{he put. PM for Evan sem‘cc I M “inaction gnanmteed in ovary .9, LB! 12, Con, 5, Evy)ll}‘;during the mason of Igoo-zgox. Terms .1 00 at time of service. T. H. FEE, Owner, Omcmee P. O. « BOAR FOR SE-KVICE â€",a thoro'bred English Bench“, Bear will be kept for service um. ring the season of 190:, on th. premises, Lot 17, Can. 7, Emily, WM. LOWES, Frank Hill P. O. BOAR FOR SERVICEâ€"A Thflo'bred Tamworth Boar wi.l “kept fox sfrvico 02 this premis- r. 0. BOX 862. Steel Windmills how " for 18.7,“! by all odd. 0. he“ In tho market. Its ï¬m coat in . kw, when you remember that it to My A High Grader. and the annutl M h .a‘iuknsm‘o and repair! I! low- ‘ m I have handled than will. {0! .. yum and have mover so! mud. I ~55: on «count of defect in manual 0 poor workmanship G. WALTER GREEN. “I Hatch-384! Mn: I). past. winter I was onerou- ‘Il h securing 3 great. quantity; uf un- uni): flno pump timber. This will b. “bone“ to all my cnstumon, um will to maintain tho high standard 0! nullty that my good. have enjoyed in loud liar murmurs"! my other Kin... WAHHIRG Aâ€!!! ES. ate. Dr. Neelands, DENTIST. . LI ‘ DSAY, Y†H}. Omomae Comments! Hotel, â€odi- Iho now Post. Ofï¬ce Block, tho In. flood†of not} month. Admin- ...“ 3-. with gnu nuceooo to: on: Q loan. Boontiful team and splendid CI. Crown and bridge work inurtod. My oflco nearly oppo‘lu Signp- ‘25:. Pipes - {or 15 C: 35 am! 40c.Pxp¢:s for 25 13¢ Pipes ' for 10 10¢ Pipes for 5 Corn Cobs 2 for 5 Tobaccos always fresh at Tonooflul â€1036. â€In .GBIIT. Gilli-2. PHEBBUHHUEH P1111111 Wurks 'Ir-tâ€"dbmn Home. 0“ 1551 EB third Ian‘s: of on}: nomh. 41-): Tho undvrmgned in prepared to into horny on ï¬rst-chase {arm proper†in hm menu‘s M 4i yer cont Small amounts at nlightb‘ Increued also 0! intern“. Terms of re payment to suit borrow». Bminun, Solicitors ac..1.lnduy, On‘ In Omomee ovary Mondny. ‘ N. B.-â€"Havo uneven} chants who do: ' £0 110! good farm prqptyï¬yj a} a. king II Grtduato Onurio Veterinary fonei". Tomato. trons all discuss of ameni- uud nimall. Special anemia! 92 oqnho donnluy. Charges moderat/é. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE / WM. COLYI‘N’S All “:0 In.» and 1m proved bunches d Conn-try successfully performed. Oun- nodorm. 0 F F I C E our “cow’- Drug Store, corner Kent and Wflllun atreou. Trilbys Winks Bankrupt Stock of Pipes Cut in Cigars McSweyn 8c Weldon. Dr. F. A. Walters, DENTIST, LINDSA Y. lobar Gndnnto 0! Toronto Univers- r ad Royal College of Donal b‘ur- Encedora - Dr. W. T. Rodg‘ Peter-bore, Ontario. nn‘. 4-.- 1 PER CENT. 'Aema-aï¬Ã©m '. 0m 05"- TELEPHONE ’2 7 for 25 3 for 10 6 for 25 {or :5 for 25 for 10 for 5 15 Cents IO “ 0‘ _ The last subiect of the after- noon was one-oi great moment to "cry p:.r:nt. and it is to be re- gretted so few parents were pres- ent. Home work is much talked about in the home, tne press. the school boards and at conventions, and it received cous.derable con- 5 derable discussion at the hands of Messrs. O’Connor. jardine, Hartstone, Broderick, Black. Knight, Coiling and Rev. L. S. Hug son. Opinions were very moth divided. Several gentle- m‘e‘u that ght most of the talk about home work was rubbish, that Verv {aw