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Omemee Mirror (1894), 23 Feb 1905, p. 3

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[50 oo [u x ‘I it ok. °9 4635 34 \"inagc of Mr"- fer )rars :9c3 VI 9. 0w l3 6s 1‘0" ’63:; *Spcction, nts to d sur- their 'L'T YOU "rmcs, 46 co 3001 )S isfacticn RIO 9 88 12 I3 :Xrbrroxs 21 60 66 LROOK. Disburs- '04. IO SAVE '3 '3 10 the one is lo 231.; 10 A y E So 8o 286 89 :05 oo 3° 4° 23 Childbirth is certainly made easier by Farr-none The following statement expresses the earnest ztatitude of Mrs. M E. Duckwnrm, of Durham. 1: is a woman's storyâ€"cl her own caseâ€"told that what women mt)“ profit by her OXperlence : “Before baby was born Iwae in a miserable. weak, Immousslala. I had In rfiserv» strength. ltried to build “mint xmthiug helped me. I looked raw: 1228 coming day with dread. kno“ mg ! wusunequal to thooccasion. "Fermzune bracvd me up at once. is raw me “rang”: and ”It"... brought back my nerve and cheelful- nose. Fn-m my experience with Fer~ wzone I reccommend it to belt expect: an: mothers. There Is more concentrated normal;- ment in Ferromne than you can get from anything else. It supplies was: weak syneme need. Simply take one tablet st meal. and you’ll feel uplifted st once. Fem zone makes healthy. virlle, Hgnroue women; try it. 50¢. per box of filly tableu. or six boxes for g? 50. at ah dealers. orb) mail tron N C.Pollon d: Co. Kingston, Oak-mad Hartford. Conn, {1.8 A. A woman’s anxieties multiply ten- fold about me time the new bnby ls Oxpected. If her strength isexhanet- 0d and her blood weak. It goes hard in We host of triaL Fen-ozone should be used becauuit makes the blood nutritious and rich. By inclining new strength into everv part of the body. It uplifm your sphits at once Imparts New Vigorâ€"Braces. Nour- ishes, Strengthens Weak Women. FERROZONE Ito Mother Can Beat a Healthy Child. Unless She is Stronger Herself. When Baby Comes Y0u’ll Need Strength The funeral wall take pince from his late rcsidcnce, lot 7, con. 7, on Saturday, Feb 2511'), at 1.30 p. m. and proceed to the Emily Cemetery for interment. Servica at the house at I p.m.: In Erin‘y, on Thursday, Feb. 23rd, l005, John Birney, aged 88 ycars‘. In Mum-ers. on Sunday. Feb- xgth. Frame-s Shecklc'ton, relict of thc late Hanry McGiH, aged 58 ycazs. Dr. ”"3". of Mt. Pleasant, was in Oxncmcc (m business, Saturday. Mr Harry Clarke was in Pctcrboro on '1‘uesduv. Mr. Byers and mfg: spent Monday at the home of Mrs. Charles ivory, King strcct. Miss ”attic Courtney has re turned f.0~u a :wo week's visxt to Lmdsav. Mr. Jo; §andy is much ed m hcatth. T . e- G stnrmn bad a huge ho]: bum -[ m :‘w ruof on Wed- nesday. My! chkermg succeedcd in extinguishing the flames. Mrs.].;:~k~;nn. mother of Mrs. HJTU' Bra,‘ isseriously ill. large 0rd: Will cure the conditions causing :hc piles. Try Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake: and Butternut; their fre- quent use prcvcnts piles. No case ever known whcrc the use of Dr. Ham- ilton’s fink-d. Price 25c. The many friends of Mrs. Dave Gmhxm will regret to learn that she is suffcrmg from pneumORia Rev. I. \1. Whitela“, 13. A., B D., prcachcd to a very large and a'pprecxatue congxcgation in the Methodist Church on Sunday cvcmng. A Satisfactory Pile Remedy. Mrs. Robt. H. Casey returned to her home at Bcthcl, Emily; 0" Monday. aftcr a pleasant visit m Millbrook. Mr. W. B. Harvcy. B. A, gave an oyster supper to a numbcr of his {ncnds on Fnday cwning in the Commercial Home. ;\ most enjoyable time Was spent, and lhc suppcr was par CXCcl- lcnce. mg MAI; LKCONIC