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Omemee Mirror (1894), 2 Feb 1905, p. 2

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Millbrook, where he will always be found, and by close attention to busi- ness, hope to merit a continuance of your cstcrmcd patronage. Opp. Queen’s Hotel, Takes this opportunity of thanng his numerous patrons for their many favors during the past four years and wishes to intimate that he has moved his TAILOR SHOP J. M. KNOX SALES DEPARTMENT, 178 lt’tnnntnin Street, . Montreal, tine. or to any LOCAL MANAGER of the ’I’ORONTO FOR SALE $5 per Se- 11 ILL}: R O Q :1. E‘A share of your patronage is re- spcctfully solicntcd. to the BA'I'ESON BUILDIN I, :and surrounding territory to represent Newest vancties, and specmhics in Hardy Fruits, ,Sman Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals, and Roses A perma- nent Situation, and territory reserved for the right man. Pay Weekly, Hand some Outfit free. Write for particulars and send 25 cents for our pocket mic- roscope, just the: thing to use in exam fining trees and plants for Insects. ALL KINDS OF 'I‘EMPERANCE DRINKS, HO'1' COLD. Bell Telephone Company of Canada OYS'I‘ERS ALWAYS ON HAND IN SEASON. ““Eeeeee’r Greatest Nurseries.” UNDER NEW .\I\.\’.\(‘.E.\Ili."l‘. OPEN FOR BUSENESS East End Basiamani "MRS. C. :7 1555i, WANTED NUTIEE! The Big}: SLIGHTLY USED 8111' IN FIRS’I‘-CI.;\:‘S BREAD AND FANCY BAKING. LUNCHES .-\'1‘ AH. HOURS. STANDARD STOCK NEW ANI) FRESH. Stone Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES Over 800 Acres. @6000 ORDER-=53 A Local Salesman for Apply to ONTARIO. Colonel IIemming. of Ottawa. ‘and Major Hall, of Peterbono, were here this Week inspecting thcurmories, and fOund every thing satisfactorv. We underâ€" stand that Millbrook armories received the most pomts of any in the district for neatness and order. Mr. E McCurrv.who has charge ofthe armorlcs hen: is to be congratulated. [SfMiSS I “inskm, 'lupper St is 5:11ng GROCLRIES (IILAI’. A call is respectfully solicncd. Dr. Couch of 'l‘omnto m” preach in the Methodist Church Sunday next. Miss Kate Carveth, of Toronto, spent a few days of last Week “1th her prrents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carvcth. King St. She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Can't-lb, of Souris, Manitoba. Dont forget the I ccture, on Orange- !'<m to be dclixered m the onm Hall, Milllnoox, Friday evening. Rev E A Langfcldt, B. A. B. I) , is thelccturer. A treat )5 in store for all “ho attend, as he 15 a splendid speaker. Miss Maud Porter was a wsitor to Omemcc last week. Exlward Gaukhier, a workman, fell 50 feet from the roof of the Catholic Churchat Aylmer, Que. He struck on hisshouldcr in afoot or more of snow, and, app'lrently beVOnd a shaking up, he escaped injury. Mr. George Porter, :1 highly respected Iarmer of Cavan. had his house burned on Friday morn- ing of last week. The house was owned by Mr. Kells and insured, but the contents were Without insurance. Mr. Porter has the sympathy of the community in his loss. 523F011] and see those rewular 30c. artidcs, now Sclling for me. and x5e. at Misx \\ inslow’ s, Mlllbrook Miss Sherin. of Lakefield, is a guest 0 ‘\Iiss Maud Nugent The happy couple left on the 12 o'ciock train for Toronto, fol- lowed bv the good wishes of a host of friends. , Pretty Ianuary \Vedding â€" The Presbyterian Church. Mill- brook, was the scene of a pleasing event on Tuesday morning, when Mr. David )Iiiligan, of this town and Miss Minnie Kelly, of Cavan, were united in the hoi; bonds of matrimony. In the presence of only the immediate friends of the contracting parties, the Rev \Viliinm Johnston, performed the interestingceremony. The bride looked charming in her beautiful wedding trosseau Mr. O. E. 