But an be cured without pain in am: day by Pugnam’s Corn and Wan Extractor. This standard remedy never burns the Bashâ€"it is entirely vegetable in composlion and does not destroy: {he flab. Use only Putnam‘s 11’! the! Miss Sherin returned to Laxeï¬cld .on Friday, after a pleasant visxt rim Miss Nugcnt. ’ Barns Grow Between the Toes Miss Brand, teacher, spent Sunday with Port Hope fnends. Recve McNeil, Conn, Kcflv and Mr W H Lough are m Toronto thxs week attending th: Agricultura! meet- Rev G R Clare was able to occupy his own pulpit last Sunday, aftgr sev- tral week’s illness. We join with his n’fncnds in the hope that his rc- 3cry will be permanent. _ ‘ w--- ..-.\. v. imd $1.7 5 now See. 6 parts babies†ats and slippers 50. to 75:: now 25c. or cash only. 831:: now in progress. A cut on all boots and shacs. W. H. Byam 8: Son, King st., Millbronk, ï¬rst store East of the G. '1‘. R. stancn, on fie south side of street. Mr. 125. Steels, accompanied by hxs nephew, Master Wm Steele. of Bart Perry, returned home on Siturday, af- ter a pleasant Yistt at the home of his brother, Mr. J. Steele, Jeweler, PREVENT GRIP by keeping your feet warm with a New pair of Shoes. 1 1 pairs boys’ boots regular $1.00 now 75c. so prs‘ girl’s boots and 12:5, reg 85c. to $1 40. now she. 1: pr.» wom- ‘Ien's boots and ties, Were: 85c. $1.501 pow 9°C. 5 prs men’s boots were $1 ham, R Cochmnc, " Mitchell, 'l‘om Donnelly, H Cunnnï¬nrham and Wm D‘Bnan, Referee, M Magee. Goal Empires, A Clark and Fred Bum. The game was clean, and at txmcs 5mm: splendid combination won: was? 'mmcsscd. The Mxllbrook boys wcrcl wdl pleased With the reception ngcn ghcm. Following are the names of the 'phycrs : Omemccâ€"C Banks, '1' W R Black, R McPhcrwn, P Parsons and w Mitchell. M:!Ibro_okâ€"-'l'cd Bum! am] one sister, Florence june. to 'mourn her loss. The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympa- ‘jhy of a large cxrcle of friends. The Mlllbrook hockey club went to ,Oanemec on Friday and were defeated by the latter team by a score of 7 to 3. 1 The Bank of Toronto have had tflxeir premises remodeled and the rent! ismot }et. This Bank 15 ibound to‘keep up to date~and gold iiiettering on their windows is an rev-idenceozf their goodztzéste. The Management of ‘the Millbrook 7'k-inchfis most effluent and the Uguisiness'iisiincreasing steadily. .‘lfhe death of Miss Emma Wid- ~dess, which took place on Satur- day, Feb 4th, removes one of the ,‘most highly respected resrdents of 15:: Township at Cavan. Deceas fed was the eldest d lughter of Mr. Abraham Widdis. and was born in Cavan. she was a member of the Church of England, and her many noble traits of character ‘ «on the esteem of all who knew i bet. The funeral on Monday, 1 Feb. 6th. was largely attended, interment taking place at 5t 1 Iohn’s Cemetery. Rev. W. C. 1 Alien conducted the solemn and ' fnnpresswe services at the house 'and grave. She leaves besides E loving parents, 1W0 brothers, ' Messrs Norman and fumes HenryI {‘ bA share of your patronage is re~ spectfully solicxted. 'ALL KINDS OF 'I‘EMPERANCE DRINKS, HO'I' COLI). DYSTERS NAME ON HAND 1N SEASON. 31133. c. M. KNOX, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. [ast [ndï¬Ã©Ã©taurani OPEN FOR BUSINESS FIRST-CLASS BREAD AND FANCY BAKING. LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS. STOCK NEW AND FRESH. ELLBROOK. Walsh â€Ark, Journal for'l'reu urer’s use, of 600 page: ....... . J DArmauong or order, salary ofAnditorn {or 1904...... ...... ‘ J Fisher. work done in wxnter on but boundary, {all price...... W Vance, rent of P O Drawn fl Finiay. cutting brush and breaking road on con 14, o q I F Brown polling booth at Pro- vincial Election Jan. 2-5, DIV. 8041"â€! nun n90 oglï¬cvy! om stages and was signed and sealed Mm ed by Conn. Staples, see b) Conn. Kelly, That the Rene be acom- miueo to examine Treasurer' a lecuri- ties. (I «tried. This By-law passed am on! stages and was signed The blank of the By-Iaw mu; ï¬lled in with the name of Jumps Paul as Assessor of the Township of (.