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Omemee Mirror (1894), 2 Mar 1894, p. 2

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it 0300. I have just received the first lot of McLaughlin’s \Vorlds'Fair Re- wald Flour. "his flour received the Goid :ieda} and the first prize at the W 051:5 raj: T All 900.15,wa to anypar ‘ of the town. ' Rememberthe place, old Stand. I at End. Jes. T Beattyj n ibs Rolled Oats ............ 25 16 lbs. Standard Oat Meal 25 25 lbs. Sack Flour ............ 4o 50 lbs. Sack Flour ...... ...80 1061335. Sack Flourwx 60 This flour 15 made from Fall and pring \\ heat ‘ Haur,8trnngBakers. R. J. Mulligan, DRUGGIST:OMEMEE £381. Side Eridge, “7,0115 Old gland special cat-'3' is taken in abneing horses shat interfere, also with horses that have Or :rked at 3.1!. feet. 33min» men 1 i3! and be convinced. I take mat pleasure in infnrmfng the public that I have started a. new Black- l-uith Shop in C‘memee, where I will be yJeaSed tn rereive a share of your par.â€" 1' cage. .1, i! kinda of Iork done in the BEST STYLE, “ith fiver-ware, Patéht Extension 21 Parlor Lamps, Coal Oi}, c. Just Received. Give me a can when m need of GROCERIES. Orton-00. Feb’v 7th. Sewing Machine Needles c STOCK. Jeyvellry, \VATCEXES, FLOUR and Fresh Oysters : \.- here to go and get the best brands of Fine,_Fresh, Select Prunes, Eva.- porated Appies, Green Apples, Canned Corn, Peas and Toma- I. do» «amp tor answer. Revival of Manta 6r. your town this winter. wruq to Th1: n'w- bah-l ls baatad throughout with 2m. airan-I 1.. one or the best. equipped in the Mkurnr! Districts. It is in every way suited to m“ rz~qniremems of the public. having spp:w!M sample rooms for the ac- ovvmrnoalafion o'commetcial men. .Thc bar I» IIO"k-"d_ y‘Hh the Achoicest bran-ls of Inuor- and cigars. the dining room receives 1m: met-bu a wntlon or the proprietor. and r) surn'h'e unstlvr is in charge or the I AM". whh-h has lutelv been titted up for no: "awning pubflc. Rate: 1.00 1‘ day. \3‘. Can-dwell Proprietor. 3 pa 1":- cumm 4-1-13! men with s lendld sample rmmn. Th“ whole house 13 mated with hot a II 3nd is In every way a first-class hotel. '.- !:e burl:- supplied with a. select brand of \ inegllq-nom and cigaqs. It}? dlmng rabies 1‘ tr-cumm . "NW!!!“ H.011 YewfiEfi} 0011020.. r- gnaw weigema her‘JFgé $303er 31' uterin- A mention. Pans. night or day. promptly attended to. OFFICE : Next door to Adam'sflmcery. . harm-MVCorner 0! Kat 3nd York saw... I INDSu'. ‘- 8"qu to Loan. Money lave-ted. we unsn'rpaseed. (iaod Zetaâ€"Bing a-ndw {five-i: we hustlers In charge. Rates, 31.00 per day. GEO. W. McKIM, on up: 14 .{s'bnéa (Va-r! month Thk hI-‘e? ha: been mtahflshcd for owr 30 "an. and is fitted up wizh the very best npmvemcnfs: It has good aqcommodaflnn Do You Want HOUSING CONCERT ' J. E. ADAMS. w": M Fall \Vheat Pastry Flour, Allen s. Macddfiél], x-Shoeing ‘Ey Specialty. Bradburn HOuse. G. W. Mulligan, Cardwell House. swarm, so xenon, 4-93! Amp, .oym mm, 4- ~,- ’9" 0‘ P, 0. BLOCK. OMEMEE. ONT. ORE, 8' 1h“ rflor'fiqnv! I. w. WILSON. Propr’le; J apan; Teas, Sugars. : ~n..-.-... “an ILL“ ... I! ..u. 5- BLACKSMITH UMEMEE’S vfiwnv! ”one!