M- ._.... ...-_.-..._- #Mw‘“ BUSINESS CHAN (1E Having purchased the H A R D W A R E Business of Mr. W. J. Gardiner, Will be glad to welcome all his old customers, and others who favor me with their patronage. S Y ours Sincerely, E. EAKIN S If you’re going to do a kindly deed, ’Tis never too 50‘!) to begin, Make haste, make haste, for the mo- ments speed. ~IAnd the world, my dear one, has pressing need IOf your tender thought and your ‘ kindly LIL-ed, "Tl‘is nevL-r too soon to begin. "l‘he Misses Ethel and Bertha Kelly, Sisters of Coun. Kelly, of Cavan, II ho have been spendin†some time at Rock- ford, Ill , returned home, last week, on ‘I'Iccount of the illness of their mother \whom we hope will recover. Mr. J. K Carroll, Assistant Supt. International ( orrespondenCe Schools, Scranton, l’a., of Belleville, was in town 'l‘ucstla y. “‘ Did you have mal de-mcr on your ‘way over to Europe? †asked Mrs. 'OlIlcastle. “No. Josh took a bottle ~or two o. it alo 1.5. bit \th n 1m sea usick none of them kind of things ever dues mL- .1 bit ofI geod. Miss Annie Hall, of Emily, Is visit- Ing friends in Millbrook and Vicinity. Use Cement Rooï¬ng. Good slung .Jes are a thing of the past. lhe IIIachIIIe-made Snlln*'leS of to day last smly about six years, as they are made {Iom Interior timber, and the wood ti- her Is so burretl or thrown up in saw- :I Ig that it absorb. moisture and retains 5t tenaciouslI, and the shingles soon rot, *~â€"l. 5. (Ilarry, Agent, Millbroox. _ Manamaâ€""The Happiest Landâ€â€" 33.“ on New Year’s Night-«ls to be repeu ed at requnt of many who had pleasure or hearing it, in the Metho- dist Church, Millbrook, on Friday. Feb. 26. I904. at 8 p. m. Admission, Adults 15c;(:hlldren Ioc. These are popular prices. and eII'erybody should .hear this splendid Cantata. The IIadvâ€"l gave you a piece of Ipie last Week, and you’ve been sending your friends here ever since. The 'l'raIIIpâ€"â€"You’re unstaken, lady. Them w . Iy enennes. h pleased to learn that Mr. Joshua Whitfield Is improvmg. The remains of the late Mrs ! Stanley lltrveth arrwed from Dauphin, Man" on linesday even- ‘nz.via LI. P. K to Cavtnville, ere brought to the home ot ' nother of the de- ~I. u OI he IL 3 lnomCllt .It ahead (If the .‘, was rtm Over lil r. Vanderbilt “I’m ‘h-sn, as it -lown the road, he Igircally at the remains 3 'le devil ! I wonder ‘ / ‘lIe will ntish elections are I i» liu§ 3. .2 ‘393 funeral of the late Miss Lottie achrane Will tattl- place on Fridav, 11‘ 3.: " l3“. I from tl‘f- Tï¬slflenae 9f he;I 2“,)“: Mr, J W. “ids“. Death of Miss Lottie Coehrane. The followmg from the l’etcrboro Examiner on the death of Miss Lottie Cochrane, of Millbroox, is all Very trUe, but the loss to bet l’cterboIo fIIL-nds is only inght, compared to the great loss sustained by her father, brothers and sisters llL'lc, IIlIo IIIL-rL called upon to endure a similar afflic- tion a couple of vears slow, when the wife and mother of the same home, the late Mrs James Cochranc, was called aw.ay It Is, indeed a very trying ordeal which they are main called upon to endure, but we hope that God, who watches over His chil dren, will, in His tender mercy. lighten their sorrows, and give them comfort III the Knowledge that the) can meet their loved ones again. The Examiner’s account of her death Is as follows: An announcement which will cause sincere regret anions.I her late Circle of friends here, is that to the Llfect that \lIss Charlotte Cochrane, whom many in l’eteiboro‘ Itner qmte well had died in Millbrook this morning at 3 o’clock. The late Miss Cochranc was organist of St. John’s Church for about two years, during wlIIch time she made a great many friends by her genial per- sonalityand her musical capabilities Inadeher a universal favorite. Last sprIIiII the late MISS Cochranc was W Virp (arrâ€"I. .