Mr. Fred Bcnt was to l’Clcrboro Tu:de1y0n bJSinCSS. Miss Xcllxc Brown returned to her home at Oakwood on Monday. You cannot buy a Magnet Separator no soon. It's the only all Canadian Cram Scparator sold in Canada_ I: is built for scrvivc not for show. The bowl is supported at both ends, and as solid asa rock. Burton ]. MCQuadc is loud agrnt for the Magnet, Miss Johnston, of Toronto, is visit‘ 1 in: hcr brother. Owen. of Omcmcc 1 \J p. rich black? Use 45;;de known or 1,â€"â€" Want your moustache or heard .. huutlful bmwn or rich black? Use ~"memes and Vicinity. The Mirror and Farfii DIE!) r! ney ”1ch improv- Omemee High School Board asked for a further grant of $300 to pay for the new bu.lding. Some members favored granting the request. Others argued that the $500 given last year hands in favor, and four againstâ€"was enough. The vote shOWed five and the Emily members developed an int". prent smile. But too soon. “ It seems that the motion carries,” said chairman Austin. “ How do you vote?” asked a member who had noticed that the chairman had not used 1115 prerogative “ I vote against it,” replied the chair- man. That made a tie, which kills a motion, and the three hundred dollar smile of the Emily contingent faded awayâ€"Watchman Warder. [2?]. D. Thornton, Clerk 4th Div. Court, Co. Victoria, Issuu of marriage licenses, conveyance , c., real estate agent. Farms f01 sale or to rent Fm: and life in- surance agent, gov’t Security. Agt for the best pianos and organs. Mr. Patterson, the new member for the Third Divmon lives in Ops, not far from Omemee. He isayoung man whose only previous experience in legislating was a yearâ€"morâ€"m the Ops Council. Mr. Patterson is modest and unassuming, but he has a good grasp on municipal problems and those of his own district especially. He has the natural ability and inclina- tions that with experience rapidly de velop good county council material. Mr. Patterson is Presbyterian and a C onservativeâ€" Watch ma n-Wa rd er. The following is the standing of pupils in the union school sections, No. I! and 20, Manvers and (‘avan for January: Sr. 4thâ€"johnny \"cals, Howard \‘cals. junior 4thâ€" Walttr Thompson, Ella Smith. Anmc Andcr son, Elsie Ball. Sr. 3rdâ€"Mcrton Stewart, John Smith, Percy Hunter. Ir. 3rd‘â€"l’carl \Vliitc. Ella W'alsh. St. 2ndâ€"Clarencc Staples, Murray Spicr, Emma Saunders, Everett Jones, Fred Wilkinson, George Preccc, A. Murphy Bertha Murphy, Walter Saunders. l’t. 2ndâ€"Harry Saunders. Pt. tâ€"Victor Stewart. Mr. T j. I’irso'is is l)US\ fixing up the nu“ stou alL. t he li ul int up to his store. H: is liming the new section made into a House- furnishing Dept.,and when fin- ished he. wiil hay: One of the best displays of wall paper. window shades, room mouldings c in the province. Mr. S. P. Mills has the contract of fitting up the new dept, which is a guarantee that it will he done right We congrat- ulate Mr. l’zusons on this latest evidence of his enterprising spirit and hope that his business will improve in proportion. Mr. (‘halies Nixon was in town Tuuad y. 73mm mfiro .7332 3.9% p 192:. no CEnEnc :5. .25." $.02? Mr. Harry McQuade and Harry Clarke snow-shocd to Lindsay on 'I'uesda)‘. They rcporta fine nip. Mrs A. ‘.Vilson :5 not much improved In health, w: regxct to learn. The Misses Bent cntc-rmmcd a number 0! their fucnds on Wednesday of last chk. 1h:- Omcmrc HM) Schuo} p'xpxl.‘ arc «rivixw an “ .\t Hume” nc.\t Friday cumin" :0 a“ the old pupils. '.