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Omemee Mirror (1894), 19 Jan 1905, p. 2

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Millbrook, where he will always be found, and by close attention to busi- ngss, hope to merit a continuance of 3:99: cstssmsd patronage. to the BATESON BUILDING, Opp. Queen’s Hotel, Takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous patrons for their many favors during the past four years and wishes to intimatc that he has moved his TAILOR SHOP WOOD TURNING. J vfiavfi‘sp-g date machinery for wood turning and all orders for such will recexve careful and prompt attention. We manufac'wre ladders. ‘ Best brands of Flour and Mealst kept in stock. Prices for work! ,and goods Tc usormble. I I respectfuiiy sm‘icxt your put mirage, WM. KEN NEDY, Proprietor ‘Having purchased the Octogon ‘Nills froxn Mr. T. B. Collins. I am better prepared than ever to do fill kmds CfChOppi-‘ng on the short- est possible notice. L'M. KN OX MILLBROOK. [571% share of your patronage is re- spcctfully soIiCIted. ALL KINDS OF TEMPERANCP DRINKS, HOT COLD. QYS'I‘ERS ALWAYS ON HAND IN SEASON. MRS. c. M. KNOX, _‘MILLBROOKV OCTOGON MILLS. UNDER NEW MANAGE.“ EN'I‘. East End Restaurant OPEN FOR BUSINESS FIRST-CLASS BREAD AND FANCY BAKING. LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS T138 Big STOCK N EW AND FRESH Give 1. satisfaction that nothing will replace. They come so near to the natural that you will feel like you did in boy. 7. A. TURNER mum-00k. 2G ' Rev. 1). R. Clare and Rev. \Vxlh'am 'Johnston preached to the Mxllbrook rMethndist Churchun Sunday mormng fan evening, respectively. and mciden fT' iv,- chose the same text. Their dis- ,._ r363 were both interestmg and in~ .’ lClin“, and notwithstanding the fact {mm the text was the same on both l-cmmons, good lessons could be learn- ed from each. Rev. Mr. Clare 1:: a brother of the l’aStor of the Church, and IS stationed on Cavan South Cur cuit. He is one of the ablest preach~ crs among the young men of the Bay of Quimc Conference, and has a bright future betore htm. Rev. W. johnston, v 94$.th of the Presbyterian Church, lellbrook, is an eloquent speaker, and H158 Sermon Sunday evening was very fbrunch enjoyed by the large congrsga- mm). FOR UP-TO-DA'PE JEWELRY, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, MILLBRQOK- ri_ Court Ivanhoe, I. O. F., held an fl interesting meeting m their Lodge 1 room on Monday evening, when the liollowing officers were duly installed l lgy Dis‘tri‘zt IS)eputy High Chief Ranger, . to. z'. . mith: I Chief Ranger, Bro. S. W. Clarke. i Vice Chief Ranger, Bro Thomas A ‘ McCullough. ! Fm Sec.â€"â€"Bro w w Gillott. i Rec-Secâ€"Bro J N Hicks. ! 'l'reasâ€"Bro A '1‘ Armstrong. 1 Oratorâ€"~Bro W I) N ugent. l Sr. \Voodwardâ€" Bro R Nurse. 3 Ir. Woodwardâ€"Bro I H Peel. Sr. Beadleâ€"Bro H Richards. ,5 jr. Beadleâ€"Bro C E Hard. Court Deputy High Chief Rangerâ€" l Bro 1) Hampton. Fin. Comâ€"Bros Jas I)ou9l:..- and ddresses were delivered by Bros A Smith, Dr. McKinnon, Dr. Clarke, W. Gillott. W. I). Nugent, I. E. ‘edham, Wm. Thexton. and T. A. Cullough. Among the invited guests gave addresses were Mr. E. W. nprey, of the Bank of Toronto, and ‘ .- for Winslow. Oysters were served by Bro. J. N. icks in his usual good style, every one preSent being of the opinion that Rec. Sec. Hicks has few equals as a iaterer. The whole affair was most n'oyable, and was a good omen for ’ “continued success of Court Ivanhoe @Miss I. Winslow, 'I‘upper St. Hing GROCERIES CHEAP. A is respectfully solicncd. Miss Byam has been appointed acher in the Fa‘lhs Line School. Mr. Yule, of Owen Sound, Organizer the Canadian Order Foresters, gave c Mirror 3. call Monday. Be sure and attend Mrs. Roht. 1 iddis’sale next Monday, on Lot x 5. 'on. 5, Cavan. [he many frxends of Rev. G. R. larc will regret to learn that he 15 laid ) thlxrhcumaliam. 