g’BOrtder Your Coal by Tele-‘s? 5 phone 13, Phone Charges Prepaid. 3 gPriees Are Reduced Te: g . $7.00 Per Ton Delivered. _ ‘ F2 6.75 “‘ At Shed. I‘d Peompt Delivery and Satisfaction Guaranteed. §Wmf7fï¬Ã©ii€3£j EWAKELY FORE-E maâ€"â€".m~ $525, 000 STOCK TO BE REDUCED a T0 $15 000. ERIE. STUCK REDUCTIHN SALEE Yeg'and no matter how low the price, the goods are sold subject to our fullest guarmtces, sulyjt any fauh and your money back if you want it. {These customers will be q | this sale affords. [There’s a vast amount of stuff, which in accordanCe with the l . WAKELY 8: FORD laws, must leave our store by Feb. 131;. The $25,000 stock must be reduced to $15,000. This can only be made possible by reckless price cutting, so we say EVERYTHING (except Cotton Thread) WILL BE at a quarter to a half off usual prices. That’s the story. We’ve cut prices till things are great bargains sure enough. The four walls of our store are inelastic, we recognize our limita- -- tions, and to keep the volume of merchandise proportion- ately adjusted, we are oï¬â€˜ering some of the best bargains Lindsay has ever known. ’ The sale is genuine, we mean business with it and we are positive you will be well repaid for a Spec1al buying trip here even if you’ve many miles to come. ’ uick to realize the saving chances which Old time customers at WAKELY FORD’ S ‘ will remember the savings our StoCk Re- duction Sale aï¬â€˜orded them in July last. Sale Starts Saturday, Jan. 2nd, 1904 5'} .- mmm= E. anglerson. 6f Oméihee, IS of uiss Lillie Bradley, TO CLEAR. Evmfln‘ug m the Slfll‘fl Hammad! Wgâ€"w Mrs. Hagerman, of . mg. Spent Xmas. with Mr Ias Eastcutt. Gavan. mfAftcr this 155128 We expect Chance ,5 to publish the Mirror one day Bugle“ earlier. a†- :oi Peterborb, ’ 5“ ith spent COME AND SEE. as. Goods we have .W at remark- ices, to clear. ER, Millbrook. MCMuHen and daugh- ter, Miss Flossie, of Zion, were guests at the home ofm. and ms. H. Richards, the past week. Argue visited friends ver Xmas. Lacâ€"scams. nan-pa: =7 â€ï¬r-.2? P mm ;‘.‘~F-~.- .- m; t M. 1" m Mrs Rob: Nurse Spent New iDay with Mr and Mrs john Fry, Edmunds as wsiting friends 'Kenny preached anni- Ins m Oshawa, last Sun- mmaï¬ GOFUJE Irwimof Wing- .xends 1n tuwn Lty. spend mg N ew HE: George ESEEEEWW fl .15 RS. tam,- At the last regular meeting of Millbrook Circle, No.6, Order Canadian Home Circles, the fol- lowing Oï¬â€™icers were elected for 1904: ' P. l.., Bro. George Lock. 1‘; .L, “ R. E. Stanton.- " G. A. Duncan. R. S. “ C. Thorndyke.‘ ’ F. S. “ J. N. Hicks. Treas. “ I. Gillott. Chap. “ W Archer. , War. “ W Mitchell. Mar. “ W S Sloane G. “ W [Coats S. “ W T Weaver. Installation 2nd Monday in januarv, when all members are n quested to be present, The Rev Irl R. Hicks Almanac for 1904 is now ready. It will be mailed to any address for 30 cents. It is surpris- ing hoiv such an elegant, costly book can be sent prepaid so cheaply. N g family or person is prepared to study the heavens, or the storms and Weather m 1904, Without this wonderful Hicks Almanac: and Prof. Hicks splendid paper, WORD AND WORKS. Both are sent for only one dollar a year. Word and Works is among the bent American Magazines. lake the Hicks Almanac, it Is‘ too well known to need further commendation Few men have labored more faithfuily for the public good or found a warmer place in the hearts of the people Send orders to Word and Works Publishing Co. 2201 Locust St St Louis.Mo. Home Cirle Lodge No‘ 6 Elect [ emcers for Another Year. 