chi (1: en had too much to do. the realtroublo being that they were permitted to read too many nova ls, or that their par. ents Were too indolmt to be both- ered helping the child: on out with their work. Others t0 1: the ground that there were very ser. icus evils in the matter, that many children broke down or suffered in health, that mmv injured their eyesight, that home-work preven ted many from reading the books they ought to read. All agreed. however, on this: that little or no homework should be given to the smaller children. Lecture in the Evening In the evening a small audience i gathered in the \ oilegiate Insti tme to hear Principal Scott, ofthe Normal School. Toronto. Mr. *cott is one of the foremost teach ers in Canada. and his addrwss nn “Tl-3 Training of Children, ' “a. worthy of a crowded hovsr. Len k of advertising is d‘ubi s: the eason f--r the small attendance. in mtroducing the speaker, the chairman, Mr. Thos. Stewa ,7 re ferred to the \a‘nrhle assistarce niven by Mr. Sro tto the Lindsay , Bo rd of Education. and thgpieas .re he had tn being pro: :1th Mr. Scott. 5 beï¬ts: Space. mil. per In the iscussion that followed it was m de very plain that the method, ofthe Educational De- parim nt in getting out new text- booszis very strongly condemn- ed b Pu al the teachers. The new lic School books were gener- y agreed upon as being an im- -ovement on previous books. , Mr. Knight closed the morning session with a paper on Entrance Examination Certiï¬cates. Thursday Afternoon Session "History" was the subject of the fist paper in the atternoon and an admirable paper it was. Mr. R. W. Asselstine. of Kin- mount, was the Writer, and his chief points were: the waste in our educational system, the value of historical pictures both for his- tory and composition; the moral f aining afforded by history in blirmshing examples of all kinds of ï¬ns. and proper judgements of men: the work in senior classes to be a synthesis of previous work value of coll «teral reading for for both pupil and teacher, the worked increased ‘br the teacher but his reward in his own mental and moral growth. A verv inter- esting discussion followed the present text-books in history be- ng unsparingly condemned. To meet the need of supplementary reading in histon' it was decided upon motion by Mr. I. C. Hart- Itoue, s: conded by Mr. A. E. Brv- son, that Messrs. Brodeiick. Hardy. Black, Asselstine, jardine and Hartstone, bea committee to formulate a scheme by which this could be arranged. Mr. Sam. Britten addressed the the conventicn on the use and abuse ofthe eyesight, and in a most va!uable paper, illustra- ted by drawmgs on the black board, made very clear the chic: dmgers to “hich our eyes are liable He made a strong plea for thc proper care of the eye and for sympathy with those whosa eyes need care. Appar nt stu~ pidity is often bad eyesuglnt. East Victoria many Important Subjects Dis- cussedâ€"Lecture by Principe! Scott. of the'l'oronto Norm- al School. Bright skies, large attendance, excellent papers and breezy dis- cussions, combined to make the East Victorxa Teachers’ Associa- txon a great success on Thursday and Friday oflailt