ban-Veto Pi Fp-t 3.“) 33-13 'Ki no I'll. “or, Told Publicly by tho Lon. don: of Sew Boshot. Modder River, Saturday. Feb. 8..â€" The Landrost. at New Boshof, read publicly on Jan. 26, the following telegram which he said had just been received: “Lord Roberts is a. prisoner. Gen. Buller has been kill- od. Nine thousand Britith have been killed and 7.000 captured. The Brit- ish also lost 48 guns last Saturday." Landon, Feb. 4. â€"- The War omce has reCei'ved the following from Lord Roberts. dated Cape Town, Feb. 4: "Mafeking well on Jan. 17. Trenchu extended towards en‘emy’s big gun battery. causing it to be vacated. Enemy now pushing back on north- 9J â€" -‘I â€â€"4 cm, souzizérn‘aï¬d Qestern sides, all out of rifle ï¬re. Otherwise no change in situation." {tawny between I!“ Dynnmlto 2,000 Yards Nirth of tho British at. Modder River. Landon. Feb. 5. â€" A speciai des- patch from Durban, dated Sunday, and referring to Gen.Bu.11er's re- crossing the Tugela in his adx once upon Ladysniith su_\s: “It is prob- 'nble that Gen. Buller crossed at a. spot above the Trichard' a Drift, and that leaning the enemy“ to the riwht, he is marching to Acton Homes, whence the road to Ladysmith runs almost due east through a. fairly open country. It is expected here that he will reach Ladysniith toâ€"morrow :(Monday) night." Kruger and Steyu Making Pence. London. Feb. 3. â€" A heliograph message, sent from Ladysmith yes- terday, reported all well. It was also said that President Kruger of the Transvaal and President Steyn o! the Orange Free State visited the laagers in the neighborhood of the beleaguered town for the purpose of making peace between the troops of the Transvaal and Free State. It was said that there were grave dis- sensions between the Transvaal and Free State forces in regard to the prosecution of the war. The result of the visit of the two presidents is not known. a sweep of several miles along the hills adjacent to tho British right flank. One knpjv occlzpiod by Boers Was rushed, the Btu-rs ('anring out afrnr n di'r‘w rr‘ci“t:‘rx('(-. One New Zealander was wounded. Small par- tia 1n the distance retreated when- ever British horse appeared. Sterk’s Spruit, Jan. 29. -â€" Com- mandant Olivier of the Orange Free State, in 3. Speech to the Boers at Ladygrey, said that. his men were almosr. surrounded at. Stormberg. and unless recruits Were forthcoming he Would be compelled to abandon the position. , Head Laager, Ladysmith, Feb. 2.â€" Witb the exception of desultory shots from Long Tom, everything is quiet. Boers, with artillory from the Vryâ€" heid district, attacked the Nautu Magistracy, Zululand. Jan. 31, and captured the magistrate and 11 white and 34 colored police, their horses, 340 rifles and much ammunition. The prisoners were sent to Pretoria. Rensburg', Saturday, Feb. 8. â€"â€" The New Zealanders; Remington's Guides and a squadron of Life Guards made It. is admitted that in the recent ï¬ght at Ladysmith the Boers lost. 1,100 killed and 600 wounded. British in the direction of Honger’l Spruit. Deaths at ladynm ith, The War Ofï¬ce announces that there were 13 deaths from disease 'at-Ladysm1t.h on Wednesday and Thursday. Gen. Buller’s {:1an have been hmrd again. Otherwise it is very quiet. We are awaiting further news of his progress. There have been no {urthcr developments here. Very few Boers remain northeast of the camp. The majority are concentrated south and west. The health of tho garri- son is improved. rho Gui-flux: In Choomlâ€"Bullor’. Force. latching!†Acton Homo- Confldonc. hprouod That mymith Will 30 Believed This Wonk-Gan. Jon- bofl Woundedâ€"Work of 3:". id: Flying Column. Durban. Feb. 4. -â€" Gen. Buller chSSed the Tuwcla Rh er Friday night, and is marching on Lad_\smith. No deï¬nite news “111 be permitted to go out until Ladysmith is relieved. Ladysmith, Feb. 4. â€" (By helio- graph from Signal Hill.) â€" The gar- rison was cheered by hearing Gen. Buller's guns yesterday. The result of the engagement is not known. The Boers are again massing near Ladysmith. also moving another gun toward Surprise Hill. We are quite ready for them if they contemplate another attack. Lunch-d tho Ngutu Alaflstrncy nod Capo turod the Magistrate. untreated 30ft". British Hornâ€"A New Zoglandar Wound-d. HEAVY GUNS BOOMING A number of guns have been sent Iron: here to Gen. Buller’s forces in Northern Natal. A British Flying Column. A flying column, which was da- patched hence early in December, has reached North Zululand. The osten- sible object‘of this movement was to Cunlltlos in Recent Engagements 1.100 Killed and 600 \"oundod. check Boer Cattle raiders It. is be- lieved now, h0\\"-.cur that this col- umn really inLenus to harass the Boer lines of counuunicatlon above Ladysmith. Durban Donpatch 8:311 Bullor I. Expect- ad to kmwh Ludysmilh To-Blght. Notiï¬ed Ladysmith That Gen. Buller Was on His Way. N0 NEWS TILL RELlEF IS GIVEN Modder River. Feb. 3. 3033! A33 BAIDXNG ZULULAND. 