6’s, and others who appreciate a _ good thing. Only See. a year. Orders left at thus oflfice WI" be: promptly sent m. We will send the Mirror and Corticclli Home Needlework one year to any address in Canada, Great Britain, or United States for $1.:5. ,,., l he Magazine for Needleworkers.â€" We have been favored with a copy of l“(IortICelli Home Needlework,” and It certainlv reflects much credit upon the publishers. It is a quarterly pub lieation. beautifully illustrated with engravings and handsome colored plates. carefully edited. practical in every detail and replete with instruc- tions for home decorum )1), dress em- broidery, lace making and things fash- ionable. One copy is worth the price of a year’s subscription to needlework~ Miss Maggie Cunmngham, is visit- ing friends In Lmdsay. - or \Vcckly Globe a'nd The Rikki-‘1'; $1.60per year. Subscribe now. 5 Mr. Dawd Kydd is spendmg the ! winter mtl‘. his mother in town. The Toronto Daily News has in- creased its circulation from 16,000 to 38,000 in one year. We ml] siend you the Daily News one your For $1.00, or the 1)me News and Mirror together for 1905, for $ 1.60. 'I'hc Toronto Dme Star, Weekly Mail and Empire 0r chklv Globe and '1");- Mcpm. rm? J. STEELE'S, ,’ Vote for Dr. N asm th 3 n d [t h e continued prosper i ty 0 f this the fairest Province in the Dominion. Mr. lamprey and Mr. \ongan : (_ arrv otthe Millbrook branch of "lo- 'ronto Bank visited Mrs Carry last 'Sunday â€"l’ort Hope 'lxmes. \\ e regrct to learn that Mr I Cotton of Newtonvillc, who Is \Nting wrth hrs 53 n m law Mr. \\ I)I.cach, IS scnously .II M r. Sam Fry, of Best‘s Station, was agtxcstof his dnclc. Mr. John Fry, Baiiicboro, this “'ch He returned to his home 10-day, accompanied by hxs cousin, Mr. Harold Fry \ Mr. Walter Donncliy, tonscrial artist, was 1:1 Toronto this week on busmcss. f “ Dinms" has recently added a large i plan: glass mirror. and a ghoice stock ;of cigars, tobaccos and Cigarettes and ? pipes. He solicits your patronage. ; Mr. Johnston Fair, of Baillieboro i was in Port Hope on Saturday. Miss Foster, nurse-in training at Nicholl’s Hospital, Peterboro, was the guest of Miss ’l‘hcxton over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. jamcs Thompson, cf Hampton. are stopping a few days With Mrs. Robert Widdis. lgf the Riding ' Let every Lib- eral turn out on Wednesday and mark their bal- lots for th ei r iCandid at e, D r. ‘Nasmyth. T h e Doctor Will also; appreciate a n y support that is given him‘by the Conservat iv e s '1' he following verses were favorites .of Mr. Widdis : BEYOND LIFE'S TROUBLED SEA. Death ! ah, yes ; they call It so, But it is not death to thee ! Only a stepping onward. Beyond life’s troul'led Sea. "1‘15 true the body is left behind, But another has been lound; '11')ere s only dust m the casket -"1hey have buried in the ground. But over the mystic riwl, \\ lure Christ and His an gels dw,ell Live those “ho have loved us c-Ver, And [1105c “e have loved so “:11 And we must bear life’s burdens, \\‘haterer-they may be. Until we take the journey Beyond life’s troubled Sea So let us not gron \xeary, Nor count the hours too long, For He “ho marks the sparrow 5 flight \\ ill hear our plaintive song. And the welcome of our dear ones At the gate for us “111 be, i \\ hen me too cross the riVer I Be) 0nd life’ 5 troubled sea . l The bercaVc-d rclalixcs have the heartfelt sympathy of their numerous friends. The funeral rm 'l‘hurmday to Cardin cr’s Cemetery was largely attended, the Rev. H. V. Mounlcir, ol Cavanvillc, conducted the services. The late Mrs. Richard Hubbard was also a sustcr. 'l‘hcre are left to mourn his loss. a widow, five brothers, Mcssrs. Wllham, James, Edward. jcffrcy, and (George, and two sisters, Mrs. McCullough, of Manvers, and Miss Mary A at home. Mr. Widdis has hvcd m and about Millbrook all his life and was much respected by all who came in contact with him. He was; a consistent mem- ber of the Methodist Church, Mill- brook. I’nliucully he was a Conser- vam'e. Deceased was bum fifty-eight years ago on the nth ;\0chbcr, on the dedi.» homcstcad. “c was married on May724th, 1876, to Miss Agnes Jane Finley, of the same 'l‘ownship. The death of Mr. Robert Widdis on Monday of last wwk removes one of the best known and most highly rc- pcrtcd rcsidcnts uf (fawn 'l'ownship v£l I an \ 11.1.L'. Mrs. Fennel! is a gland-aunt of Mr. _.._fi IRolIert Fair, of l’eterboro. She is still “9er __.