week. The con- ventiOn opened in the quoa S..huol on Thursday mornmg wnh tht‘. Presadent, Mr. Samuel Couch, principle ofUmemoe Pub- hc School, in the chair. The Presment’s address was {01. lOch by routine business, and then the subject of the new text- books was‘ taken Mr. Hardy dis- cussed this from the High School stan 1point. In the 26 subjectspn the High School‘ course thereï¬ad been four new text-books this year, viz, in Latin, French, Ger- mm and English Grammar. In Latin and possibly German. it was P0£S‘blc to use zhe old and new 0001:: together in the same class ; it was not practical in the other cases. from the standpoint of scholarship the new text-books Were worthy/â€of high praise: in o:her respe ’ts they were Open to Verv action): criticism. HELD A PROFITABLE CON- VENTION LAST WEEK. .-. Nani-4'] ' w r. -\~.‘----='~- Ilubnok ofloo. mm- new Post 0ch. lam. Solicitor. Notary Pnhlio. 10.. lflLLBROOK. : : : ONTARIO. Y My": Fl Magoo. 1 Mills nnd Games Wllao'nm'ownl. Thorn ware mun! oth- or-in munmotbu we hue bun un- 8590 00 got. .Qil‘ï¬glhflt 1‘10 P ., “an“. 51nd |lv have all readers cud m tun. U S. A : Lillian Fallis.(‘olun1bia Goddess of Liberty, all of Frank lin; Ed. Bradburn and Mancl Brad bu rn , of janetville. Evcmng; Lena Paul, Highland Lassie. Jan etwl’e; Eveline Ivory. Margueret te; harah Evans, Indian Maillcn; Mrs Murray and Ethel Slmw,‘ Comical Dressed, Couple; ,Eques ‘ trian, ElsievLa'de: Fa‘n‘cy Dress or Flower Girl; Winnie Beatty. Prlnv'n Lunlu Poul MuQuado, TL. RItIonnl (‘alors Mayo Hendatlrm: Slum, Ethel Henderson; Paulina John «on, or Indian um; m. Porno": Mill h or, Amt Panmm. NanI, 5mm DI\~ I mu; lhqnnnnhm Ms†A. Staph-"Inn; F. ighlnnd Lumie- Sin-I LImh [much Iio-Pflop .. rdu English“ 8- Mo Blunt-lo Ellio‘t: PA \\ oman c l I Thousand )0» n agn, Mus Joy-din: Walk-r Etinlnn. B Wiluon H Bunk nnhom. Par-«y Shaw, FR Band; and Ted Engllah, Tritium-n: “'Ilhorl a“ "go? (‘lnmum-n: Parry Par Ineroqnnin Indian PM“; R Brarl lay, Oom Paul? G flon Wright. Nlm'w': ‘ HI" hawh. Villavn Purina: Melvillo Pornom.1’ommy Mum; W J Lamb, [In-hm Omn Grind": R. J. (hnwnl‘. ("d Motler Hnlyl’mrd; Lennard ï¬rmly an dï¬olvf Ho Fflnsnn Wrath American The influences of heredity is patent, but the influence of envir onemnt and training is vastly more so. This fact makes pro gress and Civilization" possible tor the human race. Habit is allpow erful here. Every voluntary act beats the track for a similar act and makes it mme difï¬cult for one of an opposite character. Habit is the mould into which ; lastic life is run to produce char ncter. Sudden change or revolu tion in a life cannot alwavs lie do pended upon. Forgiveness of wrong and sin dOes not prevent the reaping of its Consequences. ..