\Ir. Harry Haws ii ab}: 10 rummc his duties again allur hi.» film as. “cuulng or the first named gentleman Arriving at Lindsav, they found the train on the Halrburton branch can- celled for the day owmg to the snow i blockade on that line. Nothing daunt- cd the party started to drive through, [and reached Fenelon Falls wherethey i got a fresh team, and started onwards ‘ in their journey through the night, i after driting three hours in the storm the driver found himSeif lost, so he {turned back on hi: tracks, reaching l Fell's Crossing after a 7 mile return drive, 'here the driver deposited illh passengers on the railway track With their grips in hand to walk to Kin ‘ mount, 17 miles, where they reached a little after 5 o’clock in the morning tired out and nearly frozen. After getting some food the party got a livery rig and made a start for Minden reaching here after over five hours struggling through deep snow drifts, and arriving in time to keep the Wetl- dim:r appointment.~Minden Echo. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. 13‘ Noice, Mmden, on \Vt'dnCStla) Feb. 15th, Miss Floxcnce Winni- h‘cd Nome to Mr. Norm .n A. Craig. of 'l‘monto. The ccrcmom was pcrfmzmd by the Run). 12. Fcnmng. ‘ NO MORE FOR OMEMEE. Messrs Norman A. and Ross Cmig of Toronto, With Mr. Charles Noice, had a rather trying trip from ‘l‘oronto to Mindcn on 'I'ucsday last, bcing due her: chncsduy torcnonn for the Wedding of the first named gentle-man MARRIED. Is the loca} agent. Are you worried With your help? Those who use a Magnet Separator, llke ‘1 Sunny Jim,” Wear a “ Smile that won’t come off.” Are you dissatisfied with the results an your dairy? Il so, buy a Magnet Separator and you mll be satisfied. Burton J. McQuade, of Omemce, will tell you all about the excellent features of the Magnet, and will be glad to book your order. He 'A widow, one son, and om- daughter, two brothers, Messrs. Wm , of ()memee, and E. \\’., of I’eterboroâ€"fo: mcrly of Milllnook. and one sister, Mrs. (Rem) C. F. Burgess of Bcthanv, are left to mourn his loss, and to whom the heaxtfclt sympathy of the entire community 15 cxtendcd. In politics he was a Conserva- tive, and in religion :1 Methodist. He was married 33 years ago on jun 24. to Miss Margaret Purser. One son, \Vm.. a successful drug- gist at Victoria, B. C., and one daughter, Mrs BA. Rea, nee Miss Mabel, of St. Louis, Mo., are the surviving children of this union. The funeral took place on Fri- day. Feb. 10th, to the l’errytown Cemelry zmdwas largely attended Countits that has not been visit- ed by him, and he never wore out his welcome. Mr. Gardiner was of a jovial disposition and had many warm friends throughout the (Zountics of \‘ictoxia and Durham. Thorn- is hardly a home in the said Deceased had been a successful agent tor the (lhambcrs' Marble W01 ks of Lindsay. He was born Inlhe'fownshU)ofIiope.0u Nov 9th, 1841, and was consequently in lus 64th year. The death ! Mr. K. Gardiner, whtch took place at the: Ross Memonul Hospxtul, Lindsay, on l‘cb‘y 8th rcmows one of the best Rum”! and most high!) rt:- spccted rrsidcnts of Lindsa}. HIS dcuth “as due to pneumonia that was contlactcd on!) a “etk pxe- \':.ioxs He had appatcntl} been cnjming good hwlth until that- time, and had given thc Mirror a call a law duys previous. H: leaves a \VLIOW, two sons and :1 brotlxcr to mourn “IS 105:. The. bereaved rdutlvcs have the hezu‘ticlt sxxnpaxhy of their many friends. Mlxe funeral to the Emily Cem- utry on 19:1). 9th, Was largely at- tcndul. the Kcv. j. H. l‘cncy con- ducting the SCI’VlCCS at the church and grave. Mr. 'l‘oulc was :1 wer) active and enterprising man, and assisted in building tlic Port Hope, Lindsay and Buzivcrton lx’.l\’. 