\ ”lI'nney and 'l. (; "lullv in good health and is able to read ! Spent I1 pleasant time In ColIourg and witho'ut glasses. She was born iII 10" ”‘ka 0” Saturda» SlIercock CamnCount). Ireland, Dec Mm Eva Klimt: of Ida is Vimmf 27th, 1804, and game m this countr) with Air. and Airs l)I'I\I(J Tull), SIIIilli. III 1820, settlin" III CaIuII lO\\H\hl]). MI. A . I‘. has Ie~umcd his musiu lleI maiden name was Martha MC- “3550‘“- (:‘amus, and‘she marriec‘l Mr. bhmon Mas“ I Fishu am] ll (0L lIaIc l-eIIIIell, of Lobourg. lhIee chlelren been bun (“Minn “and are lIVIIIg. They are Mr. john FeImell, wholesale hardware merchant, Berlin ; M" 1"] Houston 1”"‘1‘ Md :1 “”C Rev. Joseph Fennel], of Hamilton, young dmuvhtcolt] at ‘1 handwm‘: “in " Ont., and Mrs. (l. O. Stanton. of Alon- we “0'" Alr ’ 11““ IN “'e‘k treal, with whom Airs. Fennell resides. “"‘“â€" “' MReview (Il'l'elerboro. Tihnnnln m“ UM; NHL-.. An unusually interesting event took place in Montreal On Dec. 27th, when Mrs. S. Fennel! celebrated her Ionlh birthday at the rcsidcncc of her daugh fer, Mrs. G. O. Stanton. Mrs. S. Fcnncll, Month-:11, Cclcbrates Evcnl-â€"Gland aunt of Mr. R. Fair. During the next month We will ofi‘er Special inducements to the Citizens of Millbrcok and sur- rounding country to buy their Groceries at this Store. Call and see our display. m Widths. 1H4...» B DU 0 The Lat Her 100th Birthday. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, MILLBROOK. ' We will club The “Mirror," Mill- bruox and Omemcc’q leading paper, with that great family paper, “The ' Family Herald and Weekly Star,” one _ year for $1.60, including the Herald’s I beautiful premium picture “The l’rm- ccss"at wont.” The Family Herald has secured exclusch serial rights of Ralph Connor’s great story. “The Prospector,” which commenCCs in the Family Herald thia‘ week. Asa writer ‘ of fiction Ralph'Connor stands easily in the front rank. His stories are all of most absorbing interest, his char- acters are drawn to life. and his des- criptive powers are of the highc‘t order. Send _or leave your orders at the ..--~ “Mfrror” omce, Mmbrobh get first instalment of the “ The Prospector. ” .uluuu, Au. Powers and \V H McCallum spoke in the Interests of the Liberals. The Hall Was crowded by enthusmstic sup- porters of both candidates and the contestin East Durham promises to be interesting. ......\ .....uucm nu: Lllc uonor conlcrrcd upon them. We understand the Band \V will call on the Reeve at an earlydate. We have no doubt the Band Fund is much larger than previously. Moved by (‘unn I ll Fee,sec hy Conn Herllhey, That. the Contract for printing for the current year, from l5th Dec 1904 to l5th Dec 1905, he awarded to C W Richards, at or for the sum of : seventy-live dollars, said contract to CAST DURHAM NOMINA'I‘ION. Include all printing and udvertisim.r 'â€"â€"â€"__ required hy the Municipality includ- 'l'hc Nomination proceedings for tnu the furnishing or all blank forms East Durham were held in the Town and printing required by the Clerk or Hall, Mlllbrook, yesterday, and wurc Treasurer Carried. largely attended by Both Liberals and Conservatives. hr. Nasnzyth, of jan- lctvillc, received Liberal nomination, and Mr. I j l’rcétpn, of Bethany, that of the Conservatives. Sherif Proctor presided as" réltiin'ing officer. A put)- hc ”meeting, was .cadlrd tor ‘2 pang, Muted by Conn W llerlihey, sec by I (‘ouu \V (‘otliughann That in the mat- ter of the improvement of the Public lliuhuays in the County of Victoria uuler the Act far this purpose, and in reply to