30m LIE AS WELL AS EIGHT. DOES! BLOW UP RAILWAYS. Moro Gun» l-‘ur General Bull-r. GOING VIA ACTON 3031115. RUSHED A 1201!!! KOPJE. Mulching We“ on Jam. 17. BOERS LOST E EAVILY. Bullor’l Guns Ar. Board. \\ hero the Bners Are. busy destroying War Oï¬â€˜xce City of Vancouver Pano- Roooiutionl Coiling on Canada to 0303‘ a Third Mounted Contingent. Toronto, Feb. 4. â€" The following telegram was received by Mayor Mao- dounid late Saturday night; \‘nnvouver, 5.0., Feb. 3. The Mayor of Toronto: A large and en- thusiastic meeting; oi“ the citizens of \‘un- cout‘cr was held to-night. when strong reso- lutions were passed. urging the Dominion Government to oli‘vr Kilo imperial authori- ties another ten thousand mounted infan- try. us a (urine-r l‘aiLniian cumingcnt {or South Africn.and asking the hourly co-opern- tion and snuuuanco..s aruuu 01' every city, municipality and Board of Trade in Canada. If approved. will you call a public meeting of your citizens and at once pass similar resolutions. telegraplliug copies to Premier Laurie: and your own n-pxms.-niat“nu-s in the Dominion i'ariiumt-nt. urging iuunmiiumac- tion. (Sigumil Jumps iâ€"‘. Gordon, Mayor 01' the city ui' Vancouver. The Mayor will bring up the mos- aage at. the next. meeting 0! the Council. . Ottawa, Feb. 3. â€"â€" The Minister 0! Militia has been informed by Sir A1- ired Milncr, Governor of Cape Colony, that Sergeant, Russell of G. 00.. Roy :11 Canadian Regiment, is serious- ly 111 at Orange River, with perito- nitis and xx 111 likely die. Sergeant Russell is a. Royal Canadian Artillery Rosslund, 13.0., Feb. 5. -- A mass meeting will be held Wednesday to back up 'Lhe ofl‘er of 10,000 troops for South Africa. and consolidate Rosslund's emu-ts for the patriotic and other \\ :r funds. Nearly $3,000 has been 1‘61de so far, and more is 'to come. London, Feb. 2. â€"- (4.30 tun.) â€"â€" Mr. Wyndham’s declaration in the House of Commons that Great. Bri- tain Will have in a. fortnight. 180,- 000 regulars in South Airica, 7,000 Canadians and Australians and 26,- 000 South African volunteers. is re- ceived with wundcrment. 01 this total of 213,000 tmopg, with 452 guns, all are now there. with the exception of about 18,000 that are afloat. Beyond comparison. this is the largest. force Great. Britain has ever put into the ï¬eld. At the end of the Cï¬imea War she had scraped together 80,000 men. Wellington at. Waterloo had 25.000. TEN THOUSAND MORE MEN. Victoria Backs It Up. Victoria, B.C., Feb. 5. â€" In re- sponse to the suggestion from Van- couver for joint action in the request to the Dominion Government to of- fer ten thousand men for Service in South Africa, the Board of Trade held a. meeting on Friday night and decided to do everything possible to further the suggestion. A public meeting of citizens in further sup- port of the proposal will be held at an early date. The steamer Milwaukee is detained at. quarantine. It. is said that the authorities dcsiz-e to make a. thor- ough examination before she Is al- lowed to come up to her berth. ruled Away at 6.44 Saturday Evening. In Brother and Sister Being at the BodaidO- Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 5. -- Mr. Goebcl died exactly at 6.44 o’clock on Saturday eveu'uw; Arthur Goebel, of Cincinnati, and ‘Jrs. Braunaker, of Ohio, a. married sister, both of whom have been constant attendants at the dying man's bedside, were alone with him when the end came. They had previously requested Dr. Hume to leave them alone with their unconscious brother. )lr. Breckmml Sworn In. Th. Milwaukee at Halifax. Halifax, Feb. 5. â€"- The trooper Mil- waukee arrived from New Orleans at 7 o’clock last. evening. burg, from a point :."'-UU yards from the British advanCCLl pummn. Thirty- three exmosions were heard, and doubtless the line and culverts were wrecked for a considerable distance. An Army of 213.000 Mun. Exactly one hour after the death of Mr. Goebel J. C. W. Breckham was sworn in as Governor of the State, the oath being administered by S. J. Shackelford, clerk of the Court of Ap: pcals. Tho U. 3. Commissioners Report In Favor of Nathan Having rontrol In Their Loczu A ffui rs. Washington, Feb. 8. â€" The Presi- dent yesu-rday transmitted to Con- gress the ï¬rst Volume of the report. of the Philippine Cummissinn. It. is a. volume of 26; pagus. including; the appendix, and is signed by Prof. Schurmann, Admiral Dewey, Col. Den- by and Prof. Worcester. The principal subject. dealt with is the plan of government proposed by the commission, which includes a. discussion of the Spanish Goxern- ment existing prior to the war, the various reforms desired by the Filiâ€" pinos. and the constitutions proposed by them. together with the conclus- ions and plans svun‘gosior} by the com- mission. . PHILIPPINES HOME RULE. MR. GOEBEL IS DEAD. Grout Wuvo of Patriotism. A Canadian Ill. Cured Reuben Draper. of Clarendon. of Gravel â€"- Prlnclplo Upon \Vhloh Dodd'o Kidney Pill. Actâ€"“'hy Gravel ll Curablo by Dodd'l Kidney Pillu. Clarendon, P. Q., Jan. 29.