‘nvan for the current year. 1905, I Tha Cnum-il adjourned to go into an indjourned meeting of the Court of Re- vision re Long Swain Drainage 8v law. The Council resumed again. Moved by Conn. Staples, hec by Conn. Shield, That the blank be (Him! In with tho name ofJumes Paul as A:- nssor ofthe township oi (‘avnn for the current year, 1905. Lnrried. Moved by Cut") Conn. Kelly, That 'commmee of cm reading of By-iay. chair. Carried. Moved by: Conn Staples, sec Shaw, That. the Salary of the . be $110 for this year, Czlrrlud The Reeve introduced a By-Iaw to appoint an 83.9530: 0! the township of Gavan for the Current 59M. Moved by Conn. Kelly, see by Conn. Shield. That the Clerk be instructed to write to Mr Angus Mc\iur(-lu'.aolicitor {or the GER Railway (Iompnnv, To~ ronto, and ‘ inform him that it is not , the intention of this Council to assume ‘eontrol of the road leading from the 1 ninth concession line to the (‘avanville ‘Station at present, but would advise the Company to put the said road in good repair and should the Council continue the said road through to the tenth concession line, then they Would aasume control of the n hole road Carried. Moved by Conn. Staples. 3: Kelly,'l‘hat the Council give 85 towards the Hospital for line. Carried. Moved by Conn. Staples‘ Ooun.SMeld, That the And port be received and that the instructed to get the usual of copies of the report primed trilmtion. Carried. Moved by Conn. Shaw, me by Conn: Kelly, That the prayers of the petition- ers be granted reaps-Ming the rescmd- ing of the By-law No 368 re Dog tax and that the Assessor be instructed to asseu dogs as formerly. Carried. too by Conn. Shield. That the Council only pay the sum of $2.00 each for said polling booths. The Amendment carried. Moved by Conn. Stnplea. sac. by Conn. Kelly, That the Council pay $3 each for polling booths at the Legis- Iativo Eiection on January 2511:, 1905‘ Moved in amendment by Conn. Shaw, a-‘ I_.t‘,r, n On motion Mr R Vance was Ianowod to I resent a petition unwed by neural vatepa) are, requesting the Council to rescind By. law No 396, mused March 2nd 1891, vaereb; the dog tax was “km: of!" Moved by Conn. Kelly, sec lav Conn. Shield. That Mr. George Campbell, Treasurer of the Township of Gavan, be instructed ‘0 borrow as required not to exceed One Thousand dollars. {or Township purposes. Carried. on highways by placing tins power'in * iheimnalsol Municipafl‘onnclla From ' Hospital for Sick Children ncknow~ lodging gum 0! $5.00 from Gavan Council towards tine fund; From [‘ro- vlncial Board of Health acknowledging receipt of annual report of Gavan Board of Health. From Messrs Wood 6: Gumly, Toronto. respecting purcixaao ing debentures, From Messrs Jeniu d: Dresser. Say-ma, respecting Steel Bridgel. From Maura James Paul, Martyn Brock and Edward Keegan,‘ 3making application for the ofï¬ce a! Assessor of the township of Caron for the on rre'nt year. all of which were laid on the table Mr David Armstrong also made application verbally for the said ofï¬ce oi Assessor. The minutes of the last Council meeting and (bu rt of Revision re Long SWump Drainage By-law meetings were read, approved and signed. The following communications were read, vlz: From the CPR. E ilwaI Campeny, respecting assessment end seizing the Council to assume control of the road leading to Csvauwlle Sta. tion which the Company opened up in l884, From the G.T.R. Company res~ l pecting assessment. From tie Bell Tel- ephone Company, requesting that all notices of assessment to he'transmitted by registered letter,he addressed "The Bell Telephone (‘ompany of ('ansda. Limited, Ontario Department. Hamil ton, Ont." From the National Sumter- ‘lnm Association, Toronto, askinï¬: br s. grant to the Hospital for Consumptiws From the Municipal Corporation of the County of York, askingthe cooperation of other Municipalities to ask the Pro- vincial Legislature to emend the law governing the speed of Motor Vehicles Co'unc'fl Chamber, CaVan. Monday, February . 