the communication from the (‘onnty Clerk therein that thia(‘onncrl when ”if“ {UllO‘Y'US Per-“(”5 gave ad- (while in favor of the securing ot' alI dresses: J- J FPreston, Col. Ward, R A available beneficial “mu“ m. "wane h'lliilrollarrd and d Whit“ .Of Port for the improvement of the public Hope, In the VC‘OHSCH'at'VC interests. highways) yet put themselves on re- and Dr. Nasmyth, Mr. Gibson, 1h". curd as not. being in favor of such “I" i’Owel‘S and \V H MCCalIum snake; in a warm weiéo’fii c. a n d t h e i r sweet selections of music were greatly appreciated. . The Councillors, on behalf of them- selves and their families, thanked the Band membér's for the honor conferred upon them. ,\\'e understand the Band will call on the Reeve at an earlydate. We have: nordoubt the Band Fund is much larger than previously. Mk ,_, . 1;» - \- a warm welco m c. a n d t h e i r sweet selections of music were greatly appreciated. On Thursday ex‘cning of last wcck the Millbrook Citizen’s Band called at thc homes of the newly elected mum bus of the Town Council and trcatcd them and their families ' to chozcc se- lections of music. At the home of Conn. and Mrs. J. D. Dcycll the members of the Band were entertained. Oysters and other delicacies wercécrved, after which a splcmhd program was rendered. At the honâ€"Its of Counéllléi‘; Kells. I)0ak and 0)?er the band revcivcd Councillors Sarenaded by Band 'l‘hc Liberalsof East Durham arc urgently rcgucskd in turn out on \\'cdncsda_\'nc1t, jun. 251h, and vote for Dr. Nusmyth. the 1.xbural Candi date. Dr. Nasmyth has the good ml] of every lilcctor in the Riding, both Liberals and (,‘onscrvativcs aliKc, and he and the Conservative (,‘undidatc are personal friends. It is, however, very important' that cwry Elector should do hxs duty next chncm‘lay, and Dr. Nasmyh, if elected, WI” do his duty as your representative m the Local chxslaturc. “Vote: for Dr Nasmyth and Continued Prosperity." SPECIAL‘CLUB RATE Mcssss. I Fisher and II. (.‘0c have been busy drawmg wuud. Mr. lid. }'Imiston purrhusn-d a fine young draught colt at a handsome 11;;- me from Mr. I. 1. Fair last week. You can have the \Veeklv Mail and Empire and the error to jan Ist, 1905, for 350; or the same papers, to Jun. Ist, 1906, including a copy of “The Atlas of Canada and Comments of the World," or the handsome amo- gmvurv, “ The Victoria Cross,” for $1.75. Liberals of East Durh ', h’lxllbrook, Out, and CAVANVILLE. great story Moved by Conn J Courtney, sec by (‘onn W Cottingham, That orders be leaned on the Treasurer for expenses In connection nith the recent Munici- pal and County Council election as follows:â€" W Mggge! D R 0 Di) $0 1, $3 V.’ whereby the Government grant IIIight be made directly to can In Municipalih for expenditure therein, and further that the designation of the roads in the prox'osed by-law as far as this Munici- pality Ia CUIIC' med be nut coucurn-d in and that ”IS passing 0! such by-lnw be and is hereby objected to. Carried ,‘ ..... prominent under Lounty supervision. expenditure or assumption, believing ihnt such highwnm would he more universally improved at a much less expenae and the public derive much more benefit therefrom, if all inonevs granted or collected {or this purpose were placed directly with ench Muni- cipul Council {or expenditure in their respective Municipalities and there- fore that this Council do suggest that a chango in the Act he pelnioned’forw “(Hie Iexk \\ .1.» zustrm. .ed to nude: an uncmint to the Municipality of Mam- vera forQ .: '.’:3, being «me half of the ex- penditure M’ (,‘mnmlssinner Me [on liruwn's Hill on Buumiary between liunvers and Emilv. Mr. C \V Richards 3 tended and soli- nited a renewal of thepruningcontract lor Hm on need ymtr. in View of the importuuxchanges in the Assessment Act. a cnpy of the Asaeasors Guide would be seuhvith the Assessment Rollslor the current year. From J Ross Robertson soliciting (in- uutiou towards funds ofSick