-â€"Qnito e .sensation was caused in this nlace and throughout the Ottawa Vallev. by the publication of Reuben Draper’l case in the newspapers last week. Mr. Draper is well known about here and in Bristohand has had many en- quiries as to his cure. There seems to be a universal surprise that Dodd’s Kidney Pills should be able to cure a. trouble like Gravel which is situated in the Bladder. Therefore the follow- ing explanation is in order. Chicago .‘ New York \Iilwunkee St. Louis Toledo . . .. lk-lmit. red u Detroit. wlxlte‘ l'lllnlll. .\'u. ] Mr. Draper had only been using the oillsawéek when he was rid of I stone which, he says, is as large u 3 been. In ufew days he passed In- other smaller one. He has retained both, and many people of the neigh- borhood have seen them. There is, therefore, no room to doubt that Dodd’s Kidney Pills do actually cure gravel as well as the other kidney diseases for which they are famous. The case has aroused wide interest and friends for Dodd’s Kidney Pills are discovered on all sidel- Gravel is directly the result of kid- ney disorder. It is caused by the failure on the part of the kidneys to do their duty. They fail to dissolve the gritty particles that come to them from the blood. These gritty par- ticles pass to the bladder and cling to the walls of that cavity, accumulat- ing, ï¬nally, in little balls or “stones. †Dodd’a Kidney Pills, by restoring the kidneys to proper health, out 03 the supply of this sediment and the blad- der and urinary omens, recovering strenzzth on the removal of the cause of irritation, throw ofl the gravel al- ready deposited. Chicago, Feb. 5') â€" The wheat mar- ket opened 00‘ Saturday morning“ in syn'lpathy with early cables, but my covered later. LEADING \VIIL‘AT MARKETS. Following were the closing prices at important wheat centres Saturday: Cash. lN-h. May. Jnlv. Nnrtllcrn 0 653g 0 673g 0 (it) lmium, .\'0. 1 hard .. 067‘ Minm-upulls, No. 35 ‘ 1 Nut. O 65% .... 0 65V; 0 67 .\lmm|:|pulis, .\'u. 1 hard 0 663g Liverpool, Feb, 5. â€"â€" Saturdays close: Spot wheat steady; N0. 2 n-(l winter, 55 11!:(12 N0. 1 anithm spring, (is 1d; No. 1 (211., Gs Id; In» tum-g steady; March. 55 1013!. .\1;:_\ SS 975d, July SS 105m. r- 1:0}: H) 31‘. LA“ .ILch ‘I nun-1 Grainâ€" Liverpool, Feb. 5.â€"On Saturday spot wheat was unchanged in price, and “heat futures closed steam had to 1 (1 below previous ï¬nal ï¬gures Walt Till the Old Lady Goes Home. Askitâ€"How does it happen that you are not writing any “mother-in-law" jokes this week? Whoa: Markets Inuctivo - Fluctuations In Seeds-â€" liml clover. hush .$! 75 to $5 30 Alsikt‘, I'llnim- to fzmvy... 1: SH 7 ll" :Hx‘ikv. L'uml NH. 2 ....... 5 â€0 ‘3 “U Whitv ('IHVPI‘. lnhh T 00 S 0H 'l‘luluthy svml, hush 1 ()0 1 35 Hay and straw- Hay. pvr tun ........... $10 S†M $12 00 Hay. mixml. pvr Inn ..... 1| um 10m Straw. shout. pvr (on 7 in") S 00 Straw. Xnusr. pvr 101).... 4 00 5 00 Dairy Produceâ€" llntH-i‘. 1h. rulls‘ ......... $0 20 to $0 ‘25 EEK“. m-w laid . .. . ...... 0 25 0 80 Poultry.â€" Chickons. per pair . .. .SO (30 to $1 00 'l‘urkuys per H). ........ 0 1‘.’ U H Ducks. per pair 0 SO 1 00 UN'N'. lu'r Ht. ........... 0 US U 01’ Fruit and Vegetable!â€" Apph‘s. pox- bhl. ....... ..$1 50 to $3 “0 Potatoes, per bag 0 45 0 50 EAVP BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. Rust Buffalo, Feb. 5. â€" Cattle â€"- Offerings were four loads on Smur- duy. There was no particular change in the tone of the nmrket, Sfllt'S being at lute prices. Calves wore in fair supply, good demand and about. on Friday's basis; choice to extra, $9 to $9.50: good to choice, $8.50 to $9. Times-Herald. V Jokewriterâ€"Well, you see. my mother in-lnw is visiting us at present.â€"Balti- moro American. Not For Him. “Do you,†she asked, “believe In the theory of evolution ?†Sheep and Lambsâ€"The market gen- erally was in about the same posi- tion as on Friday. There were sales at $7.40 of choice lambs: choice to extra. lambs, $7.25 to $7.40; good to choice, $7 to $7.25: Common to fair, $6 Lo $0.75. Mixed sheep, choice to extra, 85 to $5.50; year- lings, $6 to $6.50; 8.11 wethers, $5.25 to $5.75; eWes, $4 to $5.25. The close was steady with a. good clear- unce. “No." replied the visitor from South America. “My whole belief is bound up in the theory or revolution.â€â€"Chicago Sensation in the Ottawa Valley District Caused by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Wheat, white. hush. †n-d, bush. .. " Iiln‘. hum . “ gmsc, bush. Barley. hush, .. ..... Outs, hush, . . . . . . . . . Rye, bust}. . . . . l‘cus. hush ..... liuckxlevnt. Im<h Ih‘uns, bush ...... .4 Valuel “'ar. Narrow on Saturday- DRAPER’S CASE â€"'l'ho Lnto-‘t Quotations. I; cc 0 68 s 0 70 .. t) 7115. rod .. O 72 white. 0 7.",; Nu. 1 :‘n . 0 653 No.1 .. 0 67. JHS, No % -..... 0 691/ Ulis, .\u 0 66% 1001, 1.1.1). Spot wheat $0 06%; $0 (LN-K so any; ' 0 ‘4’; 0 7%; 1:)â€TE) (3763/; 6.1.1.» .. . .. 073'}: 07;). 0 733-" o 'ng 0 677/3, 0 (it) 0 65V; 0 c7 '-00 u... .... u. â€"â€" Saturdays steady; N0. 