6th. 190 5. The Council Inc: at 1! o‘clock u m. this day pursuant to Idjonrmneut. Members all present. the Chair. The Reeve in CAVAN COUNCIL. e wrn-nt )PRY. Cum). Shield, seconded by That the Council go into f the whole for sacond :-ia_\’.w1tb Reeve in the puased through its sev- formerly. Carried. Conn. Staples, sec. by Iouucil give a grant of apron, see by Cnun :o...... u 25 Drawn l 50 ho Auditors Ro- that the Clerk be - usual number rer'a securi- sec by Conn. contract for 8. Given {or 'I. Carried- 9" by Conn. authorized us on the ¢ 8 em 1 l‘reu : 2001 1- 590 b)‘ Conn. Asses-or 18 00 Consump. for die- Treasurer of the ‘Homo for the Aged.’ Lindsay. fol mainten- ance of Julia. Sullivan Pets: Water: for hall-yea} ending Slat ch.19«,m duo nah at xwomoy, ramck Hullhoy and Tim- Mr. George E.Samsbur2,ofl79Queon mnthy llorrluey, the foneevieweu atreet.‘l‘ur(mtn,\\ ascomplelely rebuilt employed lhetoinmtherwiu this Cuun- by Ferroznne, and writes: all will pay same and collect such (â€5- “ I “'38 9111158“ '0 spells 01' dizzi- buramonts In taxes for the present ness and light feeling in the head. year as per theconselidnted Municipal " I broke out in cold sweats, Act. Carried. “ My appclile was poor, and Ilived Moved by Conn. Isaac H Fee, see by in perlect dread of a 0011:1986- Conn. wmim Cotllnglmui, Tim :1». "1 improved at once by using Fer- Auditon report an presnnted be recolv- 7020M. ed and adopted. and that the Clerk be " It braced up my nerves. gave me and is hereby Instructed to have two a good appelite. strengthened my hundred copies of same primed {on blood. and made we feel young again. distribution. Fun-rial}. Iam now in the best nfliealtli,Jnat Moved by Conn. W ilerlilioy, a“ by because I use Fer-rezone" Conn. James Courtney, That order: be It's a shame to live in a half-dead issued on the Treasurer It! follows: Condition. Ferrozone will vilaliza vnn. I > Moved by Conn. Isaac H Fee, see by Conn. William Cottinghaun, That the Auditor: report as presented be receiv- ed and adopted. and that the Clerk be and is hereby Instructed to have two hundred copies of same printed {on distribution (‘urrieaL Moved by Conn W Herlihey, arc, by Counjw Cottinuhum, That in connec- tion With the line “moo award betgeen Simeon l’erdue and Patrick A Deï¬ne. and that portion oisame setting forth that the mate of such a“ and should he paid by the said Patrick A Davina, ‘ that the afareenid Patrick A Devine be notiï¬ed by tl.e Clerk to pay the allow- ence of two dollurs etch to 'l‘homu Twomey, Patrick Hertlhey and Tim- mnthy llorrluey, the l'eneeviewere employed therein, otherwise this Coun- cil will pay same and collect such die- buremente in taxes for the present year as per the Consolidated Municipal Act. Carried. ,- Moved by Coun. W (,‘ottlnglxam.sec. by Conn. J Courtney. That in the opin- ,. ion of this Council, the time ï¬xed for ,f the making and completion of the ,. assessment by the “Assessment Act,†is not the proper time {or the making ‘ ofsnch assessment, consequent upon 0 the lands during the greater portion of r such period being covered with snow, . end the assessor being unable to make g the required personal examination , and observation necessary to arrive at , I a proper valuation and assessment of , such lands {or the purpose of meeting the requirements of the new assess- ment act, and whereas it would sppear‘ that under section 58 of the said Act, the County Council is empowered to pans a By-iaw (or the taking of such assessment in towns, townships