' Tobe had on ï¬rst mortgage Iran Private Parties, with a prive- like of reducing prmciple as you wish. Insure in the “ Canada Life†this month and get full beneï¬t of-onc year’s proï¬ts from the best and strongest institution in Canada. _: ’ CHEAP MONEY, ding Presenis. 5:. up; main; from}; s1».;g:’g;;;: )os, Mandolins, c. Hughan Co. Muartegs for Xmas.and \Ved- Albums Ioc.,regular 250.; China Cups and Saucers, 9c., regular 20c. Clocks 9°C., regular 81-25 ; Dolls xc., 2c, go, so, Ioc., 23c., 49c. up; Pocket Books from 5c. up; Mouth Organs, in every key, from CPOWGS will Visit our store eVerV day during the was weeks You will be to come earlv and make Vour selections before the great rush of the last week. For Special Bar- gains examine our Gold \Vatches, “Ilmold AXbumIJewol Cases etc Our dis- ;lay of To I and 0113 in slmpiy hairy bull or the m: cones. Bring them along and let. ‘hm nee. Not. saw Moul- prices: Five Minutes wanted by Hughan 8: Co., at 52 Kent St., Lindsay, to show you the best se- lection of Novelties for Xmas. Pre- ‘sents ever shown in Lindsav. My MinnchE'Plflvaï¬d Windmiu business will sh]! be continued in the 01d Stand, on Tapper Street, Millbrook. With the long, practical experience I have had in this business, and “ith the splendid facilities which I mm- have for turning out. gnod work, I am .conï¬dent that I will be able to guaran- Ltee perfect Satisfaction to all who may fu'nr me \fith their orders. asure in announcmg eterborongh and 6111'- at I have bought. Patterns, Machin- tle above well- son’s Rat-e, 'rangements to A to carry on the .ron and Whaden . Pumps, Cisterns, Slecl 1 A5, Tanks, Fanning: Mills, Hand Seeders, (burns, Washing Machines and every other line formerly manu- factmed in the aboxa prexmses. I have also removed the temporary P: mp Shop which I opened on (“hur- lott street a slaort time ago-and will nuw be found a: u y Factery on Dick- son’s Race. Those onteringlmfore Feb. lat chimed for ONLY THREE MC TUITION. CA†3: the ( oHege and make a menu at. once. You msy study any subject you please and we Ml] give you INDIVIDUAL I NETHUCTIOSâ€" no classes. “G. WALTER GREEN. ’ETERBOROUGR. .hnoh onceâ€"Cor. Murray and Bethune bts Lumbar. Shingles. Bash, Doors, Blinds, Win. (ow And Door Framer News! Posts, Stair 381b, Balusten. Mouiders duo. ‘lcnnton God in Egï¬ Move and Nut Sizes It!†H1]! {or rues; Smithmg and ï¬ning 0031' also Coke and Lehlgh p {or Founéries. Three months from Feb. lst, our NIGHT SCHOOL close: for the season. Since opening in Sept. last a. large num- ber have nailed themselves of the ex- vellou: opportunity aï¬'orded by our evening classes. Th0 Rathbun Company vOF'rIcns-t Peterborouuh. 134 1-: Humor Qt" Omvmce. First. dour westnt’ J. E. Adums’. vOuemee ofl'lce open Tuesdays and Fridays. Wx. KERR. Q 0.; F. D. KERR, B. A.; F. W. GLADMAN. Kerr, Gladman Kerr, Mukbrook omcc. over new For-c omco. Umomce once. over Bndb u: 13’! racery. OLEMEE EVERY MONDAY. Minor, Sollolmr, Notary Public Money to Loan. ILXKZR a: BROKER. 9‘ Kent. LINDSAY. lose}; to Loan on Mortgna :2 low": rates 0‘ AIMIOIL Approvod Indomd hates "mounted for In term not. exceeding 12 mOJHII. OWE, ONTARIO Quanta or the Om. Veterinary aryColXefo. r unpaired Member Mine Ontario Veto Anodmton. ‘1". “Ca: or day. Drompzly “tended to. DENTIbT. «one. tom 0 Ln. to 6 pan. 0..- : Maiden“, King at, Omomoe, Ont. Dr. Fred. W. Ivory, " nan. hmomquy mammal- m. m of Inprlndphd drugsâ€: who mimmmpmam utter Cook’s Cocte- Root Con-mound. take â€ombud- M:. u: mandamuln postage in letter and we mnma. sand, by return mall. Mam pan-Lazar. in plain envelope. to hates only. 2 sunâ€. Adana: The Coo" Company, Tindsor. Can. Canada. A GOOD CHANCE I . D. THORNTON, Agent. . !'