> ,3. .~._' .‘I' W. M. ., III the banners" Advocate of ‘l havL- tIIkeII huIIIIIeLIs Feb. 51ii,s..ty:: oi waits off horses†noses with lard, >5" I, A,» â€1,..4- ~ .. I). .95.â€, Ewer Pills some of them laIgL-I than my two Thats what you need; some- thumbs, with one rubbing. fresh lion 5 laid. USC clean, Just I.ve the wart it for a week, and there wont be anyl Iv art.’ head the war news 'on the ï¬rst page of this issue. \\’e in- tend to keep our readers posted as to the campaIIIn between Japan-Russia from week to II eek. M01323 OF FOUR GmDREN. '1 ho trustees, secretary, and other office rs of tho Frc 0 Hospital for Consump- tivcs: t \luskolza are daily In receipt of many pi.cous letters, A in? vIdayI sinco Mr. W. J. Cage, of Toronto, ( hairnxan I f the Executive Comrnitico Lf the National Sanitarium Association, rt cciII-d a. letter from a. ruiIlL-IIt If QuLlIec,1Ilaat.iI:g Iv for the ad- missiu n of a. victim of then (“1‘ ad IIlIitII plIIgHt‘, livinrr about a. huIIlrod mills sou: h Iast (Ile'fontrenl, and asking if it IIII re not possible to adm‘ It. hor into the Free Ifosldtal. The min:- say : “ 'Iho applicant iS'I I. l' rs. “I in. Pan rent}, the niother of four chi (lrcnand the wife of a farmer in n. )lr .co Lallcd (-oshI n. in the townsh 19 of \\ iIIIlsor. 'ilic doctor says that ha left lur, I' only Is troubled. She is ill In to go about. lut hcr app: tits is very bad. I believe if elm could be ad‘ IIIi‘Irod into tho l- “‘0. Hosiiit. .l fc 1‘ Con- sumptives IlIeIII_lItlr-eu1L-Il. “ho cot: ll not pay much, if I. I yihing. Kindly lot me know if \ou coul- l r-mive her. Vi o are told by MI. G- Igo that applica- tll- us for admission to the Fit-e Host Iittl reaI h the secretary lIom all Ioh. ts in the Dominion, and l at cnts ham lcen rc~ ccivod from l’r rice Edward Island on the east to AlbeIt: I. on the nest. ’I‘IIo hundrtd and two-nu fiIe parionrs lime heLnudmimId in I-ighII-cn months and not a sinul o patiInt las been refused because of l.' Is or ht I povurty. l VVLI con hanllv think of any charity that appealu more pathetically for the I supportI l’ the Canadian temple. 7 Subscriptions may lo sort to Sir Wm. B. Meredith, KL, VlCG‘Prt‘Slllt‘llt of the National Sanitarium Association, or to Mr. W. J. Gage. Why not Kc ep Sheep? no class Of stoc K is IILIIleI tI tl by so I i b- ) parts a good rubbing, and don t look at and l'- eï¬ulate your bowels' You Lung to cure your biliousness, need lgentlv yer’ s Pills. Vegetable; vlaxative. I a tree... Lowe! Want your moustache or heard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use Blitllllllï¬llllll’s llYE nmm I. P. HALL. 00.. KAI-ll" Care of the Ears. Deafness is a great affliction, but many persons are vcry careless In guard- lng against it. \l'ct hair and cold plunge baths are bad for anyone With a tendency to dcafncss. 'l'he extremities must he kept warm and drafts avoIded bysuch persons. No cold liquid should touch the in- IIL-r car. No oils should be poured in- to the car with the idea of relieving an IIL-hc. It only increases inflammation. Some people have a perfect dread of III lllll†insects in tin. car, and even the com-non h ouse- fly fills them with terâ€" r‘oi if it llllZZCN too near them. In re alitII there i lutle danger in the matter. The secretions of the ear are bItter, and will force an lllbt‘Cl. to leave. Hot water poured in will Kill it and bring it to the surface. lloww a child" s cats is barbarous and likely to pcImaIicntlv affect its hearing. Somctimes women wishing to dry their hiir quickly will sit in the strong breeze ol'zm L-lcctric fun. This is reckless carelessncss as regards the ear and its functions. Miss Anna Myers, of RocKport, N. \'., is a guest at the home of Mrs. J Lang. DIED