and villages between the ï¬rst day of Feb- ruary and the ï¬rst day of July, that the said County Council be and is here- by petitioned to pass a By-inw where- by the assessment in this Municipality of the Township of Emil)- may be taken between the said iirst day of February end the ï¬rst day olJulv in the present year, ii possible, in order that such as ‘ sessment may be utilized for Munici- pal purpose-s for the year 1906. and that this resolution be engrossed in dupli- cate signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the corporate seal attached and one copy of same forwarded to the County Clerk for pres eniaiion to the sforesaid (‘eunty Council. t‘ASSED at the Village of Omemee this sixth day oi February. 1985- a salary of ................. . ....... 66 00 sad that the Clerk do now draft the usual by-law conï¬rming these ap- pointments. Carried. Charles Cornell, as collector of taxes at a salary or......... . . . .1 William H Curry, as treasurer at. a value}; of ............ Richard J Grundy, as township Clerk at. a salary of ...... ..2 Robert W Wilson. as Assessor at Courtney on the west. boundary to date and to request payment of one-half the same as usual. Moved by (Jenn. James Conrtnay: no. by (oun. William llerlihey, That the following 'I‘nwnship omclals be appointed, that is to say: _ nâ€"vul Application for re-uppoinlumut as Assessor was revolved [:0 m Robert W Wilson. From the Omemee High and Public School Board inviting (‘onncll to at- tend the opening of the new school building on 10th Feg. inst. From Charles (‘ornell applying for res-appointment as Collectur of Taxes. Application for re-uppoinlnmnt as . From Good Roads Machinery Com- pany re purchase of road making ma- chinery. From the Omeman Hm. am: 0....u- Plum the Grand Trunk Railway Companv and Bellfalephone Com- pany with required notices for Asseas~ or, in compliance with new Assesunent Acl. From Secretary of tho Hc Aged, Lindsay, enclosing z amounting to $73.60, for n of Julia Sullivan 3nd Peter half-year ending on Slat T~he foHowing communication received, perused and fyled. that 83y :â€" The minutes of the last. session were read, approved and on motion con- ï¬rmed. Ouxemee, Emily, Feb. 6th, 1905. Council met a! ten olclock, a.m., pur- quant to adjournment. Present all the members, the Reeve it; the chalr. for 3 maetlngs .... 30 00 1mm J Eur, on salary.... 20 00 u 5 Rolwruun per J J Fair, grant to Hospital for Conlumptives b 00 On motion the Council adjourned until 10.30 o’clock am. on Monday, the 6th day of March next. and t'XpenflOfl ...... G (‘ampbelLO «laynudrain vtaw- er and expenses, livery e!- penseu to Pelerboro......... J J Fair. Registration of B. M 6: D. fur 1904.... .... .. no- . J .1 Fair, paid Mhnlclpal World {or 6 copies of World, express ull rolls ...... ........ . ....... Members of Council, pay to date G Gazdmer, P booth at P. E. N03 J R. Newton. Pbootn at P. E. No ‘ C H Shield 1’ booth at P. E N†5 J DArmstmng P. B. atP. E. N02 R Vance. 6 «law as drain viewer Emiiy Council Proceedings. on 58 of the said Act, me“ is empowered to M the taking of such tmx'ns, township! and Village of Omemee February. 1905' W Hex-Iihey, arc, by e 5'ear1906 and thal angroased in «inpu- leo Rama and Clerk seal attached and forwarded to the pres entalion to the nerlihey, arc, by That in cunnec- xoe award betuoen Patrick A Dex' me W (,‘ottingham. sec. 3'. Phat in moonin- the time ï¬xed f0r completion of the "Assessment Act,†C. McNEIL, Reeve. JOHN J. FAIR, Clerk Jmmummmonl‘wore and fyled. that Is to ........... 