“ Omnmqa‘ and. 3rd Wednesdav of. SHOP NEW “wag" >-n s . The Farmer's Srm asserts that “20nd ~ cows ire selling in' Milwaukee at $2.5 each ; {at sheep in Kansas City for $1 : gnod yearling: colts in Missouri for $4 or 5.5::reen cow hides in Texas fax- 30 cents: wheat in the State at" \‘v’us'nnsz- tnn [M 22-10 26ren's: mules that hmuzht $60 one year agn, going at $30 in Mis- souri : cpm in Nebraska and Kansas tun ’low to pay fur haulmz: thousands of 1 l arres of crops nnhan‘esterl bemnse the prices will not pay for the lllklrixfitlng, am! the Pennsylvania farmers feeding: their wheat to the lungs." If these farts prme anything, they surely prm‘e that Canadian farmers are vastly better at? than farmers acruss the line. At the i Same time thoughtful p-nple will he in- ' aimed to ponder the efi‘ect of throwing open the Canadian market to a. ' deluge of stock and pn'duce at such prices. 1's 4 this a case wherein the Canadian farmer Would he benefited by the free trade which the Sun and its friendsm work- ing to obtain, and from which they pronuse so much? This might be a. profitable text for candida» Anderson _ to address himself t9. .._-.....~ l The depressing financial wave which appears, from the most authentiu no parts, to have swept the entire universe has rested more lightly upon Canada than any other countn‘ under the sun and certainly with much less disastrous ‘ results than upon our neighbors to the south 0! us. It. is said that sometimes good comes out of evil and it is true that this period of (lepression has proven conclusively to the world at large the soundness and solidity of all Cana-lian financial institutions. The thorough mess and efficiency of our hunkinz 83 s- tem has had the effect of inducing: for- eign capitalists 'to look for imestments in Canada. and of" mv estigatin" the reâ€" scarves of the country. ~ l l ghifibRRIs BLOCK} .3 The forces nft‘ie Salvation Army have just been strengthened by one of the mast notable canverts it has ever had. This time it is a member of the Royal familv. Prime Gglitzin owaxssia “lm has succumbed to the earnest requests of the lads and lassies to live a better life. Plince Gal tz'm. has not only been converted, but has cansecrated himself to the work of the army for life. 116 will thus sever his family connections, reject all earthly honors, give up home, income and comfort for the salvation of mankind in Siberia. A great revival is in progress in Brooklyn, Meetinrs are lmlll 'm nine- teen churches and hulls. ’l he New ank Times 313's that merchants and mendi- cunts, professional men, men nf leisure, women of mshion, mothers of familieSv maulens v, it‘: the bloom of youth upon their cheeks, hunger-pinched. wan- checked women, mew and women frnm all social p!a.ne sit Sade by side, listen- ing to the words of comfort. Frances E. Willard sugvzcvzs 21 Christ- ian theatre; one conducted, as she says, in such a way that religious papers cr‘mhi advertise and recommend It, tn which a yonnggirl might be taken with- out fear ofanything on the stage that would bring a blush to her cheek. Snub a plav house mizht he ma la a success were it not for the alvertisin: its very existence won” give the other houses which caused the blush. By the athletic exhibition at Madisow Square Gardens on Friday, at w hich Cor- bett and Mitchell were the chief attrac- tinns, 144,011) loaves were added to the Bread Fund. Gnldsmitheaid t!mt“pity gave ere charity began," and since his time xnfamous pagilism has come to charity’s aid. The annual meeting (of the Gran-I Lake of the Patrons of Industry commenced their session at Toronto on Tuesday. .