ill the 'l'mvnsliip of Manyers, on Fri day, l’eb. Izth, I904, Michael Hal- laren. aged 62 ycaIs. ln ;\lIllbII0k. on Saturdav, Feb. obliged to give up her duties as organ- l large a pioportion oi la: IIIL-rs as an. I Ist through an illness, f'oI which she underwent an operation, which was so SUCCCSSlul thIt she w Is again able to resume her work. A short time ago, l sheep. ( onsidLIIng the cost of kccp~ ing, the labor of attending, the rate o increase, and the annual dII'iIlLIId o! II'Ool declared, no class of farm stock is however, she experienced a return of! more profitable: and if well managed her former illness, and her phIsiI:iaII, llr. HallILlII, reLomIIILIIIlLd an opeia- tion, w 'Iich was performed on ll’lLlilV‘, and was thought to h IIe been success ttil, as she appeared better. Last night, however, sh.- became worse and died from heart failure about 3 o’clock this morning. The late Miss Cochran-3 was the daughter of Mr. James Cochrane, (LT. R. agent at .\IIllbrook, who, with his two sons and two daughters survive her, .‘.lrs Cochrane haIinL,I died two years ago. 1 he brothers are Percy and Linden, who are lIviIIg in the North west. Rev. J. C. Davidson paid tliezfollOw- in: tribute :-â€"â€"<lt was just two years ago last June that Miss Cochrane began her duties as organist at St. John's church and sincL- then his becomt greatly bclOIed by those who cIIInI ""I not with her. Silt ’ csolgentk- ‘I cont» '6:- n, \I, .Iight Id on her be Iregation is f the end )l.)t."" *ry suc- a farmer, 'Iblc wealtl‘. *Ian of sin I..,., alitie~, to st in a maIkL-d dc Iree Wltlia kind heart made many warn: ‘ He .? one of II large family IrIIIing members II I; jor llowden, of l‘tiilt stL-r. Mrs. Charles Or- eterboro. Some vears aIIo Howden married Miss Julie Sharpe , t Iird dau IhteI ofthe late David Sharpe, of Cavan, II ho surIives him with three daughters, Mrs. W. H Staples, ol ( av- anILille, and the Misses Ella and Emma ‘ is daughter Mrs. Robert and only son, l‘almL-r, predeceas ed him a few years ago. In relIgIOI Mr. l-lowden was Church of England and in politics, Conservativc. Ll’h ~ bereaved family have the heartfelt san path}; of all their friends. \liss ‘I " Ierinzton rc-I Ioma ora frIcnds. r. Geo. Sanderson’s manv friends wIll regret to learn he is ill. Remember the Cantata on Fri- day, Feb. 26. iii the Millbrook Methodist (hurch. Don't miss it. me and 15c, The sI'mthy of the com- munitv is extended to the bet- ezived relatives of the late Mrs. it’mison. whose death took place on Saturday, 5.4 l pleas- l I . . . I IIIIIIL as pI'IolIlzI ‘ilL- \o lllldl Is II: or: IIholLsouIe I.oI mmc gtiiti Ill_\ in Ilc- ' I mind In the IIiaikLts at good price Sthp help kctp the lawn I'IlLIIII, bf eating many weeds that would other- wise go to sccd and spread, while the- shtcp in summer pick up most If tlIcl' . livinII III the lanes and in plates ol thI l:",tIIn from mass thit Itouli bl IIIIstLd better than grass to their sides‘. NI great skill is required to manage a flock. and yet no stock will pay better for In Ielligcnt care and ninnagenient. A littlI attention at the proper lllllL‘, and tha' not very often, chps them in porn 1' health and inIIgs out the last that i l o IlILI IIisI .\ short nibble suns lllt‘llI I I I in tlI--:In. 'l‘iieir winter care is siIIIplI and inexpensive, heiIIg nearly paid foI by their fleece of wool, and in summcI if given half II chance they wIll fmd fo henisclves. No elaborate or Iuiltlings are required for them. Open .lIL-ds are best for them. l’c l twice :I lay, sheared once a year, and trcatcc twice for ticks, they eat, rest. increasr Ind make money for their owner. 