'l‘urnhull, rcpreeenti‘ng the Toronto 'I'ypc Foundry Ca, gave the Mirror :1 call on 'l'ucsduy, and booked our order for new type, ink, c. We will now bein a better posi- tmn than ever to do your printin". 'l‘hc assussmentof pcrsonul property has bc-cn abolished, and every person occupying or using land, for the pur pose ofany busmc-s is hereafter to b:- assessed for a sum calicj Business Assessment to be computed by refer- L'lYCt: to the assessed value of the land so occupied or used for the purpose of his business. The rate of business asscssment is :1 fixed one, varying from 25 to 150 per cent. of the land mine. This is the most important feature of thc ncw law. J. STEELE’S, FOR UP'I‘O-ILYI‘E JEWELR Issusr of Marriage Licenses, MILLBROOK. Special provismn is made for the valuation of farm lands or' blocks of more than live acres in towns, villages, and cities. In townships. land is to be assessed against the owners and oc cupicrs. Nonresident owners who have given the necessary notices are to be assessed as a resident In cities, towns and villages, resident and non resident owners are to be assessed in the same way. The sections relating to this are new. as are also those re- ferring to married women, whose hus- bands are to be enteFed on the roll, and trilstees, executors and guardians, who are in the same position as own ers. .-\ tnmnt now includes. occupants and persons in poxsession other than the owner. l The Municipal \\' orld for January has an extended referenCe to the New Assessment Act. \\ ith the exception of numeral lands, it states, all real property is to be assessed at its actual value in the municipality in which it hes, and in the case of cities and towns in the ward ofwhieh it lies. In assessing land having any buildings is to be ascertained Separately and so entered in the 3556581116"! in”; the value of the buildings is to be the amount by which the value of the land istheieh) increased. In niakinu an asses>ment ot land :1: id buildings the assesmr should first value the land and afterwards determine the value of the whole property, the difference be inf,r the value of the buildings for tlssc>snient purposes. This has no rel't-ieiiCe to the Cunt of the buildings and can be easily understood when the prlC:_'s paid for farms With and willtout buildings aie conSidered. The Toronto Daily News has in- creaScd its cirtulation from 16,000 to 38,000 in one: year. We Will send you the Daily News (mé‘year for $1.00, or the bully News and Mirror together for x903, for $1.60. 'l'hc’ 'l‘oromu Daily Star, Weekly Mail and Empire or \Veckly Globe and The Mirror for $1.60 per year. Subscribe now. The high price of SUGAR. TEA. 3“", has not reached Miss \\-’inslow’s Umccry Call and secure a supply while our press-u: low price prevails. Get a box of the old reliable Dr. Hamllton's Pills of Mandrake and But- ternut, which luouna the bowels with- out causing griping pains. No remedy is half an satisfactory as Dr. Hamil- ton’ I Pill: Price 230. The King's Printer , Dr. Daw- son, has written a letter denying the charge of undue delay in con- nection With the printing of the Auditor General’s report. He states that it is false to say that the copy was in the King's Prin- ter’s hands in time to be ready for the opening of Parlhment on jan. 11”]. The real truth is that afterthut datetwo thousand tWO hundred and eleven folios of copy have come in. \Ve are now sett- ing on copy which came in on Ian. zrst. It is, moreover, true that the copy is not at the present moment all in. The copy for about 100 pages of solid t_\ pc has yet to come down. On Jan. 17th the Auditor General had in his hands 448 pages of unsigned proofs. - He calls it. Anti-Pi”. h is sold at 50c by all drngglats, or The William Pyle Co , Limited, Niagara Fa! 8, Out- Sole agents lor ( anada 109 "There can be no doubt, from the evedence at hand. that the Stomach is and has always been the first cause of ninety percent. of all the illness of mankind The failure of the Stomach to digest the food prnperly results in fermentation and decmnposilion, and the pnisons arming from the foul and rotting: muss get into the blood and ttsane and nerves and breed diseases of every kinJ.” Dr. Lennhardt has found a remody for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billions- ness and (.