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Omemee Mirror (1894), 10 Mar 1898, p. 3

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mil complex. b] April 13:. Milling" Come and see our New Spring Stock :3, New Mi ninety. New Ribbons, Now pa \ow Glucos,New Hosiery, New 1 ates: Makes, New Shining: New cog, t": 800:. and 813000.301! Road, um. thI, ,- Vew Lace Curtslna. Eng, 1).. I Nut Goods. South‘s flue boots 1 0|“ 125. " coarse in Ola 90 1. Us, . 1y ‘5 new 3 pc mood suns? 35.3.2. “ 3 pc “ 145, -.W,‘..’2.. .i’l-ZCIAL VALUES IN GRO( ERR-:8. lbs good Japan to: {or $1 00. wan tea, specml, mg 80 i0: 25. “ exits, reg 40 for 30. Ens tapioca for 25¢. ,ak‘ng p m Jar, sum-u: teed 30rd, in” 11'. x' I. ha , at!» grm-rzued alégb!’ $1,190. -. ~' I». an. ’{2 site “'11“: ( «.81 bki applied by US. Sum}! Trade. 00 D02. Eggs Display of New Spring tad Summer Fries: for tho l’eople. ” Lew felt. mu 45, 60, 75, l 00. 1.25. " new nocktirsS, 10,15, 20, 25. 30. " new colored shins 25, 45.60. 75,1.00 " new white Ihirls 4-5, 60, 75.1.00. outL’s new tweed suite 3 50, 4.00, 4.50, and 5 00. us to supply the rt gu- r than can be sewhere its, will find it to then before placing orders ’mplete line of Sons L Military “'ork, and we can cverything 'AYS AND FRIDAYS STREET, his}. \'.-‘\1J.'E :‘S ! B0t KlukY v , C u \ ruz’ S-:.u:~ro¢l $5.99. 3:. my: .~ mu; minus 75». don. Bethany. uppies )avs TION Cutter, .Xexsrs. Burton Blackwell and Wm. Elliutt rlrove to ()memee Saturday with the latter’s trotting horse, “ flier.” Their a ux- friends here are always glad to see them Mr. G. ”on den was on Monday even- In: last presented with an address and a handsome easy chair. The address w ill appear next. week. L \N OFFICE of R. BUDDY, Sarrister and Solicitor, of Mill- woo‘c. open in 0 m e m e 6 every ‘1 3 N 3 A Y afternoonâ€"Over Brad- burn's Grr>cerv.â€"15cf Morgan’s Drug Store is thronged with customer’s every day. Try a few of our well tried and never falling cures, such as Morgan’s Catarrh Cure for 25c., and Australian Pettt Cure, besides numer- ous other Speciali‘es. Kent. St. Lindsay. Mrs/1‘. Dodds, of WoodviHe, was a. visitor among Omemee friends inst week. .Vessrs. W. McConnell, F. Mchade, W n.- McConnell and the Misses Minnle an! Mary McConnell spent a. few days of last week with friends in Lindsay and Ops. They report having had a. most enjo} able time. Messrs Percie Parsnns,( has.Stin30n_ Norman Holden, Howard Laidley, Jos. Graham, Ho“ and Mulligan and Law- rence Lamb drove to Lindsay Friday and took in the hockey match Lindsay vs. Uxbridgo, which resulted in favor of the former team. New P!ctures and all Kind» ormeing to order at \Vm. A,Grmdwin’s Wall Paper fire, next the Sxmpson House. Lindsay. m ('hns. Fuirlmirn, ex-M. R, and Mrs. Fairbuirn, u! Bobcaygeon, “ere guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Black- “ell, yesterday. Mime Cornell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Cornell, left for ()healey 'l'ues.i;:_v murmng, where she will assist in the S. A. Work. Mrs. S Enziish, Smrgonn St... having Spentafow weeks with her dzuighwr, Mrs. 1-1. Scurlrtt, at Dnmlus, returned to ”mun-we lam: neck. Mr. Chas. Ivory was in Toronto last. week attending the Millinery Opening, and selecting his stock, winch will arrive in a few days. This season's styles are very pretty. \Yutch the col- umns of the Mirror for announcement of Thos. Ivory (S: Sons’ Grand Millmery Opening: Mr. 11C. Ivory was inToronto this week attending the funeral oflxis {ather- zn-Iaw, the late Rev. Dr. Barrass. Messrs. J. Enkius and I. Richardson. of Millbrook, were here this Week on business. Elmaumcmrin: Furricr. The ma“ reliable plum In haw» your furs remodeled and m- pairad. Nothing but the finest of furs In stock. KenzS'L, lAndsay. opp. Duly House. Frag-7 Taylor's Paralar Restaurant, [And- any. in mm: direct y opposite the Benson Hun”. Oysters served In all styles and at anyhour. Everything else upâ€"to-date Try our 15:5. me:11u.