(Erand President. Malian-5' ru- porttd that. more than three hundred lodges had been added 1.0 the order dur- ing the past year. In the international tug-nf- '33! San Francisco, the Canadian tmmx wrm first prize. $1,000, winning five trials. and the Sweedish team won t'lreo trials Nor- way “rm tan, the American team one, and the Russian one. The cost ofche world‘s wars since the Crimean war has keen 313.255.000.0m, rrr enough tn give a ten d Mar gold piece t6 every man, woman and child on the globe. Jackson Park is now being patrolled at night by Coinmbian Gum-«ls, armod with rifles, to protect the World's Fair buildings from incondiaries. Local Notines flees. a "my first. Insertion, 30“. each subsequent Insertion. 1 Single Coinmn 4n «.0 2% 60 33 Ex; I “ “ :‘5 no 15 no lo 00 “ “ 13 oo - to o 2 8 00 Professional and Bunincss Cards $00. “'ant Adverfleements 50am. first insnriion. $015. eaoh Submqnent insertion. Special rates for ionzér priods. 1 Double Column Subscription, $1.00 a Year. tomt or the Villsxgp ofOInumne and sur- rougmngdlg rlct. All kinds of Job printing done ln‘tho ob rooms at the Vervfioweat living prices with neuness and despatch. Every Friday MOming 5111ng Column ()MEMEE, FRIDAY. MARSH 2. 139}. THE OMEMEE MIRROR. A'iu-ekly new: apcr, .ulwushed In the in- :mtnof the Vi lag» o Gum-mu: and sur- n- un ormcz. xxxo "21:51 8331'“ RATES OF A DVERTISING: EDITORIAL 1‘? OTB-S. Guam-:2, 059115310, 15 PC8LXSUED ‘ LANE RICHARDS. ' PUBLISHERS. meme H’iirw l 11.": 6 nos. 3 ms. IR 1'21! 15 on Alan's party of boys is expected at the Marnhmont Home. Belleville. about the first week in April. ’l‘lzev will be brought out by Rev. Robert and Mrs. Wallace. who will be pleased to give all patrticulars about. them- The ages will he from 7 to 14, Same l'nr adoptlrfy, the older ones for wanes. Mm] y uhmg': would be the brighter for one of oftha \ younaaters, 3 lo 06 u-u luv-ll; aunts! rcxll-H cu, LUV-l"! “I!" the full length ofthoa lulam as well as many :u‘Llitimmlsqmzre feel. in the nutter nf avcnmmmlution. All this was badly needed. ton, on amount of the over (‘l’OWliell state of his stare and the mm- sbunt influx nfhnnulre:13 npnn hundreds nl' (lazily custmnvrs. OI}: ofmnsitlerution {nr his numerous patrons, Mr. Span-.2 had his albemtiuns made at night in order that. they might escape the noise, unis- ance, dust and cnnhision which such n:.eratinns would produne in the day time. Give the are it. and only Sgong a call in his remo-iellcd and enlarged quarters. More room now to give 3; u better harmius chm even, 13â€"1 Mr. C. E. Sprung, the “only original heavy-weight ” cheap cash grot-er, Peter- burongh, is a hustler ifanythin: at all. Not only dues he and his able staff of assistants keep on the jiunp all day long through competition on acmnht. (if their large trivia. hut last night all humls in the mammoth estahhshment \Varked until six o’clauk this morning. Carpen- ters were engaged and the svene at, mid~ niuht “asmue m” hustle and (liSunler. But. tfilfl marning’s sun ra\‘e.ila.1 thhus in :1 new and impr-n‘eul light. for out nf (thaws hurl been hr.m.:ht or ler and out of disarrangement (if '.' nde, parkaies and lmxes hurl been created r‘ututinn and praper all-Human nl' marythinu. )lr. Spun: has had a partitinn in the rear of his front 5? w ram-wed, giving him the