'l‘hc Star’s success, therefore, is but the natural result of a newspaper policy which consults the taste of all classes. Its subscription price is $1.50 a year, with the balancc of this year thrown in to new subscribers. The Rev. In R. Hicks 1904 Almanac _.......... yum, "um: 15 sporting columns cover the “ho! . ï¬eld of sports. = The success which The 'I‘Oronto Star has achieVed during the mstfour years has been the subject of much comment in the neWspapcr and business world. From an average daily circulation of a iittle over 14,000 for the year 1902, The Star has now an average daily cir culation of over 21,300. it has so grown in favor, too, Will) the general public that it now carries more advertising than any other paper, evening or morn ing, in the city. The reason for the pop- ularity of The Star, however, is not far to Seek. If you are a reader of The Star, you will have noticed that its mws; columns are put up in a way thatl makes the news easy to read. Its daily woman’s page, with its fashion cuts, is very attractive; its market reports are especially full and accurate; its editor- Ial columns ar: fair, sane and strong, and free from partizan bias, while i s A Happy New Year t-o all. Mr Allie Payne, of Toronto, spent Xmas thh his Milllnook friends. SECRET OF SUCcsss chC! to return for rï¬ï¬â€™dï¬i W. Flavelle,» James Low, 4 Per Gen “3’21“ on De. bentures. MOney to Loan on ,Real Estate. Ofï¬ce Hours: 9 am. to 4.30 pm 3; Per Gen .A*’°‘Ve.d °" ,deposxts May be deposited or withdrawn any day in sums of $1. 00 and upwards. ' Authorized Capital Honor Graduate of Toronto [hm-arc. it: and Royal Cullege of Dental Sur- zeons. All the latest. and inmmved branches of dentmtry successfully performed. Charges moderate 0 F 1" I (3 E over Gregory’s Drug Stnre. corner Kent ,and Head Ofï¬ce, - I will carrv out the dunes ofithé oflice to the best of my ability. Wishing you all a prosperous and happyNew Year, I remuin,yours faithfully, Victoria Loan antifâ€" , Savings :Gompany Having received thcnominat ion for School Trustee, I respsctfully solich your vote and influence {or that ofï¬ce, and should I be elected '1’. H. Hassard, Election next Monday, jan William stream To the Electors ol the Vxllage of Millbrook. LADIES and GENTLE MEN. Attend the New Year’s Concert in Omemee to- night. In South Monaghan the old councxl Was rc-electcd bv accl:n., with one exceptiOn, viz: the re- tircment of Mr. Greer. who is succeeded bv Mr. H. Dzmson. There will be a contest {or School Trustees in the village, between Messrs. 10an Allen, Geo. Campbell, T H. Hussurd and A. Leach. Mauve-rs Townshipâ€"For Reeve Messrs. Ios. Hickson and [as 11. Stewart. For Councillors. Messrs I \V Bruce. Thos Fmrou, ‘V H. Hooper, \V. I. \Iullig mn, G :eorg McCartney and Thos. Stanton. Mr. R. \". Clark was nominat- cd but resigned. In ()mcmou thu-re will be a con- test for the Recveship between Messrs. jos. '1‘. Realty and R. ] Mulliganâ€"10m good men. It will no doubt be a hot race. The: fol- lowing gentlemen w are elected b} ucclu’n to the Council; Mussx's. R. Carey, 15. Elsom, Ias. Evans and I. M. McCrea. Lava n J Messrs W For Coum Berrv. T \V. H. Sta I. E. \‘cedhum. Mr. GlIlozt re- signed to saive the expenSc of an cIccuon. Couri Ci Iott proved nimsclf to be a good mam for the town. and it is ‘perhaps to be re- :rcttud that he‘chose to drop