'l'o fatten them in the fall, sow a few sJof rape in June or July; and fo their best Il.;I'I-lopIIIL-III in winter. In acre or two of turnips, though these at. not essential if :I light ration ofoatsano bran is substituted. Attend at tl‘o :Iroper time to the docking and castra tion of the lambs. \\'can at foIII months old, and havc a liclzl of frc~l T‘l()\L‘l' oi t‘fll‘lVl Iape fox lhI lanIlIs t. _-p them gomII on, and they will feed f;1ltLII,gIoIIIIIII into cristl) .IIemse lvcs and .440» -~~--- worst storms that ' cinit} ‘ . R.. trains have been Slllt: » ‘ N0 lI-ss lll'Illl Iiine L-II-. nowI-l-ound between Il l‘eterboro, some iszIblLIIl. The train - for Toronto vas unablt “frilly, ' drifts be‘w - ’egcrboro, the passengers a nd crew wch compelled to St on hcrc.’ The (i- l in" 20 clear the tracks and it Is I( be hoped tl at not Iic will soon bI rLSIIIIIcIl,IIs it Is Icry iIIc0IIIcn lent to travellers and the publiu {curt rallv. ’lhctraiis will lilI'clI be .IIrIIIiI Ig scmc lime to day. Thursday. Just as we goto pres» we learn the road between lien and l’eterboro Is opened. “ ‘ 'll\. 'Y’.‘ A CLERGYWS AFFEAL. Tho Rev. W. P. Brownleo, Ridgctown, Anglican minister, has written the folâ€" lowing letter to tho Muskoka Free Hospi- tal for Consumptivcs: â€" Dear Sir.â€" I fell in with a. case toâ€"day in 1in parish, 0. young woman very ill with consumption and I promised I would write you regarding her entrance into the has-p ital for consumptives in Muskoka. '1‘ ho case is one of great neces- sity and charity. The at plicant 13 about 18 yuan: of age. She 13 practically with- out a home, staying at prIecIIt witha relative. I‘ he 13 bright: . d amiable, and Would like to live. As I understand ,you reject none (11 account of poverty. I commend the case to you as one most ncmly, and if you can send me instruc- tions or papers for application to the hospital. I “ill see to raising necessary means for lit-r transportation or d have her senta- t â€109,113 1 Imagine 5110' Is not boyt ntl reeLiving beneï¬t. [\0t 0 by EIlI Itor. -â€"Sir Wm. B. Mere. ditb, Km, \icc-Pmidentot the National banitarium Association. or Mr. W. J. Gage, (. haiIman If the Fxocutive Com- mitu-e loro: to, 1' ill gladly receive cun- trihntionq for this t-Ird several who:- IIpIally p itgovs cases calling for help. J ’lsfleg-Inxz ? "‘ money as the tlII~ "0 ln. - -l“.IIIIIL-rs . l I l ‘ â€L.-â€" I_\'., (l l l . t-IquiI-I-d of our landlord I.l Iy I good ac oomm- dation. .Sir \Vm. R. 1;, 19-04. Mary A. Argue relict of the late Samuel Johnson. The funeral on lloudayJoGIu- :lIIILr‘s Cemetery, was largely attt II l (l‘. AN APPEAL '1'0 THE I’ASBION- ABLE SET 21? CANADA. ___.___I “ Lolly Bel-northâ€. t‘Io Well-known Toronto Journalist, Writes from King- ltmd of the Battle Against Consump- tion in Musltona. Lall yDeriIaIIl of the ccitori. late Cut the 'l oronto Globe, writing to that paper front London, England, II here she is now a resident, shows most clearly that. tho battle against the great white plague is one that should interest. all classes of the community. It will be remembered that this writer entered incog. as a patient in the Muskoku. Free Hospital for Consump- tives, and afterwards in ti: o Globe told of rm: 1 life in that institution. In her present article she says‘ . “ Today I have fountl a. letter at the club which nearly missL-d me, having been addressed ‘ Lally Bernmd.’ May I express to my Ind. nowr correspondent. my warmest. thanks for the kindly ap- preciation for the little I have been able todo in the battle being waved: Lgainsr. tuberculosis in Canada. ï¬llio need of sympathy and interest. 