At." I, -" The East Durham (‘nunty Sunday Sc'llnnl (‘nuventi-m tnnk ply-e here in the Methmlistl huh-h, on Monday null 'l‘uesJa)‘ uf this week. Them u ere. he- tween sixty zm-l swvewty dale-nuns pros- ent, invmdiug smne ofthe must prnmi- : npnt Sabbath Sulmnl worker: in the Province. The afternnnn sessinus were taken up mainly in the (lisrsussinn of various suhievts. while. the eveningr ses- sions were «lewtml t.) lectures. Tues-lay evening was prnlmhly them 3! interest- ing an! entlmsiustiv. mvizxg prnhahly tn the {an that it was the lust sesshn of the mmventinu. At this svssiun Mr R. W. Fluke! gave a very lc:1;_vth_\'sl;etu-lml of the Wurld’s Sunday Sclmol Con- vention at St. Louis. which he attended last Septemher. Mr. Day. of .lleuforzl, ‘ then Snake, heing lrequently applauded. Rev. W. R. Ynunq, of Peterhnru’, was t-‘m last Speaker, hut. owing: tn the lateâ€" ness nfthe hum, he state! he thnught it would nut, he right tn inlliut a spnevh upon them. he therefure, in :l lbw lmel‘ remarks. hrnnght the meeting to aclose. town than fun. He lherefure \‘ntell fur f'mr, much ta the «Iisuap rintxnentnf the many Spat-urns who filled the Cuuuvil Chamber. shank! Le, he ion-ls “m 14‘. lune no bad afar: tnpm t' mu]. Ila .Llsnt mu :ht that. a ne [HI-tel nag Inc-re injurious t. w the :1.th council meeting hst Monday night a lively disrmssinn t-wk mee as to whéther the number of hotel lirewses shrmld 1m re'hweJ m nut. A petitinn was prasenth by the. temper-41199. penple oftho tnwn, praying fur a rmluvtmn m" the fivenscs. Conn. Pickup. after briefly pointing out that nccur 'ing t.» the» pmmlati-m, 313m”- mk “as Imt untitled t') four hotels as at present. mnved that there he nnly twu gunmen}. ('oum-iHur Butasan sev mvlei the motion. (‘mm. Marie :11 u M an amomhnant that thew ha fnnr, which was senomic] by ('nnn. Richards“). The Reeve. \\ ho " hm} ” to give- the math“: mm. S Li! that if fumil‘ ins wpra twin; 1.! 1 l hrazuht up as they -L-“l I I , 130375 for Farmers. G. Walter Grepn,t!:e enei‘éfiiip mm” of the Pump “'Ol'ks “8’53. is doing a rushing business mgfi -l!e ia rcveivâ€" inc. 3 large manfior of rulers fur the spun; irada, and any one wishing a t‘nmpshnulri nnt fail h call on Walter ‘hefnre purchasing elsewhmu, as his work always gives the'best of sxtisfac- “On. Our: urlimfl 11b mot t w n ”ulsmxcc: m ('nrlinc ( II”! on the we a' Peter! mrnurlv Inst Tuesdav and “are defame} l v rmg,‘ s" ots. Mill' ruck l. as lvad 1.0 fr‘ivf‘tive v. lmtever tuis war, as the rim: {/3 not J been runnmg. Visa Hic‘: s of P2 .rth, is flashing liar ntnnemus fr: en is here. ‘90 runs I‘m“ '19.“ anMr Him is \ixit- in: Mass Hutu. -hiusm‘. and other friends. Sta lo- ('ar. '.':e! ) “‘m has Iwcn rvsi !- iw in “a: :itzha f r the put three or four )ezu-s. is home. Sp cut to The Mirror. Sleigh-riding is the rage this week. Kim Raper, of’l‘aronto, spent Sunny in t nvn. - ,. mu“... w...