§- A~VI unv [Hump-1y ubwuuou Ill) SINCE: Next. door to Adam's Grocery. MILLBROOK. T.Wa1don, V. s., SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. .BAxmsn-tns. Semen-mas, .gt'. MONEY To LOAN. J. H. Sootheran, Robert Ruddy. REMEMBER PBIHELE McGHEA End Windmiil Factory, 0°3’§%£99ï¬mtï¬The Umemee Mirror :eu College, Methorcugh U. E. HUBBS. Agent '8 RACE. bv Geo. Mcwmiams) THREE MON’i"H"§ HANDS. make arrange- ONTA RI 0. will be No death which has occurred in Peterbnrough in recent years has caus- ed such a general and sincere sorrow. The deceased was so well known, was So universally respected and was so genial as an acquaintance and kind and attentive as a doctor that his friends were legion, and they now all how in Sorrow with the bereaved relatives. The deceased was a native of the town, living the youngest son of Mayor Ye'htnd. He was thirty~one years of age at the time of his death, having ‘ been born in on October 25th, 1865. In his youth he was well known as one of the best lacrosse players on the old Peterborongh team that won the town renown as a lacrosse centre. After studying at the Collegiate Institute here, he decided upon the study of‘ medicine. His career as a. student was | brilliant, and he graduated from ’lrinity l Medical School, Toronto, in 1887, being the youngest student in the class and winning the gold medal, After secur- ing his degree as a. doctor he spent two years in the hospitals of London, Duh- lin and P.1ris. Returning to Canada he 9-1! ‘4_..... -v _._-. .-...,.. “u v1.19! uuuu ' {or appendicitis was performed. While I the operation was successfully per- formed, the operating surgeon and the assisting physicisns knew that the con- ditions present were notthe most favor- able to unsure recovery, but the strong: constitution of the patient and his courage in the face of suffering cnnsed all to hope tor the best results. The patient himself realized the critical nature of the battle that was being Inught,nnd With a heroic courage he asshted and aided every effort put forth by his fellow physicians to pre- serve life. But it became evident that iheinflsmmation was extending and be- coming general, and Tuesday morning the attending physicians, w ho had been in ulmust constant attendance at his . bedside exerting everything: that medi- ! cal ecleuce could suggest, felt that hope i l graduallvandin the evening he was very low. During,r the entire illness, with the exception ofa few brief inter- vals, he was perfectly conscious and watched his own case as closely as did the attending physicians, and he fully realized yt-sterday evening that it won beyond human aid or medical skill to stay the hand of death. Surrounded by his relatives and friends he camly prepared for the last, and peacefully sank to rest a few minutes before the second hour of the morning. There is ‘ no doubt that the deceased sacriï¬ced ‘ himself in the. practice of the profession he had chosen, and that he neglected a close examination of his own condition in desiring to give the benefit of his service to others. The disease which ended his life, and which must be handlcd early in order to he treated successfully, had been causing; him pain {or two or three days before he was compelled to give in to the sudden anducute attack on Friday. He had been heard to complain of pain 1. day or two previous, and on Thursday had disregarded his own condition in order to xttend :1 patient in the country. He fonzht off the pains until perforation occurred and his case became so ser- ions. “as gone. ’l‘uesdnv the patient sank‘ / l l I} gie for life, which Ins unfortunately Droved unsuccessful. Several of his fellow physicians were called in during Friday afternoon and in the evening, and on Saturday Dr. Ross, nf Toronto. who had been summoned, arrived, and early on Sunday morning an operation fu- nn--...x:-:.:_ W, nous. The illness which onde:I this bright vonng life was short. On Friday morn- ing lust the deceased was suddenly stricken with an excruciating pain, which almost instantly bevamo unbear- able. Then com menced the brave strug- gle for life, which Ins unfortunate†'l‘hi1 Genial Physician Passes Away After a Short But Severe Illnessâ€" A Promising Life Suddenly Ter- mlnated. Dr. A. E. Yellsnd died at about two a. m., on Wednesday. 