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Omemee Mirror (1894), 12 Feb 1903, p. 4

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com- 3% i * E l 5 your % i l " e l i i 3:5 T. I 1 ae r ,aa y. sh and “fell Dinner Sets, E D ch we are sell. H', rs. .rrrrs. anaer. : “clan, lJudaa â€"t!. The Mirror from now to Jan. 1813, 1904, for only 75c. Watch This Space for im- portant announce- meets. W. RMCEARTY. The Popular Jewelry Store, 77 Kelli-St, LINDSAY â€".â€"_ Oook'a Cotton Boot coupmd la mm“, need monthly b over Mica. Sate,efleotual. esaak rdru attorCod‘a Catt-a lea! Cact- m e no 0 er.aa all Mixtures. plila and Iattonaaredangerona. PrioeJlo. 1.81 §er ' o. boxdtetglodcgreea atron r.“ r box. to: mnrmwuerir vim”. n: n n w‘gaaxneaueuamhmhm Drama Ln Canada. mettle , Co r5: «9érgfié m. _ so" PETERBORO 1400‘ la LACONIC Our leldlmr linr of (‘03! Or], Pratt's latrul. the highest grade of American Oil la aelli-g fur 25¢ per gal. Sarnia Orl, pure (Tzvnodlam, 20¢ per gallon; the above prlt'rs cmninue in [nice until further notice \V. D Stiller-n. Remember !. “'hiteernltll'e F0 U R BNiiH‘S: Riyht Goods, Right Work, um" Pricea.aml a guarantee that is all ltlcht. \ir. and “to. Gen. Shield are vi.i tug at the home of her mother, lira. James )taHettr at llaarertou. We are fast preparing a large and: eldairy aupnllea u! all kinda. ()win; to our increaaed f-cllltiea for manufaco tnrtng we are in a poaltinn to «Her you the beat anode in this line ever 4 6o red In Omemea at an average 01 lo percent. lower than but you and lo man no in a p .artvon to laugh at canine-Hun A wait paid our atore will convince )0“. W. D. Siluauu. liraa Maya Duncan la a gueav at live home at her Cousin, Mine Sara Lamb, “ th-larulle," Onlemee. For pure «lruga at loweat prices, go to I’ H U) H), Plum. 8. lintxgiat and Op- tlra. W. Elliott II visiting herdaugb tar, lira. (i. P. "art, at l‘arnarvon. Drs. ‘Wightman Scott. Dentists of Peterboro, visit Omemee every 'hursday. Office two Doors east of ‘1‘. Ivory 8!. Sons’ General Store. Mr. llarry Magoo at‘euded the " At iium " ghen by the Keene Hockey late on l-‘ridav lie reporte a good time and met a lot olaood felloa'a. a. B. ferry, 115 and ill Kent St . Lindsay, wholesale and retail dealer in 01mm, Fruit, (inlet-done". Party Wedding Cakea made to order. l‘akea iced and urban-rented on short notice. Mtaa Indbfiufllah n'aea Halter to Lzmlea . Iaet neck. Rheumatlum cured at home by Dr Beacoe'a Rheumatic Remedy. (.‘all at the \llrror (”live alid aecure a bottle. Only a few left. They are selling like hot «alien. lt la highly recommended. Mr. A. E Bryaon waain Fencion Falls on Thursday. We have not advanced the price at our tobacaua, amber auwhimr tobacco, ‘4‘, Currency and Fair Play chewing tobaceo'a are the came elxo- and price to the costumer an formerly. We have at» extended the time for the redemp clan of“: crime tags to January lat lW I'llli SMPlltl-Z TOBAGO (‘0. “united. Capt. Baird waa in Toronto, this week, on buaince'. ' Constipation Docs :- head ache? Pals. M bfwyour eyesg? lia’c‘ teen: in man: (,5 m liverfiyer’s Pills are- Dr.6.l.Camerou can tn Unldaay, on Thursday. The many Mendeoi’hlr. Jenn Ban- _wrnmg Desks. Bookshelves, ban will be pleat-ed to learn be baa now almoat recovered from Lia aevara tllo M.- ag. 1. ll. Guam. Auctioneer. hie V l Ivediaatructiooa from Mr dance a valuable tern, atocb. implements, V Ir. 1. ll. Gardiner, Auctioneer. .loaa red-read infirm-"one tram Mr. flartyn ”that, to cell hr pabtb'enc'lon. on the 3§WM. Lo. 9.0-9 3. Gavan. on Tuna. day, ‘Feh 24, 1M.'at l p; a. bio vale- ante hm eta-t, triplet-eon. are For Nether particulate ace hula. ead'haat ale-m. ”unlawful! and good. a real mm. . 