95 00 3 township of ........225 00 Assessorat {tho Home for the losing and account :0, for maintenance , pay to date 30 00 ‘Uter Waters f0. Slat December era be It's a shame to lute in a half-dead m; condnion. Ferrozone willvitalizeyou- 3 g‘._ It will give you reser've strength, self- control, surplus vigor. “’3 the moat strengthening medicine made; 500.per box, or six {0: $2.50, at all dealers In medicine, or Pollon 6; (30., Kingston, :‘ Out, and Hartford, Conn., U.S.A. ...105 00 Public CU. Quick permanent cure follows Far- rozone. It braces at once. makes you feel like new. Yon rejoice in now f’ound strength, In Vital energy, in pow- er to act. to think, to do. No otmr mellfcine on earth so beneï¬cial to the wrak. the run-down and nervous. Will Infuse the Vim and Fire of Youth into Your Veins. FERROZONE WEARY ALL DAY Never Feel Refreshed-- Always Played Out, Weak, Languid, Discontented. friends. GET UP TIRED Miss Etta Necdlcr has from a pleasant vmt with he 23 00 Miss Loudon and nephew returned to Ottawa on Saturday, aftera pleasam visxt wit}: Mr and Mrs W \V (Eillott. Miss Etta thzdlcr has returned 12 50 18 Mr. jnj Fair, was In Port Hope, Saturday, on busmcss. Miss May-e Duncan is a guest of Miss Hattie: Melville, Pcterboro. The many {Hands of Mrs. Robt. Shaw will Icglct to learn she is ill. 200 Moved by Conn. Isaac ['1 Fee, sec, by (Jenn. W Cruiugnam, That this Cunn- cH do now adjourn to meet at 10 o'clwk 5.111.. on Tuesday the 7th day of March nexl, when the pathmusters and fence- vieners will be appointed. Carried. J' R. BOA'l‘l-I, Rveve. R. J. GRANDY. Township Cierk. Moved by Conn. W L‘ottingham.sen. by Coun.I H Fete, That the invitatiou extended to this Council by the "Ome- moe High and Public School Board.' to attend the opening of the new School building on the 10th inst . be accepted and that the Uierk do advise the Sec- retary of said Board of such accep- tance. Carried. * Carried. H 09 Mmed I) (‘ouncHlor JameaC‘onrt- ney. see b) Conn William (‘ottilzwhamo That Bx- hm No. “8 he now read 1» second and a third time and ï¬nally passed. and that. the Remeuxd Clerk do sign and am: the corporate seal thereto. ('amed. [Sec-Treasurer MS. S. N ofSchool House. _Bac-"lreusurer om k. S. NC 0’ Schoul lluufla.... Sec~Treasurer of S. S. I School House ..... Sec-Treasurer of '5. 5. 3 School House .‘ M J Harrington, um: of John McM-uHen, use at“ John Gosselin, 132:: or h we; Treasurer, the Township Clerk and the Assessor be now Introduced and read a ï¬rst time, (hurled. Moved by (bun. J Courmey,aec by Bonn. W Cottinglmm, 'l‘lnat orders be Issued on the Treasurer for payment of polling buolbs used at receut election to legislullve assembly as follows: .1â€: 10 Moved by Cum. IE1 Fee, see. by Conn. W ()ottingham. That ByJuw No 22Sfor the purpose 0! conï¬rming the appointment of the Collector of 'l axes, thq Treasurer, the Township Clerk and the Assessor he now Introduced and read a ï¬rst time. Curried. unce of Brldget Connell for one mouthondlngto-day.... 8 00 John 'l‘rzu'ls, one half coat of building brldge one I) in 1904 10 00 G McGulley, {or piucing stone for bridge on 12th con line oppos- 1m lot4.......... ....... 1000 J McGuhey, for placing stone {or piling on west boundary ...... I2 90 W Jae-ken, {or placing stone for piling' on west boundary 10775 G Grifï¬n, for gravel used on west buluudury 200. per day . Mrs. Josiah Low During the nextâ€" month we Will ofl‘er Special inducements to the Citizens of Millbrook and sur- rounding country to buy their Groceries at this Store. Call and see our display. ' W Richards, {or printing extra ballots and furnishing extrd blanks «5:0. in re vote on com. mutation of .833th La.bor...... OPPOSITE TOWN HALL m of house. . e 0! house.. of 1101159...." ' "- n... no. u . N0. 5, use No. H, use o. 10, me u. 7, use r Lindsay . ....... . 73 60 $ cts. 135 49 [0 IO M '0 00 00 00 ()0 200 200 806 0!. 