2 I‘m! MARKET REPORTS. U Tl‘ 4| 1:} ¢ .0 30 III! (N) “H (From the Brockville Recorder.) One of the most successful business men in Brockville is Mr. Thomas Nappy, the well-know Perth Street grocer. Mr. Nappy is an Englishman by birth and the success he has achiev- ed in business here, has enabled him for some years past to make an annual holiday trio to the Motherland. In a casual conversation with some friends in the Bank of Montreal, recently. Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills happened to be mentioned and Mr. Nappy said that if the pills efl‘ected many cures as marvellous as one that had come under his notice, he was not surprised that they were so frequently the theme of conversation. Asked later by a reporter of the Recorder to give the story, Mr. Nappy readily consent- ed to do so, and we give it practical- ly in his own words. “Don’t be dis- appointed when I tell you that the cure did not occur in this country †said Mr. Nappy. As a matter of fact it occurred in England and came un- der my observation on the occasion of two visits made to that country. Dur- ing the summer of 1898 I paid a visit to my old home in England an while there visited William Ledger, a rela- tion of mine living at 45 Fitzwilliam street, Doncaster. In Ledger’s family THE SERVICES CANADA HAS REN- DERED FULLY APPRECIATED. was a little girl, Lilly, about six vears of age who was absolutely help- less with what the doctors said was St. Vitus‘ dance, but really seemed to me more like paralysis. This child was one of the most pitiful sights I ever saw; more helpless than a new born babe. She could not move a single limb, an if the head were turn- ed to one side or the other it remain- ed in that position until some one changed it. The poor child had to be fed and looked after like an infant. and as the doctors had not, been able to do anything to relieve her, recov- ery was not thought possible. In- deed, I said to the child’s grand- mother that I thought its earthly death would bea relief not only to the child, but to its parents. This was the condition of the child when I left for Canada. Again in the sum- mer of 1899 I made a holiday trip to England and to my amazement when I visited my friend Lodger I found Lilly as bright and active 8. child as one would find anywhere, with abso~ lutely no trace of the trouble that had made her a helpless burden the vear before. I told her parents I had never expected to see her alive again and asked what had effected her cure. AProminont Brockviiio Business Man Pay: a Tribute to the Good Work of a Canadian Institution in England. CANADA AND ENGLAND "Dr. Willimns’ Pink Pills." said the father. He further said that return- ing from work one night. he found in the house a little hook describing the pills. left during: the dav, and after reading it decided to use them in Lillv's case. After supper he bought some of the mills and gave the ï¬rst to the child that. night. In a few days they saw they were helning her, and in less than two months time there was not a child in the neighborhood, brighter, healthier or more active. I have heard a. great d all concerning what Dr. Williams' Pills have done in this country. but this case coming under my own observation is as near a. miracle as we can look for :in these days, and shows why Dr. Willimns’ Pink Pills are so {much talked about everywhere. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are just asvaluable in the case of children as with adults, and puny little ones would thrive and grow fat under this treatment. which has no equal for building up the blood and giving re- newed strength to brain, body and nerves. Sold by all dealers or sent Dost 'oaid at 500. a. box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Willimns‘ Medicine 00., Brockville. Ont. Do not be persuaded to try something And George Said “You." Maud (earnestly)â€"I want to 0.8]! you a question, George}. “Paraon me, ’â€"’ he replied. “I can- not stand too much illumination. The sparkle of. your eyes in quite suï¬lci- else said to be - George (also earnestly)â€"What is it, dearest? Maud (still earnestly)â€"If ‘ You had never met; me, would you have loved me just the same? Six Gilaâ€"The most conclusive testi- mony. repeatedly laid before the public in the columns of the daily press, proves that Dr. ’l‘homas’ Eclectric Oilâ€"an absolutely pure combination of six of the ï¬nest remedial. oils in existenceâ€"remedies rheumatic pain. eradicates nfloctious of the throat and lungs, and cures piles, Wounds. sores, lameness, tumors. burns. end injuries of horses and cattle. Impurities in the Blood.â€"\Vhen the ac- tion of the kidneys becomes impaired, immuities in the blood are almost sure to follnv, and general derangement of the system ensues. Parmelee‘s Vegetable Pills will regulate the kidneys, so that they will maintain healthy action and revent the complications which certain- ycbme when there is derangement of these healthy organs. As 'a restorative these pllls are in the ï¬rst rank. Largest of Galapagos Islands. Albermarle Island is the largest of the Galapagos islands. Its area in 1,330 square miles and it has a. peak 4, 700 feet in height. MILLER’S COMPOUND IRON PILLS increase the power of assimilation, thus increasing weight and Itrength. As far as heard from, proudly lays the Chicago Record, Chicago is the only city that received a nice, new river as a Christmas present. Hi: Flattering Explanation. “Sir,†shé said, “what do you mean by turning phe light down?