-~punsib!u for 5( n- c «. uh or dut ics m the In us hold. Thr: n: n ust he fr e om fora child to do v~ hat is light. Self control the chlid mun 1mm. “The boy must sow his w 1 loan" Is .1 viciousdoctrine; th c op is broken hearts High! ed lives. desolatcd homes, d15pe~r aka battles wnh sin. Traieing is equally applic-ble to the moral and spantual develop ment. Psychologv shows the rc lation of scnsatzons, nerves, low er nerve centres and higher nerve Contres, unl the will. When a Habit ts tuzmed the lower nerve centres re ievc the higher; thus the braiggind the will are freed from axe ‘on in that particular thing. A boy can be trained to think, and speak and act rightly, till right thinking and rightdoing become a habit. Right habitsate just as possible as wrong habits and both are the- 'resu t of train ing. Repetition 1.8 the 'gr eat agent in :he formation of habit. In 2h}: training or boys and girls. lay stress on princims, not on "mou’ts"and ‘mllrtn't s ’ A wxse parent easJy makes a 1 0} or girl The second fanc; dress carnival held under the auspices of the Omemee Hockey Club on Monday last, was a big success. There wasa large attendance, and all present eizjoved the program of sports. The Followrhg were the prize winners: Dunle Race, Nor man Holden and Annie Thomp son; Ladies Race, Clara Cunning ham; Keg Lace, l. Paul, of lame: ville; North Ameri: an Indian, W. Gal .ugl‘icr; Cliinaimm. Ed. Han na; Highland Lad and Lassie, E. \icPl: erson and F Clancx; Llown ]. Murm); Fancy dressed Con pie G. G Trip!) and Lillian Fallis, of Franklin. Among those in C05 tame were: W. Lytle, Millionaire President of Cot ton Blossom Club, N. 0.; J. Whiteside, Samlio the celebrated Chick’en Thief; N. 513* on and R. Whiteside, Heaven lv Twins; Clarence McCutche‘n, Deacon's Scn. or the imp of the Village: G. G. Tripp, uncle Sam. How may the clnll be trained in right habits? First by staxt ing h m right at home and at school. The b3. Is ofall right act iOn is obedienceâ€"snoutamous. not forced. SccOnI ,‘hy making home and schoo «trauma lhird kecpa watchful var: to see that these Iight ha': its an beiI v f0: m cl ' Fourth, be truthful yourcmt; keep your prom sea; act the truth as weIl asspeak he azuth Fifth, see with whom the child plms. And late cry teaol. er and may parent runamlxr that there is nothing trivial in our school work or our home weak. The training 0f\c‘hxldren 15 of supreme importance to society, for figntformatiou is inï¬uuely better than reformation, to par ents. to teachers, to children. l'raimug Is possible and does pro duce its effects. ' In 1637 there Were 60,000 in the prisons of Eng land: m 189: there were only 6:500. General education was responsi ble for this decrease. In 1895 there were 45,000 in the prxsons of United Mules; 43,000 men, 2.000 women. The reason for the dxï¬erence lips largely in the neat er care in the training of girls. CONCLUDED NEXT WEEK. Robert Buddy. gone: to Low. LUUH.t L a 'd. 9‘13 Wantedauluto Manner to look am: correspondence and non“. AddIOIU 30-day THE CONTINENTAL PRESS. Coreonn Building, 'Washlngton, D. c. With Biographical Sketches. ‘ BY General Charles H. Grosvenor. IminrofCongrcu for nun-1120 yun. Contain. iwamy {our largo l’hnthnv- lil'l Etching: from the painting: ludor-od by the {alililirfl and near relatives oi the President... Printed on heavy plain paper, unbound. A very large book ; title pas. de- 313119de Timmy. Biographies] thou-nu priniedin-lupppen typo in two, colon. The great.