Children‘s iiOSliitai. Toronto. From .1 R Bil-Neil» lie. County Clerk, enclosing cnpv 0i propoaed By-iaw to designate the highways to be improved in the County of Victoria under an Act for the. im- provement of Puhlic iiighwn”, and requesting the Council lo consider the proposals Contained in the By law 1and to communicate their views to him in limo for consideration by the County Council at the January anshn. From Municipal World. St. Thomas, ‘ soliciting rene“ :11 of subscriptions thereto for year 1905. From the Clerk of the Township of Cnvan with con- nected Boundary account showmg a balance of $6 63 due said Municipality Iron: Township of Emily. From J R McNeil!ia,Countv Clark,udvismg that May 130â€" nehnn! .Izsbnrsements re insane person ........... . 30 50 June) 23 â€" Lugisiatiw l‘ulmc Echonl Grunt .....-n........ 244 00 Doc. Hâ€"Non Resident ('3de 4184 From J B McNeIllio, (‘uunty Trus- urer, in Compliance \\ n h the prm 1>iuns 0f the Cunsnuduted Municwul Act. enclosing matunmnl nfauwnnts paid by him to the Treasurer-of this \lunici- pain-y dnring the year ended 31:! Dec. last as {alums . The foliowinu communications were reeeu'vd, perused and fy led, that ts to any : â€" The minute‘s of last session were read, approved and on motion con' firmed. The Reeve than made his tn- nual address to the Council. Artur individnnny taking and sub- scribing the required deciaration of qualification and (:fnmve, the Council proceeded to the transaction oflmsi- ness. Council ‘met a! eleven o'clock. a m., pursuant to statute. Present the follow- Ing duly «190121er elected members- that is to auv .â€"Jumes R Boate, Reeve, and ('onncillnrs James (ourtnm, W (‘otlingham Isaac H lee and William Heriil; e). l’rice, 50c. Wilson-Fyle Falls, Out, 8‘ Mr. [hll’s statement is only one of many. No tyne has ever used Dr. Leon. inn-«H's Anti-Pill without benefit. Price, 50c. All druggists, or "The Ilvo “ After a slmrt timeI rel-[med to perfect. health which 1 am thankful los jnyed ever since. "I have gained thirty pounds in “eight sinc.‘ 1 commenced to use Ant!- PiH ” At 89 Fuller Street. Toronto, lives a man u ho claims to have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that. Dr. Leon- hztru't's Ann-P111 ls the most Wonderful remedy ever introduced. His name ls \V A Hill, and he makes the following statement: "I was very much run down, 3nd had a constant pain in my slde, whlch made life a drag to me. I fully believ- ed my days were numbered. but I wan Induced to try a treatment 0! Dr. Leon- lmnlt‘s Anti-Pill, and the results were marvellous. Emily Council Proceedings. MR. IIIH H AS PROVE!) II', l‘oronto Man b xpiains how he Gamed lhixly Pounds in :1 Fe“ \\‘<:.cks Rcmaxxablc Sutcmcnt 19 (‘0., Limited. Niagara Sula agents for Canada, 107 Omemee, Jam. 9111, 1905 nrt time I found mysefl feet health and strength mkfnl lo say I have an S cts. 319 3-1 Mrs \\ allau: and daughter are visu- ing friends m BaihchorQ. Mr, Harvey Elgar, of itmg friends in town. Messrs, james Campbell Anderson left last week fur thc Guelph 310ch Farm. lmys. Mr .(Ico. Kerr, of Souris, is here a Vlsm Hem-Reid is a tablet taken intern- ally Much removes tho cause of Piles. $1.00 at all Druguista or The Wilson-Fyle (30., Limited. Niagara Falls. Out. cts “ Dr. Leonhardt's HellhRoicl cured me of a very bad case u! Piles of uvet ten 3 ears standing. I had tried every- thing but got no permanent cum ti)! I used Hem-Rum. I had Bllhd and Bleeding l'iles and suffered everything. Uintments and local treatments failed but Dr. Leonhardt’s IIem-Roid cured mo perfoclly.” eres :- .A Thousand Doltar UnaraMee goes with evvry bottle of Dr. Leonhard". Hem-Rnid-41w only certain cure for every form ()f Pups. Moved by (‘oun J ( (‘mm 1“ Fee, That now adjnurn to meet sxxth day of February Assessor and other ’1‘0 with exception of 1’ Fence Viewers will Carried. Mow-ll by (‘oun W lies-title}; see by ('mm .1 (‘ourtm-y, That the Clerk be and Is hereby