9. NEW PREMISES, ONE DOOR WEST OF TURNER’S DRUG STORE OPEN MARCH Ist. A month's treatment for $1.00 Druggists, or The \\’ilson~l"yl¢ Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont: 31.000.00 guarantee Lvoes Isle. Ulntments and local trea relieve but cannot cure. D. Lennhardt’a Hmn- Raid is gnar- snteod to cure anv case of Piles â€Hem Ruld dosn't cure 3' get Your nmney buck. Hmu- Roid Is a. habit) At taken Internal- ly, thus removing the cause, tments may on, you TE R RIB L Y DIS'I'R ESSING. Nothing can cause more pain and more distress Hmn Piles. No wonder many PUG sufl‘erere say their lives are burdens to them. Ointments and local trea tments may relieve but cunnot cnm The {n I'NEIEII of thc Joshua \\ etch took Zion ( cmeten on Sal Mr. Fred Sisson was a Mr. {ml Mrs. Thos. I this week. he taken ne-xt Mondnymght President. Mus always muk‘cs her by the! Maud Nugem, uhol subject interesting. I quite- an inturc<1h jcct from the “ Ii he taken nc-xt 3 \Iiss lhcxtnn IS the "Um! \Iisscs Grand) in Ommwc. I.ast;\1()nda),'nlght Mrfxlfn led the I-Ipwonh League nu quite an csl‘ï¬rumt manner, and nhscm‘e of the person who wa lhc tupiv, Miss Aggie Hnmlm h xtvmmm 50 cents. AH Drngglï¬ta or The Wâ€- Ion Fyle C0,, Lhnited, Niagara Faun, Um. Sole agents {or (‘ amuiu. Hl The Stomach an! ,anels must he let thtâ€"Anti-Pill will' do it. Dr. Leonhardt made his Auti-Pillspecl- flcally to correct. these conditions, and It has never failed when given a. fair chance. The temperature a! the bndyi over 98 degrves. Ever) puriici dig-sated {ood lies in thQSt-vnn Boweis, subject to this tempt which is as high as in the sun r summer day. It is not noces explain how qniukiy such he decompose dead mattPr, either or vegetable. hiany penxfle an over the Doxninion are being poisoned sh)wly but surely. and that by their own mil-cleanses. The food may be pure, but digestion isnot conquete. and a†that m not digested rots and ferments, giving off the most Violent poisons. What was intsxuied to anstaln' Hie really turns Into that which destroys h‘e. An Source of Supply Poisoned SPEEML Mal. alarming condition present in many places 11) Canada. How best. â€nun-fling pic-C:- on r The “'ilsowlfyleâ€"s U0 guru. Falls, Out; I to correct it‘ person who was to take J (.1 Agric Hampton rcu . MILLBROOK. f. Til the late Airs ght MI‘Alfrcd Walsh League meeting in ‘n was a must of Thos. Harkness )ok phce at Saturday. the budy is a little er) particle of un- the. St-vmach and this temperature, the sun on a 1m! mt necessary to such heat will ‘r' on me sub l'hc tupxc will with every Utzx't of the at all in the to take animal ll Chas. Thorlldzvlie, Merchant Tailor, Milihrcok‘ mm SPECIALTY : Semen Tweed 3an $18, Hg. 5:20 $22 guaranteed. I solicit your order. C AND COMPARE VALUES. Chas. Th wuammg or bLU'I‘CH TWEEDS, ENGLISH WORS’ c.. at PRICES THAT BID FOR YOUR ORDER TWO OR THREE DOLLARS 1m I‘m-hm -_â€" consisting ON HAND A SELFCC 4 and striving to give you better value for business. better able to for the best place to In Minimum]: by the Rev. (3. Rusxcll to Miss ulaliunt. cmmmttcc to wait on Council. 1)u:xk-â€"-I')unsfor«1â€"-that we adjourn to mud on 2nd 'I‘ucsday in March at 7.30 p.11)., at which time [he ulcvtion of ()t‘iiccrs will mxc place, and other Important business win come up for consideration. A“ members are ur- gently rcquzstcd to aucnd. Mccting adjourned. Muz'nimxgmâ€"Brockâ€"that an be drawn on the 'l‘rsasurcr for favor of Mr Knox.~-(fmncd. Dunsfordâ€" Rum» 11231 (f Ric be Secretary. Moved in amendment~Richa no scuondcr-«thut Mr Brock; he 1 Original znution camcd. I Dank ~Kizthards-rlhut Mr Dun I be 2nd hunt. I Mowd in amcndmunt- Dimsfl l I no sumndcn that Mr Dual; be hour. committee to w: Brock ~»I,)m1sf0rd-»tlmt t}ic (21m. :Ippuinl n (‘ommlttcc t0 wnzt on Cam!- cil re grievances.~Carricd. Capt Ethnunds appointed Messrs Brm‘K, Dunsfurd and 31415111121111 nu.