'l’his sad sn~ nouncement will be received with deep and universal sorrow throughout the town and country. The death is one fraught with the greatest sadness. ren- dered unusually so by the awful sud- deness and sererity of the illness, and the bright and promising career which is terminated so ruthlessly, just at a time when, full or vigor and energy and in the midst of the busy life of a large practice, the clever young physician was realizing that success which his talents assured to him and was render- ing valuable services to his suffering fellows. A future of promise was open- ing before him, and life‘s hopes were brightest. Such a. death is almost over- whelmingin its sadness, and in the present instance every circumstsnce seems to add to the burden of thst sad- Local Notwes acts. 9. nmâ€" ï¬rst insertion. 3cm. each subsequent insertion. Professional and Business Cards $5.00. “’ant Advert‘lsememsSucts. ï¬rst insertion. 25ers. each subquuent Insertion. Special rates for longer periods. Transient advertisements lOc. perune ï¬rst lpsoruon, 5c. per line ouch subsequent, inner- Lion. 1 Double Commn 1 Single Colymn * t u u 2 $75 00 50 oo 9,) 00 40 oo 25 00 15 00 $50 no 31) 00 15 00 25 oo 15 00 x0 00 $25 (so 15 or) 10 no 15 00 lo 00 8 oo A weekly news per, ublished in the inâ€" terest of the VI lag e o Omemce and sur- rounding district. All kinds ur iob priming done in the Job rooms at the vary 1 nvest living prices with ncntness amides] u. b. NORRIS BLOCK Every Thursday Morning Subscription, $1.00 a Year. OMEMEE. THURSDAY. MARPH 5‘ THE OMEMEE MIRROR. DEATH OF DR. YELLAND AT THI OFFCE, KLNG SITEET EAST, IN THE RATES OF ADVERTISING: To banish these in- sects quickly, buy some Insect Powder from Higinbotham, Druggist, Lindsay, and buy some Sul- pher at the same place, and feed it to your animals. OMEMEE, ONTARIO, IS PUBLISHED CHAS. W. RICHARDS, Publisher and Proprie or 1 YEAR. 6 Mos. 3 Nos. 3|) ()0 15 00 2") oo 15 or) 10 no 15 oo Theiattention of the Depart- ment having recently been Called to this hitherto unsettled'region, Mr. Drayden determined to estab- lish there what he termed a “pion- eer farm,†to demonstrate in a practical manner the country’s agricultural capabilities. The ex- periment so far has been very suc- cessful. and this pamphlet giving general information regarding the section, which is now open “’62 have just I‘CCCIV'ed an at- tractive little pamphlet from Hon. John Draydcn, the Ontario Min- ister of Agriculture entitled “’1 he Pioneer Farm and the \Vabigoon Country, Rainy lxiver.†The muszml portion othe programm- uuder tho management of Mrs. Blakely, was very much appremuwd. This was pronounced by thaw present to lm one of the best tempcmm-e meetings ever held in Winnipeg. '1 he meeuug closed with the nannnal anthem and the benediction prullullnced by Rev. J. M. Harrison-Manitoba Free Press,Wiuni- peg, of Feb. 12m. The judge: “ere the Revs. I’edlev, ‘IcBeth, and John Steuurt, who award- ed the med-41 to M 158 l'thel Adams tor her rendering of “ 'lhe (‘ursc of the Lincaused Licnor Trafï¬c.