instructed to order the renewal of six subscriptions to the Municipal Wurld to be sent to the res; ective addresses at the present (‘mmcil and Clerk. Curried. Moved by (‘0an I H Fee, sechy Cull” Wt‘ottinglmm. That By-Iaw No 327 be now read a second amt a “Ind time and finally passed and that the Reeve George (' MUN-H} by (‘oun l H Fee,sec by (but: W Ueriihey, ’1 hat By-law No ‘22? (mn- firming the appoinmzent of the Medical Health ()fl‘u'er, the auditors. member 01' the lava] 3mm] of Health, and Trus- tee of the ()memee High and I‘uhiic Schuol Buard be now introduced and read 1; first tune. ('nrried‘ I stnnea {or 511112;: on w boundary 10 55 Treasurer of the Township of Gavan, luzl. due on boundary account. 1904 6 53 Mrs J anos. for umintennnr‘e n! B Connolly I'm one month end- mg on 6th inst........ . . . . .. 8 OH R J Grundy, {or express charges and carhlge paid on Elccliun blanks ..... 9n 0 W Richards, nu account of printing Contract 25 ('0 Treasurer Sink ('Mld'cn'a Hospi- tal, 'l‘urnntn, donutiuh.... 5 00 Mllniripzll \Vurld, renew! ofsix i subscrxptiunu ...... 5 00 ‘ Carried. “" "‘ J (i Asimmm, for repairing cul- veflon Nth Cull line........ Ltmry Kennedy, {or placing anml by (‘oun I .‘l Femsecby (‘oun J Cunriney, That orders be issued on the 'l‘reasurer as fullons‘. I (2 8 Cameron \1 D, as Health Officer {or the ensuing u 8. Harry of ten do”. as. W H and J J ill-1296,85 Amlxtors the Municipal nccnunts, e10 year 1904 at respective sulnrie dollars 0 sch. Edward Sherlda' pointed as "winter 1 f the loo: nl ”0311”:th the enmlng term years. John Samh- rein) rr- -] Trustee oflhe Omemee High a .10 School Board fur Lhe ens-mi! of mo _\ earn. and that :he( 'l~-rL draft the usual b) -l::\\ confirm‘ appointments. ('arrimi. (Junk-d. Moved by (‘mm (’mm J Conrtney.‘ Township Ofliciala I is to ear :â€" J J Yul”. D R0 DIV N0 5 o u, mileage l, (,‘lerk l Booth "' N llerlihey; I) ll () Div N06 3 mileage l 50, (‘lvrk l. l’mmth " A Franks, D R0 Div Nu 7 3, mlleage 80v, ('lerk ] Buutl: 2, John Sanderson, for heating and attemlalt-e at. Hall during Muniolznal Nmninatinn ........ mllage 60c, ("lerk 5], Booth 82 Geo B Fee, D R O Div No 2, 8, mileage 30c, Clerk 1, knoll: ‘2 G Henderson. D R O Div 50 3, 3, mileage 30c (‘14 rk 1.1“)“ch J R Lucas, DRO Div N04 3, mileagelmc, Clerk 1, Ban“: 2. Ayer's Pins "grea’trliy aid recovery. Purely vegetable, gently laxativ. $1000 PI LE CURE Weak Threats “We have and Ant”: Cherry I’cctonl in our family {nr 25 can for throat and lung troubu-s. and ye 1h nk no mgdicjny equals 1:.” dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. He knows all about this cough medicine. BAI LI EBORO‘ Aye rs Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats, hack- ing coughs, pain in the lungs. I: relieves congestion, sub- Cherry ?ectoral ‘ook, St. Thomas, 0m a: nu Uruguista or The (30., Limited. Niagarg by (‘mm Herlihey, 89c by 'ourtney. That the {allowing Oflicialsl.e appointed, llml member ‘ f the local Board 1- the enming term uhhrefl n Smulvrsmx re :ppni:.ted he Omemee High and Pub- 03rd fur she ensuing term . and that ahe (“lurk den now [L's “enhRoid cured case u! Piles of over 3. I had tried every- permanent cum till I I had Bllhd and lsnfl'ered everything. meet on Monday, the ampbcll and Erme ! respective salaries of six 'uary next. when the or Township Otficials of Pathmasters and -1::\\ ccnfirm‘ng these Souris, 15 fig. nrd Sheridan reap se ensuing your m be appointed, Amhtors to am“! a tcrm at Success, 81C, fur the as Me-iicul ‘ cu nied I John Gray, DR 0 Div 1, Person- al service $3, PullClerk $2, Consiahle $1, Booth S2 ..... 8 0 George Heiheringtnn, D R0 Div 2, personal service 3, Poll 3098 Clerk 2. Constable 1...; ...... rd“. Charles Gardiner. D R 0 Div 3, 9 for personal service 8, Poll Clerk 2, Uonsialile i. Booth 2 . ..... I 01 John N Newton, DRO Div 4. personal service 3, Poll Clerk 2, Constable i, Booth 2 ......... 