notice wasn::1rr‘edlo?~iis.~ Ann f‘uttnn. Six boys and four girls “on: the ni‘r's;-riug of the: Puppy uhiun ‘-.. .‘ 0h, {t-r more of the gr“ and grace of our hikers. In vn'h hf" Mr Nngen: was rnxzvcrtmi tn “ml. and jniwd {Le Mclhndint Munch, Parviru a r umber-z! yearn as (sinus Iwulz-r Now ‘ ha rusty: ?r(vm his l-lmrs and his works do {Minn him. With We (‘XPPM‘HN of Mr. 1:25 anvant of Mauve": and Rh" Rev Fran- mn Nnunht of the Loudn" (‘m-fermmc all of his fany survive himA His r9“ mains were iznnrred in t’w: crumb-van! at Rethmxv. by Hm side- nf his “He, in the hope of the TOSII‘N‘CHUH nf thejunf R NV, (3: B HOWN. 1. ca! [my er, â€Inn-{urn \‘0! The 'l‘urumu Daily Star. 1 :here is no city paper thu' with the 'l‘urmntn Dailv SI own Hirer-l v-xpechtl cables. Von tit? “(u-M’s l1('\\‘fl 51 d nH-er pawn-s And it give km. quntminns, um] giVPR sumo (MY, nrr=ixfn9n 1mm nu rum: nu; ma Fur (1 â€3mm x on will ï¬x‘d â€win; l'nrumo Duilv blur CITY AND LOCAL PAPERS. Mr. James Nug’ent. .u-u- . OBITUARY. the Always on hand. Perfectly Driod and Scaspngd. Bcs. qualities . Hard and Soft Goal. Uordwood and Mlllwood. can and gct our IH'ICL'S and examxne goods. TEL'EpnoxEsâ€"Agent’s Ofï¬ce, 77 1’) ; TOW“ Ofï¬ce: 77; Mill Ofï¬ce 78 Is the Place to ban I uml: LY, I ath Shin glcs, Cement, Plas- ter Paris 8: Chalco xl. Also Hg mquuxtcrs fox \\ indscr Salt, “ Daily Cheese Butter†Brands. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings Co’s Lindsay (Alice. m son’s IIntel.â€"2h‘-ly Rathbm ‘ï¬Lfl ‘3 SEHIâ€" â€"â€"__ YE The Dr. 1‘75 lands, DEN'I'XS’I‘, - “N â€5.1 Y, Visits the Omenwe (Tmmncrcial lluzci, opposite the new ï¬rst â€nice Black, the ï¬rst ‘1 nesdny nf every nmnth. Admin- ister‘cd gun with great sum-ass for uvcr '25 years. Beautiful leeti: and Splendid ï¬ts. Front: and hike work inserted. “1‘1.†‘33 «in g! 3‘ “"521: an gflfl .‘Lâ€"IIII.‘ If you teqmrv. anything in sm‘r‘hu-‘zea‘ nyeglussus c. (‘:LH and Inn-ea \‘mxr (uses tes'ed we. Satisfarcnuu gl'lilrunh'PzL P. [I OOH), Dunnia: and ()pncmn, Li;n!s<:u'.â€"â€"tf. lime: X;n.:imm!, Puzerlmrn, hm»! ae- mxmmndntimm 1.0“ Out nuns ta; Funn- era. A call snlicited. 15 where you get Value for your Money. Om Sm‘ L: of :IIOchics and Confectioncrx' is Fresh and ‘Vcl .