‘ousti; atinn He has tried it in thousands of cases \\ ilhout a single failure. Dr. Leonhunu, of Lineuln, Nah, the foremost physician of the Western States. has put forward a new theury an to the cause of disease. He says: Mr. Cotton being a mum of jov- i-rl (liSpnsition. he was greatly loved and highly respected by all who knew him. He was a Liberal in politics am] :1 devoted Presby- terian. The funeral took place from the resillence of his son-in- luw, Mr. \V l) Leach. on Monday 23rd [un.,to Newtonvxlle ceme- tery. After a SpCClal service had taken place In the church. the remains were viewed by a large gathering of frxemls :mdneigh- bors from far and near. The sympathy ofthe entire commun- ”V is extruded to the bereaved relatives. A New Idea which mount a great deal In the Treatment and Cure of Disease. On Saturdm afternoon, Ian 215t,1\lr.] Cotton, one of the early scttlcts ot the: township of Clarke. after :1. lingering Illness of over two years. pusSul to his re- waml. Mr. Cotton was a nativc of licawl, Cornwall, England, and came to this country in 1845 He helped to clear the proswt homestead in Clunke township. His first wife was Miss Mary Robe-r3501), of Cartwright, who [redecwscd hm) some 12 years ago. Ilcis survn'ed by his oan duuglnte-r, Mrs \V. 1). Lunch, Mlllbruok, and by his second wife. ncc Miss Hannah 17cc. 'l‘wo Huntsville Men Are Heavily fined for a Brutal Act.- Aday or two ago a much prized collie dog, owned by 1“. Dallas, mana- gcr of the Huntsville branch of the Dominion Bank, Huntnville, strayed into lemigblin'.» hotel there. It ap- pears that an argument arcse between the owner of the hotel and Mr Jack- son Reid as to the advisability of shortening the canine-’5 tail A ham mm and chisel were soon forthcoming and the dog's tail removed and horri bly‘mutilated. The collie was then turned out into the cold, and ran home in great pain, and on gaining admission, it spattered blood over everything it came in contact with be fore it pould be secured. Mr. Dallas had a warrant issued, and l\1cl.aughlin and Reid were arraigned before the Police Magistrate, and each fined $32.50 and costs. Watchman \Varder. KING PRINTER’S REPLY. During the next month We Will ofi‘e‘r Special inducements to the Citizens of Millbrcok and sur- rounding country to buy their Groceries at this Store. Call and see our display. When You Need Physic. 3. fig; ~ ‘ . a m ‘ mm, M .. 9 Cut Off Dog‘s Tail. A Theory Proved. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, MILLBROOK. â€"-â€"v 0 <0» . l Russian authorities long ago admitâ€" ted that one thousand men a day would be all the present railroad could possibly transport and maintain. The Czar ordered the railroad to be double- trackcd, but Prince Hilkoff, the Mm- ister of Railroads, says it will be im possible to do so during this war. The most he can promise is some improve- ment in switches and sidings which will enable the sending out of twenty- two instead of only eighteen trains a day. This is an increase oflcss than one-fburth. At best it could mean only the sending of twelve hundred instead ofa thousand men a day. Not at that ‘ rate will General Kuropatkin be enabl- ed to overcome his foes. The importance of this fa1lure 15 great, aw General Kuropatkin. it is [:rubablc, is now hardly