“ work on the 20th Century. Io beautiful that. wbnn President MuKinley nw it be subscribed immodinioly. Ono agents ullingï¬oocopiuin nmnll urrlwry in Pomuylvunin. Amiiiioncoplu will be mid quick. Fortuna- will bun“. ihil in- nuxural your. High clan man or woman otgbod Iocillnmndlng can mnko n liitlo fortune in this ierrnory. Tannery in going~ avidly. Pun-u tannin: day nnd night to an onion. On Saturday evening, Feh.16.qu$m a num berm friends had zathorud Lngo‘her m. m. rumours of M rs. Wm. Bust, 51' Emily. The object or the gathering wan to spend a pleas- ant evening with Mrs. and All" B nut. heron- they leave Emily. l0 Lnku up residence 1n Pcterbnro The {Heml- prewm Were all members 01 Ht. John’s ( (mgrcgauon. and may desired touxprus to Mrs. Bust their wrruw orhuvna to low her xrwn llu'h‘ midst and Iron! the Church, )n which Mu: has hoe-n fox-ovum yearn a most devour: and uurnnm \rmkvr. 89".1'2. A. Larmtuldt. expinhnng tourmBusuhc reuum why so many had “wanted her hum... Leuruuu u. llulugh autumn uud honour In \\ mm Mu lie-lune“! b) leu whole unrmnumu. Be .ald that. the membars of bL.Jubn M bur-4h especially [on Use Mpnwtlon. hue-nun: o! the (rem uclive yarn which Lin. Boat. al- wu)|uud mkcu in churghwom. but. the whulu vommunuy woum feel her absence, :urnu-huuuxwwnbacn ready mm wunu‘ {ohmp and to "nun-nun: “hunwer and wucuver lump uuu umpulh) Lad lawn need-u. Bum-o um wqudh-uve the {mulllur nput. w hm. .lm mu. Mud (or M: umuy ; can, mu menu“ 01 bu. John’s dealnd to give no: a Instill: plum‘ot lhnrnyprteiuunu 0: Mn. Best's Imlpnuu mam kmunusu Au pruuu- um; bur wax. u buuumul!) mummhha ml- dnnnshlch read. as Iohmu; To bum. \\ ILLLAM 1155']; The Portraits of 10:" Presidents III-nus MADABI.-Tho Recior and membeu; of at.Juhn’o Char-h lawn with ma dovpeal rrgrct that you me about lo louv- mu Rudd and who uy your ubmh. uhdar new com“ HonsuHLx‘u. Acooxdxugly we (1082;. lo n53. prnn to _)uu our Iluccl'u uprxrcamlnn ex your unhrinx ruona lo pruntuk we wouarc ox mmcouxrvluiwn. uyon yumumt He mu) undue you pix-mu- ously 'Mh heavenly glm. that He may grant you mam: anon mun mmwu nanny that Bunny can you hume Lu m. own ev» crlugflpgjoyund(enemy. _ V ‘ - _ _ ‘u...â€""-... u . .W (m Mhalx on the t' ougmgatlon 01' St. John'I Church. E. A. LANGl-‘hlJt‘l , Rector. J. J. MAGEE ' HENRY JAcrsox it hutch Wardens. Township 0! Emily . Feb. 15,1m. Mn. Bout rupHed l'eellnglleumklng hor frunds \‘rrs much Ion Lhu expresuon 0! [mod will to her.- Aner partaking ox rein-uh nu-ms a plea-mm uVsnmn “u. brought. l0 ado-o, uvexyam being burp) or having had theopportunny oupenutng (mo muru social owning wnh Mr». mast and her Inm- Hy. horure slu- will luv. for Patel-borough when 31.. mum; w Mommy heraou Wilh AH Sulntu’ Church. The Editorotthoxlrror 1- in receipt 0! xvocumpllmentury cuphajul Photo unw- ul'o Etching: o! the "mums palmlngu un- uuul.“UHl<l a'l‘ LEA V â€H: ’l‘ll l'. Phil-Lil U- RIUM." by Gustavo bore. and "TH E LAST 5U l'PER." by Lconardo l=a Vlnrl. The con- trol or these plates for mu Unlwd maze» and Canada vwau scum-ed [mm In large Art. House of London and Pam by the British-Amer- lcm: Company. a: Washlngtmzj. 