-o‘«.ss Med. \Kc also carr} :1 full stock f Cro: kcry. D;nn..,~ S; ts Toilet Sets, FanC) L.nn.m 41:, etc. In mhi‘nxin‘i‘: we ham-lie all the 5;§‘i~'(:x't:: _ r,: , 7' ‘, v.2 8ND WE E1 1 fl gal 53 « k mtâ€: ‘ as; if; a", w 2;†5;; #3 IQ] «ix “4' 2" Bargains all this week. FFEES. EES! rfgiig AND 60 Te... ‘hï¬fxz J a , flulfi QUE :3: F flies; aticn Sale ‘5 1110 mum 11ml HUN Qsasaascbesaaisgsï¬: all the Fla-{die Mining Co's Brands, which we are Sell in: at Lindsay prices. Salt Herrings, Cod Fish and Salmon Trout. @sasaaa in many newlines. Last week clear- ed a large number oflines a,“ vertised at the beginning of the week, and others have been selected and re- ticketed and put out for equally quick clearance. IThe contractors will be with us in afew days We’re strain- ing every effort to get as much mer- chandise out of the wayc “ 9 possible be- fore the commencemert of opera- tions We commence the 2nd week ofour ALTERATION SALE with m’ariy opposite Simp- The Stare That Never Disappoints. 887 G23 ORGE STREET WEEE'ESESCSESEESL :2 , Manager. ï¬shph‘hnuu 0!. £1 1""! '.;‘. Mulder, Hrs. . . "f:l."n'1i!ig'~ . '2 chosen a 25'. .g "I â€:9 {hf-iris: ' . collie": -'. n -. : to their mum .w put “um: '\ _ ; r7 Lariat-w truth: 09 the Fair v p “adored lzi2::_ : '1. than proeweg â€follows: ~ .8"). W. I) 941:: Ma Mash-r. "NI. A!’.l-’.'.';_‘L" dfifled (help 1-. ~51 {r- In â€1- v .ri. r' of Nze m “322;: 3‘“; outhasiauiv L z; 2‘ Orange spirit «,3 Nut-Yb L-sze~ Mos-c dark; {2 “air: r123.» 2) 9H coaching. 71.9 L0? Intake 2v: [I'M thEir u- (2:; ("uhtt “a†(‘12! called flw 8pm"- Tim. 124M- ( 0'2"" town prnpï¬rtg' a g unlrt. Rue-1., 1 v†l-rx' â€run :04. », LanOaV, '-‘ I Ovsters, I"? :1 \Veddu:; (LA; 5““ Ind 022.1 o‘ (‘eremn- i Br». J. 'I‘. E 1 he hour v Uta-r \thU}. cum-d ugwn 5,1 \I [duh Mum r1 c‘iun iï¬ bn!;~..§‘ Lodge c usei, . tunic: uf {5.9 ~\ Tho- L'Lmiwdj T mlrr b) sp- Q‘th, am: vxp w. Linda†{Met 7 .k‘ " Thnm a ‘- a. heart.» iawc‘: " lulu, J .m' , -\ able tor New Come in 9.21: Oil Paintings. els, Phcto FL.†Easels. “.7. Writing 1‘ '5' 77 Kent 8 ‘55406. 1 and 2 5‘. Wide Drur ‘ We ILA? u o if hfunz w B phi, (“arr-c ‘ulvflt‘l'nv- . '- Ihe cuturt-v 3130 ex‘e:..‘;c "on of Sr - “ Wat {citations are ugh 3:01;)“. ’3 19 dflzr WI- “V- H. 331 um." . an 1 mimflecoa m». i campg- The Cook floo many :zu‘ "IO I'mâ€: 63?“ ‘ a guys the If: «:4- Limited Church sin-xi horse 1915‘ RF ed by leavhia .‘LH'VO i 15 ‘3 no ha} nth i.- .n “it†g~ 2139 Elihu-1:11: ï¬â€˜xl X! >A WON; 1‘: a: x-: a: Tim \\ well. You su ness, coast: Pills act dire For 60 years the Stands: Smail doses# L'JST â€" In If“! BUCKIN: Want you! brown 0! rich W ‘X ['0le 3‘». ‘er' Seeds. portan ments. many '. Bra. \‘7 I ls successu moo Ladies m dm 2:: he no OLA-r. TEN! atnre' I‘r 90W "JVXi ’our 11 M (OZ