†The Rev. Hugh Pedlev m a {0“ “all chosen re- muks, presented the medal to the suc- cessl‘ui contestant. The gold medal contest in connection with the Templar elm-ution ('cntwst series was Leld last night in Urm-u Church lecture room, “bit-h “1115 crowded to the 1lo11rs.’1‘he Rev, J \\ lunions, grand councillor, 1112111 n’ed the chair, and presented the fiulhming pru- rgrainine: Chairman 5 address; duet 111111 chorus, “Donn in the Limnaed Saloon; rocitution b) Annie Mow chorus by the boys ofthe 11m 111 Legion, “ “6’ 11 Ball) 110131111 the Bnllott Box; recitation bv Annie Mnrr.1);ch1>rns b), the: cadet cor; 13 of the 1 mt ltou- we coun- cil;“1)own with \\ 11131191†recitation by Mamie L_\ 0118; c.10111s by the girls 01 the Juweniln Temple, “ Rally Songs; " recitation by Ruby Adams; chorus by the Loyal lemperume Legion, “ l’rohl bition Ec‘io Song," recitation by 1». be] Adams; solo ly \liss Em Ar; 11:, “N0, Sir; " mutation by 'i‘.hos l Ste“ 11rt sonng b_\ c.11lct1:11rps,“1‘en1por- unce lo“ 11 'in character; recitatiwii bv Isabel Robertson; 3011) by Miss Enrrttn ' Lu11nell,“Rigbt is Right;†recitation' bv Agnes Jackson, " The JudLes \\ ill Kutiref chorus. “81111111118 Must Go.†. The Rev. Robert and Mrs. Wallace expect to arrive from England abuut the ï¬rst week in April with 11. lurne party 01 hovs of \ari-ms a-ros,snit.1hlu to assist inrmors, or b) be Dado _1ted in those “ho have 1111 little ones of their own to brighten their home. 'lhey um healthy bright [1053,1111d soon learn to make thenmeh e~1 11m lui. Some \\'.i '1 he 9.0001111111111911 “ith their sisters impilw to get. homes in the same Iamiiy. .15:- plicatmns are now being rat-vised at the Harchtnont llmne,l}¢llu\'ii1u. 1110 Rev. (‘. Coon, our past-1r, me u l)- ed to a fair congregation hero mi Sun- day. He c=lmse for his text, 1’s zlm H", " ’l‘l.e entmmc or thy “cards giwtli light. †He thwlt (hwï¬v on Llw intlu- once of the bible, she“ in: l l unlx -lm\\ it compared nun all uther hooks cw. He urged its iniroduction into the liame, and the school and ever} \\ hare. \axi Sabbath he preaches in ()mamee and iL is expected that Mr. Mill Hill preach here.’1he \\ cdnesduv mulling pragcr meeting: are well attended. '1‘. Caldwell, who has been unable tn work at. the blacksmith lmriness‘ for thepust seven mouLlus, will soon be able to go m work again. Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. MrCuImy are recovering from a severe uLt.Lck of LI.- grippe. SICKNESSâ€"Rom. llicksou 15 quiteill, however, it. is hoped he will soon recover. Mr. Knight. visited nur school on Thursday amlfuund everything right. Special to the Mirror : Mrs. B. Skuce is moving; to Ennly. ~1’e0p1eam busy drawing in wood and hay. Several good houses in town are vu- cant. lfyou want one, apply. The busiest man in town Saturday was our blacksmith, Mr. Morton. ’lhe annual cheese meet. ng “ill be held In the [mud hall on Monday uncr- noon next, {112 o’clock, (or the transac- tion ofbux’lnoss. The Rev. A. L. H ugston, will prom‘h in the Baptist Church on Sunday next ut 3 p. m. \Vxn..T.Cunningham isluid up with x1 sore hand. Mrs. '1‘. Downey is also on the sick list. R. Mabood has moved to A. C. Reid's farm. There are some lonesome buys around here since the movm; took place to Peterboro lust week. The Canadian Order of Foresters met on Thursday evening. Jos, Moore has moved to Geo. Dinuer’s farm. Special to the MIRROR. The deceased was a mmnhe‘r of the l’eterhorouuh Lad. 9, .\. I‘. and \. .\l and of Court Peterhnmngh. (‘muulizm Order ofForesters. but at his mun re- quest the funeral “us not conducted under society auspice-s. The funeral took place from the fumilv residence, (uruer of Gen-r20 and Murr\-nzs., Peter- buro’, at 2.30 o'clock on Lriday .lftt‘t' [loomâ€"Review conmwnced to practice his profession in I"e‘.erbo:ough, and at the time of his death had a large practice. which was increasing. His record was one seldom achievedâ€"a young man coming into his native town to practice medicine and in a. few years securing such an ex- tensive practice as his was. He was twice married. His ï¬rst wife, Miss Zena McCall, to whom he was married in 1386, died about six years ago. About three years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Blacl: well, oi Omcmee, who, u ith an infant hey, survives him Hie father, and four brothers and one sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Graham, of Fenelon Falls, are also lelt to mourn hiusad and unexpected demise. The deceased had been goal surgeon under the appoint- mentof the county for several years, and was also town physician and medi- cal health ofï¬cer for the township of North Mouuglmn. In the practice of his profession, besides hls skill as a physician and a. surgeon, he possessed a sympathetic, kindly manner which made his patients his warm friends. His removal is a loss to the medical profession and to the cnmmuuity at large. Ontamo for Ontamans. Help for the Farmers. A Final Contest. Mount Horeb. REABORO . Subscribe for the Mirror â€"And Getâ€" All the Latest News. “Will bringr friend home to din- ner.â€"Iamcs.†“Why don’t you open the tele- graft, mum?†“\Vell, Isuppose I must; but oh, I can't tell you how I dread it.†(Reads the telegram.) “I can’t I can’t. "Oh! it serves me right {01 not hissing him but three times “hen he left. And m. ebcen married such a short tune too!†“’Isposc mum. Maxbe )0 u’d better xcad tne tele'rmaft†went away this morning. Will they bring him home m the am~ bulance, Sarah. “A telegram! Oh, ask him if James is killed! ’ “He says he don’t know mum. “Ask him “hat he does know about 1t.’ He 521; s that all he knows about it IS that there is the telegmft, and he wants his money.‘ “Oh, dear! oh, dear! \Vhat shall I do? Here, Smah, here 5 the purse. Pay h1mâ€"-p 1y him what- me." he asks. Oh my poorJames; I just knew something \\ ould happen to him before he “\tht is it Sarah?†“ It's a boy, mum, with a tele- graft." nu Luck takes a nap while brains and hard work are wmmng the prlzes. Thé man who relies to luck is lucky if he keeps out of the poor house. Luck is a weathervanc with the distinguished points broken off. To t1ust to luck is like ï¬shing with :1 hookless line. Luck is a disease for which 111ml “ork is the only remedV. Luck Ilongs for :1 dinner, “11116: 111161 vocs out and cams one. 1 Lick goes barefooted, w;l1i1( wom nexer lacks for a pair 01 511065. Good luck is the twin brother of hard work. Luck pictures :1 dollar and work can 5 it. Luck dreams of a home, but “orlc bmlds one. Haldllc uc kis almost a splomm for lazi 1655. ' Ladies, Misses and children. The tirst of a serious of articles on current events of interest to women by Mrs. Frederick Rhinr- , lander joncs. appears in this num- 1 her. I‘d rs. Oliver Bell Bruce con- tributes an instructive article on perfumes and other toilet prepar- ations; Lucru Gilbert Runlcle brings to the discussion of Litera- ture as a profession for Women the authority of acknowledged celebrity as a writer, while Tillie Roome Littell has a bright and helpful description of some new and pretty Luncheon and Ger- man Favors in silk and other ma- terials. “Ham Julie,†an am- using and pathetic dialect sketch ‘ot' Southern Life, introduces :1 1 new writer to readers of this mag- ‘azine. In the domain of the kit- chen the numlier is freigl‘ited with good things; Mrs. A. B. Long- street writes upon the Chemistry of foods: Helen Combes tells about :in linglish High Tea and the dishes prepared for it, and ti e regular article on Seasonnble Cookery deals with the Chaï¬ng Dish and dishes to be prepared in it. Other features include the second pszm'r on the Care of the Teeth, Edna \\'i:i:erspoon’s 'l‘en- 'l‘able't‘hnt, Sum Miller Airbus Kindergarten 1):]; er, the usual} noticr‘s of new llili ks and novel- ties in Lnu-Rlniting. Knitting. Tatting. Crocheting etc. bulweription price of the Delin- ezitor $1 on per year or 15c. per single copy. l eave your sub- scription with tl:elocal Butterirk pattern agency. or address the Delineator Publishing Co., of TO- ronto, Limited, Toronto, Out.