6.. wlth brunch ofï¬cesln the loading clues. Those ongruvlugs "reprinted on sumptous plan paper. worlh28c per pound. Vellum mush, embossed and plate-marked. Our readers muyseeu copy by calling at. the Edltor'u uam- Tho Brmph-Amcrlcan company In also-ownomund publishers or nmost sump- mua an publlculxouflqlil‘l [JGHTUFTHE WORLD 0K! U Ii SAVIOUR IN ART." ln- rludln chlld stories,bcamlfullywritten to m eac plume of ma look. relatln‘ to chrlsl and 319 Mother. This volume con- tains manly 100 engravings of our Snvlour nncltlxe Hndommn. copied from the you pnlnumxaln the An Gallon“ o! Europu. Thamxbllshersduire to locuw 3 christian msn or woman to re resent \hou engrav- lugs and \hlsan wor In thl- cemmunlty. and waqdvlno some one or our rude-rs to corhspond with me Brltlsh-Amofloan co'y ofWuhlnzton.I).c.. regardlng this matter. A31 mumbm m the \‘hulryou wno ever read) to Drsghuu our wrvnzu by awry mummumt In) wllhln 3m†Iowa. 1m. goodundeflscluulwork on the w,.\.,un 5.. DBUOK lulu-10L: '3‘ ,work was lbrusl) owing to theen:hu:-1unu and exudé; um“. you dllplgyrd as th- lndutuugubnc heudcnt or (bl. orgnnlzuuun You'vlltu hum been a conuumt observance 01 mo command oxourunvlue humour Hun ‘ ye 10v. one smother." \\ 6 {an lnurcdlhal your dawn-lure will have a uwom place thunun bordimyun [o uu. . Web-my lizétVCdXI-lic\'6311)' Fuller will In pleum-u up nhgwer the cgqieeut bug-lugs Special Notice. Slow growth of hair cornes honnlack of hair hatThe The Macfarlane Wilson Compan PETERBORO‘ Dinner 8323, Tea Sets, Toiet Sets, Fancy Goeds, EEE Years’ EWEEEINE PRESENTS. *‘ Our New Store is the Handsemest in Banada. and the Stock is the [atgest and Newest in the Midland flhStthh‘f China Hall, Peterboro, hi :5 H.517 was never so COMPLETE as NOW. A}! were bought Khan tho aim h m Call» and See the New Stage, and Buy at jadquartm. As a proper and becoming wind-up to the most successful business season we have ever." known, we now threw over stock upon the mercy oi the peopleâ€"sparing nothing and re-» servmg nothing, and flooding the community With the greatest hAkGAIL‘b the citizens of Omemee and surrounding country have chr known. ' We shall Smash Dollars mto Pennies during the next 21 days. Every dollars worth of Men's and Boys’ Suits, Ovucoats, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Furs, Etc., must be cleared away beforethe ï¬rst of March. The greatest CLOTHING Sacxiï¬cc of our lius begins next Monday at 8 o'clock, and it is a sale that will pack our storés’with eagerbuyersï¬om start to ï¬nish. You can’t aï¬ord to miss it, nor can 3% afford to wait and takc’t “hat is left. Come early we carry nothing over. ' ‘ The Big Clothier, LINDSAY MIDLAND. 5'25 ZSPSESE Stylish {Winter Clothing at Less than the Cloth Cost. is headquarters for all kinds of New Years" and Wedding Presents. The, Peoples Grzoeerry New Years I? Confectionery, Biscuits, Fruits. Almonds, Oranges, Lemons lx‘aisms, Sic. W. BRADBURN. Wm. Curry Co. White Blankets, Grey Blankets, Horse Blank- ets. Heavy Overcoats and Reefers, Mantle Cloths, Grey Flannels, Felt Boots, Rub- bers and Socks, Overshoes, c., 815qu up with all kinds of At Cost for Cash. Everything New and Up To Date. Our Assortment of In order to make room we offer the following goods: Of Winter Suits, Overcoatsvm ..