13 a tremendous ~ one, and I am always puzzled when I find really well educated and intelligent. people in Canada. so criminally ignorant of the extent. of the danger, :.IIl tho means which are being taken to combat It. “It may be of some interest to thcsa who feel as I do in regard to the respon- sibliny IIhIc b tests upon each and all to aid In this ï¬ght ag dust. at most insiLious foe, who -n I tell them, tl t. here i: I Lon. doll, IIIhL-ro I haIe l-ecn for only a. low do. ye, l have already come across the dread chem four times. lIIrst of all, in the back garden. of oII" humble qI arters in Remington Iospi. l, when Iuotninrv (law ncd, a. tent with two beds i. 1 it. 1 tl to tent Was there, and was told a. long sh ry about the coronation and quarters for some boys coming up from the country, and that. he, the landlord, had sub- sequomly found it more agreeable to sloop in the tent the .11 in the basement bedroom ho had formerly occupied. A lltILlO later. in conversation with the lady who securod the lodIIiugs, Ilcarncd that. the landlord' 3 son was obliged to sleep in a tent! Comment was III- -L-IllL-ss. “In looking for quarters I found a charming home of a young doctor and hid Iv ilc, VI lIc to extra: Wtdilinrily lIIoIlcralo tI I ma II are asked formally exceptionally The doctor in question had been c‘IIderId south,‘ and his wife had to keep the house gun... by acctpting‘ payinw guests.’ “Yet agai: I. in a: 0 third place. I icil’lld that the lady who was at the head 1 her husband worn the dread disease, but I had mana "god one of the most fashionable l\ have III: lll\’ men (W l sanitarinms in anlaud, and her know- ] led-re of the trLalmI-nt and the extent. of the problem in l'luglai. (1 showed me how tremendous was the need for caro and watIIhfuluess in our own country. “May I ask my correspmah at. to use all possible influence to make the ques- tion Ixof Combating tuberculosis one of interest In tho ‘ fushional lo not' to which she evidently belongs. I know full well, from the little experience I have had, how tremendously a. little genuine in- terest and help mivvht lighten the buIdI- -It now resting on the shoulders of the authorities of the F1 co Hospital for Con- cum ptives at Gravenhurst. It is. of course, far away from Wtalthy cent res, and out of sight' 13 to be out of mind. 6 “I can quite understand that until pe ple have seen forty or ï¬fty patients togtithcr 1n dill'oront stages I- -f consump- tion they do not realize V: has an immense amount of aid might be gl‘fl r1 by those who are fortunate enoug h to be free from the disease and by those who have little else to do than toy invent or learn some now form of recreation. “ Mrs. Torringmn has kintllyprornisod me to try and get musical societies and people interested in music to provide a pianola for the Il’ospitalm. and I fee I sure it will he of 1m menso benefitto the patients. Surely my correspondent who evince: such sympathy with the cause could make that: sympathy take a practical form and organize a. hospital library where books bworth reading might be supplied, with some lystem similar to that of the Aberdeen Association, which has done such excellent Wt rk.†[Nata â€"-Readorsâ€"nud may their num- ber be manyâ€"who desire yto a-sist in the work of the Muskolra Free Hospital for Consum hives may send their gifts to , ercdith, Kt, Vice-President, ‘ National Sanitarium Association, To- ronto, or Mr. W. J. 11339, Chairman 0‘ the Eimutive Committee 1 of the. establishment had not. only lost ~;~_~.,I Lam/«IN [.3], ited his parents, here, over Sunday and Mrs l’ry II'L-re guests of Mr. and / m at" V ~"*’ IN ‘" I «J'w'mmei’wMWW ‘ -â€".__. _ THERE’S MONEY EN ET ! I l 'lhere's liloncy in puI'Icl asing A YEAR' S SUPPLY OF (301"! CNS and COI'ION FABRICS during our “WHITE SALE, 2 “"lllt ll runs through the MON'I H 0}? 1E BIIUARY. Raw Cottons to- :ZE are SOIUlngâ€" to almost PROH llll'l ION l’l\l( li S. and the ï¬nished article lhe smallness of our \V ill I E SALL PRICE is kcI-piIIjI pacu. remarkable. C canIon..