“ Puu‘der Monkey.” Mr. Sturmck has a poneri‘ui Imritmzo voice of rich quaizty and capable ot‘dolicutc gradations. He has it capitaiiv in hand, and sings even in furtiSSilllO passuyes, with appurnntly the grt‘atest ease. His intmmtinn is ex- act and his ennnvi.utinn pleasantly dis- tinct. He sings \‘ith tine expression, interpreting the spirit «if his numbers n itrh great taste. liis shun”.r List night Was a de 4ch treat, and the public of Feterbnruugh nill be iurtnnute in hav- ing an opportunity of hearing him.” "Mr. A. D. Sturnnk, solo baritone, of St. Jamvs’ Cathedral, "I‘nmvtn,' who “as in town yesterday and to-duy, last night at the parlour of the Orien- tal hotel gave a raw ladies and gentle- men a capital musical entertainment. The cmnpauy imrhldézl some of the best musicians and best judges of good music in the no ~ n. whn were delightml with the splendid singing they heard. Mr. Stun-(wk sang f-mr s»n;:sâ€"'1‘ratere‘s “Doathluss Army”; a new 31:12, “On the Gondwins," by Piccolmnh‘ri; “Jinn- gurizm Love Song,” by Ruevkel; and trhat sterling: 0H mum :1] sang, “The Enlarging His Business. (‘r‘ 2 ac! )Yonlny veni'wsr. the Cover":- 9?.(‘hnrr~h, Pnterln' o', was well filled With a rrfinev! and vultnrnei sodium-n. to hPar Misw Jeseie Almmndnr. mention of which was made'in our isane of last week. The musical part oft'ie program ‘was prepared bv Mr. Sitwarol nml the George St. Choir, who ably rendered sev- eral line musical selections. But the. chiefattrziction (m the programme was Miss Alexander’s readings. and she fully met the highest expectations of her audience. Miss Alexander is a lady ;of very pleasing: stage present-e. Her ‘i‘ncial play, gestures and actions were admirable, and taken in conjnni-tion with the expressive changes and mollu- lation of voice and :u‘l'm‘lt. fully equip- ped her-for aaerios of m mt excellent characterizations. Mr. Alfred D. Stur- rock, of St. Jame-3’ (‘uthedraL Toronto, was to have appe-zred on the program, but through Home per o'iul misunder- standing with one of the singers in the choir, Mr. Sturrock, did not appear. much to the disappointment of the large audience. Houever, after the enter- tainment Was 0' er, Mr. Sturrywk enter- tained a few at the Oriental Hotel with several \‘or‘al soleviions. The Examiner offollnwing day, spoke of Mr. flux-ruck as follows :â€" HILLBROOK. and Benita Ll. P. S» Undertéking a- Specialty Again thanking you for your generous support through at trying year, I remain your obedient servant, JGHN kioéaREA. I would call the attention ofintmding purchasers. the World Famed Dominion Spring Bed Bottoms to be known to meet with the cordial approval of a keepers. The following are some of the articles n< My offer of reduction in prices up to january Ist, 189.4, hav- ing been taken advantage of to the material satisfaction of both buy- ers and seller, I.now tender thanks to my patronsfor their liberal sup- port, and beg’to assure them that in the future as in the past it will give me pleasure to meet their requirements both in quality and style of gooris and at prices that will com pare to almutage with the trade generally. In addition to my present stock, I have to arrive soon, some very desirable polished Oak and Elm Bedroom Suites, to which T 7"___1_I A_1‘I ll Bakers and Family Use Hi g1] GK” ade Flours Flour and Feed Star-e Latest styles and improvements in all kinds vehicles, at prices that ’will compare fworably in the Do- minion, where g: good article is re- mired. A call solicited. All kinds of Meals and Mill 7ecds always on hand. Attcntion given to country dwel- lmgs, and estnnatés for buildings and repalrs given. ' : PROPRIETOR. L. O’CONNOR, LINDSAY, Cedar Posts. Ties, Shingle Bolts and Logs of all Descriptions, Delivered at their Mlll at Lindsay. 