‘ 33 Richmond St.. \Vest. my Sorry Because She Had Only Kissed H‘ r Husband Three Times. And is especially valuable and interesting because of the early forecast it coutains of Spring and Summer Styles and materials for Those dc csilous of securimr a mm of he pamphlet should add- ICSS a card to the De pzutmcnt of Agnculture, Toronto. for settlement, is the result. It is illustrated and contains a map of the district. The information will be very opportune in View of the increasing demand at the pre- sent time for cheap land, eSPCCla: lly on the part of young men of small capital, the sons of farmers, who desire to secure farms and homes of their own. Such should by all means investigate the \Vab- igoon country and other unsettled portions of Ontario before turning their attention elsewhere. Ont- ario still has vast resources at her command,â€"a heritage intended for her own people,â€"â€"and presents advantages unsurpassed by any p1 ovincc or by any foreign state. 'I‘I All About a Telegram LUCK. 02‘ the Delin- Grcat Spring send orders to Calcutt’s Brewery, Kept by all Leading Hotels. Only $1100 per Dozen. A speciality, warranted to fatten the leanest of people, Recom- mended by the Medical faculty, for all weak peeple who are run down in health. H. CALCUTT’S MOQRE Monumental Works, Corner of Charlonc and George Streets, Poterborouzh. NEE EEQR‘Y TO THE} PE TERBORO. C hemist and Du uggist 1-12 Hunter.“ Ireet cm \onr “av A great tonic and Appetizer, COUGHS COLDS and Sore Throat. Lnrgr‘st circulation of any sclonum‘ papor in the world. s dcmlldly Illustrated. No lutollmcnt man th‘l d be without, in. “'(‘Ole’ $3.003 vear: $1.5(Jslxmmxths. Address. MU'IVN 00., I’Uuusnnms, 1561 Broadway, New York City. ï¬ï¬mï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ gméiftï¬ï¬ MADELL’S OOUGH SYRUP 1' I A ‘3\‘.' In fact. evervtllim' is in the best . .1 t3 ruzmmg order. Best work only and reasonable prices only. ». .n v “.ku ".m- w MUN) .. o 1 1mm .AY. New YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every mum: taken out by us Is brought bvforo the public by a notice given free of charge 111 me I have aqmmtxty of Improved Amer- ican Outs for Sale, which I purchased lust year from that well-knuwn mud man, John Miller, Markham. and provon t.) h the: bust milling: “at. of 4 \‘zlriclieu lvsledmmi yielded 543 lmsh. to the acre m: 5 acres. Imtwitlxst;mding the pustdry season. Price, 340. per bushel. lf-lt D. H. CORNELL, Omén ea. _. _ _ V ‘ mavens. E)! a . ‘ r' TRADE MARKS. / 1:3 ‘ DESIGN PATENTS! COPYRicl-ITS, etcu For infqrmatlfpn aw} [gee Handbag}: “'rlrtn to uvuv‘ Gz‘iRLESS’ Phota Studio 0n the corner bf Peel and Wm. street- during the winter months, a. practical Fur- ricr who gives entire satisiaction or money refunded when repairing or making to order furs orevery deucripiion and style. It saves money and fur Lo deal with a. practical cutter. Raw furs bougnt. G. P. MULLE'IT. n. 9..., CALCUTT’S ENGLISH [0p Ale PETERBORO. . - KING STREET, - - HEFJLBROOY 2n. Dublin Porter Ofluvml ones snituble Monuments J shmxld be erected. At anr showf room and yard you cam clmosel the best Canadian or Imported Hmnites and Mathias. All kinds j n! \mrk done and satisfactiunj guar:.meed. Monuments, Tomi»; stones, Coping, Posts and (.‘eme-I wry “'urk of any and every klnd.‘ Artistic des‘gns and lettering faithfully executed and carved; out. (full and got prices. Give‘ us your address and “3’†Sgtisl'y ! you. ’ Seed. Oats for Sale . J. CARLESS, Call when in town. The Best Remedy. Cure Guaranteed. 