able to get re inforce ments. T he arm) fronti11~.,r him is beinu fully mainramL-d and actually increased. With Poland in revolt. Armema and Finland on the Verge oi 101111111rl1cr, and nearly cvcry unpor- tan: pmvmce in Russia seclhmg with insurrcctiOn the Imperml Gov't will hardly be 111 a pnsnion to sen‘l many troops to M 111chu1ia. She “ants thL1i1 all at home. One of the prInCIpal objects of the Russiam at the preSent time is to harass the japanese lines of communi cation from Newchwang and (Torea, and thus oblige the enemy to leldt: his knees, preventing him from mak- ing a frontal attack. A vigorous gtier- Illa warfare would seem to be the Rus stan programme, ,1] n recent reports to the Emperor, General KurOpatkm has stated that thelp‘nl‘yfi'ay Ot‘ getting the upper hand of thefllapanese. whose positions are veri' ‘strong, is to turn them. The recent- mdvement may, thereflire, have been only a preparation for the Russian ofi'ensrve, but it having ‘ failed, General Kuropatkin may have to reviSe his plans.. The Russmns have evudently not given up the attempt to make an im- pression upon Sande-pas. for the latest reports receiV‘ed state that they are keeping up a vigorous bombardment there. While driven out of Sandepus they still clmm that the recent move- ment was a partial SthCcSS, imtsnmt-h as they have established themselves on the Hun H0, and occupy a strategic position parallel to the lapanese (X‘ tremc lelt. At Bethany, on Fridaj‘, Feb. 17111, at 7.30 o'clock. Supplcmcnmn Inactinws of the East Durham l‘armcrs’ Institute “ill be held as follmw . At Cavzmvillc, on Saturday, Feb. 13 at 2 o’clock. At \[illbrook on Saturday, Feb. 18, at 2 oclock. At Garden Hill, on Monday, F b. 20th, at 2 p m. and 7. 30 p. m. mm (anton, on 'luesday, ch zlst, 2p. m and 7. 30 pm. the cough racks and tears the tenth-r tissues of the throat Inflammation anpen-enes and then eermus bronchial or lung trunhle is established '1 Le important time is nt the ho-g'nning. Stay the progress at the cough by ulinu fragrant hauling (‘utnrrhozune which reaches every part of the brunchifl tubes, thrunt and lungs. aC‘a'arrhozone destroys destroys diunube germs, stone the (ti-nu“, heath: sure spots, clears the nose and throat nf (“501:"ng (’a'nrr- hozone “will". never irritates. Guar- anteed for every form n! caturrh. Fur lasting cure use (‘nturrhn zure Two monthe’ treatment, $1 00; trut! size 236 Q‘vaial Bargains in Toys, c, at Miss Winslow's, 'l‘uppcr 81’. Sum: articles at COST and less to clear. These meetings will be interesting and 1,)rofitablc, and everyone should at- tend. 7 At Mam‘ers’ Station on _l"nd;;y,- the I7lh of Feb, at 2 or’ciock. { Consumption Begins With A Cough. 'l‘. A. KELLY, President. A. J. FALLIS, Secretary. (10]) SAVE THE KING. r‘s2KfactEénâ€"caTt‘fiâ€"eTSBWeTgl-éâ€"rfi'éé; sary. Aid nature with Ayer's Pills. 101' “The Lun gg Muss London and nephew Master Walter London. of Ottawa, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W W Gillolt. Mr. Harvey 'l‘hexton paid his Ome‘ mec friends a Vlsit last week. Aftcrthc thanks of the Company had been tendered to Mr and Mrs Knox. the enioyable event was closed by smging “ Auld Lang Sync.” “ Our Fire Company" was next pro- posed, and the names of Captain lid- munds and Coun. Honk Were coupled therewtth. Capt. Edmunds made hi: " maiden ” speech, which was brief, but interesting. He sxncerely regretted that the Company was about to lose so able :1 member. He did not pose as a swab-r, :nrl would leave the spunk ing for Mr. Dunk. as he had more to sayaml more time to say it, which proved Very true, as Coun. Dual: 15 Certainly a good speaker. and his re- view 0! the Fire Company since it was first organized here, was quite enter- 'annng. He spoke of the good work that the Company had accomplished