- Caps,_ Furs, Etc. A EONANZA . SHREWD BU Tremendo Clearin Sale. We do not expect to make any proï¬t on thls Sale. Our sole object 715 to tum the Stock into Cash. . CURRY CO’Y. Come and See Prices. Call and See Our Display. SALE NOW ON. CANDIES ,, c.. Facts Fans To “I. Pobflc 3-Yuur dru; lurch: unwound :o "(and m cm [Nico on I ll'outy ï¬ve “at In M Gmuv'a W. ’ 57%3 kills m cm ouch Mach} _ L. (amen The Lam a. (in All the latest and pretties '1 cics in the jewellers Art as â€played for your choice. They are varied and beat gal esch one 15 perfcct Dich ou' aim is to give the b goods Qt moderate prices. Sec Oufï¬rg stock of W. 1 Clqcks Silva "J‘ ‘ flee two. Dobrs e: ‘ .‘Emry 8: Sons: G D!“- Haud sum. or Band. ‘on. x. I: m. Rectory. 7? MW, LIND Ito-urn W3?!" Hal and .7. 5:1 joim flock uh. I“ Franklin on w.“ Q My auceosa. Mr. ‘I‘. H. Mq 'Ioldod tho hammer sud the more good. Ali‘ood O-nemu people fhâ€™ï¬ on to Pun-borouhouid 00¢ '21" w c .11 £005 :1- 00-4...»- (. um? and w‘rnvv- oppoub- |)p'!n Ho .0». when lhf‘y ova-runny ho win». “quart. at»: :1 mm . :ucrt â€:5.â€" Ju. . Positively no more Cred u be stun for Laundry. ‘ 403': at for Credit. We a Mour- limn San, I.“ Hologram“. uf Pozcrhurn, a 0!).erquer Smdio on Frldsy 101 All work gunnmud ï¬r- Soc “Input"! work in window Thou.“ fr‘k‘ 3. Kent SI. L hop. In flock a huge sud treat of "oak“. u prices as ion as! at. leo no new when m to: ki the Victoria Laundry. box- mmm‘diiaéo‘é Emma r z or Xmon receipt of price “Rae's M If. M temp-sly Wm: 0;.) god a 11qu rumpus: Than- nu.- bc a mating or can". at 'o'auhip Bulky S. duh/u u Imam hf President. I. Knnnnvdu, on Monday non. 26th u 7 30 pm. All men "queued to “tend. con" 80:“. rcurbom, 00?: on. “d Ayluor Na. near G. T. u “.0. Toolog, Prqgflctnr. «\IIM‘.‘ . Ir J. I. Lamb wt: in .Lim W‘ .n,,,,-n W0 have hoen asked to a (in noun £n out last isuuc a! 0d um that. In no Hume .0 anyone 1- oonnoction w. ith Cont lb“ Pore, Wilson me: I lnlormlut cum than in MI am the matter I. not settled Dentists of Peterbom ogemee evgry Thu Alum ï¬hoflt, M, A . Prat Pplnicnl Economy in Qneou'l any, Lingflon, will lecture ¢ laï¬uonco of (fund. on Edit: ‘51 Policy..' in connection * High School Lecture banned um. A plenum event In “king ; dun-con, u we :0 ca prm, 1 ngrrlm of Min Charlotte 84 gnu: to It. Alonzo Mannie u: o! Ilr. Goo Monet-tea non! (lining pun'ormod In human Church by tho Pu W. ll. Kannuwlo, B. 1., B. D‘ 8 \NT\ CLAUSE AT BOUT]. (roman bargain housv in fair the ism! flock- to srlvc'. from 5.50130!“ wicked, Wm; all Mm! u... Ciargo flt., l'v-terboro, a} “on m romanâ€"am. 1 On Friday In" H r. J, J E of “a. old rec‘d-mm, n! ('qu gtty at his home in the vi: 4 Phuant. About one year Q mind 1 Less-y (all, from .0"! fully recovered. Hi. nu â€I rec-owed also-Vere ahmk. 3 Huh stunner so an m be a mound the house. but 3.1.4 My†Ch‘ mnfln cod m “h. H. «a attended!» to: m rhi- mu'uod him "q .141“ «mm!»- um! who doze Mk tho Imy h which ‘ tn ’5. dflmlf. Hm, menu: can ï¬t that g â€van J “kill“ to (row “‘0'?“ i laminar! um! nun-Man a rï¬klfl ‘ I! a The {nu-04 0m- msoll It‘ondod M- W. and um. huflpr’ in: wound. rut m. Pi 3 me- (130‘ R. ‘ a? ':M1'~I' ‘ In K1 menu. anoum “0;! Kb bu {Hand-- 1 Omemee Br. Rania“,