â€"3m H121. R. McNeelie, of Lindsay, “13 in town Fnduy calling on friends. Miss Maud nggett, of Lindsay. is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lamb. OMEMEE CITIZENS‘ ATTENTION! any watch repamng you may need. Dealers in English and Foreign Drugs, Patent. Medicines, Oils, also, Gun-den, Field and Flower Seeds, corner Snncoe and (ieargu St. Peterborongh; nearly 5 century established, and still enjoying the name confidence of numerous pat- fansâ€"Sm Lust wek's Omemee correspondence to the Lindsay Post in reference to the recent election, as usual, was mislead- ring and in bad taste. His statement chat the election passed ofl' quietly is probably true as far as the Grits are concerned, for in the long list of Lib- eral defeats in Omemee, there has never been one so complete and crushing; but on the Conservative side there was never so much enthusiasm displayed before. The enthusiasm referred to, which was cause-I by a. " private de- ments with a Toronto firm to do‘ G. P. MULLETT, Manufacturing Purrier. Highest price for raw fur. Kent St.. opp. Duly House. Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Hiram E. (‘orueil were visitors to Lindsay Saturday. as I buy direct from the factory. COMET, MASSEY HARRIS, COLUMBIA; CLEVELAND. \Ve can supply you with any of the above mentioned wheels R. J. Mulligan, snatch," announcing the electiun of Dr. Dawn-t. with a majority of 75, must. lmva received a severe blow when later returns indicated that. the Rev. gentle- man had been elected to stay at home. The cowardly sneer aimed at one of highly reapected local clergymen was in me Worst of taste and was altogether uncalled for. The correspondent ofthe Pout must. have been sorely in need of salve for his wounds when he vented ‘ ' ' 3 , ,, 'l Unlvv n,- his spleen in such an unbecoming and discmditable manner. BIEYELES . A ,_ _ , ‘1 - o "1» VA . Lmq§§pyjfv oollen Mills. Eeaaquarters forWoollens, Retafl at LOCAD LACON IC G. P. M U LLETT Ormond Wal ah, .â€"â€"-I have made arrange- Ehflflfl OMEMEE. REMOVAL bfmce Lhcuhuvo nus nrlueu we learn that part of the stolen goods have been returned, No doubt the persons “:0 stole lht‘fll “ere ufruid cf being found out, and thought the safest “‘u) to get. rid 'uf tlmsluiun articles “as to return them. The persons are now lino“ n and if the balance of goods are nut returned at once they will be prosrcnted to the full extent uf the law; A word to the wise :s sumcient. Speeches Were Delivered by Chas. Fairbalrn, ex-M.P.. S. J. Fox, M.P.P., and J. H. Carnegie. M.P.P' On Tuesday evening an Immense gathering greeted John 11. Curxmegle. M. P. P., on his arrival on the aux o’clock train from t‘elerboro. Several rigs were in the procession from the depot head- ed by the Citizens’ Band. Kev. R. M. Pope will preach missior. ary sermons on the Junetville Circuit. next Sunday. Rev. C. 11. Coon wxll preach at. Bethel appointments the same day at the usual hours. Mr. W. E. Houglxton, Canadian repre- sentative of the Miami Cycle and Mam ufncturing Co., Middletown, Ohio, will