40 years ago l’olxcticully he was a staunch Conservative, and an adherent of the Anglican (lunch. He lizul niuny noble traits of character, and his kind y acts will long,y bc l'k‘lnt‘lllllcrtfd. The death of Mr. Henry 'I‘oolc winch sud event took place in ()mcmee on ’l‘uesday, Feb. 7th, at the age 0! 79 years. removes another of our oldest and most wspccted (:itiZt'nS. DcCcascd had fanned lllltll a {cw years ago, i is former farms at prcsrnt are being norkcd bv Ins sons, Messrs. Allan and Kolrt , both of Emily. The Late Kobu‘t H. Gardiner. e --._.. .u‘uuu v. \ulc. It is natural that a woman who has been cured of womanly disease by “Favorite Prescription" should believe that it will cure others. It is natural too that she should recommend to other women the medicine which has cured her. It is such commendation which has made the name of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip- tion a household word [or the past thirty- ught years. advic‘ “Aynt Cassie GIRL ’S SE @RE 1‘. The Late Henry Toole. vmmenaauon which has made t_he of Dr. Piercc’s Favorite Presgnpâ€" household wotd {or the past thin;- 3(‘3ri OBITUARY. Almost every trade and profession has sent, its representatix e, and of e\ ery ageâ€" from the young schoolboy of 12 to the widowed mother of 60. The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives, for which this appeal is made, without any endowment keeps an open déor to all who uré poor and sick, as long as a. vacant; bed remains. Nearly 400 [mtients have been cared for in this Hospital since it. Was opened less than three years ago. This has only been possible because of the continuous strewn of gifts that have come to us from ex cry part. of Canada. Remember, too, these were patients that other hospitals as a rule refuse. The marvellous decrease of 40 per cent. in three years in the dcabhwute in Ontario from consumption proves that, the fight. against this dread disease is: no losing one. Each patient Cured for in our Consump- tive Homes, removes a. source of danger, so that. the life of every citizen in Canada is more secure. In helping to rescue a number great enough to constitute a. large prosperous village, the giving back to home and friends aregiment of workers, surely will arouse interest in this work of mercy. The large number nf lives saved, of tvhosv whoa few years agu were supposed to In: “underAsenbence of death," gives a right, to your sympathy. N o apology is necessary ; the great work of the National Sanitarium Association. carried on at the Muskoka. Cotmge Sum).- torium and Free Hospital for Consump- tives, is now well known. \Ve again come to you with our story of trouble, buta story of surprising and en- coumging results. What better Xmas. present than a few months tuition at this excellent institution? Our at- tendance has so increased that We have again been compelled to provide more rooms. An early application is desirable. , For particulars address ’ WM. PRINGLE, Principal, Peterbfiorough, Ont. Dun mex o, The 1,500 patients cared for in these twu Homes plead for your help. ’Ehe “Vinlfier Term BEGINS TUESDAY, JAN. 3, ’05. CécfibmgBuyers GOUGH’S Special Spring Annouflaement. $26,000 was received lasfi year by the. Post Uffice WONDERFUL CHEAP MAN Member of Gough’s Syndicate of Th Um; 111;" c m 0n "EMS Space fm KEEP YOUR AN OPEN LETTER FROM MR. W. J. GAGE. .3". GQUGH All New and Fresh for the Holiday' Trade. Tonox'ro, Cum, Dev. 1, 1904. Raisins, Currants, LINDSAY. flWfiRflDBURN. “'ill you not join in this grant life-saving work 3 Your dollar will bring