8 00 Wed Robert Boyd, 1) R 0 Div 5, per- uver sonai service 8, Poll Clerk 2, Constable l. Booili 2 .... . 8 00 W" John J Fair, 1 ltrooni 25¢, 2mm- m I locks 50c, expenses on statutes fwd 25c, for stove 25c, postage 5 00 l 25 "'3’ J Doust. per J J Fair, ream cap ”'“l pads 3.00. express 25c.......... x 25 ”ed 0 W Richards, per J J Fair, sup- >rn- plies {or vote on Local Option ' by-iaw qualification blanks 7 00 , or J J Fnir, hail. of quarter's salary 28 00 [3: Members of Council, pay to dais -,_ lor three meetings ...... .... 80 O. ' J Ross Robertson. per J J Fair imam to Sick Children's flos- pilal on W 8 (11'8“, publishing 4 inser- ' l iions. nOtice of postponement 1 I)l'alllafle by-isw, 70 papers "e! for 4 weeks . ........ .. ....... ...... 9° 6. at ‘ Publishing L 0 by-law, ballots and posters.......... . .. .... .... 30 00 onph Hunter work on 7th eon ' west oft-riddle road.......... 3 ‘5 . CMcNeii, committee work.”- 3 00 ‘5‘ l (in motion the Council mljoul’n'd ' until "3-30 o'clock run. on Monday. W. l 13": (133' of Fob. m-xi. ‘ 60 Ont, 5 00 (i5 98 Lehana s cts, 5010 7 50 660 630 660 The By-law “ as reported with blank- fiued hland passed thronghitsaoversl stages and was signed and so; led. Moved by Coun KellyJen by (.‘uuu Staples, That the Reeve bealxtlnofiud to sign the foliowiug orders on the Treasurer: her or than! M Health, Thoma McL‘amus. reappointed for cunning term 0! three years. M I! 0. Dr. H A Turner reappointed. Drum Won-on, G (‘ampbell and Robert Vance, reap- pointed. 'I'he blanks were filled in with the following names: Auditura, June: D Armstrong, John W Greer, reappoint- ed at a salary of $9.00 each. Assenuor, David Fallis, raamxoitlletl at 3 III”! of $100 Collectur, James France), :0- appointed at analary of sum Mun- bel‘ ()f R4afd hf *Ienlth Thin-A- Moved by (om: Ken}, 3 Shaw, That the Council a mittee of the a hole fur sec: of By-law. with Reeve in Curriud. Moved by ('um: Mun", arc Ly (‘mm Staples, That the Council adjourn for 5!) hour to go mm an adjourned meet- ing of(‘ourt of Reviswn re LungSuamp Drainage By-law. (’arried. The Comm“ resume again, The Reeve intrudnced :1 By-law to appoint certain ufl‘lcers {or the ‘93" 1905, l‘he yetiiic-ns were 512nm! hr the Reese and ( lerk and lune been 101' wank-d to “gym 0! Tor-on! o filmed by (01m Slap has, Me M (um Knl1v,'H:at the (Lulu-chm, Jumrl Eramey, Le reappohnonl and Lin time extended {u 1-H». mm. a bun 11.. Rn” is tu be returned. ('arried. Moved by Conn Kelly, 3": by (form Staples, '1 hat the Reeve and (‘letk In instructed to sign peiitions respecting pmes sent by the Mayor of Toronto, Fania]. Moved by Conn Kelly Shield, ‘l'hut Joseph I $3 45 he paid, for wnrk on 71!: can mud West of middie road. (arried. 0n mmhm Joseph Hunter has Lend respecfing umk m: 7:!) eun road, “on: of mzddle fond. Moved by Conn. Kelly, sec by .Conn. Shaw, That W 8 Given get. $90 00 {c r Pubhcauon, 4 xnsertkmaCavan Swamp Bx-lag. 70 copies sent out 4 necks and notice of postponement, and $2000 (at publication of LocJ Opz’ion By law 4 luaerhuns, ballots and p raters. Tut.) for all 81 X6 00. Carried. Moved by Conn. Shield, etc. by Conn. Shaw, That the Council give a grant of $5.00 to Sick Children’s Hospital Fund, '1 orontu. ('anied, I From Treasurer of Mam-era cit‘irg balance of boundary account paid in (man for 1904, $3982; From Bank of :T,0rontn Mil. brook branch, ghhgbah to credit of lreasnrer on Jan. _ 1905, $6.88 , 1 rom Hospital for hick ( hildren Toronto: From good Roads Machinery (for, Hamilton, wtth ‘cméé From Mayor ut Toronto, with petition to it: signed to Governor General, House oH'om- moms and the Senate, reopen-ting Tele- phone Companies. and a: so a petition to the Governor Gem-rat in(‘ou1.c.i, asking the Parliament of Canada to take over the long distance teh-phoma business and operate the same in . similar manner as the postal service. all of which were left on the table. The fullovring communications “ere read : From the Counties Treasurer re. specting amount paid to Treasurer of (‘avan during 1110-}, as follows; Feb. 5. Committing Lunatic, Expenses $33 .; July 1?, Legislative School Gum, $295.00;0ct. 28, Witness fees re Eqnu). ization $20.65: Total $349.20. The Reeve presiding. The minutes «)Hhe last meeting of the ('mmcil {or 1904 were read, approved and sigma Council Chamber, Cantu, Monday. Jan 1 fl. Hit-5. The memheis niect of the Elwin!