be in £own Saturday, Man-ch 215:, with his line of celebrated Racycles. Do not miss seeing the new gear case. PHOTOGRA PHS FOWLER CO. are the Leading Photo Arms-ts 111 Lindsay. Their work is strictly first-clussand satisfaction guaranteed. Our Drlccs are as low as the lowest. Studlo, Corner of Kent and Wm. Streets, Lindsay. Tuesday night some person or persons who are no duubt inveterate smokers, broke into Mr. W. Colvin’s 'l‘Lnsnriul I’urior and took away withithem about $75 worth ol’cigurs and pipes. It will be behind the bars in Kingston they “ill do their smoking, (xfthat.”luxury” is permitted.) should they befonnd out. A detective is on their track. BY OMEMEE AND EMILY CITIZENS. Arriving at the Commercial House the member for East. Victoria thanked the great. throng of people {or their hearty reception. Later on speeches were delivered trom the balcony of the Brudburn House, the hall not being large enough to seat. such a. crowd. Reeve Stephenson was appointed chalrmau, and delivered a short. ad- dress, utter which he called upon Mr. Chas. Fuirbuiru for 2:. speech. The peo- ple of the township of Emiiy and Vii- iuga ui' Umemee are “on acquainted With this gentleman, who was their re- preaeulative for South Victoria in the House of Commons fur a number of ycars. Mr. Fuirbairn in an excellent speaker. Ho any again come to the from. as a. candidate tor South Victoria. Should he do so his Omemee and Emily friends Will give him a. rousing majority. Grand Reception Given Mr. Ingram and family have moved on to the farm lately vacated by Mr; ‘1‘. ll. McQuade. They are well satisfied with their new home. We extend a cordial welcome. l'crrlns’ Dellcious Warm Cnudvâ€"best thlng uu earthâ€"Sure, hum, Speedyâ€"from one to three doses will entirely eradicate every rpcclcs 01 wmms lrom tln- sy stem. N0 med- iclm: needed alter. 100. stick. lflcx-rln s N :w Drugstore. Limls- yâ€"ncxt Ln Gough’ sâ€"3m Mr. Geo. A. D. Krieger, of Chathnm. Spentax‘ew (luvs with his relatives in Millbrook the past week and gave the Minor at call on his return trip. Mr. S. J. Fox, the member for_ Went. Victoria was next called upon for 5 Speech. MnFox said it. was a pleasure for him to witnesethe splendid greeting given to Mr. Carnegie. He epokoin eulogistic terms of the member of East Victoria. and knew him to be a. worthy representive. He said he (himself) had {oughta hard figh‘: against. great odds, bur had come otf Victorious, and that. his friends stayed by him and he by them, and intends to do the very best he can for the interests of the people of his riding. He thanked the pcOple for their kind hearing, and took his seat. A letter from Mr. Geo. II. Kincaid, recently from Vuncmwer, B. (3., says It nuns mu certain extent. there every day, occusioning a great deal of Malar- ia fever. Mr. Wisemiller, Inspectorof the Lon- don )lumal Insurance be», was here and adjusted .\1r.(ieo Magee‘u loss sat- isfactory, \nth Mr. J. D.’1‘horntoulocul agent. Mrs. Geo. Kingdom, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. Thomas tobinson the past week, returned to her home in Peterboro last evening. Mr. J. ll. Carnegie was the next speak- er, end ond coming forward was greet- ed with cheers. He expressed himself well pleased With the warm reception given him by his Omemee and Emily friends. He felt highly honored by being again returned as their repre- sentative in the Legislature by a large- ly increased majority, and hoped that he Would be able to-give aimed account of himself during the coming term. He said he would not make a. length)- speech. and after again thanking them, he concluded his remarks. Reeve Wm. Adams. also gave a stirring address. The gathering then broke up with cheers for the Queen, and the speakers of the Dr. Cornwall was in Lindsay yester- day, Dox-‘t {all to ask us for lowest prices in Field, Garden and Flower Seeds. Ormoml «t Walsh, Druggisu and Seeds- meu. I’eterboro.