glndness. F ifty dollars will keep a. sick one for two months; may save a life. Three hundred dollus will endow a. bed for a year. You have the joy of knowing that; you: dollar has helped in this merciful work. The pitiful part of it all is in knowing how many more lives could have been saved if the nccdful money had been forthcom- ing to provide additional beds. From 1900 there has been at large de- crease each year. rmlucing the death mm from 3,484 to 2,072 in three years, 0: over 40 per cent. This is all the more remarkable in View of the increase in population. ' The official Report. of the Secretary 01 the Provincial Board of Health tolls .5: surprising storyâ€"a story of a. winning fight, showing that from 1897 up to 190‘! there was a steady increase in the (loath-rate from Tubercuhnsis. \Vhy should consumption not be stamped out if the necdful money and help he forth- coming 1’ $30,000 should be given this year if tin- Bozud is to provide for the increased 110 (commodation and maintenance of those pleading for admission. Where will your money do so much good in bringing health to the sick and. protect. ing the lives of those in your home? Trustees of the Free I’Ios‘pitnl for Con smnptivcs through contributiuns and be quests. ,1906, for L60, Premium Pinturé incl-uded. Yours sincerely Peels, Spices, All the latest. and improved branches of dentistry successfully performed. Charges moderate. O F F l C E over Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent and William streets. Dr. Irvine, of the aboye firm, a first-class Honor Graduate of the University ofToronto, Member of the Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, visits Omcmee Ist Tues- day of every month. Everything up-to-date in Dent:stry._ Gas ad- ministered for tee‘th‘extraction. Drs. Neelands Irxfiixié. Dr. F. A. Walters, l) EX'I‘IS’I‘, LIN DSA Y. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- ity and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also mem- ber of College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Office: Opposite 15.]amieson's Blacksmith Shop, King St. West. 77 Kent-St LINDSAYIQPDi Queen’s Hotel IS a g: m and a treasure to the recipient. Aml it will be all that it seems if purchased at our store. We have a notablyfine assortment ofrings, pins, brooches, necklaces chains, charms, etc Exquisite designs in beautiful workmanship. Rare bargains in jexvclry here now. Prices out 1-3 or more. Every article fvlly warranted. WATCHES, CLOCKS, jE\V- ELRY, SILVERW'ARE, CUT GLASS, NOYELTIES, c., c. The Popular Jewelry Store, Eventhing that can be done to a sleeve will be in fashion, and puffs. shirrings and ruffles will hinder the very rapid arnval of the leg-o’~mutton, which is again coming to view. According to Marian Kent, who writes 0n fashions for young girls, in the March New Idea Magazine ‘ the dainty dresses for this spring’ and summer are to be made of ‘silk finished mohair. lansdowne, ‘batistie and collenne, besides the soft silks and the sheer fabrics. Hand-work in its charming sim- plicity still supersedes elaborate trimmings, and “ very many daintv frocks are made entirety of ma‘erial, utterly devoid oftrnn- mingr and depending solely for decoration on the exquisite work- manship in the form of hand-run trucks, shirring, fagoting. piping, etc.” Yokes. cut round or square are to be used a great deal, and the “drOp yoke," as well as berthas and epaulets, will keep the broad shouldered effect still‘ prominent. The skirts are to be still full, according with the pre- valent ‘ 1830' id ens in cloths. WHAT THE