3 5" l 'I ma la the (‘oeotnochooae r “ I thank Dr. Pierce for the kind advice he gave when I wrote to him.” “I am thankful to the friend who first recom- mended your medicine.” writes Mrs. Annie M. Brook, of Srutthficld. Fayette Co.. Pa. “We have a twelve pound babv, thrcc weeks old. I took three bottles of 'Favoritc Prmiptiou' before baby came. and thc time was only one hour and a half. Have had five children. and before this always had a severe time. lasting two or three days. and never was able to do any work fpr about two months aficrwnrd. Now I up doing all the work for four children. My friends any I look better now than ever before. We told one of guy sisters to take ’ Favorite Prescription} whtc ahc did. and when her Child was born the time of sufl'crinz was very abort. She has better health now than since her marriage, some cars ago. We cannot gene. Dr. hcrce‘a m. icincs enough. i thank . Pierce for the kind advice he gave when l wrotc_ to him. whenever l scc other women suffering I tell them about your wonderful medicines.” . The benefits rcsultin from a consulta- tion by letter with Dr. iercc are testified to by thousands of grateful women who have been made new women by his med~ real advice and fatherly counsel given absolutely without cost or fee. Sick and ailing women, especially those suffering from chronic diseases, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, fret. All corres ndcnce is held as strictly private am sacrcdly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Picrcc's Favorite Prescription is thcbest medicine for the cure of woman- . ly ills“ it establishes regularity, dries weakening _draius, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weal:- ncas. .It is the best preparative for maternity, giving the mother strength to give her child, and making the baby's advent practically painless. Dr. lhcrce's Favorite Prescription con- tains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 3x one-cent stamps to pay ex use of customs and mailing only. ens Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. margin-15mm: rm: caemvu fi-NEXT \vrsnxasmv ray-onetime SKATING RINK, msrrmzxmr) rmzas, samusstox, l5c. Children roe. fi-Everyone has a chance to secure the Spectatora' Prize. Mr l. Whitesnmn, wamnmaker. due . 0t .llanilla, states ill -I ii any Work done by him, c r or any \\ etch or any other article sold by him, does nut give ennre aptlahvctlon, he is willing to make them r ,. t. in our report of the Farmer's Insti- tute, an error was made. it stated that Mr. (‘ullla waa chairman of the alter- noon aeeaion. The fact of the matter wzza Mr. Cullia waa unavoidably absel t and lit Fred Sandy was unanimously yum l chairman, and he filed it very crellltably m. kinga n-hnrt but inter eating address Mr. Sandy is one ul Eui'h 'a mutt aunt-unaful fruit ere-war , which line he makes a special study ANNOI’Ni‘EMifXT.â€"‘ilnvrng urchnsod the Drug Business: fnrmnriycurr d on lln~ dorlhe firm It xmdnl .umosn a WALSH, I will fltll'rflufl it under the anrqo nmnc. ll. witl be my care in nmlutaln the h-Iqb repu- tation no long botany lhe buslneuamr re- liable good-and for accuracy in thh pfl-plll'r allunnl medicine: and prescription“. The Stock will be malnzalm-d at a high stand- ard ofexcellhn're. lnvlllmr n coulllmance or palpation". very respectfully. DICKSUN DA VX-N‘DUNwâ€"Slm. SEED OATS. The undersigned lmeahnlilcd 9“] pl)“ of New ( entm'v Seed (late for sale at 650. per bushel. ROBERT ll. (’ASl-1Y,()Inemee, l‘. 0. 0r Lot 16, Con 4. Emily. Messrs. l'I. ll. English acd M J, Clancy were In Lindsay, Thursday, on limitless. There will be no service held in Christ Church, Umemee, on Sunday evenlugnextJ‘eb. 25th. the evening being set fora union service in the Presbyterian (‘l-urn-b, in aid of the Bible Society. The Rectoraill (lLV) bopreaent. Mn (llr)(‘oclxrune returned home Tuesday alter a pie: aunt visit with Dr and Mn A. A. lleatty,of Toronto. Miss Sanderson was a s‘isilnr to Lind say, Thursday. Fancy and Parlur Lamps at return (1 prices to clear out balance of stock. Medium lamp chimneys a 50 , flint: large chimneys at 8c , flint : cold blast lantern chimney a, [muons lead glass, 8 for125c. Everything required lll lamps and lamp good. W D. Stiueon, Remember the grand fancy dreea and Inasquerade'carniui. in the Ome- mee Skating Rink, on Feb. l8, 1908. The program will c-‘mmence at 7 30 p m ultha hockey match. Ladies vs. Genie, in cmtmne, after which suitable prim will beawarded for : Beat Repre- sentation ofa Cbinaman. an Indian. and a Negro, Best Dressed Couple, Moot Comical Costume, also a beautiful Spectatore l'riae. Races: One Mile Race,Genl~s: Half Mile Race, Ladlea'; Keg Race. llurrlle Race and Barrel Race Admission 150 a nd lllc lf weather ll unfavorable on above date, the (‘amivai will be hold on Wednes- day, Feb. 25 Come In and See My Stock of Oil Paintings, Chromos, Past- els, Photo and Picture Frames. Easels, Fancy Tables. Chairs, and many other articles suit- able for New Year‘s Gifts J. I. loCREA. The manuiacturera of the Canadian II ' uaelihypnblie auctlou. NI Entp‘lre Seeing Machines have arrang- l lief hfl. Lot 3. 