â€"9-tf eveninc. Mr. I. VVhitesmith, VV atchmaik- er is now here, and th05e requir- ing any work 1n h1s line, should leav e it: t the Mirror office at once as he “ill Only remain t1ll Satur- day night. He will be at Bethany r‘ L:_t4- on Bfgnday next only. Satisfaé- tion guaranteed. A call solicited. An Immense Gathering. . H. Carnegie, M.P.P. Children Crv For to MLG. Wright and family lame gut established in Meir nu“ home in our midst. The Misses Minnie and Emma Swit- zer and Annie Doui‘e have returned home from their Visit among friends in Brock. Social parties seem tobe the prevail- ing customs in the Bethe! neighborhood this winter. A large putty was invited to the home of Mr. ’1‘. Md‘ald well Mon- day last to spend the evening in social enjoyment, and pleasant intercourse with each other. Who’ll be the next to say, come. Miss Ida Switzer of Bethel and her aunt, Mrs. '1‘. Fee, is gone for a. couple of weeks visit among relatives in the town of Bowmam’ille. Miss E. Jucks«»21,uf ()raxue (Turners v2.8 visiting at the 11mm: of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ruth this “cuk. Special to the Mirror. The Deyell Bros. have started, after ashort rest from threshing, with the buzz saw and grain crusher, and are keeping up 9. merry hum throughout theneighborhood. Our cheesemaker, Mr. Wood, is drum- ming up a. good business for this year. Patrons be sure and lay in a good stock ofcows for this season. Mr. Jan. Adams Is, we regret to learn, seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs, Kerr, 0! Bethel, are via- iting friends In Peterboro this week. Mr. Levi Fowler, 0! Peterboro, was here this week attending the funeral of hue father, the late Robert Fowler. Mr. Fowler and other relatives of deceased have the heartfelt sympathy of their many friends in theirnd bereavement. Mr. Ely Dancey, agent for the Deer- ing I-{uvesnng Maclunery, can fill all orders given him on the shortest possi- ble notice. Mrs Holden’s many friends will be pleased to learn she is able to be out again. Mr. '1‘. A. McPherson is again able to be out, after being laid up with a. sore loot, caused by a. rusty nail penetrating it. EKent Str Fowlers' Corners. Cor. Kent William Sts. Men's Overcoats,all sizes and all slmdes' to clear at $3.20. 88 Uhters which we had reduced last month to $6.00 we are clearing just now at $5.65. 34 Dress Overcoats, douhlmbrensted. worth $14, to clear at $7.90. 200 Men’s Smts, all sizes and patterns. your pick at $4.90. Men '5 Heavy Tweed Pants 68c. Must move the goods cut during this month to the music ofdouhlo quick time. Crashing big values awarded every bargain hunter, “8 .