in savingr life and property from the fiery elements. He also referred to a former Chief of the Brigade, the late Alexander Ferguson, who had done noble work in this connection, and whose memory we all revere. Conn. Doak alsoexpressed regret that Mr. Adams and his estimable family were leaving Milllgrook. s':\'ercd. Your intermt and m tin: work asa mcmhcr of our Company hch bccn appreciated by all, and when \xc state that your [caving us is a scrious loss to us, We feel that we CXPTL‘SS not only the unanimous opinion of the lllclllijtrl‘ahil), hut of the \K‘ilt'h: (:(m- mumty. Not only haw you, yoursg-il', hccn rcspcvtcd and aiil-I'ct‘inlcd for your many good qualztzts, hut your esteemed partner I!) hit has also “Th the regard of :1“ who haw known her, and hur aimcncc from our village wili hc rvgrcllui W. S. (II\'li.\', (Ihicl'. R. H. EDMUNDS, Captain. The singing of “ For He‘s a Jolly Good Follow,” had an cnliwning ctl‘cct. Mr. Adams, although taken by sur prise, rcpliod in fut-ling terms, thunk mg them for tiicrr handsome prcsmit and kind words in the address. He spoke of the pleasant assot-iations he had among the members of the Fire Comfiany, and while regretting thc: Severance of those tics by his removal to Lindsay, his thoughts Would often go back to MillhI'Ook, when: he had spent many happy days. ”C did not feel able to adequately express to drum his gratitude for then-great kindncs< to him, not only on this occasion, but also during the past five yrars. He also thanked the Fire (‘0. for the kindly reference to Mrs. Adams. The members of Millinook Fin- Compnny, having,r heard with much ru- grct of your intended departure from our midst, dcsxrc to express to you their sinccrc regret that our plcasam associations together are about to be As :1 [0ka of our cstmm and goud “ism-s, Wu ml: your :u‘vcl-tam‘c of this Morris chair, to I‘m-Hm: ”you In your hours of leisure, [ha-n we trust and know that your (hough's will some- txmvs wander Iva to your lift: among us. Signed on behalf of thc Millln'oox Fut- Company, Guest,” and in crumct‘tiun with this toast, the (,‘hicf read an address to Mr. Adams, and Captain R. H. Ed munds prescntul him with a Morris Chair. The follmving is :1 copy of the address :â€" FAREWELL ADDRESS Always keeg a bottle of it in the house: “ We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. “I have med Ayer'l Cherry Pecconl In famlly for 40 {eat-I. It is Xhe best medicine in xii-3y Wt'n’ld. know“): .11 throat. and lung rou M. ’ ,M‘T’F' ,J' K. Noncnoss. Waltham. Mus. l). ADAMS, ESQ” MILLIEROUK, BY '1‘ H Ii After supper, the chairman, Recu- (hvcn, (Thief of the Fin: Company, pumosed the toast “ Our King,” which was hcnrtily responded to by all rising and singing the “ National Anthem ” The second toast proposal was. “ Our At ten o’clock over twenty of tilt? Firc Company sat down to an exec!- lcnt oyster supper, which had hctn prepared by M r. and Mrs j. M. Knox. 'l‘lic supper was all tint could be de- sired, and spoke WC” oftlic ability or this up-todzttc Restaurant to cater to low or many, on short notice. The Firemen Have a Sociable Gathering and Present One of Their Members with An Address Neatly Printed on Satin, and also a Beautiful Morris Chair. On Tuesday evening the Millbrook Fire Company had a most enjoyable tune at the East End Restaurant, the occasion being In honor of one oflheir members, Mr. Delbert Adams, who was about to leave for Lindsay. For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take Aycr’s Cherry Pcctoral. Banquet in Hensr 5f Mr. Adams 1"] REMEN 01" M I LLBROOK. €herry 3’emfioral for TO Moat. and lung ’altham. Mus. J. C. ATBR CO" Iochl. Muss. els ls neces' Men" 3 Plus. “ I felt Mun and «la; rpssed, took no mu! comfort out at" life, ”Dragging weakness and lack of spirit seemed tn he kiltin: mp. " How I “ished fur strength! “ Kind Providenre lpn-lmht Ferro- zone to my notice and I comment-ml to take it. The change “as wot-der- ful. I picked upm'vry «lay. Strength develuped, :INIHilv in: n-med lure-w cheer!» 