†It is asserted that the wine cellar: of France contain champagne enough to supply the world’- demand for three yearsâ€"nearly 150. 000. 000 bottlee. llnard’s Liniment for sale everywhere. Partlallty of Santa. Claus. Champagne. 2."...1. .2. 1 nine 2.0 100“. ‘ 1 H Making Marriage 3 Snooeu. A law has been nassed in Norway which makes girls ineligible for mar- riage who cannot show certiï¬cates of skill in cooking. knitting and suin- ning. Now, if they would pass a law in Norway to prevent men who are too lazy to build the ï¬res and shovel oi! the snow from leading girls to the altar, married life would be one grand. sweet song over there. Interrupted Enjoyment. “Did you enjoy your vacation?" uked the congressmqp’s friend. “Not much.†answered the member from Cowtrack Crossing. “It's kind 0’ hard to hear all the folks saying that va- cations are good things for the country, 'cause when we're home the public can be sure we ain't doing any damage."â€" Washington Star. blinksâ€"Biggest thin: yet. One scene shows Broadway natural as life: wondero tul thing, wonderfulâ€"real wagons, real horses. real paving stones, real excava- tions. real diit and ggnuine impeded Italians digging at it. A Story “’1“: a Moral. An old sailor once appeared to give evidence in a case of assault, when he was asked the Iollowing questions: The Judge â€" “Where was plaintifl standing when defendant struck Realism Indeed. Jinksâ€"How was the new play last night? “There’s one thing funny about skat- ing. pop." said Tommie at breakfast. “The ice always comes when it's too cold to really enjoy skating." A Cure for Rheunmtism.â€"'l‘heintrusion of uric acid into the blood vessels is a. fruitful cause of rheumatic pains. This irregul-n'ity is owing to a deranged and unhealthy condition of the liver. Any one subject to this painful affection will ï¬nda remedy in Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills. Their action upon the kidneys is pronounced a 1d most beneï¬cial, and by restoring healrhy action. they correct 1m- purlties in the blood. him?†Witnessâ€"“Who are they?†The Judgeâ€"“Don’t you know the difference between plaintifl and de- fendant?†Witnessâ€" “No.†The Judgeâ€"“Well, you are a nice chap to come here and give evidence! And you don’t know the plaintiff from the defendant? Where was he when the man struck him?†Witnessâ€" “Aba.ft the binnacle!†The Judze â€"“Aba.ft the binnacle! Where is that?†Witnessâ€"“Yon are a ï¬ne chap to sit as a. judge! And you don't know where ‘ebaft; the bin- 11' the child is rustless at night, has coated tongue. sallow complexion, a dose of Miller‘s \Vorm Powders is what is re- quired; very pleasant and perfectly harm- South African “'ar News. The news from South Africa starts at Cape Town, is sent to Delaaoa Bay, thence to Mozambique, to Zanzibar, to Aden. There it is repeated to Suez, adistance of over 1,400 miles. From Suez it. is repeated 143 miles to Alexandria, where it is repeated again, this time under the Mediter- ranean, :25 miles, to Malta. From Malta it goes to Gibraltar, and thence to Lisbon, the great cable centre, 883 miles. At this point it plunges un- der the Atlantic, 890 miles, to Pen- zancefand so on to London, and the rest- of the world. Nervous people Ihould take Millar'l Compound Iron Pills. Better Than Chroma. A ï¬rm of English tea. merchants oï¬'er to everv married woman who have a. pound of its 75c. tea. for ï¬ve consecutive weeks I pension of 82.60 a week in case of the death of her husband, provided he was in good health when she began to buy the tea. The pension is to continue I: long as she remains a widow. Smart Boy This. “If I say,†said the teacher. ‘ “th. pupil loves his teacher,’ what sort of n sentence is that?†Six Feet Tail is Rare. Only one man in 203 is over six feet in height. ,-_' We. the undersigned. have known 1". J. Che vey fur the last 15 yearshand believe him perfectly llnno able In all busmcss trans «ctio :9 1nd ï¬nancially able to carry out. any obligation made by their ï¬rm. Wrzsr 5; 1‘1: AUX, Wholesale Druï¬olatsï¬l‘oledop. WALDING. lexm a; MARVIN, \ molosnle Drug- glam 'l'UlL-(lo, 0. Ha 1’s Uatarrl) Cure 14 taken internally. act- lng directly upon the bloul and mucoul aur- {uces or the system. Pnce 75¢. per bottle. Sold by I.“ d:uggiats. Testimonlall tree. Tuflmonlm from 4 chemim. 10 mad-.1». n diplomu‘ Tho most wholenomo of bevengel. Rcoomcndod by Physician. l'or n1. ovary- what. Agreed for Once. Motherâ€"No. Johnnie, I don’t want to ever catch you in that jam closet again. Johnnie (sobbing) -â€" An’ I don’t want you to, neither. W. ofl'orOno Hundred Dollars Rewnrd for my caneof Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Cam-r11 Cu re. F. J. CH|ENEY 5:. 