11-3113 Baileys, Slaighs, Buggies, Wagans, Mnuiflings, Lam}: ”Cement, Charcual, Hews! Pam, Balusters. anhar,Shim1-gles, Dam-3,8331} Dining Tables, Sideboards, Chairs, Bed- steads, 83322113" Beds, Mattresses, Centre .‘ Tables, Sniidren’s Chairs, °‘ 629. > DI, FOR SALE AT MULLIGAI: Corner King and Sturgeon Sta. Time you eaten-m ? This remgdv 1; gum-an. tocurayou. Price. wens. . Injectortma. râ€"v viiâ€"at}; vvuuu Euxw'hyazmpuy SILT“ ‘74er a c era oug s roup are Throat, Hoanenefi‘flhoopin’fi Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it as no rival. rag cuggxthougnxigufimiglmwmsgmn you if r. en me. o x ona guar- antse. F0): 3 Mmgifigq gal- Chogt, use ‘he Rathm Company 'uns Gm’r Conan horn n" an“... .o..n :améan. '1; it mm! 5 ON ESE-XE DECEKSON REE} LINDSAY, gm H’sgigcA'i-ARRH Manufacturer of OMEMEE- -2 NE“. ;_ OPEX TO BUY DEALERS IN REMEDY aprmg Bed Bottoms, which only require cordial approval of all advanced house- )me of the articles now on hand : , Planing, Matching and Turning, all at Lowest Priccs. All kinds oflumber, cedar posts and cordwood wanted. e‘ib .5: "(Wu Sash, Porches, and ma‘zs ms {is m the quxc‘kcst pos- s.L-lc time. And Buils' .ing Material of all kind :5 kept :11 5‘0 Ck. g purchasers. Also now on hand THE LEADING GROCER, 31FO EYATER EST. IHAVE A QU ANTITY OF FilW fl: alas .as :13an 1‘1: TI: RPORO', OAT" Or can at the MIRROR 01‘ FICF} The amt-Pm: m‘o ('IooYr-d by the po'ioy- holders. and each hm. a Voice and vote in the management. ' C. T. LANE, Gen. Agent, - Orders left at the MIRROR office. or Beatty’s feed store, will receive my. prompt attention. Tsilze rmly Life Insurance Company In (‘a'nmla incurpvruted by special. Act- ot‘ tho Dmninmn RarIi-‘uneut, authorized to transart life insurance on tlm assess- ment yum. "SPECIAL rnnmunsa. 5'1) annual dune. No restrmtinns as to travel or residence. Proms divided nfter5 years' membership.- Morumryrnnd rnn be used only for pay mm”, of bomb Cluhne. Surrender value after five yr-ars Mail- nble in cash ,aor extended insurance, as pnli(-,\'-Imlders elect. Cost as low as sound insurance can be furnished. L ifc I rzsumwc'c at A bsoluta Cost. ‘ No A'dinission‘or Policy Fee. ‘No Medical Examination Fae. An I noontcstablc Policy. Afithorized 5:3;antee Fund Life Insurance That Really Insures. For ful‘Lher pnrliéulars and circulars apply 5100.001» For Prétection of Policy-Holders. Associafion of Canada. \Ve make aspccialty of If Q£(‘-J'C‘\'TI‘.‘1)S‘Tfjjj-I P. F. WILSON THE TH E Remember that we have Thureday of every week as a Bargain. Now _is the tzme to secure some extraordinary Bargams 1n Dry Goods. 352. +0 250. 1551? gala“ svvw, .Wm.,,. 28 in ch Fancy Flannels, reduced from 450. to 80¢. per yard. Opera cIle'lannels, reduced from 30c. to 20¢. per yar . White and Grey Cottons all reduced. v ,V____â€"â€", _v“u\.vu JsLUl to 150. 28 inch Grey Flannel, bpst goods ORA I»- DEA â€"7 25‘ inch White Flannel, reduced from 300. per yard to 200. yard. 25 inch Grey Flannel, reduced from 15¢. per yard. _ __V‘.“ -.w.