-oneII.loci-OIDIDCI."OD.IIO"' ll’I' It Pnsliu lit Extra TRADE DIIiIIt February Marked Reductions Here. 3 pieces Bleached Tabling. - $125 quality for 72c. 65( ‘I 383 400 .. 25c $1. 50 qualities for 98c. $1.60 “ LADIES’ WHITE GOWNS. Our first shipment of Spring Tweed Drt-ss Goods Is on sale, and thanked at $1 40 qualities lOY 98C 1 25 90c. f February Prices. 65c. I. 44c§ SATEEN SKIRTS‘Y/ CORSET COVERS. g $1.00 __.til l IIRIES’ WHITE SKIRTS. a New Tweed Dress Goods. a .1 C‘ 5 Iloz. of a clearing line, worth $1.60, 200- qualities {01’ 15C~ FEBRUARY PRICE $1.00. .. 30c. 19c Cheap Embroideries. Nearly 1000 yards each of 3 EX'l‘R A SPEC- IAL l INKS 5, which we lIIIIc II.- aIkLLl for our'5 l cb' y Sale at 30 50. lilCc. 40c. 29c. Garment Skim â€"controlled by us in Peter- bozo lhese samples are boutht by us each season at 1- 4 off. lhey go out customers at the same Reduction. l0 our too Sample Cloth SkIrtsâ€"l he “NorthWay a “g â€a 385 887 l George Street, a l . PETERBORO. ï¬z‘ï¬ï¬bcb3mm535 EEEES'ERS amt-1. ELLâ€"FEES amsmsasv fl SPRE‘W wemï¬sesaseï¬mgasaï¬m MERE-CHEWMESESEEBWSPSEEESESE 5mg? ADV LRTE SE EN THE trillion Sales. Mr. J. ll. (lardincr, Auctioneer, has rcchIIed Instructions from Mr. Wm Argue, to Sell by public auction and without reserve, on the prchsL-s. l Lot 15, Con. 9, Munvcrs, on Mon-g day, I‘ll). 22, I994, at one o’cIOLk p. I m., sharp, hIs valuable farm stock,‘ implL-mL-uts, ctc. 'l‘IrrIIIs.â€"Hay and, l all sums of $10 and under, cash, 0ch that amount 9 mos. credit will be given by furnislnng approI‘L-d paper. Sec bIlls. Mr. J. ll Gardiner, Auctioneer, has Ieceived instiuctIons from Messrs. \lhithidc Lylle to sell by public auction, without reserve, in the village of Franklin, Lot 25, Con. I2, Manvers, on Friday, Feb. 26, I904, at I o'clock sharp, their valuable farm stock, inIplc- Inents, etc. Also a good frame In use, and a half acre lot, also a stable. At the samctime and place Mr. (lardiner will Ettll for Mrs. John l’oast sonIe val- uable in plcuie us, c. For list of stock, c. terns and further particulars sec bills. r. TELLS Tm: s'rorLY. AN??? REMOVE 5 THE CAUSE. When the tongue is and one in the morning coated or the breath will remove the trouble. tainted, when an out-of- It is the world's greatest l __..- .49». sorts feeling. as of burning i system treatment. It is a I or feverish stomach. Ilull- guaranted cure («dyspep- ness and aching of back or six. blliousneu. or consti- hips, here is trouble in pation. If you In! to the stomach which may prove its merit. write Wu.- develop in malaria or other sox - 17'an Cog Xingu. severe sickness. If you i Falls. 0:21.. for tree can- A philanthrol ic old lady in Excter, Eng, very keen on the drink question, got hold old very bibulous old sailor. whom everybody had given up as a bad job. He had lost a leg and One eye, and used to do odd jobs about the market-place. He told the lady that if he could once get a fair start cu hIs own account he would trv to reform : 21:22; 33:11: I’l’I‘iisIinltleast ï¬sssws ggssss’s‘ssésrms In VTHE NOVELTY ENTERTAINER‘S E thought, purchased for him a tray to g WII4L. DKINDAS. g have Dr.l.conhardt's Asn- ple. Sold by dragging l’tu. at hand. one at night 50 cents net box. %I? hang round his neck with a broad strap, and a supply of thee gingerbread, and she taught hurt the following sentence m to repeat at intervals: “Will any good. kind Christian buy some tine spicy Reï¬ned Musilal and Jpguling ..IIt gtngerbreud from a poor, affhcted old Glass Chimes, 'lritk llanjoist- 1“ 1M man?†When he had sold a shilling's Iiing llaton Jugglit g worth he congratulated himself on his Settings. strength of abstinence, and thought he would treat resolution to just one-h' pint of bet-r. This, needless to say, led' to one or two more, and when he re- sumed his statIon on the payement, his cry becamea little IIII\L-d, and in a @zégéé‘gé’g‘gg‘gg mgégmmg loud voice be appealed to passers- -yb II-Ith: “Will any poor, aï¬liLtLd ( hris-J " BAlLLlEBORO. tian buy some good, kind ginger bread from a ï¬ne, spicy old man?