1y Equipped for the year 1896. pzioroannpnzm. reet, can your way to the Post Ofï¬ce. FOUND. Raw Back Grounds New Accassnries Eew Siylas I" *1 3 R 46-2m GEORGE ST., PETERBOROUGH And Lindsay. GOUGâ€"H BROS. ff) I Undervwar fM'en’ s hem _\ O K Un- “ deruear~ 4 550 dozen Pongee Silk 1 Handkerchiefs, hem 3 stitcbe~1.......... [25 dmz white cmbmider- 1 ed silk Handkerchiefs 1 .oo Youth’s Tweed Overcoats ...... $ 3 00 were 8 5 00 200 Youlh’a Beaver 30 Black Goat. Coats ‘12 9o “7 37 Ex; 25 do: Sealette (‘ ups, jockey 50 20011021!) Nation Cu )3, from 19 to 50 2 (102 Pers. Lamb Caps 290 were 5 oo 25 Wombat Fur Coats, 600 All-wool ( anadian Tw’od Suit: $3 90 600 ï¬ne new English Tweed Suius 4 90 350 Laney York-hire Tweed Suits 4 75 Sue Scotch Tweed Suits.. .. . 6 00 Too All-wool Worsted Suits ...... 7 50 550 Worsted Suits, plain 6: check 5 90 (jough’s world bemer, all-wool Socks, ribbed top.......... 10 doz. Men’s all-u no] Cardigan Jarkcls 80 were 3 1 Men’s American Night Robes,embroidered fronts. ........ $1 Men’s heavy twill Cut- mu Night Robes Men’s Silk and Satin, 4-in-hand knots, Worth 25c. car“. . Men’s Fancy Zing- “ Card GIOVPS . . . Men’s Lines». I'Imnikvr- chiefs, hem stitched Men‘s heavy Underwear Men’s heavy All-won] U lsters...... .... ... .. .4 200 -\H- mm] Tweed [I sters . .........5 350 Imported Frxeza "i- sters, in {aux- differ- em shades . . . .9 75 Men‘s Cape O’coats 5 180 ï¬ne Nap Overcoat; $3 90 were 5 150 fine Beaver “ 5 50 350 ï¬ne wormed “ 4 50 1‘25 ï¬ne Corkscrew “ 6 90 150 line Wool Melton “ S (m 100 Allâ€"woo, Beaver “ 9 00 125 Allâ€"wool Frieze u u 0.4 baht-.1 C‘WIDUBO *I 'MEN’S OVERCOATS. seen many a sale go down on the business horizon. We are. now on ourelovrnth unnua} trip better than ever prepared in l-riug I urguin: to your doors, to cluthe the pom man with the rich man’s .iress, and :1.“ the same low bed ruck prires as at yore. For ten years we have made ten years of progress. Our knowledge at the trade has grown and our ability to supply your wants. Not only are our stores the known and recognized headquarters for the Clothing: Trade of the country, but one of the distinguubed attractnvus of the town. Far 1nd near our fume has spread until our natuea as traders is as familiar in tho homel of the Cuunty as a. red waggon an the township conceaaiun lines. (‘overix-‘g bigger and bctmr values 131.121 ever In 1M,- azmais of the Clothing Trade (afthe cunmry. Wake up and walk up. Here. we are opening the Fall '1 Hide In ('Inthing, 300m and Shmes. Hats and (‘apu We are ten years on deck and Lane seen many 383]»! go down on the business horizon. We are. now on ourelovrmh :umna} trip better than ever prepared to bring I urgainz t0 youv doors, to clutbe the pear man with the rich man’s .lress, and :1.“th same low bed rock prires as uf yore. For ‘en years we have made ten years of progress. Our knnu'I-dn- -4 itoba Wheat. Royal, Best Family Flour. Superior, at $1.85 per hundred. Touching Up This Wm MY MOTTO: Prompt Delivery of all goods. Small proï¬ts and quick returns. Call and see prices and goods. Ihave every kind you want in flour and feed, ï¬eld and garden seeds, also Land Plaster. Wheat, Pease, Oats, Buckwheat, Barley, Rye, Brans, Shorts Chop p, and Mals of all kinds, and always fresh and good. Flour, Feed and Seed Store Bakeré King, made from all Man- Cash on Delivery, Unless Other- wise Arranged. Come to the Big Push ! to the Hu Youth’s Overcoats. CAPS AND FURS Gent’s FurniChings, COAL IS ADVANCING. McLaughlin’s Flour, Toronto. MEN ’8 SUITS Emma FEED Tsuchiï¬g It Up far All It Is Weriï¬f , T. BEATTY. OVERCOATS. wercoute $3 90 were 5 7 ar “ 5 50 [ed “ 4 50 crew “ 6 90 Melton “ S (m haun- “ S! 00 Frieze ............-1 90 weed Ul- . .........5 50 u u H u (l 10 S 12’ 13 15 8 lo 50 90 .501 50 5 u 00 - 50, 00 ‘ i l 175 {mo 150 The Wonderful Cheap Men, $14 50 were $19 50 f.3..$100\\'ereSI 4 U‘ 4o 25 \\ ere 19 ’iMen’s Bufl' Balmoral FURS and Congress ...... 1 25 “ Men's Ki Balmornl-.. {Youth’s gin Balmoral ‘were 819 50 ; Boy’s Kip Balaton]... †17 50 a Man’s ï¬ne Cordovan 2 5o " 5° { Child’s Boole 19c., 25c.. rmm 19 ‘0 50 I} 85c., Worth double. 