“ â€HA; ‘1 Original motion carried, Capt Eallnunds and Mr reported rc misuse of Fir Flrcmrn's axes. Fin: Haâ€, Millbrook, Feb. x4. The regular mcclmg of the Fire Co. was held on above date. Quite a num- ber were prescnl. and the busincss of thc CVcnmg was transactcd, \mh Capt. l‘ljmuuds in the chair. The minutes of previous mcclmg wcrc read, and on motion of Honk"â€" A'Izn‘shnmn, \x'crc ado; tcd. (Supt. I‘Lhnumls reported re prcsm tatiun 10 Mr. Adams. chmt found sallsï¬lctm'y. Aftcz being so associated with the Mrs. Howdcn's formxr name was lane Sharpe, and she was born in Cavan Township. Ilcr husdand, the late Robert llowdrn idied one year ago on the: 12th of this month Mr. David Sharpe, of Cavan Township, is a brother. and the survivmg children are Miss Ella Howden, at home; Mrs. : A E Scott, Winnipeg; Mrs. \V H ,Staplcs, Cavan. The late Mis. Robert Fuir was a dziugiitc. 20 yearsago the family n10ved to l’cterhoi‘o from Cavan, and took} up residcnce at 678 Bethune-5n] which has bq-en their home curl since, Mrs. Howdcn was a mem- ber ofGeorge-st Methodist Church and the sense of loss in her death will be keenly felt by both i old and young in the congrega- t.;.... tlon. wccksago. By her death there has been removed one ofthc most beautiful t) pcs of consxsrent Christian cliaiactcr, a woman broad-minded, g‘cneious, kind, greatly endeared to (how among whom She moved and an ideal mother. Her death will be de- plored by all who were acquainted with her Kclictoflnte Robt. Howden passes Away After Long Illness. l‘he death of Mrs. Robert How- den occurred Thursday, Feb. 9th, after an illness 01 long duration. Death was hastened by apOplcxy, {mm which Mis. Howd‘n sufft-r- cl! a stroke some two or thrrc DEATH OF MRS. HOWDEN 1‘ THIS SEASON of the \w U A SELECTED STOCK OF WOOLE of SCOTCH TWEEDS L‘Nrtl mu wm Fireman’s Meeting. MARRIED. SUIF‘)’ you, ll‘ k, on Ihursday, Feb. 9 .Cknc, ms Sxmuc DOLLARS by buying your suit from [)X'OCUFC 8. Hell! an 1d Mr Mnrshman of Fire Hall and summer for $7 in [1‘ Brock he Sm h'ccr. Conï¬rm“ , U23“ - Dunsfurd .â€" Duak be :ml \ichulda Dunsford an ordcr he year you naturally LOOK rd<~ 'all who devotes his whole time to S " FM 40 hurry PCN c . know :: Kw: tailoring trade for the past and EXAMINE THE )d fashionable suit __- 4â€"1â€"1 I I' fryer _5 Fans increase the activity of the laver. and thus ald recovery. your money than ever, I . Q‘herry gf Femoral v: Throat {deal to you. Follow your *doctor’s advice and take? Ayer’s Che'ry Pecroral. It' heals, Strengthens, prevents. "PM 40 years Y have threaded on Ant“: hurry Fedora! for coughs and colds. I know it area“; strenztheu weak lungs.†as. . A. Bonmsox, sum. m. J. C. AT!!! (3., Lowell. Malt. 2‘ï¬..‘$c..5il.0¢. A v-rgg‘ .u. for Ivuun. nun] meat newspapers were asked to notify the ratepayers to clear the snow away from the walks in mm! (:fzhen' pn-mism so as 20 gzvc the snow Now a chant: :0 do the work In quircd of it. A vommim-u of 1hr I-Erc C0. wurcheard by H-c ('(IxutriL no H1"? Rev. Dr. Young, of St. 'l'homas, Will ocvupytbc pulp): of the Miilbrooï¬ Methodist Church next Sunday mom~ ing and evening. A! a special meeting of the town Council held on \Vcdncsdax', the audi tor’s report including a statement of the expenditures rc (.‘cnmm Walks, was passui, and the userssary printing ordered to be done. Gangs of men \vcrc hired to remove drifxs from the roads. Both 10211} ncwspapcrs Were asked to notify the ratepayers to clear the snow away from Ihc walks in 1mm Wm. Chammn, ()akwuodâ€"â€"‘Cuh lion of Corn and Roots'; ‘Making provements on the: Farm each Y: ‘Farm Buildings, Fences and II-mi Evening subject : Home Life on Faz'm’. These meetings will be int esting and proï¬table and ever): should amend. T A KELLY, President. A 1 FALLIS, Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING. mdszly {ricxvds --â€J :12: Ives have consumption? 