“ Council at ti. e Panorama“ 0.1“, Township 0! Cuvzm for H e 3 ear 190,. met at 11 o ’ciock a m. ,tix‘- 9 xi 33 in (‘um pilance with the requirements of um Municipal Act oi the i’rmincc uf 0". lane, and after making: and winter”). lug their respective decimationb .,f office and qualification before ”:6 (jierk took their seats in Council as follows, that is to say :â€"('imr?os 31v. Neil, Esq. , as Reeua, Messrs. T A Kelly Vii Staples, Robert- Sl: an at d George Shield, as ( 'ounciiiora. CAVAN COUIKIL C. McNElIt, Ree" Jams J/uxk. Chet the ( onncll adjourned ck u. m. on Mend-Y. u" . nrxh u resume again, The med :1 By-law In appoint ‘8 {or the 39m 1905. ('onn Keliy, see by Cmm uun Kelly, see by ('onn Joseph Hunter's bl“ o! ,Touucil go into enm- ? fur second reading the chair. Mrs. Ed. Elliott, of Li: a guest of Mr. and Mrs- Mill-5.. Lieut. Nix, of the S. A. with appendicitis. but is p in: favorablv under the treatment of Dr. Keith. Mrs. Belch. of Mt. Hort of Mr. J. D. and Miss AT! is still lingering under paralytic stroke. She :5 old. and no boys are cut. for her rcc0v en . The many friends of M Amys wxll regret to lean suffering from indigestlox The roads are now pn opened up. A good opening hen: :7 mill. Mr. I“. W. Rowan is congratulations on passi subjects at the TCCCHI University examinations. Miss Ev; Bradd, of B was visiting her aunt, 31 H. English, last week. “'c regret to Icarn that Tcolc {all and hmkc his 1. one day this wcck. Mr. Iohn Morrison, 50 George Morrison, is u's friends here. He has be: in: on the (Z.P.R.in Neu Mrs. jacob Hart, of Man a lingering lilzzcss, dicd on The bereaved family hau- u'i sympathy of (kc-it many (rid 31121031. Beauty. ofOu in 1mm to-da) on business. makes 3 fits: -clas< rcprcsc Reeve of the above: town. ax certainly prospered under til nation of h5m~clfand ins all net. and another gear has with Vcr} bnght prosgmcls The Prcshvtcrian am ncss meeting has been hl in: the ( hutch to be i Sattsfacmn' condition I with a clear sheet, am: 1 agcrs arc to he 60m: Improvements to the l . now in contemplation. 1 Ia-vuum: \lr. Ruhr. Ruth. Organ solos. and spoon! mum: bv the chair. Quin from Omcmeo and Frank? the evening with their Leba L. 0. L 646 are to be ca upon their success and acts of kindness in assisting were much anyrcciutcd. Revival Services are l ducked in the Mcthodis bv Rev. E! H. LOCke a: azhcr ministers. L O. L. Nu 645, cha mcc:~s{ui basxcz «x in! a' Mr. “ m. H Laid ford. L evening of I ridm Inst. Q her of prctty loaskcis «ccu their .mmcz: w mums «c: then: was sumo: “W 1; bid 1h:- prk‘rs (affllc baskrts r1 Mr. A‘bcrt [ones Hula m Millhrouk and Soudz‘ - Saturday and Sunday. MISS Annie Ivory I her studies at Toron Music. Mr. Reuben Bradle ing the (‘cmral Busin Mr. Inhn Sn«H«r.< was yisxt ng his Mou friends. Mrs. john Mitchell to Lindsay Tuesday. M r. Harry Magce \ boro on Fridav cvcni Mr. “'alter Stinsou is visiting his mothex Mr. Fred Nugent i the- Central Busmcss Tommo. Mr. Engvnc Fee : wards. of Lindsay. 5 With Mr. (-60. B. ["11 Mtss Harmon} 1541 fora 4'usn. Mr. Thos. Bovd, ' spent Sunday at the: T. B. Laidlcy. Mr. Fred Bcnt Lindsay-Pete: 1010! 'l he Omemee boys very highly of the tr! received in. l'cterbon Div. Cami, Co. \' of marriage iicensu c., real estate age: sale or to rent. Pu surance agent, gm" for the best pianos : Sylvester 8: firm two fine (:oncu‘ts i: Hall on Moudav at Mr. T. (2. Ivory this chk on husin Mr. Gordon “'ri; ber of his friends ( on: «Vt-nine last v ant time is reporte Umemee an my hair. . D . Thorn

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