90 W0" 5 00 1 Men's Felt Boots, loose . socks ............. 50 “ oats. I 50 cases Ladies' croque‘ Rubber- ! 50 do: Mackinaw Socks were S 5 00! 100 Men’s Fancy Embroidered Slip- pers 75c. and $1. sh! Come to the Big Riddance! Come Hustlers! Come and Buy! Wamk WA-‘>< , _ , 2 for ï¬nal I 15 no 1!) 00 10 «5 ~10 15 00 Men’s Women’s Dongola but- ton Boots .......... $1 10 Women‘s Amer. Don- golu button Boots 1 75 Women’s Oxfords and Blue Serge All-VA no] 3 piece Suite, 32 90 Heavy Canadian Tweed, All-wool 3 piece .......... ............... 3 60 Fancy SCUtCh Tweed, extu heavy doublwbreasted 5 00 500 BIue Serge Suits, 2-picce, hegvy, 98 Fancy pleated All-wool Canaditn Tuicd .. Finest quality Scotch and '1‘“ eed . . ............ coats. . . . . . . . .. ......31 75 were $2 90 Boy’s Nap Cape 0v"- coats.... 2 25 " Boy’s All-wool Tweed Overcoat!) 2 75 " Boy’s Irish Frxeze Ul- ster: 4 oo “ Your pick of 500 (‘ape Overcoats ranging in price from $410 $7, for 400 450 700 290 All-won] Canadian Tweed West. England T“ eed. 14 patterns ......... \ enetian and ( v -rk1=( rew, all “on, turn-er I‘m-e 511 ...-...- ...... u....... Boy ‘Boo'rs AND SHOEâ€"S 00 Month Worsmd (Marceau; 3 difler- em {shades ........ 5 oo " 3 50 chtla’s U\'zercnlts frnm $6 to $8, now selling for... BOY’ S OVERCOATSC Pn Slip crs..§.. 1’s ufl' Balmora ’a Tweed Case Our. coats . . . . . . . . .. ......S ()vercouu......... 4 Y«.mh’s Nap Over- cnats ..... Youth's Ulstere . . . .f 1 0110119 ('upe Our- cuats ......... ........£ YOUTH’S SUITS BOY’S SUITS ; Triumphaniiyf ...... 380 \eed ........33 75 , 14 diï¬erent m am. “an†m 2 1] u u ‘4 H .3175 65 .125 1250 and English $1 10 were 81 50 45o ï¬nal I (JO 450 5 50 lo 00 3 5n 850 450 W: Mrs-r Hn't H and women 510 :0 any home work. ï¬ling. Steadyemg-L Send stump for won one: HERMANV South Sixth Street Capt. Mountxny :3 Magic Lantern I day evening not: i when hil illustru “ Life of Billy McL ad. Watch for hi The twelfth anni: 'meo bunch of the 5: held on Sunni ay, S: last. Major Collin ducted a serious of day evening and Sun the large gathering Monday evening. Lindsay, with I nun Peter-bard, were pre: niversnxy a gnnd u: and other members «no credit. for theix have the visitors themselves. Tho Hockey (‘iut tend to nuke their ‘ owning, the meat Conan. See the Ian or. It was held is. houae. We Laura 2: details, but It is $3. “Corners school, pro: Hoop" wn {ar in :2 competitors. out announcing t Etoryono in looking tho oxpocution of tad We too! sure 1h ‘PDOlntnd if they at a. hockey and; g "hen Keel. and M1 the be unrded for both nut! and couj ice will be open to Tho admission to n‘ Inch 3 small “min ‘flnd treat, tho rmL‘ doors. Be sure am you: friendg. Most men like to 3mm, hm. women d quot" silk or urine. Saturday evenix. ‘11le held in z‘ sink. On last Fridsy cont": between Henry Fur, .on Much has emote ’hardly In a. Iconine f lamb-like may som: See ndv. re Seed issue. When you arrive {ion in Lindsay .1 Higinhotuan‘s l’re: Rambo! Cough 1m; P. S.â€"I haw: ments with a To: any watch rcpairi COAL RJMï¬ SPECTACLES Still Selling T91 on Cake V 'TION HORSES horses read; for ‘00 to GEO. A. BA 10-6: money to be paiid 1 $140. For haiarv‘c m n' the salon For Yurï¬xer pani JON“. ll ACK EN Soiicxtort, The Innowing it 10 be on the prem About 44 ncres ck thereon a house :1 0N EHEE. THUR.“ The North We: the 8rd conceceim Emily, contaium; 7m, csve 3nd .2; heretoforo Cold. THE OMEM Lots 3 5nd 4, in ti tho Township of acro- mon or leu acre on the South 1024, having 3 frm lino of8 reds reser- nnd an tnd 0104 East corner of nah on. Henry Iona. PKR‘ at 12 o’clock noon -of sub contained which uill be pro followmg propcm Saturday, I: The" will be or burn'c Hob]. in t of valuable fa: Townships of mansâ€"m per SC AUGT C111 and the Cou‘ HULLI PO'WD] Btud