1 and an m: Fermzunemade me leu] likea woman .\l\' cure is complete and I revmmnend it as an msnrpacsed," Tho mm Inesliviv-n th-«l's sure In In; you from n wrak, misx-nble yundition is Ferrozrme 00¢: pPr bnx, or an: for $2 5", at all dealt-rs in medivine, or Poison Cm, Hartford. (‘un , U 8.5.. and King“: 1‘, ( It Men and women, married nr singl». whellwr HM or young, wt” find 8M)"- dam'e n! lzeqlth in Ferrruznne It enm- Meu-U \‘itulizvd Mrs I". Lenne, a well knnwn name“! of Point Alexander ()nL, v. Lo u rites: "I “as on the verge ofnervous prmttalinn. When lgol. up in the nmrninu 1 had to force myself to 2') In Wurk, \\'EAKNJ£SS~TOU TO SLIiIiX‘nA I’I'I'IA BI. BRACEI)~â€"II\'\'I(;ORA'I'ED, TON- EI) ANI) S'l‘RIiNG'i'ilIiXIiI). 'I‘hc Methodist Iipworth League had a sand mcuting his! Monday night wind: “as ut'ficicuti)‘ led by Mr. Waltcr Ht'tht-t‘ington. 'l'hc Topic was uhlytatxcn hv Miss l’cnrl Bumhum, who ncwr fails to make her subject intcrcsting. 'l'wo lady Vtsitors In town were pl't'hL'Hl, Mtss London of Ottawa and Mus Shcrin of Laktfficld. After the meeting thc (ilcc club had a prac- tiCc m “high some gmtlcmen not members of the l.t-;tgue kindly took mrt. vit Monday night there win he a sucint mccting of the League, and :1 pleasant time is anticipated. Broken and Sad Weary of Life. A $1,0lmgnarautee 2098 with eve”v box of ”cm Rm. Price. $100. 8“ Druggisls, nr The Wilson-17310 CO-u Limited, Ainguru Falls, Out. 9 “I lmal [alum but a few doses “ he" I In gun to xmtu-e an inmruvement. 1‘ «Mom-(l tn lump on, and llh\\' aftcru ll K tun-e luuxea I am glad to MU I am com; lrk‘l} ('llrl'd. lv general health has alga greatly improved. H. gives me gmul plrmnre In rmmmmend Hem- Ruld In all sulferers \\ ill: Piles, andl {rel CullYillCt‘ll that “hat It has done for me it \\ ill surely du (or them.” A l"'|'!‘ R IEN Y EA RS Mnfi L. S ephen-o , of Peterbur (“HUME - ‘ 6: “Fur over .9” )«ars 18:1 fared c-msxuntl} with l’ilvs first ”I'll “‘2. then liiemiing; pain almost un- bearable; Me a burden]. 'l‘ried every- thing in \‘zuu till I “Bed Dr- Lem lmrdl’fi Hem limd, EROL'ND TO THE DUST WITH -â€"§‘100,000 has been erpemlel by (he 37:50:20! Sanitarium Aszs'oeiafion in 8 years to maintain and extend its work in Musk-aka. â€"-1,500 Patients have been, earecl for in these Homes. â€"Sim'c the .M’uskoka Free Hospital fin“ szsnmpfivcs eras opened in 1.902, not a smglc patient has erer been refused admission bemmsc of leis or her poem-(g. â€"-3Iueh more could be done if only (he means were firth. coming. VIII! you help? ' “Ruth pt‘upXL‘ are under sentence 0! death. “Thou. problem-i willhavntnbcfnrml. butulxwu them all Irnmins thcsoriwm' and suil’cring that. suvh an institution would go :1 great way towards nllvvi fining. Thou: is pmbahly scan-cw .- rcadcr who does no: know of In. ' vs whcrcth". ("tictmwrt M‘ .s- "ll an immu- t‘ion wouitl ambush Lupe where now there is nothing but despair. h isdim- cult, to com-elm of n. more tragic fun: than that, m" the bread-winner who Ruvs the swift. approach of death. and yct knows that, the (ix-stroycr could he v; 4:- quishcd had he hm. the [nears to carry him to whom clinmvic condition: are favorable and cxmblc him to remain there long vnmxgh to profit by the cum- tive inllm'm-i-v. “One or the difllculxics is to remove from the pa lie 1: ::«1 21m hnprcniou that; consumption is incurable. the be- lief being almost univcrml that, 0:101- it has» seized hold of its Victims“)! that can be done is to lcave them to dig. Another of the (lullculLEcg nul pcz'hnp‘ the main difficulty. is the question of finances. The maintcn. :u‘c 0!:111 hourl- tal for this class of patients wuuld it:- volvc muro than usual expense. 