out of the contest, :llbho' we have no . lOub! as to the‘ubility of Conn. Needhanndshe has had much experience in mumcipal matters, .md is not aimid to hold up lor everything thin ho believes to be light. The fo‘IONIka gentlemen Will be thc T'soun srepresentutius in (he Cmmcil for 1904:1{euve, \V. S. Gixen; Councillors Hem) Argue. R. I. bank, I. C. Kellsand I. L. Needhum. Mr. T. (1 Ivory \V'IS nomixmtcd for Reeve of Omemee but rcsig‘d. For Trustees ~l)r. (Tmmrron, Messrs R 15 Ford and I McCrca, were elected 1w accln'n. TOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE. PRESIDENT, MANAGER. , The municipal nominations were held on Monday lust, and considerable enthusia s m w a 5 shown in most places, altho' muny Councils, thru'out the l’rovinCe Were elected by atelanmtion. l'his was the case in Emily Township and In Mlllbrook village. Emily re-elected its Reeve, Mr. James R. Route, and alsu last year’s C0unculors. viz: Messrs. james Courtney, I. H. Fee. W. Herhhey and Wm. Lowes. l‘hese gentle- men make a creditable Council, and we congratulate them upon their x‘e-election. The interests of the Township will, as formerly. be Well looked after. In Milllnobk Councxl there is onlv one change frgom Ltst year, viz: the rctiiement of (Ioun. W. Gillan. whois succeeded by Mr MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Dr. F. A. Walters, DEX'I‘IS’I‘, LINDSAY. Municipal Nnninaiinnn. 'an Townshipâ€" '5 \V I l"islx.-ran ounmllors. Mme Staph )rs. .\!( KCHV. iE‘O and C LINDSAY. $300,000.00. 991’s Robt Shield Of Reeve. McNeil. George Shaw. J'U'S‘.‘ H. RUB’ERTSiE Mustard, WINES and Worsta Sauce, OYSTERS Ialso wish to state that I will be in a better position than ever to Serve you and as many others who can see their way clear to deal with me. Next Door East of Mirror Ofï¬ce, directly opposit: Town Hall, I desire: to thank my numerous fricnds for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past year, and wish them one and all a most happy New Year. TEAS (IOFI’ISICS A SPECIALTY. Card of Thanks. “c SIZHII ï¬rsass,Piasss, so. Best]; sakes Choice Tobaccos and 4 V‘Cigars.\ CON FE CTIONERY LUNCHES served at All Hours. FRESH GROCERIES J. McBride, 385 387 (Seorge Street, PETERBORO. MILLBROOK, ONT. TEAS, COFFEES, MILLBROOK. Upnnsite Queens’ Hotel, ace Restaumm, of the ï¬nest quality. in every style. arrixing daily. and choicé After the rush of hohday shopping there are odd lots which will be closed up QUICKLY and CHEA'PLY. The departments must be thoroughly cleared of all REMNANTS and small lots. Those contemplating Putting roofs on their buildings, the com- ingr season, wxll ï¬nd it to their advantage to call on me, see sampics and get prices before buying any other kind of rooting. It is wind, dust, rain and ï¬re proof, and comes cheaper than ï¬rst class shingles. A Shirt we’re proud to sell, and you'll be happy to wear, for CNE DOLLAR, including the Cuï¬â€˜s-oand they’re ALRIG ET TOO. You hate to discard them just because they become “SEEDY†looking, but your self-respect demands that you discard that Shabby Hat. We can supply you with one as Good as yours USED TO BE, Shirts-Collars Cement Rooï¬ng. V‘ m V " w M for XMAS GIFTS. Everybody appreciates tlem, but they must be the GOOD KIND--the KIND WE SELL. HATS. G‘ GLOVES Ham’s Magnesia Flflxlhle SACRIFICE PRICES. .-. .o'usL..- ï¬Ã©CORN ER STORE. Agent, Box 315 maï¬m 32513.: mg? Millbrook. Eood Hats are like True Friends.