-. er x'crd. Job lotpCrope Cretounes, reduced {212:1 :oc. per yard to , job 10: of Dark Prints, reduced Iron; dc. per yard to 5c. Ladies’ Under-vests, long sleeves, unwed from 35c. to 2( [Ladies’ pure, All \Vool Undcrvcsis, reduced from 50c. ’ an” 75c. to 50¢. each. , Ladies’ Drawers, cotton, reduced from 45c. to 25¢. Ladies’ Heavy Drawers, reduced from 60c. to (10C. ‘ Ladies’ thnelette Nightgowns, reduced from $1 :0 60c Ladies’ Hoax y Undervests, reduced from 50c. to 25c Men’s All \X’ool Shirts and Drawers. reduced from 60c. 11 Men’s Union Shirts and Drawers, reduced from 35c. to 2 Men‘s All \V'ool Socks, reduced from 20c. to ICC. 33...: pix Men’s Black Cashmere Hose, reduced from 40c. to 25c. p Ladies‘ A}! \Vool Hose, reduced from 25c. te 15c. per pair Ladies” Black Cashmere Hosiery, reduced from 25c. to If Ladies" Black Cashmere Hose. reduced from :m- m Den 1 } As the season is now far ad- .vanoed and as there is only a Jshort time to CllSpOE-e of our large stock, we have decided to make a Clearing Sale of our Dress Goods, *Silks, Mantle Cloths, Wool Hosi- iery, Blankets, Tack Downs, and Flannels. We assert Without any reservation Whatever, that the Great Bargains in Dress Goods, c., will be found in our :52 ore. We quote you only a few of the many Bargains that can be iound 11; our stock : 56 mcu 'l'weea Dress Goods, reduced 1mm $1 1'0 50c. pu gard. 46 inch Black Cashmere, good value, reduced from 40c. to 25¢. per 'ard. 42 inch3 Hop Seeking, reduced from $1 to 50¢. per yard. 40 inch all wool Serges, reduced from 45c. to 25c. pa." ’ ufci. 42 inch all wool Whip Cord, reduced from 55c. 10 291;. per yard. 40 inch Navy and Black Sczgcs, reduced from 40c. to Leo. per yard. 44 incl; Heather Mixtures, rednecd {icm 40¢. 10 :5. 3‘ 331d. 40 inch Cambridge Suitings, reduced hon: LCC. h ‘ 9 :39: ' « . Jar: 50 pious of odd ends 01' Dress Goods, reduce-i 1,77. f _‘ -2 and 31.3.. all reduced to Sc. per yard. :0 pieccs of all \x'c-ol Plaid, worth 90c. pcr 3:36. 3 :5, :3;. :00 pairs of White Wool Blankets, for $1.50, .2;- (u ‘;_.:* 1;}. $5.0“. :1 SPEEIALW SALE FL 513% 12.413 ' FLANNELS. ' DRY GOODS 365 GEORGE STREET, , , ~__ --v--. .tvu- Lv ‘3». kb I yen. A}! \Vool Hose, reduced from 25c. te 15¢. per pan: Back Cashmere Hoszery, reduced from 25c. to I 5 per pair. Black Cashmere Hose. reduced from 50c. to 35c. p a r pair. 365 GEORGE STREET :cd 1mm 20c. to ICC. ru : p‘til': , reduced from 4°C. to 25c. pc 1' pain __j!', AT, : . from 50¢. per Vani to 23¢ {rcm 25c. 10 15:. pct vxxd imn, reduccd ixcm 50c. to 30¢. 20¢. per yard to ngc. , reduced from 35c. to 20¢. each. . to 40¢. each. .2. per yard . to 25¢. each good S All flan s Jam; 311130 {HEIRS {ram 10:“ a d: buyizg 632222 a: that 331 3:22 the 1'1: fie Error: - Cheap Gro 3 Large cakes cast: t3... Tea. Bottle Pickles 4lbs. Tapioza Sodas: box SPGN soap Can Salmon 6 D02. clothes peg Mixed candy, ext: 40., - 2 41bs prunes, new 4 lbs. Ginger Snaps Extra strong J c )a Donald’s 10c. plug smoking 50. plug chewing 1‘ 10v. soap - 21 Gran. Sugar 2:") Light 30 Dark " i Mop Stick - 1 Vfashboard ~ 1 Suit Br'ish Chopnjng 30"” 1 2") 5. 301135 ‘ (is. glug of Brier 100. plug chewing I Name 1; Gfifi Is a great factor in ma purchases, and the rcsu bargains as you see belt in mind one thing. eve: always exactly as advert never misrepresmt. If the slightest doubt 2.101;? gbod enough to fish 11:; THE W' Perhaps you discounl to sci! as cheap as we idea that new fresh grc: sold. and suchasznail ; cost of manufacture. P1 to some peeple. Howcx it may seem to some 1 certainty of saving mow ing buyers in great 1213:}: store. ReadyMe Great crowds fro visit us even day. you join them? ‘oa aver: 105-: to Post Office, 53; d. nun nan . ‘1 W3 UV mum A .hLL uu.‘ - at" 'l

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