†'l‘radc became very good, and he again treat- ed the resolution with the result that â€"- Those contemplating puttinz roofs on their buildings, the cc- m- lt-.Ir.J D. l’errin’s many. friends will intI season, “I†find it to then advantage to call on me, see sampu s be plL-aSLd to learn that he is able to and get l'lrlCCS be fore l uying anv other kind of rooting. It is wr Ind, be out after ra lingering illness dust, rain and fire proof, and comes cheaper than first class shingles lIIs cry bL-I czame “Will any fine, spIcy ( hristian buy some poor, afflicted gin- (lenient Roofing will last as long as the Roof Boards on which it is applied. gerbrLad from a wood, kmd old man?†Prices on application to L. S. CLARRY, Agent, Box 315, lillbrO-Ok. l‘tcst Ittiiig V usit cl L‘I‘t. ., and light- A phasing fraiIIiLâ€" Cesttnc and Open. for CLIII-L-It 1'! up; n (115. Sï¬I Our merchants are all busy, notwith- standing the bad roads. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wood and Mr. M rs. Robt. Nurse over Sunday. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Jas. Lucy is ill with la grippe. Mr. Fred Bate-man, of Cohourg, vis- Mr. Bruce Jemison, of Poplar Point, Man, is visiting friends In this vtcnuty, - :â€"_.- _--=- \\"e have a so, 9: ccious 5(0an WItlI artistic beat and lIanIlsonIest ments for ear. 1 belt, shirt \IIIIis watches, chains, rich and beautsz that WIll niakea I‘ bride will appccc The P level W. l. MC 77 Kent-St Cmemee an LOCAL 1. Dr. J. l’. Keith lI "edical .‘ldVIsor an Til age. 3REXALL†I l l. l’hcsIr llycs IIil i ton, Silk. Jute or one bath ’llk‘)‘ II ll most improved [)7 l in a'IaIka-Ie. . Moiligans Sole _, (lmcmcc will have school house erecte of the one reLIL-ntly ' \VAN'l'ICl) â€FA? to call on retail trad manufacturing li0tl> lirlicd business; lee; salary $20 paid we monrv 1d\ 1m ct' pi tinnt‘crï¬san†, in.» L.( I nets successft.‘ I I II rd run-lope. SIII-I-I (Irs, (:05 Honor: .iILi \notii -r fast. Iio: "IL‘Ill ported for l5 L Liz. Dental 1 I ) Il.\§\\xl- ls Dr. \I'; .g‘z II Petal-ore, “Iii I on the LAST i, EVER} 1:20: ..... ‘ lllock. , I All (laSScs o‘. i) carefully IIeIl'orIn‘ Next visit,l Feb. 25th. Our ï¬re engine as the foundry. Major 3's r‘ght. , Sec adv. in and 'III lion Sale of Valuabl No fatal results in mny are il Do not forget 121.11 â€"â€"rczdy for you»: want in hot blast. all heating stove- for _\' dining room," -I. ‘l'lC pctiuon breaker . boast. We have In what we say. W. l A surplicc (their 3 for Christ Church. We have not adv: our totmccoe, ambeï¬ Bobs, Currency and; tabuacoa Irv the at tho consumer as to also extended the ti “on of Suzette-tine my in IKE £3!le United. Miss Sara Adams: Crca are guests at and Mrs. J. C. Eatl Sunday School Rev. J. H. Loc Proachas Exec Yesterday was SI vetsary hay at (Bet and services approg ion were 'n:ld l l day was Rev. J. H a former pastor oft and his Sermon, af years, were Very o: the large Congrcga of the unpleasant tie chute! A: the rimming l of the SCllOol who occupied the centr the Sundav School in the musical sex-II preached a helpful text. “While He “I Served the Lord," which he drew soot the life of Josiah. of reasons why I “serve the Lord II young.†The mu which was led by appropriate to the also «manned the when he preach which was met he ‘ “It: musiml sci “s an especiallx I anthem‘ oLIng “ 1‘} Shepherd, is," .‘I taking the baritor ofl'L-rtory, “No X. well rendered. ' vices will be conti when the annual Iattl'lool will be hel of the church. 1 «art: will also be Bu of Monday.