9°“? ”- 6“"5 ‘3.“ ed a 1th WT). Stlnaon to repreaent them "91:5". F.“ 18,1993: at. I p. m! in tbia locality. Goods will be carried in stock and cold same are any other line which flr. Slim-on carrier. and on his bnaiueaa motto ecu-ma to be " llllflll pn-Itainud quict'retarna.” we predict largo anion, and money saved by the pureharer. The Company is to be con- .lgvatulated'o'pou securing-the aervlcea I «touch aaeneraetie man as .\lr Stinann - treasure Ma‘s" hae raved 1.1mm to‘ be. and our ea Bifoeetf‘bwh . "ii-"Wm" 'm ' neared eiti’aen is to be complimented upon filling a long felt. dent in thla O {mutton}. ' Fred erlcl: Veals. aged 66 years, who died at Franklin. on Dec. 26th, 1902. Subscribe nwo and getiall the News. " °' .VTHE PEOPLES’ nearer A previous one {rum us is gene, A Voice we luvv-d is elilled, A place is vacant in our home, Which never run. be filled. Our hmne is sad without time We ieel thy absence lhere; And On! what sorrows pierce our hearts To see thy vacant chair. ’l‘wae hard to part uilb thee, '1‘“ as hard to see thee go, But 'tu-ns lilirdt r still to see Thee sull'er here below. Brit huu didet trust in Jesus Who is a Friend so true, And leaning on ”is mighty arm 'l‘b)‘ up“ an] journey did pursue. Gnd orders all things fur our good And guards us night and day, So we our wills to ills must band And trust and \\ ulch and pray. Far beyond ii in uorhl of change-a, Far beyond this world ul‘cnre, We abnll meet our missing loved one In our Father’s mansion lair. Yes, agnin We hope to meet thee When the worms of life are o'er We shall meet to live forever; 0n the happy golden allure l desire to thank the Mirror and the four ,1 bung ladies, who so generously as‘uialed me in nul’ entertainment, all Illllg by the advertising and the talent rendered, to make the entertainment a success, also my hearty thanks to all who patronized it, CAPT BAlllD, Salvation Army, Omemoe, PM, "- m, Wm, 09......“ WW, . consisting of Dress Goods, Prints, Ducks, Drills. urr’ddl‘l eye specialist. from (lcrmnny. will V’lsil Umemeelhrec limes a your, Hu‘l may be consultr’llnl [he llrndhuru llonsc Pnrlifi-El. “birch r'nrdmos. All consultations t‘rel- oi Oliitrge. Thus-chafing Weak or imperfect. eyeeabmi'ld not full to consult him. TENDERS. SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 6 o'clock p. m. on Friday, Feb. 20,1903, {or the furnishing Material Erection efa Building on Lockup Grounds, for holding Fire Apparatus. Specrficutions to be seen with the Rccwe, T. I Parsons. Omcmee. GEO. A. HALFOUR. Clerk, ()mcmcc 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE True: Manna Dcsrous Coevnicnrs c. Anyone sending a sketch and deacri Ion may quickly ascertain our opinion free w other an invention is probably patentable. Communion. tlona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent tree. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mono 5; Co. receive metal notice, without charge, in the Scientific Hmcrican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. lamest cir- culation or any scientific ournal. Terms. 83 a your: (our months. 81. 80 d by all newedealera. MUNN Coaewmm Newlucrl . Branch once. czs F St. Waahlna’ton. ls full Candies and Confectionery up with ........for the......... NewYears Trade Oranges, Lemons and Grapes, and a full line of Fancy Biscuits, c. Fresh groceries arriving daily: Teas and Sugars a Specialty. W. BRADBURN. Call and See Our Stock. - We have this week received '4 BASES OF NEW GUHDSAT DRUBBIS'IS Table Linens, Sheetlngs, Pillow Cottons, c. Call in and see them. lur A3. Owing to close confinement in business I suffered from a. bad touch of indigestion, so much so as to cause me intense pain. My tongue was coated; had severe pains around my eyes and felt miserable. 'Ihrcugh lte rrr- suasion of a. friend I tried Ripars Ta tules, and after taking them for two daysIobtained some relief. I kept on taking them, and can safely say they have cured me. U U m a curry CO - The five-cent packet is enough for an ordin- ary occasion. The family bottle, sixty cents OMEMEE contains a. supply for a. year. We have at full atmrk of axes at grent- I l) reduc- d prices. Axe handlers the vcrv lest clmice picked second yruullr, “bite lib-km). lame stock to choline lrmn at u n l i' 250.. Brooms sr eciul -e.