'lw cumtivc influences are llt'L'(‘%\'al'll)' slow. and pa'tlcnm will require to spend (-021- sidcmblc lime in the itzslimlinn if they are m rcvr‘ c any wrnmnunt lu-m-t'! from tlwluMmcul. 'lmu lln-rcuz-cllw vat, nnmhvr 0f alllirlcd who would mire tom‘ail tlwlnsvlws of the bum n {m- grcutvvr number Llum could po»ibly “mum-1:11:11. . Rmd the forfou-iug rxlrm-t from “ Globe " «Him-fa]. rfiflrrliug pulliic opinion in 1811/7. when it u‘usjr'rst pro- posed to (smblth a (‘a.-r.\-umpu'r¢ Sana» tori u m in .‘Jusiwkw .- “The Ctorzsu. votive Under $02: ence of Dean} . Ferrozone (‘nmribntions may he sent, tn Sm “'31. R, Maximum, K11, 4 Lam- port Avon, Toronto, or \V. J. GAGE, ESQ, 54 From; St. “'est, Toronto. 3n V Tan i~~TOU NI IIR\ OUS H I I \I’I I \\ RI‘X K! _‘_fi 4--â€"A__ I‘JUSKG "-'A EC ‘u ‘15- "I “351 “021‘ L4 wmow's PATHETIC LETTER. of ’20 per ce; L. 1:: 3 years. Deaths in Ontario I.‘m-.’:mr ! During the Past Tiarrc Years frum 5.: 2'. I : :‘J'if. no!- Il'itlxshtmlizxg an Iucrmxixg I'opuiution. 25‘ 1:23: nuns, vsm' sum!» rum"; 2-: m ‘ 0mm; ::= rszzv:'::~'ssm' 3:3th Asa £23.? 3:: gum: vulva“ OBVLA ‘lga' Win huh. [Vote by Edi tonâ€"Sir Wm. B. Momâ€" dith, Kt., Vice- 1' ruidentoi L. e .{aviunul Sanitarium Association, or Mr. W. J. Gave Chairman of the ercutive Gm- mince Toronto, will gladly receive c« n- tributions for this find sexual other «gully pitoous cases calling for help] is running. An experienced Miller in attendance. Dear Sir.â€" I fell in x:-E‘T--. r. are ‘-:-r’.:y in my {sari-3), a. 31:24.: w, an my; 1.1 with censumpiicn and I prum' -;l I would Write you affixing . into the howiml for concumpurus i: Muskoka. The case isoncof great nami- city and charity. Thong-pliant is about 18 years of age. She is ymctic; 15y with- out a. home, staying az pnsem. thh n relative. 'rho is [flight on! ami:~.Ho,nnd would like to live: A. X understand.you reject none on account of poverty. I commend the case to you as one mn-‘t heady, and if you can send me ius1r1.c- tions or papers for appncation to fie hospital, I will see to raising none-wary means for her transzxtrnninn a: d h‘ vs hcr sentrt once, as I imagine she is Lot. bcyund receiving benefit. .A Nu? A Vail- Mp3". HWAa .- ‘AA-t a; ivy." o ..'.a{..a. Th Rev. \3'. I". frown! ‘: , 2::d:f2" “a, Anglican minister, 2m.- -.-;2 (:1 t‘ n {a}- , .. lowing letter {01.3.6 -..' 351;..- - me 11 .‘rlpi- ta! fut Consumpti It is to meet just such cases as this that the Free Hmpitul fut Caxsumptivcs has been built Less than three yams opened, nearly 400 patients have been cared for, and not a single patient has ever been re- fused admission because of his or her poverty. Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Kt... Chief Justice, {Lamportiwenuq Toronto, or W. J. Gage, :v‘i’l‘i-Teavgjibâ€"ntvréflron MoEday, the 13m, or Tuesday, 14th, at the latest. . . . It. has given him new life to hear the phul news that you have sent; to me, his mother. MAM“: Bizuwx. Esq., ‘54 iFtont ktreet, will receive dind acknowlgdge any subscriptions our reader- Cooxsnmn, QL',Ju::e 6th, 1904. Dun Sm,â€"â€"I received your kind and most. welcome letter to-day. Very glad I was to hear the good news that my dear son can i: to the Hospital any time this week. T nk God for the good news. Ho “Uri-“I’- â€"~7â€" , - _ . .° He is the Charles Brown a“: Judge Britbon’s daughter spoke to vou About. . . . Dear Sir, for God’s s'ako hasten the time for him to get there, m) the Ion r it. runs on him the harder it. will be for nim to get. well and back to his furmc: health and strength again. . . . '7 n- , ‘___ One of Hundreds of Letters Received at Muskoka Free Hospital {or Consump. avgâ€"Pleads for the Life of an Only mothei l’ruviuéiul Board of Ila-:ILII, [4-315 a. Wonderful swry of n dummsing dumb- mtc frum consumptinn since the he- ;inuing of our crumdc. Note “all; in the first four years :hcre had ban :0. gradual increase in the death-raw : allowi j: diagnuu. giving- figure-9: frmu the Report. of the ch-rutnry of the 13.. 