09.. Prqps.. To'ego, 0 Minard’s Linimcnt Nieves Neuralgla. lilnard’s Liniment Cures Dandruff. Ale anaPorter New life for a. quarter. Miller's Oom- pound Iron Pills. The great demand for a. pleasant, safe 3nd reliable antidote for all affections 01 the throat and lungs is fully me: with in Bickle's Anti C(msumpiive Syrup. IL is apnrely Vegetable Compound. :iml acts promptly and magically in sulxining all caughs, colds, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, etc. It is so palatable that a child will not. refuse it, and it is put at a price that will not exclude the poor from its beneï¬ts; A new back for 50 cenu. Miller’s Kidney Pills and Plaster. Geraldâ€"I hope the ice won't melt; I can‘t swim. Geraldineâ€"My i‘wx are. like cakes at ice. JOHN LABATT, lunden, “Sarcastic,†said the boy. TH Are undoubtedly THE BEST. How’s This! We lose God when we try to com- prehend Him. Th best aim to have in this life is to aim for Heaven. There is no such thing as the right" use of the wrong thing. The man who love: God will be sure to love God’s work. Success in this world often means failure in the next. The Bible oï¬â€˜eru no premium on laziness or improvidence. The way to make hard duties easy is to do them for Christ. God never forgets the man who it willing to take a hard place. There are too many peoph who never pray until they have to. Be religious in your business, and your business will be religious. It is hard to get some preachers in terested in the subject of religion. The time when we most need faith is when God’s hand is not in sight. Prove that God loves us, and you Drove that He suffers when we sin. Failures never come to those who ask God what to do before they' start. No matter how good the shepherd may be, a. sick sheep will not follow him. There are people who try to grow in grace before they have any grace to grow in. Paper That “'11! Not Burn. It has been found possible to make a. thin, smooth and strong paper of asbestos which (an be employed in the manufacture of paper lanterns and other anicles which need to be at the same time light and ï¬re proof. The asbestos paper can also be made wafer pr )of. It is prepared with the same machinery used for making or- dinary paper. Dr. Arnold's E: giish Tnxln Pins are sold by I.“ aruggzsxs at 75¢. a. 1m: ; sample to: 250.. or lent nut-paid on H’Cvipt of price by The Ar nold hemimiCn. l.un.ted.C~.mada Life Build lug. 42 King nth-c! West. Toronto. An ordinary railway engine in equivalent in strength to about 900 The Terrible Situation of a. St. Vincent Lady. St. Vincent Out. Jan 31. â€"No other man in Canada has gone through a period of such extreme anxiety alternating with despair, us Mr. Joseph McCullough, a highly-respected retired farmer of this plgcewxpexjiencpd dqring the pas; summer. Last spring his family physician pro- nounced Mrs. McCullough to be suffering from an incurable case of Neurmthenia, or nerve exhaustion. She was extremely nervous, hysterical and despondent. She had severe rheumatic pains. palpitation, had sharp pains in her lext side and over the kidneys; her feet were perpetually cold. her face ghastly pale. urine high- colni-ed, scalding. and leaving a. brick dust depo-it; sour stomach, splitting head- aches. and pain alter eating oppressed her. She had no appetite. could not eat. and last flesh startlingly. It seemed to her friends that she was "going into de- cline.†The pii)'~§cl:lll said her only hope of relief lay in the Wier-Mitchell treat- ment. This being so cOstly was out of the question. and her husband believed there was no hope. He read a newspaper article highly recommending Dr. Arnold’: English Toxin Piils, about this time. end decided to try ihem. Soon a change for the better came,:tnd day by day the patient iiiiproved. till now she is as well. strong and vigorous, as she ever was. ller recovery is due entirely to Dr. Ar- nold's English Toxin Pillsâ€"the only re- medy that cures disease by killing the germs that cause it. Every other medi cine she used failed. Dear S!rs,-â€"I was for uven year! I luflerer from Bronchial tmuhlu. and wou’d be so hmu'u alum-smut I c uld mam-My speak ah Va A whisper. lg-Lm) rn-liof {rum anything: till I trivd your MINAHI) s HUNEY BALSAM. Two butJes gnu-c X'rlm‘f and six bottles made I complete cum 1 would hvartily recommend it to snyone aufl’ering iron; tlqugt. 91- lung troulglo. Poisoning from Overcoat» Poisoning from overcoats is an un- expected danger. but no fewer than 60 cases have been reported. On being wet, the cloth. in the dyeing of which chloride of zinc had been used, gave off poisonous vapors, producing pain- ful swelling 01’ hands and arms. “- The Richest Gold Mine. It is estimated that greater quanti- ties of gold and silver have been sunk in the sea. than are now in circulation on the earth. Thin people should 18k. Miller’- pound Iron Pills. Com- Red in National Colors. Of 25 countriel 19 have flags with red in them, the list including England, United States, France, Ger- many. Austria, Italy. Spain, Den. mark, Turkey. Mexico, Chili, Pox-tn- gal. Venezuela and Cuba. Lost Human Muscles. There are many muscles