-.re willing to pay you well to buy now 8:} quick sale: are what we want. Crowd the store as much as you like, come uny hour in the day, Ind people with little money are the very people that this sale means most to. No one need feel poor while this sale lasts. Goug‘h’s Overwhelming Unloading é SALE LINDSAY’S LEADING CLOTHIER, Many a. man has avoided min by so curing assistance through Hm: column Plenty of people wun. to rotlre from busi. nesa. to secure a working partner. to In- crcnse capital, to develop some new branch, and If they are sensible and in earnest lhoy advertise n In the“ Blulnesx Chance " col- umn or The Mall and Empire, Stoves, Cheapest and Best; EasyPayments. Sap Buckets, $1.00 per Dozen; Order now. Everything you want in Tinware; Bargain Lots 50c. and $1.00. Graniteware Cheapest and Best. Just a few Lamps left to be Sold‘at Cost. See the New Steel Rail Hay Carrier and Horse Fork: a. few points of excellence: Speed, Ease of Operation, Strength, Dura- bility and Safety. yearn. 2 cents a word such time, 0110 centl a word for 0 times. THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, TO RONTO, CA NA DA. In the towuship ot Ops, on Saturday March 5th, Mr. Robert Fowler, aged 64 Best American \Vater \Vhite, 20¢. per gal. A Candle Lantern with every 5 gals. Pure Sarnia Oil, equal to American, no smoke, no smell, and only 18¢. per gal.; try one gal. and you will be con- vinced. - Mill; Cans, extra value. Inspection solicited. Order early. PIKE. Omemee Stove 81 Tin Emporium There are hundreds of splendid busi- ness openings for bright people who keep their eyes open and read the "Busmess Chane." column on the third page of Tm: DAILY MAN. AND Eu. Busmess Chances. Coal Oil . Samson. Cut Flowers, Carnations and Smllnx'. Cholco stock or Plums. ROSES on SHON- ms'r NOTICE. E. MAXOM,LIndsuy. Tm.â€" BPHONE 102.â€"Sm Credit Sale. Thursday March 10111 1898, by '1'. A. Mitchell, Auctioneer, credit sale of vul- uuble farm stock and implements, the property of Mrs. Ann Jordan), Lo: 3, (3011.6,Emily. Saleutl o'clock sharp and with out reserve,” Mrs. Jordan in going to Minnesota. This in 3 good clmnce to secure some fine stock. See bum. The Lindsay Oregano-l... 5 W. BINGHAM’S « Jubilee HarMarquuEefifinfsfiiig‘Emm Kent-st.,Lindsay - STOCK-- TAKING \Ve are about to enter Stock and reckon our gains or losses. \Ve find many odd lines that we would rather dispCSe of at a quarter‘ to one third less than regular prices, than enter them in 0:11 égemory. J. Sutclifi‘e Sons tice. V ' U . J soiled, reg. price 31. 50 for ... 42 inch All Wool Dress Goods, reg. 75c. yd., for All \Vool Blue Boucle Serge, 42 in. wide, reg. price 75c, for - 4 Men' s White Laundered Shirts, pure Lidcn Fronts and Cufis, ’~ '., Children's Colored Eiderdown Coats, fit ages 2 to 5 year*s~.r“fi.39c. \Vhite and Fawn Scotch Fingering Yarn, oz. skein ...; Grey, Blue and \Vhite Bubise Fingering Yarn, oz. skein 3% Ladies' Quilted W'ool Underskirts, reg. price 85e., for ...5§ Children's Plain and Rb'd all Wool Hose, size 7, 7;, for -,,.. mtg.- Ladies' All \Vool Cashmere Shawls, extra large sxze, slightly 5-1 open front, slxghtly soded, rég. $1.00, for 4;- Men’s Fine All \Vpol Scotch 7L_ambs'A\Vool Underwear, size ; u to 42, reg. price 90c. and $1. 00, for ' 75c. Men' 5 Sealctte Caps, dlfierent shapes, reg. price 75c, and $1, for 50¢. LINDSAY 0 ME MEE, ONTARIO.” The Peoples’GnoeenE; l Has to hand this week a Large Consiéhment'of N ew Hardware Sim aI‘Linflsaié Dealer in Shelf Hardware, House-furnishing, l Lamps, Stoves, ang es, Furnaces, Tinwarc, \V’e carryn full line of McClary's Famous Stoves, any: aerican Oil at the Lowest I kinds promptly It means superior qualities at sharp prices “'ithoufi‘:sbatijiigfac--‘. Candies. Biscuits and Coflfectifiery NEW POST OFFICE BLOCKJ Call andrgee Our Display. TERMS; 0115331; a KENT STREET. SONS «1,06%». .â€" ...5c-:. ...25c.

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