1 hcna cou gh means a great Mr C W Nash, of'l‘oromo~‘( istry of the Soulff ‘How Plants ( ‘Brccding of Domestic Aninxah’ Value of Our linds’; ‘Our Insect ‘Nature Abéut the Farm’; "I'hc 12' of the Pen Crop and How to With Them ’ At Millbmox. on Saturday, 1 at 7.30 u’clocx. At Garden Hill, on Monday 20th, at 2 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. At Canton, on 'l‘ucsday, Fab at 2 p m. and 7.30 p.m. The following are the spvakc thcir suijcts : At Cavanvmc, on at 2 o’clock. Supplcznentax'v Hie??? fn‘ East Durham Fauna-15’ wiH be he†as followsâ€"m At Mam‘crs Station 3n F2 17th of FCIL, at 2 o’clock At Bethany, on Fridu), 2‘ at 7.30 o’clock. East Durham Farmers’ Institute Supplement Iarr Marianas WORSTEDS, PAN'I‘INGS ‘ I NS for your inspection ~-~ 0105. -.- You can SAVE ,, and no one is me. Satisfaction ; ABOUT you .1 loromo~‘ Chem- ‘How Hams (how’: , “u ’; ‘Our Insect Pests the speakers and Saturday, 1‘} b GOODS ten years g of the town :sdav, the audi smicmcnt of ‘cnmm Walks, nu be inter- and (Wu; one 3" F' Iday, the Monday, Feb. HAVE 5 ‘Making 1m- 'v-v . ».n.1’ ; "rho: anmy y â€"‘(.ultiva~ â€S; 0i the Institute the hub. 1 Dent} zxst, "l he W. J MacEachcrn of Watcm cured me for a†time.†For as us: only Camrrhczonc. Comp ht, $1.00 ; trial sxzc 25c. Thinkm" pcrhaps 1'1va \1 ~ (Alarm, -â€"â€"but no one cm be genuine cure followmg; sud: ; {fannents .{hcre !s in»: o: N _and thorough curc xor Cami is flagrant healing Camrmozol gas right :0 the wot of the It destroys the germs, heals Iii med membranes and cuxcs an! matter how obstinate or Ion": “I experimented tor ycais \\ ixii lcmedics but found Catarrho gnosi rational and satisfactofl Fools Use Washes and The {oliowizg \xcr: ofliccrs for )cal’ 1m}, : \Vhitelaw, county 11..» Warren, deputy mnsn Thombury. Chgq-E‘iin ; j recording SLCEL‘IGHZ j Secretary : Joseph Bro“ er; “I H. Robezls. Li ccrmunies: Neil McLhiix turer; \Y. H. Hc-mh r501: Bealty. deputy lcc: ‘ county Orungk- .L ly of Victm:.e, \» lOdse room of 1, Us well's Mock. 0:1 1 district lodge in ‘ '1. . fepresentcd. A ri‘vg" was appointed to 0f Sympathy YO (“the late Thorn-.5 Who had box-n Li 2:2: order for 50 _u ms. county master, am: _ apast district ntcsu and a mcm‘cm‘ {or :2; The {01l0\\'ix.: \' and I (cl! SLH pounds and rc_ through u'smg t 1011C, It 35511;: COUNTY OIL-3M that nourishes am we sysn-m. “ I w an apt subject k.“ 3. Chartch of 1):: Ecrrowuc. I (T, possible for Fun. so quickly. In a 2’ improved, coioz‘ ' The Annua 11L TUCSday and < Every day w;- E: taken with pncun Vcnlu'e is m :u 5- your body hcaizi. which mainâ€"5 the r Hamid L -id.'::~;, (‘ Ioe Crowley. I. ;s (I . (Caliaghun. junta: <' Stephen “hum. ( â€L lim. Kaxizicu: 1'33 Laidlex, josie 1': NcLlualu, [(1. ' ! :a t Pt.’ 2. .‘l 3â€"3- rm \‘ i; ‘Vindr: m. (‘24: << 1:. $IUC .‘1 i‘; 16]. 1{ A. \"X :L‘ K Pneumonia is $311 Hcsritais. 3 war 1 SS 10: Candi. Kai: Aibert O 3} 1L. Marv Dcruazl. Sennioz'C{a~fs '2, .' The {allowing :5 :Eu pupi s at S. S. No. the: month of jaw.- arranged in (wk; (77 : U. relief comes quickly win. applied, for it is the sin; Iicvcr m the World. “ 1 vilmca must magicai r. ralgla. I am subject to ~. writes Mrs. E. (2. Ham.» but never worry if Ncrx; house. Th: pxoenp: 21:? line brings makcs it prim {cw arplicmiozzs new.“ 1.: lb: pam I can .1354; r; ulmc for stiï¬'ness :n rheumatism.†Try .\'.-;~. Price 2;c. Neuralgic Headac pleased-to have-the: in the near, futurc. f Rev. C O johnstc lus‘ Celebrated Lg Englishman, I Li s Scotcmuan, ’ at Mt. ucdnesday maxing Tea W!“ Le scrv cd ‘1 111., after whxch t hc be given. besides :z tions. Admxssion 23 Ofnéinée Boys â€5p the Millbrcmk 1503's, Miss Sara Lamb‘ ing 411:: Port Ho; Emily Council pro‘ positc page. Miss Annie MCC to resume her dutic up a dress making 5 gnd invites the Ladic. vicinity to call. Sim: city and town cxpcrig tea ï¬rst-class work .â€"{ Miss )emnc 121th hing her sister, Mrs at Millbrook. Omemee an Mrs. R. H. (thy, [3 km: you we then use Hall’s 01779513! life rc ORANGE The mzh blindl ’0