GIRLS WILL WEAR of our business career when the Stocks were 80 large and well assorted as now. They com. prise Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, etc. CLOTHING--We have the largest and best stock ever carried by us in Omemee. SILKS--Ask to be Shown Our Stock. Why not select your Hollday Gifts from our stocks--Nothing better or more serviceable. W. F.MUEARTY’S. There never was V“ a time in the history Dentists, Lindsay. Q‘YOL’R‘EI . Curry Co OMEMEE A .uvaI? Mr. B. J. McQuadc has secured the local agency for the I’etric Mfg. ('0. of Hamilton, mfgs. of Magnet Cream Separators and Dairy Supplies. These are the best that are produced Your orders are respectfully solicited. For prices and terms apply [0 Burton ]. MC(.).U3d€. Omcmcc, 0m. Trilbys W inks Alabamas Scotch R eel Up~to-date Specual Vcncedora «HUSH-IO .BWWNBI Glam:- olfioulinu quhOInuoa 25c. Pipes - for 15 c 35 and 40013;!” {or 25 15° Pipes for 10 1°C Pipes {or 5 corn coLs 2 for 5 TObilccos always fresh 3: WM. COLYIN’S Millbrook, where he will always be found, and by close atxcnlion to busi- ness, hope to merit a continuance of your esteemed patronage. Bankrupt Stock of Pines Cut in Cigars Takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous patrons for their many favoxs durint,y the past {our years and wishes to intimate that he has moved his TAILOR SHOP J. M. KNOX Any man out of employment or with idle time on his hands can make money representing Canada’s National Nur- series, which pay cash weekly, furnish the handsome.;t samples free, and ofl’er the greatest selection of hardy acclim~ mated stock. Season now commenc- ing. Write todayâ€"CAPITAL N‘U R- SERY COMPANY. Ottawa, Ont. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT â€"â€"Being Lots 8, 9, to. Cons. 4 and 5, Township of Emily. consisting of over 300 acres, 80 acres plowed, the balanCe being Ill pasture and wood land. The property is Well watered and is one of the best farms in the. Township. There is a large brick dwelling and up-to-date outbuildings- Situated I mile north east of Om¢-. mee, it is very convenient. Omemee: has high and public schools, with efficient teachers, 3 Churches, and 9., branch of the Bank of Toronto. Im- mediate p0$session. For further particulars and terms apply to BURTON I. McQ'JADE. Omemee. AGENTS WAN'I‘EI). SI'DS! ‘R! P'I'ION RATES Terms. $1.50 per your. or $1.00 per you .I paid m advance. C. W. RICHARDS, Editor and Pumnhor Advertisements such an Ion. stayed. wanted. «46., will be inserlo-d three lllnes to! shone iusexuou 50 cents. each subsequent insertion 25 cents. Bl rlhs, Deaths, and Marrlugru are lmcnod free. Advertisvmems will be continued lad vluxrged for um!) {orbiddam (‘hiinuos or liNeEHm-menla are to be In the omce not later than Monday. J. STEELE’S, FOR UP-'I‘O-I)A'I‘E jEWELRY. Issuer of Marriage Licmscs, MILLBROOK. ngul nnticesjfict-mfi per llne :14 Inner- "L;.. '2. arms per Hue eh:-!r-suLHL-quun . sea-xionâ€"Nommricl measure-uncut. )2 Run to the invh. ADVERTISING RATE. : lyr. 6m". 31m). lmo. 1 wk. (‘olumn $50 $25 $l5 $6 3: ét'nlumn :5 [5 ‘8 8 1 Column [5 8 5 ‘ 2 80¢. I’rol‘css- mml (urns. one Inch and ulna»; (Oper year. 83 for six months, $1 tar on. monlh. [v ul nntlces Scouts per [Inc (11' Inner- 0‘ l: g" 91- his n)..- In... A'M “JKâ€"n‘ Is pulmuhed every Thurmiuy Morning at In (Mice. King Street, Millbrook. Millbrook and Omemea to the BATESON BUILDING, NUTIEE! KMIRROR 6 {or 7 for 6 for 7 {or 7 for 3 {or 6 for for {or for {or {or 25 25 25 IO 25 25 cents 15 cent: 25 (I 10 u I! ‘6

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