in the hu- man body, control of which has been lost through age: of disuse. The Crimean war cost Great Britmn £77,000,000, of which 888,000,000 was an addition to the permanent national debt. Ordinary headaches almost always yield to the simultaneous application ofhotwutertothofoot and back of Miller’s Worm Powders m a wonder. ful medicine for the ailments or children. If it Only Could be Arranged. The strike of the piano workers in said to be over. If some one could arrange a strike of the piano pounderl the world would be happier. ' Holloway's Corn Cure in speciï¬c for the removal of corns and warts. We have never heard of its failing to remove even the wonst kind. Health for the children. Mill ' Worm Powders. era Klnard's Llnlment Cures Burns, etc. I‘redorlcton What Crimean War Cost England. AGDNIZING SUSPENBE. Bot “'uter for Headaches. Horse Power of 1363mm. PITHY SAYINGS. JJ". Vlis‘éï¬'sk'iï¬ii: ht re very much intoxica 1513 nearly all spot and ever-mined to In our home from the r'. .n hum-(la. I sent f1 A Lady Who Cured Her Husband of the Liquor Habit Writes 3 Pathetic Letter. She writetl : "I had for a long time been thinking of trying the SamariaPreacrip- tion treatment on my husband for 111! drinking habits, but I was afraid he would discovery that ; we: givin mm meulclne. and t e tho ht un- nerved me. hed- mted for nearly a week, but one day whlen h: (2:11:19 hoine Ye much intoxicate an we ’3 “ry nearly all spent. I threw at all tear and etermined to make an effort to saw our home from the ruin I saw comm§ at all hazards. I sent for your S'lmarin rep eerlption and put it in his coffee as direct- ed next morning, and watched and prayed. torthe result. At noon I gave him more, and also at supper. He never suSpected a thing. and I then boldly 11:5): right on givin it regularly, as discovered somet that set every nerve in my bod tin ling with hope and happiness, and eclï¬d see a bright future spread out before meâ€"a ful, ha py home. a share in the ood t ings of 1i e. an attentive, loving Eusband, comforts, and everything else dear ton. woman’s heart, for my husband had told me that whiskey was vile stufl, and he was taking a dislike to it. It was only too true, fur before I had given him the full course he had stopped drinking altogether, but I kept Elvin: the medicine till it was gone, and then sent for another lot to have on hand if he should relapse, as he had done from his promises before. He never has, and I am wrlting you this letter totell you how thankful I am I honestly believe it will cure the. worst eases." ,,_-‘A_ _ .47 WOMAN’S PLUCK WINS. Wuvvv _- . A pamphlet in plain, sealed envelope sent free, giving testimonials and full in- formation, with directions how to take or administer Samaria Prescription. Corro- ndenoe considered sacred 1;: conflden Lin]. Address The Samaria Remedy 00.. 23 Jordan street, Toronto. Ont. Suggestion for Bicycllots. It is recommended, says the London Chronicle, that to avoid cold hands while cycling these chilly months a good thing is to rub the inside of gloves with vaseline and then warm them till it thoroughly saturates the leather. ,Afterward, without being greasv, they will resist the penetrs- tion of cold. A large Glasgow (Scotland) tea chest company has purchased 10.000 acres of forest land in North Carolina, with 75.000,000 feet of stumpage, to use the lumber for veneering 01' ten chests. A factory to prepare it will be built at Wilmington. No strong Lye. Chlorldo of leo Bonzino or Coal Oil noodod . . - . For Domestic u“! for tho linen loco to tho dirtiest greasy clot es. For 11ml Utensils at all kinds, Pipes, sinks. etc. or Washing Paint. Floors and Axxlmnls. and 10' the Both. 1150 [or US" as a disinfectant. For Printexs' use. for Waslxinv Type. Rollers and Machinery. The puwder 1’s odorless and DH" fectly harmless to bands or motel-m. t up in 1 1b.. 2 lb. and 51b. packages, I3 150. 1‘“ lb Allbor . a1 diocount. to tho undo. Goal Iovln. and Smoke eon-umlnl com pound. tor Hons. Stoves, Rouge: ond Emma, and f 9’ ganutocluring concerns. This powder am fl to 40 per cent 0! coal. get.- up o stow-r and stronger heat and Mom. 1th v simple to use (no changing of tire-p13"? ï¬g unto to bundle as the cool itself. I ‘9 portion dinolvod in in“: And sprinkled on the cool. Brice 6 cents per lb. or 81m per ton. your crocer or drugzi: t. has not so: than “'9 will furnish it on opplicouon with tall 41100 ion. for no. t “45 obntod Premium Mud!“ mcbomm- m lthom Composition to ho m u .11 um; nucluol 00.. u Iloury 0:. Damn.“ A dose of Miller’s “'orm Powder- occasionally will keep the children healthy. Pale sickly children should uae Mother Grave’s “'orm Exterminator. \Vorzns‘ am one of the principal causes of Stlï¬rrln: in children and should be expelled from the "stem. CATHOLIC PRAYER â€Mia‘i’e'J‘sTï¬â€˜Jkgfnw Religious Pictures. Statuary and Church 0m menu, Educational Works. Mailordezs receive prompt attention. D. J. Sadlier 4: Co. Montr'L We also make It.