\'_\' at 25v. M0ps 10 am] i5". Royal Canadian (.llulllca \Vringera $2.50. Cut- lerv a guud assortment and everything in lmnaelluld utensils all holiday prices. W D Stineon. ______-__.___. 4}. PER CENT. The undersigned is prepared to loan money on first-crane larm property In barge amounts at 45 per cent Small amounts at slightly ncreaeed rates of interest. 'ierme ofre payment. to suit borrou er. McSweyn dc Weldon, Barristers, Solicitors «20., Lindsay, ()nt. in Omemee first Monday each month N B.â€"llave neveral client:‘ who desire to bu v good farm property at a bargain. â€"27-l.\' _______.____~ Victoria Loan and PETERBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE ”as received more applications for [l..nkl:eepers and Stenugrnpirre dur- ing the last {en months than Cullld be supplied. Do You ’v’ant A Position. Then u by not attend ascl-(ml “here you will to reasonably sure of obtain- ing a position, it will cost you less than at most 8- lumle, What Better Inducements Can Be Olfered? Set d for our circular. it u ill cost you only a post can]. New Term Belles Morley Jan 5 903 Wm. PRINGLE, Principal. l‘etetlmrnugll, Out. To (those whose natural yrsion has failed, second sight will come with the use of pro- perly fitted glasses. , There’s only one‘way to get the right sort of glassm : to us and have your eyes exam- ined and tested. \Ve .make no charge for this service. Morgan Bros., Druggists and Opticians, Nearly opposrte Post Office. ’ LINDSAY. Savings Company. â€"â€" LINDSAY. $300,000.00. Allowed on 8% Per Gen deposits: Maybe deposited or withdrawn any day in sums of $1.00 and upwards. 4 Per Gen Money to Loan on Real Estate. Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4.30 pm W. Flavelle, James Lee. PRESIDENT. MANAGER. Head Oflice, - - Authorized Capital - Paid on De- Dentures. Dr. F. A. Walters, l)l«‘..\"l‘IS’i‘, LINDSAY. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univerao ity and Royal College of Delltal Sur- geoua. All the latest and improved branches of dentistry successfully performed. Charges nmdernle O F l" l (3 E over Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent and William streets. Dr. J. P. Keith. I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also mem- ber of College of Pbysrcians and” Surgeons, of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases oi heart and! lungs. Oflice. King St., Opposite foun- dry, Omcmee. STOCK NOTE. Mr. 1'. H. Fee has bought ffroru Mr. ' Hr George..ut Lon:luu._ a thutn'bred Cbeelcr White Bear. Vile l a aeveu monthe‘ old aud'nexflnl 245 that; he was aired bv ‘Bnfl‘aio King, who look first prize at the Pan American and bla dam took second prize at. the eurne Ex- ”‘posilion, King George nilllw Ira-pt for service on Lot l2. Cl-u. 5. Term‘l $1100 at time of service. Cut in Cigars Trilbys . 6 for 25 cents Winks 7 for 25 “ Alabamas ' 6 for 25 “ Scotch Reel 7 for 25 “ Up-to-date ‘ 7 for 25 “ Specral 3 3 for 10 “ chcedora 6 for 25 “ BenkruptStock of Pipes 25c. Pipes - for 15 ccnts 35 and 40c.Plpcs for 25 “ 15c Pipes for 10 “ toc Pipes for 5 “ corn cpbs 2 for 5 “ Tobaccos always fresh at WM. COLY I N’S Ton non-lat] Parlors. l KING STREET. O'EMEE. _________.__â€"â€"- 9 ‘t‘uv‘ 3 Arc-f" "14$“an , seâ€" . Covering the earth like a spider's web the cable winds its sinuous way under seas, over mountains and plains, across continents to every country and dime on the globe. 7 So when King Edward opens Parliament, or “borer William leads the band, when the Mad Mullah breaks out, or a volcano in theEastIndicsdocsthc same, whcnSmxthAfricasecthcsinwaror Venezuela dclicsthc powers, when rain breakstbe Australiandrouth crthcplague breaksoutinlndia, whcntheEmpressofClfimwy presses the Boxers or Japan negotiates a loan, â€"â€"tbe new: is instantly flashed aroundthe globaaaossoceansand ruminant: right into the Toronto Daily Star- oliice. The Star's direct ' special cable service is better than any other paper's in Ontario. And 200 get all this cablenews along with yourown localm £332.20. Thinkofitâ€"a m: word sent to voupersonallymight cost more than the price of the Star. with its hundrds of co'umns

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