1 xx - The Cavamlle Mill 1905! 3211““; 1 [FIN ”1.9:. 1.2.33..â€" w E. . .5176: 2w...“u ZOOL Gm“ Tau...» _!.. Hiclwo (I) (.3 C) (iunnl Sauna-Bum “mini-m â€" __â€"â€".__._ “mt-an (013W nan-rim“ ppm-s! Mum‘r wawx. 189 14-7 l l 6 mama Trrmnl Trend Rccve ]. R BoaXr. 0! lim‘ a few (hvs wi [h his much. 1| using, of Buwmum'illc. Mr. celebrates Ins 92nd year to-d hale and inc-any. H: c3512 the Conscn'ativc candidatc Durham on jan. zszh‘ Hc tcspoaed by a Very large fricnds. He is quilc an i oonversalionalist, and his some of (in: cx‘cnts which i plac: during the past 80 yea Mis's A. Cums Is a zud cons n, Miss Shun.- Inn'mm. ‘ Mr. Mn.“ Hygcc §< Very sym'noms of typhoid f: we; ‘ Count) Comic“! ). s 1\ I. a: i 1. H. Md)u.d: “cm 5: attcnding the Count} (nun '1 Mr. T. C. Yvory WAS in Tc 3 basincss :11) Friday. A private seldivr. nan! «hunt? is said to b: rc‘ (orthe attempt upon {in the ( z xr. l‘o;dzauofiwai be!" of a revolutionary 500 MS ”awn: ltckc is v: sastcr, Mrs. Spar .225 in Tort Mr, Havclr-vk Fcc was :1 Lindsay on Sunday. ”is 1.31.1 Parsons and number of her {x'icnds ozl (vetting. The Public Scimul Inspcr Knight, Esq, of Lindsay. ‘35! Week. Re» I. I! Lodz: occu'v pad 11): p 4! m of the l Ends Isl (,hurch on Sunday. Mrs. (Re\'.) C. M Carcw. is “\itiug her Omemce a friends. Mrs. Hunter is a guest at of Mrs. Wm. . iagcr. Mr. Charles Mngmdc, 0‘ is here on a visit. Miss Mlnnic chdcrso '. f fenng from rheumatism. Mr. Alfred M. Walsh, of of'l'ozonto. Mxilbmok, 5pc of the 13x}: inst. at the hu: 5. (handy. fitmgxnn at. 131:! his memory is clcar, a: not grown too old for a jnk rcni iSCchcs are ccna‘niy ing. Thea“ i< cvxry pr spL Flcmming lmng to be a c Mr. Boatc enjoyed hz< vxsi: He gave thc Mirror a fri both gomg and coming. I pleasure to h we our ()mcn: and Ops friqus call any {in m town. \lr. las. Mxl‘uade «as m last use}: 0:: business. Miss ‘4ch Jackson, of 0: acts. was a visxtor to Om we k. Miss jackson sperm! “ulnar with Manitoba friew Mrs. (1 Thurston IS a gu‘ blather, Mr. Matthew Wilso Traffic IS at a Stan iszil Sco ta, on account ofa There are dxitts sexen l strcct rmlwaxs are tied l‘ lmpassiblc and trains a in all directions. It “I eral days before tmfiic q sumed. ‘ It is reported that have chartered thc stca couvcr. to sail from I. April 25. With 120015: grants for Canada. Any man out of employnu idle time on his hands can In: representing (kmada’s Nam scrics, which pay cash week the handsome.“ samples {we the greatest selection of has mated stock. Scamn now ‘ Eng. \\'ntc tcda}'.~ (L‘U’I'l' S ‘ RY COMPANY, ()tlaw AGENTS WANTED 33"}. I). Tho ‘vnon, ( Div. Court, Co.\'ictori1 of marriage liccnScs, cow c.. real estate agent. 1 sale or to rent. Fire an surance agent, gov’t seen for the best piam s and o The Manitoba Legxsl prorogued. Mr. \V M Quinn, 01 took his own lite on Mc is understood that the 5 due to unrequmcd Quinn could not stat miner gcntlcmen paym; to the lady of Ins choice Miss Kathleen Flood, Icy. Ont, who has bee friends in New York, ha: seen by her friends smc afternoon. The police in: up a vigorous search The \‘Voman’s Inst: meet at the home at M Ford, Omcmee, on Feb; ladies are especially 1'} attend. and those whfi‘ members :an become 5; p‘ving to the Secretal u ember. J Never too late to do 3 Subscribe for the .Mlfl‘Of. C r ezicK' official major: Omemee and Vic Makes the hair grow k Stops falling hair and cojpr to qflain S1 Th V Mirr , 5pc! ho:

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