“ Flag sum. Grain Grinders, Iron and “'00d Pumm. Be. Supplies. loud for New Cn- nlogno. This new und most useful invention has not only proved to be a [treat seller. but a. bxon to hundreds. Many medical men are using :hll closet. and all pronounce it ab~~ dutely oworleel and Ianim'y in every espect. After being in the market for over two years xhis close: nu become so gopulnr that the manufacturer! hnvo 1nd to don 1e their gnu-u: in order to meet the demand. ONTARIO BINDER TWINE C0.. 113 Union Station Arcade. Toronto. 1's and GIRLS for distributing Adver tiling Matter. Won't cm: you a cent. Send tddreas for paniculura. erm 8303., Loxvol. CH ABSOLUTELY FREE. wui WA‘Eo ranted perfect time-keeper. :- - , .. U South Africa ({nur books in Our ' and Dwight L. Moody. the Man an HI- lflulon. Both reliable works and beautimuy lllustmed; m rehash of old matter like some a! the books oflered for ssle. Prices awn down. terms extm lib -nl. Prosperus offlrsx b wk 5%.. of second book 35c.. or both for 759.. xmmut ro- funded with ï¬rst order for ï¬ve books. \Vlllknn Brlgnuothodiat Book a: Pub. Bousefloromo. '1 hr Best “ado. Stand for (analogue. COCKSHUTT PLOW ‘30.. BRA\TFOBD. STOPPED FREE. Permanent» ly Cured. DR. KLLVE'S Gain 2.1;wa RESTOBIL Positive our. for all New us Diseases. Flu. Epilepsi. Spams and St. Vitus‘ Dance. No Fm or 'ervousnem after ï¬rst dav'l use. Treatise und .2 trial botde sen: through Ctnadian Agency FREE to Fit path-nu. they paying express charges onlv when received. Send to Dr Kline. 981 Arch 3L, Phimdelph'uf; Brantford For Catalozuo and price lint writ‘ to THE DDURLESS GREMATURY CLOSET GU. PE9W§.B.0.LLERS. MARROW Write us. HAMILTON. L-S- 5-“ Bl Stile; CANVASSERS 1 1.125139%: §on_th_ iAfr-199 (ffur book}: in Our), and IIIJGAS. STEELE BRISTOL IUPOIYU'I OI emuâ€"rm; BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS A. Forest of (Tileutlluts. H A MILTON. ONT. ODORLESS CLOSET. COST oxm’ mun/{AL Cleansing and Washing Powder, (Zn-ch- Teas L5. 8. Coffee. LS. B. Extract “Yes, we‘ll do that." I sai‘ sorry I’m such a fool. but know the old man was even ill “Perhaps it‘n only money. .6 Tcogood. Then came the cvunzramlatioi savilinn. following the cheers ti Yhe path of him w! o retires 1‘ :mm the wic‘ at then the rd .hower hath and the sense of out that this is the supreme 1nd one'e life. and that if it weri {he hopes and anticipations ti: :n the word “var:ity' one mi {rnpriately lie down to the ca!‘ ":{unc dimittis‘ and wake no: And then just asâ€"with mm: and jcyfnl schunl companions; red to depart for that dinm v :5 to crown the glorious d t:. e telegram ‘ “By George. Boris." said a: as the pale. nnwholescme lookii ment was handed to me. “youi are pretty smart with the con tions The match must have ported in the evening papere know we were to beso honort yon. Adkins?" I believe I burst into tearsl myself otherwise supremely til The sudden blow was too 1121‘ shock for me in the midst of ous joy Adkins read the message. "Oh. no. old man. " he said 1y “I should say certainly not by this telegram Checr wire at once for more news. " “Oh. no. it can’t be that." It could not. I was sure; for I The message ran thus From Countess Landr'mof. St. Pch Conn: Buns manna. Tw‘.“.';esxo: Come to me as mun as pocw {e U Itayv Am in terrible distmumu: y “What is it. old man? Not! I hope." said Adkins “Good Lord. what's the Look at the color of his face!’ some one say “Heaven only knows what it‘ I murmured. "Read it. will 5 head seems to buzz so. I: my the: dead. do you think?" “I didn't know old Boris v: to make a century "‘ said Adki I ma open the envdupe and missive. “Let we sit down a min think. " eaid I. I sat and reread my telegra: the blood in my head Geéuwd and prevent my brain work: cicntly to grasp the mania: word-.1 year at Lord’s cricket ground. ly about the ï¬rst days of the holidays, in order to exhibit ‘ ï¬civm-y in the great game be eyes of a delighwd and admiriz Well. it was my last term at (or I was in my eighteenth ya was due at Oxford in Octobe think perhaps dvur old Adk have allowed this fact to iuflm a little when he gave me In entitling me to play at Lord much vigorous play W9 won 1 by four wickets. in which 1 I: ï¬rst and only “century " cmmwn-E CHAPTER I. THE $1188le COUNT. It was in the pavilion :1 that I receincd the telegram v in a way tramfonned my lif‘ all happened like this We W1 Eng our annual match againsl C. C.â€"bct stay. You don't kn who “we" are. Let me explaix It: (or. alas. were. in so far I concerned) the boys of T01 Ichool. and it was our glory. a the dread ordeal of those who 1 in the match. to appear oncc And thenâ€"ch: altar-am wagon. of the largest landc our part of Russia and had irun works in St Petersbnrg l sources of revenuc He was Vexy rich man “Clver up. anyhow. old tinned Adkins "I‘ u: sure it m. ht about the count Whats ford. thoughâ€"does it mean v be able to go up? After youi today that would be u doublo‘ we should look no see you triJ Varsityâ€"and carefully tried "Oh. don't talk about c: an 3 but it!‘ 1 groaned “ though 1 had played my last a A I , t J‘ ('73-; 41. AK" "3*“ ’3 v“ .r‘ q W )L. VII. NU. 'J/ BY FE?)